yak A decision hss been rendered by Acting hjtad Commlwlnner Stockshctftr whnreln it is 'held that the occupation of land by an Indian, ''claliulna It M a h imestoad) in Washington T-iriUiry piW to the fiHVfg of tin map by the railmad oooipauy, Was 'then t claim m ex cepted it from the railroad (rant 'Dili de rision virtually decide a large number of lim liar cmh in Oregon. Connecticut hue four ticket in the field thl year. The a of the Bute require that candidate utiall receive i majority of all the otee cast In order to be elected. Two yean ago the'De'fflocratlo candidate for Governor re ceived a'plurallty but not a majority of all the Note cast, which threw the (election tion the ' Mature, which being1 lie publican selected Hh Kepubllcad candidate, iayi the New. For the paat year the Import of gold have 'rxoeeded the exports by about fifteen million 'of dollar, while th export of llver have ex Wded th import by alraut fifteen ndllion Mollara; which Ute of facU controvert the idea that the ex luting coinage law will drain th country of gold and flood it with diver. Specialists declare that the new Manlicher - relating rifle, now being manufactured for th Austrian army, i th most perfect rifle ver invented. It fire forty round a minute. Ram Jones i coming to thi coast. We have read mush of him, and after careful analysis don't care to be sickened further by teeing bliu. Ovei ixty million of three per cent, bond bar been recalled during the last two mouth that, too, by a Democratic administration. Referee's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of the Circuit Court' of the State of Oregon, for Lane County.dulv made at the regular April form thereof, 1880, I will odor for (ale at public auction, at the Court House door in Eugene City, Oregon, on Monday, tlio 25th day of Octo ber, 1886, between the hour of 0 o'clock a m and 4 o'clock p m of (aid day, the follow jug deeuribed real property, towit: The outh half of the donation land claim of Jame Lytle, duceaied, beiog the north half of eotion30, Tp 10, H K 3 W, in Lane 'County, Oregon, and containing 323 60 100 ore. Alio the following: lieiiining at the i (met of tuuth line of sec 30, Tp 10. a It S W, thence west 30 ohs, thence north 40 oh, thence eait 30 ohs, thence (outh 40 ch to blaoe ol boainmng, in l.anfl Coonty, Ore fcoiK and eoniainiog 120 acre, together with the tenement and appurtenance thereunto velonguig nr in anywise appertaining., itam land Will be old in tract nr parcel or all together a may be dceiiisd beat at time of ale. Term nf 1e caahj gold coin in hand. Dated thi 11th day of Sept, 1880. S. II. Kakin, Jr., Solo Referee. T Bil.YEV and 3. B. DuKKis, Atty. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. "VTOTICE IS HERE BY CIVKN THAT -Ll the undersign!, slerry liuy, ha been by the County Court nf Lane County, Ore gon, dulv appointed administrator of the toitate of John Vlontine, deceased, ' and all Jmrsotn having claim agaiuat taid aetata are Tiereoy notlhed to present the wine duly verified to (aid adininiatiator, at hi store in ttitfriihurg, Oregon Htthio tix mouths from tnVnate of this untitM. ' htcd Sept 11, I8K((. JxkrY Hay, Admiuiatrator, Btixnu & CotxtKR, Atty. ' Proper Treatment for Coughs. That the reader may fully understand "tyhat constitutes a good Cough and Lung Hyrup. we will ay that Jar ami ihl Cherry I the on of thu heat remeilio yet iliaunv ered. Theie ingredient, with several other equally M efficacious, enter largely into )r iMwanko Cough and Lung tyrup, thu making it one of the moat reliable now on the market Trice 50 ot and SI. Samplo free. Sold by Osbusn & Co, Eugene; W S Lee, Juuotiou. A CARD. To all vho are lufTering from the error and 'Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, Ion of manhood, An., I willeend a reciiie that will cure you, rKWl ur UltAltliK. Thi neat remedy waa discovered by a mis aionory in South America. Send a (elf-ad dreased envelop to the Rav. Jositi'HT. Iniian, station v w xttt uty. Abtlrct Air rubllrntloii. LaSD Olrficfc At RfsMH'so, Or., ) Sent. 8. 18S0. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following named svttler baa tiled notice of hi Intention to make final proof in aupport of hi claim, and that said proof will ( matt Wore th Jieiilater or liccelver of II H Land Office, at Kowixinr. Or. on Momlnv. Nov 1, lKHti, viz: Jame K Kay, I're emotion I S. No t.flW, for the S 1 of 8 W , N K i of 8 W i and N W of S E Seo 2ti, Ti if. S ii ll et, w Al. lie name the rnllowing witneaar to prove hi oontimiou resident upon and cultivation of (aid land, vizi 1, C Akerly, Kolwrt Vanilerheig, trank I'nwden, Isaac lowdcn, all of Florence, ,ane county, vregon. IHAS. W.IOHNMTOW, Kegister. Noliee fov Pubiicstion. 1AND OFFICE AT ROSSntJRtJt ORE J ion. Sent 13. im. Notice is hervby uivriV that the following named eettler baa rnett notice of hn intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, an J that aail pMf will be rmid lf the .Incite r Clerk of th County Conrt of Iane County, t'regon, at Kiu'en City, OVeiron, On Satimlay, Oct 2.1, l&Sd, vit; Jame K 1' Unrnett, Home atead Entry No 44. tar K t of N K , 8 W I .f N K 1, and N K j of S E See 12, Tp 20 S, Ji 4 W..t V ll If nanlr th following witneMa to prov hi coctimion rvsiilcne niin, ami rultivation of, said land, vi : S llarri. 0 E Harris, li W Yeatch, J Frnat, all nf Cottage, Lane Comity, OW5011. CKAJf,- v.- JufInhtok, Krister. Si ol !. ror fnbltddion. Land OrTion at RoxcKt'Rn, Or., NfcrptMiiber ISSfi. ( 0TICE I8HEUKBY OIVEN THAT the following named si'ttler hu tiled notice of hi iulentiou to make final proof in OMxirt of hi claim, and that aai.i proof will be made More the Ju.le or Clerk of the Onhty Court, Lane County, Orrion, at Eugene. Ciry, Or, on Saturday, Oct IS, ISSt Vi Wm' AlcCullongh. Honiestwl Entry No .14(12, for the 8 1 of N E and N 1 of 8 K I Sm 10, T 111, S it I West, V M. lie name th following witness? tb prlne hi enntinu. ru residence npn and euliivtitinn of eaid land, vixiH Wltit.itore, Cto WhitWk, t! W lliilcomb, A Muntgjmery, all of Isalivl, Lane County, Or. Ci(Ar. V. J(rwxsTo, Kegister. KING'S EVIL , TVm the namo fonucrly given to Scrofula because of a suixrxtillou (hut It could be cured by a kin;;' touch. Tbo world 1 wler now, and know that SCROFULA can on!y be cured by a thorough purlfica tlou of the blood. If till i nt'idected, the dlseiwe perpetuate t tuilit tliroudi Bem-rutlon after gcneratloii. Anions It earlier symptomatic development ore Kczema, Cutaneous Kruptloua, Tu mors, liolls. Cttrbiuicles, Llrynlpolaa, Purulent Ulcors, Nervous und l'liy slcal ( ollnpse, etc. If uliowcd to c-ou-tluue, Klieuiuutisin, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Hldunv and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, mid vari ous other il:im;erom or fatal ujuludivft, ore produced by 1U flyer's Sarsaparih h (he only powerful and ohms rdldble blood-purifying medicine. It lm t'th'ct u:il an ultemtlve that it eradicatci f-om the svstem Horedltary Kcinfulil, mid tli? kindred polioni of contuijioiisUUciio and nmrcury. At tbo wftie time it r'n riclie and vitalizes tho Jiood. rcrtortmr healthful action to tbo vital oiwi und rejuveuutin the cutiro ny'vni. Tbl (rrcat Regenerative Medici Is compbnd kf-'flio po'fijtnc llmulvn Snrsnparilla, with Yellow Dock, fflll lipid, the Iodides of 1'nlnnslum ,nid ro, and other Ingredient, of px-ut, po tencv, carefully and aeieiititlcully .fom pounded. It formula 1 Kcncndly hiiown to llio medical profession, mid thu best iihylcluns conitiitly prescriLio AYRit'8 Ca'hsavarilla uh nu Absolute Ciivo F6r all tllscasc cause J by tlto vltlntlonof the blood. It is concentrated lo tholil-h-est practicable derrcfl, far beyond nny o'.her preparation for which liko 'effects nrc claimed, r.hd is thereforo thfl cheajiost, c well as tba bMt blood purifying' 'nie'dl cine, In tho world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ritr.rARi:b iiy Dr. J. C. Apr & Co., Lowell, Ufass. Analytical Chemists. 'old by all Druggists: Prlcfa (t; Six bottles for $5. OVEItLAM) TO CALIF0UX1A VIA DrCon & California It. It. .-4 Hit CoHnticliont. TIrtE 1-2 DIVJr. Fare from Portland to Sun Francisco $M 'to ti.icrainento, (30, Close connection if aile at Ashland with -stage ot the Calitorma, Uienon ana lualio Stage Coiiipany. (DAILY EXCIEPTVXAYS.) Kaat Side DiviHloh. , BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ' AfiHLAHD. nail tsain. , ,.. I.KAVR. AHlllVK. Portland... 7:30 a. m. Eui,'ene.....l!:0l p. m. Ashland.... 9:30 p. m. Eugene 0;lla. in. Wo WW J S3 1 "l Euuene.V.V.2rfl3 f. Ashland.. '..4:lTi a. Eui;ene.....0;4O a. Portland ...:25 p. ALBANf EXTHtHS TKAlN. I.V.AVK. AEI1IVE. . Portland.... 4:00 pj in I Lebanon.... fl:20p m Lelwnnn....4:43. m I'ortlaud .10:05 am Pullman Palace Sleeping car daily between I'ortlanu ami Aslilaiu. The O ft C 11 H Ferry make ronnVc'.in with U the regular trains 011 tlie Euist Side Uivisiou from foot of F Street. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0CTALLI3- MAIUlltAlS. titAvt Af.ivr. Portland..;... il:00am I Cdrvallis.'.M'M s m Corvallm. Hi:t0 a in Pnrtlaud. ; .S.2U p m txriifoti thai:;. J.eAVk , AnutVk., Portland 5:00 p m I McM'pville.8:00 p m MeMinnviIle...65 a m Portland. . ..K:o0 m Lneal ticket for sale and bat.(! checked at idilipuhy 0t town ollice; nr tark and Seooliil street. Tickets for prilltupal points iu Callfitrliia can only be procured and bag gage checked at company otiltre,, coh. r, A! iiont arri.; ((irtlako, or. Freijlit will hot be reciive(l for shipment af ter 5 o elock P. At. on either Lb East or' West Side IMvisjon. UKOKIILER, , E.PHO(iEIlS, ALimcr, U. F. and Pas A LOOK HERE! W. B. ANDREWS IS SELLING umber, jj At the Depot, 110 per Thousand. GIVE HIM A CALL. MilMGE GUIDE 2u0 PAGES. Muuminl. liil Luhsml Qlli BmJi,.,4i. hK hfjor 1 mips- hmr. p--rr fowf, iv. Thu lluok eon Utnt ALL the eiinou,6utNtul or ImtuuitlTv want In know. K.:llof-ry Inlrmll.ir s nlusb eln.niuitKiii.HICiLtH, m TlM HtrrLVSKSUTltnon-trd hr ill J.i-wh-Mf)lm.lMHV shti Snlnl Aid. nrrrwarT, kraiiflil ;h.tms h ynu. 4 WlffM I'll nTtm.tri ali). luuiMtori.ld. vmnlriMif!r.iirhiirll,ilimi!4 Td w. m-nl .M bt DR. WHITTIER. St. tu!s. Mv SMSBBISM.(.-T THI OI'Y A.tU SSMt U.I OIUMLkaasSSMS Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Poskbi'ro, Or , Aiitf W, 1SS4 i NOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT XI the followins named settler ha tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support nf l.ir claim, and that said proof will be maiiehefiiS the Clork ol the County Court ol Lane Cou.lty, Or., at Eugene City. Dr., on Tueeilay, Sept iS, ISottt, vi : Cora E Knowlea, Pre-emption V S No 61C9 for th Lot JSo 4. See 1 and Lots No 1 and J, Sec J Tp If, and S VV nf S E i S 3. 1 p 17 S It 10 Vet W AL Sh names the following witnease to prov her eoiitinintis rt1.1.nee nKn. and cultivation of. tid land, vii : l!irM-r Workman. II H(irr, .luhn Wilson. William Walden. all of s ii.iu. Lsne Co, i h. Cha. W. Juhsston. I 4'J tt IvHisLtir. ' 2 J i d $ 2 a M I Ha- 8- tl 04 2 8 ' 5 2 i S3 WILL EXCHANGE i mm W " mHR EITORNK MILL COMPANY X. hereby take the pleasure -of annouuo- ing mat mey wu; take - yygwTi.A.Ti?--jf- at any warehouse north of Eugeue C$y in exchange for - ' FLOUR. MILL FEED. ETC.. at their mill in Eugene. The Company will take wheat receipts, properly signed' to thoni, and give credit to the owner of the tame on mill books for the amount in bushels. P. E. & CO. Jnlv 39, 18S4. aiMim Notice for Publication. Land Omci at Hoskbcro, Or., ) Animst. 30th. 1886. f XT0TICEI3 nEREUY GIVEN THAT 11 tho followins tamed settler has filed nn tice of hi intention to make final nmof in supiiort of his claim, and that said roof will be made before the Clerk of the Conuty Court of Lane County, Ur, at t-ngene t;ity, Uregon, on Saturtlar. Octoher 9th-, 18Hli, vii: Solomiirt O. Dotson, Pre emption 1) S No 5008 for the Lot No 4 and 6, Seo 29, Tp 17 S.ttl West, W M.' He name the following witnesses to prove In continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Geortte Mullican, Cho Dav idson, ii lMvulson, Jame Allen, all of Walter ville, Lane County, Or, 61-6 1 Chas, W. JonssTosf , KeDi4ter,- Notice for Publication. Land Okkick at Rosfduro, Oi; Ain.'Ut 30, 188. f "JTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ' ..... in, ..ma., it. iivhw of hi intention tn make final proof la sup-- port ol ins claim, and that M.m proof will he made before the .lii'lus nr Cletjc nrthe Coun ty Court of Lane County, Or., ' at Eugene City, Oregon, on Saturday, October ot1 1S80, vis: Anlo D Hyland, heir of Harvey . Hyland docd, Homestead Entrv, No 3l7f,- for the S 1 ?. of N W 1-4 and N W 1 4 of S W 14 and Lot No 1, Sec, 10, Tp 19 S, It 1 V.'es',, W lie names the following witnesses to rove his continuous resilient- noin Mn,l enltivuti.,.. of, said land viz: Jo C rter, P T Carter. S Uriirv. W H Walker, all of Lowell. Co., Or. Cha W. Johnson, 8l- . Kcxister. Summon i la the Circuit Conrt nf the fitato v( Oregon for Lane County. Cha Kohn and Naphtati Kohn," partuers, iioing nusmess nnder the f tirui UAiue of C'harle Kohu k Co. J Plaintirr. vs. A A Berry, Knsa Berry, Mmn U XT . I- - 11 . . ! Dcrrv. ixeiiie iwrrv. ii: t.tiiuiabu and Geo Itrounstein, partners, do ing business under the firm' name of K Oolinsky ft Co., Julius' Su. mii, lining untunes under the tirni ItflniA nf -Tlllilla Wnlln.. S. ". . Joseph Bremer, doin business under the fir in name of Joseph l) . .. , , ,. . i,r nieiner a. vo., jonn nruckmsn, T A Millioro, Louis Salomon, ft), ministrator of the estate of J il Berrv. deceased. TlpfannAntii. To E Oolinsky, Geo BrotiUlein! Julius Sul- van, josepu uremer and Johu Uucltman, defeudauts above onn.edi' TN THE NAME C.THE STATE OF -a. urenoii vou are librehu ivonirw,! t pt nun Biiener tun coinpiaillC now OR ns h.j.ivo ciuiiieii Vyt'urt in the above entitled suit,' oil or before the first day ut the next regular term of s'sd Court, to be hei-tin am! hnlrtnn at V.m...'L nu.. :. p -" ' " mw ..uuo V I ' T . Ill said County, on e first Monday' of N'oveih- Kue A n .o.l ll... II .l.'j . ..'J tirst dav of Noverhlr 1RSH' k' f;f n,?r.':l apivar ami answer said coin plaint the Dlain. i.il :n . ....I.. .:'i .. r . I. " m-fijr vojrt tor ine reuet demanded in id complaint, tu-wit: For' a judgment and dt'e're in favor of plaintiff for the sum of SO SO the amount due on the promissory note executed by aaid J It Ber rv and the sum of 870 atti,,.. fa. I r... y . - - itv, Mint a deeroe t aaid'Court fnreclwing the) plain tur ...... I. ...... j. i . ? r, . .... - . va. ...... eu iu sum oompiaiiit slletrfii .ml . forth mnA k. o. r. - - - , na, i nrj iinu i gattd premise in said mortjjags detoribed w luiiome, n-wii: commencing at the S K corner of N E of the N E of Section n, ruuuiim thence 50 rrJ Wml !,.. v.tk 40 rod theneyJ-t 50 r xlav. thence South to th place ofjieginning and the N 1 ol 8 E i o the N K t of Seo 17, T 13 S It 4 W. Also Iota Xt.i S li a, i.l 1 :.. ut i. 40, in Junction City, Lane county, Oremo, v ...... v iiuicM anil in proceeu theretif be applied to the payment of plain. . . .1- . . . . , I . I . .iMa. .'. ... - . nu loonifiiKf "ens 01 dm wi, and the fur ther sum of S?fl ftfl ts,-n...a .11 .1 --------.--1 'j- , unKril to be due aud owing plaintiff in said suit in aid complaint, and that all subsequent creditors and lien holders and all other pei. on naving an uneven therein be foreclosed feoin anv interest lein nr'. l.im . ....1 ' . - -' '. vi ai, a I V. mnrtKaged premiseti, and f.i such other re lief as may be etUi'bla in aaid suit. Thi ci'mmon i published by orifrr of Hon U S"Ban, Jndge of said Court, vbieh. aid ordr wa ma.1. at Chamber on the1 Slat day of Auguat, 1SS6. Biltip ft Pol !' ' Attorneys for Plaintiffs. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUC KEY, DEALER IN Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. CjTAllWork Warranted. 3.3. LU'JKKV, Kl sw.,rth tCo's Brink Willamette street. I oderful German Invigoralor THE OLDEST, GREATEST and JJKrtT HLMKDX for the cure of Nervous and Physical De Qbilitv, Vital Exhauatiou,,;r!emi Idnnl Weakness, Los oi iSIaiihotMl, CCFailinu Memory, sn, Relaxed 1 innd Enfeebled condition of the .KLrf aUCIIII.ll-LllliniJ "lhll"lu S&H. (ft l'r tinxwix Cu hVs , ti wy. Eurly Decay, Ij; of Vi '-?rr 'Seminal Weakness, and aU t 'iV sad effects of youthful follis a nrtpoten- :r. the "sad effects of youthful follies and the abuse or Excesses of Matu rity. . , .) It permanently prevents all jUnnaturnl Loss fn.m the ays tern, as thousands can attest wl.o huve usexl the Kemetly in the x . . Jit has been .before the public, O It is indeed a wonderful, feme Odv. lonimr.Wie nerves. trenth- Xeninu the muscle, checkiiiL' the 2jwote, invigorating the whole system, and restoringthe afflicted Cto Health ana Happinesh, The Doctor Will airree to forfeit f 1,000 for a CJ5o umlertakeiJ, not cured. X he reason so many can hot set cured of WenknerS and the above diseases is owing to a complication called "Proatatorrhea," which require peciul treatment. - . . VARICOCELE . or WoiuiT VljjNS of the Scrotum. Often the unsuspected cause of Lost Manhood- Debil- itt, o. Dlt. LIEBIG'S IXVIGORATOlt. No 2. with our peculiar special treatment is, the only cure for I rostatorrhea. J!y it Manlltiiul is re spired and the hand of tinle moved buck from auf tn youth if pimples Appear nn tits face, if yoti become less and il"ionilent loiik out for the com plication witn Vital Weakness and losa of Vitality knmj'B as Pmstatorrhea. Hundreds of ljve have been lost for. the want of proper treatment for this complication, and thnusnnds have lout all tlieir property and pleasure iu life irotn it enects. .,h Price of either Invii!oratn!,i $2. Case of six bottles, $10. (. Sunt to uily address, covered securely from pbsci v.ition. . .. LK. LIElifd ft CO. tseat successfully by Hotuceopathy bvery form oiL Special, Private or Chronic Dir.easo without rneroury nr naHeous dnigs. J f vitality is drained,, from the body, nuiueroua distunes follow thnt baffle ordinary mejiicul treut-nent. If allowed tn continue, the unnatural Ions csusss Oonsumiition, Dia be,tes, ltright's Disease, Insaiiity, Eta Cures Guaranteed. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs, knlneyH, liver and bladder socially treated. Diseases of women sneeililv cured. QUALIFIED and RESPONSIBLE. -Dr Liemand Co. frtim Eurniw, are organized in compliance with California JU Diploma procijred by regular college education ami, are now in weir mnereentn year 01 spec ial practice. , Most powerfnT electric lielts free to patients. Ifr jjieiugs woniitriul iiai!ietic Healers or Self Mnijnetizers, the grentei-t, curative inven tint). of the ai,-e. Every man or woman can now be tilfeir own mrvmetiu healer. It can be used without the md.of a professional hand rubber, conneqnentlv n,o biif fee to pav. Price, C5 mtruilete. Sold ONLY at the Dr Liebig iupensaty. p Call or address . j , I.lcll;.l!ioiisry, 400 Geary Street, S;in Francisco, CaL Trivate entrance 405 Mason street, four hlocks lip ueary fmm Aenrney. JInin eu trance through Disjiensary Drug Store. I OCHSOS Celehrated Fashion Catalcsae CCUT CDCC 'or tlpelng and Hum. Ot.nl riiCCnier.lEb ready Murrb liiih, to any address. Illustrates and list every thing for Ladles', (tents', Children and Infants' wear and Housekeeping Uoods, at prlcTS-iuiwr than those of acr bouse In the bblied Bute. , Cemplei aallsfacllon rmiiieo. UlU Ave, lion attaraniKiLormooey n II. t", K. KOCU & fON, 1. cV Ui)ih bl.i Ji. V. City. Notice for Publication. Land OrritE at RoHEBrnn. On., 1 Aug. IS lJ. f VTOTICE IS IIICREUY GIVKN THAT the followiiiJ-iiauied ' settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof in support nf his uloim, and Unit said proof will lie made be ft re thd Clerk of the County Court of Lane f,'o, Or, at Eugene City, Or, on Tues day, Sewi ,2H, 11, viz : Harier Workman, Pre-emption D S No 52.VJ for the S i of N W i and N J of S W I Sec 9, Tp 18 S It West W M. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his c-iiitiniious resilience u'lmn, and rultivHtion of, saiil laud, viz : Cora E nowlcs, II RGray, -Tohn Wilson, William Waldsn, all of feaion, Lane Co, Or. mot Chas.' W. Johnston, Register. Eye, Ear, Rectal and Nervous Diseases. Dp. J. B. PILKINGTON, Soriteon. Oc jlisl'and SnecfHst. As .Viovm finila lltU tiaaltk lm...,.J V.L . I -.w, ... niim..,ri uj .invui ing, ifl now announces that he will continue his mauthly visita to the Upjwr Willamette tor Tear a come. - . . Will,(neet patients at St Charles Hoiel, Eu gene, fnun 3 p. m.'1VrdnrsilN)', to 2. p. m. TfiurHduy, iinmedintely following the first Monday of each nw-Jth. Have over one hundred cures to refer to, and s amf3e give the following: , hjf Bond, Irvimj. saved from Blindnea. J aS O Cherry. AlhatlV. fontiilrvman raatnaa.! from Blindness. ' , ' K A Pampy, Esq, F reffenharker, Harris bnrtr. I W liond. Irvini. M V. .ImlL-ina r... gene, Rectal tliseuHes. ' Have a large nnmbtr of cases of Piles, Ulcers. FhutTima anil Fistula itKa nimiI m '--....IK urn niter JUSI1 u, unAVHIUIIg vreSt- utent witjicutting operationa have taileit Aiiiirras, ) , . J. B. riLKINOTOjf, 1 ortland, Orgin. Keynote to Hialth. Health :f'elth.' Wlfe Inaana tmUnan. dence. Ths keynote I Dr-.Boeanko' t!nueh aud Lung Strop, the best Ctjigh Svrup in the 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 . . , wi.roi. vitrei iougoi, oius, i iini in tne Chest. Bronchitis ami. IMmarv '.maiininti.i Price M centaand U-. . Remember, you can purchase Justice I 1 .1 ,1 If ailmntAlia nlttil an -i I I v..., viiuuna. uninenaei and compost at th Ucaed office at Portland price. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HESSBY (ilVEN THAT the nndersL-neJ.' Elizabeth 1'avlor. haa been by the County t,'ourt of. Lane "Cuuuty, Oregon, duly appointed ailininistratrix of the est to nf Eber Taylor,' defeased, and all.per aons having claims against said estate are hereby" notitien tn .present the same dnly verirled tn th said administratrix, at .the law office of Hilven A Cnllirr iu Kiuena City.Oregon, within sit mouths from tho dste hereof. DateilSeptll. KSfi. Flieabkth TavUir, Adiiiiiiistrit.-ix.' BtLTtv & Colli kk, Attys. E E Luckey & (j .... DEALERS JJV".' DRUGS. PATENT Tbilet Articles, Paints, Oil, Tj tit t ftT-v. rc Prescription Department in Competen llandi lYiEDlfllNt CEO. F. CRAw, POSTOFFICE CIGAR STORE. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. -1! 'C o w d rt i-t a b w 5 to d o B H S 3 Ho 'aw ft Hi xi Hat b3 es si CO 1 1 TV V a ". tW t nmish nMu r.ivj.lvs wfi A Life Esperlacco. Eeriiar.bla End qulcic cwj-ea. Trlii Padcai-i, Sond, Btamp foV sealed pirticuJAra. Addroes Dr. WART3 A CO. Louisiana, Nlo. W PI MIVI 11 u UP H . r. H WT mr l ,a n.j. . M Bl .1 r.tiai r.m . St Are uerftvili Sufo uioolivy ;nwtjnl. tft Una to-uy r'n.srur-fcv Hoou Am-rti C,S H'onMi. tJoursialefvtl superior t i -riran ill alb.nl r. w A nala mmfv.a.im.A Tlnhlr.a..r. 'iid tnoner on vorLl&'l aclnmii. Vrtf ftils BeaaesTy Oral. Kola by all LrurrcMs, or mUM lo any orlftivss. Ben-i A cents for psriisulsrs. WILCOX r;i.r; ... rhnixtm.. r.-v. ....?3S.C3ES Wnff to Hill 1$ running and will run all Summer. Bills filled at short notice. James 6. Goodale, Proprietor. A'ders can be (eft for the Cijirrg saw mill at he store of McClung i. Johnson. MILLER BROS. PIAI.ER9 IX Fild, VegBtable arid Fiowcr Seeds, lmp'6'rlal Eers: Food. GARDEN' TOC)Ii?, iEKTILIZEUS, ETC., 209 2d Street, Hetween Salmon snd Taylor, rorflnud, Oregon. sv ''li . in v M IS P'i 1 Iff s 1 c, . .'ilT.-iti 3 -.M i-fiv .44 A- s J. A. CARDAVELI. torlJn- .-j i ; "urv, luteal Ant tor una ana Lane counties. -C'.l,-,t.i;r'tU Sra- Jnmitnre Prices and. flraiom. OSBURN al? DRUCCISTSX APfiTucniJ WlLLAMEmsTKWt i r , . ijuriii, viiy, dealer, la UlfiMICALS. 01IJ1, GLASS, Of most every kind, etc. Tl,i Brandies. Winps v of tho very best njiality formestf ' WW l.n.-a -I, I . , ..a. "'i""-seiiianreMt rfli In our and without boanti,. U'a ana a.ifa t nl i . I ., 1 I BES J -assnrtme nt.Vf DRUGS k 1 rarticular attention is called t JiKi U I 1 K K Y, v TOILET SETS. .nJ rVl I ITT .a - l,V.tVa:. -l'iAUil;. X "I VSSV J V'a4 r. 1888, We shell bo able to sell P AiNTl stock nn hj)U(l) Tlinti inv hAiiBa tliia 1 a ...... .v .....,v ..,-a.,,o v.tj, tJ0 a enn rest assnreti mat suiytbintr tuoaju will be first-class. , As bny or-'ous r,.ti aim nave taei ities i t l. business have, we think wearii dersell nnit furnish a lietter qualirt , than anyone in our line in latnem We call sjM'cml attention to ) HONS, Hhieli will l carefulli niui-B vi cu uay ot niliu T T C3T3TTVTXTT' XJ XV. OITiilUJ ( No. 11 Kearnkt Snub. I TrcatN ull iironic aadiJ WtMi-UHOS. YOUNG Ml)' JUO MAY J5E SUFFERISff T T i he etleota ot youthful foUiaici cretion will do weil to svail tbeawlii the (jreatest Wn eiter hiid nt th the feriiitf Iminnnity. DR. M'LNXliVr. antee tikfurfuit S5Q for every csw il i wenkne; or private .disease of ui i character which he ndert:iliea ui , ,(.niII)I.E Af.ED J1D Thpre are many at the sjre nf iliriii who Are trouidi-d with too fmtMl tious,of the blndder.i ofteu scpiniiat. tlii;ht, emm tinjr or biirniiiK sesitlr.j weivkunini; of the system in s l(i i-aniiot avcotint for... On evaoiiiiic'A-- depoKits a Mpy seittlnent will nfUs si and sometimes suii.ll pm tides uf lb:: ui pVKr, t.r the color will W i-i a V,i hue, atuin changing to a ilnrfc and t penrann?. There are mBiiymun-J ti. is tlitiic-ulty, i-nornnt of tlmmn ir' j the second st.ii.-e ot sennr.nl ws.ri is will piinnintee a perfect cure u,ao a healthy restoration of the gdiiMiti Kan.- - . ; Office hour-10 to 4 amlfi U t ? 0 to It a in. Consultations frw.lVr uininution nml advice, '5. t y DR.- Nl'IXXKY aft ft. Noll, Kearney Street, SuM 'EflR.5JrITYfrcmA lit 2 ljr of Ulasa for wlttotsof Every good thlnfcT folted. Vand coasumerfl v. TIONED against IMlTl these Cfhlmneys mad U POORfitASa See-118,; label Is on each cWmnej Th PcarC'Top is always ao. bright Glass. r j GEO. A. KACBETH J f?TP."RS Extinsuished every day wi'k J, bp Save j-onf-homes. youl 'VfL' live. 'Talis no other. Be J UaywarV ' II 1 Notice. r I srill.lave f sale, 'notJi f 1J0OO srlit eelar team i' L.A The price w,: Coburv. Coburjt, Au.nis.2.