I I JIljDJ Ij CITY G EST13L1SHEB fUR THE DlSSEHI JiATl'CJ OF DEMRITIC PRLICiriKS, AND TO EARS 41 D0.EST MUM BT TOE SWEAT OP OCR BC0W, Vol. h eugene chr; oil; sAitJRDAY, January i; isst. NO. lfc put (gujeae gittf Sua L L. CAMPBELL, rnbllslier nd I'roprletor. . .irPICE-On the Eas. side of WillaisatU 8-fPth "! Kihth Street TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ) ' WJO gi, Months. . month. ooaojt. BVrK3 OB ADVKUTI81NQ. . i.rti,eraenU Inserted as follows: ., A'1 .nuTten Uhm orls. one ln.ertio.3s J'nSrtUer. will be charged at the fol- temnnthi WOO 0 square six months 12 S 0ffint'n'tice. l iocai oK" 20 cnta ir linear each Insertion. ' ; HlLrtising bills will bo rendered lrterty. All job w.rlc must be r.ui) sua ox iemvihv. I guvEU. Ml COLLIER. TjILYEU & COLLIER -Attorneys nd Counsellors at Law, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. bR.iCTICK IN ALL THE COURTS OF ( I this State. " 111 nhwuuu icellsction. and probate matters. Orficl Over Hendrick & Eakiu'i bank. CEO. B. D0FER1S, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, f 1HLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS Y of the Second Judicial District aud in lit Supreme Court of thw htate. Social attention given to collection and nuttdN in iirooaie Ceo. Si washburne,' Attoriiey-at-Lsiw, 7? blKMB CITY, - - -OFFICK-At the Court Home, OREfiON GEO. M. MILLER, Attornoy and CounsjUiff-at-Law; and Meal Estate Agent., I'UGEXE CITY, - OREGON. Ofllce formerly occupied by Thompson & Kan. J. E. EENTON, A 1 1 o r riey-a j S .Sa iv. fcfttJE.YE CITY OREGON Kpoci.il attention iriysn to Ilea' Estate Prao i,!.,and Abstract ot Title. Omc'K Over Grange Store T;W;HARRl,M.ir; Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Prug Stor Residence on. Fifth, rtrect, where Dr Shelton ormorly rcridcd. T. AV. Slioltoii, 1 , isician and Surgeon! ROC At Mm. J. B. UnderwiM)d. , UC-ENE CITY, OREGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, (1 AX BE TjO.tJXD AT HIS OFFICE or rea yidence when not profeiMiionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Jteaidence on, Eighth itreet, opposite Fresby erian Church. J. J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORN Y-AT-IiAW, EUGENE CITY. OREGON. AVILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE I T To i'nurtji nf the State. Special attention given to real estate, col- ectinif, and probate matters. . . 'llrtctiii(j ll kinds of claims agaunt the United States Government. Office iu Walton's brick-rooms 7 - -1 8. S. W. CONDON, j :AttorijW-at-Lair,' SUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON. Orric-Oppoite Walton'i Brisk. MONIWTO LOAN 6X IMPROVED FARMS FOR ATER$f of years. Apply to t Klierwooct llnrr, SUGENECITYi - - OREGON Office up stair, in Walton's Brick. INSURANCE; rE HAVE KEKN APPOINTED AC t its for th T mmr-anr ( 'nmnAnLM t,&. are pre- Zr"'X!" " e-w. .h me dw uoiiPAXi off Tdin Coast, i 'el d willing f pay losae. promptly. i V" rk f b liberal patronage es tended! mw inet.- .. i,; . iixjfDBicrii 4 Eaiui. MlSTOW Bepresenling STAYER & WALKER, CLEAVER'S OLD STAND, ON SEVENTH Street., i a nrr? tt a TTriW AvIUHj IlAliHU V Seventh St., Eu&e'ne AT SPBIIdFIELD PeJGJU; WHEELED $ CO, , Continue, to Exchange Merchandise of all Kinds at the Lolvest CashPices for dish or Mcrchantabl Produce of any hind at the Highest Cash Prices Give them a trade PENGRA' WHEELER & CO. Qdtitinue to furnish . Lumber, Lath and SFjgles tCf oVder at. the lowest current rates, delivered at t'h Mills, o;n board cars, or at Eugene City. Leave your orderswith J. M. Hendricks', Ag at Eugene City, or send to the Mills direct; PENGRA, WHEELER & CO., Continue to py in Cash for wheat id furnish floHir Lbwest market' fates for Cash. Special attention to Exchange and Custom Grinding. TAIE THIilM A G Kl ST. HaiTess SfiofT H AViNG OPENED A KEW SADDLE west of Craiu Bios'., I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the X,oNE3Sg RATES. The 06 mj ftetent Are fmpibyed, and I will endeavor to me with a call. r. r. PArriRsow. W. B. PATTEHiiOItfi i llWm Contractors, Plastering, Sto'rje Erick WorkV AWO PEALCKS IN Tacorr.a and San Juan Lime,' American and English Cetfbnf, rrew York' and California Plaster, PIstering Ha!r Fire Srick, Lath, Marbfe' Dust, tc, Etc' ADDRE3S: F. F Patterson & Co, . :, EUGENE CITY, ORE'! ON. Omci-With Leckwith & i u. EHlLOilW COt'GH and ConwoiptionCnre 'i.lAAZ on. grantee. It cure. Chi i snmptloa, j SI.EEPLE5S NIGHTS. mademisrraUe hy , tbat trriMtc.:i:gt . we nm iaOyfjryou. t & Jlgrituhiral ImfiVts BISSELL CHILLED PLOWS, STEEL.BEAM CENTER DHAFT PLOWS, 'SCOTCH CLIPPER, J. I. CASES, SUL. KY PLOWS, CULTIVATORS,SErDEUS Bnd a11 kinds of PL0W extras, acem Clod and Cruhhimi Hnrrow. Ki-yaionn Dift- Harrow, with or without atiachmeti'.H, Em rir Mowers, Rhaihth nnd Tin JJiitclT Sulkt'y Hay Rakes, Portalde and TraclionEn L-iiiea. N"w Uuukcyp Ftn-d Mill and Horw Power Combined, "brUDbHAkhlt' Km and Tul.lar Ax, HuggiH. Currin-H, Hack, wheels. fiTCALL nt our OFFICE and PRICE LISTS tuaili'd Frew on application. BEISTOW & CRAIG. I) 5 ent the highest price at heir Mill, and and feed at the AND HARNEPS fHOP oYethSTRE Most Worktaeii give satisfaction to all wlu nia favcr A. . CIJIMtlR. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS w t , j Musical instrumentj, Toys, Notion!, etc I Watobes, Chicks, and Jewelry repaired and irrsre-i. Northwes cornrr of Willamette wi tr nd Eii-h'.b rtrt. . 1 'It ACM KT.M't" anting and Irai'rant ; orfusce. Price ?i acd citta. 8 fe fiHM mmmm CRAIG 0f Waironn, Patent TruHR, Slnel Skein Koac (jarU i fll(.t pvtrything on got PRICES. CATALOGUES and J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- HAVING A LARGE AND COMPLETE Htock of StAil ami Fancy Grocerien, bought in the host markets Can offer the puhlio better pricee than any other house i T IN EUGENE. Produce of all kinds takeu at market price. You Can Save time and money by calling on STERLING HILL and letting him renew your 'iilwriptions fur iifKpniHn, nhirv pnrif and magazines. He aln kec a cmui'lcte htork of Mitgnzines, in cluilini.' (Vntury, Harper, I,ilie etc All the impiil.ir lihrarien, Seitnide, LovelU. Stamlaiil, Slunnie and others. Iu fact evrythliw usu ally fiuml in a 1st clais news depot, P 0 Build ing, Eugene. FAIR DEALIHCJS OURNliJTTO. Everyone ft vnding in need of building mate iai will ln w-ll to call nnd see nur . Cnhurg stm'k of lumlier, kept at Miilgley i. Dysingrr's factorv. We can pleas all kinils nf customers n quality and quantity. ' Give us a Call before pnrohnxing eluywhere. Jf. N. Mathemh, Agt. ADMINISTRATOR'S hOTlCL" . -r- i vroTicE is iinnEiiY giventhat ll the undtridgn-d, Jerry Hay, has been by the County Court of Lane County, Ore gun, duly sppnilituil jadiiiuimtrator of the estate of -Mm Vsloiitine, ileceased. ind all persons having claims against snid estate are herehy nntifitil to presont the satmi duly verified to f aid adminitbator, at his store in llairikhurg, Oregon, within tit months f ruin the datn of this liolire Dated Sept II. I88',V; Jk.hry Hav, Administrator. Bii.vr.tr & Coi.mk.h, Attys. RKV I M' DERBY,. .of Linden, N. Y.. says: "The (jilnmre A otnatic Wins', proved a great blessing to my wif." At Osharn and Cu's. TUK riiF.TTIEST LADY In Olesn wa askeii what made lier eolliplexion so cloar and beautiul. rhe aid it was by using Giluiore's Arotnstio Wine, at O.burn and Co' ONE OK THE MOST NOTED European physicians said: flieurslgia was the prayer of a diseased nerve for healthy blood. Us. Gil more' Aromatic- Win. fur the blood, MRS T.. LOOM IS. of Elba. N Y. write. n. chat !. u .irlc for i months. wa in. dnced to try (Jilinore'l Arou.atlc Win. and four bottles cnreil nrr. Al iiiuin .aouvos. RKV II II E WELL, of Pavillion, N Y. says nf Gilmort's Aromatic Wine: ''1 believe it to be most doirable remedy to in placed in erery family." THE WIPE. MOTHER An MAID who suffers I'mm Female Weakness and JJebility, will find Giiroore'a romatic Wine a positive cure. Sold by Uiburn and Co., druggisU. , 01I.Mi;RE'8 AROMATIC is a great nc- oes, theref rs we challenge the world to pr duoe its rqua! a. a restorative for Woman. REV. W. FISK RKQUA. of Aurora, I'd, I aud God i( an escnlhnt household remedy tliat r- "1 bivt niei li iiiiioi I isui) mi" QIIPB IHIjf l)1V Uii wiwnifc ,f jt M,. I wss trmhle.1 with Malaria, Rowel 'Difficulty and s'eepless ni.'lits which 1 Mnmi wm wearing me out. After taking Aromstic well and ot:,erwi feelin, lik a new man. I ! uihof.ni .vi rn irei ureal renei. wioiik rDeenuiiy reniuiiwmi is v .a itmu i,u.j"... ',f. rT aai. oy usD'irn nn io, cu-ue, i Rare Surglrnl Operation. Cincinnati, Dia 13. Onn c( ,tlin rarest and most dangcrouH oprrationn iu llm cop of aurjjery liau Iipimi lately pfrfurmed at the) Cincinnati Hospital It conihttd of reinoviii aliout three inches of tho liackhnnu and exposing tlifl spinal cord. Thn . patient,, was t young coloied man ahout twnty-onM years old. Wfin first .admitted to tint hospital he was sulTerins from a terri ble disease, which had broken out over the head, neck and hack iu tho form of large aliacnftses,thochief one of which was ahout the middle ofs the hack, and hud eaten away the backbone to a consider aide extent. The pc9r follow was com pelled always to lie on his, face. His legs were completely paralyzed. It was decided that hh only ohanco to escape death lay in tho removal of a part of (he lack hone, so as to stop (he process of decay. . He) was turned on his face, and1 the surgeon made an incision down the spine. A larjre quantity of .pus.waB revealed, and the cavity wus sponged out carefutiy, in order to Bi'p just where the knife was goiiiij. In. this rojion, where one slip of the knife or one falsi) move would haye boon fatal to tho pa tient, the surgeon with a cliinel ami hammer cut out all that was in any way affected, iiovc-r toiichiu? the .spinal cord. All, causes of suppuration and, paralysis Were removed. Tho , patient, recovered from the. ether and was placed in hi d on his face. In three days motion returned to hut legs, and ho was uh! t move his feet for tho first time in nearly a year. About! the same time sensation begau fo return to the limbs, , Iu about three w'eks he uould bear some weight, onhia legs. He at length heca,rae strong enough to stand with assistance and take a step or two. J! i "P," '''H t W8 10 the end of, the wr,rd and sit down in a chair with comfort The. wound, has srudually closed ud, leaving only a slight scar, and causes him little or no pain. 1 ' " ' " Palnlmt Death. .I A god many penplo,, regard the Idiowning of the iiupounihd dogs as un necessary crut;l4 aud many substitutes (have heoii sugiHted, among others olnclricily. Hut Dv. Connel, nuperinten ident of,the county hospital, at Milwau ,kue, Wis., has devised , a method cf puinless killing that is not open to aey of the objuctiuiu against drowning. His plan, U to run an iron tube from a retort into a barrel, aud tq generate varbon dioxide which soon Mils the bar , rul. A dog placed in the barrel goes to sleep immediately and in ler.s than three minutes ie is dead without a struggle. Evidently there is no puin and not even a diaugreeaMu eiiHA,tion. In looking at, a, dog in the barrel, through a, pane of glass, it can be seen thhe ptrctches himself comfortably for a sleep nnd not a movement is made after thatv Dr. Connel devised this plan in order to kill animals upon which operations have been performed for surgical purposes. From tirnt tp Ust, iu the experiments at the hospital no pain is indicted on the' animals. They are fully etherized before they are operated upon and there is no con sciousness until the operation liai been performed and the animals properly bandaged. They revive immediately and run nbout as though nothing had happened, When it ns necessary to kjll them to see fhe results of the op eration they are put through the pain less process now adopted by that city for disposing of rnpouuded animals It ii a fact that animals operated upon at the hospital do not sutler as much as a man who has a tooth drawn. To those and there are many who regard hang ing as a barbarity that tho most atroc ious murder cinnot .excuse this plan should commend itself as a proper one hy which to inflict the death penalty upon criminals. Yes," siiid the new pastor, you have a very tini auditorium, atjd thi pulpit ia artiMtie.bothju conception and work uianship. So far, so gocd; and' with a tU( properly fitted up,, in the chapel and, a good dancing floor, and the prop er cooking uie:nile, I don't see why we mar not make this a lUri vu y wide- M) kf cliuah aild axOUl,1''11'' 110 end Jo'gaod. Slain Hint mny be Swallovred Tp. The inhabitaiits iu the region lit? tweun Charleston, S. C , ani Atlanta, Cla., jsro slpwly working thomselvef into the belief, that they are living upon u very thin shell, and that any inomont a vast caving in may take place, com pletely engulting two States and poni- bly tipping up several others. This fear is not founded uponja fact nor de. veloped by infereuces. It is the result of empirical science. Facts are being gathered daily showing '.hat. an im mense cavity exists in the earth in this quarter. A mm in . Laurens, S. C, dug a well down to a point where each stroke of the pick produced a hollow sound, and finally the bottom of the well fell out A linn wa produced, hut after using all tho clotheslines of the neighborhood no one could find where tho bottom went to, and all hope of recqvory .,lia8 la-on abandoned. In another, town a part of the highway disappeared, recently into a bottomless pit, and the authorities are afraid tr ' look into iu A local Professor ha made a careful computation and say that it i!l take all the earth' in tl county to fill the cavity up, and tl Road Commissioners will have I bridge it ever or resign. In tho ton Ninety. six, of Revolutionary fam thorn is a split where every carthqual rumble in Charleston has been distinc ly hoard, and it is oonuluded that t) sub'.erianean cam acts as an ir chain lr through which the sound is con ducted. There is a spot near Dawsoi. (ia., where rain constancy falls out o a clear sky. This has been going oi ever since the greatf earthquake c( August Slst. Tim theory is that al this place the crust of the earth is verl thin and the temperature of the air if modified by the. temperature of the vi-t ciuity, beneath, thus producing rain. Hundreds of people have visited the spot and testified to the dampness of. the drops that fall, and, as Dawson is a Prohibition town, r.o t one .can have the face tq cast any reflection upon the trustworthiness of the evidence. We should regret, very much to lose two or three Ktati-H from the TJnion at this , time, but if they should cave in it would leave an invaluable natural curi osity. Excursion, trains could be run from all directions to tlui edges of the crust of , the earth, affording at once recreation and instruction, to thousands of people, Springfield Kepublican. The late Jim Uavanaugh, after serv ing his term iu Congress, came to Col-i orado. His fame., as a lawyer and;, stump speaker preceded . him, and ii ,18C2,when the Republican party put,irt 'nomination for delegate to the Nation al, Councils Hiram P. Bennett, the Democrats pitted Jim Cavanaugh against him. Tlmy were both rattler on the, talk, so they decided to stump the Territory together and speak from the tame rostrum. At times their sar casm wuh cutting. It was c,ive and t'lke. Al Montgomery Jack Lungrishe had built a theatre, and when the spenkers arrived there he donated the use of his li.iuso. A rousing meeting was out Dennett made the opening speech, and closed with some ullusion to his opponent that 'brought down tin house." Cavanaugh arose to re-' ply, but 'was compelled to wait until the tumult subsided. Just at this mo ment a herd of pack-jacks had halted at the door, and they with one voio set up a, most unearthly braying. Ca anough waited quietly for tlui asses til get through, and then, with woe de picted upon his countenance, turned to 1 his opponent and in a deprecating ton said: "My friend, would it not bi more iu keeping wkh the rules of civility if but one of your party spok-j at a timer The following pointed "ad." appears in a Montana newspaper: "The night o, the 11th inst. t.dark bejr mare, fif teen hands hitih, small white star in forehead, Uth hjnd feet white, was stolen from the stable of Ira Sampson, the undersigned. I will cive the mars ' and 8'iO in-cash for full and ruliaMe . particulars regarding ths funeral of the thief." - - f i i 0 m i 1 1 i i r ; A ieuk of sold dust, valued at 000. was taken out of the placer min in BUekfrtut, District, Montana, by f brothers durinj ths fast season. t i