The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 27, 1886, Image 7

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i Principally to Washington Territory
and California.
Dnrtois of San Francisco
ni l (lend in his room. ,
A Hociety of poineers of Washing-
H u Territory litis bo;n formed.
-r. L. A. Elam was shot and killed
, J. J. Bodkin, near Orango, Cal.
Fi .ittlo is the only town in Washing
a Territory witli an electric light
An extensive borax deposit has boen
l near Livormore. Cal.. and is to
; ivo Chinamen were killou near
i:n, Cal., by a mining bank cav
on them,
:.D Tacoma mill, one of the largest
tho world, cuts 2uU,UW feet of luni
r in a day.
A hundred-stamp quartz mill is
1 trotted at the Meadow Luke mine.
1$ rra county, Cal.
A young lady living in Calespel
lYnHoy, W. T., found a human
with an auger imbedded in it.
:.; Frank Maxon, eight year? old, shot
if ami killed a large California lion while
huuting near Bidwell Bar, Cal,
The l aly of an unknown man was
nnl floating in the bay at San Pablo,
'., fastened to the wharf by a rope,
is .estimated that 30,000 immi
:i have located in Oregon and
liiiigton Territory during the past
I tl. 1. . V
a i onuguese miner cailea Joe was
' i in the Derbeo drift mine at
i !a City, Cal., by a bowlder fall-
v; on lam
: :!ie recent election the voters of
ad county, W. T., decided to
the county seat from Chenev to
ie Falls. 1
.ne renet oi the sufferers at
! I'ass, C. I Huntintrton do-
' T tOOO on behalf of the Southern
: Company.
-penter named J. W. Robinson
:idontally killed at the Occitlen
1 at Lirreka, Cal., by being
i in tne Dcmng,
in Costello, "the Buffalo," and
a Cleary were found guilty of
in uakland, Cal., for prize
I in mat place.
; business of refining asphaltum
jmient to Europe has beon com
ctl at Los Angeles, Cal., and will
'SB prove profitable.
dead body of Thomas Stevons
; and at Nevada City, Cal. He
' llan from the porch of his cabin
eived fatal injuries.
am Lane, a youth living at
a Cal., had his hand blown off
Explosion of a cartridge which
experimenting with.
Annit Yanagiswa, keeper of a
5e boarding-houce, San Fran
is shot and killed by Kono
j Ilagashi, jealous suitor.
cphen Burns, a laborer, 55 years
was Btruck by a dummy on tho
ket street cable road, San Fran
i, and received injuries from which
Hie Douglas quartz mill at Dayton,
v., was destroyed by , fire. The
'ling contained about 100 tons of
, hur, much of which was de
yed. A. middle-aged man, supposed to be
n Kircn, formerly of Leadville,
1., committed suicide near Fort
n, Cal., by shooting himself in
' ad.
A ' rand Konde (W. T.) Indian is
, cnargeu witu having killed a
man with whom he1 went to
river. The white man has
rt Mallott who was hanged at
ops, B. C.,for the murder of An
' 'ohnson, requested that he might
f his boots. He did not want
t! v with them on.
"ntly while the snow was com
down thick and fast, a rancher
a load of watermelons was driv
tl. rough the streets of Modoc, Cal.,
:,;,r to find cuetoniers.
i e Uumboldt Lumber Company's
' wt burned to the ground. It is
-ed the cause was the explosion
i kerosene lamp. Its value was
W, partially insured.
l"j body of a man was found mur-
At the China pamn. rIuiva Plagium
W T., one Chinaman was killed out
right, and another had his It ft arm
fractured, and a third one had a alight
fracture of his skull. All happened
by the falling of a tree.
A twelve-year-old bov named Longe
neckerof Nekm, Cal.," was loading a
cartridge, and in adjusting the cap it
exploded. The base of the shell was
driven into the boy's breast and the
wound is likely to prove fatal.
John Simla, proprietor of a cigar
tore in San Francisco, was instantly
killed by the engine of a Sacramento
local train. Ho was standi n" fin tlin
track at the time, and did not tret nut
... ... - -1 yi ni-irs mm
of the way m time to avoid the engine. I purpose last y
Ihe Commission appointed to report
upon the matter of tho new peniten
tiary at Salt Lake, for which Congress
made an appropriation of $00,000 has
seni its opinion to the Secretary of
hio interior, it suggests that an ad
dition be made to the prosent build
Frank Harland, superintendent of
the Pilgrim mino, Sierra City, Cal.,
was found dead recently with a bullet
wound in his head, and it was given
out mat lie find committed suicide,
T . i ....
luiua uui,, nowever, that lie was
probably murdered by a dissatisfied
A Column Dovoted to tho Interests of Farmon
and ttockinsa.
about 90,-
valued at
iiie lacinc Voasi stcamsniD com
pany has sent a check for 12002 to the
iianainio (W. T.J Hospital
)ng the full amount of the expenses
incurred in the case of the unfortunate
men injured by the explosion on
board of the Queen of the Puffin in
J uly last.
vlule a party of rabbit hunters
were shooting on the South Jordan
.cm ami. lmkv, ii. uecKstead ap
peared from behind a knoll i nut as
one of the party fired a shot. The
charge struck Beckstead in tho breast
mulcting what is supposed to be a
tatal wound.
The American bark Sierra Nevada.
over two months out from Seattle for
San Francisco, has been sriven nn for
lost. It is believed that she foundered
during the heavy storm of September
21. She had on board twelve n.
nciuuing uapt. F. H. DeLaroc he
Her owner, Lom Bum. estimates his
loss at $12,000.
A sad accident occurred at Madison.
cai. About 13 o clock tho house of
Dan Quain was discovered in flames.
His two children were in the buildine
at the time, and it is thought that
they wore playing with matches, thus
causing the fire. The older child was
rescued, but the little girl, about six
years old, was burned to death.
Land officers at Walla Walla have
received au official order restoring to the
public domain 2J.O0O acres in that
istiict. erroiieout-ly held as railroad
land. It lies south and southwest! of
Dayton, comprises parts of townships
, 8, V and 10, range da ; township 9,
range d7; and V and 10, ranee 39:
The order takes effect December 15.
tr V
ir 1:
:n the sand hills near San
-co. He had evidently com
suicide. The remains were
id as John Ashley,
i vm Quigley was found dead
"mneniucca, Nev., with a pistol
e had in his possession a
I ; ancisco labor exchange receipt
1 a f aper saying he had two boyB.
7 Benner of Vina, Cal., went
! anting. He used a muzzle
; shotgun, and while putting a
into one barrel the other was
ged and his hand and wrist
- -iot off.
"i Iingham, Utah, Lee Wy was
revolver hammer, when it fell,
rging the weapon. The ball
ated the back of another China
Chi n Sing, reaching his heart,
fell dead.
young man named Alexander
son, artist by occupation, shot
istantly killed his sweetheart,
Kelly, a school girl, at San
isco. The shooting was oc
ed by jealousy.
n Legget, a young English
waa shot and killed by John
at San Jose, Cal. Clark some
ago tabbd Legget for alleged
Jion of a young lady's affections.
8 adjudged insane and sent to
-ockton insane aeylum. He was
id from there a short while ago.
J. T. Noon, a well known lawyer,
was shot and killed in ins office at
Santa Rosa, Cal. John Baliff, a
farmer, and Al Heed, his brother-in
law, were found in the room with him,
together with three pistols, partly
emptied, eight or ten shots having
been fired. 1 he cause has not been
made public, but rumor points to mat
ters of a private nature.
A dispatch from Donald, B. C, an
nounces a serious accident to the
Canadian Pacific railroad construction
train iu the Selkirk range of the
Rockies. The collision occurred while
the passenger train was on the up
grade, going east, with a freight fol
lowing, when the threo rear cars of
the passenger became detached and
started down grade at tremendous
8 peed, colliding with the freight. The
engineer of the freight and two pas
sengers were killed. Two or three
were horribly mutilated and others
more or less severely injured. The
passenger train was taking men who
had been working on snow sheds.
The four-masted ship Palgrave
cleared from San Francisco for Liver
pool with the largest cargo of grain
ever sent out oi that port. The
vessel is said to be the largest ship
afloat. She was built on the Clyde in
1885, and this is her first trip. She
has" on board a mixed cargo of wheat
and barley, aggregating 107,457 cen
tals, equal to 5372 short tons. The
only vessel that ever carried over 100,
000 centals of grain out of that port
was the cable Bteamer Silverton, which
was at San Francisco four yeara ago.
She took 107,059 centals of wheat,
which is equal to 5352 short tons.
Eleven vessel are employed in the
Pacific coast codfish business this
year, with a prospect of a much
larger fleet next season. Most of the
fishing is done at the Choumagin
islands, 1,800 miles north of Tacoma,
the Behring sea, about 2,800 miles and
Okhostk tea 3,300 miles. These ves
sels represent a tonnage of 2,754, and
the crews aggregate 319 men. They
were absent from fifty-three to two
hundred and fifty-six days, and the
number of fish secured by each vessel
varied from 41,000 to 170,000. Dur
ing the season the entire catch
amounted to 1 232,000 fish.
The Columbia River Paper Com
pany'a mill at La Camas, W. T., was
destroyed by fire. The winter's supply
of raw material, consisting of 400
tons of jute and 700 tons of straw,
stored in the mill yard, caught from
burning embers and was destroyed.
About 105 tona of manufactured
wrapper, manilla and news paper
burned in the mill. The total loss is
between f'JO.OOO and $95,000; insur
ance $45,000, of which $30,000 was
placed in Portland, and $15,000 in
San Francisco. The building was
erected in 18S4 and started up in May,
1S85. Steps have been taken by the
stockholders to rebuild.
France exports annually
OlXlOOO pounds of bu'ter,
1 lie number of cattle nn tlie plains
is estimated to lo over 40,000,000, of a
value of $1,190,000,000.
A bluegrass sod improves with age,
and is alout the most valuable sod for
fields intended for permanent pasture.
Flax raising has become ono of the
leading industries in Minnesota: Vlfi-
845 acres has been devoted tit tliiu
Persian powder will destroy aph
in plants, and also all toft insects
that breathe through pores. Try it
on uie window plants.
r ...
aiany i-ngiisli farmers practice
suenring ineir early lambs in ink
summer, and claim that a great growth
ui iiircass m untamed thereby.
More attention should bo paid to
teaching young horses to walk fast
than is done. A fast-walking horse is
a uesiueratum not often met with
It is estimated that th inhabitants
oi ureai uritain and Ireland pay out
annually $80,000,000 for dairy pro-
uucis manuiactured m other countries
Labor, concentration and adaiita
uon to an art or profession are what
give success. It is not less true in
agriculture than in other professions,
An experimenter affirms that
squash, lima beans and other flat
seeus will germinate quicker and
grow better if the seeds are nlaopd
i . .. ..
eugewise in the soil.
locuro black knot in nlum and
cnerry trees cut out the excres
cence and give the wound a coating of
turpentine and wash it with a strong
ouiuuuii oi I'luoriuu oi nine,
Butter tubB should be thorouchlv
cleansed and then soaked in brine be
fore packing down butter in them,
wnicti win materially assist in pre
venting the butter from being tainted.
Mr. Wallace is setting out 120 acres
in Bartlett pears near Salem, Or.
Anothar gentleman is also setting out
100 acres in the same kind of fruit
two miles from Carleton, Yamhill
A few statistics may be of service
An ordinary barrel contains U solid
feet; a bushol contains a trifle over 11
solid feet; a solid foot of waier weighs
62$ pounds; an acre contains 43.2G0
square feet.
To prepare an asparagus bed die
the ground deep, incorporating lame
quantities of well decomposed maiiure.
I lain the roots aboit three inches
eep, iiv rows 18 inches apart, and
one foot apart in the rows.
In sowing grass seed do not be sav
ing of the seed. It is a great deal
better to sow too much than too little.
as by the former method the sod will
soon right ii self, but when too little
seed is sown there will never be a
good sod until reseeded.
Pumpkins should, it is stated, be
broken open and the seeds taken out
oeiore iceaing mem to cattle or hogs.
The seeds act as a diuretic, and
animals should never be allowed to
eat them, except for the purpose of
stimulating the kidneys.
Do not cover the lawn all over with
etsblo manure, which is to remain
there all winter as an offense to the
ye, tho nostrils and the feet. There
is nothing more disgusting than this
turning a lawn into a bam yard, and
there is no necessity for it.
When preparing trees for planting.
the broken or mutilated portions of
the roots must be cut off, bo as to
leave the suds Bniooth and sound, and
the ends ot all tho other roots should
be pruned. From these ends the
new fibrous roots usually start.
Grape vines require a dry, mellow,
well drained soil, deeply worked and
well enriched wiih a warm, sunny ex
xifure. In planting give the roots
lenty of room, spread them out not
more than six inches under the sur
face, and settle the soil firmly around
Those who are impatient to see fruit
upon their trees, an is often the case,
particularly with tree tardy in coming
to bearing, may expediate the fulfill
ment of their wishes by employing
the process of summer pinching. In
the month of July -pinch off the ends
of the young shoots; this retards for
a time the flow of sap, and hastens
the formation of fruit buds.
. In preparing the soil for fruit trees,
the condition of tho ground must be
such as would be adapted to grow
successfully farm crops. If the land
on which you are to plant your trees
is not in condition to bear these ex
posures, you can make it so by thor
ough understanding, deep plowing
and sub soiling. You may enrich it
in the usual manner, by turning under
clover, applying barn-yard manure, or
where it can be obtained, vegetable
mold or muck without stint. The
last is well adapted for producing a
large amount of fibrous roots, and it
is through these that the tree is fed.
The dairy farmers of Ireland grow
the prickly comfrey extensively, and
we are led into wondering why more
attention is not bestowed upon it in
this country. It is said to be admir
ably adapted to low, wet soils and to
yield enormously. It is raised for
several years consecutively from the
sowing, averaging 100 tons of green
fodder per acre. It is cut three times
during the season. Cows not only
milk well upon it, but are kept in
lietter condition and are more quickly
fattened for the butcher than when
pastured on grass. Comfrey is also
said to be excellent for sheep, and
even bogs eat it greedily
The popular medlclw now la IrUh May
Flowrr. Jta immense aalu la aHtouishluu.
In (iiiM'inala vait lilantntlonn are de
voted u r-liny the co liineal tnnwt, of
mcn u requires UO 0 lo weih a pound.
$i00 HIWAED.
The forme inp leior of Dr. Suite's Ca
tirrh Hi'ineilj-fur ver maile a Hlainlln,
pob'ie lTer In a 1 Aim-rlean tie'NpAer uf
MO reward fr a rune of ratarrh that h
could not cure. 'I h present proprietors
have renewed this oiler- All theilriiKKisls
ell till lemedv, together with the
"Douche," and all other appliance ad
vised to he used in connection with It.
No catarrh patient Is longer ahle towiv,
" I cannot be ured." You cau eel tm In
rase of failure.
Two women have been arrested for an
attempt at highway robbery iu Oneida
taken In cases of diabetes, will show it
curative effects in the diminution ot the
amount of urine, in the restoration of a
normal appelit. and In the banishment of
pain. At UrutwUt. $1.50. Descriptive
1 reause wan each bottle ; or address J. J.
Mack & to , S. I .
The who'e talk of the l.clli nntr Is.
tha' Irish May Flower is the great skin
oeautiner. Sold by all drwutsu at "Be
The habit of running over boots or shoes
corrected wlih Lyou l'ateut Ueel Stiff
May Flower is a necessity for
About thirty years ago a prominent lliv
sIcIhh, by the name of Dr. William Hall,
discovered, or produced after lomi rxuerl-
mental research, a remedy for diseases of
tne uiroac, cnest and lungs, which waa ol
such wonderful ellk-acy that it soon
gained a wide reputation in this country
The name of the medicine Is DR. VM,
and mav be safely relied on as a speedy
and positive cure for coughs, colds, sore
uiroat, c.
" King cf all," Irish May Flower. 75c,
When Baby iu lick, w gut her Cutorla,
When ill wu a Child, ah cried for Cutorla,
When lb became Uiai, the clung to L'Mtorla,
When tlie bed Cblldreu, the gave them Cuioria,
."o Nnfer lCemodr can be had for
Cougha and Colds, or any trouble of the
Throat, than ''Brown't lironchial
Trockva." Price, i5 cent. Sold only in
Ready Remedy : Irish May Flower. 75c.
"Seal of North Carolina" Pluir Cut Is
the boss Smoking Tobacco. It is kept by
every lirst class dealer in town.
Staple as gold ; Irish May Flower. 75c
The Kansas Maoatine is one of the
brightest and most interesting monthly
publications issued, tne. contributions
are 111 -stly of the Western school and will
undoubtedly find much favor among read
e s of the Pacillc Coast. Subscription, 2.
Published monthly at City, Mo.
li riuimnmi u mil u dutramm complaint If
mwlMtad. it tsnda, by inipiriti nutritun, and da-
nromiif til bin jf UM ajvlem, w pnyan uia war
lu Rapid Daolina. , -
11 m 1 j -
it form. Heartburn I
Food mo. It mrk'hw and
UIm the Apptftiw, and aid
uree ttyapepaia In all
if OUl
u, aaya:
It not only atimnlatad tba dlMtlre orfaiia, but la,
leichlna, Tulina
d ponllaa tba blood,iti
a tba aHimilatioo of I
Un .IiihmR Ccbki. Mailina- Olark In the Ort.
voaiuii OtfiM. Portland. Or(ou, aar: " I ban uaad
Hrown'a Iron Billon for DyiMpala with muab aflaot.
It not only atimQlalaa toa an
inr&td tha whula ayatani'
Mr. Tda auil, Aatorta, Omrm, wayi: " I bad
T;.pMia for fiHir yaara. Two bottlaa of Bnma'a
Vun Billam anMrab; eurad ma."
emralr-e baa abora Trade Mark and crnaiad nd Una
on wrapper, Takenoolbrr. Made only by
WholeealnAgenU Portland. Or.
65 Cfnk C,,orf v''''ul'sirli.tlontothe
Itonhtwter, N. ., Mlthuiit premium-"the
tlaKt and Ilest Weekly ill the World." 8
IMWes, 48 vtiliiinn. la years old. Kur One
Itoltar you have one choice Irom over IM
dittereiitC'luth Humid Dollar o In men. WW
lo law pp., and pper one year, post paid .Uimk
HmtuK, l.-. KMra. W,M UiHika given aay.
Anionic tlu-iuare: U V ithoiii Uwyrrs; r uin
llv f yi lopwlia; Kami I'yeloimlia: h'arinera'and
Mot-kbifeders' (liiuli ; t oiuiium hensv iu I'oul
try i anl; World; Danelaon'a (Med
leal I Counselor; iio t'seful I'asliimw: Klve
1 twrsl Hrfiini Oim llui !'...,, i'. la. ...... ..
i uuvu oiaiu; LiiiversHi iiislory of all Na
turns; Popular History full liar (IkiIIi aides.)
An) (i.vti bixik and paper, one year, all ikwi
paid, for 11.16 only. PaMr alone, tkv. Satiafae
lion KUaiHuliiHl oil tssika and XV.nklv. .,r
nioney refunded. ItefereiK-e: Hon. U It.
ranaoNa, Major ltocheater. sample papeni, je.
Ill It A I HUM l-l',l 'ii...
Without Pretaittia,66c.a year! Kim -iiciiT'H,S.Y.
Twenty years ago not flO.bOn colored
people In the South could read. Now
colored readers numlier over a million.
Fuiaf tionn.1 derangement of the female
system Is quickly cured by the use of Dr.
It. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription."
It remove pain and restores health and
strength, ily all druggists.
Tho fortune of the late Huron Meyer
Rothschild of ort Is estimated at
killed by using Irish May
Go to Towue & Moore when In Portland
for best Photographlo and Crayon work.
Try GrtRMKa. for breakfast.
Wbenorer yon feel an nnjadtwae In the refrlon ef the
heart, a alight pain in the ehoulder.arm or under the
boulder blade, or when you feelyouiacif abort of
breath when eurrfilnf, or your heart baa periode
of beatinf faat, yoa have hear dlaeaee, and ehouki
take lr. ITint Ileart llenedr. (, eacrioUe
treaty ita eacb battle, or mailed free.
It ie often Terr difficult to tcU what kind
of a laxative to (rive a very young child
who Is Buffering from conatlueiion. The
only medicine which Is at the earns time
perfectly eafe and pleaaaut to take Is
Hamburg Figs, ti cent.
AtaODrugglitf ; or address
J. J. MACK t CO.,
t and U Front St., Ian F.-aaciaco, C&L
ilf" ryfrvKm with rm, Kooiu
J1 CM ftl HaTToio, Old aud rn
aw""MMl.lertTilf If not at dnitfalstj
m e rrrtilt f I p-T hiSUe. ( i. Ic
tai tfaxpriM srwpaid.
Cures all Diseases orieinatinir from a
disordered state of the BLOOD or
LIVER. Rheumatism. Neuraltria.
JBoils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R.CATESA CO., Proprietors.
417 Sansome St., San Francisco,
Absolutely Pure.
Tbk) powiler never rarlts. A neml et urtt,
treniith anil w liulcannwannra. U tu ei-ononik-al thaal
the onlkukrj kirn), ai d oannot be eM at eoinivlf
linnwilb Vie multitmle of low tmt, abort welntwj
ilum or ptuanihat powilam Sold only hi eaawj
Hutu Biim t'utDSa Co., lot VaU street, N. T.
The rhraiwat and ni.nt .liiraMe lnt nf the ae. Ne
aktllnl lalmr In ail It. Alivava muly fur twe. Ite
iiiilrra no uilaiiiar or U.lllna, rrtwrven ahtnile roela
fmin ilway and tin anil lurtai nmfa from runt, Iw
thiiae who ennu-iniilair uniua liu or iMiiarnd turaaat
llv t our extent Mottnf It U Iwtt- r than rilhar aud
at one half Ihe niel. Ilj all tueaua wud fur etraular ea
call and eiauilne our fuotla.
S10 alirornlaMtrret. Han Kranelar.
Kneretlo worker; busineas In Ida poet Ion. Hat
nry $70. Keference. m. MTg ItoiiM, 1'
HarelayBt. N. V,
If P. N. U. No. IM 8. t. N. U, No. til.
Cheap! O
Stem -Winder!
The onterorlHlnir nianufiuittirera. tha uihl illfV Wu loll IVmntanw et l
Improved their watch, anil by a mn-cIhI arraiiireniLHit we .r. J V l. JLi .1- i.t. u
premium to all new a iliaerilierii am thoae who pay for a year In ailvunee. ami In aililitlon.
maklna: a total of S3.J5 for the I'aiiifw Jouhnai. (a weekly nWawMr, l!l:, P ullt Ucd al
Ojsterville, Waahlnitton Ter., anil the Imi iiovkd tVATKitiiintv Waivii puuiwntu at
ii aiem-wiiiner, nun jiimi wiutl every one iliimlil have. The lunntl
wir ami the WaUili for
poetauo fruo,on rooeipl
retail price of tills watch Is S.".0U, hut we oner yon the HtHir fur imo year
only tXTA. Semi at onue for thu watch. Will bo uiuilua to any aililnvu, poet
Ul iKJ I We 4 U 111 von
A1J l. nVi:, fh-Mlrrvillr, XV. T.
Tne Old Standard of '68
vX.V,V.MSv,.VW V ,V.WWVS . ViW v VAA
CSK. t a ' "
Tic Best Liver Rcuulator Known.
Every Family should haw a Bottle
In the House.
A most Pleasant Tonic and Appetizer.
I In-) Hitters are prepared from the most
The inventor of thle n-allr wonderful T0SIC,
after a aeries of years and eaperlniunoi, hen
iieee. lied In brlnKlng before the puhliu all
that can bo dualreu uf a mini Tniih. miuI lin.
vav I . hiiiw its wvm Tiieae Hitlers are prcpi
choHMi and wholeaomu linrha ami phhIm. anH
have (riven nnlveraal satisfaction wherever tried. ThoiiHittul of ilyaMjitlca have found
relief tlirouifh thulr uae: and phyniclaiis recommend thum fur the euro uf all diseases of
the blood ami liver, and Irri'KUlaritica nf the illKrilivcurKuhe.
Healache, llllllouanees and Cunatiiation, Ueueral DehiUlyand Ixms of AiH-llte. all are
caused bv the duraiiKetncnt of the Htoinach, Liver and other funcliiinaries of the ayKtein.
The IXI, UitUirs have been successfully used and are warranted to alleviate the eiiUcrer
In all of the above case.
The unprecedented success our Hitters have met with on tins ('osat, snd the numerous
rails for tlie aame from the Kaat has induced 114 tit nstuhlUli an aifnncy at Ne v Vnrk, and
ihmixands of notlh-s are s-nt dally to all parts of the Hlalea; al il the " CALIFORNIA
IX L BITTERS" (under which name they aresuld tlieni) are rapidly ifruwinK In kciieral
favor, ami uupluiitln In must caws all nthi-r toiiius and bevur.iKes.
buocess cntatea rivals, and aoine unscrupiiliiiH trtii-s are eiulnavirln to soil sn Imitation
article, put up aimllar euoiiKh In style ami outer appearance to deceive ihe unwary, and we
caution consumers to examine Ihe article before purehaniiiK; the K"'iuine has our trade mark
blown In each buttlo. ai.d Dh. IIkni.kv s alKiiatm-e aa el a-rims the top.
i-'ii r 1 ls'i
On account oMIeaolutlon of partnership we will sell st our stables In f'etuluma. Sonoma
county. Cel.. on t. -mt-r L lni. all our imported stock, conaiatimr of ii head of the beat
elrrted t"rerh orssan lloraea. Hate to ooinmenos at ten o clock A. M.. whole stock
Ui be clad out without rewrve. Term. V per cent, cash, balance One year's time with ap
proved security. Bend fur Catalogue. Addrrae,
H.T. r AI RB.IXK. r II. H ILE V. PrUlassa, Iteaeaaa C.CU