! ! cWl GITY 111 Ml 11 II II 1 11 ! . - I ' M m wieiwhim of frrr . Ra, T?? j:. ...it nd lheuum.,or wked )L. 19. I Oil l!IC ihb' liu CoUni!'iVinuBrlfi.jucH . f..n.!n articlo on Flacnrgronnu ( ....'..Y. Kov. 1. 1880. ' ' inrainilOBgC W, take in" lu"" " - . t .a lllilt' Uln river, yi!,u,,, ' . . i e 'd' alordi, I V , tkn nuarts vcm I; r,f , t p .MPbELL, ,L float gold. -i i....M.;nn and at 4 ocUkk ironrir tor, thatrau M Ute hour too Ute tre.m of Uuvt name, n ,tU tW;tf that .1 , t between bae A. T X 1 .IV A ' l?.ixi!ltlrt 12 00 . rnl.LIER. ;-.!!tt fe OOLLIEU ewentllthk courts of " ceoXdorris, ittornev and Counsellor- " .....hate - . faattpn I ceo.S. washburne, Attorey-nM . ORE" n.. in Tortlanu . . ...,..( men aaof """"' r- . ,!,. e omr 8' 1 "v: . . . o lUmniW at 3 Sinter ana - a Tt A- a!Tjra8 but a pr. - . .u ,ong o!perl,api.V- i1 ? Jnh. nf New tt?t(Z Seasonable hcoas. Fine Cashmere, in wu shade . Xew and Kobby szyw fl 0f v - - KID SHOES PVer brought to this pla It CI T 1 "l 1? C BOOTS ami ih all tirade's. aiwcEiiu of all descrivtwns liberal Discount lor ,0 nrn M MILLER. jSeaii.- " fecial tteati. ;. - -w.r llr.urn'J M''-11' . Orwt--" Phjsician anoou.6- ' OFFICE uiiikln's Drug iPrtituieteht . 1 "T-, ww a "MPS flH l i p T"'A- . r- ' r ' fV- . t -ivlVlll" BUl"v" upon the "'V ."wim-i ,ll(,lltt!lU 7 1)ria,e. . I tUrnto,na.yS.lulo.ru. .V,!ry H L Hooked outjeno hwin aU rcUto - rai,u tno; T - pra 0ll thf 8ro,-wacKe-an-: r .. Seventh U.no --- R W l0krr :WWUrger tha T -JSTrtBJ ,1V. nority gr0UU uTt ur.k.w.w,.- -tioi. r 2(000 ocu, ; T-.ro 6ro a,)0ut W,T.' ThU U Uiv,r, iaUy lonnod T nt,ie d-P-rtm-nU l-. U? ,n l"" : n.rrbn and Hel-na. f,t, m ' u iu . ,his , 7. ,. trlct. Before thil 7 0,,U cant to GU.dWM7 Hucc-ive F-"; " .1. vote. Seven of' U-r "T..r" : MO mil-. Wl- -r"-". rl,1.d,Mrlci ;nrpointn,ntto LitUe, i"1""' V1 .: m! t Ihftt tho QUarvi - - , ....,: Clr- IIIMUMm, down the Yellowstone n . pltW. ,mvf alway. - ; w . thrM li.h, -ar " ' . ,tf . djkrt of the more . u . of th,He UM,"UV ade hy Lewi- and miu W ' . lUn llml in 7 ' nnnn to the charge oi Th ton- "0 ' . . i uo n . I.ut in t no uw iu' - , ,ttU bwjcu 111 .. .iii. Misuifd .tojiavr OfPgoni,,ttl,n . A - thi-rel",c3r Concresnman. Br.) Kinaiu o ....Vi B ...invral- 1 t r Winn to -ill hJina favor I . ,lwW 'PnJoBVortogive.V.BfacUon to U Areenn.lo)-;nndI- CIIBIW2 ,o wan a can. . ' , J. L. PA&B, I DKAlER IN- There' tvn VT HIS OFFICE or re- vo I liaveaOranJ knd lat etlt man honbrr inn reters, a - ni . ir. nld er. made D-. ' . -i.i . Kuliaracu .. , Pr" ! " ' .1 J;n of this reon h application io , ; The ; , . .t. mnra im- U.1U Leoaused lie ia 8ixty wouna, , : MiHKls. 1Ilftinly at agond, uWUly. U.at lP lhe line .. rpRlP(l on fiv Urtant ,5vpiriT.; 'ruck the .mnlt H,,m0 prn. l . ( out fronlI) th-iv dtw.HUS- acv kilW r pATTrf.soN. , L,1H riv.r and twitting " Contractors; X t:' Peering. S,6ne ihd D.irk Work. mile. Minneapolis V- iUhe. . Tt-fi STORE, Residence oa M,'1"' rin Cburclk - " T". umtON.Ji'm Aa nilEGOX. r-.4NnC0MH.KTE 11. "t":K." 'rLrkeU .i.a ik run wd bouni. it . N XIN - mile. Minneap"'" r 7, 'Tll,,r(, anenonnouw.-.-,, t rnra i - Uwh.reicna,. . L.a route ..y JUlldU, andi..-.; Rrrivlllg on . m i rmi mum ii.ieil'J l" will appeal to lire. , - w.nmitolu.u". of 1 ii In not the indivuiuu. . from Davy ra,C, u - The il.at he U intered.in, , 1 . I t .rn t in Eureka, the V , ' . . ,H" u.1' .LioknehH Of twe.vB - - .-B- - - ii.M WB'" r",,, bought DW :u oood td ti COUUV. - wrtriRKR CITY. OREGON. r, V " tv AtX THE -,tiiPTl i. X' I . iVWt of" th8 V. real UU. col- l7Zt OOOQ ta . . . t F.U9 Attoriicy.at-1' J " 0REG OREGON ...nnVT.tl 1 uihi,,w . .... ;;PRY GIVES THAT VOT1, Jerr, JUT. UUi V-OT1CE i, Jerry hM r. -TRX APPOIM " . by in. --'b.-td "r"" " d ail 'Li. vour . Ll,v iiotmr. r ...,. .thUitorem V.Wntine, o.-r -- IATCU W' - . w A.iniabtratiir. j Mr I ."". H51CI EAS::C'