The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 29, 1887, Image 7

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l Colums DfTOtnl to th Interarti of Farmer
X Frenchman states that American
waders are changing the character
of the Norman rcrcheron horse by
.wlrine to increase its size and by pay
inir no attention to other qualities
Ha is reported as eaymg that the
original Terek" horse weighed only
1,31)0 or pou imc
Five or six years is the average
tprra of duration of raspberry planta
tions. If retained longer the fruit is
.mull and but little of it. As it takes
. vear or two for the plants to reach
their best bearing condition, it is well
to make a new plantation every third
year, and thus have two plats, one
coming into full bearing as the other
ia going out.
Salts of copper alone of all the
remedies tried for parasitic diseases of
the vine have proved certainly efli
cacious, whitewash, recommended by
many persons for mildew, having
failed to give satistaction. This is the
verdict of a congress of vine growers,
as announced by the representative of
the Minister of Agriculture before the
National Agricultural Society of
Of countries Outside of Europe, the
United States has 45,510,000 cattle,
48.322,000 sheep, 12,077,000 horses and
4(5,01)2,000 swine. The La Plata states
of South America, 19,500,000 head of
cattle, 70,000,000 sheep aud 500,000
iwine. To these mutt bo added 30,
000.000 cattle found on the pampas
grass plains. The Australasian colon
ies have 8,500,000 head of cattle, 75,
000,000 nead of sheep and 800,000
Alfred Rose of Penn ,Yan, N. Y ,
claims to have raised at the rate of
1,000 bushels of potatoes to the acre
by bis system of trench-planting, in
winch he drops his seed potatoes cut
to two eyes, on the bottom of a fur
1 i 1 . 1 mi
row eigni nicnes ueop, me seen is
covered at the hr6t about two inches,
but when the plants are nicely started
the dirt is drawn to them by degrees
during their growth till at last the
trench is entirely filled.
The question frequently comes up.
What kind of sheep will pay best?
This depends upon the location and
the purpose for which they are grown
ii a iarmer wisnes to raiso sheep in
large flocks, principally for the wool,
ne win select those that have merino
blood; but if situated near a good
market lor lambs, and where he can
keep only a small, number, he will
probably find the heavier mutton
breeds the more profitable.
mi 1 m -w
lueawarr June berry grows very
easily, endures any amount of heat
or cold, wet or dry, to which our lo
cality is subject. It bears freelv and
the Iruit is fine flavored, and is a little
larger than the wild Juno berrv, dark
purplish red, with a fine bloom. There
one difficulty in its nature viz. :
lie birds ure so fond of the seeds that
mey will pick them out before the
fruit is ritie, and we rarely find a
handful of nice ripe berries.
Much can be done in a small space
with good soil well tickled by the plow,
the harrow, the cultivator and the
hoe; by intelligent rotation of crops;
by timely applications of manures;
by careful selection of what is planted ;
by the unremitting application of
hard work aud hard tense. What is
needed is agricultural experience sup
plemented by brains, enough capital
to buy outrigh t, build comfoi lably and
begin out of debt. Twenty acres of
IVPntTP CflHlt. lnn.l uiui lv miltiviiail
will give a small family the necessities
of life. Forty acres will supply them
in comfort.
About Oregon Apples.
The Northern Pacific Fruit Grow
ers' Association recently held their
first annual meeting in Portland.
Following is an extract from President
Cardwell's address :
In 1847 a few hundred one-year-old
grafts, planted in boxes, were hauled
Mro6s the plains by II. Luelling from
Iowa. A bushel or more of apple
fcftU furnished stock for grafting,
toi a nursery was started in 1840
nt Milwaukie, Clackamas county.
In 1852 Mr. Luelling went back and
brought out a large variety of all
'flit across the isthmus of Panama,
carried across by Indians and mules,
in the same year a nursery was started
ear Salem.
In the full of 1853 a few bushels of
fPples were shipped to San Francisco;
J 1854, about 500 bushels, at 1 50 to
f Per pound. In 1855 over 6,000
bushels were shipe.l, at about $30 per
JKKhe, for which f 10 to $16 was paid
" the orchards. In 1856 we paid $5
Per bushel and sold for 20 or $30 per
nfiS? In the wiuter of t,ii8 yeftr
Uj6) one bushel box of Esopus Spit
nberg was sold in San Francisco for
clear of all expense, and about
e ame time three boxes of Wine
"P were sold in Portland for $102.
VI" Jew perhaps 20,000 boxes were
,h'PPed, all by steamer.
rora this time on the shipments
"ere heavy, often 3,000 to 6,000 bush-
Per steamer, and prices declined
ccordmgly, until in 1861 the market
eSl y' Califi having gath
lifm re heavy crop, from mil-
i i of trees planted out, instigated
J the high prices that prevailed,
'ne uxty-acre orchard of Luelling &
which cleared $30,000 in 1860,
2 netted $5,000 in 1861. From
rr1 time varieties shipped contracted
a year to year, California furnish
j 'lthe early fruiu, but still buy
idr fer or winter apples, as they
P much better here ; but the varie
TUi n 8 extracted to five or six.
following are still shipped: Yel-
oMfci?1"! PipPin Winesap, Mon
uin rippm, Gonet, Red Rernanite.
--in answer to the qucsi'on, "What
manes a morula girl popular?" w.
woum auto that father's onn
prove probably has as muutt to do wi.
it as anything e!se.Oaa (Fla.) lu
It is announced that an English In
ventor has la ly devised a method o
coaiingtiu with a ma'"ri;d reseniblius
,-i.iss, which removes all danger o;
pcison In canned roodi, and the aiioti.
tion of his process is likely soon o be
come general.
The marriage of a girl ten years
and cin;ht months old to a man of thirty
years is reported by good authority
from Suwanee county. The girl's
tamer is a minister, and tne ceremoni
was performed by his consent Mailt
son (Fla.) Recorder.
If vou aro sick or think vou ar.
don't send for the doctor unless you
mean to follow his directions. You will
only worry yourself ill by knowing
what he thinks of you, while vou do
l! a- i. w .. . .
uumiug 10 Deuer Tourseu. riiuaiUl-
pliia Bullet in.
A lake, comprisinir 125 seres, near
the village of Kiverhead, Long Island,
has bo. drained, and the bottom.
which is found to be sandy, is being
leveiea ana stumps puiletl up and holes
filled for the purpose of establishing an
immense cultivated cranberry marsh.
v. x. rntuiie.
One of the Janrest manufacturers
of gloves in England recently issued a
circular to the fashionable dealers in
London, pointing out that the habit of
attempting to wear gloves too small
has grown to such an extent that it
has seriously affected the reputation of
the factory, and urging the dealers to
exercise their influence against this
expensive manifestation of vanity.
Though the great West doesn't
suspect it, at the Eastern centers of
civilization the dude has been replaced
by the uussie, he supplanted by the
1 imnue and the hitter s successor is
the gou-gou, who is the reigning favor
ite. The name gou-prou is an exact
reproduction of the first sound made
by an infant. Wo don't know whether
it was intentional. Buffalo Express.
Frank Brower, a favorite negro
minstrel of olden times, walked into
the barroom of the Metropolitan one
morning, dusty aud unkempt from a
long journey, and asked for a glass of
brandy. The barkeeper handed out
the brandy, and then, suspicious of
Frank's appearance, said: "Just pay
for that before you drink it, will you?f'
Frank, who was as well known in New
York as anv man about town, lor4xed
up, astonislied, and stammered:
W-w-what?" "Just pay for that
brandy before you drink it," repeated
the bartender. "W-w-why," said
Frank, leaning confidently across the
counter, "is it so im-m-momdiately
f-f-fatal in its elect P'' A. Y. Citizen.
There ought to be a stringent stat
ute making it a felony to arrange a
prizo fight "in any State, to enter into
negotiations for arrangement of a prize
light or to engage in such prize fight in
any manner, either as principal, second,
assistant, stakeholder, trainer or ref
eree. Tho statute should also forbid
persons to leave tho State to carry on
such prize-fight or to assist in it in any
capacity, and it should empower and
direct the otlicers to make arrest when
persons aro about to depart on such
errands. These regulations, made suf
ficiently comprehensive and explicit,
if they did not stop this disgraceful
brutality, at least would compel it to
keep under cover. It is now open aud
shameless. A. 7. Ilcrald.
Diagnosis o., unci Remedy for, an Almost
I'nlrenul Affliction.
There are diseases which medicine
may cure; others must be leit to the
healing power of nature; and there is
a class in which the patient must min
ister to himself," as tho doctor told
Macbeth, when asked if he could not
"Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous
Which weight upon the heart?"
Prominent among those diseases
which refuse to be cured unless the
patient doctors himself, is the common
malady known as "the blues. Mr.
Iloniaday, the American naturalist,
met, wh'ilo steaming down the Rod
Sea, an English lady.who diagnosed his
"blues" so cleverly and prescribed for
them so skillfully that he has never
HuffVred from another attack. He
states both for the benefit of fellow
sull'erers: Diuqimia: "The blues" are caused
by envy and selfishness.
Itcmedin N lion attacked, eo to worK
vigorously to promote the happiness of
those around yon, and thereby forget
yourself. Youth's Companion.
Two Funerals.
There was a curious and trying epi
sode the other day on Kearny street.
Up Kearny street came a French
funeral with a band and the usual pro
cession. Down Bush streot came a
German funeral; with a band and a
procession the same. At the intersec
tion of the two streets the processions
met. There arose a question of prece
dence, and pending its decision the two
bands played at one another their
respective dead marches to the irrever
ent amusement of a crowd of unsym
pathetic lookers on. Finally the police
came along and settled the question,
and then the two hearses got mixed up
and for some time the French proces
sion was moving with the German
hearse and vice versa. The awkward
part of it is that even now some of the
mourners are wondering if they bnried
the right man in the right place. San
Francisco Chronicle.
Mr. Chas. F. Powell, postmaster. Terre
Ilaute, O., writes that two of his very
Anest chickens were recently affected with
roup, lie saturated a piece of bread half
an Inch square with St. Jacobs Oil and fed
it to them. Next day he examined them
and there was no trace of the disease re
maining. Government land to the extent of IS,
9 9,943 acres was entered for actual settle
ment in liWJ. This i the largest amount
ever taken np in one year.
Mr. E. R. Wilson, Grand Rapids. Mich..
reports the case of Mr. II. T. Sheldon, of
Lansing, Mich., who for several weeks
suffered from a frightful cough and cold,
which was cured by oae bottle ( Red Star
Cough Car,
Columbus. Miss., O t. 30, 18SS.
Pita. Stakkkv & 1'alkn: The remark
ahlesucceHs of your ompound Oxygen
Treatment in my mother's rase Induced
me to adopt ft in my own. For more than
lifleen years I liavo been troubled more or
lees wiih lhsixima.&nd lor over six 1 have
suffered inteunely and continuously from
Indigestion, Constipation and lleinor
rhoi'iB. I had severe headaches almost
every week, and wia compelled to use
morphine for relief Irom this, as well as
pui'gaiivta for the former.
I had tried all the usual remedies for
the e, but with only temporary relief, and
niy condition steadily grew worse. In
July last I was prostrated for ten days by
an attack of hemorrhoids of unusual
severity. Afler partial recovery I resorted
to your Compound Oxygen, which mare
than met my expectations. I have no
headaches, and no symptoms of Dyspepsia
of any kind. In a word, my restoration
to health 1 regard as complete.
w. H. Wortuington, Editor.
A volume of nearly 100 pages, entitled
"Compound OxTiren. Its Mode of Action
and Resulls," will be mailed free to anv
address on application to l)rs. Starkky it
Palen, Ij: Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Orders for ths Cninnouiul Dxviren Hnnin
Treatment will be tilled bv H. A. Mathews.
ttlo Powell Mreet, !ran Francisco.
T ...
it roses are willed before I hev
placed iu water, imiui rse the ends of the
sulks in very hot water for a minute or
two, and they will regain their pristine
It is perfectly preposterous to introdiicepeiiiin
and other arUtkial solvents into the stomach,
in the expectation that they will assistdiKestion
by acting on the food itself. They will not.
Nor is it poMiible thus to overcome dyspepsia
The only way to conquer that disorder, and pre
vent numerous disease snd.'dlmbilltle which
it assuredly provokes, is to renew the activity
of gnstrtc action by strenKtheulug the stomach.
iiosiutters Momach Hitters eradicates the
most inveterate forms of indigestion by restor
ing vitality to the alimentary oiyNus,and Uiose
which are tributary to them. The liver, the
bowels, tho kidneys and the nervus. no less
than l he stomach, exnerience the iliviirorativa
etl'ecUi of that standard tonic, which possesses
alterative tiniierties that greatly enhance its
beneficial influence, and give a permanence to
its etl'ccta which they wouid n"t otherwise
M. de Lesseps gives 18 9 as the date of
navigation of the Panama canal.
No. If 5 Carlton Avk., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Allcot k's Torous Plasters are undoubt
edly the best external remedy manufac
tured. I make : his assertion to the public
from my own personal experience of their
wonderful virtues. Suflering from severe
pains in my side aud chest, contracted
through a severe cold, I applied a couple
of AllcockV Porous Plasters upon going
to bed at night. The result was, that iu
eight hours after applying them I could get
up and walkabout with very little paiu or
ache, when tho night previous 1 could
neither get up nor down without he p, nor
stoop to remove my shots. 1 have since
used them In my laimly for various ail
ments, and have never known them to
fail to give almost immediate relief.
T. u. uackus.
This Paper Cutter is the be t medium-
, . ,
priced HU-lucn cutter ever oaereu iu me
It is strong.
It is substantial.
It is ruled to inches.
It is all iron and steel.
It has front and back gauges.
It cuts accurately.
4'uIm 30 iiiehew. Iri e, 9175. '
Kept in stock by
Portland, Or. Pkintkrs' Suitlies.
ir.x pm b-s the true test of merit It
Is a settled fact that "Brown's Uronchinl
Trorhrs have no eoual fur the prompt re
lief of toughs, Colds, and Throat trouoies.
2."c. buys a pair of Lyon's Patent Heel
Stifl'eners; makes a boot or shoe last twice
as long.
Old Material is taken on account by
Palmer & Key: reaiember this fact.
To feel free, pleasant and le keallhy, use
irisil iuay riower. mrenui muihhi
T) ., In itu snH ntipiirutar.. Plnn'a
Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. oUc.
It tier vear-Pnhllshed monthlv-fiuriscrlbe.
he CaliforuiaCsckltr, 13 I'ine St. Sui FrmcUoo.
Job Press is the strongest. Kegisbsrs
accurately, at high speed. Is the easiest
running press In the market. Is sold at
a figure within icach of all. Has patent
throw-off and chase-hook. Palmer & Key,
Portland, have all Bizes on hand. Is made
in two sizes - Pxl2 and 10x15 with throw-
ofT. For sale by Palmer & Rey at prices
that defy competition. Address Palmer
& Rey, Printers' Supplies, Portland, Or.
Irish May F ower the king of di-enverfes
plow to Cure
with the
moirruRiNO. diskihukino. itchixo,
1 scaly and l imply diseasesof the,
and blood with loss of hair, fiom infuncy to
old mre, are cured by theCuTicUB Kkmkdibs.
.'.,-rwi'L.i If ifum vknt the new blood Duritler.
cleanses the blood and perspiration of dlsease
siutalning element, and th-is removes the
cvncriu. the great 8kln Cure, instantly
allays Itching and inflammation, clears the skin
and scalp of crusts, scales and sores, and re
stores the Hair. ...,.-
CLTICL'KA exquisite omii Dcnuiiii...
Indispensable in treating skin ciseases, baby
humors, skin olemtshes, cliappeo. amionj sain.
CiTiei BA IUmkdiku are the great akin
Hold everywhere. Price, Cimcciu. Mo.;
gop, a-ic.: ItKBoLVK! T l. Prepared by the
IfSend for "How to Cure Bkin llseases.
IT1HTKI) with the loveliest delicacy is the skin
11M bathediHthJTJcjA
Caret all Diseases originating from a
disordered state- of the BL00O or
LIVER, Bheumatiam, Eeuralgia,
Boili, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula.
Tumors, Salt Ehenm and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liter and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. CATES CO., Proprietor.
417 Sansoma St., San Francis.
. No, my friend, you do not know what It
Is to be saved from death. You think that
because you few Into the bay aud were
rescued from drowning that, in the short
space oi nve minutes, you realised all Uiat
is meant by illrne words. You have no
Idea ef the lingering agony of weeks and
months of sullerlng, the certainly that
urmu ia ever coming nearer ana uesrer,
and that no human skill can delay the
grim messenger, but let me tell you my
In the Fall of 1870 1 had occasion to take
a stage ride in Oregon at night. I took a
severe cold and wasslck for a week. I re
covered inv usual health with the excen.
tion of a slight cough, to which 1 paid no
uemioii. un my return to lailtornla
the coughing became troublesome. I ap
plied lor medical advice. 1 was assured
uiat it was an attack of bronchitis and
bottle or medicine would set me right, A
month weut by and I was no better. I
began to lose flesh and appetite; my left
mug gave me pain aud night sweat
trouoieu me. Again I received a thorough
examination aud was informed that I had
coviues in my mug and must seek a
warmer climate. My doom was scaled. I
knew I had consumption. I took cod-liver
on, couuti syrups and the long list of lung
remedies. Day by day I fell that I was
Hearing the grave; I struggled desm'rately
against the enemy. I spent one Winter
iu Florida, but the climate enervated me.
A sea voyage was proposed aud I took ship
for Havre. 1 felt Uiat 1 had exhausted ail
means. A violent hemorrhage nearly ex
hausted me, and I felt that 1 must cease
the struggle and prepare to meet my ate
bravely. Nearly two aro I had suU'ered
and was slowly dying. I reso vc once
more to appeal to medical science, and,
hearing of a physician in Paris. I went to
see him. This was Dr. Dujardin. His
first words gave me hope. "My dear
menu, you nave tne consumption, it is
true; but by the grace of the good God
you may yet regain some health." He
gave me A bottle of his Life Essence, say
ing, "Take this, and if it fails 1 can do
nothing." I had tried so many medicine
that 1 iiad little faith. Yet I took it. The
first night I did not sweat. I was sur
prised, but feared it was only from the
dill'ereiit food. I soon began to loek
eagerly for my meals. My cough did not.
trouble me, and I felt as if I might get
well. 1 saw the good doctor again and
receive 1 words of encouragement, la
short, I took seven bottles of the Life
Essence, and then felt that I was nearly
well; returned home to surprise my friends
and receive their congratulations at being
saved from death. 1 brought several bot
tles of Dujardin's Life Essence with me.
aud shall never be without it. To be saved
from sudden death is nothing, but te be
saved from lingering agony, from daily
an 1 nightly horror, is more than human
tongue can describe.
One dollar and flttv rents ner bottle. At
all druggists'. Snell, llvitshu & Woodard,
wliole.-ale agents, Portland, Oregon.
Those contemplating making changes
In their ofllces, or starting new ventures
In the newspaper line, would consult
their best interests by calling on or ad
dressing Palmer & Rey, dealers in News
paper Supplies; also information in regard
thereto. Address Palmer $c Hey, IU
and 114 Front treet. Portland, Oregon.
Free front Opiates, limetlct and I'olton.
4 W
Cures Rhsiintatlsm, Neiinlqli,
1 as limn w"s. Uf.rt"k., tiums,
mm pa i
BentOiiiih Syrnp. Tunu gixxl. Uu
In tlm. hUiln hv ilntL'trmt.
aa loi,a as titU-rnat is kt-rl ut.
ptMnal tMiciiriljr nly for IntrrsMt
fcnlffrV, frl nun
rvnta for lyantcuisrs. Miau iwrnt,
sine ibu patMr. T. ft. Oardnsir.
65 Front SI., 1'OIITLAXD, OliEfiOX.
Garden, Flower and Field Seeds, Clover
Orasxefl. Alfalfa, Onion Wets, etc. etc., in all
varieties and lots to suit.
Largest and most complete stock Iu the
Merchants, farmers and gardeners are re
quested to write for price.
Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free.
The Leading and Sellable
Of Portland, Oregon
ICor. Flret sod Morrlsua Siai.
The Van Monciscar
Young, DltlilJ. aqrftd aiul
old. linvl. ur sismr.1 mco
Sf.u 1 vbn unr with
Nervtsia iJrtriiity, Siwrnis
LurrheA, Huiliil ItmmB,
H-iuJ Dny, rUnt Mw
nry. Hk k.f, httk of
YttrrsJ. mlm bUmtd Knd
Hkln Mm, Mn.ljilliA.
KrupAlon Hair rllna
H.POC Fvu, S Uin(i
Hit Thrwt, I'kcra, t'4
fKU 'A Meicnry, ktilMr.
uul bitiUlm Tiosbl.l
Wk Baok, Rnrnina UHn Ctonorrbw, tilt. SUM
mr- prumi rIW mji man ( lv ....
talk Hrxrm 4 enfltleatlatly
OFKiCB-13a at 184 TUIBD HI.
TO sfTNl
MED mm
cV 0
11 , "rm
"Hurrah for the Irish Mar Flower's bloom
That saved my Harney s life.
It kipt his liver from death's doom,
Au cured him for his wife.
Do you blame me Mr. Delaney
For singin' songs of joyf
Irish May Flower, mores the power I
Cured my darlin' boy."
We will pay your fare from any part of
Lotted Mates to Portland and hotel expense
while here if we do not produce indisinitalile
evidence from well-known bankers, doctors.
awyer, merchants and farmers as to our ro
liability in the cure of reduocablo rupture or
hernia, without knife, needle ur sharp inslrii
meiu You are secure avslnst accident from
the tret clny until cured, and tne cure yiiarsn-
p... iiiwiuu w iiiuiie reiuiitieu. 1 ou
work every day, no mutter shut your occiiia-
niuiuu' imiiKi-r or inronvenieiice, i on
sultatioiit free. Oitieo hours from 10 to I dally,
Correspondents will enchwe stamp for replj
and aildresa Urs. Korilen a: l.iuher. rooms 8 auil
V, Kirst National bank, Portland. Uregon,
Mention this paper.
fThrn Bahy was sick, we rst her Castorla.
Whfn she wm a Child, she cried for Caatorla,
When ah Wain. MIm, she eiung to Cattoria,
Wbaa ah bad Ouildnu, ih. gst. Cattoria,
Go to Towne & Moore when In Portland
for best Photographic and Cravon work.
Try GhRMKa tor tireakUsu
This medicine, combining Iron with mire
VeiretaMe tonh-s, quickly and ernnpletely
l ures l)Tprpln, liiillaesllon, Wen
Imnire lllo.d, ,)lnlarlu,t hill, and heiers.
and Nrursliila.
nrt Itleuralula.
It ti an unfailliif remedy for Diseases of the
Klilneva and l.lvrr.
It is liivaliisble for Mwsses peculiar to
Women, nd all who lead sedentary lives.
It does sot Injure tho teeth, csusv
produce ceustlpatlon tthrr ron mnffci'nn do.
Uenrlchesand pnrlfli-s the blood, stimulates
the aptctite, aids the swlnitlatlon of fiKst, re
lieves llesrthiirn and Kelrhing, and itreiith.
ens the roiwles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, lack of
EnerR-y, Ac, it has no equal.
M f The genuine has sIkits trade mark and
crowed red lines on wrap)ier. Tskt no other.
al. wlkl IHonS CHHII'tt CO, SALTIIUSI. IU.
W holesale-Anenta Portland, Or.
0vE6000t000 'EifiELSflsr
t! S JafTtva,"K . aartt tcrncuti
in ih world,
For 1807 .
V will h. msilMl
..jM FREE to all
rz spplicnU. and
sN ruNtomws
; wilniHUor-
ii a. irat
Hd forti. Aainm
M. HMY it CS.
f!' Detroit, Mloh.
DR. i OUZEau'S
G. & .
Win cure (with oare) the worat ensrs In firs to seres
days. Bach hex contain, a practical treatise on .w
cial diseases, with full Iiutrurtlon for sulf-oura. (!
P") Prloe,S3.
J. C. STEELE, Agent,
03S Mnrks trat. ftn Franoi.oo. Cnl
Printers and Publishers, you can obtaiaiupon
demand the
PALMER & BET, Type Founders,
112-111 Front 8t.. Portland, Or.
$.'Wa week and eipenses
WI IH Rpald. Outfit worth Sland particulars
W I llll
free. P.O. VICKKkY.Auausta.Me.
Unfth of Cnttlni Eda. t Incasa. (fat. Apol'i for.)
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karl A4 MssL wiual t Ih. IhmI Mm! f'XU In .uttinf
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tlechiiaira' Taala. Hardware and HjirktarrV
Paper Cutter,
CheaiKMt small larer etiltor in the market.
Fifteen publishers In the North wet are uainc
them. Address PALM ICR HKY, PortlaoU,
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trWitll tliO S'llltltlKl. of 'ow tost, (h t vVl
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ful a'lirsliians mid Nuriiruiis,
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su(xxA'du!ly in If hero in MitKii. (,'onic aud
eo us, nr send ten cents in stmni'S for our
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CAL AMH'ATK)N, Odd Mi; ill Ht llulfulo, N.Y.
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tlon Is sold by druiwhtls under our piwdice
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Bond 10 oonts In stumps for Dr. J'lerce's lui go
Tniitlso on Illsous-s of Women lll)0 piu;cs,
p:iper-i,ovi!rl. Addnns, Woiimi h Ki-i kn
SAIir MlMllCAl, AlWlMJtATION, (Kkl JIlllll t'lrc( t,
HiiUulo, N. V.
n R ft Wt
Rlllona Headache,
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cents a vlnL by Pnigglsts.
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derlnK Adjt book learned In one resiling. Heavy re
ductlon. for postal clawiw. Pnwiieetua, wlib opln
km. of Mr. PsucTua, Ih. A.tronemer, Hen. W. W.
AAToa Judah P. HsajASis, firs. Muoa, Wood and
ouwrs, seal ift rHrs.ii;
t rsra. lir
S.1T Fifth At.nue,
New fork.
UrrtsM A-lkHiSi Vwr wr fmtu m n I
iaaaUaa rmUJ SShf rutt tSM, IBrrM MS
rortftblt twpi rAww nrr U) iiTri. a
tl.ftO.f Dr. !' or br mail. RifovaJ r K fh. I
ua7 lH. K. MMIr'KM.-L F.nlv-VT-1
Thi Bf.1. f vr fi rwrawr .
nit tiprrwif fit u ar
dcrkUfSMue-nta) mt titv corialit
nr (a ai. Th em I ) atrti
9t tvl.KCTUK TV i,,.
rufli ts parts ftttal ftehaia
asm Im alalia r Ml'. baaot
oofatM taiavita kWgtrka aWii
a4vTte4 ls tara til Hit rrrwa
aarad l (aM, lirwibONS
apaOO prroas,
far atraaiara flvlttf hi-1 m
VtwatUiti, a.1ilrtrrirrfr kni
Ut Hrll Cav, 13 WaakiafUa
Riftat, t hitwa, lii.
N. P. N. V. No. 162-6. r. V. V. No, s
s' el; ""-J
LU VVl j ! sl-
to VZS r-