p sCHOOLANDCHURCH. j rt, corner tone of a now chapel I uiiiin Welsh Mountain, Tonn l-pecu. . ii, ..,,! This will be the first rclisrioua it t encouraging to soo that tlio lfc . I.. .tnn la liii.i,ifli)ii .jjltioll 01 uiiucoiivu i' ......i.tuS Jrih Carolina, wlicro tun years n;o """ - ..., f .H i V.tf ll.n , L , .rnunil.4 ISKtlli.llOli. wan u "u ""r" . th Methodist Conforonoo ro- . !.. ii..u;n c!t U';ii;..,., -ll COS 1" '"" """" Arthur cave toward the - nf a new buiMing on the 0U Collego proundi at Belfast. re young women may be edticiitod, Sneeringcntios say camp mooting rrts do not hold out If they hold . i..n enousrh to go to boil sober . .i.BnH-fil condition will do tliera j It th'T break down after a while ,ltone.-.v. a. rn redTneo to H irvard stmlents. i .1 H ircriiHOIl iieoiiiros iiiuir saniest. i i it . . iiinn wiiii iiu.i n ' i' i in ti Of TOUIIj; ----- rs- .'. mid is cood at athletics has a II J' ' . " i .:.. i: .. :..i. Btteri'lianeeiorpopuiiui iuuu min . -I .t ., nkit vnlinir i,,,,,. ,1)' how au"1 " j"'" irweihle manners who excels at his jjes?ni'M Ohscrcer. ii .1 . i - rn R-Hoti. William .uo.u.wr. or jo- n irivnu t io ivi ,c s;s i v nniuia .iher i'i'),itOJ for educational pur t They sav up there that years . h lve I dio'iihv nnd clung to it, 0, he was lllilliceil io unun a liiro ami imir pin .a i a,ih mill now ho irives like a man ra.;in out lire profoiuully in ea: l:ici;ini majwin Meruit, Rcy. E- P. Hammond is holding t.tincta ( lirisliania, Norway, in a t tall which is crowded night after i it, ihc uesire oi mo pcopie to near truth is so great that tuoy are re- Mitto leave at tlio closo oi the ices. Mr. Hammond considers a the most remarkable meetings he held in Ins long oareor as an evan- ;st -At Port Townsont, Ore., Mark Ten , Chinese missionary, converted and uilly educated by tlio Methodist ,coual Church, has opened a school l uff his countrymen. He is unu.su- intelligent. has renounced all con ions with the tlowery kingdom and timsm, aim nas vory goou coin 1 J of the English language. He is lirnest Christian youug man, and nthusiiistieally devoted to the civi- iionof his race. Chicago Herald. Dr. Smith, pastor of tlio First lodist Church in St Paul, found a ;of men paving the street in front s church ono Sunday morning. Ho d them to stop. They did not n he said that they must stop, and t on. too. It they did not, ho would a complaint against each indi- .1 workman, and see that he was ted and punished for breaking the ,itli day. At this the pavers took eir tools and quit work, and the .'Ctic pustor walked into the pulpit readied with great fervor, saving lie course of his sermon, that he ised to have Sunday observed in ofhUclmrch if not in any other A St. Paul. St. Paul Globe. UUSGEHT PARAGRAPHS. ho money was spont foolishly lewonu would be out oi work ye. .Vew York now they sell scrap st three cents a pound, and the its it is wholesome. 'he Tounsr lady who can peel a in live seconds is as useful as oiini woman who speaks live 0"es is ornamental. l'rairie Far- man In New York advertises to it'e pupils to play the accordion lessons, t'ruuo in that city as- n;inv phases. Norrmown Her- lr. Smith eone abroad. Mrs. "Yes, he is visiting Canada Wtii." "Ah. what ailed him?" 'was a weakness in the spinal not his ledger. "M Y. WttncM. "lilt compliments: "Ho "How 'J like Signor Hilkinsonios Beautiful, is it not?" She 'n't think so. I prefer yours, 'en, you . know, 1 am neou- -lmli Punch. K'You are holding that umbrella niiij side to protect you from She "I know it, but there Irea.lml Miss lkiggs. ami 1 in- t to s.'e my new bouiiet."- fnt I'reiK. Vhen I have a cold in mv hei 1. very dull and stupid, r.- wm:in in nublie. "i o ; CI''M, then, sir," rcplii'd : u ''email, "for I don't renn-ni r '."in? you without a cold m u -..V. Y. Tefeqrnm. IJCKY DRY GOODS MAN. r Valencia, who presides hosiery department in Keane dry coods store, is a firm be- J -tf there is good advice in the ' "If at first you don't suc-7- again." And that he is mg is eviueiiueu at after wooine the Goddess e for years, she smiled uion 1(ie last dra win a r,f Tii T iryand in consequenca - -".Her man when lie pur-0le-fifth of ticket No. 48,000, the second capiul prize of ''lenciawas hannv nn.l -mil- wrday afternoon wlipn intir- ncerning hi8 ROod fortune. ecu nr m in t k a T.:.;.inA v 7 ever mon for yeMrsly v'encia. n.l Vnni.i ,rA " fgood lurk when I learned a prize at last. But t3 in gold coin for - ( Monday, I began to re 14 fortune. I wan able to ,anwith cood Brace Thanks- ftJt Said h "an,l nl,..T J omes I will count in the lnt little Christmas pres- ''anciMo Col., Choukle, BLOODY faERONIMQ. Adrentum or IU.1 ImlUn Who I.onr V Deluded the lulled Hiittet Army. United States Indian Commissioner Atkins speaking of (ieroniino, the ffiirr rilla Apache Indian Chief, who p-ivntlv surrendered to Geuerul Miles said: "There has not been such a warrior ns Geroninio fcinee the days of l!ob Hov. lie has Mib.sistcd on tlio roots of tin desert and the serpents of the mountains for neaily two years. He has been his own commissary and chief of transpor tation; he has worn out an army, and ho has kept a vast region of count'rv in ter ror, l'art of his lime he hits keen rt ouii'ied and sicK Hi barharious hero ism and endurance are un.siirpu.-sed ,.. auy thing in history. "There are a good many points about this wonderful campaign that the public at largo are not fanul ar w tli. The re volt that has just been brought to a close by this capture wasstarti d iiy a woman, the wifo of Chief Maligns. She is a woman of gieat force of character and strikingly inHleetual for a Sipiaw. .She planned t!io escape and urged tlio band to desperate deeil. Sim was the .loan of Are of the Apache race. The cseiipo of (icron ino from Fort Ajmcho look 'place on May 17. 1JSS.". With him he took .".I l ink-. 8 boys and ill women. They traveled l'-'ii miles l.cfore camiiing, ' and their liiiiie:s were hot upon their tracks, but thev didn't get in sight of the In d.niis. V'or hundreds of m, les this clia-e was kept up until (ieroniino was in ihc fatness of the mountains. Finally, af. U r a desperate caiiinai'Mi. he wxs'eim. IhimI by General Ciook. hut was held onlv one night, when he ( s -aped :ij:i n. A lew (lavs alter ibis e.-cape he return ed into the fort with four tuick. an, I. sei. ng a white woman, told In r that it she did not tell him where his wile's tent was In would kill her. The woman pointed out the siptaw's tent. Geroni nio took his wife and was again at large, having accomplished one of tlie most daring and heroic de.'ils ever re corded. Now that he is captured after such a desperate chase. General Miles w, 11 take good care that he does not again escape. It would be a rellection upon the general that he will take good care not to have it occur if this des perado should again get at large." At the Indian olVice the history of th s notorious liidii.n was fully looked up. His name, spelled Froiii'ino. first occurs in Agent Hum's report of the San Carlos Agency in ISTii. Mr. Glum writes at length in that year of the re moval of the Chiricahu.i Apaches. In April a band of flies' Indnns attacked Sulphur Springs Station and killed two men. Messrs. I'ogcrs and Speiiee. The same hand attacked the ranches of the Km San Pedro, killo I one man mi l very badly wounded another. A com pany of cavalry went from Fort Howie to pimili these murderers. They pur sued tuciii sixty miles and had a They killcd'no Indians and returned in May. Six of the Inricahiia Apaches were removed to San Carlos. The name of the Chiricahua Indians had been a terror to Arizona and So nora for many years previous to this. .Many graves in Arizona marked tlin n still" places of their victims, and their aids for plunder and murder were con tinued until the very day of their re moval. J ho reason for their removal w as that they could be managed belter n the San Carlos iiffcnev than in the mountain fastnesses. M this time the tribo numbered live hundred able warriors, well armed, hravo and exoer onecd. Thev had de- lied the army, and had invariably hoen successful in all engagements with our troops. Gcticral Kaut,, who was then in command of the Department of Ar izona, cent twelve companies of tthe Sixth Cavalry, two companies of Ind an scouts and a company of Indian uo- 1 cemen to Apache Pass. The Indian scouts had a small engagement with Chief Taa, who commanded the Chiri- nhusn, luitTaza and his tribe, when they ndi rstood what was desired, voluu- te -red to go to San Carlos. About sixty nutans under Juh and Geroninio ran nwav into Sonnra, where their home had formerly been. Thev soon t red of remaining in Mexico, however, for they received no rat'ous there, and so came back to the United States. On September 2. 1S77, three hundred Hot Springs and Chiricahua Ind tins ml lenly deserted San ( arlos. Jhey were pursued and thirty of them cap tured. The remainder went into New Mexico and began to kill and pillage t iers. After a Jong campaign thev wire captured, out while being re turned to San Carlos as usual about one hundred made lhe;re cape tothe moun tain. A long and expensive campaign tollowed. The Ind ans were finally worn out. and cann back only to again escape, tins t me to the fcan iwalc .Mountains. II ashtitilon Critic. Individuality of Animals. The individuality of aivmals is not s'i'- hVently considered. Hence too much .stress is laid upon the performance of individual Ciiws as a test of the charac teristics and value of the breed to which thev belong. The fact is that there is about as much difference between tho individuals of a breed as there is be tween the several breeds, and the indi vidual is constantly changing with the d fferent periods of lactation, and from vear to year. This change can be Seen in, both the quality and quantity of pro duct. Hence, as.de from this general pppearance, the characteristics and value of hiiv breed of cows can be prop erly judged only by the performances of a large n niber of such cows under well known natural conditions. Uund Sew York cr. Unconscious Veracity. Patriotism is always admirable, how ever awkwardly it may express itself. An Irishman who visited a mcnago erie saw. amongst other animals, a .Shetland pony of the . mo-t diminutive size. "I rckon now, Miney.yoii never saw Filch a IcetJe, small. ti iniuo jt.ve Loss as thet one afore, hcv ye?" Y,s" indignantly, "in coorse I have. In Uied onid Iiclamf I've seen a ony as lilt 1 as two av him"' Yuu'Ji itoiiijuinuit. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Lord Rothschild sent Mmo. Tatti, t a little present, a papcr-knifu of blonde tortoise shell, "the handle and the' name of Miue. 1'atti ouo blu.e of diamonds." Georgo Jones has a son Gilbert, who is superintendent of the machinery department of the New York VYim 0f Jlce, with a salarv of ten thousand dol lars a year. -Harry Durant. of Atlanta. Ga.. is Mich a bicycle enthusiast that he arose in his sleep one night recently and rode his machine live miles into tlie country and back before sunrise. An Indian boy passed through liis maick, 1. T., some days ago, who had three arms and three eyes. His extra arm was between h'is breast and shoulder-blade, and two of his eves were on the right, but in different dockets, while his other evo was in its proper place. Chicago Infer Ocean. Fifty-seven years ago, July '27, the mother of Nathaniel Kcene, of Turner. Me., was buried. Mr. Keene remem bers the rain on that day. Since then he has noted each vear tho return of the anniversary of the day. Out of the lifty-six July 27 ths since then liftv three have been rainy. Ilorton l!lole. Two old soldiers recently met at Sioux Falls, 1). T., who had never seen each other but once before, and that once was at the battle of Gettysburg, where one of them wore the blue and the other the gray. At the time of their lirsf meeting they both were on the advance picket lines. Chicago Mail. It is stated that r. A i:wstv follllil one morning in one of her slippers a cold, little, slimy snake, one of six sent the day before to her scientific spouse, and carefully set aside by him for safety under the bed. She screamed: "There is a snake in my slipper!" The savant leaped from his couch, crying: "A snake! Good heavens! Where are the other five?" One of tho oddest characters in Boston, Isaac It. Swatelle, better known as "Yankee Doodle," a nick name that ho acquired by invariably whistling that tune while marching along the streets delivering to his cus tomers the boots and shoes he had re paired, died recently in that city, lie advertised himself in this way and made it pay well, for ho accumulated ouite a fortune by his industry and dabbling shrewdly 'in real estate. The last years of his life were spent in a house ho had built at a cost of itvO.000. Boston l'oxt. There is living near W'hitesville, Harris County, Thomas Harralson, whoso wife eleven months ago gave birth to triplets, two boys and one girl Cleveland, Hendricks and Queen Victoria. These little ones were healthy and vigorous and grew rapidly. A few days ago all were attacked with cholera infantum, and last Thursday night Hendricks died, Friday morning Cleveland, and early Friday night Queen Victoria, only thirty-live hours from the death of this lirst to the death of the last. They were buried at W'hitesville in one grave. Macon (Ua.) Telegraph. More aggressive than usual: Agues Mamma told you that you were not to go to Hessy's house. Sallv I know she did. but i couldn't help it. Agm s Couldn't help it why? Sally Be cause be-causo -Satan tempted mo. Agnes Then you should nave put Satan behird jou. Sally I did blit he pushed rae.-ite. Soon tol 1 Little bojr, I'Hront'8 Joy, Took thecolio I'Hri'Korlo. 1 loctiin) came Without number. Hoy dieil xame Cucumber Chicago Tribune. Young Fenthcrlv (at a late hour): Really, Miss Clara, it's very annoying, but 1 had it on the tip of my tongue but a moment ago. I was about to nay to say- er singular, but it seems b have escaped me. Miss Clara (com ing to his assistance) - Fossih'.v von were about to say "Good-night,' Sir. Featherly. .V. ." Sun. Over 6,000,000 PEOPLE U3 FERRY'S SEEDS sis ill- K:---Vlr.v -.. ': D.M.FERRY A CO. rt ftdmitteaioMUw LARGEST SECOSMCN m tht tettrld. 0. M.FERRY ICQ'S SEED ANNUAL For 1887 will I mailed FREE to all amilicants. ami to ItHt RB1UM Ul'l Vi wumiui ir ii during it. A 7 M.Kvrrvprr. ton uaina (iur rftt. Held or ttni f or it. A dl rttt O.M.HRRY fcIO, Detroit Mich. MtM (.rrMM A"tk t'r mtrn miuu flM M rilu u itM wurn em. ib.ur ib- N Ifwubl lv: '9reu rim all hw. f.U. J rtoi mmi Ik M nti'mi. rrt Wrtl Ufl E 11.00. f lrncflt. or T u.11. R.mpja KIH'IK ln I'limn. Oil. K. M HlfKM V M. P.i.l.-vrl.ii. H If A riTfTT'fT) with IR. Biin HkAK I Br.AKrToMi', r. it- - - 'iii i 'j Itnot(lri-u'J e f CP1 m-m ' i" ,,ni v-a a. t' ImmSR i, .An(hit Tj2m mh, run LONG LOAMS it r fkuir, l au fctjv, ft. J. ti. Uardaer, tltdlBi, LrlHCibt.AU. u. A Woman's Gratitude. i h i' n (VTT"f'if.,S'"""lr"V' wrln: "When I lm,l ns.1 lir. I'li.nv n ',ivoiito PrtKcrliitlim1 om; w.vk. I cum w,.lk .l v,t hl. , j..r- "l. ami I (s.ulil m int.. ,, wK.n uml ml,, two . .'i tooiv my iirmhlHirs. Iw.l ,. 1.1.. ... .. . ,? lout 111 ti e door-vim r. - V ..V.:'' "i " ". K. tli" ' Kavorlt.. !'r.-M'rtHi.m 1 two w.vkn. I r,Nt. In n waKn t. a n iI.h.; my ii.-1mtIiIm.i-h wi all mirpriN to . Ui anVl ui Hlmiit ami hi-hnuir to du my Imiiw-wnrk. nflr do lorloil wli i III rieoii of the b.-l hyrUn w V"t.l.l R! 1 -and tin' hud om. told my husli,in, tmt wnuld never In- alM to do my umiKeworli any moiv. 1 am thankful to mv (!imI tlmt I wnito M ymi. for 1 had sunVml tr.nu tViimlu Woakuctw' unlit 1 had uhniiKt irlveii un hi d.wpalr." I Marvelous I Benefits. Terrible Pain. pleti'ly, to my un at jny.' ulveii up hi thwpulr.' ..J.lrs-.,V- F" n-eox. Pilcwhhitt, S. V., wrlti: for tlvo or nix yeaea 1 had Im-.ii tmdlv tmiihlml with female wciikiuna and terrihlc luiinH nenwH the Kinall of my Imek mid pit of the Htomani. Ilint liottle of Dr. I'ienvR Favorite l'1-.m-Hiu '' ' a.'t.il liko a i-liarm. and eun-d mo iiin. Hot. 8nNrr 0. Pavir, (7nf n, JflrM(xtti, writ. r " I wlnli, In thin letter, topxpremi my irrntltuil for Mik. Davla and mym lf for the irn-al itihk! which ha Ix-en iiccnnplishi'd In lierc ly the uw of your proprietary ni.tlU-ini-n. Whin Khe lx(mii to take f lli-lll. In .lillilliirv hiMf. hIio ihiiiIi! mil 1.11. dure the leant Jar. eould walk but a very f.-wle at time, and eonld may up only almut thirty minuted at a time. Now nhe not only mtM up almost tlie entire day, hut can walk around, mil on her neiKlilMirH. two and thrtt block awav, and not feci any Injurious cifcct at nil. Wlirn we coiiNider Hint he bad kept her ix-d the irrciitcr part of the time for four teen months, nnd would low re pcnti-dly the iidvanix- he had made, her pniift-ns now mriiii niarvelou. We had nlinoHt loct (tinfldcniv in medieal praet it lonerM, and advert iw-d rcm.--diea, but have found in yonr Dr. I'lerce'i 'I'avoriie rnmriptlon ' and 'l'lllet1 the nun wineii wo M iievu will uriuir atiout a recovery." Bed-fast For Months. proM-rtlei needed. complete and tlual TREATIN6 THE WR0N6 DISEASE. ' Kru"'i.! :"!ily ''.y.MjiiM. ono with dymH-ia. another with palpitation, anolln-r with baeka.-he.or cor iimX 'T'"' "'""""'-'"lv.iiid their, asx.oimr and uidilfen-nt ll svmnt mi" , s ,1 1 ! uch. i., n.m nality. t hev nro ' hi a" v bmi a "V "Vl,l'l"n ta If.'"''"11" '" ! cause of auir.-rhw. h- enc.ainni.-M 1,1 pra.-thw , ' l.r -e m X ;.r.lm il I. .1 . V !", 'i"'"'1'; '"' ,,ru,'a 'lv w"m' f"r ,h" '"atmi-..-, and oilier compl ,-alio,, oloij "l mis ry would perhaps have entm-ly removed the dis-.-aso. Iheivhy inslitutiuK comfort Instead Doctors Fail "I'cmalo WonUnesi" 'urcd, Mr. Swiui A. l.ovm.V, Um-niitU. .Mil l- (,.. mm, wrilea: It. . I'lKKiK, M. D, I km- Sir - Havlim Ikh-ii ill a tiuinlM-rof year, and ImvIiik tried in um aimost c I"" ,' 'ivitiisi-ii n-misiv, us wen an ha inir paid t"""MM n,l'W ,1 Itnmli..,.! ,l..llN . I I .l7..i. j , . . V ... ,mii imill I'll 11 Hill. without benefit, I was finally indueetl to consult you. Vou ad j Ipih ino to semi Tor your meilii-ini-. 1 ae-ordiiiflv w-nt for von r Misllcal AdvlT,'ix iNitll-w or vmir Mini, ten Meilical Dlsisiv'ery,' Pixoryoiir'Kavorile l'n-eriptiiiii,' and mx vials of vour ' I'leasa'ut 1 uivativo Pellet.' When I llrst iM-iran iisiuir the'so I could not B'and on my feet. In ninety dav I could walk a mile, and do hitlit housework; whilst in six months I was i-omplclclv eiuisl. uud my health ha remaluisl arfeet ever aintv. I retsimmeud you and your iiHslieini- when-ver I irn. and loan your 'Ad viser to my frlemla. Two of our most prominent physicians who navo read your (Treat work 'The People's Common Sense Medical Advisor," iroiiouuoo It tho boot family iluctor laaik tluy liavo ever soeu." Mm. rAnoMNR Tivnts. rornrr Dilr nnd Arfwtt SticftM. Halifax, . S write: "Dr. It. V. Pikihk, I ttmailr ,l,....l. I ' ' ,.,,,,m ,,i'u ii I iiiiiisiiiiii LIIHI1S l'"r ,h" r,'i','r V"llr vnluiilile inch, till', the nunnd. I 'ravorlte Preseriotlon' ami 'Pellets' Imv., Iv..n me. I nm nerfectiv (s.insi of ehronie sl. kni.Ks that had troublisl mo for years. Iliiw mv heart I oicrtlowisl with Joy Hud (rratltiido towards you, my tonicim etui never cxpi-es." Mr. T. H. PvrrKKOON, of 7i'fcKirf, f. y., had siilferiHl for three year from "female weak ness." wa irn-atlv emaelatisl and " all run down " a she expressisl It, and Dr. Pierce' "Favorite I'rew-rlptlon" and "(lolden Medical IHwuvery" promptly cured her, an they have thuusauds'of All Run Down." similar ctiH. "Da Likewise." Mih. U. V. Mono N, of .Yriciiill, f.inrofii i., .lliiiin-, Riys: "Five veai-s iiiro 1 was a ihiailliil sufferer Iiinn iiterini- troiillc. Ilavlnir ex hausted the skill of Ihn-o physician. I was onin plcti lv tliscoiiriiKcd, mi, I so weak I could with llilllcllitV cross llll roii'll lllom, I iM.lrni, liilil,,. Favorite Prescription' a'ld usinir the iiK-nl trnil- In liis 'lomuiou Sense Medical AiIvikt." III tlTlHI uinulh I wms pr- niiiee. wnae ft M iter to Dr. Pierce' incut rcconinicmli-d I commenced to Iminove lit oius. frrllil riifnl, and have had no Iroutili my family phiht, hrlctly mcnlinnltiw how mr hinlth bad Ki n ivsttm-d. and nllerlini to send the full p-iHiculiim to any me writ ing I no lor fhcin, uml iiuiwiii); a stmiiprd rm'flnpf or irpl. I have reci'iv over four hundred letter. In renlv, 1 have dc erilsl my ease and the treatment used, and hiive citriu-scly adii-d t hem to 'do likewise,' From n Kmit many I have re ceived second letter of thank, statluir that Ihcv hud cuiinienisst the line of 1 Favorite Prescription.' hud sent the jl.ftti reiliml for tlie ' Moll, nil Ads isor.'nud hail applied the local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were much Is Itcriihvudy." Mr. ItExitv Pattf.hson. of AVip Vorllt City, Willi's: "I had liccn iimier an eminent phv- Bi. ,.,.. n.,.. ... ..1..I., ........ I. d i..m -.1,.. f... p. c ,,,- ,.,,,i,i,ii. io, nun, iw MlPTlKF I called 'spinal discus.-.' I became worse, during llllttlilnL. I all flilu time. when, elliillelnir to Ms, u .miiiv ail Dr. I'lerce Mi dical Adviser at the rcslilcliiHi of n friend, I read that part devoted to 'Woman nnd her Diseases.' I soon iH-caine convinced that my disease wa a uterine iiffivtlou, which, a you say, caused s"iiil)i(tlr back ache, Inward fever, in'rvoiimcss, and ireneral dehllity. 1 com uienced the use of Dr. Pierce's 'Favorite l'rccrl'ition' and 'i lolden Medical Discovery,' npplvhnr also tlio I. Mill treatment, which he recom mends hi Ihc Aili'uer, and lu tlirco uiontlu I wiui well and slinnu." generally. Dr. Pierce's Favonto J Hot i "Cure-all" OVBR-WORHjBD women. For "worn-out," "run-down," dchililutisl sehiail teacher, milliner, iln-cs-makem. in neinl lioiisi-kis'iH-in. uml m-cr-worke.! u ices l'livonlo Prisiription id tuo last ol nil restorative tomes. llr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription Is not u "Cure-nil," but iiilmliiilily fulfills n sinKleiics (if puriKwe, helm; a most potent SihciIIm lor all those Chronic Weakness,- and Discuses a-culiar to women. It is a iKiwi-rful Kcncnd as well a uterine, tonic and nert inc. and lniparts viRor and sircnttth to the whole syBtcm. ' It promptly cure iiauseu mid wcakiieH of stomach, iudlH-estion, hloatinir, eructations of iras, nervous pros tnitlon, debility and sl.i pl- ssnes. in cither tu x. " Favorite Piittciiptlon " Is sold bv ilriiK-itlst under our ol. tlvo uiiaruntce. For ion, 111 ions, s.4- wranm-r around lsitile. -Irn lleilui-'ed i itl.oii iw. (.... or ltotllea for 5.00. 1 -r EVERY INVALID LADY wkI for" The Peoplc'sCnniinonRcnuoMiHllcal Advl(r,"ln which over fifty mw , , i mi' devoted tothe (suislderatlnn of discus.' iH-culiar to women. Illustrated with iiuiuer- (111 wuo-jH.u a and .iiloiisl i.iut.-H. t w II lai sent, post-paid, to any adilrcx for l,S0. A liuye pamphlet, treat Inu on Dlsenscii of W uuu-u, proluscly lllustrale.1 with colon'd plates and numcmus W(hkI-.-ui.h, will U- sent lor ten cents In khHko Blani. Addrcm, WOKLU'SDIsPr.NSAHV MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,' No, 003 Main Street, III'ITALO, N. V. LIVER, BLOOD AND LUNG DISEASES. Liver Disease. coated, etc. I'll Medieal ever was. iTbaJI kl 0. W. tiTZ, TindJinmnif, La., wrltn: "For four years 1 suffered from liver complaint andallaeksof hllliius fever; loss of apiH-tlt.-, iiiiiisea, (siiislipalliin, sometime diarrhea, pain in the back of the head, rlfrht side and under the alioiilder-blades, fullness 1 alter ciitlnir, irenend debllltv, restless nlaht. toiiirno After takimr four Imtth-s of 'Dr. Plens-'s (lohl- DlHcovery' and 'Pellets,' 1 hint 1 am us well as I Samantiia fiAiNts, JjiKkimrt, A'. 1., writes: " For six or fluid year pmvlous to In!, 1 had iH-en troubled Willi a M,vm iiton In the siimll of mv tuick. ulw. PlPC I aenms my shoulder-blades, with consldcnthlv uloatiliK UflOL. I of the stomach f nun wind : was so nervous at times I could hardly sla-ep : also troubled with div.lness and hard bniithlnir sikIIs. I wus induued by my sb-ii-daiiKhter, Mrs. Warner, of I Mean, N. Y., to try th '(lolden Medical INs oovery.' The effect were marvelous. After tnkiinf thit-u bottles 1 was' entirely t-uixih" n 8. I,. FisiiF.n, SWhcj Itaint, X. V., write: "Dr. General k v- itmruio, n. y. iur mi- My wifU uf- HkiikiiHk fl.nK fr w,vt.m yearn from frcncml debility. Shu nr nil try had hecoino a cjiutlriiicd Invalid. The iliysiclans UtOlU 1 1, w ho attended her failed to help her, nnd It seemed as If she imiKt die. On readinif one of vonr Memoran dum llooks, It occurred to me that your ' (lolden Medical Dikcov. cry' inlirht help her. 1 procured a bottle, unit, niter II use, a chaniM) for the better wus noticeable, nnd after usinir live but I lis, she was a well woman. I luive recommended it to several, and lu every case, it has produced rikkI resulls. I can never fuel too Krutcful to you for tho savinirot my wile's life." I. Ivor DIcnp.-MKiiiiiT Ktiiki.t, Fsq., Prii' If 1st, ol fluff .Niioiys, ylla., writes: "Miss I'.l.iilA (11 VMM lt (ill. 1,1,.,., l,u,l lUH.l, .h.l, f.,H i..... TO IllF I v'''"' ""Vi'fii ulfectlon of the liver, but when IU UIL. lHho was at the lowest, she Imuirht thnsi ImiIIIi of '(lolden Mistical Discovery r fmin inc. ami. nltlionifh Is'fon- usinir the liiisllcliie she was irlveii up to die by all the attendlnir physicians, her father assures mo thut alie has now fully recovered." Mrs. Cahumnr Rimmondh, Jlfrdhkt, A'. writ.. "I have Is-en troubled with symptoms of miliaria, with fever, for three years, but after usinir three bottles of your '(lolden Medical Discovery' ami 'Pleasant Puruatlvo Pellets,' 1 am luippy to say that 1 ntn entirely cured, and to-day 1 am irnr- fcctly well and ulilo to do my own work." fypi-ln.-I.(rcv A. WtMiu, Tnylar'i Slitrt.Va Willi s: "Alter many years of rcat siifferlnif from tho evils of dysis iisla, I wus Induced to try your '(lolden Medical Discovery,' and I cannot rxprrw tho gnitltiiile 1 feel lor tho imut imod It has done me. 1 do not suffer nil V Hum from callnif. aiui I enjoy life as well us anybody can wish." Mr. Onrris Bikiuk, H'rst Kmmlmty, VI., writes: "Two bottles of your 'Oolik'ii Medical Discovery 'cured my coiiku and chronlu diar rhea. It has worked Uko a charm In my case. It Is truly wonderful, I walktil over a iiilki hist week to recommend your medicines," Malarial Fever. fectly well am Dyspepsia Cured. I Diarrhea mo Cough. 1 "THE BLOOD IS THE MFE." - Thoroughly cleanse, tho blood, which Is tho fountain of health, by usltiif Dr. Pierce's (loldm Medical Discovery, and irood (llKcstloii, a fair slou, buoyant spirits, vital sii-enifili, and soumha ss of ton-tit ut ion will !' csuibllslad. Uoldcn Mcdhid Discovery cures all luimora, Iroui the common pimple, blotch, or ciuptlnn, to the woist Scrofula, or Mood poison. Kspeclallv has it proven Its ellleaey ill curing Salt-iiiciuii or Tetter, Fcvcr-sorcs, llli-joint Disease, Scrofulous Sons and Swciliuirs, Hulaitfcd UUUKia, anil i-juiiik Liccrs. Abscess of Isaac Oiiison. Kchu-ihkI. fa., writes: "Mv will' is (Tl'ttmir well Ind. When slic Uiran to I ii, vmir l litlilcn .fi'ilii:il lilsi'overv.' onr b,-sL I llCD I'liiet'oi' in ludiaiiii County Niid tui would die. UVCfl. I Tli'-y siid your misliciun would do her no uihsI: that nhe had an ulcer on h'-r I vera hiri,-c n lialf a lout of bread. Well, sir, to our Miriirisc. wlien sin- b run ii-'iuir your '(iolden Meillcnl Discovery,' she (suniiii need spiU.n up plili'Kui for Nome two weeks, and then cnuiuicnccd splilinir up ( uTiipiioii and bliHid lit lisiki d like what comes out of a lilixsl loii) lor 8i nut- ten days. S.tu now has been well for weeks." IfolN nnd :iirl)"incle. J. Adams. Vmu TJnh). Ohio, iv: ids: "1 hnvo m-isl nini; Isittle of your (ioldi n M dinil Ins ( 'ivery,' and the result is I am lo-ilay fn-c fi-oin tsals und cmliun-ci- s lor tlio IliKt tiiiH' ill uuuiy year. Contlinlloii nii.1 Uerrt.-Mi. A. D. Johnson, Ontrir foieii, Ku wriloa; " llie 'tiulilen Meilienl Discovery' rellevtsl uiu lit once. I Idiil ii very bad Hire on the Imek of my k'ft ham) for live month, and It cured that, it well as constipation und Indiges tion, from which I was snlteriiig vwry much." I n OnTnrTi ri(B I i r OwtiUrUL'Jld SOSES. Mr. A. I,. CiiltY, ymJri, Vrairfiml ('., A'dti- , .11.', i.iioo. i'i.t d,iii, ns.i iiiiii ii j.iun, mu, tiili, n down last Jiiiiuury nlfli snelllniis on his i milt shoulder, left hip anil knee, lie lay bel iiss lor live liionllis. win n irmit iiI.si-.kwb BKKKUJ I I..,,,. u l,l..l, ,1 .11..! i t tlie time lie coiniiieneed iislint your (jolilen Jliiiaal l)istii crv uiiilcr your advlcr. Now, niter haviiiK uw d four botlk s of ill" ' Discovery,' ho 1 almost wi II and walks thrcc-ln'irUis of a mile to seliiMil (-very day. A M iofulons som on his iirm, which rim eoiisiniitly for two yciim, bus Imikd cnuipii U ly under tlie uilbi (iiceof lim rciiu dy luuisil." "','cver.Sorc."-Mi. A. H. Ckawpoiid, .an (Irurt, Punw Ylrln ij., Iuuu, writes: " I urn tla- ii)n wlai wrote to you I wo M ins u ;o lor advlci- nriiectliur fever-sore on my k r. 1 took six LoUU sof your '(iiikk il Mdllcul Discovery ' und was cured." Kcrofnloim Tumor mid orf i:yr.-Mr. H. F,. (Iiiav- Imjn. of Uitt'MU'ooif.M. ( , wrlli : "My daiiKhler IuisIms-ii entirely ( iired of scrofulous sore eve und a larKii tumor on lu-r net k, I,, tiic use of your '(lolden Mcdlcul Disouvcry.' 1 have great lailh m all your medicines." C0nSOPTI0?J,l7EAK LUHGSs SFJTTBG OF BLOOD. Golden Modlml Discovery cures Consumption (which hi Pcrofiiln of flm Ltinpi). by Its wonderful blood-purifying, hivlirorutlnir nnd niitritlvo properties. For Wink Luiur. tipHtiiiK f m.Hl, shortness of llnnth, llroni bitl , rk-veni ( ouglis, Aslliuia, uml kindn-d alfedlons, it Is a bovcrclgn n intdy. Whllo It promptly curt the severest touglis It strengthens tlio system und purities tho blood. . ... . . ,. , ... The nutritive propcrta of cod-llvcr oil arc trffilnK wlH-n compan-d with tv possessed by flolden Medical Dlsc.very. It rapidly builds up tlio sjstein, mid hicrcuiscs tho UiU and wiIkIH of those reduced lx low tho usual stunduid of laalth by LUNQ Disease. WHsimif dlscusiw. A Wonderful Cnrfi.-nANfn-Fi.rtciifr, Fi.. (tliiwrrttr. Maw., writes: ".Nearly tlvo year into, I was taken sick with a disease P Kiirdlng which the three physicians who attended me were unable to ajrnm. tine, of tho foremost physician In Iloston ciille,! It a f otnnr of the slojnnell. find treaU-d mo for that, miirly killing m with physic; another, n immieoiHitlilc phy sician, thought I Find conHiiinption. When taken sick. I wcIkIh iI 1"i7 iKinnds. I siifTf.-n-d troin a heavy aoiivh, nlght-sw-ut, kidney tmubhn, etc., and wa reduc-d so rapidly that my physi cians mve mo up. They wen! utiahlo to help me In tho least. At that timo I weighed but ninety Miunds, snd had not been abln to lie down, but had to lt up in order to breathe. I had lss-n con llinsl to mv room for l month, expecting to die. I wasso bsd uttiui'-s that I could not ullow any one to conn- Into my room, n I could not tnlk: nor wa 1 able to walk. I picked up oii of your memorandum Isioks on the insiroi in" iion i wm-ra I wa ooanimg, nnn niter f-iiuhib ii i i'h" tjikliig vour 'Golden Miill-nl Diw-overy. "n' "'!' ft rat iKiltlo brought mearootrl so that I could wi It around the room nil day. I ""n Isyan to build up, and gained so niplilly that it asiomsneo me. i nine taken no other nn-diclne sin(- then, and have um-o STniim tweinv tmttu In nil of till Medicine. I slolilssl tilkilll' It ill Auirint, one year ugo. I b-cl thai It ha laved mv hi-!. I now weigh about lhd piuni!-, and I think, and my fiu ii'is with me, that ties m.slielno kiivisI my life. It c rtiilnly is wonh Its welm.t In irold. nnd I .-..usiiliT it a wonderful reiiily from itj t-tl-.:t lu curing ull uiy ailni'iiiH." Golden Medical DioTt-ry U S-M hj Irn?sit. "SAVED II HlSLlFLja Reduced to A Skeletch. Coiisnraptlon Cured. W. J. Hahti.kv, Wro Vrvt, AUu, writes: "I n-t with an old friend of mine not king Rince, nnd he told mi nt the very low state of health Imi had been In and ho nppln-d to our best (kn-tor, but gradu ally vn-w worse uislirr his tnalinent: was ns iliiced to a skeleton, had a fearful ciHigh and was thought to have consumption. NVhlk- In this kiw stale he made a visit to mi' his n-lullons. und while In a distant town, he purchnsed a boltlo of nuilkliie odleil, 'Dr. Pierce's Golik-n Medical DIscovitv,' uud took It, and tiy tho thno It was used he wus us well as he evt-r hud been. When I saw hi in. Iw looked to Iw In the Idooin of health. Ills statement caused a giut dial of lnuulry, si lie Is a mun of high suindlng."- .TosEl'n F. MrFAnt.ANn, Athmt, la., writ.: "My wife had frorpicnt bleeding frota the lung before she commenced using your 'G'jld''n Medical Dls.xivery.' Bho has fwit had any slneo It use. Kor ome six months she has Ism feeling so well tluit the bus d!-intiiiued It," Connunipllnii Cured. J. Amiotr fiwtug, DnngnUt. VI.. writ'! "lor live years I suffered very much from a terrllilo nmgh nnd ik lillitv. More thnti a year slni I commenced to tune vour '(iolden Mistical Disco' erv.' and It tin coinileU-ly eun-d inc. I ll'Uiik you for tla: upl ndid health I huve since eujoyed." Price $1.00 .per Botlle, or Six Bottles for $3.00. I Bleeding from Lungs. WOF.LO'3 CJSPF.KSr.RY EE02CAL ASS0CIAT1CM, Proprlotort, No, 66j aiolit ytrttt, UVI FALO, K.