The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 22, 1887, Image 2

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    i4 iuMnM
Ily t Pit I oountrr stream,
W her the iurlitig whIitpi gleam,
Whore theyraaa a as wilrl and nank,
(irw!im mi the sheltered hank,
hat rumi w ih rxl in hand.
Hug nit ' inarm, r bland:
11, I wniiiItT why the Ilii
J io not li it- I wmilil with?
Hut I'll chHIi on i) Willi Una fly,
Or I'll alay hero lii; J dir."
Hummer hiidn wer aera and dead,
And the riHM' ml hl fled.
And the grai- nn Ihn hank f
All were dead nl wild arid rniik;
llul tint mmi was tl ng llmre-
Hlting W ill tliillv alKin;
All h luck went anils and gray,
Having aome hud l riif.j.rC away;
Hull In ml a a Kiio nn,
Hug ng in an tnalcrum,
An ti iimm wi-nt roiling ly :
"I shall culch Huh ir d o."
Years hud mowlv iinoi-d away
V on i In with mi-ii now old mid pray;
Madi-na now wee iiiHlroim grown, ol llii-lr own;
Mill mi old and wrinkled iiaii,
lloarr wlih I tin frnaia of air'',
limit hcni-atli tils many purrt,
fad wlih llnodsnf hrinv Para,
Hm tii.idi a curling luook
With a willow mil mill lunik,
(Ihhiik in a fo-hle rh :
"I ahell calilt a IIkIi iirdla!"
Onward llnw Ihf alli nl yrnra
Vcarant uniiiimli and id l ara;
Centuries hml inn,.,"! aaar
Hiimii IIimI in nn wiiii forili nun day
To Ihn streionlH a iiiohkv limik,
Wlo ri- Ihu Kin" wna wild mid dank,
And a at ranger. Hunting down
On tliu klri'Hiii IhHt led Ironi town,
Humid, a lii-n of loiira,
A lime ill- of hiimuii lioin-ii;
lliougti no clothing served todrapo,
Pi II tiny hud Ihf mortal aim no,
III llii' Hi alili-M hiitid llio (Hiio
HUH wan held, Ihoiiyh Ihn foul
Would ohey tlin uiorial wiali,
And m l iii t In ciiii h a Mali;
On Ihn wk ii 11 a lii-rliv hat
' l.y tempeM hr iill-ll lint;
And iii-oii ihu ihiIscIi-ss hn-ant,
Wh elt fur aifi-a wn at n-t,
Tliiirn was anaiii-d a wooden ilgn,
lli-Hrlnv luil a Iniic'r hue,
Wh eh mum niii'li tin- mranger't ayei
"I ahall a llah or del''
- ull, In .SI. Louil H'il)).
nerience of that ort of thing, don'tjoi
know, and plumod myself on baring
my tiuirnL't' examined long ago.
At the further end of the room were
a couple of ladie who were traveling
atoms One of them had a large trunk
and the trunk hod a new-fangled lock
the IntrHt of American patents. A cus
tom ollici-r wan vainly trying to unlock
till trunk, and the owner wax looking
now Rnaalaa Usurer Urind lb l-aat Cant
Out of Unfortunate Peaaanta.
Notwithstanding diligence and pluck
for Kusi'an peaaanU are wonderfully
thrifty and industrious their future it
never sure. When they can do no lict
tor when, after a bad harvest, tlie
on with much concern at tliu inefiVet- "tores of brealand fodder are ex hansted,
uul attempts. She hud tried herself, it and the taxjfatherer ia threateniii" to
(teemed, and bad been unable to open Hog them and after that to sell thorn up,
Ulhli arm snoon tlinv m.ikn nn tin. if
n tucier, agea seventy
as Ilattie Milliaon, aged
were recently married at
N. I.
How a DrltiHh CiiBtoma Offlolal Ro
fuaod a "Tip."
In the renter companion way of
motit Atlantic atcniiH-rn there ia framed
a public notice which attract a good
deal of attitnlion from the paaaengi-rN
on the way over. It ii publialied by
Uie liritixh (iovi-rniuent, and U to the
effeet that any person offering a bribe
to one of Hit Maj .ily'a cusioins olli
cialawill be heavily lined. The amount
of thU line in mentioned, either HO of
100 or Honiething of Unit Hurt. The
contemplation of tliia nntice fur nine
or Uui daya every limn a peraon got-i
up tlifoenti-r etinipnniiiii way ia calcu
lated to give that pi rsnn avervgrcat
reepeet for the uiiln ilniliility (,f tl i l,iv-
nrpiml eiistouiN ollii-er. 'I lie American
(inverumciit haa no niicIi linticcN ihlsIciI
up anywhere that I ever miw. VV'heth.
er it ia bcciiuao it is no well known that
tho Americiin ciihIoiiin olliccr never un
der any ciivniiislnnccs accepts a linbe,
or win Him-the (iovcrnniciit fears that
tho publie would regard the pouting of
uch a notice as a joke, I have not been
able Ui MM-i'i'tiiin.
I have never met any one jet who
would bribe a Liverpool customs olli
ocr. The penalty which hiwalared him
in the face during the voyage ia apt to
diaeournge all such iiltcnipts. How
ever, there are few lliinga which a per
aon could take into Kngland on which
duly ia exacted. I believe the customs
oMlceit have a prejudice against dyna
mite, against pirnicd reprint of "Kn
plish books, against tobacco and aome
thing of that nort, but, as a general
thing, the American traveler carries
iiolhlng with liliu on which duty could
bo charged.
wnr nig Meamsiiip reached Liverpool
late One lll'cllliiir luwl u. -
"Vou are not doing it rightly," aid
the ai-cond young lady. "Vou have to
iiiish this clasp that way, then turn the
key null way around, puhii tlie cl;i.
buck and give the key another turn
and tlii ii it will unlock.
Tim olliccr looked up, smiled and
bhook hi jarred linger, and I uid
" mo try tho unlockinir.
I fiillowcd the direction a well a I
could and nearly broke my fingers, but
the key woiildii t turn. I am afrai
tlie magic word I Kind were not the
"open ai-Niimu" that wa reouired.
"I am very aorrv, Indie." Haiti th
ollieer, "but I ahall have to break th
1 he 1,-ulie were very sorry too, but
tht'V maibi no iibjectiiui and the ollicct
ileiiiitet and returned with a hatchet
I his he placed under the obnoxious
catch and tried to pry it open, lint
lint lock was built very strongly and it
wouldn't jfivii way, 'Ihn "halchet
slipped mid the olliccr cut hi linger,
('nn'tyou Klretch the law a little,
mini I, "and let the trunk pa. The
ladies arc not going to stay in Kngland,
but urn iroinir directly to France. I
am Hiiro joii would liiul nothing dutia
ble in the trunk or they would have
made aome objection to your breaking
uui lock.
It wa now after twelve o'clock.
Most of the people had claimed their
baggage, had it examined and departed
ior men- Hotels.
"Well, naid the olliccr, "I ouoht
not to do it, you know, but I will
chance, it," uiid with that he put on
the requisite murk that would enable
it to pas.s out. J he owner wa vo-y
grateful indeed, and while he wu
atampiiig Hid trunk hu aid to me.
"I would like very much to five
him Hoiiielhing. How much do you
think I Nhoiild oiler him?"
"Well," I replied, "a general
thing in Kngland it's Hafe enough to
give a tip where a .service is done, out
one evening Inst summer. Tim
ruatoniH authorities penned us all up In
the aevcral rooms of a building on the
landing. Here there was a good deal
of fijHH and ahoviiig through h pussai'e
way that was very narrow, mid tCe
band baggage was examined s we
passed out. This was a very ilmv and
tedious arrangement, and it'waa nearly
eleven o'clock at night ncfore we were
through with it, ami even at tlmt t,m
the trunks bad not lu-en looked at. We
were then pas.ed up into a room which
we reached by !,. jn,.in.
elimluiig Up t, incline we ntered a
large building seeniin-lv eout-iinini.
only one immense r . ' , NV,S W"j
lighted, and the sc-ue was one whi.-l,
once looked upon a person n.mld i,t
forget in a Inn rv. On -iK ,;llu ,i,
were piled trunks, ba-s, XMIM.Hi l:lni,
atchels baggage of every descrip.
Hon. (In the lelt ran a long. uU
counter on which Hunks were liciti"
"'"''d l v tl niformcd custoin
boi.He ollleen. wImIc. bcndin.' over
their open baggage were the owners
fciierally talking , upidly to ihe imncr-
All over the roniii
the penalty here seenis to be very high,
I don t think I would rik it. Yet I
don't suppose he would object to a
shilling if it could be given him ho tbat
no one could m-e it."
"1 will give him 'half a crown," aim
aaid, "if he will take it."
"All right," I cautioned, "but don't
do it very publicly."
The lady approached and said in her
kindest voice:
"I am very aorry you havo hurt your
"Oh," Naid the olliccr, "it don't
iiiniu-r in I nit least, l iwsuro you; a
mere scratch
"Well, I inn yery much obliged in
.i i ii i i ..."
oeeii, ant! wiiispcrcii, "i hope you
will let give vou this, not a a com
peiisatioii, you know."
"Ah! miss," he returned, smilin
i i. .
nun nowing very low to her, "glad to
Have been of any aervico to vou. but.
really, we are not allowed to 'take any
ining; it is against the rules." and h
waved his hands up and down as he
aaiu mis.
Hut, persisted tliu Indv, "it is only
a very lllllo ami don't nt all come un
dcr the heinl of a bribe."
I ! . . .
i ii.sniint yon, nils, ne N.Hll, "TOII
are not iiideliicd to me for any tnim'.
' nciore, i mil only too
nappy to have Ix-cn of any service. You
ace, miss," be said, as we walked awav
alter the porter who had abouldereil
the trunk, "ollicer.s of the custom are
i. ..n i ... .i ...
i.ii.nn-n mi iHKc any mini', no
matter how small, under any cireuni
Nlunecs wlialever." And with that he
again bowed very ow to ns ml
walked with (he ladies out to their car-
"Mell. said 1. "it is refreshing lo
see a customs olliccr that will not take
a bribe."
The young lady laughed merrily.
"I am glad to hear ou say so," ahe
naid, "for I know now wo did it very
"Why. you don't mean to say that
you gave him the money?"
Hie held up her hands. They were
"I slipped half a ennvn into his hand
me urst time I spoke lo him, and
concealed u with a ib fincss that
Mneeit me he had done the
nan air
sion of ii !
I. "W
njoii urged him to take it afler
I"; had it in his hand, and he refused it
"un siicii a t tiesieriicb
he was really in posses
"KxaetU,1' she sau
neatly dune on b,.ili si,
"Neatly .lone? Well, should say
loit what a pair of hypocrites both
o. o , ,e. .. M.,rj,t , lk.niil
l.sll t It
mind to tho worst, go to the koulak nni
raise a loan. A Kiisran poasani in debt
to a koulak ia pretty much in the a ime
lix a a lly in a apider'a web, in u ix iie
win never get out of. The kon ak
the village usurer a peasant who,
having Mtriiek oil, accommodates his
neighbors abort loans nt Ion" in
lest, j no koulaks are a present
plutocracy and a future aristocracy. In
every village there arc two or threw of
these koulaks, as well a several
smaller fry who are trvin? to raise
thcinselve to the same proud position.
Jim principal character atic of this
class is that hanlne.-a of heart which too
olten appertains to ignorant men who
have risen from poverty to wealth by
small savings and severe self-sucrlice,
and being always influential nicnibi-is
of the commune, they have a great a 1-
vantage over other dispensers of run1
credit, for both landlords and mh.i::
iradcsmi-n do a brisk busine s in loan
mongcring. Loans are genera ly madit
only to whole villages, or to conipari e
of ))ciisants on the respons bil ly of the
m r. The interest charged by the lend
ers is a caution, and their bonds are
drawn with an ingenuity and enforced
with a ferocity that wouid have ma le
Mivlock d e of envy.
Jlere are a few instance", taken nt
random from auiheiitie records. In
January, Imko, a large villago in the
province of Samara Solot urn bv name
borrowed from one .Jarofi' a sum
eiiial to !?, interest being deducted
in advance, and bought from Jaroll"s
store l.'i.OUU jioiintlsof hay for the starv
ing cattle, liepavni' iit was to be made
on the first of tho following October.
under forfeit of ..',ri for every d iy of de
lay beyond that timo. The wretched
peasants were, of course, not up to t me,
but they brought the man .I.(HD on a -
count and promised to bring aim the
balance a soon as possible. Mr, Jamil
pocketed the cash and ollcrcd no objec
tion to the propesed arraiigcnn-nt and
for nearly a year he made no Jemaml
for payment of the outstanding e',0iiii.
Hut in September. 1K!. thinkin? nroli-
ahly that be had bided his time long
enough, he sued the village for the tr He
of -7,. ii() - principal anil penalty. The
magistrate before whom tho cisn was
roiight, deeming the bargain illegal
ami ineqii. table, decided that .laroil
could rightly claim no more t'lan the
unpaid balance of the loan and ordinary
interest. iut Shvloik knew the law
better than the" judge; lie carr ctl the
case to a higher court and won it, ami
as the appeal had occasioned further tie-
lay ami so ;ncrca-ei the penalty, the
court gave him judgment for ijiVi.immi,
eipial to live times the amount of the
or ginal debt, to say nothing of the
$1.' 0(1 paid on account. ( vr bun Fran-
years, an
twenty yea
living at
come tali
in Ida fve-
Aljii. of Denton, Md., aged
seveiifc-ai-yirf, married a blushing
danisePof seventeen recently, and at
the reception following the ceremony
danced a polka with ber. Jinltitturt
In restful sleep the heart slows up and
lit beau number ton law verr mluute
iu hundred iea avery hour, and In the
usual time allotted to sleep, eipm nours,
(. l .1 . 1 1. . I. .. .1 I . u .Kon k.
JfK f "nuinL-r a-ivrn In ths uma nerlod of wake-
Moran, a ten-year-'a 6-) , lulus. This means rest to that wonder-
rasa Valley, Cnl.J as 1 fell orKn, a est that restores lu poweis
blind from "cttrki;:)uilv'Ila uule" 11 ' aiscnarge us runcuoua n
mi.. .,.. ;...,: a aT s moie neauniui ana vigorous manner.
IIIJ ..imil.lllg, w - T. . . . A. ..WI..I,
. . - .i .no vaw v. ileal l umrftw niuiii ,.nv-
been cured by the use of Compound Oxv
Ken, as administered bj Dra. Siarkev &
1'alen, a e a very intereHtiui study, Ihey
all report Insomnia relieved as a bcKinuing
and then go on to tell how the pal pita t on
gradual 7 was relieved and the acl'on of
the heart became regular and comfortalue,
A New York banker whoso per-(If the action of the heart be kept up to ull
sonal beauty is a negative quality is working capacity by wakefulness the time
Kiii.I m linvn won a 1hi it uum-r l.v W. cam ot be'arotrwhen it will wear Itself
lilli VI. l.-la M , i,n ll. in,. r, ,r a
l.ri'iil .Muv. iii'-nl.
Society is built up on the basis of
men's confidence in their fellow men.
It is wonderful, Ihe extent to whVh wo
Jo trust one another. Not a hundredth
part of the numberless anil nameless
advantages of nn dern society would lie
possible but for tho pn valence of this
mutual sp rit of contiilence. This if
what makes our popular forms of gov-
nnieiit u possibility. Nine-tenths of
the business of the t me is done on
trust, and could not be done without
it. A comiucrc al pan.e ia notliiii" hot
a sudden destruction of i- inliilenc,.
1'li.s is what makes the triiilt of tie-
faultcr and embezzlers ami belravcrs
of sacn d trusts so i oeul ar. nod t'heii
nine uga nst soe'etv so cnornions.
I he ellei t of their crimes strikes at the
well lieing of thousands, of millions. :t
may be. l or the time, at least, it makes
it harder for one man to trust anniher-
I'he debtor i lasses nil over the country
are put to a il sadvanta'e. A ninoin
frost, that comes us nuiellv as the even
ing its- If. inny before morning do an
unspeakable amount of harm. It ;s the
amc w th any sudden arrest, from
w hatcv er cause of oonular eontiilon. e
Hut while ins sliio' on the fact lh it
i he t in. s arc not worn than they us,-,' I
to be in respect of In nosti- ni.o'il i.
tcgr'tv and triisiwo thiness. Int ihn !
m the conti arv, t!ie liim-s are impiov- j
i., ii nnisi i- , ,i, mm l iinii-s -ir
ting that he was not the ugliest man in
the metropolis and proving it by
producing his son. X. 1". AIhU.
There are two families of the name
of Dodd in Barton County. Georgia.
They are not related, anil interest
in them arises from the fact that one n
the families are composed of nine girls,
while the other ituiade up of
boys. p
James Armstrong, of Lou re. Can..
a well-to-do fart); j, aged eighty-lhret
years, fell in lotre with a niaiib n'of seventy-six
summers, who rejected his suit.
Thereupon he made his will, bcinieath
ing her ull his properly, and" thep.
hanged himself.
During tlie past summer a vouuj
lady at a Long Branch cottage and a
gentleman atone of the hot"l.s who was
not allowed to visit her, successfully
carried on correspondence by mean of
trricr pigeons, one of which he con
trived to get to her by the coach man.
A'. J'. Tribune.
The golden wedding of Henrv Kos-
nosky and his wife Zclda was" cele
brated in ISoston the other i-vcnni".
I he event is the second golden Wed
ding among Israelites ever known to
nave been celebrated in lioston. A
procession was formed, led bv twenty-
seven grandchildren and three great
grandchildren, in the orderof iunioritv.
and the venerable couple were escorted
to a hull, where religious exercises
were held by Key. Dr. Lasker.
ton Journal.
.Mr. Carpenter, the "Carp" of the
Washington regiment of winter letter
writers, being now in Dublin, sends
this: "The Irish brogue coming out of
the pearly teeth of a rosy-cheeked,
bright-cved Irish girl sounds'verv sweet
indeed, and were 1 a millionaire'Amcr-
ican with one or two American girl 1m
bies, 1 would come to Ireland to raise
them for the sake of their complexion.
The beauties are not, however, conlined
to the upper classes. 1 saw pretty girls
What bothers society ladies more
than uny thing else is to 'keep up with
the fashion in walking. One season a
lady will be expected' to adopt a win
ning gait. At another time swin-'in"
strides will be the style. The ilow
walk and the rapid pace alternate in
popularity. Nothing lasts Ion". If
la.slnon decrees that a woman must
make herself a perambulating convul
sion of millinery and dry goods, it is all
right. The style must 'havo its run.
Atlanta CvnMitution.
In IS 12 one thousand men formed
the Old Defenders' Association of Bal
timore, and on Septciiila-r 12 of each
year celebrated the battle of North
Point, fought iu 1M12. Thee years ago
the association expired because the live
resident members required by the con
stituMon could not be present at the
meetings. Of those one thousand men
but four ure alive: George Boss, a"ed
ninety-two; .lames C. Morton!: ninety
one; John Pettecord, ninety-one. and
Nathaniel Walts, ninety-one. llulti-
liwrt nun.
out, and the palpitation and flutter whi
cause so mucn trouble may therefore, with
good reason be f ared. A treatise ou
Compound Oxygen, giving tho mode of
action and results ol this remarkable cura
tive agent, will be sent free. Addres Dra,
Stahket & I'ai.en, 152V Arch frt., l'lnla-
aeipnia, ra.
One of their patients Iter. L. II. Morey,
Seneca Falls. V Y., says, in a letter dated
October J2 l.'Bo: ' I think Itmust be a year
or more Miiee I purchase a Compound
Oxygen Home Treatment ,and used it up.
I am confident it diil me a jreat deal of
good in throat an heart troubles; the
fluttering and pain ireouenlly experienced
iu ihe heart, have rot tcuched me for
mouths. I did not thb k of Compound
Oxjgcn for that trouble, but used it for
throat catarrh. The distressing heart
trouble has certainly left me." In a letter
dated October be adds: "With the fx
ceptiuu of a cold, contracted since I la I
wrote you, I am in perfect health. What
gratilles me most is my complete deliver
ante from pain In the region of the heart,
and irom frequent and distressing flutter
ing or palpitation of the heart, from which
l siiiiered tor years: It ased to trouble me
-o much that 1 could not sleep on my left
sine; ami frequently x would start up In
bed, and have to sit up till the sensation
nmi passed the sensation wan usually
accompanied by faintness. Aotc sfrvp
on tuiursutt, ana nave not or montM,
hud a return of either the pain or the
mtiirniiti. i used the Compound Oxygen
for possible help to lungs, throat, aud
catarrh, especially tre latter. 1 believe
the Compound Oxygen to bet nerve and
brain restor- r; at least, I work profes.
Bionally with surprising and unwonted
freedom from exhaustion.
Orders for the Compound Oxyeen Home
Treatment will be filled by II. A. Mathews.
MIX lnu-.ll Stisior U I
The Treasury Department has esta'o
lished value of coma with holes uunched
in them as followa: Double eagles, fifteen
noiiars- stiver nonars, seventy-five cents;
half dollars, thirty-live renU; quarter dol
lars, eighteen cent-; dimes, five oeuw.
It is perfectly preposterous to Introduce pepsin
and other artificial solvents into the stomach,
in the expectation that tliey will assist digestion
by acting ou the food itself. They will not.
Nor ia it possible thus to overcome dyspepsia
The only way to ooi.quer that disorder, and pre
vent numerous disease aiul.'disabilltles which
It assuredly provokes. Is to renew the activity
of gastric action by strengthening the atomach,
lloatctter's Stomach Hitters eradicates tlie
tsiiht inveterate forma of indigestion by restor
ing vitality to the alimentary oritana, and those
which are tributary to them. The liver, tlie
uoweis, me Kidneys and the nerves, no less
man uie stomach, experience the tnviKoratite
t tlecta of that standard tonic, which possesai-a
alterative properties great'y enhance its
beneficial inllueiice, and give a permanence to
its eU'ecUi which they wouid not otherwise
M. de Lessep has given $4(Xi,0 0 forgov
eniment land along the Sues canal, to be
used in the work of w idening the waterway
For '(h Atthmt
Ibroiai IMiMtrdera, use
Bronchial Troches."
Ton get more comfort for ill ..
fnn'a 1I..I Cliff-.. .1... , "OU
ZtidZ .n.nyclt
Old Matnal is taken
Palmer & Key: reneiuber this fast
The best cough medicine ia ii.-.
for (Consumption. Sold everywhere,
To feel free, pleasant and be kea!ih J
insn way t lower. reap at drugjit 1
If .mui.J 1 . v. a - v- - 1
i -iiimru nun mir r.jcn, USS )r I. I
Thonioaon'a Kre Wan-r. Iirni,.l.i. ..n "i
- "l. w KU H
This Paper Cutter Is the b-t m.i.J
priced 30-luch cutter ever olfered iol!
i..j. u
It is strong.
It Is substantial.
It Is ruled to Inches.
It Is all iron and steel.
It has front and back gauges.
It cuta accurately.
4'ula 30 InclirM. I'rice, Sljj.
Kept iu stock by
Portland, Or. Puintehh' Suppliia
Palmer& Rev. Type Founders nnd
r...i.. . '.i j
and Printing Material to Purchasers
the isorthwest. ftos. 112 aud lit f m I
street, Portland. Oregon.
You ran secure the best
terms from Palmer & Rey.
meo Star
tradexSj? mark.
Frtt from Opiutts, JLmetic and PoiM I
AT Ptal'Mirm AJa'D UcAlatHJa.
Til It 1UAKLLM A. f IMfKliBH m, RAmiORI, Bk
For Pain
Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
IMrkMrB. llniflM, liwtMcM,
fnrnln llrnt.r,
Pbirr. kiktv rf.NTa.
THI CHABLKa A. IM.ILI ltl "A l.TI IIKK. all.
fir) Penis '""J"' ft,r ar-tiaiireriptlin to the
Ud UUli We,.kl Amerleaat Karal lloaie.
Itocheater, N, Y.. without premium -"Uie
t'heapekt and Heat Weekly In Uie World." 8
llirluible' olV
were some mm hundred excited tiis
"libera running wildly hither and
tliilher trvii.,; to eollcet'their In.-...,..,.
Miiiaa uiai were marked with
were arranged In alphaMieal
..... M-citnn l (he l.uildini; were let
terrd with the alphabet painted larire
and conspicuous al,,,,,; the nuht-hsud
side. but. as theK,est majority of the
trunks had no name, the owners h-i.l to
run in .met f them. p,t,.r,
were there with their short pickets aud
numls-rcl ,-,,,, gumg the trnnls
at..t und.-r ,h wi.r-s air,.PlilM
wnl as as one trunk had been e.
aniliied it . (j,ken aav by a stal
wart coiter who culled "a cab, an.'
U place , ,
initik slsiuincil !.,,. i...
M:.lwsrt port.r. It wsa n
of Is nildctno' c,.nfiisii. .
a.s ttavel as li-hl s lossihl,. .,.
orilH' to COIIII1I-. .1 lilt I...I
illt a Vllehcl tlml ,.., . ,
i . i i icn nv
.1 ll cesNSn , Ii i v
' ,,r- and o sir.. ,
ooiii:,.., n,-, .niniii t
" .iiiir i, ,
I slw r
the p
troubles w.i..
'd .iloiii; ti jih
Tho Love of Country.
Such is love of country. Heautiful,
heaven-sent npirit! which' makes heroes
of cowards an, s..iuis of debauchees,
which sustains men in dungeons and
curries women throu-h trials which is
si once nature in art and art in nature
H things that are tender in one stron
casement. Only those who hate lost
their country know how to value it
and there is no continental nationality
which has not at son... time known,
what suhjiiiiuti in is. The other even
in the band played -tiod s;lv tl(
yuecn. and all the Hnlish rose to
tl'etr feet mid stood till tlio liual strains
"f the noble old anthem died awav
"Pn the moonlit a,r. To i. , a for.
Kn land aud to 1,4,0 a bod vol for.-i.-n
musicians bivak u,ou on" with voT.r
u national song eien the (.,-,-f.
'iiii'Vir Unions, for all (heir stolidit,
aiv n.-l proof again.i it, ami blast cm''
l 1.1 lil.c ::eitiiiL' tit. Mint i,..i
II.i'.vc.mii, ,., ,'.,:,
Sistame lu re a;td l 1
t'f the i ;,.. Ll
a l n an ti.
" companions
' 'f ! i'l 011
ne.- I
..o.i r
r hi'.Ii 1
..1. .
a' a
...I ,
1:1 il
of the I'liuinau sle.-pors .!
'v ''''' 'he I'm. rail-..1. 1
' '" ( ' v i t,. -,s tl-
'' ":' '-Hilt a few
" ' "I '-i'.i'oO, and ,va.",. i.
I"' I lio- UUi'at ,;u, ,
' ' ' "llliti y.
ig r,-,.i:'
for butler:
it were.
. as tn, y 011-ht to be. There arc too
111:111 V las, a.s unload: too lioinv m I.
icvos 111 piai es h -jli and low." 'l'!i,-t-,
n e too many caoital.sts l.i .1, f 1
by, or no pay ut nil; t,,
many workmen who can not be tnivc
out of s cl.t to do e tlu r good t:uie, r
L'ood work. There nr., too many
ix-nch-baskets it, tu, ,aw .,, j
rotten c rrltlll, tucked in out f
too milcli butter no oalmed ..
o. many m.oiile. in intoim.
eralile ways, trvng'to a irct a livim a.s
bv the skin of their teeth .iil.
endles, is.ntrivances endeavoring to
make money on the margins of 'their
tr eks of adulteration and other frauds
I here are, moreover, too many chil
dren, in ,'ehool and out of school, in
the r homes and on the streets, who -ire
grow in,- up tlie same wav; who arc 00,11-
it a"v such tr.iiiiii.iT
niasc tit, 111 Minor to lie, or create
n-t.nct for truthful.,
...I.I ! "
iiiase im in liaie to sav no and
whatever the sneaking lio
gibl.hl allurement.
A great popular movement aloi," the
1 ne of an honostv-refoim would" un-
I'Mll.tedlv ty. good t, n Al ,,j
from the top to the bottom, m-.'iit b
",v 1'"'1 . " 't- ihe-e is no on . to
whom there would not accrue i,oni it
some a.lvanla.''.. Society at I ,r
I "-"e 01 it, would uislaini, I
t ,i thk-r.H-t.f..
it'g on
in them nn
1 i,'ht
Ull.l, r the
' crv
' the
- Folks who live in tall houses had
best not make up faces at earthquakes.
Boston Jleralit.
"The siio'le scull race!" exclaimed
an old lady, as she laid down tho paper-
"I didn't know there was a race
of men witii double sculls."
We see a Virginia man has invent
ed an "anchor for fence posts." Well,
iua ne such a tiling is necessary. We
have frequently seen buovs at "ale
posts. linnliti?.
- More than four thousand counters
have been patented in this country,
and yet there are hundreds of thou
sands of men and women vet un
hitched. - .(ii-iVf t ifj'j, ti.
-- On a lirst glimpse of the sea: "As-
1 tonishing! Who would have thought
there could be as much water as that".'"
"True; and remember that you oiih
see what's on top."--I'ul-HiU.
"Isn't it heavenly ?" calculated
Mis (iitsh in r'-leiene .'to M i,s pedal',,
performance 011 the piano. "Yes," r, .
plied Fogg, --it is in 1 1 heavenly. Ii
sounds like thunder." ,'::,tn i'nins
cnjtt. "I Climb to lies.," is l,m.v I,.,,-,
coin's lairs; poem. The ditlor. nee lie
tween Lucy and oiitsclf is that we
climb to ork. Our sanctum is on the
third floor. Climb up aud sco us,
Lucy. - '.i ici.iV l;rcr:e.
"Oh. Frclldie. you inustu't dig any
deeper! Our teacher said the Austra
lians lived right down through the
ground, and what would papa say if
vou should let them right into our ear-dcn?"-.V.
Y. Telegram.
Fond Fathcr-"Mv Uiy is ginr to
be a groat man. He'u always read-
in- something. 11,. will make
smart man some day." Visitor
ooy) hat are you nling now?
Fne Pi-,-.
ou can't.'
- I' ic A'k.i Lid ans
'ull b.-ard.s iiicii and
I lie, ;-r, at !o,e
. ,11- t.i.i g .11 oils or eontr
n o , r, tond of tho r women
arc sa'd to Is
Cood wr',e:s.
Lr imin.-, : ..
. arc
--"Can you tell me. mv d. ar," said
a ben-p,, k,.,l husband tJ his scol,iiu.r
wife, "the diircrcnce tH-tweeu your
mouth and a coiirt-hou.sed.Htr1" -'-No
sir. I can't." "Well. then, vou had
hotter have one or the other "of them
Cioscd so mat oilier people can tell the
uiiicieneo. even H
man tmlci t'.aent.
--Pream and dream -
Drrsmor. sa,. will vmi .!. ..t ,
i 11 a laiid nl .,-,., .ir,iine.
"ws . r ,i,i 1, I,,,,,, ,p v, .hi,,.
psaers i tnl . o,,m.
- I'nuft 11.,,;,, .',
Vrs. sret 1,p. e'! u
". 1 un- , rii.'.,,, 01 f I..,.,
pates. 48 oolumua. 16 years old. For One
wouar you hava owe choic rrom over ISO
ditli-ront Cloth Bound Dallar Volaanrn.jtD
10 saw pp.. and paper one year, poal paid .Hook
poetntre. IV. Kitra. 30.000 honka irican
tfMnuiiK them are: Law Withsut Lawyers; Kain
lly (.yclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia: Farmers' and
Mo4-khreedf-ra U.ildii: i.on.n.nn Ha.imaIi, Pii.
(try Yard: World I'vclnnedta: ranlnn'. oll.
(i,o voiuiseioi; wya l aeral raaUmea; Hva
li-ra Before the Mast; i'eoplea History ?
cniien istaiea; unlTeraal History of all Na
I'lioas; Popular History Civil War (both aides.!
Any onk book and paper, one year, all post
paid, for 11.15 only. Papar alone, 6Ac. Satisfac
tion guaranteed on hooka and Weekly, or
(money refunded. Reference: Hon. C. H.
1'AKHONs, .Major Rochester. Sample papers, in.
Kl'KAL HO.MK Co., Ltii.,
without Premium. 6 Jc.a year! Kih.hksi'h.N.Y.
Job Press is the strongest. Registers
accurately, at hih speed. Is the easiest
running press in the market. Is sold at
a figure within teach of all. Has patent
throw off and chase-hook. Talmer & Key,
i ortlaml, have all sizes on band. Is made
in two sizes -si2 and 10x15 with throw-
otr. For sale by Palmer & Hey at prices
that tiofT competition. Address Palmer
& Iley, Priuters' Supplies, Portland, Or,
It is said that dyspepsia is our national
malady. Well, Hhanhuktii's Tills will
cure the national malady.
It is said that constipation Is Ihe curse
of our sedentary lif. Well, HkandkethV
Pills certainly cure constipation.
Il Isp-nerallv conceded that rheumatism
comes from. acid stomach ami sudden
changes of temperature. Hrandkktu's
l'll.l.s have corrected all this and wi.i do
11 again.
tbromc diseases are cured by taking
."u iu luurui nuA.MiKhi 11 8 111.1.8 every
. .., ,ui a iiiuiilu.
The Leading sad Reliable
Of Portland, Oregon
(Cor. Flnt and MurriiuB Rtai.
Cents ffZfS&AZ
Length of Culling Edged, J Indira. (i'ab Ajipl'd lea.)
Carefully made, well Bnlnhfrt. eitjea cuiLnm, aa4
hard as aloel, e,ual l ths atrl (Kwlt In eutMai
liulltin. Wu g.iaruitre thrm to he tw'lully ai io3
v,On-mit eipcnuOi-articln asRUKK 4B
," B,.1I M(.tstr. opp. I'alac HnteL 8.K.
Uei buulrs Too!. Hardware mi. I Marlilnrrr
r'7n r'csl nmi tin a iiiniiniTni,
.kCAPciTY j i tiMLuiun inuuoHiua
Rneeeaarnl Harblne Haa
SOold Medala, 1 Rllrer M.dal,
anu io r im rrctmuma,
iATmrs 111 yin nt tm
Price, rjo.oo.
tf Hend fm lame Qaittrated rirnilu and m. Km
you umjgotan lucabalur 1KEE.
Addrwa, PET ALUM A LNCVBATOB 00. .Paatlmaa.
Irish May Flower.the king of discoveries
y. . I AND !
-are cured by-
'I II Ml
W hen-
lu llleiU-l.
A 11. 1
a. 1 1 e,n-.,.ti un Hwitp'tf
it 1 ( ..;.
I Infantile and Hirlh Iluniora, for allaying
itching. Burnia aud Inflammation, for curing
, .. v in, ,,',ii,,uiniu MWUM, f Wl HfcSlH, Jtiik.
Crust, Hcall ileaa, Scrofula, and other Uihertled
kin uiii uits sj aiseaaea.
CCTU l'Ra. the great Skin Cure. and Crricriu
oae. an eiquisile f kin Beautitier. externally
and Citici-ka Kksolvkxt. the new Blood Puril
Her. IniernallT, are Infallible.
Cl Tici Hi KKMitnikSareaheolutely pnreand
the only infallible Blood i'uririera and Skin
Beatitiltera free from (snaonoua ingTelienta.
bold every hrre. i'rice,l'lTHTRA.Suc .: Soap
I Kk-s..i.vKST.L iTepared by Uie Porraa
In.' U AMU HKIHC1LC, Bohtom. JUs.
I - ' rt 'ur "How to Cure Skin lnseases.
i'K AiH a. I'terine twins. S)renes and
r. -A eakn.-e issAli!y cured by Ct Tlci KA
'f'VAxTi-l,AiN Plvstkr. Warranted, tic.
hHKrTnsic, ild and rv
fcS.errmcdT. It not a dnnm
rniif! rwtsitlia, i t
Vuije H'.0i4f,
LP 1 sense1
1 M IU Wkt t--W
il iuwi .1: w '
I 5
1 r
1 p
Itlamorahiahly refined than any Halt
ra. I
It ia f ra from lima and pan acalsa, main
harmful inaredianta found ia moat bait aa ra
biiim : inareiure, 11 la in aafeat to aa
noaifling. Itia the atrongtat. aad aitagVUMr
the atoat aotnomicai.
It diiaolTea Tery eaaily, therefor doaa sol
apoil butur by Ut gritty paruciaa.aa of un asp
paua with othar Bait.
Cjmia.m Halt ia too riaky for anybody toaa In
making ttnttar. 'lharsxireotfamiliOTUMaoIiaiia
Oaltoa tour table that they can afford to gal
that thai ia th moat bmlthr and the beat
H0LMK8' KXTHA Blf-TED BALT ia nmi ky
taj 1 baat dairymen in California, and aaa asTer
fail ad to pleat batter than aay other kaaad
wnniTr riot.
Paca4 ut B. 1 aad Mpoaa4 Para Llnaa la:
SUA In a ioiind Oatuo Kaaa aad Cartnnt
Ui karlag Ihl hrmad fraa ymr
c k. WBrnii at r.
Faeto Oaaat Agaala, 101 aad 101 California Sine,
lam Pruelae.
(7. die G.
Wn car (vith earr) fht a-nrat mw In tre to sert
darm. Ka-h h..i rantaint a yrartical trearia on ar
ai diiaaia, with roll tnaarucuga tut acj-eura. i
i"tr Pric,ia.
J. O STEELE, Agent,
33 Market StrMt. 8i Franetaoo, Ca.