The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 29, 1887, Image 3

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f General Interest la a Coa
denied form
Devoted Principally to Wuhlnftoi Tarritor
and California.
Ure injuring grain fields
ffl4th county.
fruit and salmon cannery
Ei.edatThe Dull.-..
ntTnwrripe lit
'Sountr Clerk
...-.. .....a fftlliwl llIin(T-
fllllier "n
tl)6 COlUHlOltt nvtT
licenses were
. rp Oil
lr Portland.
ff Smith, a surveyor,
..... .i. South lork ot
w t .i-oi. oounlv.
' ' u a rich cattleman and
UcSS of Umatilla county,
lU ..,! in ml lie.
I ... ii
1 Mlev comes to the front with
It Ln hog of Josephine county.
i:'""! ..I- nl't.
6 . ..,r Hentley recently sunk
iS . . t.r, r.iiHod and taken
Ih,iD dub ;
'J FortlunJ for repair.
. xTiatt has gone w uie pennon-
l' , r lite from Washington county
L murder of J. 0. Tierce.
;., Bennet, the Union county
'Lt has been sentenced to the
entity for ninety-nine years.
UonviUe will nave a urancn
i .1.;. vpur. Enough has been
bribed to guarantee its building.
e population of Klamath county
111 1 200 during the year ending
n811 '. . . t t .1 i unit
t lSSO; tlial 01 mm buuui ow.
. i nr.... Tulin Stunlov. of
ace las "y"' ,r '
valley, kiut'a twenty-mo ueur,
iir. Lizzie Prock, of OlalU, killed
Wolves are killing sheep in Cowliti
county, W. T.
The Unitarians of Tacoma will
erect a church.
The assessable wealth of Idaho Ter
ritory is f Ji.VWO.OOO.
Flour from Minnesota is being im
ported into Southern California.
The barn of C. M. Grape, near Pay-
ton, W. T., burned recently. Loss,
A Mexican was stabbed to the heart
at Los Angeles, it is said by his mis
tress. The total amount of dividends paid
by Montana mines in IsSu is close to
. Mrs. Fred Eulerdied at Butte, Mon
tana, from the clFicts of an overdose
of morphine.
airs. II. artv, a demented woman,
fell into Elton Courtney lake, W. T
and was drowned.
The new hospital building at Fort
Steilacoom, W. T., will be ready for
occupancy June 1.
Charles Ross who murdered an ofli-
Juhn Maguire, manager of the
Butte (M. T.) otwra-house, has notified
the member of his company that they
must cease boardiug at a Chinese res
taurant if they wish to remain in hit
emuloy. i
It Las already cost the Northern
Pucilio $75,000 to protect iU Chinese
laborers on the Cascade branch from
the belligerent white men. The cot
will reach $100,000 before the job is
The farm Louse of John Wilkinson
in Taniiiiiiiiy hollow, near Lcwislon,
Idaho, was burned to the ground.
Mr. Wilkinson was badly burned in
getting one of his children out of the
J welve sixtylour-nounder guns
have arrived from oolwich for the
A Bynopi I of Measures Introduced in th
Rational legislature.
The House passed the bill for ostab
lishment of a bureau of agriculture
and labor, lt provides: That there
shall be at tho seat of government an
executive department to be known as
tho department of agriculture and
labor, under control of a secretary of
agriculture and labor, and an assist
ant secretary. There shall be in tho
department of agriculture and labor a
division, which shall be under tho
charge of a commissioner of labor,
wno stum nolo: ins otiice lour years.
ccr at Albuquerque some time since, charged, tho shot entering at tho chin
and coming out at the top of the
naval stores at tho Esquimalt naval amlwIiosoeuccessorshaUl.eappointed,
station near Victoria. Tho transfer unless sooner removed, and who shall
occunied thirtv-two dava from Halifax receive f o,000 per year. Ihis com
to Victoria. missioner suau collect information up-
Th,. .,.., I..,.., t v t., on the subject of labor, its relation to
ritory prohibit the killing of deer be- r "."" "'r1' "c7
tween tho 15th day of January and ,0st ,cf production of article, pro-
the 15th day of August. The close of uuou 'K 'or ng mm ana
tlm ,...., for nhnAsanl. .n.l i-miise womu V'1UK,1B. ol Proviumg
begins Feb. 1.
lien uanieiu, son oi non. bciucius ,nt lf, ami t.num.t p,m,1...,
Olympia, W. T., accidentally slipnod
oil a log whereby his gun was dis-
for their
material, social, intellectual and moral
prosperity, ana the licsi means to pro
E Larribee, an employe on
.. una near Portland, fell into
iOfwtdeep, receiving but slight
East Portland saloon keeper
ii . 01..
j hose on me oaivauon
v for which ne was arresieu anu
A with assault.
p. JLffit, police judge of Astoria,
suddenly ol congestion oi me
i This is the second vacancy in
office caused by death witlnu six,
mager unniou, oi inu urai,
UhJ. has bought a lot G0xl42 feet
tine Falls, and will erect there-
bnck tlieater, inree siorius uigu,
full sire of the lot.
;W. Saunders ha been removed
i the jail at Albany to the peuiten-
at Salem. This was deemed
ssary as threats of lynching had
made at the former place.
ijtiglss county has thirty-two post-
es. Luke nets along wan nve, anu
of these, important as they are,
ive only a weekly mail, viz. : Pais
Silver Late and Summer Lake.
msideralile trouble is being ex
ceed on the new portion of4he
It O.K. between Redding and
front, in consequence of which
maW service proves quite irregular
he Sfsltle, Lake Shore & Eastern
;s.r ill have all its rolling stock
U;Wtured in Seattle, except its
'tiger coaches, and after suitable
lies csn be secured they too will
utle there.
rlicles have been tiled in the office
S( Secretary of State nicorpora-
peUamas academy, Springville,
Hill county. The incorixralors
H.R. Frszer, F. Ellis and W. W.
H'uulds. and the capital stock is
lr Rumsby, of Molalla, Clacka-
cuunty. was drowned while cross
Ike Molulla river at what is known
lieUmveyard crossing, lie was
mg catlW, and by some means was
wo from his horte and carried
n the stream.
'ne of the Indian commissioners,
;le attempting to ford the Umatilla
t, lost his trunk overboard, anu
nut recovered it at last accounts
trunk contained all tlit, papers re-
Jg to the opening of the reserva-
a, and is quite a loss.
The pension bureau lias granted
uions to Michael liealy, oi Tort'
A and Webster G. Andrews, of
swood: also increase of pensions
John W. lladkms. of I orest Grove
hM. Richardson, of Pendleton, and
'ii K. Ireirson. of Orecon City.
u Indian named iiarnaru was
ttddtad a short distance east of
' courthouse in Stevens county
is tod; carried marks of violence
!(l tad evidently been stabbed to
aw or wmc of his race. 1 he otn
wt in pursuit of the supposed
A.E. Eaton, of Union, offers a re
"d of $5,000 cold coin to anyone
will apprehend and convict the
wrer of Willis Skiff. Mr. Eaton
thoroughly convinced that Skiff
" murdered, and determined if
'Dy will cause any light to be
''"a on the m.t.tfr. to snend it
Carles Eckoff, who has been en-
W in fishing on Coos bay for
Jttal years, savs ho can do better
"ig fish than in selling to the can-
e say twelve or tnineen
Wk salmon will fill a, barrel, for
he received this year $10 50,
1 the total expense of salting is
13 per barrel. This will pay
'tf w cenU per fish, and the cannery
Poses to pay 25 cents.
Vlle Mr. Millor acroif K."i or CO
living near Farmington. Wash
fn county, was crossing the Harris
5e the bridirn foil TirormiLltin
1Do the stream below, some thirty
s killing one horse outright, injur-
i another fat allv art A Vi m a t' i r fT 111 a
to pieces. Several timbers fell
filler, cutting him about the head
; . bdy. Th tfimlra U ia
Jul if Miller recovers.
has escaped from jail.
The new iron bridge across the
Walla Walla at Wallula point, W. T.,
is practically completed.
Lumps of bullion worm t0U or
$700 are called "Montana turnips" in
the vernacular of that region.
In a fight at Downey, Cal., between
the Taylor ard Allison families, three
persons were severely injured.
Driven pipe wells are successfully
sunk at Yuma, A. T., and the quality
of the water obtained is said to be excellent.
Miss Katy Handorff was brutally
murdered in a hotel at Colton by a
man who registered as William Perce
of San Jose.
It is estimated that Lincoln county,
nr rn i . ur. iuui ..i.n.. i i- i . . -
. x., uas o.j,oiF tnvKt, unu " number, who was working alone at a
cents per ikhiiiu, tne cup oi wooi wm
mines, workshops, factories and other
places of industry. Tho secretary is
empowered to inquire into causes of
discontent which may exist between
employers and employe within the
United States, and he mav invite and
David Miller, a Scotchman, 4.) hear sworn statements from both such
years of nge, was killed near San Jose, parties concerning tho matters in con-
Cal., by tho explosion of a box of troversy.
dynamite caps. He was handling T10 anti-Mormon bill, ns it passed
them at the time, and was supposed to ti10 1IoU(te l)y Ul0 lui0ption of Tucker's
have been smoking, as his pipe was Rultxtitute for the Edmund Senate
found near tho body. bill, makes a lawful hul mud or wife
A man named Conrad had his feet of any person prosecuted for bigamy,
badly frozen while attempting to cross polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, a
the lakuna Indian reservation, on competent witness against the accused,
hi way to The Dalles. An Indian and further provides for the registra-
named Wildman found the sullcrerltion of all marnages, making it a mis-
lying in the snow, after he had been demeanor for any person to violate tho
out three days and a half, and took privileges relative to Biich registration.
him to his cabin for treatment. It annuls all the territorial laws pro
While tho builders were at work on viding for tho identification of voters
the new depot being erected at Pull- or electors at any election, and also all W T .PliilinWestAcott. one of the the laws conferring on tho territorial
court the power to determine divorce
portion of the building out of view of cases, and abolish woman sutlrago in
the other workmen, received a lall "' "-"'"""J " juuaau'a are
from a ten-foot ladder, inflicting in- prescribed for unlawful intercourse,
iuries from which he afterwards died. polygamy is denned as a marriage
T ! .1 lnl TJ II . .. t
Leslie, tne nine son oi r. Alien, oi niorn ih..n .1H t)H,Hlin f anthir
Hayw'trds, Cal., was attacked by a L,.,i : ,ilv.iUPllli i, Umv. Th
savage dog belonging to Charles Riser, inttlicini cum)rHtiona known as the
a blacksmith, and horribly bitten i.ri,nri-li c.t mImt T),iv s.iinu" mul
tho ' Perpetual Emigration Land coin-
bring $76,500.
A Mexican woman was choked to
death at Noirales, A. T. The supposi
tion is that a Mexican customs otlicer
murdered her.
John W. Clark, who shot Owen I-cg-
gett at San Jose, Cal., last November,
has beeu found guilty of murder in ftlK)ut tle face. The flesh was torn
tl a .1 ... 1 1 . ,
iiie iirsi uegree. 0,,e to the bone, iendcnng luoniliicv ...... nre (iiKaiVfili. and thn ttornev
n m...i. ft 1V,. !...., ..:.,..,. uu;i.l4 Tl.o Iwu 1 . ' ...
ueorge uiueii, iiiwi ici "'t i mm aiuiusi, iinoiun,. "" ""b""" toneral is directed to wind them ui
John Benson wera run over and not beeu captured and is supposed to tm j,mct.83 0f nie Cmula, and all
seriously injured by a ruuaway team be mad. iUWs for an organized militia of the
at San Francisco. a serious accident occurred to the territory and the creation of the
Charles Grose, a Gorman brewer, 14-year old son of A. Moran on the Xauvoo legion are annulled. Poly
employed by W. A. B.wts, at Uoulson, Little Walla V una river, W. 1. v line gamlsls are made ineligible to vote,
Montana, was frozen to death between coasting on a very steep uuisuio me and a test oath is preseiiled to all per-
ihia Place and Billini;. hoy lost his balance and tell violently 8ons desirmir to vote, that they will
Underwriters have offered $1,000 to over a twelve foot blufl", sustaining tho obey the laws of the United States,
anv tuc that will brinu iu the hulk of ruptura of a blood vessel. Heinr- and especially the law in respect to
tUu Hniivinn hriir Irom ipenntlv abau- rhaue resulted and lt is feared may crimes dehned m this and the original
doned at sea near Victoria. P lllal- Edmunds act. The bill provide for
....- pm llnnrv P. Trvinff. a well known the immediate appointment by in
vniy sixiy-nve priwiierr mo nun - w -- -.. , , r ui ...i.,.,. ,i .i..t
,.i; i i i,a nnn tfliit urv. lawyer oi Ran rraucisou, wo wmm r..,."Jr.,,u
VUUIIUV4 at viiu i i ... . t
and with the exception of two or three lying
are all territorial prisoners.
Durioflrtho last year 300 patients
were lrni il for various causes at the
hoHiial of thrt Atlantic and Pacific
Railroad, at Albuquorque, X. M.
The experiment of sending Walla
Walla Hour to China ha proved a sue-
ceo. as Mr. H. V. Isa-wg has lust re
ceived an ordei for 200 ton more.
The value of the bullion stolen
while beiut! transported from the San
. 1 1 I.!- 1 ..r nr.. ...... u...l ihiulIj an.
limcnrtlllll) On I11S DOil 111 "I tra wrauu to wui hi aim
. . 1 .... .....I it I Ik, tta i,iiiiuii. nf oil iiiutiii.iu .if Itm
room, i no gas was lurneu uu. itini iv j hb (,.! juwo
was evident that Col. Irving was at peace
the point of death from asphyxiation,
A i Dcior was callod iu. but deatn re
united in fifteen minutes, lie had
evidently left the gas turned on accidentally.
The receipts of the U. S. assay
otiice at Boise. Montana, for the first
six months of the fiscal year were 441
deposits, amounting to 13,134.33
ounces, amounting to trj.uut.SM.
sheriffs, constaples and other
county and district uflicers.
Hermann inti educed a bill empow
ering the Secretary of War to order
repairs of a temporary character in
naviaal le rivers, in order to preserve
uninterrupted navigation thereon.
There is a conductor on the Read- (
Ing road named Kiss. They say tho
girl rather like him. rtiilad'ctvhia
A peach tree In the orchard of D.
S. Blaekwell, of Cobb County, S. C
I forty years old, and this year bore
two crop of peaches.
An Iowa intmranco company offers
a reward for tho best practical plan for
a tornado cave combining security and
cheapness. Chicago Journal.
"1 oneo saw a person go Into tho
water with his noso embraced, by a
clothes-pin," says a scientific writer,
"and the greater number of bather
now protect tho ears with wool."
Tramps are so numerous and
troublesome around Santa Clara, Cal.,
that a vigilance committee lias been
formed for the purpose of driving them
out of tho country. Han PranciuO
The Pennsylvania railroad Is owned
by 1!,.'H0 shareholders in lots of from
o'no fiftv-dollar share up. The New
York Central railroad is owned by
10.818 shareholders, of whom about
one-third are women or executor of
line of tho finest qualities Is thai
nieesemoof delicacy which renders it
imprws.llo lor one to bo an intruder oi
A hnrdi voice, a ronrso laugh
mues iiko uieso navo siiuueniy spoiicc
manv a favorable first impression. The
cultivation of tho heart must bo real,
not feigned. A, 1. J'oxt.
As thv who for every slight In
lirmity take physio to repair their
health do rather impair it. so do they
who for every trille nre ready to vindi
cate their character do rather weakeu
it LdjttiM Weekly.
What he bought.
A country nicivluint tiomrlit H EE;
What did hi' purcliatto, It you plc-mo?
That s easy, lie bought a cheese.
Sun Francisco Alia.
"John, said an anxious wife,
"tney tell mo you nro running your
business into too ground. How is it?
"Maria, 1 am." "John, do you think
it pays? ' "No, Maria, tho I irhtninff'
rod business isn't what it used to be."
Fond Mother (to bachelor uncle')
Why, John, don't let tho baby play with
Pint gold toot hp. ck. Hell swallow it.
ll.ichelor Unelo Oh. that won't do anv
harm. I havo a string t ed to it, so 1
can t lose it. .ye
A lady having spoken sharply to
lr. l'arrv, .apologized by savins;: "It
is tho privilege of women to talk non
seiiMi. "No, madam, it is not their
privilego, but tiioir infirmity. Ducks
would walk if they could, but ntituro
sutlers them only to waddle." A'. 1".
" What Is tho matter with Susie
Wnlosf" asked Mrs. Snagjrs of her Ihis.'
hand. " She Is suffering from ophthal
mill, I bebevo, replied Mr. hnasrgs.
"There. 1 thourht James was wrong.
lie said i-ho had something tho matter
with her eyes. "-7W It h
" Here is a list of books to take to
the mountains or sea-side," remarked
Mr. Snooper, looking up from his paper,
"and they havo aeluallv omitted the
nio-t Important of them all." " What
hook have they omitted P" nsked Mrs.
Snooper. ' " The pocket-book." PUU
Imrnh Trlenra
Bolivian co flee m nowly introduced
into this market liie berry is largo
lustrous and, although of good flavor
is of Biii'orisins sirengtli. I'sed a
Mocha, .lava, or Kio coil'ee are, in in
fusions. It is so much richer in tli
aotivo urine plo of coTeo that its efViiet
ii non tho nervous system are almost
like delir u n tremom., It promi-H t
1 oltlua in lluyi brick.
My oiwrsiloiu will be 11 rat-clan and charge
(Nil palrvna aa well aa now one are invited
to oull.
Physician and Surgeon.
1 calla ilay or niKiit.
Okkick -I'd stalm in Kara' hrirk: orranb
found at K. it. I.ui-ki'jr & t'ua driiK atore. Utile
tioura: S to li M., 1 to 4 r. M.. II to 8 e. M.
AuMiistino mine near Nogales, A.T.,is T, 'al amoUnt previously re
t-u.wu. no cmo w cAioio. i : . .e gftne ,,enod was Z4'J ua-
The largest tree in California is in posiis.Hiiioiintincto 7.38G.85 ounces,
Tulare county, and 430 feet high, and valued at $111,502.72.
he trunk is 138 feet iu circumference.
It is called "Tho Father of (he For
The Commissioner of Indian Affairs
has authorized the issue of extra ra
tion during the winter to the north
ern Cheyennes on Tongue river, Mon
tana. Mrs. J. S. Clack of Tombstone, A
T., was fatally injured by the explo
sion of some dynamite which some
one unknown had put in her cooking-stove.
Two brother named O'Ncil, who
had been living on Salmon creek,
emptying into hnako river, uano,
were visited by citizens oi cassia
county (stock men), who hung one
of them, and the other having shown
fight was killed. A brother of the
O'Xeils, aged about 17 years, was
turned loose. It was said that they
had been engaged in branding stock
tlmtdid not bcloni; to them; hence
the visit.
The 18 vear- old son of J. O. Janicko
Dolph introduced an amendment,
intonded to be proposed to the sundry
civil bill, directing the Secretary of
War to cause aa examination to be
made of tho mouths of the Our
d'Alene and St. Joseph river where
they empty into Cteur d'Aleno lake,
with a view to removing tho obstruc
tion to navigation. -
He also proposed an amendment,
appropriating $15,000 for the educa
tion of children, of school age in
Mitchell introduced a bill to pay
$1,000 each to the heirs' of A. C.Oibbs
and to 13. F. Dowel! for the defending
Lieutenant Uoodale of Fort Klamath,
when under charges of false imprison
bj of much use in in ing with weake
colon or giving htrenrt i to adultcrat'
in'vlnrcs. V. V. 'i '
work wnrrutituit.
LatiirliltiK km ailtiilnlaturod for painless ex
traction of teeth.
Justiceof the Peace.
V nmi furiiia. . Collucttoiia lironiiitly at-
tcnili'it to.
Uksidknck - ornur Kloreuth and Huh 8ta
KuKuue City, Oregon.
ltcpnlrliiK of Watchmi and Clorkl
oxcciiIimI with auiicluulity and at a
rvtmoimblo cost.
Willamette Htrrrt. F.uxene Vlty, Or.
Practical DrnEgist I Clifiiiiist
nrunlira, l'aluta, iilaaa. Oils, lada.
PhyBlolana Preaorlptions Compounded
C. 31. IIOI1IV,
Practical Gunsmith
Kialiing Tackle and. Materials
Sewlcs MacHmes and Needles or All Kinds For Salt
Itepalrlng done Ih the neatest stvle and
Guns Loaned and Ammunition Furnished
8liop on Willamette Street, opposite Poetoffloe,
Mull Train -orth, 9:11 M.
Mull train aomh, llM P. M.
omcz houas, euoenkcity postofhck.
(ienerat DoliTory. from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.
Muiifjr Order, f r.m 7 a. M. to 5 e. M.
Itt-KislBr, from 7 A. H. U4 I'. M.
Mm Is for nortli clone .1.9:1.1 A. M.
Miiila for Boulh close at 110 1. M.
Mulls for Franklin ulwae at 7 A. M. Monday
and TlinnMlsy. .
JliiiU for Mabel close at 7 A. M. Monday and
1 MuMfor Cartwrlijlit close 7 A. M. Monday.
Ki'iint.p tiHik mi the resolution of
The hotels and lodging houses oi 0f fails City, W.T., camo to hisdeatii f,,re(i i)V uu directinir the Secretary
San Bernardino, Ual., are so crowucu fromasingularcause. lieliadsiigiitiy 0( War to exumino and report as to
with Eastern visitors that many per- cui hi, upper hp with a hncr from tj)e necity for itnprovcinent of that
sons nave to sieep on tne noor or eiv wliat is Known as me ucvii s morn, ur I iortion of tho Columbia river known
up all night. walking stick, a shruh very common a Tll0 jjnileH, hy removal of olmtruc-
It will require 35,000 feet of lumber in tho woods, llie lip sweueu rapmiy, ti Hll( a4 10 tu9 practicability and
to manufacture boxes for tho trans- and soon the symptoms ueeameaiarm- j,rouuui0 C()8t of ovorconnng such ob
portalion of the records of the mill- ing. A doctor was sent ior, uui " I struction by the construction ol a
Phipnix. A.T.. nicke died before his arrival. Uoods- Mi,,uniliiit milwuv. After a Biieech hv
T"a-r ' ..: !..,, , 'i
to Los Angeles. men comiuaiu ui hub pr.Wiuuu w...., jj((1j,n m explanation ana auvocacy 01
Tr , I j ....... n i anu irequenuy ii snug iims-eB ti,o resolution, anil a swtemeni oy
Gov Hauser has pardoned William I . ia iha , re. i;
. - t An' OUIC, truv v..o " iUltCUVU, Ul VIUK'll I" HIP DRIilO
Kempttoueris. u-iiwurw o, i.b ted o fatai consequences. lhe reo0lution weut over without
anu Viarso couuij, iuuiivi, n"" nio ., ,;,,
ior euioez- uwimuui -f i , . . . . . ,
emnhat callv opposed to eegregation unm, irom um uminmi
r Liu rnrrirnrv In lim TPPPnt til PS-
jolin levins, a recent arrival iroui lhe wi8iature now in session,
Freeport, 111., was found dead in his heayg. I would call your attention
to the fact that Idaho originally em
braced 326,373 square miles of terri
nunl-VIt lOIKIk- Ml. 11.
Vj MiA rlrsl and third Weduosdaya in each
11 eels evory Tuesday evening
unu iiviiil.A KVPAMPMENT NO. 8.
V ' siuela on the second and fourlh Wednes
days ln each month.
Vj MralM at Masonlo Hall the second and
0. u. w,
M. W.
serving a two years' term
zlement of county funds.
bed at Los Angeles. It is supposed
that he took an overdose of chloral
hydrat to produce sleep.
ArC'-dof $50 is offered by the
friends 'of Michael Bugge, at South
Bend, V. T., .'or the recovery of his
bodv. He was swept overboard from
the tug Hunter recently,
defenses, as an amendment to be
offered, an item appropriating $5,000,
000 for tho construction of fortifica
tions and works of defense.
Mitchell introduced a bill appropna
fc.rv. but was subsequently reduced to ting for the improvement oi
her present diminsions by the creation the Unipqua, between Wkton anu t ie
rr Montana and Wyoming out of her mouth of aaid river; also a bill for
.,v,in Now nain come our neich- the relief ol certain settlers upon
bora and demand more of our terri- scnooi lanu in vtasiiiiigion iuin,,
ia tli vii'hline (,f which means the Msnderson introduced a bill to
fourth Fridays ln each month
l at MimoiiIo nun menmv rum umu r,r
days of each uioutli. uyoruer. uisbmum.
O. C.
Boot and Shoe Store
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
WIU horttftM kwp a oomiiloU stook of
Ladies'. Misses1 ani Chiltlrcn's Ste!
Slippers, White and Block, Sandala,
And In fact everything In the Boot and
Hhue lino, to which I intend to devote
L-ial attention.
y-v Illll-ll nip f 'llr4KV
f thetinitand third Haturday evenlnirsat
Masonic Hall, liy order of
11UTTK LODOK NO. 367,1. O. O. T. MEETS
J) every Saturday lilgnt In Odd rrllows
U at theU. r. Cliurcn every ounun,
noon at 1.10. Visitor a made welcome.
n.;., - i,,. tr i,o lirdar hlnttinir of Idaho as an oreanized nor facilitate promotions and to retire
T " ,.4, ..v ' v . - . .. . ,.
,i fnrnitnro Qfir nf Oorpo II. Mc- tion of the United States. With the from active service on tlieir ownappu
Gear, at Townsend, Montana, took northern counties annexed to Wash- cation, officers of the army who served
r- t.a Hna inr wuii inortm Lfrriiorv. we wouiu in; uw uuniiu 1110 war ui uits icimiivii "
uio uuiu a utiLvii v siww , . rfF ... I . , i '
t.VOOO. mercv of our huncrr neighbors in years, as ollicrs or enlistcti men in
"""l'"""' -w..-, --- , - I..,, ....l... ,n.
.1 ava d wiui wnniii liiiti nrc uu i yuiuuwci ui itnuiai aimji
Edward Gahn, a respected citizen of ... 8 t j, , to T, HoU80 bi for tho reiicf 0f
Mono county, Cal., was accidenUlly .. . . .. .nnihil- Udtlera and purchasers of land in the
!. n,,..i nf Mniinfulm" ..nt.lin ililtnuin in Vldiruxka 1111 d Kail
of wood, both wagon and wood fell . ' . a period iaa waa taken uo and considered, the
upon him, causing immediate death. ,j prog.)erity ftnj wcalth, which question being on the substitute re-
SoalirKT nnfirationa off Cane Flat- have no other outcome than statehood, ported by the committee on public
'. . -f .... ,.. ,. .1 . I ........ 1. ...... I 1 1. Tl ....I.,,:,,. In anrvrmirluli'S
trv v. 1.. Deem goon. inere are nsnouiu we noi, men nuu wkouici me mnun. iut uiui ri" -
tan 1 nn.rirnn and tivpntv British I in. lovllv and firmly until in the I25.000 to reimburse purchasers, pre-
w"11""" ... . i r ' . " .. -. . . .i
Columbia boats engaged in this work, near future we enter into tno u nion oi emptors anu nomesienuers u r--r.
f i,o aTPTezale value of their catch States, not under the borrowed robes chased railroad lands that were subject
"" w' -00--0 I . ...II... .
is considerable each year. of some other territory, imi as xuauoi j 10 pre-cnipuon.
Eugene City Business Directory
BKTTMAN, O.-Drr R-ooda, clothtnif, (ftweriee
and Keawral merrliaiioise, ouiniotii
Willainctte ana n.ifiun sirucw
t'I'.AIN BltOH.-l)paler in J ewl rir. w-.tTit,
clocks and inunical InslrumnntJi. Willamette
street, between Beveuiu anu r.iniu.
t-i.icviit v a ii Iilcr In drr Bonds, cloth.
l,ii"nnil Jfiieml murchati'llie. Willamette
uir..i iniwnu Kiif lilli and Ninth.
fiir i. J t -l'livslclan and surirpon. WIllanF
ette street, betwe-n Meveutb and Kighth.
llODKS, C-Kecps on hand fine wine lliiiora,
ciKars and a pool and billiard tab e, illaiu-
elte street, oeiween j-.ikiuu a"" i'""
HORN. CHAS. M.-Ounsmith. rifles and ahot-
I.. h and muzzle liwlers, ior sale.
ItepalrinK done In the neatest style and war
ranted, fchop on Ninth street.
Ll'CKEV. J. B.-WaU-hmaker and Jeweler.
kPt-inaflne stork of in his line, muaiu
islte sireeu n r.oswurm . uj ui
ii, invv .1 VM-riinlr wines, ll'iuors
andeiKars. Wlllaiiiettestreet, between hightli
and Ninth.
POHT OKK-ICK-A new stock of sUndard
school books Just received at the poet ollloe.
tmiVFil A IIH J n UiMut. slim and catrlsire
painter. Work Ktiaranteed llrst-clase Sieek
sold at lower rales than by a ij une in KuKene.
my espeu
And guaranteed as represented, and wlli
be sold for the lowest prices that a good
article can be airordod.
A.. Hunt.
Central Market,
Will keep constantly on hand full supply ol
Which they wlii aeii at the lowest
market price
A fair share of the public patronage solicited
We will pay the highest market price for fat
cattle, hogs and sheep.
Shop on "Willamette Street,
.Meat tenrwret fc any part of the city fr
1 of charge. Junls