f AND COUNTY sj Taylor for dentistry. lit and aw" M " , ,4o( B,"rn hata Just received a1 j fine laud for sale. Inquire of LTcwh price 1U be p1d for wheat . neatly and ertiao tP"' niu" u; liter te 1(0lJt.tk every day lathe week j. tartar .hop. . ml ..i.whei in all ahadei I:joI r- "--Jl(f fi Dunn- . -tchw Waltham watches at .,mS10 and upwards. .. i .1. !,..t received will be null OU "' J l.jDricbyUttm.n. . can be irchasod at the UtForknerlorf. i hardware at reasonable pricci ,,tareot rrncii""- - . beil roam wts, mat .ireufDayHlenderaoo. '.. i... t. sole agency fir all L reM-r Ta..il l'unch Citf-.r-. gin keeps n "t0,'k MC,,'H'"t good readable work. Give j L'ies' andcliildrens' underwear ut arrived and will be eol.l unt o' agricultural inamiiu- that .Mr J m ... in . ' n.f. remember Kpil lull assortment. Wea-lly will pay the highce 1 . I. ..A lllllA llttfl A pnce:or - ... oluoiLrhnrn idling Jur Goshen Gossip. January 5, 1 SS7. Wl"let joy be nnconfiued. Betdliai returned from Hose- fcrk'Mre i with us once more. farter returued t Momoe ie Hampton starts for The Dalles Parker has returned home from , high old time Saturday night, ifj'i second term of school began xant party was Riven at the car i e e. en uf this vicinity all attended :elst week. I) Selle r and A J Cruzan havs Monmouth . lira C l.ivi, ..f Pleasant. Hill, vis- i here Saturday and Sunday. ieltattain, of Eiig.-ne, visited AngM McClure Saturday and i NYJIms preached , f r us, lant 1 1, iivs.f of lis i.'ollity in the mm i crowded. .-f life '.f W Jtwgr, Jan 2.1, a .Mother and rl.!d well and amedown tu the pnstnfliee. Ci.YCI.ONK. :jge Grove Items. rr.srr.aAL('.ii! RFSfON OK N'T. I Cottaoe Ghovr, .Tan. Ii, 13". Cluman was at Eugeno last -hi another entertainment New Siajleof fov'a, arrived here Teachen Institute. (Continued from last weck.l The next Institute will he held at Roseburg Morning acj.n.n opened it 9;.T0. T M Martui introduced the subject of Cancel!- (ion, wnencn aroe tho question a to the ad Tuauiuty ui commuting rules, whii-h uia advocated by rrofa Johnson, Keudall, lieid, J K Feutou ami E E Orton, and disproved by Prof liiglcr. i'ruf liuruham concluded Hie discuasiou. Au excellcut essav. entitled Tim lni..rm.. diaie Grade, was read by Mrs j II Horner. superintendent .Nlcl'.lroy disjusied the mctlHNle of teauMiitf l'liy.iroy and Hy- Hiu, uriix upon teachers the ueeeasity ol preparing tliumsnlvvi upon this important branch. J'rof Kendall favored iuatruttiim pupils in this branch while very youii. I'roi Horner favored fuiliitviiig the iiietlui.l of the text books, urKinu that llinne who had uiven a lil'o tu thu atu.ly certuiuly kuew the best methods. AKTKHNOOy. Prof Hiuthorne. T M Martin. Mn T M Jncksou and Mm Joiiuie Spencer weru up pointed a enmiuittee tm resolutions. . 1 r.f Horuvr present the subject of Pen manship. I rot Killer ntsumed the discusxion of llist iry, and the Lest Methods uf Intruu titm. 1'iof fiuruham followed with a discussion uf (ieojjraphy and the ue of Charts. Auperiiileiideut .Mol'Jroy oecupled a fW miniilvs in uryiii upon teuehers mure atteu liun tu the culture ul the morals and man ners in their pupils. A point well taken. EVKMNll',' Brevities. 'tis, of Gilliam county, is visit- any. Vllace came uu on a visit tu I'Htiin nihistrels performed here 1 'k'to UrL'o auiuence. "i anil children siient tho holi- valley among relatives and " "ami Mr Joseph Landreth, -ism. iitKminv lnuruiii' for a fie mountains. I'Waivl wife returned Friday 'jus Us parents, two of her Kionia and Jessie Withers ac- MWChas Stnuffer. J P. Mr Mhs Mary Cole: also 'Mr Menrv wlen Teters, P.ev Waldo r wtU;-e Grove precinct. VEfflTY. Report. Ernixfij .Tan 7, 1SS". "jSwau'jier bushel oil board 'f'n-rhiKh.l-u,.,...... ' "t' ler Hi; uull.' B-lxrliMdH w cts;.lil,lcrs tofcts; L of Letters ''an! for in the Pnslnffi nt "j an o, jodi : P,k, C . 'vii, .Nax W s 1 1. rt ... I"l'"n. u v i . iJ.Wtt, Mks Rosa Sforiui. ..mi . . ' . . 4 5 "in please give date JV.Osi)nis, r. M. por Sale. X-Jj V.J. Packard's additions to L, T '"fated and the mont 7 I Of In a II , ""tna An..urr ,rom M h- T. W. Sfieltox, Eugene City, Or. '' Arnica Salve." ''the Si Wa.-M ' -r. . '. Sn t.. ' 1 n. uu, ijruii Bi.rA.'lr.""1.- aever Srea Nrion. The session nnened with a s'on?. "It U ill be Uuinnieri imu live and live," by Mi S W Condon and the Mistcs Uorris, A recilalion, Parody ou Maud Muller, A J Collier. iSolo, Mi-a Kussvll. Uevitatiuii. r'ainilv Feud. Misa Tiila 15i ad- ley. Double (iiinrtette, "Sweet and Low," Mrs Couli.lp, Misses Holt and Hrii, Meurs Li.iiley, Jolinsoii and MuCluru. 1 he le.'turu oi the eveniuii was then de livered by Prof Cniidoii,subji-ul. Cual. which was l.iiilny appreciated uy ad. Solo,' "1 he Did Arm Chair, Miss Ii us sell. The followihi; resolutions woie nuaniinoua ly a.lopteil: litx.i.VKl), That nur thanks are due end are lierehy tendered tu the lecturers and' eminent educators from alir.ad and at home or their uulul iiistruelioii presented tu the luctitute; to Judge ashliume and the County Cniiiuilal"iier tor the Use of the Court House; to Shei ill' J M Sloan for his constant care and assiduous labor In i.rranx ing and preparinv; the uocrt room for the uu eupaucy and cuiufort of members of the In stitute, t the citizens uf l'.iii;ene I ity lor their kindness and hospitality inamiesle.l during our sojourn among them; tu Pro fessors Killer and Uuruhain for their courte sy iu providing the teachers and members with copies ot their usclul an. I prac'.ical work presented before the Institute; to the Oregon & Caliloi'nia Jiailmad Co tor their generosity hi extending re. Iu ceil rates to all teachers attending the Institute, to the pro prietors of the hotels in 1- ueiic for their lili eral rates of reduction; and to Prof U V CouLdgo and the ladies and gentlemen who so ably assiste-l liun in lurnishing the Insti tute with eutcrtuininu and dcilght'lul music luring the gcVerul sessions. I'esoi.ved, That we appreciate the neces sity of, nod rec.-goi!'.. the b-nellts arising trom hol.ting I caohi-l's s Institutes; the study of Lo:d text bonks on (lie theory and lira.: tica of teaching;' the reading unit study id e,noil school j.iurnul, ninl in shcunog other aids iii the development of the teachers' work, cud that we shall continue to do nil in out power tu advance the best interests of our proU-asioti whenever we lahor. J!. S. Hawiiioknk, n, T. M. M Aims, ?lr.H. .linens. C"m M;kh J. M-KNt'Eit. J Fair Association. The I'oar.l of Directors of the Lane Coun ty Agrieultural Association held a meeting Monday. TI.e t".me of holdiu.' the next fair was tixed for Wednesday alter the State fair week, to continue four days. Commit tecs were appointed ns follows: l!j)vision of Premium List Geo Ilclshaw, II M Day anrt H It Lu. k y. Grounds and Pavilion -J II Campbell, 15 f) Hays and K J Mcl'lanahau. Printing A liun.l, 1! Al Day and (Jen P.elshaw. . Superintendents K 15 Luckey, J I! Camp bell and K J McCluuahan. The rules were an amended that competi tion for premiums and purses should be free for all irrespective of locality. The Hoard adjourned to meet the first Monday in March. CALIFORNIA CAT"U' CURB. Guaranteed a positive cur for Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, Rosa Cold. Catarrhal Deafnes and sore eyes. Restores the sense of Taste and Smell, removes bad T.-ute.and Unpleasant Dfeiith resulting from Cutarrli. Kasy and pleasant to use. Follow direct-ions and a cure is warranted. For sale by ull druggists. AtRAMS Paiido.nkd. The board of par dons met last week, ati.l considered a num ber of pinions, lint of these only one was recommended favorably to the Governor, ami that was the one of Harry Abrams, of Line county, sentenced to the penitentiary f- r life, for the killing of I.'r lir.iwnlee, nt Juno tion City, about three years ogn. In accor dance with the recommendation, Abrams was on last Saturday pardoned. The case at tho time of the homicide excited a great deal of comment, and strenuous efforts were ma le to save Abrams from the penitentiary. They failed, however, and he was imprison ed, and was soon appoiottd a hook-keeper iu the prison, us he is au expert accountant. The news of his pardon will bo of especial interest to tiie residents of Junction. Salem Statesman. Spring weather. Grans (.-rowing nicely. the days are lengthening. Foi good deutistry go to Dr J Taylor, City Council meets next Monday eveuing, Matlock sell.e.erytliin-,' at the lowest prices Matlock will pay the highest hrices for all kin.ls of (tira. 1 here are 272 enuyiet iu tho State peni u-ntiary at Salem, l'en Holladay, jr, died at Washiocton. D t, one .lay thia week. there are n-iw enrolled m the Eugene public school 377 pupils. Matlock U receii in-; a lare If lie of new dress goods. Cite him a ...i1!. Read the proceedings of tho Commission er Court iu another column. See dates of sailing of tho 0P1! U Co new fteauuhip Santa Maria. Waltham, Springlield and Elgin watchea Si 50 and upwards at Watts'. See llristow & Craig's hew agricultural advertisement in another column. Ilobt Hayes won the Fry clock rallied off last Saturday evening, throwing (2. Hunters report thr.t Chinese pheasants are quite numerous in this county. Ilrilsli in tho river bottoms is commencing tu leave unt. Pretty esily for Spring. The new band will give a minstrel per formauco in this eily in the near future. Johnson grast and red and white clover for sale at Robinson -t Church's hardware store. S.inie No 1 hop laud for sale cheap. Iars'e part clear and ready fur planting. Geo. M. Miilkr. Mr Chas liaker has had the wood work in the ollke and diuiu room of his hotel re painted. The 0 P R R steamer ISentley, that was sunk at Albany recently, will be raised ami repaired. A number of our citizens will attend the inauguration of Governor Pennoycr at Salem n.xt week. Commissioners Day and Green were in tnivii several day this week attending County Court. The cantata, "David tho Shepherd Boy, was repeat.."! last .Monday evening to a lare uudlence. Country orders for job printing of any kin.ls nt tho lowest prices aro respectfully solicited by this ollice. Matlock has just received from Chicago the finest line of dr goods ever shown in En- Kne. Ladles, examine them. At the November term of Circuit Court the case of J S Montgomery vs Eliza Jane Mont goiuiy was settled and dismissed. Rev K P Henderson presented this otlice with a Japanese persimmon one day this week. It was raised in California. It is quite probable that Rev A L Parker, of Ciiehalis, W T, will accept tho rectorship of the Episcopal Church at this place. Piitchiird, the jewelui, has for sale a full line of watches, rings, chains, etc, which he will sell cheap. Repairing a specialty. A series of revival meetings will be held in the C P Church beiniiiug onnday evening, ii 9-h. All are cordiully invited to attend. Mr S M Titus will soon let the contract for the erection of a large luick building ou the corner of Willamette and Eighth stre ts. Goldsmith p.ys for beaver $i to f 'l 50 per pound. Mink anil coon, .i to .ill i ts, Fislur and otter, tfi to i'ii. The immigration to Oregon this year is tiuuted 30,000. ( The liostal Telegraph Co will oien its othce in this city latwo or three weeks. The week of prayer has been duly, observed by the resictive churches of Eugene. We acknowledge the receipt of the twelfth annual rt port of the I'ortland Roaid of Trade. T he Portland Oregonian and Saleui States man issued excellent editions of th eir fnilMri on Jan 1st. -.1 Gov Moody has apdnted Richard Cox county jiidge,of Columbia county, ice John Dobbins, resigned. Mr J D. Matlock has had the top walls of his brick building cemeuted this week, F F Patterson doing the work. During the past week two tra'ns have been hauling travel fer ballasting purpose! on the section of the road south of Eugeue. There were 69 free scholarships held in tin State University last year, irven of which werj from Multnomah county. Yesterday Mr and Mr II N Grain moved into their handsome new dwelling ou the corner of Ninth and Charnelton streets. The mail mute recently advertised for ser vice on the west side of the county, was let to M G Smith for fLT-l per annum, he being the lowest l-t.li'er. As will be seen by tho Court proceedings In another column, Mr ( G Smith has been rp- pointed mad sn,ierviior of the south district and A J Pickard of the north. Pince our last Issue the following marriaue licenses have been granted: Henry Mitchell and Ellen Teeters, V A Putter and May llubh; It Dunn and Mary Cole. Wells, Fargo's express company have with- lrauii from business on Puget Sound ami from all points north of San Francisco, exeept on the line of the Greg.ni & California railroad. The U S Pension department is preparing to give the history of the captives during the rebellion, and wishes the address of every Sou lier of the late war. who was at any time in the leliel prisons. The schooner Emma Utter was washed over the rand spit at Siuslaw into the river one day lastwetk. It is said that tho sdliooner had a narrow escape, hue wa bound from San Francisco for Puget Sound. It is au odd si'lit to see the O RAN steam ers passing up tho river empty and returning loaded with wheat and the P boat uoiiiL' lown empty and returning uu loaded with the same commodity. Albany Herald. Fred Douglas is getting acid in his old age. He say the American people hate the negro. As one of tho American peopld married Fred and is now trotting over EiiMie with him, he ought to he ashamed of himself -mid so ought he. The Scientific American, published hy Munn & Co., New York, presents weekly tu in readers tho best and most reliable record of various improvaiuents in machinery, while the scientific progress of the country ran iu no. way he clane.l so well as b the regular pr- rural of its pages. An Oregonian, who 1ms mad'ft observations and recorded them during the past forty years, has arrived ut the conclusion that the overage longevity in Oregon is greatei than that of any State in the Union. He ascribes the fact to the climate and simplicity in tho mode of liv- During the year ending June last, nine Oregonians died aged lot) years. Willie Fails is most certainty a child of mis- fortune, says the Albany Herald. He will he 17 years old the 27th of next month, cud yet in that short time ho hAs l.r. 1 his right leg hro!vei) twice, his arm broken twice, his collar bone broken, ntid five of his ribs broken, be- sides a number of minor injuries too numerous to mention. H was just recovering from a re cent injury when, yesterday, while wiestliug Hh some ooys he slipped and fell, breaking hope in his wrist.. If any one has a better ci id let him cuue to thu front. Personal. men Marrikd. At the residence of the bride's parents, in North Rrownsviile, Dec 23, lSSli, by Rev Sperry, 0 P Coshow, Jr, and Miss I.ibby Kay, b-.th of PMWiistylle. Mr Co show was a student in the State L'niversity for several years, and has many friends here who offer their congratulations. ,Mr C i at present book-keeper for the Brownsville mills. The Lew Johnson Minstrels performed to Mnall audience lust Saturday evening. Those present sai l the performance Was quite common. The first train of the O P R 15 crossed their bridge at Albany 'ust Thursday. Hereafter traiua will be ruu regularly from Albany to Yaquina Hay. The Salem Yidetio is now printed as an evening daily Democratic paper,' with K O Norton as editor and E L Hristow as city editor. Success to the new paper. o A couple of traveling musicians were nbnut town last Tuesday night giving serenades with bagpipes. The music was greatly ap nreciated (?) by those who received calls.. i ..- .... Iu another column will bo found Mr J IV'I n,a lavor Cherry's advertisement. Ho keep! ',he far , famed Brownsville clothing, also a full line I Ifclil ' ot gents furnishing goods. Give him a call. Mr J P Sweet, proprietor of the Hyde wire fence pat-nt for Lane, and Douglas counties, informs us that he is selling many farm rights and that the fence is giving excellent aatlefac- Tho Univ. rsity resumed work Tuesday' morning, lho atieniiance iu trie college ue- Jv iA t-J partnient is larger than ever before. rresi-Jf 1 ib.nf .folumon rcnortfl thflfc CYcollent work iflTT being done. Mr W A Cuinmings has purchased a one half interest in Mr 1) F Dorris' Real Estate and Insurance agency. The linn name here after will be under the style and name of Dorris & Cummiogs. Lana county mourneth, She has an insur ance case on docket that before it ia ended will cost as much as an ordinary murder j trial, and this without recompense in the way of sensational tcsti.iinoy, and neck-: tie party in dim prosptct. Too bad. Port land Tib-gram. . , Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court met in Eugone City ut the Court House, Wednesday morn- Jan 0, 1887, at 10 a in. Present Judge Washburn, Commissioners Day auil Green, Clerk, and Sheriff. file folloynig proceedings were had: ., The following Road Supervisors were ap- iuklll-tlmj-'is(il'f(?'iry uiimnrei r Mr J P Thomson, the piano tuner, is iu the city. Mr N L Ruuey visited the metropolis thi week. Senator It !d Vl. h ------ . . . - -o - ' huge ne. ... i . . .. .. .v. Mr It C Humphrey wcat to Portland last eduesday. Hon h Hoult was iu town last Monday aud Tuesday. . Mr Geo M Miller has returned to Eugene Iron) rlorence. Policeman Cochran went to Sedd station on bur-luess yesterdry. Mr Geo Thurston, of Portland, rpent last Sunday in Eugene. Judge llean has been holding Court this week at Rusebtirg. Hon J C Wallace, ot Cottage Grore, was in Eugene last Thursday. Mr Geo A Dorris will leave for his home iu Astoria this.iuwrn'ng. Gen II Udell, postmaster at Salem waa in Eugene yerterday. Mr Frank Reisuer has returued from visit to Washington, 1) C. Frank Lewis, the tlcct foot-racer, waa in towu several days this week. Mr Jas L Page visited Albany last Thuri day, returning home yesterday. Judge Walton was in Junction couple of day! this week ou legal business. Mra I.ouisu Russell, nee Gray, returned to her home iu Salem lust Thursday. Dr J U Pilkington sjn'iit a couple of days in town this week attending palieiits. Miss Osie Walton, of this city has just coin menccd a teim of school ut Priueville, Mr J 7 Matlock, the live Goshen merchant, gave this othce a pleasant call yesterday. Air 1) 11 Gager of Wasco county was in Eugene visiting friends last Wednesday. Mr C C Cherry, the A'bauy foundryman, waa in towu a couple of days this vrcok. Gov Whiteaker is in Eugene visiting his many trieu.ls. 1 his i his first visit for nearly a year. Dr. Keeler II Oabliert,' formerly of the Grant's Pass Argus gave this otlice a call yes- trinity, Mr J H Chitwood, of Ashland, waa in Eu genu yesterday. Ho goes to Salem thia morning. Mrs Time Neelcy continues to improve. Her comploto recovery now is ouly a mat ter of tuno. Mr 1 1 aines, of Roseburg, was in town several days this week visiting at the resi dence uf his brother. Uncle T.ben Stewart was con lined to his room several days this- week from sickness- Thursday he was better and able to be about our streets. Ion John Whiteakor, Collector of Inter nal Revenue at Portlaud, attunded the initi alling of tho new Co landcry, K T, at Al bany last Thursday. Hon Milton Shannon, of Ilcnton county, has been visiting at the residence of his brother is this city, Mr Wesley Shannon, during the. past week. . Mrs SO Shaw left Sedalia, Mo, where she has been visiting for some time, last Thursday, for her home in this city. . Wio will probably arrivo here next Tuesday. . Mr Hugh McKcn.ie, the only Democratic member of tho Legislature from Douglas county, spent teVeral days in Eugene this week. He leaves lor Salem on this morn ing's train. , Mr David Shannon, who has been visiting in Fugeuo for several weeks, left for his home in Marion county last Thursday. W are pleased to learn that his health n much better than npon hie arrival here. , Sir Knights James F Robinson, Win Pres ton, W T Peet, V U Dunn and 8 M Ynran went to Albany Thursday morning for tho pnriMise of instituting Templar Commandory No 3, Knight Templars, of that city. , The remains i f Mra Jennie Rumaey ar rived in Portland from Grand Rapids last Monday and tho funeral services wore held .. r ... Dexter Items. Jan 7th, 1887. Where Is that "oldest Inhabitant" who pre dicted a hard winter? ( Rom, at Trent, Dec 2tUh, to the wife ot W II McCall, a son. MrT L Rutledge of Eufrerie spent the holi days, with friends at this place. Mis Adlth Messenger of Springfield made a brief visit to this place this week Mr Andrew Miller came near "uaulmr In hli checks" on Saturday last. While out hunting a irun was accidentally discharged, the ball barely missing his head. Our merchant here emnhatieallv denies tint he forcibly entered the Trent school hour u charged in thi news items from this place dated Dec 2ftth. , . How is that. "Uno Who." U course w all do) is a resident of Eugene and yet dates his items as if written at thia place. Does he em ploy au amanuensis: We regret that Uno Hoo" did not Minr himself at the Cliristmast tree. Ha certainly received very flattering notice In the "Out sipir," mid the various presents he received are iu daily use in every well regulated house hold. It, E. Txeiw City Transfers. Geo 11 Dorris to K Monro, lot In 1 Wrt addition: c.m. SliiS. i D K Christian to School 1)1.1 Voi lot l Mulligan's ad.litiou; con, $150. Tu SO. A C. Sai.c -Senator .SUnford aald to day that the Southern Pacific company, would soon come into osseaaion of the Oregon A California railroad. The road is now in the hands of a receiver, and tho fact that its cm trol to the extent of Its sale is not iu a few hands, has delayed tho transfer of it to the Southern Paeilic, but negotiations had been successfully carried on for sumo time, and un less mmie unforeseen obstacle . arises, ' the Soi. Ihern Paeilic will get the Mad. Among feeders that it Is i-roivossd tu build to ths) Southern Pacific in Califort.ia, ia a line front vtiilow into iliimlHldt county. Wcdbes- lay's Washington special to the Oregoulan. 'Ii Waiiiinuton. A letter received frorrs Mrs 11 II (filfry gives information of tho settling of the family for the Wiuter at No !M5 K street, N W, in WnHln'uBton. Thoir Summer vacation was delightfully spent in Atlantic City, the resort of at least CO.OCX) people, also in visiting Poston, Plymouth and other5 place! rich in historical interest,! described in a graphio way, convincing nno that letter-writing has not become the "lost art" 10 frequently spoken of. Fivb Ykars. Hibbs, the defaulting poet- master, waa sontenced at Lowiaton, last Tuesday morning, to five yean' hard labor in the territorial penitentiary at Roise City. Hibbs made a speech, thanking all the ofbV cers and counsel individually. He aaid he had nothing to iny against' the witnesses lave J J Murphy, ex-Postal Inspector, whoso' statemeuta, he aaid, were lies from end to end. l'RNMANNHtr Woro were shown, thia week; samples of pcumahship by the Mesirsf Rowland. The samo shows the highest of ability in that art. The young mon intend giving instruction! hero and should roooive ft liberal support. Samples of their penman- hip may tie seen at the book store of Mo- Cornack & Collier or their offico in Walton'a brick. Makiiikd. In San Francisco, Jan 8, 18S7, id the residence of M Eiscnborg, 1713 Cali fornia St, Mr tl 8 Simon and Miss Anna- Adlur. We wish tho couple a long and hap. py matrimonial life. Several uf our merchant have been invoic ing thia week. i , , , . , i According tu the Jewish . calendar Febru ary will be the oddest mouth this Winter.; The Satein Dally Yldetto has the following.' rse motto: "To the visitor! belong the spoils." Ed aud Austin Gearin, well known her, have sold their store at Hay Creek, Crook county, to Van Hoiiten Pros. Money! Cash! I Coin! I!. 11 JtmL four bottles cured her. At REV II IlEWELL, of Pi of Gilmore s Aroiuatie ine he a most desirable remedy every family." THEiWTFE. MOTHER i at 3 o'clock that afternoon from tho residence suffers frem Female' Weakni nf her father, Ur A I Nieklin, No 175 will find ilinnr's Aromatic Washington street. The remains wero iu cure, hoi d hy Osburn and tot(jrp(,( t Sae in last Tuesday. GIUMRES AROMA 1 1; H(lt K p C()oman R M Veatch, L Pil cess, therej .re we challenge li vi hii f! K fill. S G 1 homninn anil J M duce tu equal as rOTwp"-y--' - - - - -r RFV W FISK RKQUAt,u""r"i '"''Prescr.iing uwe county in tne and find it an excellent husdiMl(,a )c(ive f(ir. that ct t () .r,)0 none uught to do without .-,,., .,. lir.Hnt,l M ,i,. REVHAJ5KISPECK(ntl -"v j . I.I...1 Mfllh IIIIIJ IHRKIOII. says, i waa ".."i". - Dilhcnlty anil ieBt. 's"f : t . zrz: uivikrinir me out. After I Wine two days I realiied greii well and otherwise feeling likl chesrfully recommend It to s ty. for aale by Osburn -vnd I hereby notify all that; are 'indebted to me that I must insist on the paymentof theaaiueat' a time not long hence. I appreciate your pat ronage and hopo for a continuance of the same, but it takes rniuiey to buy goods. I shall ex-, pact a response soon, and Iti those whose ac- counts are of long standing I will say, don't blame anyone but yourselves .if iswt Is 'made' against you, for I shall collect the same If Imjs sible. F. B. Dun. Delinquent Tax Notice. , Notice is hereby given to all owing taxes, now delinquent, that the Ununty Court at its late session irdi-red me to collect the same, 'orthwith. 'This Is therefore to notify all oiK-erncd that if they wish to save costs they must come forward at once and pay the same, or 1 will be obliged Ui proceed against them .egally. '' J. hi. Sloan, Sheriff Lane Co, Sept 15, 1USI1. BROS. DEALER i.i M. r l." i-e'y cur! piles ! from North Cordina and are guaranteed to u Piawnteed to pive . be the pure artice. He also keeps a line of i( moTtI refunded. For I tobaccos. The gooda will be told cheap for ''ns, Corns, and North Cakomna LtroR Store. XfrS L Spicer has just opened the N C Liquor Store in the sooth room of the New Rink , ive c(JlltJ,( A Washing on, D C, letter in last Sun The matter of mutilated coins coins with holes punched through them has received the ollicial attention of tno U S Treasury Depirtment anil the lawful value of such coina has been established as follows: Double eagles, fifteen dollars; silver dollars, levcu-ty-five cents; half dollars, thirty-live cents; quarter dollars, eighteen cents; aud dime! lorki, building. His liquors were shipped direct tL'l.vvi:.t'1 Eugene " TS Kl ill 1 1, if csnta. Cish. Died. Near Davton, Yamhill county, Oregon, at 2 pm, Jan 1, ISS7, Mrs Sarah Odell, sged 83 years. Decked wai the mother of Geo W II Odell, postmaster al I j. employe.!, in th bounty and pay division day's Oregonian from Mr T C Judkim has the following personal: "On the 21 inst Laben II Wheeler, of Portland and Eugete, having satisfactorily served Oct his six months' probation as clerk in the treasury deoartnieut, was ivcn a permanent appoint ment. His salary still remains it il J'SI He Tax Notice Tax payers will taxe notice the usual voting places d till cincU ofIne ccunty irom n til 3 o'clock p m ol eacu nay collect ion of taxe! for the town, to-wit: Willamette, Irving, liiing Tom, Richardson, Cheshire, Spencer, . CreoswelL. Cottage Grove, Siuslaw, (yf.t, Snriiigri'ld, Middle Fork, J'.ll 'b Saturday, Monday, 'lu.sday. J Thursday! j rrulay. I Kutiirilay M'.nda Tuesds Thnrsd FiUfay Mon'la Wed of i j Salem, and was well known in Lane ccnnty.of the aecond auditor1! office." i Nntrli4 anil In the matter of the petition of J K Sturte vant for road uf public eajwrcnt; It is ordered that li M Kichsr Iv.n, H C Huston and Jr.n ' A Jeans Le appointed viewer! to view, locate and assess the .la nages if any to the land of said Iavid Gate" by rei on of locating said Mad, tn mt Jan l-, DM?.- In the matter of the jW-tition of H C P--r"-kins, et al, fur county road, declared estali lii-hrd a public road. Jn the maiv-r "I the afn'ration to vacate a, iiortion ot Water street in the original town of . Eugene City, (run: nrderad that petition lie granted and that portion of Water slretex t;tt!ing from thew.-"t line of High street in id town to the wentern Ismndary thereof and being in fnwt r.f fr.vrtionsl block "C in sid town, be and the same is hereby declared vratd. In (he matter n( the (x-tition of A Wh'eler, et al, for county road; the petition is hereby order1! dimied. At this time the Court drew the jury list for 18K7. raf ler-r.ws k innne f ' y- ' V - H sc- VJ"'"' II AMI li uen 5 DISPOSED Of ! ! OUIt BIG STOCK -OF- Brownsville' Boys Clolhmg:- AND t -' GOODS. See our remarkably completo and elegant new stock at the tfLOWEST PBIOESJ . HATS OF TIIE VEHY LATEST STYLES Our arsortment of Newest Shapes for Fall and Winter Is very Large, and all are of first class quality. No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods. J. W. CHERRY, Walton's Brick.