JL CNP COUNTY, SBltlEF MEXTIOSiS. r,-tr kiJ glove. t Friendly'.. Lro4deoti,tryg,,toDrKJT,ylur' Cj0lU ,ld AP t c.hat Matlock . bought AU'l told t Goldsmith's. i,t f Extent hat just received at totU'Meteasur-i."- U Coleman. I fiuished-ne-itly and artiso Winter'. i L . -j-,l,lhtb every day in th week not v .jwryHorn'""" .fiaeliseof silk plushes in ell shades j4J grade it F B Dunn's. . .i nnrehaee Waltham watches at It 0 flats' .'rom $10 and opwarda. J (West ed 1 'ot'1 Ju,t receired wUI mneri can do purcnaseu at me fcbKForknerfor$80. tori art"" ... ii want hardware at reasonaoie prices JSUh.itorof Pritohetttf'orkuer. I litk mat Ueu room , W.G furniture of Day 4. Henderson. i" . fii F & nM tn ole ency fl,r u W . ef th wleDraUJ Ta"11 1,unuh Cio'an, ll2S5t of good readable work. Give I V 9 line la.ie mmvmtiiiow uimnwwt j,lniks has just arrival and will be sold wr"-J.l. llettinan. Llltfimn iiw j any kind, remember that Mr J M liiLlridu keep a full assortment. iii.- - ... ... UrS H Friendly will pay ne uignea ah Mraeii"w -- ---- Lb before selling your grain elaewhore. Local Market Report. Eugexe, Jan 21, WHUT-75cta. 8i-40(S5O eta per mishel -scarce. ors-10(a20 cts per lb; dulL Efli-18 ot per do i Botm-25(30 cU per lb: aAn . iw. m II PoTMOW-M eta per bushel. II Bicox-Side 8 to 10 cts; shoulders 8 to 7 eta; l"t.ml intnl2ct. Kor Sale. tnts In Shelton' and Packard's Additions to IiKfene City. Nicely located and the most enaranient of any fur su'e. Price from 450 to 1100-un easy terms. Apply to Dr. T. W. Sheltox, Eugene ( :ity, Or. Bucklen't Arnica Salve. The best naive in the world for Cuts, Uruis ;Snre, Ulwrn, Salt PJimni, Fever Sores Tetter. Chnnwd Handt. Chilbluinn, ('orm, and Ulikin ni)tin', and Kisitively cures piles, nrno pay required. It is guaranteed toeive ptrfect MtWactinn. or money refunded. For ult by Unburn io. Tamers Takk Notice. A wind dinner enn Rl,J.tRlr.r'j Tf.itnl fn05 MtitH. Coda- Flat. . January 23, 1SS7. Brt Dunlnn has li'ien oonfloed tit his bed )i"tt two weeks with typhoid pneuinouia, litis impnivit.g aluwly. - Stwal of the childreii in the district . it here have Imd the wliHipiiii couufl iiriog the fall and inter. Uncle Win Vanuhan ni(.t with ftuitn a sinful accident lust. Thursday.- He ws ilnnm trmn a home and hud tlirefi Tibs bruken. VIr Jas Seaver, brother of A .Seaver.has purchtsed the Isano Vaiidynef farm near Cc ir. Mr Sesver came U fane county list fill from Knnsas. Mr1 Pax tii n, teacher of thtf Cedar Flat school, last Friday. ilinmissed the school lor nn week on accfiunt of bad colds anion); the scholars. School has progressed! nicely, and teneral satisfaction given so I sr. The citizens of Cedar Flat rond district vmglail to hear of Mr Chapman's appoint sot as Supervisor of this district, tie lias wved one term' fuithfnily, and we are 6mi. Meat that he will discharge the outie of Ikiolfije to the boat of his ability. We are lie glad to hear of Mr O'Neil lninn re appointed to that office in the. district be low here, as he has proven himself to be a food officer in the past two yeais. BtrCKEYE. List of Letters- In.,.'.;.. MJ . - PnatnfK t WnsCity, Oregon, Friday, Jan 29. 1887: Chas Mavnard, .1 L Witt, Thn h McPhee, Duncan A Ci'tws, Bertha Morrison. CK Hill, Httie Mulkey, Mrs Phil Mrs M E Nicklin, Charlie Imnn Dni.a "v rr m T Riw;nRm ioijh. liter, iuib u Miss Clara Pike. Jan "wcount, C E Stinit, A Wlwy, O W Wilcox. J P MfCarty.MG Wilson, W Pitsonscallins for same will please give date " advertised. F,- W. Osbobn, P. M. A?poiKTED.-At the first meeting of the ac"00 Land Commissioners,' oonsisting of Governor, Secretary o( State and lreas ,rr. held on TaesdaJ afternoon, the resig stion of E P MefJoManlr as Clerk of the ""fi was accepted, and Napoloon Davis, of 'ort (trove, was auDoiuted in his stead, f McCornack, the retiring" Cleric of the "d. has tilled that position most accept 'y daring the past eight years, having at J" times shown himself an aoeommodating J-wk, Wm the Democratic nominee for Star rPWotendeot of Public Instruction at the election, and has the repuUtioo of being sWIemaoand a scholar. He hae every JuficaUon of an efficient clerk. Tueidsy't "weiBian. Kw Law Firm. A will be seen by the erd of Jadge Washburoe in another Wsn, Mr AC Woodcock ha been ad- partner, and the firm name will be Waahbnrne & Woodcock. Mr "oern it too well known to need any nendatory notice from ns. Mr-Wood-tej " irsduate of the Sute University ,x "e'd a tutorship in that institution Itti1 etr, n'' hrd atudeot, am anergetie and trustworthy. UMED.At Vaocoover, Jan 17, 1887, rPH Oalleghar, yard foreman at East ld. to Mrs E J SutBerlin, of Oakland, rt. bat aow residing at Eagei.e City, Tw"00r Jadge m E4Usk o(5ciating. aaptjy cnvlt wi soon returo to their f-1.7m, Oakland, where their many wi Jjr- them ..icome.- rg Review. ' Dexter Items. January 27, 1887. Mr CL Williams visited Eugene Wed nesday. Born, at tush Island, Jan 9. 1887, ion, to the wifo of S M Stiers, formerly of Plea, ant Hill. Mrs H C Morgan, who has brea in very poor health for some time, has beeo at Eu. geoe this week auder mcdioal treatment. The youngest son of Mr J M Parker, while icutUing with another small by a few days ago full, the other boy falling mi him, fraoruring hii colar bone. Mr Tin Hun saker set the broken boue and he is uow get ting along nicely. Married, at the residence of the bride's parent, uear Egypt, Lane county, Jan Hi, I8S7, Mr Jm Howard, formerly of this place, and Mini Lina Neet, Sijuire Hum. phruy oltioiatins. May they trod oeauefullv adowo the path of connubial blUs. X wish to correct some statements for merly mode in reference to oar merchant. It is now kuowu that he did not enter through the window of the school house, but was pnrmitted an entrance through the door by a kind friend, who unlocked the door. vt e are truly sorry that we were misinform. ed ill regard to the matter. However, he may be aasnred that he has gratitude for hil generous gift. In the name of common justice give us space to make a reply to the communication from I rent, iiaterl dan 18th. lo glance at the seemingly smooth and mellifluous lan guage of the omiuhuniation, one would think that the author had been accused of murder, but, in ita stead, he hae been accused of writing a few items, very trivial in their nature indeed. In like man ner have we been aecused of writing his productions (oigned "Gunas Who" and "Avi"), boinbastio, profensedly and pro. fouudly sarcastic, and intended for the "gKi(l people of our neighborhood. n I hero- fore, that he, too, may share the ''glory or censure attached to his writings," we deem it necessary to make this reply. ' He, in writing this last communication, forgot to mention hit co.partueri.hip under a different pseudonym "I'om and Jerry." Other things of a more reproachful nature could we mention, hot will not unless necessity com pels us. Permit us to say that we do not wish him to be regarded as the author n our writings, and that he line unjustly and without cone cast his vile insinuations npnn u. Will he, can he cime forward, brazen-faced, to truthfullv and "vigorously" deny the bare faced facts? We answer em phatically, no. UNO lloo. Lowell Items. January 24, 13S7. It snowed two inches lust. night. Fanners are busy plowing, and fall grain look line. What bachelor is it that goes down the mad every Sunday. Mr A R Nohle'a hnrseii has a disease called the piuk eye. P T Carter & Co are going t the vitftiity of Eugene to cut brush. Oame is plenty in the wmS surrounding Butte Disappointment. Mr Masn Warner accidentally cYit his loot one day last week. The Litt?e Fall Creelf debating society is rrogrcsm'rig nicely. Come along boys nod girls and hear Mr drfrk Kiasiugcr le t nbout his girl tan feet square. Cl'tTMDGfc. City'Transfc)!. ' S O larrismn to Edgar Wurren, one lot in Packard's addition; coitoideration $2."0. Oren IVckwith to Aludr H BvMorith. Jot and refdeuce corner Sixth and Oak street; con iil.OW). Oron lieckwith to John H Harria, 1J4 feet ou Wiilatnetta street; con $1350. AsorJEB CoMKT. A Huston dispatch of Jan 25th says: A cable message received yesterday from Dr Kreuger,- of the European Union of Astroiiomors.auhnuneos the dis covery of a comet mi Jan 18th by DrThnrm, director of tlu observatory at Cirdova, South ' America. '1 his ooioet, which was probably obeeryod three di'ys ago at Mel bntirue, was in constellation. Orus (the crand. ) Tl:e doctor now announces that it will beenme very hnlnaiit, and that It re sembles in character' the great comet of 1880, hich was first announced by Ur tjould, then director of tlu same observatory. brED. Or J K Uristow, one of the old time and timet honored pinaers of Lane county, died in this city yesterday, (Friday) morning, Dr Bristow pi act iced his profession for many years at Pleasant Hill, In this county and this hrff it 'in carries to many a household a ines- saue of sorrow. His character-was noble and muniy. A more excenueo nonce i iin cionon liy the early hour we go to press. The funeral Will take place to morrow from the family res idence on Ninth St to the Pleasant Hill Cem etery. Friends of the fa'tSy are invited to attend. Mikado Tea. A Miknto Tea will be given under the auspices of St Mary's (iuild, on Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb 4th and 7th. Tea will be served by ladies in Japanese custom from 5:30 both evenings; price of tea 50 cents, which turn' will entitle you to take atiay a a gift a genuine Japan ese cup and saucer worth that money. French and other home made candies will be offered below retail prices. llemtmber Lane'e Hall, Feb 4th Jnd 5th.- Dn. . -At Lakeview. Oregon, Jan 23, 1887, at 4 oc. .J a m, of consumption, James fl Evans, formerly-of this city. Mil remains, were buried in the cemetery at that place on the 24th, under the aui pices of the Mwons, of which hewaan honored member. Jim' had many good traits, and his many friends here will mourn his early deirUe. His wife and children have the sympathy oi aiu Ttrjiir.sEri. Appoiirrm. Mr A C Woodcock ha resigned' the tutorship In the Stat Uni- .r;iT ml Mr Edirar McClure has been- ap pointed to 811 the vacancy. Mr Woodcock ha nllid th chair in a nitfoiy rreouauio uiuu", andw believe that Mr McCl'.ire will dis--h.r.T the duties of hi office to the satisfaction of student and regent. Water Wores. Work wa coram need ye terilay morning laying the mains of the Water Co on Willamett street near Ninth, un!f the supervision of Mr John O'Connor of Portland. Quite a number of our workimj men will find employment for the next six week on' aaid work. Fo SaIA A one-half inU-rert in a brick Work on Willamette treet that will pay good rnteret for year on the amount invested. Will require between and J3.0W. inn,u:re at this office for particular. Bors. At Latham, Lane county, Oregoo, Jan 21, ISS7, to the wife of D P Burton, a Brevities. A saloon will soon be started at Coburg. Matlock sells everything lithe lowest prices Send the Guard to your friends in the East. See new flnal proof notices ia another column. Snow h&j covered all the surrounding hills this week. The Siuslaw mail was delayed this week high water. Matlook will pay the highest prices for kind of fur. Three hundred ton of iron have arrived for the Water Co. Matlock is receiving a large line of new tlress good. Give idm a call. Attorney Washburne weut to Junction on l'gal busiues Thursday. Waltham, Springfield and Elgin watches 37 50 aud upward at Watt': Only fifty mile of the Oregon & California roilroad now remain to be completed. The river rose to the twelve footmark list Monday the highest raise of the year. Representative Bilyeu has Introduced the F-ugeue Charter bill in the Legislature. Some No 1 bop land for sale cheap. A large part clear and ready for planting. Uko. M. Milleiu . Johnson grass and red and white clover for sale at Robinson 4 Church's hardware store. See Peters' new advertisement in another columu. It will pay you to give heed to the tame. The Eugone Oratorio Society will meet in the Odd Fellows Hall this Saturday eve ning. Mr S M Titus will let the contract for erecting his brick block' on the 10th of next month. Postal note) are now drswn so as to moke them payable at any office in the United State. The Chiuese new year was celebrated by the Eujene inongoliaus with considerable enthusiasm this week. The regular meeting of St Mary's Guild will be held at Mrs McClareu' ou Wednes day next at 2 p m. Miss Mary Knight, the girl that ran awsy nitli Eastwood, has beeo placed in the Sis teri school at Salem. Mr B F Hendricks, of Junction, ha been hired as engineer of the Water Works when they are completed, Work is still progressing or the Water Co' reservoir. The excavation will proba bly be finished by Feb 1st. Mettnck has just received from Chicago the finest line of dress goVls ever shown In Eu gene. Ladies, exuuine them. Au inch of snow fell last Wednesday night, bat disappeared under the warm rays of old Sol before Thursday noon. Mr H S Simon informs u that hi good have arrived and that he will commence opening them the first of next week. (iolilsmitli pays for beaver $2 to $3 50 per pound. Mink and conn, 15 to 50 cU Fisher and otter, $2 to i i. Mr Z Hall will eel! or rent his place of 45 acres, just weet hf this city, on good tein.s. Impure for particulars at Matl ick's store. County Clerk Ware this week Issned mar riage licenses to J L Page anil Mrs M J Odell, and L M Dauieuo id and Emma Kelsay. Mr E P lledford, of Cottage Grove, informs us that his two sons who have been in Eastern Oregon for some time have returned 1 ome; , llev S P Wilson, of this city, delivered fie prayers at the morning Sessioa of the H iue in the Legislature last Wednesday . Workman have been engaged the niot of the wsek lowering the floor of Robinson and Church ' store to conform with the sidewalk. The greater portion of tho member of the Legislature from Lane county Will pond Sunday at their respective homes' this week. . Dr W H Byrd, of Salem, ha been ap pointed physician for the penitentiary by Superintendent Clow. This is a good soloo tinn. Mr V T Campbell is refitting and putting in new machinery in bin sash and door factory preparatory to openint; the lame for business. The Water Co' boiler and ptimp arrived tbe first part of the week and hae bean placed, in pn.iition; It took four span of horses to haul the boilerr To imagine yourself in far Japan you have only to pay tun ctmt at the door of Lane's Hall on Friday aud Saturday evenings, Feb 4th and 5th. There will be a meeting of the Eugene Tern-n-raiioe Alliance at the. Brick church ii Tueiday evening; Feb 1, WS7, at 7 o clock p. , in. By order of the President, A very pleasant dance was given at Mr Ja Yates' home, near Irving, last Tueiday evening. About thirty couple were present, everal person being from Eugene. Service will be held at St Mary's Episco pal Church every Suuday morning end tve ning. All are welcome. Sunday nekool meeU at 9:45 am, A L Prker, pastor. Do not fail to attend the Mikado Tea at Lane' Hall ou the evening Of Feb 4th and. 5th. Several hundred dollars worth of rich Japanese article will be offered for sale. The north bound tririu did not reach Eu gene last Wednesday evening until 9 o'clock p m. The delay wo eouned by the engine being thrown from th track near yoncolla. The meeting of the Social and Financial Union of the M E:Church will be held st the church parlors otr Wednesday evoning, Feb 2. at which time the stock certificate will be issued. Also the gold ring donated tn the church at the time of its dedication will be sold to the highest bidder. Member ' and friend old and young are cordially invited. Married. At Allny, Oregon, Jan 27, 18.37. by P.ev S G Irwue, Mr Jame L Page and Mrs M J Ode'J, all of this city. Th con tracting parties returned to their home in thi city by Thursday' afternoon train. Ia th evenins the Firemen Band gav th newlv wedded pair ernde. Tl Gcarii, in behalf of their host of friend in Lane county, tender them many hearty enugrttuialinne, May their wedded life be happy and U'tmg one. ocanl. STATE UNIVERSITY A column devoted to the interests of the Laurvan and Kutaxian Literary .Societies, and the Bute University, , T Dora Scott ; .Editor. What become of cur rubbers and Um brellas? Essay on "Fashion" will be handed in next Monday. Miss Jennie McClure Ma returned from her visit to Portland. ' Mis Oaie Walton w i'l teach & spring term of school in Crook couuty. Rev C A Woody, who Is visiting ia the city, visited the University Monday., J N Goltra, class of '8.1, will not return home during the summer as he intemted. Mis Kate Powell, a former Eutsxian, wield the rod in ou of tho Aatoria schools Mr J M Wise is in town and will soon en roll his name a a student of the University, What Eutaxian can boast receiving ninety letters from her best young mau tiuce July, 188C! Oue of the Seuiors ladly disabled himself wliile out walking ou Eighth street the other night. Wo reret to chronicle the death' of the mother of Miss Sarah Chrisman at her home lu Eastern Oregon. Geo Finlry has not returned from hit home, whither he was called on aocouut of the sickness of hi father. Miss Alwild Dunn, of the class of '83, has commenced a course of study at the Monmouth Normal school The editor would be much obliged to cer tain young gentlemen if they would establish their hour for calling later than 6 o'clock in. Some of the sub frcilunen were the parti eipants of su extra session one day last week. They report having enjoyed (?) a very pleasant afternoon. Edgar McClure, of the class of '8.1, has beeo employed by the Board of Regents to till tho vacancy made by the resignation of Mr A C Woodcock. Question debated Jan 14th was: Resolved, "That the Government ha been too liber 1 with land grant to railroads." Decided in favor of the altirmative. Miss Mary McCnrnack, who is attending the New England Conservatory of Music, has become a skilful trlcycleist along with her many ac'cniiiplishmen't. e understand that the Laurean and Ex- taxian hall is liable to go through S series of repairs. Just w hat they will be we do not know, but there is ctrtaiuly room for re pairs. Question to bo debated next Friday: Re- solved, "That card-plnying i a harmful amusement," Affirmative, C Condon, L Murch, S 1'orris, K Bristol. Negative, J Taylor, N Hill, O Shaw, A Crsin. In behalf of our society, wo thank the Laurean (or an invitation to their "Auti-ti-i biennial" Woman Suffragist open session. It it owing to these brilliant afTair that the Eutaxian are such stroug Woman Suffra gist. The Oiato'io Society, composed of the music loving people of thisuitv and at which we noticed several of our fellow students, is now under full nrganixi'ion ami with so able a conductor as Prof P K Hepburn promises to be very instructive , It is with many heart pkngs that we an nounce that Prof A C Woodcock is no more, that is he is a pfcrt of the University no more. We hear that tlio worthy gentleman has ent6rcd into partnership with one of the promineiit lawyer of our city. We wish him success in hie chosen profession. - The brilliancy of onr contemporary editor has discovered thai a Eutaxian can "adjust" her hmr and recover sullicientfy from the mental exhaustion consequent thereupon to edit a column. We alway knew such moo. itrou cerebral development couldn't exist, long VHthout discovering somcthiiig-w-h-e-wl Biattain' mathematical formula: I. 1 Objections to Brattaiu's Hypothesis. Conclusions from Brattaiu's Hypothesis. 3. Brattaiu's Hypothesis untenable. 4. Modesty of Brattain in formulating his thoury. It assume that Newtou was wrong. 5. It i on the assumption that there were two nebulous masse Hosting about iu the Ethos and by some self intelligent meam took a iee line for each other. 0. Have been unable to find any authori ty warranting his as lumptions. Geo. M. Hoyt. The death of Geo M Hoyt, at Paraiio Springs, Cal, took from the Alumni of the State University one of its moat brilliant member. Thne whose school-day were cotiteinpnraneou with hi, may remember him a ooa of ouiet. unassuming manner, yet at thi same time the recognized leader of his associates. The pleasing address peculiar to him as a student, was characteristic of him in after life, and won him that same leadership among men that was iucident to his college career. Mr Hovt after Bradiiatinu in '82, accepted position in the U S Iuipeetor's office snd at the same tune prosecuted nis taw siuuies, ursddatiuir from the Law School of the SUte University in '86, carrying away the highest honor of hi clas. To this overtax ing of hi Dhvsical abilities we must ascribe his premature death. It long had beeu recog nized that naught would pieyent Mr Hoyt' success in life but his health. HiH standing as a student was very high A a paker his style was conversational, and of a very .... ,1.1 high order. Iu 84 hi annai rem oeiorc the Alumni i.f Oreffon University were pro nounced by a college prufeor to be the Kuest he had ever heard. li 'V. nw eis ment of greatnes in him, and above that "ha was a man take him for all in all." Thoe who saw him in Eugene Dee 31st and Jan 1st, thnug'i his paleness was marked, knew uot that the impending pall of death hung o closely to him. DiiTii or Father UrcuCHCH.-Lwt spring Mr J. I Upcburch. th original founder of th A O U W, visited Eugen and other point in Oregon and Washington Writnrr. w i h' mi reoentlv been received of tb oeath i f .hi. ..I.I a,,. I hi ,htv honored ireriUemao. I ii.. M ilia-Aiilf i Kor tineUfJan 19th the fol lowing dispatch has been clipld under date of iiiika -tiituvMiri. .imnuarv mm: J - li- church, th founder"! the Ancient Order of TTnit.! Workmen, died In SteelvilU. Missouri. to day, aged a year. He founded the r-t lodg of the order in Mradville.Pa., in 18TA noR.-At Sprin-field. Or-goi. Jn V, j im f.jo i we "i v imr. daughter, ""i"-' Avaunt, Red Flannel. The modesty of "Red Flannol" i overpow ering. When w produce au extract from a Republican paper, printed before we knew him, iu a neighborhood where he lived twelve yeirs. he clorihVs himself and insists w or his rivals in businej. With over twico th circulation of th coW organ and with the advertising patronage that come iri consequence without begging and boiinx the business men to death, we feel above that rivalry. W now promise to joj that treatlivmus memory of your a little. Strante isn't it, Red Flannel, for you to say that you are not very good. Why; lu Indiana before you were ' found out, you were excess ively good, you were a shining luht, forsver suudinn on the street corners suying your pray ers.nnd the tir-t line of the article from tl e( 'unl et refers to a hvnocrite.aPecksnin'.a white, I sep ulchre; and the infiiience you possessed was moral (whot a satire!) and not Intellectual. In tins State, ton, you have been excessively shocked at souie things. You opnet inteiu pernnoo, yet on one occasion at Cottage Grove you drank whisky a many time as you Were "treated." You have great aversion to lying yet yon abused the school board for paying i. ier square for two ooaU of paint applied, to th seluxd building, when the cheupesi rate of any local painter Is 81.40 pet square. . You "ouu'ressively" lied to Mr Wui Smith, and Mr Smith, who is a Republican and no business rival of yours; swore that yon lied. " Yon "pitied lilm we lielieve. as a specimen oi your liberal spirit you wrenched a sentence from its context in a speech made in this town and vnu let fall your ususl tirade of billingsgate. Yon applied for a ositition in th public school of this place, you didn't vet and you cried like a whipped cur. From that day to this, you have spat your vonom on the school directors. You applied for a poxitlon iu another institution, a better man got the place and to day you are secretly and vindictively lighting that institution. A leecher and swind ler, and h MK-rite! Mis Nancy Looker, her two illegitimate children, her mother and sister live in a house ou tVaahingtnn St, Winchester, Indiana, that formerly belonged to the hilly coat "He nave quite a large sum of money to quiet the troub led water" lays the Republioau Comet, which ought to know. Mohawk Items. ' January 22, 1887. Items scarce. Th roads are dreadfully muddy. Mr William Allison is lyiug very low with consumption. Mis Kato Baxter who has bcon qulto ill is reported some better. Miss Earnest Whltmore who ha been quit ill is reported much belter, Mr William Robinson went to Mill creik, Friday visiting friends. Mr John Lewis reeeived a sovere wound on the leg caused by a kick fio.n a horse. Snow fell to th depth of several Inches last Tuesday, but melted otf m a low day. Mr Geo Jordan is the bos b .inter. . Killed three deer and wounded one aud killed anoth er. Mr John Dixon of Kugene cam near getting his arm broken by a large piece of timber fall ing on it. Mr Ie Sartwrtirlit and Sam Montgomery have dissolved partnership and quit hunting boonuse the hogs got into uump mm eat au the State Temperance Alliance. The sixteenth annual session of the Oregon Stnt Temperance will convene in Salem, Ore gon, on Wednesday, February, 10th, 1887, at 2 o'cloek p m. Each organised County Al lisnm is entitled to twice as many deleimtes as there are members of th legislative Ass m-1 bly from that county. Also each churoh, nun day school and tcinjiorance society Is entitled to one deb'nat.e. M.ich deniis upon this sea son of the Alllnnoe. The temperance forces of onr Stat are. on the eve of a great victory, or rrible i'cfe it. '11. e part each temperance and religious body takes in supporting and rra';inf the State Alliann a success, will have much to do in determining which it shall be. Then let there be a strong delegation from all part of the State at this ne'slon of th Alli ance. -. . Greatly reduced rates of fare will b granted to all delegates 'n attendance, by th ditferont lines of travel within the State. U. M. Mu.i.rn, II. S. Stranue, President Secretary. Suino for His Siiaiik. In the Circuit Court to day It C Perkim, of Eugone City, began an action against R R Riley to reoover $440 37. Plaintiff allege that in April', 1883, dofendant entered into an agreement with him to purchase a certain tract of laud in Lako county, Oiegnn., That plaintiff should give his wholo attention and time to the purchase and sale oi me lauu. u fendant proposed to advance all money re quired to effect the purchase, and agreed to divide net profit with plaintiff after the consummation of a sale. Plaintiff further alleges than in January, I860, the land was sold to Geo Thompsou for $1840, the net profit on the sale amounting to fcaw h After manv demands noon defendant for an equal division of the gain, without getting satisfaction, he sues for .he first named sum, with interest thereon from Jan 0, 188G. Tuesday's Portland Telegram. A NASAL INJECTOR fiee with each bot tle of Shiloh'l Cutorrh Remedy. Price W cf. ii IN IE " HATS OF THE VE11Y LATEST STYLES Our aaobrtcitnt of N ewest Shape. Ix Fall aed Winter is very Large, and all are of first cloa quality, .. Suits Miule to Order, Eit Guaranteed. No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods J. W. CHElUtY, Walton's Brick. Personal. Mr 8 P Sladdtn of Portland Is In town. Mrs W W Neeley is now able to be about th house. '! .i i 'I Mr II C Humphrey visited Salem several dyi this week. ' ' Mria Blue, of Junction, visited friends in Eugene this week.' ' ' Mr J H Waite, Oft C R R RoadmasUr, was in town yesterday. 1 111 Q P river steamer Twin Sister has bc n repaired at a cost of. $1500. ' ' " Mr E F Humason, th Portland cattle tdyer; was in Eugene yesterday, Mr W a Parker of Yaqulna City, sperit si couple of days In our city this week; Mr J L Bright is lying tfuite mil st his resi dine os Fifth street anil hts life is despair ed of. . , . Rev C A Woody, of Pendleton, preaohed at the Baptist Church last Sunday to large audiences. ' " Mr Jas Holt and family have returned from a virit of several months to Southern California. Mr J L Rumsey arrived in Eugene again last Wednesday on a visit and will remain un til the middle of next week. Mis Etta Willi of Romburg I visiting for' a few day at the residence of Mr and Mrs Geo S Washburne in this city.. ' ' ' Mr Armstrong, of Albany, who worked here for several year in Campbell's sash and door factory, visited friend in Eugene Thursday and Friday. Mr Wm Gray and family, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Lane couuty for some time, returned to their home ia Spokune county, W T, lost Thursday. Mr II C Owen, of Swamp Land notoriety,' went ta Salem ' Tuesday. He says the' "Third House" made a call for him to organ iza it, and he had to obey its command. Mr Henry Baxter has resigned his clerk ship In Mr A V Peter's store, for the purpn ot attending at th bedside of hi lister, who is quite sick at th family residence on the Mo hawk. W hop for her speedy recovery. the Stats University Bill. We take the following from last Wednesday's Salem Statesmon concerning the State Univer sity bill now before the Legislature: The house yesterday morning revolved itself 1 ito committee ot the whole house, Daly of polk countv, in the chair, for the consideration of Bilyeu 'ill B No 4, which provide for the support of the State University at Eugene, Thi bill provide that no tuition fee be charged or collected for instruction In any of the literary department of the University, at-, ter January 1, 1888, from any person who ha been for th time of on year proceeding his or her application for admission, a resident of the state of Oregon, who possesses a good moral character, and who possesses th liter-, ary qualifications prescribed by th board ,of regents, for admission hit i th collegiate de partment, This doe away with th present system of county cholarslifi. The bill a amended by the committee of the whole bona provides that each applicant on entering the University shall pay a fee of 95 Into the li brary fund. The bill provide tor an annual, tix of one-hfth mill on th dol-. on all taxable property, which tax shall b, k pt separate by the state treasurer, to be. own aa th University fund. The bill in. kni fact place th entire suixirt of the Stat Uni-. vsrsity on th Mint and gives to all persons so inclined, who have the requisite, qualifications the right to attend the University. Th com-, mittee's recommendation that the bill be re-, ferred to the committee nn education,- was' adopted by the bouse. The bill .will probab ly have a hard fight, but may pas. , Maithikd. At Baker' Hotel, Eugene' City, Oregon,, Inn 2, 1887, by Rev C It Wallace, Mr L M Damownnd and Miss Emma Kelsay.all of Cottage Cmv product . FOR DYSPEPSIA and, Llvr, Complaint,'' jfoii have a printed guarantee nn every bottje' ' of Shiloh'l Vitalizer. It never fail to cur. ' E0WLAND BROS.: Walton's Bloclv,' ,, ; E(iehe City, Oregon; i , ' t i. . A RR NOW PREPARED TO GIVE prao 1. tlcsli I and thorough Instruction in At terms to suit th time. . glasses wlll.be or- ganizod at any time cf day or evening tit suit , th convenience of patrons. Private Instruc tion given at office or residence. The publia i ' cordially invited to call at office, inspect work, method, etc, , :, Engrossing and filling family records and, marriuge certiri'-ates and all kinds of plain and ornamental work neatly executed at reasonable ' rates. " " v ' " ""v', 1 . . ' .n DISPOSED OP Kl- OUH BIG STOCK -OF- Brownsville .1 i!en t Boys Clothing" AND hi': Fir GOODS. 8 nur remarkably complete snd elegant new stock at tl . j u