hi if? ; : X -U - - i - NO 10. n n i i . mi EUuli.iN wiii ! Ain't VII i. I CAMPBELL, il SiilsforinaUoii Brgaiilins OrigoD. BillNjV Fulling HcaUh. Chargrd With Murder. .-Jit 1 I j- X GEKEltAL jEJ "1ioROSVi . .Mb. charged the fol .Time - an 00 Aim m""' "V . 7.V.".. 92 Irt m""M- .... w i-ii'-i0-20 c,nta tia Vr Kil 1. wiU b. renrtereu 1""'- ' 11100 W"' nM.COU.lW. BlUEU. I AT. IrtJU"" - omejs naw""""""- Good Dr&ss uooax -nTTTTIVTCl in a i 1 1 i i y i i k ; iilliSIIli Hi If HI Hi. II 11 11 kill v " " T 'L nrrY. oregon. M immense ttoclc of Nfiv 1 Vnn onrt.fl. hip, Goods. TITmddK Pine Cashmere .in cvvry IH . D. UU"W ... Xew and Xobbij styles in CLOULIJ It. Liberal Di IrimminU silk and Sat in in all shades. Moiveantique wjw' Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French ever brought to this place HOOTS and nuui in all grades. aiiouniiEs of all dcscrivtions umlnt tor an A leveling . . .. ......... u liili ii . ! . i ik: "In our thr,.tr:i8Bcroithecontiniit m . .1 . ... tfnrl flf all tin; i.ast Rix Mionuis, r -- . .i. .i'.,; Or..L.on is tlw W Vi :.i . n.1u.rtiHril' anJ tin J, i f o,l it is o:l .ftrruKsm V ! in conviT.uition with . tinulscne oinsk: 'How far w ' ... ir...ir I ()rf!!0i n Ui ' or iron. (si. au - ... i i :.. .ivi.r (Irn CaUfoaiiivr U tle U'liimui i ... i...i..titw or 3 . . iitrv1' llax SclHV. nouses in J- - . 1 n i.. .,o nioro raulrt lixtr- .....( vtiiirvlvcs IvV 'How Uo you j . . . : i . i:..i.. in a foriMt'.n Ia(,i f,.fls tlnii iw i (i . . i .1... r,rnli't'um (Jl t'' Htawanilhtril-H. WUl.i.i U PHt "X With tincere rret I"'"' ot 4H popular lumoriat. Mr. J - sonous illness mi." j n i .... f vniHinc; it was sun - . ,. . . i ...,t i'lian!!i ut cn- wns m in, iwy" ... iutH would restore im-.i " , i . im-onsin. . .!... i... r.unnvpu " viiiox iiinw . . Till. ClllVHf " V. . . f i . ..iiiiiincu in awhile; perhaps ; , UkI issue w gae l,ail of th0 jolting rnurJ-r of D. I. Oor. thH hanUaro merchant ui RIUl that th Coroner was busy prepar- . il.tMviiftn ft. II a ,! an inquisition, B . . .i.ni time two arrest searching. bi..w ; have heen made, ono be.ng u. pie. a young man ion... ... - r . r.. - i,,il.ir livery stahlo l.y .Meisiit r ui" ft Portland, llo was arreted for noying ft ChinesH camp ... Innir Marpio m nuiot of his pretty HiMhou hou eUilh a pal. P ? i 1.1, frieiil mtttlil knif.1 ws lounu our linuni aiui . . ..... ., tn nUTiy J ..... , " . mhiist and hearty OS io ever missions ; - "w .. mail and U.i fa useijm reiu'" -,r--. " L was. Uut l.m , i , ...... ,u wlmlow wl,ore trance wa conscientious man; l. uu. ft ,ftrg0 Ui.datv to iu,,tov every oPPoriu.m, g.unea. ' 1,, found. Iml v-. fimilv and hmselt nUin.er ot nioou . to 1-rovid.i for his Umiiy a" werQ made 1 :..;.i ,flov divs-and there nave lt Wa mi" . . 'v. - t .Ufa .in IIU J" wnun -.. i .- !... II limllV nilllY J- - L - ovnilll insieiiuni"" . iwcii iimi.j j ' ...,. llnrin" Ills exuiuiu"."" -t f Within th imst six I., ,.'.... , rest of us poor ,w liome. . Uurm0 Kturs ami mi'I" " . Ut) w nu un.v.-o . ,. a I -.. ,.,.( nn man wuuui . .i ;i..r lnw hern asked at , ., , ...uli.rstand lt all. o was nervous, y..v w months i lie drvtis uiw ,n..a if rretd on 8U'' -'6";' i uiinna such as i.. l.nrd and patient- nervous it arreaimi uu .... 1 tnouMi.m i"' li lyt' iw ... ,if ... . i vHtman may know BometuiuK 'v,v,n,r man asked the! ' .. ... Jm was ill of Um pal hastman may v" .' iiuiit . . . . i . . . i nl,H nn hiuiid "r ;ril(,, a fe, days since: ..o yo, ll..a" -" n"11 M'l,n' ;'": pun hasco.no much goo,, ' Tl, report lhat Marpio had tHt w do here!' U lif of us who havi, ? . ; nil helonging to tM Vurk . puhhshed an - HUiWv wanned hy ... Kmma Merlotin, m,n lUw; from Was,,,,., o i , UlH Wyear ) , Wtt8 whhout bundatioa . i?i,ira.X. Y..mt.irtyiiiM " ..ii.umt constantly pngagi-u . . lry Hn;in of nmstan, making lif.y n.fle. thiH t,U.et has taken h.m ' , ....1 ..i..nlv-hce . .i - .n..nrv in i.'Vel'V ,Uy for thirty navH, um. imo all parts ot mo -. . ...... f. ,.,. .lavs. uoh ignr- , . , , ... ..tating exposure miles u " . i Kiiiu ui i ant in 'a.d to the distant nA M lho8p .molarities which .urn ipioted. scountio H. e;tiernW - "G:sa8hburne, Attorney-si-1'11' 'tVJjBSKW". . . .... r"iirt liouno. nrn M M UeyaniCouUor., and it on i. ribiAiw j jiii'" OKEGO-' 1 "1-1 Jnt.d ty W 4 VTXG OFENFD AKEW 8AA?1 J i Onicc . Rs o( Craill uri-., i am i-. 1 . r. nr7ttf 1 H t) Til - V IV l b I JBi ift'V'- Khnira, N. Y and Wash.ngton lern 1(.ttUl, Tlie result 1,1 ' . i - .v mine ' ' . , i ..;..i'a ivlivxl torv. t0 1,0 B ' . to ho that the genial lu'n " , ...i:.. r.f a . !...., nit ft a lt on,, other than tho "n leal cond.tion is pm as n .ipi iiiLi.mii ' i .i turn wiii-iii ii' u.-wspaper navinS Wllc, mrep yrm .. - . . n-i ..:.;,.. of Oregon . , ....... ...;.i, tK poisons ot tlO l copies. me - I ffotit the tar v i .. . l.nnii'. kiiouii. i . . , ... ..iinnro lor " known away n' ' ,. f u hat uiu'-m n...... - n , h . ti, world of . , ;u 1. coinuelled ,UTS at (.ii-e to mi'-,,. , v,.ry Hoon i.t. - 1 1 W n ii at .,i i. f... no iiuletiiiiii . . 11...... riiu l urn. " . i i... nil will IV lw.r limilKH""' of l'orthinu, t IV murdered woman lost no jewelry, I,tt600 shn had drwn from thaUnk ,o huy Christmas pmsentu for Irienas present carnival o. -- - . . .... ...i rt,,ni. and many oi ...ii'ru nre nrv thoin aro mero inyentiona. Hint line Hi11 .: I,.,., that tl. W't'"1 hoill" one . . Slate is known urn.... v i i .... .F tin Sla... line and U w " ' I i n u will1 who is not familiar w.u. v to ul.andon all work for period. ,fiiaV"iat-l-V' W . oBKG,nNi 8,i3alattentt'i" WaaaAtaVr-""1''- ' ' Physician nd. S"80"' wiiwn'2,Bjra. i rffmerly reoea1 - '' n fr. J li. UnWvnol. JJU. O UJ "- POST OFFICE DRUU bJL. on Eighth .treet, oppolW eriD Churchy - I WALTON, Jr., nESX CITV. OREGON. ALL l"1 Tim .Hni Competent ;knien nil tthima fvc-r .:..r..t inn to ill wluma , 1 mid I will endeavor to give V. omnloved, ana 1 ,ne wiin avu.i. J.L. PAGE, DEALER IN- t-m I I , W. 11. l-ArTI'.ltSON. F. F. rATTEHSON. H irihT(l','lU llmt one. J" . . , f l.w iiower, when h' the 'V-",1 ,;- ' to s,,ne auKural dep., tn,,l oust a, tiunary c .ndidale , f.vo r . ..... i . I... mired a'Milll of one Ih" Bgr..:u.. . . "t.r .... ,nsw.r. -riUee anoiu .w - - r. ; i ! .,,.li.lta. And . I.i.l eved in "ii I HIS l.nl" "' "' . ... ii P Morrison m Colonel William Waterloo, Ilk, Nov. 4th, in respond t() imiuiri,.s as to the causes of h do 1 . . . . , ...... .i. n-n ateeiu- feat, said that jarren, ' - i ; and other pro- issarv ot ivnus. - , - . t.. :..,. in i-eireBcnt tin' teclioiusls proi. Mi.'s , . t i .,1 ilior lulior in- ir..:..i.'u i-.t l.anor ie b ' .. .1... ,l,irici tenor more urn in in1 t0h' - . ,: V. f.vor " . . . ... Inn. hirinn and ,a a renet unary ciieuu..w. ... - , .UHl eiiir - - , friei..."..-.....! t ;j HUch MP0UU he hire an 1 . . W.. are .. . i ...... to coiisolidatain ..uhurists " n.rH , Wtor the linker interesi n.osv ... element. In proof of inch hiring an . .... T ......t I it leucrn. , " l.rihery we nav . . mm se. .. . u le eeraphed ,0 1 I k lli'WIlt S liuei.i. -i - ..... .i mp ... . i. f..i..i renreseniini; -1V record runs that me r. t,,H r,mt jiaicn, v 111 , . i.tier. i' .. :.. i ... u-iiv of turinri' ,1 in rorrents a day or ih as Ktanniim . . Intl, Liory candi- f,cilillll(;d J Us m.sson ftl"1 ... ic i... .a hooted .,.. ,1... inlerest of the 1 "" i in I i.imM'L it" ,.y iiruirrv in prM-iu .... .1.. nB 111 the JameH li. Muruocn, v..-. ,,-,,1,1 that lWi,lent Lincoln issued b Catcall for troops ho waa playing m .. ..... .!. a noiso in tho audi- Jll Wauser, v... . , ..... ..nn rxnilerillB PnGa caused imu.w "T - ... . A mtnHDrang llamlet's gloomy - - . . ..... .,! T.ncolna call. upon tun aiageaii- - , The play was never iiu.shed, ut Mr. Murdoch, in tno gar.. Ui nf.n fWnnntor anu hy the side 01 muvv w-.r-. was over. 1 boiitf" hi f . . . . mm ton w din offer th. public better price, than 1 r u v" DEALERS 13 M '!nrk. 1 ;V ' Watche and Jcitlry, H . Nntions. etc Musical lnstrurn.rn.-r, , Watches. f iU.m. PTICE 1 11 T ll,l 11- . GRAIN BROS, -r oaiaWrt: 0iWr. fe . W. CONDON, Attorncf-a-1" t -l ' - - OREGON. hu(JENECITY- " o.c-opp.it.l,Br,: . toimiFY TO LOAN IMPROVED FARMS FOR ATERM Sherwooa .. -. Contractors, Plastering, Stone and I lit. 1 BriCK V70rr. ALSO DEALKKS IS Tacoma and San Juan Lime, and English Cement, Mnu, Yr.rk ?nd California Plaster, "-" ,v'" . . - . I. I .!. Plstering Hair, Urs bncKuau., Marble Dust, Etc, Etc. ADDRESS: F, F Patterson k Co, KUC.ENECrrY.ORE'iON. Office-WIiIi IWi-kwitl. x nn. r,s,,"l u . I. for " ... ii. is alright. The 'Let vonr party a"'""-" " , tectionisis. . - , . lj 1)1 ; ;ii ..leer, vou." . . . ,tvrn is nidi th ' ol IjlOOJ o. ' , . ,. .1 . , .1... micH ion wnei...-. tUHUhurcn. -r ...... . . T-r.rnar.arin, tho result was a surpr se, . :::r:ro;;,stated !v; ;r ::u;; -po : Hireceivedagooddealofinfor ot any one not yet appro . h.nfor Congresiio,,... mutloll aH to what wan going on "" I hended or convicted oltne ( 1 1 . 1 1 ... rtl 11' ni" .i . . ,..;. l H in lint" " l .1 1 If rl lenuil ii.. ..:.,-of internal rv- Thn total conou" was organic. - Juno SO,' 18SG, were 13,438.-JU,-Wi JU ... ,i;ur,arh. The ag. Hiiysa NVasniug"'" -i , , negate receipts from internal rcvenu . .... m....rnf the treasury to- remaiKeu n. " ... ,- ... In lull's palU today, "were suiuuie"" - - :.. 1 . t.i;.. deht at itH 'lngl.eab t he mum i'"""" - , , . t r ft07r.fi 131,371, nd leaveahal- 1: .1 . ilmi iiurtiose. ' 1 appiien . ' ' ; , CJov. Moody, in view of repressing crime and securing tho conviction of in" . .. .1.- Inw. has 18- persons traiiHgrimsina . ..!... ir..riniT a rewaru suedaproc.a.na.: - . Huhject lo lh app. ; " - . 1 . .1. . l.o na d UOOn VllP ClieagO lierai.1 , . ,i.,..;,,a tho first live days of . 1: Ui. uiuh r the new law for tho Z,.! .,, 0,.sinou compound. i 0 . . . I v individ. three hundred -- J 1 1 i;,...i.M. for such 1 r iiWktz 11111 ni ii-'" - ualsanunnonv . . ... :.. r .... rl :i vs. in o - uianut.icmr-. , . ... 1 c. of hlauiihtering al ..ne. Armour 1- .. - and packing fanm, head the ., , ... : I.. ilo 1 10 matter Ot H 1 idea Monism does not '- - - . . :tv ...f,,....! lifts nt lh;(l tll(, cause ot ana V; " c,iv, d a set hack Ly reason feat county, county. the iiullic an ins..-v'- ajwh'thecomes of lln-ir refuso grease I Uoneric - -or I). J. Corker in Yamhill 'i. i.,.,1 111. the East ' ; Some papers pu.... are talking aUutllenryGeorgofutu f,.- tho TreB dency ol the prospects for tlio ir You Can g,vetimen,l.n"wybycllii!"1' - . -1TT1T in. - ui.Hnl"''!;b"i,:liB"fS r,v7;. ,. . -11 nn,i ;r - -ii ,m wen fc" ... . . a. 1 it .iiti'tr n. .11 kin-l. ol C..-V.- - (iwtery. " ' ' .;tv. u ca" , nurchwini el""llere- " . ADMINISTRATOR'S H0T1GE. tTrnv r.XVKN TI ll'mn WAM "t Oil-- ... ... o . irna,, (:,,. Ar 11C .,, viiTKl) E..MI'""'. (Uliawi fr .i.B ,l.l. MI!.S. L. I .;,.'.. in. Hue-" ' ' ( (.r ,t 'l"."' """- ".-'... ii.-r. i..ii . I" 1 ;i " ..linlui-' .fin." ; - . 1 ...11. sti.iu lain. t'-'.I 1 J ... nil I !i. .,::...;. .i.if. I,"".'-- . ..' , ...,.-v Mi i II 1.1 ANU ,H..iu.ir ii- i f .... irvl ..nu' TUr. if r V A .,..1 D-liil.tV. Blly f,.,m.l n. an .--- I Wil fi.,.1 (;i:.n..r. Ar..n...'.; - .... lhrtlri) t...n"". ,..,1ii. '-nr: ; : "... m. I I V V . J l'l ' ' 1 ' - - ; prospects xor - United Stales. - - . j u " ' . i i:.l arrive 111 j lhe United - 3 reached his .,th year - . lie iH likely to pro - . , president al aspirant. He i w ; , pr .. . . it.. United States at constitution u. . . , tH" . . i.u vault nir anihu serious obstacio 10 - tiou. . ur'.',r has hee.1 ataru ' iV. a. and the folio- Ht'u'H...v...r . injure specimen paragra..- . 1 . ii- b our Uehut to- t rsl issue; , . tll. . . lim.. launch me dav. and at lh" su... . . .... ..nnn the hroad Montana ihi.'V"--., , . Itis the only domain m p-' . ... . ..li.'il in " r),.inocrauc t - , .... r ',i. When we cease to be . i n. xnonHiit of IJe-a . -- ...,: .tuJy- an aiiyocne .... . . , Ti Sa Francisco ..". , . ..... ..,,i, nan cooper Ul lll." ...f iha r.ltl- . oeratic prmtip" j - - . , UhIKi tinus u.a, u. . - It will l- our a.- - , ,, ... ,,, ve ,n"ianu -i - f ii.. f,.r i io ranu uiiiiironi - .... , w.pr.?. liard an-l l iu.""-- " . ... .i..; an. we do not -x- i.arty, ami in "". I 1 r . . l....niKi)hero on nect to ''t the .-i 1' Ll . . . it 1 tf :t Oil. he- (-., wiili our ini- - . Al IHSURftMbL sK,sf 7. . TpnlTED t ih. Canty Curl t ,lf ,h WE' HAVE b'icp"i A fr. InatirA TOOT ' .-I- .nlMlll.tea a.."-.' , ...I .11 " I..l.n Vilentine. " (.to"""' herny """" , , :. i...,t,.r at lu "' rZ3, Sam. W S ' ft1 n u. . - ,f"m I againrt 1"- by nr.. - 0, THi. Loat. h (Ute , ii.i. .. ?jr.iMruE, Se 'Suy.Admtor. lZk "fn, h. Uberal cGlUIR, Alt,.. I'.-, v ...... i. : ii l .'I t HUB vi '1 7. VJ M V .1 atatesandtBrritories, which makes, f . . . . iq n native voters agaim l"'"" ,,,: thn coh;d! ow, which brings up . tH hll'll Bu,- i W. KlSh. . ...i . Wiae . Itleiail, . 1 1 i.i i i a ' . . ii r ' I.ave " . .. l that . ..... Z iiiLlU cxHlnt le-l- . I i ... i t. W.tll'l.lt. ii-n -."' ' ..L- .f l...ili..n. 1 want the nireu , ... j:HV:'i-' m,uh, .s gk,,gton:::'rL IH.Iio'iUy a.l rr,..i... ,U,.u,,M w. II and ..th.rt. l l.i.e.iAnl K..r.a'hy'','"'v;1 N Y tyI:KVIM DEKRY. lrh riL.'rrAt - ' Cu'a, to 24.HH6. S-tih-rH took up last year 7,412,?; . tinmpatead la from it receptacle. festive politician, - ' ... SetllerS tooa uj. toeyerybodythatwa .re here J, ftcr,H ot land under the homestead la want til hired h'-nch-n o he nn, mau who has t h,me i a country nere . ! I .1 l.U I M ... fi ..ires l.Ui.llsneu "j , , - taking. - .. uii.i .... - - Aa-ordiii i" i , ( Or cry .l..pr! t. the.re existed w ' .i... i..i. , h.v of June ..n..un r ii ,1,.. treasury iepi.' -- -. ,. wriUen aaven.. - . . .....,. ... - ." . i i r.H 1 M IJIJ P I ' 1 6,20 J.0UJ for the Ut bix J''" i ,nd fence dodger.