The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 27, 1886, Image 5

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Foster kid glove at Friendly'.
CM to Dr K J Taylor for dentistry.
Cad mid cheap fur cash at Matlock's.
Grass seed bought and tuld at Goljimith'i.
A fine bt of Eartern haU just received at
'; AUicki.
V.' Jiiy acrei of fine land for sale. ' Inquire of
' Al Coleman.
1 hi iiighest cash price will be paid for wheat
r F B Dunn.
I'betograph finished neatly 'and arti
' . Mf at Winter'.
! 'ttlock U receiving a large line of new dreu
k ,'s. Give him a call
; ' and cold bath every day in the week
; Jorry Horn' barber shop. .
A fine l'ns ' R'"c Plusliei ' M ihadeb
Vd grade at F B Dunu'a.
Ya can purchase AValtham watche at
'j 0 Watt' from $10 atid upward.
Carpet and oil cloth just received will be
"oU at Portland price by Bettuian.
Oiburn mower can be purchased at the
ltaro a Pritchett & Forkner for 880.
If you want hardware at reasonable price
' eaM at th store of Pritchett k Forkuer.
(,' ityour bed room sets, lounge, mat-
and furniture of bay k Henderson,
fr Geo F Craw has the sole ngeney for all
uJ of the celebrated Tonsil Punch Cigars.
burling Hill keeps in stock an excellent
.rticent of good readuble works. Give
a acalL
Xo line of la lies' and children' underwear
' J cloak has just arrived aud will be sold
'at buttoni prices by Bettman.
If you are iu want of agricultural inaolttii
'e'yul any kind, remember that Mr J M
;.,iJricks keeps a full assortment.
I'.cS H. Friendly will pay the highe.g
', market price for wheat., Give him a
i before selling your graiu elsewhere.
irling Hill, at the postntfice, takes sub
iions for nearly every newspaper end
dioal in America, nt tlie publishers rates.
I Will deliver, good ceilnr posts for ?8 per
lred, and good cedar boards fur SI per.hijri
I. , Will exchange for Wheat or Hour,
i ,v orders with S B Eukin, Jr.
KobKHT VxunHy.
( a and after April 1st tho undersigned
.'.! " commence doing business on a
' 'y pay basis, selling goods for cash or
luce only. All purchaser will liud it to
jir interest to call and get prices. ,
Fr. Taylor' 7 taks Compound, purely '
. lie, positively cures rheumatism, ueiiriih-'ia,
m'.hacne, sick headache, cr.imp colic, cholera
!, irbhs, Complaints peculiar to females, Dys-
-nia, cold or cough, Hives, Chills and fc
v r, pain around the he art, erysiiwhis,
iijmc Ukouuis Taylor.
' . ild by Osburh k Co, dniggisis, Eugene.
i Firemens Election.
-otice is Hereby given that
t the Annual Klectimi of the Emene Fire
)rtiueut fur the election "f a Chief En
r and a First Assistant Engineer, will be
I at the City Hall, in Eugene City, Ore
gon flionilay, J'ec d, inau, ueiween Hie
n of 1 and (i o'clock p m, of sad I day.
I President K. F. IX
Jate.I y.iv-20. ISty .
i What True Merit Will uo.
The unprecedented sale of Rosalies' German
Syrup within a few years, lias usioiiished the
world. It Is without doubt the s.fet and best
r.-inedy ever discovered fur the speedy and ef
fectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest
Lung troubles. It act mi mi toitirulv differ
ent principle from the usual prescriptior. giv
in by Physicians, as it due not dry up a
,Vtugh ami leave the disease stiil iu theytem,
,but on the contraiy removes thi cause of the
.trouble, heals the paits Mlfected and leaves
jtheta in a purely healthy condition. A. bot
tle Kept III tlie House lor ue wnen me diseases
junke their apearance, will v drn tur bills
;mii a long sped of serious illnes. ; A trial will
'jCuiivince J'"U of tluse f.icts. It is positiivdy
'e !d by all drnguixti and general dealers iu the
loud, rriefl, 75 cts. ; lar'e buttles.
Delinquent Tax N6tico.
. Notice is hereby ,'(;ivcn to a'l owing taxes,
r delinquent, thr.t the County Court at its
liesnlon onl'Ted me to collect the same
thwith. 'this is therefore to nutify all
teemed that if they wish to save costs they
ist come forward at once and pay the same
: r J will be obliged to proceed auainst them
. ally. .1. M. Sloas, Sheritf Lane Co.
dptl5, 1880.
Wide Av-ake Druggists.
, Mesr B K Luckey & Co are always alive
ti their business, ,and spare- no pains to Se.
our the best of every article in their line.
They have secured the agency for the r.elo
wated Dr King' Kew Discovery for Con
sumption. The only certain cure known for
Consumption, Cough, Colds, Hoarseness,
jAsthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any af
fection of the Throat and Lungs. , Snld on a
positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free. Beg
ulaxwieSl'. 1 Money! Cash!! Coin! !!.
, I heiebv nntifv all that are indebted to me
'.'"ttl must insist .m the payment of tliesameat
f tiiat not long henci I appreciate your pat
!(: age and hope for a continuance of the same,
; ut it takes money to buy goods. I shall ex
! a resoonse sunn, and to those whose ac-
' onts are of long standing 1 .will say, don't
1 ime anyone hut yourselves, if iswt is made
I unst you, for I shall collect the same it 1
t ile.
, F. B. Dtxs.
! Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means fndepen
ace. The keynote is lr Busanko's Cough
id Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syup in the
"rid. Cures Coughs, Cold. Pains in the
best, Bronchitis and Primary Com-rmnitiun.
as dose gives relief in every case. Take no
; her. Price 50 cents and ?L Samples free.
ld by Osburn t sj'o.
- For Sale.
i TiOta in Shelton's and Packanl's additions to
1 ugene City. Nicely located and the most
convenient of any forsa'e. Price from 830
te $100 on easy terms. A pply to
Dr. T. W. SrtELYos,
Eugene I 'ity, Or.
FoSal. 130 lots in all parts of Enge
Oity with and without houses. Prices t" su
Go. M.
List of Letters
a Remaining uncalled for in the PostnfrW at
.ugen City, Oregon, Friday, Nov 20, 1880:
eok, r d
'iltintt, Cha A
Jreoe, Mrs La
lohbnnr, Gustuf
Hill, J B
Horn, C H
4njron, Jan H
fames, Andy C
,Tuhntun, Mrs J
Ive, m
Murphy. Mrs Frankio
Roller, Eugene
!". John
Smith. A F
Thurvtiin. Saml li
Waffle, Donna
iVi liair,, C H.
will i please sar
ilvtrtised, riving dau of advertisement
Dexter Iterrit.
Nov 25, 1588.
Town dull.
Local tcirce.
Thanksgiving to-day.
All kind of weather.
Mr Tho Graham ha returns! from Win-berry.
A daughter of Mr C M Hamilton i quite
Mr C M Parker ha
leased the Rigdon
Mr H C Wheelor made friends below town
a visit Saturday aud Sunday.
Miss Allie Whetder. of Gn.hen. has b..n
stopping iu our inida't fur the past week or
Just as we exuected.
had made an appointment, failed to appear
on last Sunday.
An exhibition will nrobnblv lu mn
the expiration of I'rof W M Miller's term ..f
- Mr W L Wheeler, who has bpon u-nrliinn
below Eugene for mine time, is again in our
midst. He is now keeping bachelor's hall at
bacn ranch No 1.
R E Williams, Edgar Johnson and . Hosca
Parvin returned from Silver l.k last Kn.
day all U K, the loss of one horse, excepted.
They report only a foot of snow ou the
mouiitaius as yet.
Uno Hoo.
The Murderer of Grant Killed Wli le
Resisting Arrest.
Tun' Dalles, Nov. 23. Henry Harvey,
murderer of liodorick (irant, was killed
about live miles this side of Antelope, at
the head of Pine hollow, early Sunday morn
ing, by a posse of six citizens ot Antelope.
He was lirst discovered Saturday evening at
Dolly's sheep cabin, by a man named tirif-
till", who had stniiiu'd at the cabin to tret
supper. ( r.llith told Harvey to tie his Iioish
uml come m and gut supper. He said: "All
right, Mr (irilr'th; you walk ahead ot mo."
1 Ins aroused suspicion, aim after sutmer
(in 111 til said he would go and get -vater to
wash tho dishes. He left the cubic, bucket
iu hand, and made bis way as fast as possi
ble to the tirarest neighbor Wiley's horse
ranch two miles distant. Wilty and Grif
fith went iiiimtidiatuly to Antelone and uave
the alarm, m riving tliere at 10 o'clock. Har
vey passed thrniign Antelope at half past 11.
A party started from Antelope at early light
Sunday iimming. They tracked Mm liy the
newly fallen snow. At Hooper's camp they
found that Harvey had called there, wanting
to stop over uight, whii-h was refused. He
went du n to l ine hollow, built a lire, and
was there when the Antelope party arrived.
I hey asneil linn if he was traveling. He
said he was, aud they asked him where he
. -.I:. If . 1 . II ...
hs g''iK. . lie saiu 10 Aiueiope. no was
told to throw up his hands His answer
was: "Vea, you s of b , I will." and he
Commenced to shout.
He never care up until shot through the
head. He was armed with a Winchester
and two revolvers, one of which was AHen
Wraot's, Fourteen bullet bole were found
ou his body. None of the party were hit.
In Memoriam.
Goshen Lodge, No 324, I 0 G T, Nov 20,
ls8 i, passed the follutviug resolutions:
Wiii:kka, It has pleased our Divine
Father abuve to take iroiu our midst by
ill utn, 'i)lm A Moure, our ini'ch esteemed
Irjoml und dialer, as we cull her, although
this lode has been deprived of, her presence
nod iisoie on the roll journal by her long
protracted illness; her Heart has ever been
uitli us, sod in her extreme kcllering her
dear brothers have been lotli to leave her fur
Jear of her ciililen demise Wolle absent, yet
alio would urge them to atteiijl, lodge, and
help wni K fn that gloiiuiis cause, temper
ance. Therefore,
Bksolvkd, That in thu ileal h of sister
Delia A Moure tins community has lost one
of its most hiving, amiable cherished idojs;
Uhsol.VKi). That the sviiiijathv of this
lodge lie extended to tlie hcA.'aved family of
the deceased, and that they le furnished a
copy of these resolution;
lii-ioLVKU, that a copy ot these resolu
tions be spread on toe j mriial of this lodge,
and a copy be furnished the Kiigene pap, rs
lor publication, and also that the hull bo
Iruped in mourning for thirty days.
l;':!K?L ry cm...
Jksmk Kby. j
School Report.
The following is a true teport of Goshen
school, District No 13, fur tho second
month, .ending Nov 19, 18S(I: No days at
tendance, 5liS; No days nbtmice, 7'-: total
No enrolled, ,1,V; average No belonging, .'12;
averagu daily attendance, 2S. Tliose who
have not been absent are: Leathe and Ilie
Matlock, Jus Stephen, Uobt uml Kldou Ben
nett, Vernon and l.yuu Meuart, Win and
Johh IJainey, (Veil liurity, Firman Hamp
ton, Waidiu liiflle. Lcportiiient good.
B. F. Kkksky, Teucher.
mer'vkd the Bilk Rioht. John Petty,
exC'ity Marshal of Newport, had an alterca
tion with the notorious "A Stinit & Co" in
Charley AlbrecLt's sslooii', Corvallis, on
Monday', Nov 15th, during which Petty shot
"A Stinit & Co" ou the crauiapi with a
loaded', self adjusting, otherwise
known s a spittoon, causing the rich', red
blood of said "A Stunt A Co" to flow down
his back, etaiiiinu a clean shirt and collar
which the afnresaul "A Stunt & CV had
hung upon his person at that time, where
upon said "Siimt & Co" charged Mr Petty
with assault with a deadly weapon, before
his honor, Recorder St L'lair. Mr Petty pai l
a tine of $10 ith joyful alacrity, ami iu
turn charged "A Stunt It Comtli umg
annsive auii viie language wim u
the corporate limits. I he case was heard in
the Recnidcr's court and resulted iu acqnitr
tal. He was then ariiiinoed on a charge of
disorderly conduct and was discharged.
RepoUT os TtlE Fish Ladkeb. Wallace
Baldwin, the fih eirtnmissinner, has filed his
report on the fish ladder with the Secretary of
State. He gives the following inventory of
damages that the structure sustained: Head
drift bieaker slightly 'damaged, from which
three tons hxise rock 'tiling and five planks are
gone; head gates and aiers in which same
worked all gone; upper Udd-r sluhtly damag
ed, mostly by tilling with h rock; uiier
dam (lightly danuwed; Hack waUr pmd
tween sections of l,til-r mm-what tilled np.but
nut to materially affect workior of same; ow
er sectiuii ol l I'ler hwiiy usin.ieu; si ie
SI .CTt. ti.i ruMer f mirjit ;,: h.
suggest two plans for repairing the IwloVr,
one to cost riiW nl "ther ne
.k.r u mm. Klld tmllt IStlli M It III
laws numlwrs which is new to evryune in
Ore-.-on Lrty- at wis w reier vt u
laminar er.w r ""., '.r: V ,
laminar nero, i - - ' - , ,
,K.t th.ixi intrtl In bulidl02 tbe lad-
K , -:.-.....:..
(Jf IQMie. Virion .l-J xwu,
MaRRUD. At Baker's Hotel, Eugene
. a-aa-t. 1
ICitv, 20. Mr r l'rtoD Mx
I . - ... . , . ....
f iT.K.V:.V
The depot is receiving a Dew coat of paint
The price of business lot in Eugene is
raising rapidly.
Pocket books and satchel for (ale at Pat
terson & Christian's.
Mrs Holmes' new book fur sale at the
Postotlice Hook Store.
Seo the change in the Of R It advertise
ment iu another column.
The Postal Telegraph Co's w're is only about
two miles north of this city.
TheGl'AHl) does all kiuds of job printing
cheaper than Portland prices.
Albany is to have another bank. It will
be conducted by Mr F H Merrill.
Diaries for 18S7 for sale at Patterson &
Christian's, (! ndricks'old corner.
Uncle Tom's Cabin on sale at the book
store opposite the Huffman House.
The contract for painting the new hoto'
buildiug has been let to Baxter k Warren.
Sixty head of good stock and mutton
(beep for tale. Iuijuire of Dk. Siikltuk.
Kev I D Driver preached the sermon at the
Uuion Thanksgiving meeting iu East Port
land. Messrs Withrow & Gearlurd received this
week a bran new billiard table. It is a
daisy. '
, , , 1 .,
Some Nn I hf;i, land for ssjVchaap, A
large part clear and ready fur plautins.
Geo. M. Millrr.
Mark Twain scrap bonks for said at the
book store, comer of Willamette aud Ninth
It is t ited that Chas Croner, Jr, will
etart anot'ier delivery wagon in Eugene
about Deo 1st.
It was rumored one day this week that Hen
rv Owen, of Swamp Land fame, had filed on
Willamette street.
The hill given by the New Baud at Rhine
har's Hall last Wednesday evening, was
numerously attended.
The turkeys can now roost a little lower,
but they will have to watch out again about
four weeks from to day.
Spectators will be admitted at the Masque
rade Ball next Friday evening at a smal'
price. Butter than a show.
The Eugene Social Club awe their first
danso at the New Rink last Wednesday. A
large numbcrof dancer ware present.
They are selling thirteen postage stamps
at the postorlice for a cent and a quarter.
Pon t rush after a stock nntil you have read
this item twice.
The Eutaxiau Society will give an open
session at the University, at 7 o'clock p m,
Saturday. Deo 4, 18S(i. A cordial iuvita-'
ti in :s extended to all.
Most all of the business houses were
closed Thanksgiving afternoon, thus allow
ing on r businessmen and their "clerks to
enjoy a brief lest. Correct.
Some very fine Lithntype-Ktccfrotype
just received st the Gvaiip olfico. They are
th "finest in the land" for neat letter
heads and bill heads. No extra charge.
Preaching at the Baptist Church next Sun
day at 11 a in and 7 p m. Evening subject,
th third in the series on the I'.iHe, "Tho
Progress of Christianity." Young iieophV
meeting nt 6 p ni.
People may not be awcri) of the fact, but it
Is a fact nevertheless, thrt when a letter Im
properly stamped, is put into the postollice, It
su ijects the sender to l'th fine and imprison
ment. Pay your postage,
Adri.i'n Smith, a tinner, on Nov 23d at
Baker City beat one Maitjn Fleming to death.
Oregon will sunn become rjnted for its many
murder. A judicious hanging now and then
would cool the temper of the reckless charac
ters now infesting our State,
The following marriage licenses have been
granted by the County Clerk this week: Roy
Collin and Nora Dunton, Andrew Hansen and
Luella Mattison, Louis A Belshaw and Nan
nie King, T D Linton and Edith B Brown,
John Schmutz and Mary Allen.
In a breach of promise case, tried in Port
land last week and this, between a Mrs
Kelly, of Portland, and Mr Highfield, of
Oregon City, tho fair plaintiff was awarded
a verdict of $14,000 damage. It is said
that it was the nastiest case ever tried be.,
fore a court iu Oregon. .Senator J II Mitch
ell was the attorney for the plaiutill'.
A correspondent at Tallman, Linn county,
says that a ".Mormon" prearlier is to beu'in a
series of meetings at that 'place next Saturday
eveuiu?. The wiiter fails to say whether Rev
Hawks is a pnlygamist', or not, nor what pecul
iar kind of Moriuomism he will preach. Hs
will cerUinly ind the residents of old Linn too
enlightened to heed Ms doctrines very much.
Eugene City is to have water works com
plete by the 1st of April", 18S7. ,TI le con
tract for putting in the mains, pump, etc,
has I een let to contractors in this city, and
one of the conditions of the ssme fs that nn
Chinese labor is. to be employed in the
work. Thus sensibly ami easily can husiuera
men settle the Chinese question in the res
pective localities and give white men a
chance to prove whether they wa,nt work or
nut. The company in tins instance propose
to spend 20,000 in perfecting the system of
water works lor r.ugene, ami the working
men in that vicinity will take a correspond
ing benefit. Portland Daily Telegram.
Whatever elevate the mind, re
fine the senses, is worth spending time and
money fur. Hence, the contemplation of
works of . art "is a necessity as well as a
pleasure." The graceful lines of a vaie, the
harmony of color in a cup, the eh-gsot de
(ign of a pitcher, become pleasing studies
aud constant sources of del!ghtLjrdd and
yonng, rich and pool, thrilling th imagina-
I tion with oew emotions, ami awakening
the dormant chords of our better nature
with vibrations of heaVenly rythra.
j Thoughts like these were impressed upon
i y - i 'ph th. iti
i fu white ruse, and other splendid wares,
i j tt te the,t osmer of Eighth
, r ' "
J and Willamette strrets. And feasting my
eve 00 the delicacy ot tint,
K lory of
-.!... I ., f,.rm
, .1
in their
I I...:... r ...1 ....if n......
ISIIIIIUlli, u,,j.c 11, -.civ, ,,j
tver to limiteilp I prefer pairing one imall
article from thi. selecti-m. th.n all th.
chean and tsudy sUiff tt C 'da the msrket
I at t!il teasoa of the year. CaMSUH.
Chr'utmas next.
Masquerade next Friday. '
The McGibeny family are at Portland,
The "oldest inhabitant" predicts a oold win
Fireman' decllon on week from next Mon
There are about (230,000 on deposit in the
Eugeue banks
i i.
There are 3t'3 scholar enrolled in the Eu
gene public school,
Mr Will Hedrick, of Draius Station, was In
Eugene last Wednesday,
See MuClung k Johnson' new advertise
ment in another coluinn.
The Springteld oily election will occur on
week from next Monday.
Call and see those fine blanket at the
Brownsville Clothing Store.
Th new M E Church building will be dedi
cated one week from to day.
Wslearu that Frank J Crouch will soon
move here and open a plumber's shop.
Due of the hading question it: How can
we get rid of the mud ou Willamette street?
The Fireman Band is now assurred' of a
large crowd t their masquerade on Deo 3d.
Hon Oca B Dorrls' new residence is re
ceiving t,ho finishing touches of the painter.
The oii'y place to get a genuine suit of all
wool goods i at the Brownsville Clothing
, ' Mr W Saunders ha opened a new store iu the
New Skating rink building. Ladles' good a
The north bound mall train wo over two
hour late Tuesday, caused by a landslide noar
For the best variety and the lowest prices in
Gents' furnishing goods and hat go to the
Brownsville Clothing Store.
Messrs Day k Henderson are putting in a
new water wheel to propel their machinery
it their factory in this city.
Five tramp were given lodging' in the
City jiil last Wednesday night, and it was
not a good night for tramp cither.
A good farm for raising stock or grain for
ale nn reasonable term. Inquire of A A
King, 4 mile north-east of Eugene.
Tho Corvallis Agricultural College advertise
for 300,000 standard size brick to be delivered
in that city in July and August, 1887.
Remember that the masquerade ball to be
given by the Firemen Baud will tsk$ place
next Friday evening. Let everybody attend
The social entertainment jvtn by the ladies
of the WCTU at their room on Ninth tree,
last Tuesday evening was a yery pleasant af
i ,
Iu 1833 the taxable property of the State,
as returned by the county assessors, w(
valued at f7fl,5u7,7!5; thi year itis?79,l2l,
073. I s ,
It is rumored that tho Mason have been
offered the uin of fclOOO for , their 251x90
feet nn the corner of Willamette and Eighth
Seven or eight 0 & C R R bridge repairers
have been at work the most of this week
putting the trettliug in this neighborhood in
Mr B W Baker,, who lives near Eugene
caucht the blade of a falling knife, a, few days
luce, and now weara one of bis hands nicely
The McMinnville Daily Reporter issued
an edition of eighteen pages on Thanks
giving. We congratulate Messrs Ireland k
White on thoir success.
Spectators tickets for ths masquerade can be
purchased at the jewelry (tore of J O Watts
for 50 cents each. ' Tickets for lady masquers
at the same place free of charge
Two very ititerestlngartich wjll be found
on the firet page of this week's Gl'Anii one by
Mr F M Nighswander on hie recent trip, to ths
East, sud the other liy the Oregoiilan on the
Blue River Mines.
Some burglar attempted to enter the resi
dence of Mr D R Lai: in, nn High street, last
Saturday night about 11 o'clock. Mr Lakin
was awakened by the racket made and iu
arising made a uoise which (cared the burg
lar sway.
Recorder Shaw ha been Ifusy tho past
week sending nut notice informing the pro
perty owners along Ninth and Seventh
streets the amounts of their respective as
sessments for street work. In one instance
very funny luciilsut occurred, simply by
transposing the name of two parties.
Ou Thanksgiving Day iu Eugene the ther
mometer registered 70 degrees, in the (hade,
and the sun shone brightly. Compare this
with the weather in the East ,w(iere the
thermometer is way down below zero and
there is from two to five foet of snow on the
ground. And still there are people who
will gruniiilo at Oregon weatner.
Faroes who have been guilty of taking lum
ber ' fr m government lands do not stand
much stow in the US c:rcuit courts. They
get "cradled" riht , along. The jury in the V
S circuit court yesterday rendered a verdict
against Messrs Rowley k WhiUett, of Doug
las county in the sum of 13200. Rowley did
not apiiear and his bail was . forfeited and
bench warrant ordered to be, issued fur his
arrest. Wednesday's Oregonisn.
, , j . .,
Miksimij. F M Davis, a druggist of Mon
mouth, came to this city last Monday week
and odd a span of horse at Godard's stables.
He received the purchase money, over $300,
and departed, since which time all trareof hiu
ha been lost He is a steady man of family;
45 years old and his wife shd friends are In
great distress concerning his sodden and pro
tracted alstenc. Portland Daily Telegram,
Nov. 24th. Davis is well known in this coun
ty, bavin lived in Springfield precinct for sev
eral years. He, was one of the first discoverers
nf gold in Cotter d Alene. and made quite
little f iriune out of th same.
Savors or Maucml- Pkosecutio
Yesterday relix Lurrin, who ha been Hi
jai! (uin time, having been bound over to
answer before the grand jury on a charge of
lar'ixny, produced bond with John Corrin
i tl... u;r, it. .....
Hill, 1 I uw -u. ..It. u rtmm lV'.t .
leased, but w arrested on another charge
t . . - X
oi none stealing. rnoeviiie jteview, ttuw
I .i:i u....i. I
Min. inn ceriaiuiy sarurs 01 inaiiviuni
,riB-vuiimt M u if v-. uv yriyii
of CrKli eoooty. Hn L tiiiyea ind
' Tfc,,Ml(11 tht .K, r,irrii
'mnrnini I hf Miflt Ofl tnn
I ,1 mill uin bonds fur hi ,ibatlon
1 u of t m be u arretted.
Cottage Grove Items.
kromodr ntciALt'(hRKJiroNrirNT.,
Cottaiik Grove, Nov. 24, 18S8.
Thanksgiving to-uiorrow. , .
N P Chrisman went to Kugn Monday.'
Mr Lemv Daniewood went to Juicena Fri
day. ' ' "
Mr Thurston Doak of Siuslaw wa iu town
Mr Posy Veatch returned frcm
Mr W II Martin went to Eugene and back
Charlie McFarland killed a irrev fox on dav
last week.
Mr Geoive Atwmxl of Siuslaw was In Eu
gene the latttr part of last week.
Mr Win X Boots, the popular jewolry and
spectacle vender was In town over Sunday.
The first snow of the season fell Su'tuUv.
Tils ground was quite hoary.
The -train was behind time soveral hoofs
behind time several hours Tunday on account f
a slide somewhere.
l'lin King who was taken to the Insane
Asylum from this place last Summer, died iu
the asylum on the 14th.
Mr Andrew Lane and wife of Silver Lake
wer visiting Mrs Lane's mother and sister
at this place Saturday and Sunday lost.
Messrs L Wand and C Russel have been
hauling quite a lot of bridge lumber from Stry
kr k Atwissl's saw mills near Cartwright's to
tho depot at this place.
During ths storm Friday night the tent of
Mr Hickathler in which he hod his apparatus
for taking pictures, was blown down, ths dan.-
ages amiH.nting to $30. We understand that
h left here Monday.
Goshen Items.
Nov 24, 1S8C.
Very unpleasaut weather.
What ha become of friend "Blick Ink?"
Our lirst show of the season came last
Born, to the wife of Cyrti Beunett, Nov
Kith, a inn.
Mrs Tho Dodson, of Portland, visited
her brother, George .Weber, during the
, , , I .11:
The improvements being mado nn the
depot building adds wouderfuly to the ap
pearance of our village
Mr R II Reed has withdrawn as an em
ploye of the Postal Telegraph Co, and re
ports many of the hands quitting.
The Good Templars have; added to the an
nsarance of .their hall by adorning its-wall
with otnvas. They will inon Taper it, no
loubt. ;
Mr A, Moore, who had been quite ill
with consumption for some time, dies! at the
residenco of J Stowart Noy I3th. Her re
mains were interred iu Pleasant Hill ceme
tery on the 17th. ' ;
While iu the village last Saturday, Mr
Stephen Johnson was (truck with paralysis
in one of hi legs, rendering him quite help.
less for a time, but he ha now almost fully
tecovered. ,
If , ... (
Winter, floods have become in common
aad destructive that many Ileitis of this h.
jcality ore losing their fertility. , Mr Berk
hire.ha resolved to battle the element and
has built a levee nn a portion of hi place.
Walton Items. . . '.
Novemlier 20, lgRO,
Svlvester Leach and Willard Lackey are
visiting at Mr Atkinson's. ' '"
C B Cole of Leahurg la visiting here, the
guest nf Mr Whitaker and family. . . ,
Quite a nnniber of old acnuaiutancea have
been iii our vicinity, looking otter their interest
In ths festive salmon. Ceo Jordan of Franklin,
and 3 W and Dr J F Henry and Jake Wigle
of Harrisbiirg being among thein.
Gihnore Linder Is vluiting in this vicinity.
the guest of D G Gay. Mr .Linder had the
misfortune to get bis hand caught. in the ma
chinery of the Springfield sawmill and got one
finger badly crushed retarding him from work.
Jos Centre! met with a severe accident a few
fow days ago While assisting to build a new
resilience for Mr. Wise, lie was carrying a.
ken of nails on the svaffishl and fell to ths
ground, receiving serious injuries,, but he will
likely recover. Wesley nttmiger also tell
from the the top of Mr Calvert's house while
helping to put on the roof, but received no ser
ious Injuries,
Mr Meredith and family nf Napa, Califor
nia, arrived in our settlement recently. Mr,
Meiedith Is so well nleased with our coun
try that he left his wife at his father's and left
to doss out his business and return and make
their nermiiuent home here. Mr Meredith
came and went by way ot Yaquina bay and the
steamer Yaquina City, and speaks very fav
orably of the oltioers and ship. He is of . the
opinion that l'ortlaml will hae to look well to
her laurels or Yaquina will be the shipping
point ir. the near future.
Reader will remembnr the account pub
lished some time last Spring, of the , leduo-
tion by Chas Caseu, of East Portland, of a
young Salem girl, Casen was arrested and
held to answur for the offense, but, as the
easiest way to escape the penitentiary ho
proposed marriage to the girl and was ac
cep'ed. ., Ile brought his wife to the heme of
Ins nintner, who resoles ou me oinerauie oi
the river, where they remained together
until about three week ago, whea the. went
nut mar Mount Tabor aud domiciled with t
resectable family. It is said tht,hwas
slimmed and slighted iu society until her
life became unliearable and the at length de
termined t seek home, elsewhere, A few
day since Caseu went out to r her and at
tempted to claim and exercise the preroga
tives of hnshaud. This she resented, em
phsiizing her disdain by seizing a horse
whip and ctuiiing her whilom cubby out nf
the house, over the. fence and off the planta
tion. She also threatened him with dire
vengeance if he ever dared to approach her
again. He returned to the parental roof,
where he will not be likely, ever again
inrt the w ife, whom his conduct transform
ed from an innocent girl to an avenging fury.
Portland Ex.
Thaxkhoivino Skrvicm. Service were
held Thursday at 11 am, In the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church. Rev N Matthews offer
d th Invocation, Rev A C Fairchild read th
scriptures, and Rev S P Wilson offered prsjrer.
The sermon was f reached by Rev. Geo A Mo
Kinley. The sM-ker dwelt on the guodness
of (iod; sK,k of trials as blessings in disguise,
and Cited a numlier of rsaaona, mostly local,
whr ws should as a community i thankim i"
7. .1 II f t Hill ..H.rl
" -i i.. ..! ... furnished bv Prof
Allr Vie ITiniis v
' TltfT,
(n,l,li!ft ,.i,t by a competent ehoir. Uene-
j:c, u by ltev K li trillion.
MAMiia-In Eutfen City, Nor. 21, 1886,
at tl.e residence of the brines parent, ny
Kv 0 SI
Hill Mr Lroy CoOVq and Mm
iNwab A Iun'on- eongrstulate.
MrS P gladden, of Portland, is in
city. ' ' - ' '
lion T 3 Cregg, of Vein, spent last Sun
day in Eugene.' ',' 1 '
Mr W T' Campbell went to Ubanon 'the
first of the week. ' ' - '
it. f .
Mr Cha Kohn, of Portlaud, wu in Eu
gene last Thursday. ' i ' v 1 ' "
Mr Pum Avery, of Corvallis, was in Ki-
gene last Tuesday. ' ' ' ' '
Mr It C Perkins went to Portland Wed
nesday nn busilieso, ' ' " r"' " '
Mr J M Shelley was In Etigone a couple of
days this week. ' . .
Mr G Ihittman i 10 Portland visiting rel
ative aud c('iaiiitancds. " ' ':-
.. Policeman Cochran went to Portland Tues
day and returned Wednesday.
Mr O R llean has been visiting her ton, Dr
J W Dean, at Salem thi week'. ' '
MrJFHi'l ha been "visiting relative,
and friend iu Eugeue thi week.
Mr J C Church and family returned from a
visit to the Eastern States but Tuesday.
Mr AV H Parker, of Yaipilna" City, gave
thi office a pleasant call lost Wednesday. ' '
Mr M J Hendricks returned Monday from
Portland where he had been nn a business trip.
Mr Norris Brown, of S!en i' visiting in
thi city at the residence of Mr J E Fentofi.
Mr Wood Slator visited Salerri the first ot
the week aud returned to Edge's Thursday,
Mr Iewi BelshaW end wife were' registered
at the Holton Hon, Portland, loot Wednee-
day. , ' , ' ,, '
Prii F .Tone visited the metropolis the
first of the week. He returned home Wed
nesday. . . -
Mr Davit Shannon, a brother of Mr Ws.
ley Shannon of thi city, i lying quite sick
at Salem. ' ' ' " "
Mr Nod Humprey will leave for San Fin
clsco in about two weeka where he will spend
the winter. '
Mr Geo M Miller left for Florence last Wed
nesday, He will not return here until after
the holidays. 1
Mr Harry Baxter went to hi home' en
the Mohawk last Thursday. He will return
in about three 'week'. '- vt . -
Gen Ilutson and wife, who' have Wen visit
Ing for several iKoiith In this city, have re
turned to their California home. ' .
Mr Eugene MxCornack, of Salem, Clerk p(
the Board of School Land Commissioner, 1
visiting relative ariil friend In Eugeh( ' '. '
dndge Bean returneil oime Thursday from
Corvallis, where he had been holding' th reg
ular term of Circuit Court tor fientota ooimtyl
Mr W II Alexander spent laat Sunilsyanrt.
Monday at hi home iu tins' city, He re
turned to, hi work at Lebanon Tuesday
morning.. ' ' ' '
Uncle 1'hilTlp Mullitjy, who ha been itck lor
some time was In town last Wednesday. He
received a hearty welcome from hla many
friends.' ' '' ' " 111 '
Mr Will Ad Owet., peputy (J S IuUrnaf
tlevenue Inip.-ctorjitr Southern Oregon, vi.
Ited hi many friend in Lane county laat
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr Lynch and wife, of Yamhill county, have
been In Eugene visiting a portion of thi
week. The gentleman I a brother , of Mr
Aaron Lynch of this city. "
Mr Cha E Lock wood ha gun to Portland,
for the purpose, of copying the " niisstng field
notes for the new record book that Mr II C
Perkins ha th contract for preparing for the
county. '' ' ,' , ' , . "
Mr T C Jfudkin leave for Washington,
D C, this morning, , wlter he goe to repr.
tent the Oregonisn and other paper at the
coming session of Congress, which eonrenea
Monday, Dee 6th.
Judge Walton returned home from Sale
last Wsdnesilay whee he had been tor the
piirrssie nf arguing, a case "in the Su
preme Court, tntitled Geo Thompson, respon
dent vs Ira Hawley,' appellant; appeal from
Lake county. Judge Walton appeared for
the apiellaNt.
" 1 1 i. .i
A Novel Lotkb Hkad. Th first of the
week w received a business letter from Mr J ,
W Iledlngt in ol the Heppner Gazette. The'
printed letter head read a follow; "Office cf
the Heppner Weakly Gazette, dealer In
Births, Marriage, Deaths, Scandal, Sermone
and other Yarn.; Wicked and Worldly, bor
rowed by tls netglibors, condemned by the,
clergy. Fin for Hustles -also for Lining cab
ins. J W lledington, Editor and Proprietor '
r-also DeviL" For origiuality . lied beat
the world, the flsh and the other gentleman. ' ,-
,. La n.i CouNTf pKNsioNEha. We are In r:'
eelptof the report of the Commls4onsr of Pen-'
sions for the fiscal year ending June 30,
From It we find that Lane county has 47 pen-
siuneitj. The amount paid to thesi .per month ,
is IiI'.'b.oO. Three of them are widows, who.
receive 824 of the amount per, month, e'ud
three are men who are survivors, pf tbe war of'
1812, aud who together receive M per month..
Mahiuack. At the residence of the bride.
near Eugene City, Oregon, Wednesday, ' Noy
24th, 1880, by Itev A C Fairchild, Mr T b "
Linton and Mrs Edith B Brown. At th. same,
time and pine and hy the same minister, Mr .
Iuls lielshaw and Miss Nannie.. King;, all of. .
Lane county. We wish th. two couple loog
and continued happiuess in their new relations
ot life. . ......
BistriT. Prof Arhet and Company, ma-'
gician and ventriloquists, will giv an en-'
tprtainment at Hhiuebsrt' Hall, thi Satur-'
day evening, for the henefit of the New
Hand. The Company is highly spoken of
by Eastern paper. I-et their be a good at
tendance. Admission 33 cts; childreu 23 cU.i.
; f .
, 'Propeut't ' PiiRCiiAsrii. Mr Cha Laoer,
this week purchased of Ilovey, Humphrey
Co. ths building and ground occnplsd by Geo
M Miller' office on Willamette tret, nearly
opposite the Guard office paying IH00 for the
same. The property has a frontage of 14 fest
and a depth of 100 feet. "'
A riiAiiA!T EvixiKo.-The Fair, Sedable
and Supper, given at Khlaehart' Hall,
Thanksgiving evening, for th benefit of ti e
Presbyterian Aid Society, wrre each largely
atfndfd. and wrerybody prwnt enjoyed a
very pleasant evening. The affair petted the
Society a nice little sum.
- ( 4
Fa'rxiu Taki Noticx A good dinner "can
kad at Baker's Hotel for 25 cent.
e oi aiverusemeni. - .
F. W. OsBtwt, P. SI j 'rlDU1 lti cwf
I, mi i ft i I I,