1 AND COUNTY. ;HILF MKXTIOXS. r kid gloves at Friendly's. 1 , l r N J Taylor for dentiatry. ' , i cheap fur cash at Matlock's. . 4d bought and aold at Goldsmith'. . 1 .t of Eartera b.ts Just received at . i. y acres of fine laud for sae. Intpiire of Vmatv kest cash price will ho paid for wheat . ina. . K tiph fiatahed neatly an! artis s Winter's. ' U receiving alrg line of new dress Jive him acalL j 1 cold tatha every day in the week lorn' barber shop. ine of ailk plushes in all shadet aatFB Dunn's, c n purchase Waltham watches at i' from $10 ind upwards. . ad oil cloth just received Will be i l j Hand priceo by Bettman. -, mower can be purchased at the 1 i tchett k Forkner for 80. TS CUR immediately relieve ,' lumping Cough and Bronchitis. day. tors If y want hardware at reasonable prices store ot rVitoliett Korkuw. mr bed rom '' sets, lounges, Hiat al furniture of Day Hemler a V Craw hs the sole agency fur all ( the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigws. X Hill keeps in stock an excellent t of goosi readable works. Give U ue of la lies' and childrena' underwear ;s has just arrived and will be sold a prices bjr liettinan. i are in want of agricultural machin , ny kind, remember that Mr J i ks keeps a full assortment. H Friendly will pay the highes ket price for wheat. , Give him a re selling your grain elsewhere. g Hill, at the postotfice, takes sub t for yearly every newspaper and J in America, at the publishers rates, deliver- good cedar posts for $K per ', and good eedar boards Jnr SI per hun Will , exchange for wjeat or flour, rders with d B Eakin, J-. :. . RumiiT Vaughn. .d after April lit tho undersigned immeo.ee doing business on a V basis, selling good for cash or ... i . . mi i' i : t j only. All purchaser win mm n io terest to call and get prices. . J. l. Matlock. - Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely veg- positively cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lie, sick headache, cramp colic, cholera ; Complaints peculiar to female, Dys- oold or cough, Hives, Chills Mil fe tins around the he ar',, erysipelas, Gkohue Taylor, by Osbum & Co, druggists, Eugene. What Tiue Merit Will Do. inprecsdented gale of Boschee's Germnn ithin a few years, has astonished the i It is without iloiilit the safest ami he-t ever discovered for the speedy an 1 ef- cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Inutile. It acts on an entirely inner Lcinle from the moi'd prescriptions giv Pliyninians. as it docs not dry up a .in,! i,.ave the dise-wi still in 'he sot-m, ii the contrary removes the cause of the ile, heals the parts affected aud leaves tin a purely healthy oomlitioii. A Imt ptiu the bouse for u when the diseases thffr appearance, W nave doctor Hulls v lotig sped of serious illness. A ti iaJ i.l inoe you of the facto. It is positively liy all druggists and eviterul dealer iu the !. Price, 75 el., largo hottlea. ,t Delinquent Tax Notice. iceisherebv given to nil owihr Wxes, .slinnuent, that the County Court vX Hi-' Mnion ord-red me to collect the same tfith. 'Ibis is therefore to notiy nil rued that if they wish to save costs they ornne forward at once and pay the smue vill be obliged to proceed airainst them f, .f. M. SuAN, Sheriff Lane Co. i 15, 188IS. For Sale. 1 in Shelton's and Packard's additions to e City. Nicely located and the most oient of any tor sa'e. Price from $."0 X on easy terms. Apply to j Dk. T. W. Sheltos, I . Eugene City, Or. I SALE. -150 lots in all parts of Eugene with and without houees. Prices to suit. ' ; Geo. M. Miller. ! Money! Cash! iCoinl!!. t tiTo)i nnlirV all that are indebted to me ! I must insist on the pavmentof thesameat . not long hence. 1 appreciate your pa' ge and hope for a wutinuanceof thesSme, it takes money to Duy goons, i sii e- MinD. yn nnd in those whose ac- aUamnf l.mtr standiir' I will say, itm't its anyone but yourselvea, if c"t is niade 'ist you, for I shall collect the same if pos- F. B. Dunn. . t , Keynote to Health. fl..ih ! wealth. WVilth means indepen iVii.sl Thskevnotaia Dr Bosankn's Cough mi Uung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the w r;t. Cures Coughs. Colds, Pallia in 'h ' t, Bronchitis anil Primary Consumption. One dose eivea relief in everv case. 1 ake no r. Frice 60 cents and 81. Samples free. ; by Osburn 4 Co. List of Letters emaining uncalled for in the Postoffiee at ene City, Oregon, "Friday, Nov 26, 183C: ald, Mr Anuie Marry, Clarence d, Miss Hatlie Mehaley, Mrs Mary sn.Mr.JJ Riddell.UJ jn, H H Simpson. S L 'igan, Stover, Harry ilin. Miss Sadie Sweet, W S j) twfonl, K J Pieson, lioht K . len, W P Wliiit, KlizahcVh ch, Horace Whitsit, Chas Imonr, G R Winner. Lorson irjier, G90 Wolf, Mrs R rdon, John M ! WoolciK.-k, Cbas ; Yarnall Mr Ella. Persons calling for the same will please state ten advertised. ; ' F. W. OsBiJRN, P. L j City Transfers. Geo B Dorristo Jas II Alderman, lot in orris' addition; con f."5. A P Anderson and wife to Chan Uuer, o lota 10 Packard's addition; coo S'25. Depicatios. The new Methodist Church 1 this city will be dedicated to-morrow. Re I K Hinet editnrlof the P C Advocate at Port d, will preach tin dedicatory termon at 11 a. 1, Rev T Van Scoy, President of the Willain nivenity will preach the sermon in the even .'. Excellent mnsic by the choir. All are ivited to attend the services. Pahmebs Taki Notice. A rkI dinner can i at Baker's Hotel fcr 25 eentf.' Dexter Items. DecAber 2, 188(5. Farmers are busy plowing. v Veather exceedingly delightfaL Mr II S Tilton viuited the city Saturday. Burr Bros hava their flume about completed. Mr II C Morgan made Eugene a vUit Mon Mr J Y Guilder has leased Mr S Handsak- er's farm. Considerable butchering is being done in this vicinity. Eld D V Briilges addressed the peolde at Trent lust Suuduy. Mr G W Handsaker auowife were ud from Pleasant Hill Suudty. Mr Ilnbt Camnliell. of Sorinclield. was on his ranch a few days last week. Mr JohnBlakely ami wife, of Rush Island, were ft this place the tirst of the week. Mr L S Rowland, of Eugene, spent Thanks- giving with relatives and friends here. Mrs J M Clark, of Springfield, visited with friends at this place Monday and Tuesday. Hunting deer seems to have become both a pleasure aud a business in this vicinity of late. The would tie cattle king of Lost Valley, Mr Frank Atkins, has taken up a stouk ranch on Row river. Miss Etta Handsaker has returned from Jas per, where she has been visiting relatives for the past two weeks. Our aoellintr school are a decided sucoexs. but the literary wx-ietira s complete lail- ur, uavikg ceaaeu to erisi. Mr Tlios Graham is .making a great many improvements on his ranch in the way of build iug, cutting dowu timber, etc We understand that the Dexter flouring mills have tuspeuded work for a year, during which time most of the old machinery will be removed aud replaced with new. Died, at Lowell, Lane county, Oregon', Nov 23, ItvSti, of kidney disease, Jas Breeding. De ceased leaven several members of his family ind a large circle of other relatives and friends to liniurn his lohs. Mr John Kitsnu, the genial proprietor of the Kitson Springs, passed through liere on his way to halciu on business a few days ago. Prof W M Stiller made a business trip to Eugene Saturday. With pleasure we sttte that this honorary gentleman will attend the O S U after Chiistmas, all reiHirts to the con trary notwithstanding. In noticing the tuistakethat "Popse Wopse," more tauiiilaily, known as Prof B, made in his last items about the Veatch ranch, one would naturally suppose that a pait of his mind and time is ilevoted the meditation of how names might be chanaed, hence the entanglement in the uieshfs of h:s meditation. Uxo Hoo. , Trent Items. , Nov. 30, 18SP. Mr Hnlibard, a hop merchant, was in our valley recently. A daughter of Mr 0 M Hamilton is quite sick witu pneumonia. Mr Clem Parli-T, the "sage" of Dexter, has rented a farm in Rattlesnake vulley. Mr Rolit Campbell, of Springfield, spent the greater part of last week In our midst. We are glad to stato that Mrs H C Morgan, who lias lieeu in poor health for Some time past, has greatly improved. An exhibition will lie given in-the new school house at Trent the latter part of Decern' her or the lirst of January. Mr Lee Rut'edge and Luther Rowland were no liere TliaiiKs.'iving visilmg their old Home and,associ.ites. Don t forget to come again boy?; you may be sure ym are alwuys wel come. Vhy do we en no owe of tht eloquent pro ductions from "Rusty Pen?' Can It lie tliat he has worked nil the irsplnttion from hi bruin, or has the battered servant of Ills intel lect forgotten its cunning. r.v 1) W UriiLes delivered a very interest- ing ami instructive discourse here Sunday. We uuderstuud he. will continue to preach here once a month. All wlio desire to listen to earnest Intellectual elForls will do well to at tend. Tn unite of, Uno Hoo's dire threat, the wretch who stvje the linils from the school building has nt returned them. Yet let him not tliinlc he can escape, for when siilthiieiit evidence is obtained he will receive the pun ishment he so well deserves. The Uult Man or 1 bent. "Yacip." The Oakland Tribune in speaking of the play to be presented at at Uliinthart's Theatre on Dec o'lh and 7th, says; "Last n'ght Geo 0 Stanley made his tirst appearance before a wcll-h'led a'ldito rium, in the title role in the play of 'Yacup.' The part is one that is admirably adapted to his talent, as in dialect acting Mr Stan ley is certainly entitled to praise. The part Ut 'Yacup' gives him .opportunity mat an character actors prizs, comprising as it ooc. louder pathos and ludicrous comedy, ami also giving him a chance to sing his lyrol eau song, in wnicu ne excels, mr ..iwv.1.. luin is to be congratulated on the selection of Mr Stanley's support. Mr Jas B.irrows played the violin troni nature. Miss Min nie Morel, as the adopted daughter, looked ami acted sweetly. Miss Laura White was enthusiastically-received, proving herself an Oakland favoiiia. K C White, Logan Jul, Al K Free eV ami the remaining suip'in were up to a standard of excellence scl loin fnund in a traveling company Everybody should see 'xaiiip. . ' TV. 8aCSDF.ru Cask The date on which the Saunders rnnrder case will come up f'jr rehearing m the Supreme Court lias been fixed for Deo .Dthr-bnoa ust two wee prior to the time fjce.1 for his hanging. For ,1,. itp(! VV Belt. Geo E Chamberlain, L i.'i: ! D tliniii.lirnu ami J J Wliitney ot runo, ii i ""r"v - - - - - .-. Albany will appear, and Saunders nll. i..f i.i k Uhmm John I'.urnett, J llCICI'HtM " . . - - -. ... WMtherfoni. D UN P.Uckburi.;C h Wl- verton. 0 II Irvine, J Cl'owell and L Bit; veu The case will be tried before W Th.,-r m.d W P Lord. Jodge Strai.sn, having been employed a so attorney 011 the ,.h in the lower court, will r.-.t sit upou the bench. AsOTHfeK INV .P S -Messrs Pattersou Christian this week received another large invoice of .tationery of all descriptions di rect fmm the East. A very large assort n)Kllt of holiday go."ls are Included ill the invmce-the handsomest ever seen m t tne. All the g-ls kept in Stock will be ((,ld lower than elsewhere Elwtiox of 0ricr.K.s.-Last Tuesday night Sncer Butte Iv-lge, No 3, I 0 0 F, elected the following officers fr the en.ui. g a t 11 "vi:. ri VpUnn. V m,af f. a I II L'crllH " J W Ch, rrv. P G; J J Walton. Jr, lUc Secretarv; T W Sheltoo, Taylor, Treasurer. Scvrcury; MARBlEa-At C-tUge tirore, Sunday. Nv 0.-,th, at tbs reai ience f Mr Th s Allen, Mr J.,hn Schmulx and Mise Mary Allen. c, 1SSG, to the ..:J0. Pil: t In tins c.tv. iec wifeofChisLraodenberg, brevities. City election at Spkngfield.next Monday. The Albany city elecon wjl occur next Monday. See change in the OP lilt advertisement in another cnluinu. . We will publish the Presidtot's message in full in our uext issue. W S Udd's artesian well at East Portlaud is now down lSoO feet Call, and see those fine blankets at the Browntyille Clothing Store. The Gl'AKl) does all kinds of job priuting cheaer than Portlaud prices. The assessments for street work are now due and payable to the City Treasurer, ii The OPRR grade is now completed from Albany eastward to the Santiam river. Mr F M Nighswander has another article this week on the first page of the Gl'AHD. Lota of railroad bridge repairers are mak ing their headquarters in Eugene atj present. Some No 1 hop land for sale cheap. A large part clear and ready for plantirttr. Geo, M. Miller. The only place to get a genuine suit of all wool goods is at the Biawnsville Clothing Stoic,. J " ' By the olTioial count we learn that Vor- hees lias 2192 plurality in Washington Ter ritory. ' Mr 8 S Stevens, ono day this week, pur based of J M Hendricks, an improved chopper. Mi and Mrs J E Holt are keeping house at present in Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs II s health is not materially improved. Foe the beat variety and the lowest prices in Gents", furnishing goods and hats go to the Brownsville Clothing Store. F M Divis, of Monmouth, is still mirting. The latest news concerning him will be . ' . . ... ,.,.' foil ml 11:1 the tirst page 01 tins issue. A good farm for raising stock or grain for ale on reasonable terms. Inquire of A A King, 4 miles north east of Eugene. . Duck hoting in a row boat cn the Willam ette rive is the p ipular sport of our local shootists at present. They make good kill ings." ( Prof Hepburn' is preparing to produce with an amateur company the cantata, "David the Shepherd Hoy," for the benefit of the M E Church. Goldsmith pays for beaver fJ to ?3 50 per pound. Mink nod coon, 15 tn 50 cte. Fisher and otter, $2 to $0. AdamC Johnson, the man who full about 70 feet oil the Saltm bridge whilii. it was being constructed, has sued the San' Francisco Hridge Co for $15,000 damages. Prof Albert, a magician and ventriloquist, with his company are showing in the coun try precincts of this enmity. He pirformed at Springfield last Tuesday evening. , ( Mr Ingersoll, who has been head, miller in the Eugene Mills during the pat three years, has resigned his position, Mr Wm Edris is filling the vacancy at present. fiLme verjr fine Lithotype-Elcctrotypcs just received sit the GoaKO nlliee. They are the "lii.est i!i the land" for neat letter heads and bill heads. No extra charge. J A J Crow, of this coiintyvwho has been in Josephine county some time looking after his mining interests, left for Portland iues diiv in company with his sister; Mrs Crouh eroo, of Idaho Territory. The Northern Pacific railroad company, it is said, contemplates sending out an exhibi tion chr next year similar to those sent by the State Immigration Board. The car will uoiitniii specimen products of Oregon and Washington. Gen P Colby, of Orange county, Florida, the eloquent trance speaker, lectured at the Court House in this city lest Wednesday and Thursday evenings, under the auspices of the Oregou State Spiritual Society. Good auilbrces were present each evening. The Mnsorjs have decided to offer their lot on the corner of Willamette and Eighth streets, i-.-fflf.i for mI. We understand that sev. eral parties are desirous of purchasing the lot, hence it is likely that the property will bring a fancy price. They have been oneren e-i.uw. j There will be no preaching at the Preshy tcrian Church next Sabbath morning, as the congregation will join with the Methodists ;.. ik. .laHicatinn services, annnam oi rill meet 1 o'clock, yeung people a meeting . K-30. ami miblic worship at me nsuai hour in the evcliing. Hon K L Rristnw has been nominated by the Salorn Democrats for the otlice of City Marshal. Ile would make an efficient and honest officer, and Ins nhl friends 111 l-ane cnunty.irreapeetive of party, hope to hear of hi election. Judge IMmsey nss ueen noun fUn hv the Damn nsrtv for Mayor. The elcctbu occurs next Monday. Dr Kendall, of Buna Vista, met with fatal accident at 7aquina City on the 2!)th inst. bv stepping I'fT the the railroad track on the company' dock, failing a distance .of niiix foot down- hatchway ami iigitMog ....... i.;- heml ;).- Len and Rich vtre called and did all that medical aid could do. hut he never regained consciousness, aud ex tgoinrditu ini'htat fi o'clock. II. S son ... t-Wranhed for ami went over and con veved his father's remains to Buena Vista . 1 . . . ' I." . l U.n lor Imnal. ueceasen was on 1111 i Francisco. . Whatever tends to elevate he mind, re fine the senses, is worth spending time and l..r llcuer. the coiitemiilation of works of art "is a necessity as well as a pleasure." The graceful lines of a vase, the k. v i.f c. lor ir, a cnn. the eleitfiiC ne e sign of a pitcher become pleasing studies and constant sojreet of delight to obi ano ynnng, rich and pool, thrilling the imagina tion with new emotions, and awakening the dormant chords of onr better nature with yibratiops of heavenly rythm. Thoughts like these were impressed upon my mind as I stopped to admire the beauti ful whiUi r.tf, and other splendid wares, displayed at the southeast corner of Eighth and Willamette str-ets. And feasting my eyes on the delicacy of tint, the glory of e ..r and gra ot f..rm, lovely in their simplicity, I said to myself, "ere my means . ... I.mif-l I nteft-r acaairinff one small caairing rti. le irom inn WW""". "'" che.p and gsudy stuff that fl l. the market at this seanaot the year. RambuTB. Firemc;:s election Monday. 1 5ti of shows billed for next week. Mr liouvr of Jacksonville is in town. Three weeks from tn-day is Christmas, r Matlock sells everything at the Iowst prices. A new frout has beeu put in J Davis' td- for shop. Look out for Bristow k Craig's new ad text week. The bridge across the river at Salem is lompleted. Willamette street property is ready sale lose days. Matlock will pay the highest prices for I kinJs of furs. Eugene Hook and . Ladder Co meets next Holiday evening. Mr G B Dorris is having the front of his liick block cemeuted. Mr E L Bristow has resigned the local ip oo the Salem Town Talk. IFor Holiday goods go to Patterson & Clciatian's. They keep only the best. Capt N B Humphrey has agaiu located at Albany for the practioo of his profession. If r C A Davis now carriea bis left hand baillaged. He waa too handy with a hand- " Hen Owen and W H D-lano were regis tenJ at lloltou House, Portland, Tues day. ' Rev Louis Mestayer, of Albany, held ser vices at the Catht lio Church in this city last Sunday. A marriage license was issued tliii week to J W Heinis and S G Allen, of Cottage Oove recinct, , ho we sleep, dci.we ilream! The Pndiibi tit.nists elected their ticket in Bourbon county Kentucky. M G Smith, M-ho had his leg broken last September, is now able to hobble almut our streets, on crutches. Matl-wk has just received fnnn Chicago the finest line of dress goods ever shown in Eu gene. Ladies, examine them. The masquerade ball given by tho Fire n.ens Cornet Baud at Rhinehart's Hall Wt evening was a very successful affair. t . One of Eugene's leading young men will lead a young lady, residing at present in San Fran cisco, to the hymenial alter ere the end of the year 1SS0. Mr Chas F Croner has purchased Mr Ply- mate's interest io the hrm of Bristow & Plymate. The llrm hereafUr will be- Bris- Uw & Crouer. Mr Frank Kratise, editor of tho Jackson ville Sentinel, died at his home last Satur- lay. He was an honest man, certainly the noblest work of God. May he rest 111 peace. The Gdard office has turned out a large amount of fine job work during the past two months. And still we are prepared to furnish all work demanded oil the shortest nf notice. ,, t From Sacramento conies the story of a bride won at a game of poker between her admirers, she being willing, aud the loser to act ns l?st man at the marriage, inree sixes won vn Willing bride. .", , It is said that many of the property own ers along :xth street win petition mo Council at its next meeting to improve that thoroughfare in a similar manner to that of Seventh street. A regular meeting of the Vv' C T U will be held at their room at 2 o'clock ,ori the afUrnimn of Deo 8th; as quarterly dues from officers ami suierintenileiits, it is desirous that all mem bers be present. There will be no service at the Baptist Church Sunday morning on account of the dedication nf the M V. I'hnrohr ether rjeryi ces as usual. :'Kveiiing subject, The Fruits of Christianity. ,. , There will be more trick buildings erected in Eugene next Summer, than ever, beloro know in the town's history. All traveling men agree that our town is the liveliest one iu Western Oregon. . .. Beaidei nutting In a forty .horse power tur bine water wheel at their factory, Messrs Day it Henderson am making numerous other 're pairs. Home manufactories should iecelve the ncouragement 01 an. , v The decision in the case of Goo Thompson, respondent, vs Ira Hawley, appellant, waa de cided by the Supreme Court last Monday In favor of the latter, .nnige - vtaiwn, 01 tins city, appealed for Mr Hawley. , Wednesday Sheriff Jordan, of Multnomah county, was tried in the U 8 Circuit . Court and acnuitted of the charge of attempting to . . .1 . . ..t 11.. 1... ....in.,. obstruct the process of the Court by indue ing a witness to leave the Mate. Mr Gen F Craw has reoeivod the spooint- ment as agent of the Postal Telegraph Co for this place.. When the office gets started the public will have some accorHrnodations.hcuce the new company will do all the business. It is with plnasare that we learn that Mr Casper Sharpies, who is attending the Medi cal College i.f Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, has beeu clcled Piesident of his class. This it qnite complimentary to the young liiau and to the State from whiuh he hails. Says the , Vancouver Independent; The notorious Judge Dawne, of Alaska fame and other notoriety, whose sudden disappearance elicited so much comment during the early psrt of this year, is now reported ss having turned up in S in Francisco, and ht traveling Dr Benson, a professor of surgery in the San Diego University. t- A man named Crabb from near Eugene, who hM been confined in.iail for number of them sure weeVi on con-iction for Jelling li'l'ior without j certainly apM-ar at that court as its government license, waa released yesterday, .lud,.,, or its prisiecotirig atttirney. or the edi-uul-r the pmip-r convit tact, not being rtble to ' H ( t, ,,a,.r. It se notliing V) censiTe imvh s Hue. Jl Is urrier 111 ia 10 1- 7 I . , , ....1: ..ir.,.:..l I l.a iiromlnent and leali:- I V- . -. , u n.i.lit I1B.VA Ih-iTI 'li:-g ni'- ,.un.ti.,, by pi 't,, bave a,t the old nan f IV -flail. I 1 It" IT1 1 KT.lt. This is news to ii, as we hate never heanl of ar.y man being arrested here by the name of Crabb. . The Pall. Mountaineer has the following to say alniut a gentleman well and favorably known here: "I'ev VV G fcimpson was not completely ancccsaful in his mission to New ti ...1 i:.s (oa..n i.n thevir rlaiin to lif OD r Mr Sirnpm i. . m.t rode- . fatinnable worker, ami ne na nv "in.i..or-i , frMt deal in this matter, l.si jeople should feel thaakful to bun. ..1 in thu matter, tor whith our - - ' - . .. York City in the msltcr of -djutme.,t "f (i0wing nffieers f.-r the ensuing year: I rea claims of our citizens against the Meth.-li.t j .. (f ,!(Bleljllr(: Vice b.-rd of mission.; but by r.i.teot effort. w . o( Col)U SrtfriUry, he hu brooght the snl.jecl w me atieninn - , o.. ,. rre,.urer. A Hush, of I I of the board, and in such a ahajie that at the ! t'nief Marshal, John Q Wilson, of next general conference it may reas,.ably ' n,i. f NUr.b.l of the Pavilion, A F ta rxited that - t,n will be taken hs k- Sa em, 11 ' to the refunding of the money paid the Miller, ol uisuurg Yesterday was a beautiful day. Not an occupant in the city or 0 unity Jail. 1 Messrs J P Ramsey and H Hollenbtck returned from Draiu Saturday. Mr Geo 3 Washhiirne was commissioned a notary public by Gov. Moody last Monday. The Masons intend building next Summel the Hiiest ami largest hall this tide of Portland. From the Prineville News, we learn that Wils Owens is stopping at Alkali Flatt, Crook county. The Guild of St Maey's Episcopal Church will meet at Mrs Goo V Craw's, on Wedues nay afternoon, Duo .8th, I Parties continue to cross the mountains via the Military and McKeniie mutes. Very lit tie snow is leported ou the summit of the Cas ca hs. 1 Tho Firemens Band played several selec tions iu th band stand last Thursday eve. ning. The treat was much appreciated by the people. The Eckert Leighton Opera Co. .which shows here next Friday and Saturday, is one of the best troiqies on the road. Two of the funuiest operas in the language with the prot ttast and most siarkliiig music, and played by the best actors with all the scenic conven iences, will surely draw the discriminating public of Eugeue. Always patronixo a gooj show. Win Gird, a well known resident of Benton county, who formerly resided at Albany, wsf found dead iu a barn near Corvallis, last . Weduesdav night beneath the horses feet His face waa somewhat dis figured, but it is not known whether he was kicked and killed by the horses or committed suicide by some means, here as a sporting man. He is well known and is aged nearly fifty years. He leaves a family ami a wife who Is livini in Portland. At the last county fair he was in Eugene and several of his horses ran iu the races. The Portland News says: A young man alsmt twenty eight or thirty years old, black eyes, dark hair and beard ami a tongue as glib as any one ever Mssessed has lieen passing counterfeit dollars oil the bloiids of interior towns. He is a siviable fellow ami when he mad-en a town he becomes intimately aciiiiaiu l with all the "boys." His stay is generally limited to one day, and when he has gone the "hoys" generally find themselves In possession of spurious coin received as genuine. The fel low was in Portland about ten days ago und uav the name of Harrison. He passed a 001111 terfeit dollar on a young man ami left town to avoid arrest. He hails Irom ian r rancisco. Says a San Francisco dispatch ,cf Nov 37th: The Califorula A Oregon .extension of the Southern Pacific is being pushed forward, with the greatest energy. The Immense force of meu at work there, besides vast quantities nf nischincrv. rta.. enables the rail Mud to lie coll strncted with creat rapidity. On the Mb of lll'lt lliollt h the road will be opened to Edge' wood a small place alwint twenty miles from the present terminus of the Mad. 'The grails of the road from Dunamuir to Summit is very steep, Mug seventy five feet to the mile, while on the down grade to Edgewood the fall is 110 fujl to the mile. From Edgewood to the base of the Siskiyou mountains the construction of the road will be plain sailing, but on reaching that point it will be very difficult and costly. A force of men were sont up to the Sikiou on W'viliiradiiv last to commence work on the lurge tuuuvl that has to be constructed ill the range. , -u- Under Fifteen Hundred Dollar Bonds. Prlneville Review, Nov 27th. On Fritlay of last week Felix Currin furn ished t(KJ bonds, the bond required by Jus, tic Hell iii the recent examination in which Curriu was charged with having stolon horse front Win 'Foster. Ha was released and immediately arrested on a warrant is 11..1I nut of Justice Bull's court, charging him with having stolen a horse from J O Talor. Ctirrin-hnil another examination betore Justice Pell on .Tuesday, nnd was held to appear before the next grand jury In tl so m of SI. VP. ami not beini! ablo to fund!! ir Im wns remanded to ia.i. , Many hero express tho opinion that this matter has now be'jonie a case of persecution instead of prosucntlon, but to the stockmen lo.m it kinuinrj dill'ereiit. For years they have cjiitiiiually lost horses from off the range, which they were unable to account for, yet 'j.ey were certain that they were being stolen. The stockmen believed there was an orflanixed band of horse thluves SU0 eessfully operating in this county, driving off their horses, pretending to make salel first one to another until the hoi sea were got r.i innrkiif. Ciirrin. it is shown, sold some li'irWB ill the Willamette valley, which were stolen from the range here, though which be claiuis to have buught from strangers travel inir throuuli the county, and it is generally believed among the stockmen hero that ho waa ime of the numbers of a gangnf thieves, sod his part of the transaction was to get tho horses to market ami dispose 01 town, At. nil cots. ha has been caught in dispos inir of stolon iimuirtv. and will ill all proba bility be given an opportunity of explaining to the Circuit Oourt how ne come 111 po.e.. ion of them Wednesday night Felix Currln, the man -,l,l. nmihiuul Iii the old coop which we call the county jail, gave Deputy Micrilf Combe considerable trouble. J'.arly In tno evening . k.. 1.-.....1 ....... tn.i.u in the iml as Cnrrin were trying to break out, anil informed Mr Combs who investigated the matter and .....,,! 1I..1 loi-lr of the front door had .,m n tfimtiorffl with, but Curriu was iu bed. 1 :.. .1.0 f. another alarm wss given ami Mr Combs again found Curriu In bet , but very much excited. He said some of his pals had come to the lail and tr ied to get him out. lie thought fr the purpose of killing blm, ami begged Comlm to protect him, as he was sure ......M kill him if thevgnt him out. Very little credit is attached to Curriu a story, hut a guard has lieen placed over the Jail, and he who trits to rob It of its (H-cupwt is hnble to hs trentetl to a dose of buckshuty Thcahnve from a Pnneville exchange 'reeds no cojiment It virtually declares that be cause' hort.es have been stolen, from Crook county, Mr Felix Curriu shall be pun ished, and justifies the vimlictlvonesa of . bis ccusers in arresting him over arid over again -I... l..v know that the prisoner will meet 1 ,, ,miiihimf a man ceiore ne w i.-u.... 1 . '. . ... .1.. ...... 1 l.i.inrtf or I rook JU'lglllg liniu vow j , li '- .i. un Iu, but little doubt as to who wm at the fail door. That even such . an In- .:.!.... .1 1.1 Vu. 11.nl in the capers of Pnnville UKirillr I,"' - " .11- 1.1 to inflain. the passions and preludices of the k.hI people of CrtH.k cniiity shows the dis positions of those who are persecuting rather thsu pMSecnting Curnn. EbRcrKinorOmcr-Rsi The State Board 1. .1 t. ..!.... I.u i.l.ta.tiil tb nl Agriculture last ii bmo""- . . . t, . .ki "K,7..r. , ; . .I . .V -f kl , . . , WilUin brick imx a f iin"'--" . ii-i - ; ......I Ma. mi 11 PL I ttte street. JUS ITICW IBI'I f - Personal, I Sheriff Sloan went to Portland one da ti.is week. : . . j ilea II Durham, of Portland, was !n Eu last Saturday. ' J Mr Sterling Hill went to Portland Tues day morning. ' ( j. MrJFDay, of Cottage Grove, was in town yesterday. ' . ' ' A letter from Salem atatcs that Mr Davis Shannou is better, " ' ': , Mr JR Campbell visited Woodburn anil Portland this week. (. Miss Lanra Dunn returned from a visit to Astoria last Monday. ' Hon L Bilyeii is exported to arrive home. from Prineville to-day. . Rev T L Sails, tho M E revivalist, waa Id town several days this week. i Mr Geo B Dorris and wife, ot Astoria, will spend the holidays in Eugene. i' Mr Armstrong, of Albany, visited friends In Eugeae the fore part of the week. ' ' 'f Representative Hale was in Eugene Wed nesday aud gave us a pleasant call. 'f Mr Geo 8 WaVhburue went to'Juaction Wednesday on professional business. Miss Dora Scott, who has been visiting at Albany, returned to this city Mondsy. V Ex Gov Chadwlck, nf Salem, passed through Eugene yesterday morning en route homey'"' Dr J H Pilkingtnn was in town Wednes day and Thursday attending on hit numer ous patients iu this vicinity. . ' Mr 0 E Palmer and wife, of Drains, and Miss Russia Palmer, of Scottsburg, apenl several days in Eugene this week. Rev I I) Driver, of East Portland, will attend and take part in the dedication of the now M H Church on to-morrow. , ' The family nf r Henderson, the tinner," arrived from the tlonsior State last Thurs day, and he is cnrr'epouding!y happy. A private letter toll us that Austin Gueiln, of Hay creek, Crook county, will visit rela lives ami friends tn lane county shortly. Hon M Wilkins, nf Coburg, sttnndod a' mooting nf tho Directors of the Oregon State Agricultural Society at Salem Tuesday. ,' MrLS Harding and family, of Marlon' county, who spent several days In thla olty visiting relatives and friends returned to their home lost Saturday. MrTC Judkins, by sicknoss, was pre-' vented from leaving for Washington last' Saturday moriiing. However, he left for that city yesterday morning. ' ' ' f Dr Robt ' Osborti is attending lecture! at Bollevua Hospital, Now tork City. He is well known in Eugene, being a son of Mr aud Mrs Win Osburn. ' '," Judge Walton went to' Salem Monday tor' the purpose of arguing the case 0 Marks A' Co Vs E J and H 8 Crow, appearing for the latter,. He returned home Thursday. ' ' Mr Jeff Yates, of Irving, returned home from Califorula last Thursday. , He sold Ids , horses at fair prices. Jell says' that Eugene is the liveliest town betwseu Portland and San Francisco. . ' Yesterday Mr Hd M Kelly, Treasurer of the' Portland Casino Opera House,, niade us a pleasant call. He was representing the "Fur.' 111 Camp" company. He . informed ns that he intends hi higher a company to Eugene every month. Mr Kelly understands the busi ness thoroughly. MrJWChorry went to' Portland last' Monday. He returned home Thursday so- enmpaiuied by bis wife, who has boon io San Francisco the past few months for the bene. tit of her health. We are pleased to an nnnnce that her health has been greatly im- . proved by her stay in the Bay City. Mr John Weaver, of WaStervllle, who went to Sussex, Wisconsin, .on a summons conveying ' the intelligence of . his father's serious Illness, , returned hiimerTlMrnrtsy. 'He arrived at the place of his destination upon the day bis father was burled. , He says that It Is quite oold East' ami that he ia only too glad to get back to God's country. " 1 Cottage Qrove Item. fllOMOUR aretlALCORRIWPOhpglfT.l CottaqeOrovi, Dec, 2, 1880. ' Weather clear and Spring like for a week past, but raining again this morning. ' Mr J W Hazloton, of Assotio, WT, made ' a short visit to his father, It II Hazleton, of this place, last Wednesday and Thursday. : A ball was given on Thanksgiving evening at the hall nf Whipple Bros. Mr Lars Harding and wife, of Ger'va-rV were visiting at K VV and Frank Whipple' last week. ' ' '''f ' Misses Addis and Martha Medley. 'of Eu ' gene, came up to Cottage Grove Saturday oo avisit. . "r i t Miss Hattie Hazleton accohipaioed her uncle, J VV Hazleton, to Portlaud on his homeward trip. 1 '';.'' Miss Kste Hanson went to Ecgeoe Friday and retained Saturday. v " ' Mr link Hazleton is visiting friends here this week. '. , ' 1. ' ' .'."' " Mr Jm Eakin came on from Eogen to day to vi;t his brother. .f ' y Mr N P Chrltman went to Eugene and back Saturday. . - ': Mrs Wm Nsas had another seyere attack of neuralgia of the stomach last Friday. ' . Mrs Mahala Blakeuey left for ber home at The Uallea Friday. ' ' 1 Mrs John Tapp csme in from Oakland 00 a visit Monday. ' V ' Mr Cyrus Miller and wife returned ntn Lake county last Saturday, ,- Mr Marion Viles, of Marshaltowtt, Iowa, arrived here Monday on a visit to bis moth er ami brother . ' y- A shoemaker has lircated here ooce more. Our city has been without one for several mouths past. Verity. Banc E.vtfbtaismkjii. The CotUge Grove . ' Bnul Band will give an entertainment at Wh:pple'aHall,CoUage,Dec24, 18Hfl, which,' will consist of a varied and entertaining pro eraiuro. Admission 25 cts; childrea ball tirice The entertainment will conclude wito ! grand ball. A grand Christmas tree wm m 1 . .. . 0 : .. . I Ii.. utn, ii1bm iven tne lonowinu i'ii , - r AH are invited. BiB. -Near Eugene City, Oregon. No i.ih. to the wife of VV II Watkins, a son. The - I ex-landlord of ths St Lharies IS ram tu ,,. .-, the event - - 1 ui'o.i'1, -i . - 00