The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 27, 1886, Image 2

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1. 1 OAiraux,
Fra aria soar.
ws'tcoat And the blirhnt of her ma U'.r.
Tlion tlio old jiidjro would bicomo un
muted; ho would riso up briskly ttud
"Tills is rn oxcollont Idoa of yours,
Tlioreiw. Yo, I will go finh ner."
"Very w-'II, niorminiir, but bo sure to
return ut seven o'clock. Tlio ovuninsrs
uro cool now."
"lWmw! It is two months sinco I havb
coulii!(l uny. Have you put a crust of
dread in my bug, aim my littlo bottle,
'Do not disturb yourself, monsieur.
Do I over forget any thing?"
In spito of her strong disapproval.
sho would help him on with his waist-
3out and big hut, he all the time mur
"Tlmt will do. that will do: thanks.
I am ready."
And tuking his polo be would descend
;ho Mtuirs. Theresa at the window would
A'utch him disappear outsido tlio (icr
man irato, then sho would reseat nor
lelf, and tuko up her work asrain, while
lie would trudge guyly along, thinking
to iniiiseii:
inr-rcso would like better to soe mo
at my desk, reading my journal, but thi
1.1 .......! ..I - i I. .1
iuun ut Biitviiir hi nuine in sucn weuiuer
as this! Ah! Zacharias, vou do not f;el
your legs any more! Uh, what verdure,
what lino mr! '
And ho would lonirthen h's fnntstops
in tne iooipatn tlmt traversed the high
gniss on the bill slope. It would seem
to h m tluit he already saw the river.
and tlio great trees sifting down light
and snauo aoout him. and he would
eein to breathe tho tart perfume of thu
mosses and ivy, and the odorous res n
of the fir trees. He would hear the dis
tant murmur of wators. and the hissm?
of tho living springs gushing from the
rochs. in an hour after his dream
would be a reality, and. a verv rare tliinr.
a reality more comploto than the drbain
l use 1 1.
Ono dav In tho month of July. 1845.
toward tnroe o clock in tho afternoon
aClllirillS foiinil hm lisllintr hnrr in full
of salmon trout that ho di3 not" wish to
tae any moro, beciuis1, as he sa d to
himself, it was nocosnarv to leave some
lor tno next dav. After having washed
his fish in a ne ghboring spr ng, and
wrupie 1 them carofullv in sorrel t
koep them frosh, ho felt so sloopy that
ho thought hn would take a nap in tho
hoather, and wait until tho shadows
wero longer to mount the side of Uiel-
I fin i i .
Th rose had dronnad it. ipavM.nrt.iiM "on. '".ivmg urokon Ins crust
I heard witiiin a noli. of bread and moistened his lips from
I paused A pretty coitnite place,
A rose IocjkimI frmii the (lour
! Ami smiled ao'swoctly In my (uce
I pitimi'd the house lie To re.
The lipiivyHiK'kle Irom 111" wall
1 hri'W down a welcome tear.
Tha breeze cum tuhIiIiik throuiru the ball,
aiiu wmsjiereu: "larry nere.
For all within Is peace and love,"
Ami through the eurtiilmi' luce
I planned, the reckless words to prove,
And taw a lover' taoe
. Bent clone uhove two eyes of blue.
Why should I dim tlt.-lr day?
Across the pane the blind I drew, A
And softly erupt away.
I went again, one summer eve;
The roue blushed at the door,
Itutamllod as sweetly to receive
He bi it did before;
Tim breeze came out nn Joyously,
And llnirerad at inv Hide,
And murmured: "Tarry now, and tee
Our happy groom and bride."
Oh, no I" I said; "dome other day
I'll rail tliH pnlr to ne."
Hut a I turned to go away
They both looked out at me.
Oh I wluit a IL-lit of hope and Inv
Their feature then o'erspread,
And a shiklnnh Irom above
MeemeU un the cottage shed.
Years crept away. When next I came
Before tlmt open door,
A little child pronoimcod my name
Thai (tolilon treason wore
" Will On come In?" she Kindly cried,
And opened wide the (tnte,
" My little one," I ilow replied,
" The day It low and lute.
To morrow, when the sun I bright,
I'll come and play with you;
Too chilly now, the falling night,
Too (lump the evening dew."
And no I did I often trod
A 1mm the aide yard there;
And found that fri-sher grew the tod,
Tlio sky more bright and fair.
I once had said that every rose
Held Jiint a briar or two,'
And every river as It flows
A dark wave with the blue:
But 'twas not thus I found It here,
The world that night I'd tell
That I hud found a sky so clear
( That rain drops never fell.
Tims musing on that sweet child's faoe
That night I could not sleep,
A shadow seemed the light to chase
As storms the ocean sweep;
And when the stars forsook the skf
And birds their matins sang,
I strolled airnln th eottnge by
And lond the door bell rang.
what did It menu? The winds replied:
"Crape hanus noon the knob."
Softly I raised the window's lace
The little child was dead
I threw a flower across her face,
Aad from the oottnge fiod.
1 never will go back airnln
Or push the blinds apart
I sought a sunshine fur tny pen,
found shadow fur my heart,
Lmmiitn Courier-Journal
The Good-Hearted Judge and His
Fortunate Young Rival
When all your passions are oxtin-
guisiiou, said mo auvoeato, wlion you
have rocovorod from tho illusions of
glory and of fortuno, thon is born in
your heart a passion strange and mys
. terious, a passion of inlinito fruition
the lovo of angling. My dear friends,
jou do not know tlio happiness of fol
" lowing tlio cork along tho river, of di
rooting it along tlio edgo of tho whirl
. pool or under tho the grent willows, be
tween tho mossy rocks, where tho Irout
And salmon llo in ambush. You can
not Imagine tho emotion of tlio angler
vlicn ho seos tlio cork spinning under
the witter; when ho feels tho fish sirun
n .i i . . . . "
ffiuigon inn hook, anil when, wilh a
vigorous jerk, he lands it on tho bank.
fluttering, and reileoilng the sun like a
v . . . , , , ,
inn mm. iu, vou must no i ko my old
frlund, tho judge, to bo .able to picture
to yimrseii sucn a pleasure.
inn inosi numit angler i iinvo over
known was Monsieur Zucharias Seilor.
an old judge of tho Tribunal of Stunt,
and meml er of tho Grand Cotinoil of
AiUcerno. After havingslept for twenty
five or thirty years through tho clamors
of tho advocates on his circuit, ho had
obtained iho favor of withdrawing to his
nug villa, situated on tho Kusnaeht
treet, near the Gorman gale, and thero
he was enjoying hlmsolf under the
iuiwvwJon of his old housckcflnnr.
Thcrese, a verv devoted person, with .
crooked nose and a chin garnished with
iiim, gray warn. These two, fu I of
indulgence for ono another, respected
their reciprocal manias. Thoreso look
ed aflor the household admirably, Ironed
um linen ami iook care to renew
monsieur's stock of tobneco, shut up In
largo Ntonu jar, after which she was at
liberty to attend to her birds, road her
prayer-lHmk and go to muss.
Monsieur Zaeliarina was approaching
urn pixuein year, wore a wig and had no
other distraction than to cultivate a few
flowers and road tho morning paper.
Tliia was well enough for a tinio, but
there caino a morning when the world
vemed a blank, llo said to himself
that he needed something moro exciting
than to watch flower pots in a window
and befog himself in the mazes of stupid
polities. Ho waa very thoughtful for
ome days, but ono evening, after sup.
per, a brght idea came into his head.
"1 have it; 1 will go fishing," he cried,
clapping his hands to loud (hat Theresa
called out from the next room: "What
I tho matter, monsieur P One micht
think you mid a fit" .
The idta thus suddenly born proved
to fi a stubborn ono, and tho morning
on which Monsieur Soiler first set out,
provided with a polo, a big straw hat, a
fishing bag and other accessories, was a
veritable allair of state. Thcrese was
greatly displeased at th s new turn in
ail'airs. She muttered to herself and
had moments of impatience, ami was
obliged to go to confession twice oftcnor a month than had been her cus
tom. Hut, for all that, she was forced
to conform to the now order of things.
For example, whenever monsieur was
acied wilh a dosire to go fishing, the
excellent man, who deplored to himself
Id feebleness, would look up at tho skv,
and say with a melancholy sliako of the
head: "It Is very tine this morning,
Iherese. What weather! Not a dfop
of ram for three weeks!"
Thcrese would allow him to lan-ni'sh
for a few moments, then, laying asido
Her knitting and her prayer-book, site
would ro to find tho lishinir hair, the
his littlo bottle, ho clambered dftee i or
twenty steps be'ow tho footpath, and
lay down in tho shado of the fir treos
upon tho moss, his oyolids growing
linn y.
X! I 1 ai
nevor mm uie 01(1 IlldM noon an
sleepy. The oppiessive heat of the sin..
darling his long arrows of gold into the
Bn now ot mo wood, the murmur of in
sects upon tlio side of tho h 11, in tlio
meadows and on tho wa'er. the distant
cooing of ringdovos sipiattod under the
som or 81111(10 of tlio beech trees, formed
such a crand harmony that tlio soul of
.i n;u ia niuucu away in tno universal
concert, no yawned, opened his eyes,
and saw a troop of jaybirds traversing
ineioiiago; then, ttirmnir. he thouHitlio
law tho cork on his lino whirl and do
..i. - .i ...
i-eniij u sauuon was cati"iit; lio was
1)11111112 t out: tho Dolt) bent in n a mi
circle, llio good man was sleeping
profoundly. Jlo dreamed, and tlio vast
orches ra pursued about him its etomal
music as the tune passed on.
A thousand animated boinn-shnil lived
their life (if an hour when m iiulnur tlm
judge awoke at tho whistle of somo bird
ho was not Hcmia.ntod Ho sat in
to see, and eonceivo his surprise. The
strange b rd was a young g rl seven
teen or eglitoon years old, with rosy
cheeks and rod lips, hor brown hair
floating m long tresses, a littlo turned
up nose, a short pelt coat of tho color of
corn poppies-ayoung peasant girl who
wai ucsuoiHi ngirom auovo by thu sandy
footpath of liigclburg, a basket po'sod
on hor Ik ad. and her anm. snnlmrnnil
but round and plump, resting on her
ops. ju signt oi her .acliaras was
uoeniy moved, llo blushed, and risiim-
sad: "liood-dav. inv iM'iuitiful eliihl "'
1 he young eirl stopped, opened her
eyes w do, anil recognized him, for who
n ail the o umtrv did not know Urn
worthy judge?
'H.I sa (I she. with a smilo: "this
Monsieur aeharias So lor!"
I ho old man asoended into tho nath.
Ho wanted to speak, but ho onlv stum.
merod some un ntellig blo wonls, like a
very young man, so that tho young girl
appeared much embarrassed, f inally
he made out. to say:
Where are vou croinsr through thn
wood at th s hour, mv child?"
blio iioiuted out to h in. in the dis
tance, at tho bottom of tho valley, tho
house of a forester.
'1 am return nu to mv father Y..ri
roorstir. whom vou know without
doubt, Mous e ir Jmbro."
so you are the daughter of the
worti j lcr P lou aro tho littlo Char
lotto of whom he often sneaks when hn
br.ngs mo his rep rtsP"
l os Jiidre."
'Verv well. I will aooomnanv vnn
homo. I should liko to see the worthy
Fo Tster ag.iin. Ho must dj cettinz
little (dd?" fc 5
'He is about VOlir a70. Mnnsinnr
Judge," said Charlotto, simply; "about
ixtv years old."
This artless response brourrht thn
good man to his senses, and as ho went
along he became, very pensive. What
were his thoughts? No one knows, but
how many times it has happened that a
piod and worthy man. who imag nos
himself to have discharged alf his
duties, has finished by discovering that
he had neglected the greatest, tho
holioNt, tho most beaut ful of all, that of
marry ng in his youth a good and noble
woman, and reaiaiuin? true and lovmir
to hor ever attor. And what it cost h in
to think t was now too late 1
Soon Zacharias and Charlotte renclin.1
the turn in tho valley where the path
passed ovora little bridge, and led direct
to the forester's house. That worthy
man was seated on the stono bench by
hissloor, w Ih a sprier of broom mm in
his hat, and two hunt ng dogs stretched
at his feet, and reco:iii,:n hi
p cremg eyes the judge and li s daughter
in tho distance, he came to meet them,
raising his felt hat in saturation.
"Good -day. Monsieur Ju.lo-n "Mh
with the frank and cordial a'r of tho
mountaineer, "wrat happy circum
stance procure aie tho honor of luch a
Tiaitf '
"MasU'r Yell," replied the good man.
i nae urriea in tne mounu ns un
til It is too late to iro home. Have
you a little comer vacant at your table,
anu a oou at ine disposition ot a
"Hovl" cried tho forester, "if there
was but one bed In the house, should it
not be lor tho best, the most honored of
our ancient magistrates of Stantz?
Ah, Monsieur Seilor, what an honor
you Uo to the humble dwelling of Yeri
And mounting the six steps before
tho door he cried out: "Christina,
Christina, run to tho cellar, Jud"e
Zacharias Seiler has come to repose un
der our roof." j
At this a very little old woman, with
a figure as stiff as a ramrod, but still
fresh and imiling, appeared upon tho
threshold and disappeared Immediately,
murmuring: 1
"Oh, deart Is It possible! Monsieur
tho judge." '
"Ah, my good people," said Zach
rias, "in truth vou receive me too
kindly." , ,
".Monsieur," repliod the forester, "if
you forgot the good you hare done
others do not "
Well, if the truth must be told.
Juilirn Zacharias nassod the even in o-
with Yeri Foerstor and his faniilv. for
getful of the inquietudes of Therese,
his promise to bo at home bv
seven o'clock and his old habits of
order and submiss on. Imag neto your
self that humble sitting-room, with its
ceil ngs htreakod With brown srirdcrs.
the round table In the midst with its
dish of trout and plates of fru:t, and" of
honey, yellow as gold, and worthy l'apa
Zacharias presonting each in turn to
Charlotte, who dropped her eyes, as
tonished at the coinplimonta and tender
words of tho old man.
"Ah, Monsieur Judge, you aro too
good," said Christ na. "You do not
know how much vexation this littlo one
given ns. ion will spoil her with so
many lino words."
"IJaino Christ na," replied Zacharias,
'vou Possess ft treasure. Mniliiiiriull
Charlotte merits all I have said of her."
Then Yeri, raising his glass, cried:
"To the health of our n-ood and vener
able Judjro Zucharias" and all drank
to the toast.
"Ah!" thought tlie iudro. "whathan-
pinoss it would bo to live here with
Charlotte for a companion, at four steps
from tlio river, where one could throw
in a lino from time to time, and follow
tho w th Fathor-in-law Yeri
Foorster, raisinsr tho echoes round
about. Ah! what an existence!"
When the clock struck eleven he rose.
How young and fresh he felt! With
what ardor he would have placed a kis-
on Charlotte's littlo hand, only ho must
not vot. He-must wait.
It is time for sleep. Master Yeri."
said hn. "Good-nirrht and manv thanks
for your hospitality."
And to sou h m mount the hi h stops
of tho stair one would have saiif ho wa
but twonty years old. Hut those twontv
years lasted only a quarter of an hour,
and, onco in bed, with the covers drawn
up to his chin, and a handkerchief knot
ted around his head, he said to himself:
"bleep, ncharias: vou are verv tirml.
You have great need of sleep."
At IlinO O clock t lO next mnrninrr 1m
nwoko, considerably chagrined at liav
ing slept so Into after having boasted
the ovoning before of his earlv risin",
and coming down tho steep stair lie
found only Dame Christ'na nwait'ng
him, tlio forester having gouo about his
business in tho wood and Charlotto to
h ryma&ing. So. after a hasty brcakfai.t,
and thanking Christina again for her
kindness, ho took tho way back to the
c ly, a good doal disturbed as to how
Theresa would recoivo him. but still
cherishing the thousand illusions which
had hatched in his soul liko a late brood
of linnols.
1 will not try to paint tho recention
which tho worthy housekoeper gave him;
her reproachos, her rage even. She had
not shut her eyes tho whole n'ght; she
had imnjrinod him drowned in thn river:
lis.. . ...
sue nan sen', urn people to look for him,
cio. Monsieur heilor heard these o mi
pla nts with the sumo calmness witii
winch ho ha I formfrly listened to th
metaphors of an advocate nloadinir a
lost cause - lie Hoard, but said noth nc
IVy tho bcirinn nr of autumn hn had
fallen into such ahahtof boingatthefor
cs'er's house that one would have found
him thero oftoner than at home, and
lort lound himself much embarrassed
to rofuso tho presents which the worthy
iiiHgixirain ooL'goti nun to accept in re
turn for hisdafy hospitality. He would
hake his head sometimes and say to h s
..r i ,
i iiuht Know a Donor unlaw, n ninrv
learned and respectable man than Mon
sieur t-oiler. but I believe ho Is out of
ll 8 m n.l. Only tho other dav hn want.
od to help mo build tho hut for the tit
mouse, and ho must also holn Charlotto
turn tho hay, wliilo all the
l i. r- . .
m isrii ni mm. lllis IS not tinmen-.
i it siina; nut I do not dare to speak
iu (i in, mi is so iuucii aoove us.
IM him nlone," answered Christina.
pretty Torture, well managed, and he
wanted to buy two hundred acres of
woodland on the edge of the valley,
and build a forester's house on the hill
lido. "Wo shall always be togetlior,"
laid he to Yori, "you with ine as much
as I with you."
Mother Christiana came In In her turn
and doviscd this thinr and that Char
lotto appeared content, and Zacharias
Imagined himself understood by theso
worthy people. And he wont to his
chamber that night full of tho most
blissful illusions, putting off till tho
next day hii great declaration, douUing
nothing as to the result. He hold Char-
lotto's bouquet in his hand, and whon
be was alone he foil to kissing it with
effusion, weeping like a child, and mur
"Zacharias, Zacharias, you are eoine
to be the happiest of men, and, may it
piease uoa, you win renew your youtn
in a little Zacharias, or a little Char
lotte who shall dance upon your knees
and caress you with her rosy little
hands." At this time the good man
seated himself, drunk with hope, his el
bow on tne window-sill, his eyes wide
open, and hearing as in a dream the
frogs croaking under the moon In the
silent valley. He had sat thus for an
hour, whon something like a volley of
pebbles, or of dry peas, rattled asalnst
tlio window-glass and aroused him with
a start.
"What Is that?" demanded he in
low tono, rail ng the window a little.
"Charlotto, Charlotte, it ia I," re
plied a tender voice.
Zacharias trembled, and as he listoned
with staring eyes, the foliage stirred.
and a young man stepped out into tho
moonlight. The old man raised him
self indignantly, and threw tho window
wide open
"Have no fear, Charlotto," said the
new comer, "I come to toll you good
news, juy latnor will bo hero to-morrow
to arrange with Yeri Foorster about
our wedding. Receiving no response
he asked alter a niinuto: "Where are
you, Charlotte?"
"I am here," said the old man, turn
ing very pa'e and looking fixedly at his
rival. And as tho judge began to speak
with a ra sed voice, the youth said in a
loud whisper: "In the name of Heaven
do not cry out." I am not a thief. I am
Charlotte's bethrothed."
"Yeri Foorster never told mo any
thing about this, the wretch!" gasped
"No, ho does not know yet that we
are betrothed. Ho said when 1 asked
his consent that his daughter was too
young; that I must wait. Hut we have
engaged ourselves, anyhow. I hava
told my father, and ho is coming to
morrow to seo Yeri, and, as I knew it
would please Charlotto to hear this, I
thought I would stop undor her window
and tell her the news."
The poor old man foil upon a chair as
into an abyss of grief, and covered his
lace with Ins hands. How ho (I'd sutler!
What agonies traversed his soul! What
an awakening from such sweet hopes!
, At tho end of a few momonts Zach
arias raisod his head and asked:
"How do you call yoursoli?''
"Karl Imant, monsieur."
"What are your circumstances?"
i.f .. .ai i . ...
-jjy lamer nopes io obtain lor me
nis placo as forest guard of Grinder
"Charlotte loves you very much, does
Prom the record of cure of Asthma
suflVrei-H may rest assured In Compound
I ixytcn tllt'V Will IIIHI HI icubi rcnci, mm
IiIh tiroliabllity. perfect cure,
Not all have been cured w ho have tried
('(.iniioiiiid Uxvuen, but an nave looiiu re
Airs. K. A. Porter writes from Hjdes
vllh. Ciil.. Nov. Hi. JHm : "It is now sevei
months Min e I received the first treatment
f,.r inn inn's uho. an I he bus not hud
symptoms of a return of the asthma since
takiiiK the llrst do ie. I tuke pleasure In
reeonmietidiiiff it lo all my friends who
are altlicted with any chronic dlseane. It
(teems to a' t like a charm on the disease
peculiar In thiH climate."
A monoKraph on Asthma, with many
other reports, andabrocliureoniompouiin
Oxynenof nearly 210 pages, will be Bent
post-paid ana iree, on uppucauuu y un
Stahkev Palen, 15 9 Arch Street, l'liua
(lelnhia. Pa.
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment will be tilled by II. A. Mathews,
615 Powell Street, ban Francisco.
Up to this time :4I, 00,000 silver dollars
have been coined. Of these ft , 00,000 are
in circulmion. The remainder are in the
ciihtodv of the treasury, with silver cer
tltlcaieH outstanding against a large part
ot ttiem.
The parent ot insomnia or wakefulness is
in nine cases out of Uin a dyspeptic stomach
Good digestion gives sound sleep, indigestion
interferes with it. Tho brain and stomach
sympathize. One of tlio DromlHcnt symotoms
or a weak state or thu Katrio orKuim Is a dis
turbance or the greut nurve entrepot, the brain.
lnvluoraUs the stomach, and you restore equi
librium to the ureal centre. A most reliable
medicine for tlieuiirposeisllostctiers stomach
Hitlers, which is far preferable to mineral
sedatives and powerful narcoticw, which.thoiiKh
they may for a time exert a suporillc influence
upon tne Drain, soon cease to act, aim invaria
bly injure the tone of the stomach. The liitlero.
on the contrary, restore activity to the ouera-
tions of that all important oran, and their
beiiulli ent influence Is retlecti d in sound s'eep
and a tranquil state of the nervous system. A
wholesome inmetus is likewise given to the
action of the liver and bowels by its use.
At Fort Smith. Ark . six murderers
have sentenced lo be banged on January
"Why. Brown, how short your coat Is,
said Jones one day to his friend Brown.
who wittily replied : "xes: but it win he
lonir enouifh before I Ket another. . Bom
men spend so much for medicines that
neither heal nor help tn m, mat new
clothes is with .them like angels' visits -
few and far between. Internal fevers,
weakness of the lungi. shortness of breath
and lingering coughs, soon yield to the
magic intlcence of that royal reined v. Dr.
li. V. Pierce'a "Golden Medical Discov
During the pat year the Alaska sea
company under its contract took DP.IWO
seal skins in re i urn for which it paid the
government $ O.' 437.
"W th a little m lk and honey this g io.
Zacharias is content. Ho likes to b
with us, it is sos tuple here, and then
he likes to talk to our littlo d inlitni.
Who knows but that ho may adopt hor,
and whon ho dies sho would be remem
bered In his will."
TIlO forostor shrilled his ahnnl.Ini..
His natural senso made him divine some
mystery, but ho did not co to thn lnrt
of suspecting the folly of the old jud"o.
One linn moinlnsr he saw dnsnemi n
the mountain awaron laden with ti,-
barrels of Kikovir wine. This was of all
the presents ho had received, thn mn
acceptable t t Yeri Foerstor, for, of all
tilings, ho liked a glass of good wino.
And when he had tasted tho wlna h,.
Could not holp crying out:
ins good Zacharias is the best man
in tho world. Go, Charlotto, and make
for h m a bona net of tho li
and jasmins in the garden, and when ho
comos give it to him yourtolf. G
W hut w no! What lire:"
Zacharias followed nlnu nn. k
... irn;
hools of his present, and fait him.if
more than repaid bv thn ftnwnr htk
Charlotto hastened to give him, while
mo lorostor saul cordially:
"Vou must tako suppoi with us and
ta-to your wino, Mons.our.Soilor. iu
w h is right to tall you our bene
faotor." Zacharias seatod at the table in the
open air. his tishing pole against the
wall. Charlotte opposite him, and the
forester on his rigl.t. began to talk of
hn prospects for tho future. He had a
"Oh, yes, monsieur; wo love each
other very much."
"Young man," sa'd tlio judgo in
broken voice, "you do not know what
evil you have done. But s-o now. tm.
v-.. Ti .11 i. i " .. ' o -
luu snan nave nows irom mo.
J ho younir mountaineer did not wait
a second invitation: with one bound ho
disappeared behind the great trees.
"Poor, poor Zacharias," murmured
the old judge. "Bohold thy illusions
ilown. And he wont to bed nobbinc.
I lit. I 1 ..... . . I"!
ami covered ins neau w in the bed cov
ers so as not to be heard.
Toward sevon o'clock the next morn
ing, having regained a littlo calm, he de
scended W the sitting-room, and found
leri, h s and daughter waiting
breakfast for him.
"My friend," said he to tho forester.
"I have a favor to ask vou. You know
the son of tho forester of Grinderwald,
uo you not.'
"Karl linant? Yes, monsieur."
"He is a tine youth, and, I bolieve, of
good conduct r
"I believe it also, Monsieur Seiler."
"Is he properly qualified to succeed
ins lat her r
"Yes; he is twenty years old, he un
derstands tne management of snares and
nets, and he can re ad and write. But
he mut also have p ationnge.
" cry well. I have influence in the
altninstration of waters and forests.
and in fiftoen d.ivs Karl Imant shall bo
lore-ter :if4irmd -rwald. Furthermore,
I demand of you the hand of Cmirlotte
for this handsome and worthy voun
At this conclusion Charlotto, who at
Hrst had boconM very rod, and who
trembled 1 ko a leaf, fell with a cry into
hi-r mother's arms. Tho old foreter
turned and looked at her with a severe
hat is this. Char otto? Do vnn r.
fuse?" '
"Oh, no, n o, father!"
"So much the better: f Or I h ftA nnth.
ing to reluse to Monsieur Judgo Zach
arias. Come here and thank vonr lun.
Charlotte ran to the old man tehrt
kissed her with h:s eyes full of tears.
Then, aileg ng tho petition for Karl
Imant which he was in a hurrvtn mnlrn
heset out for the city, taking only a
srnst of br-'ad in his bar for breaker.
Five days afterward Karl Tm An t. ro.
seived tho brevet of forester at Grinder
wald, and eitrht days later married
harlotto. Monsieur Seiler con!it nnt
be at the we Id nr: ha wa imliannuri
that day, greatly to the regret of the
wormy lore ter and hs family. Sine
tlien the iudrre rarelv iroes tUhirxr n,i
when ho docs it is at Brunnen. on the
other sido of the mountain. Urn. L. A.
McUciffet translation from the French,
in Chicago llcrald.
Earlv marria-res is the ml amn
French Cana liana Oris natinc in the
sarly history of the countrv. whnn
women were few and government and
jhurch alike encouraged girls in their
Seens to become wives, tha practice has
socome permanent, and for lads who
ave not readied their majority to be
lathers and girls of sixteen to Decome
Mothers is too common to cause remark.
A child who haaonce taken HAMBURG
FIGS as a cathartic will never asaiii loo
on them as medicine, but wi 1 be likely to
ask for them, und r the imprest-ion that
they are simply preserved fruit. 5 cents
At all druggist. J. J. Mack & Co , pro
prietors S. F.
A wonderfu
medicine : Irish May
The bee can draw twenty t'mes its
own weight So can tho porous plas
ter. When-a man's mind recovers from
a state of confusion, he doom't neco -sarily
die, but hu ends his dazo. a;
It is sa d that the Prince of Wales
never carr es a purse. Our r.i einblance
to his royal highness b is often been re
marked. Si. i'aul Jkralu.
A woman pointed an old pistol at
t tramp and blazed awav until she shot
a calf worth !?;.". The tramp is t cklcd
lotninK sho didn't a.m at thecal.
An Irishman, hear ng of a fr'cnd
who had a stone eollia made for h in-
self, exclaimed: "Faith that's cood
Sure an' a stoae coHin 'ud la -t a man a
lifet me!" A'. 1". lmLnemkn'.
A female teacher in a public school
was amazed the other day b seeing a
perfect forest of juven le hands by 'up
in tho a r and shake and pest ciilat
wildly. ' W ha do you want?" quer ed
ine puz.ica instructor. Chorus: "ler
ha.r sfall.n' o.i'." Chicago Tribune,
two iroy men have invented a
machine that w.ll make l.o(k),u )
matches an hour. The th ng should b
m great deraaud at tho f .ishionablt
water ns-places this summer. It is
jut what mothers and marriageable
daughters have been looking for. iron
My son." said a fond father to
his I ttle son whom hu had been pu i
ii-h ng, by tho use of a rod. for the
first time; "my son 1 ho; e th s has
taueht you a good lesson " "Yes,
pa," the little fellow soi bms-lv renl ed
'it's tau jbt me that it s beiter to ive
L. n
man to receive. Lije.
raect oils Party (the local law er
who l.kes to have a joko w th h s
client) ! say, Pat. suppose tho Uev 1
were sudu.-niy to appear now, wu eh
of us would he take lirst, d've th nk?
Pat "Me. of course; for sure he knows
he c in have your honor at any tine,
Daa hick to him." boston I'ost.
Her head was p llowed on h s
breast, and looking ud in a shv w v
8hesa d: "Do jou know, dear George
that" "You mean dear James. 1
th nk. he interrupted, sm.lng fondl
at her mistake. "Why. yes, to be
sure. How stupid 1 am! i was th nk
ing this is Wednesday evening. A'. 1'
Su n.
J EWFl c
Of Portland r k
Of Portland,
where I will l.are more eoraml',r, J .
And Sportmen'i Cood 1
Send for NewIllustraM CtUlo I
HAM J. 001IMA5, ChZ"
llHiI n.!71Hr,n , 1".
SS2 f
Inionxt nn ilmdu .. ,.7M.
! l 7 ' . T "'HOW-
a uiuuiiim wnincftuM
On 6muntliiMitlilc(U
On 15 luiintlu oertinwtM
. . uiknivHir
Jivl(a w. w TUaiur n w .
SvItwUt Fnll. S. "LSs
Hun. Ktahinl William. i?: ." 'k.
Vao U. UoLuhmutt.
0. H Dodil
Dr s :r 3
Dr. Van Moncisi
Kom. 19 A 184 Third at, I
Youdk, middle-aired and old, single J
8permatorrln4, 1,1
Nervous Dcbilltv.
Uissos, Sexual Decay,
"""f ' y- also Blood ,nd
(ases. Byphillis, fcruptions, Hair FsJIb
I'ains, Swell.nifs. Soi Throat, Ikvn ,
of Mercury. Kidnev and Hi.hj V. ;
; :rf a
a I
A di
in au i
Taris i
1 r.ttii
l .-, en
- . on
Weak Baott. HurniiiK Urine, OonoW ii
blritture prompt relief and curefotto 1
lioth Hexea t'onsult Coandratbii
luaed Bepi, nai tut.
each y car. f 21 pn
3, BOO UlnjtraUoi,.,
wbole rictnr Ctiw
GIVES VTholculi fan
dlrtct to eonnumrrt on all cosha
personal or family use. Ttllilun
order, and giTee exact cost nttrwf
thing 70a use, cat, drink, wnr,t
have fun with. These ISViUllU
BOOKS contain lnformatloa loM
from the market of the worlc li
will mall a copy FREE to tars)
dress npon receipt of 10 cts. te lidy
expense of malltnjr. Let ns hear fas
700, Respectfully,
m (k 829 Wall ash Aveauct CaiaikC
MwMntrr fir Wdliof anrdt-Dth. from ttto lat,
for Wntor, Oil or Uu Our Muuut- d SMun Drllxui
PortAble (turae Puwar Hiu.-hiiitnfettuwuikinllBinm
OuanuilMd to drill faitorand wilh IwpowrrUuf
othr Spi-clnlly aUnplrd to drll i t Wtlli tin':,
nn'kMt.1 l.ouo fn-t FumisraasilnthnniutMkiKS
tn S40 llf-p dilT with nilr tnarhinrT mnA bwl. Him
bu-lm-M fur Winter or Hummrr. fr tn tie oWm
mnrt Mtniirnrtiireniln In huoincM. 8,d 4cui
au.niMfurOlunlmtMl( auilofru K. invEM,
fierce ell Excavator Co., New Virl
fri'il itm; -
". i
if w Virl I
n Afio
hO -are cured by-
I Infantile and Birth Humors, for allaying
ItchiiiK. BurniBif and Inflammation, for curing
the first synimums of Etwnia, Psoriasis. Milk
Crust Soall Head. Srnifula.
kin and blood dux-axe.
t I'TlilHA.the (rreat !kin Cure, and CtmcrRA
OAP. an HQUixile .-kin Hntirlri- nm.ll.
and CiTicr ka Kekolvkxt. the new Blood I'uri'-
tier, 111 i-rnaiiT, are llllallllile.
t'VTiri HA KKXKI)lmr.lwlntl nn..J
the only lnfal ible Blood Puririers and Skin
Bvautilier free from poisonous inirredients
Sjold everr hrr. Pnr.i'iTi.-i'i,. ir..n..
tic: Hksolvewt. tl. PreDared b the Pirrria
liRi o and Chemical C'o Biwtos. Mm,
r- "Tn mr - now t.. fureSkin Itiwases."
jtfjrLf A (.Ha, Llrrine pains, borenese and
KAt V speeauy euifd. by Citicikj
aj term fLAiiTKJL n arrant L
Uvritian A-thm Cor ptw f'- 0''
INV dtult rclldlD th womt OMM. Wt)rM
farubl ileD: rffcota rumi when ill Ibmm
Itrial amvittrvt thn mint kptMi. frif i f
1.00, of OratKlm or br null. fUmpie W
tanip. Ilt. U. CUn'tWK, HU I'mml
n Wlor8k-Ic Stoma
CURE FOR Torpid Cvcr
Tl la certain Is M
It ia gentle in IU aaka I
la nalaulila tutheL.
can bo rolled vt-m !( I
audit curTiraMtii :
hy ontrjm, imui f
not take Tiolcnt liuipw
yaanunt, or allut ti
children to Ukota-aiW i
ui thia elfnt P !
ticil preparation, wu i
K u.n f., mm tliAB fall i
U I U I tl U I A' ty dniMliUjterjrwWt
NEVER fails to arrest Unr-id
and btruntrth, (iiminihis Coiirh.eiw"
Exhaustive Klirht Swtuta, ne matter Iran a
suae, cures Uronchitia, Asthma, St-rohila""
Debility. l)X MARTIN, cf New Y,t"
nentSiwcialiat an I Authority on ConauBipw
states in his Treatiso on "Tim Ci'M "?
srxmov," that "he has found D"W"
Ufa roaeoee arrests th m'"1
of flekh, and liivittorutcs tho ""j
svateni, and has ret-onimendrd Vu)j4
Liie Eswnea ' to thnuaanda f liia paUn
the most marvellous results."
Th Weakest and Young
can take It.
. Foa Sam it all Dscooim. Pajcs. f&
WbltuU Artntt
Portland. Orel
Merit I Strength I
Tha Chad's Rml Uedlcioe
and Family Favorite.
CoativeiiMa, Rilllouaueaa.
: lljapepaia and Mai .na.
TIIF. treat Bow l, Btnm
'ch. Uver and Kidney rrfil-
lat.T. for HUn. Woman ITJ. I'iai
'CniliL rrom the mh of ,!-'
the eV rated Iriah Phyai Jkl . tHj
ci.a BirD-minlck Corrija' r-rfSl
K-.ld hy imureK a YAVl i
Oil .. CU U.w .mr
8lrit, Haa i raaciaoj, I'al. jUjaJ Hrf
1 'raa wspaues.
of the body tnlarKed and atrvnow-
nfailinjadl-trnUinent Fullaip'aa"-'
nncea. at, arntaealed, free. . f