The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 02, 1886, Image 5

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Ud gloves at Frieudly's.
i, , !'(NJ Taylor (or dentistry. ,'
, i t ioo cream at Baiiin't. Try lL ,
. ,ld eheap (or cash at Matlock',
i ; ;ndly' new ad on another page. '
, f ei bought end iold at Goldsmith's.
for sale. Apply to D M Risdon, eity.
, 1 t of Eastern haU Just received at
y acres of fin land (or sale.' Inquire of
T ! man. ' j,
seit cash price wfll be paid for wheat
:! i unn. .
uph finished neatly and arti
, Winter'. . . v
, it receiving a large line of new dress
e him a call. ,
' aold bntht every day in the week
rn's bwber shop,
i ae of silk plushes" in all shade
I 3 at F B Dunn's,
iJlVkd doe. all kinds of job printing
r thin Portland price.
i can ' purchase VT.tham watches a
Vatta' from $10 W tlpwards.
'ad oil cloth i'-.e received will b
ttand prices by Bettniafl.,,
powers care i' purchased at the
.uhett l'orkcer lor u.
vant hardware at reasonable prices
s store of Pritohctt 4 Forkuer.
t candies and .oranges can always
it E Buuin's oonCectienerr store,
ir bed room sets, lounges, nt-
i furuiture of Day Henderson.
, E Craw has the iole agency for-.all
tli celebrated Tamil Punch Cigars,
ijre hungry go to ,E Baum's. Frh
am and egg servid any time of day er
' i . J
Hill keeps in rtock an excellent
it of good readable work. Uivs
aeof ladies' and el.lldrens' underwear
i has just arrived ; and will be aold
j prices by Bettmax
farm for raising stock or grain for
reasonable terms.' Inquire of A A
wiles north-east of Eugeue. -
are in want of agricultural machin
ny kiud, remember that Mr J M
ks keeps a full assortment.
tr Vrianillv will nav the hielies
ket price for wheet. Give him a
re selling your gram elaewneroj
g Hill, at the potfoffice, taken sub
i tot nearly every- newspaper and
J in America, at the publishers rates.
deliver pood cellar posts for $H per
, and good cedar boards for $1 per hun
Will exchange for wheat or flour,
durs with 3 1 Kakin, Jr.
KAebt Vawhx.
1 iftor April lit the undersigned
iiiftencu lining business . on a
y liasis, selling goods for cash or
only. All purcliar will find it to
west to call and get prices. .;.
i . r i. I). Maticuk.
r ' " '
'Svlor'e 7 Oaks CoinpfiUnd, puiely veg
jKisitivcly cures rheumatism, nenndiria,
Aw, sick headache, cramp colic, thnleri
s, Complaints peculiar to (finale,, Dy
i, oold or cough, Hives, Chills and fe
;i.iius around the lie art, eryslylas,
a, (T!!orgi TAYljiiR.
i by Osburn & Co, drurglms, Euget,
j rlre.
1 persons indebted to R W Whipple &
, either by note or book account will
u call and settle the same. Our store
rued aud we mutt collect; the money
U K. W. WiiipptE & Bitos.
iage Grove, feb -'.), ISbo.
2 r
I rur waic.
(in Shelton's and Packard! adtlilions to
t City, icely located and the most
ilent o( tiiy forsa'e. Price from 850
run easy terms. Apply &
Db, T. W. Si ixtox,
Eugtne (;ity. Or. J
Or MoRfc Surtkonu From the Western
tn, 319 Bush Street, S F.ot the National
1 Institut, will be at the St Charios
. ICugene CityiOct 7th and 8th; Isham's
, llarrisburg, Oct SKh; and'Xt the Revere
i Albany, .Oct 11th, 1SSC. Persons
a; (mm diseosua of the spine, hip, linilis
bodily deformity, paralysis, piles, iistu
wal or chronio disease- should avail
lve o( this opportunity Inferences
. Uirouiihout the.U S. Consnltutiou free.
t m..
f Dexter Items.
Sa; 30, 18S0.
4 W Guiley Las been quite sick fr the
eek or n, l ., ,;
5 Minnie Addition has been visiting at
mt Kill and Fugene this week.
!s Lou If orris, of Eugene, is visiting at
liilence of Mr S Haudsaker this week,
"i.hijol began here dat Monday with Trof
Moivan as teacher, and .with a goodly
. ' -f of students In attendance.
r Chester Ward, of Roseburg, has been
ig relutives and friends here for several
. 1 He returned to Koseburg Tuesday.
Ellis Cailison frequented Ensene quite
i this week. On inquiry we found that a
Un young lady of Lost Valley was there
Suspicion will aris. Guess what ib is.
i understand that Barr Bros have sus-
3d the manufacture of soin on accocnt of
r Bros failing to supply the desired
t o( grease. After a time they w ill ru;i
artory and boring machine in connection
the gun shop.
Ion; as life tolerate us, we think we can
t the reflections cast npon by our worthy
ier correspondent, "Gjssipper" alias
sty Pen" or 'ToUto Blossom." Even if
are an extraordinary personage, you may
aps find that, in this contest that there
J be Uuw to take as well as blow tn
that other eau state comparisons
ie'nificanrl at least, a your own;
j that your impunity may possibly
nd of yon whatever powers ( taunt or
Vm you may possess. However, only r
iWthis: that, if a bushel o( "Potato
'm" or "Rusty Penabe shaken in a (am
arriajre that ha no springs to it th small
) always get to the bottom; 'and where one
ad hi conceit taken out o( him. his fathers
"wa soak through and ba will fly nn more.
i T'Btir.wi
Reb Taki Notice. Agood dinner can
t Eaier i Hotel for 25 cent.
. ; - r
Joaquin Miller tells the Chicago Tri
bune about this Splendid Harbor.
"I set ont to tell yoa of the Chicago Tri
bune something of the resource of Oregon
and her newly ducovered Bay. This State
has many hundred miles of tea front, bat
has not a single good harbor . that is recog
nized yet. The mouth Sd the Columbia
(or Oregon) river is a graveyard for ship.
Vet it i the only harbor for which the Guv.
eminent seem willing todoany thing this side
.of the d'oldeii Gate. But a uw harbor" ha
been f on nd of lata, which, I am told, may
revolutionize the coast.
It i a short ride from Eugene City to the
Pacitio Oian. But all these year the route,
and the sea bank as well, have remained an
unknown land. The reason i the high,
black mountains that lift up and hang almost
over the aea are eutirey inaccessible. No
horse, much less a vehicle, can cross the
densely timbered and sombre sea walls.
Vet one littla stream has made its way to
tlw sea here through a tangled and impene
trable mass of vine maple, myrtle, cedar
and. indeed, all sorts of jangle, iii( which tho
sportive bear likes to make eutire'y his own
habitation. Naturally one would think that
the, fishermen or the few old seamen drifting
up and down the ocean would have found
this Oregon seaport ere this, and maybe they
have, after a fashion. But no one ever
seemed to take any in teres! iu it before, and
I have never heard of it nntil uov, although
I was raised right here almost within the
sound ef the breakers that roll in and waken
tho hush of the densely wooded, shore. I
regret that I have not yet been able to visit
this new and entirely unknown seaport of
Oregon. But 1 have applied to a reliable
party for information, and I beg to. submit
his statements snd suggestions on the sub
ject, for I . know him to be truthful and
think him to be correct in his observations
How strange that Congress should feel justi
fied in dividing up the river and harbor
money? It should go to the new ports. This
gentleman say; "Thereia beautiful har
bor here, mid way of the coast of the
State, broad and well protected, known as
the Siuslaw bay. Through the jeahmsy of
rival port of entry it is not permitted to be
much known, uot even surveyed by the
Government, Late soundings, however,
demonstrate that it bar has twenty-six feet
of water at high tido, and that the bay has
from thirty to sixty feet. And this in it
native and Unimproved state." Tin reminds
me that the whole coast of Oregon i in an
almost primitive state,, so far as the harbor
improvement goes. Along the 250 mile of
Oregon coast air line there is no place for
a Urge ship,, to euter. The Siuslaw Bay
afford tho best entranoe between the Gol
den Gate and Puget Sound, The eouditinn
of the river and harbor of) this country i
indeed shameful. Seine of the money now
in the public treasury should be spent for
their improvement so that this growing aud
brave young State, may be able to have use
of the high si-as for the puryose of sending
her produce to market, inatcid of being com
pelled to pay heavy freight tolls. to, railroad
companies, oucll outlay ul the puciui.tunils
as the improvement of our rjvnrs and .har
bors add greatly .to tho .country adjacent
Vou of the East aud older SUte ought not
to tie up this money and shut 'fl our tup
pic. Your harbors ore already Improved;
ours are hardly as yot discovered... .Were it
paid ont for thiYpurposa it would work its
way into the channels of .trade aud become
what it was intended to be, a circulating me
dium of exchangs. Lt the people use the
money. 1 hey will give it up when wanted.
When the debts of the government become
due, or when our government needs money
the people wilt respond instantly and pity
'heir just tuxes. A nation can nn better
iTord to neglect public improvements for the-
sake of keeping a full purse than a fanner
caii neglect to plow his field for the sake of
saving the price of the plow. , Nature lias
provided thu cheapest and safsst of ' high
ways our rivers, bay and oceans1-.!) let.ts
take aud use them for our own.oim.furt and
bcnelit. To provide safe ports f entry is
the duty of the government, and is by far
the cheapest way to build up out f olnmerce
Let the government open soil make safe our
rivers aud harbors aid private enterprise,
will soon supply the ships. We as a nation,
are running wild over railroads, while we
almost Wholly neglect the far cheaper
method of navigation. Surrnunded, almost,
by deep -water, this nation ought to . Jtike
at least the second place in commerce, but
as it is we are not even coiinted. -The Sius
law bar adonis an excellont Jiarbor, is easy
oi access for railroads, and viill inv all proba
bility bn the commercial outlet 'or this
State before another generation."
A Local Occurrence.
"You don't love me as fondly as you- did be
fore we were married," raid the husband of a
few years. -.
"Yes. I do," replied th wife. ,
"Well, you don't show it as much a you
use to," rein, hed he, " ,
"I don't koi.'W how to show' my affection
more than I do and still bo fashionable," re
plied she.
"Jut mention one little act.
"Don't I buy my cloaks, dresses, etc, from
Sam Krieiidlv, who sell the finest gol t th
lowest prices! What more can you ark!"
Moxpat's Race. A large crowd fathered
at the track below the Blair farm Monday for
the purpose of witnessing the races announced
to take place there that day. The first race
was a half mile dash between Hayes "Rim
rock Belle" and Lingo's "Gray Jake" for tXOO
,ide. Fool sold, Belle to; Jake i "Rim
rock Belle" won the race by 18 feet. Then
came a rac between Montgomery hom
"Johnnie" and Strome's mare "Doll," 600
yards, (or ?100 a side. P.-ol old 5 for "John.
. i nn n.,11. The firt named hone won.
This race was followed by a half mile dash be
tween the Hadley and the CurtU horses f-r I-jO
a side. Pools sold ?7 to $2 in favor of tb Had
Uy horse, which won the race.
Rollers. Workmen frm Sn Francisco
: are placing in the Eufreoe Mill a complete set
j of the latest improved rllrs. beside, making
numerous other r--irs. The owner of th
n.iUr bounJto first-da in every
t particular.
Springfield Items. "
V. September 24, IdSfl. ;
liWhooping cough in town.
t Mr J sines Armstrong 1 treating Li dwell
ing to a (read coat ol paint. .
Mrs Laird returned on Monday last from
hhort visit to friends and relatives at Flfas-
ayit HilL , ,
Our merchant have1 been receiving fresh
shipment of good this week. Locks as though
business is improving. ' j
Mr L Linder will soon open a general livery
and feed Uble. Where is the euterprUlng
man that w ill open a, first class hotel! ( .
Now, Mr Editor, of ooure,-we demt approve
the Idea of using the columns of yovr valua
ble paper for the purpose of advertising a pri
vate enterprise without pay, but permit n to
say to the map. and lye company ol which
mention was mads in the Dexter item of last
week, that in th event of their (tore of lye
becoming exhausted, it can be procured from
persona who are located not many mile
from Springfield and at extremely low
figure. W have nn hesitation in recommend
ing th firm. W know them to be experienced
workmen and believe they will guarantee their
good to be strictly American Lie, and th
very essence, too, ' ' .. ,
The rumor has reached the ear of your cor
respondent that a certain hop grower in Laue
county discharged a young lady (or screaming
at the light of what ah supposed would end in a
dog fight. On being a large mastiff, the oth
er a very small poodle dog. Notwithstanding
the hop man had given notice that he would
ship the first one that spoke above a whisper,
or should speak in (avor of dancing. Due al
lowance should be made for screaming young
ladies, especially whon a large mastiff is about
to pounce upon a little whining poodle.- Suf
fie it) to say that the lady was not dis
e'larged for hallooing, but because she was an
unprotected fatherless child. Vengeance must
be wreaked out on some one, hence the dis
charge of the poor girl.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at
Eugene City, Oregon, Friday, Oct 1st, 1886:
BaMey, Jo l ynch, Wm
Ellis, ISert . ' Randall, Jas B
Ware, Mr E F EL Warren.
Persons celling for the same will please say
advertised, iriving date of Advertisement ;
F. W. Osbuum, P. M.
TBI Postal Telegraph Co. A gang of
men will begin to day the work of settting
pules and stretching wire at Goshen for th
new Postal Telegraph' Company' line. This
company has a cabh from Europe to America,
and 30,000 miles of wire in the Eastern States,
and their wires will bs sent wherever a W U T
exists in the U S. The company have wires
along the Canadian Pacific, and the section
from Goshen to Roseburg is now the sojth
ermost to San Frartcisco.where the line is tn be
built. Immediately on reaching that point
their men will he set to constructing a tele
graph line to Sar Lake City where they join
on the Eastern sstem. Tue wire used by this
c impany is of copper, and is both heaviei and
more durable than other wire, and the pole
will be culled cedar ones. By the 1st day of
January next their Eugene office will he in op
eration and it la sate to -say that the new com
pany will i'et four-fifths of the business in Eu
gene City.
Y Tab Hop Market. New York dispatch,
29th tilt: In the hop market there hi little
more than a retail buHiness here. At the pres
ent time some very good quality of new Pa
cific are offered on Bpnt at 33c, and a fair arti
cle went at 29c In state there is not enough
doing to agitata the market Western parties
are said to have given COo for n fifty hale lot '
choice new white. Common (Trades and infer
lor lots go begging at 23c and thereabout.
Some fair quality of 1885 states, lately ahipptd
from abroad, are ottering at 17c and 18a The
following are as near as can bs got to market
values: New York state crop of 1880, com
mon and medium, 2530c; do 1885, priina
choicH, 1722c; do common to medium, 12ft)
15c; do 1881, 10(S,15c; Pacific coast crop o1
1887, gn(l to choice, 2032u; do 18S5, good
to choice, 15$? 20c
Accintiir Proves Fatal. On Saturday,
Sept 18, L D C Latourette, of Oregon City,
was driving, when the team ran away, throw
ing him nut aud fracturing hit ankle. The
wound, was, at that time, considered a lerinn
although not a necessarily dangerous one. The
leg finally had to be amputated, however. The
shock proved so great that death ensued on
Friday last. Mr Latourette was aged 63
years, audwasone of Clackamas county' most
respected citizens.
Selling Liquor to Indians. The first nf
tbe week the sheriff arrested Jame McFar
land, Ben Stewart ami Frank Higsby on the
charge of sellin whisky to Indians. A depu
ty U S marshal tok the individuals tt Port
land yesterday, where they will be' tried on
the charif before Judge Deady. They in all
old offender and should De given term in the
v i. 1 . ;
Lecture. A Mt Hood ri'ew of the-Tem?er-
ance Work, by Mrs M E .Reese, -of-' Chfo,' .or
ganlzer for the W O T U, at the Presbyterian
Church in this city nit Tuesday evonini;, Oct
5th, at 7-W p m. Mr life having recovered
frm her recent illness, will doubtless be punc
tual to her appointmentr-and deliver a lecture
worthy of a crowded htmse.
Card or TifA.His.-The WC'TU hereby
extend their aiccere thanks to kind friends, in
cluding the merchants -and marketmeo, (or
generous donations to their lunch table, where
by its tucces wa made possible, and also to
the public generally (or their lilwal patronage.
Mr. C. J. ConikiN, Pres.
Cocktt FAlH.-The recehH o th Connty
Fair amounted (y H516. Outstanding indebt
edness and 80 per eei.t. o( the par value i(
premium can be payed from this sum. Were
it nt for th bad weather during fair week
the premium could have been paid in full.
Siuslaw Waoos Road. We learn from Mr
W W Neeley that the Siuslaw wagon road wa
completed tn the bead of tide Uat Thursday.
Anyone wihinv to go to the head of tills ran
cow make the trip eaiiily in any (our wheeled
Notice. Ladies whose baskets, plate, ic,
bare not been returned from W ' '1' U lunch
stand will tl.ern it Pacifie Tea Ktor.
Committee or Arkasgemext.
To FaRVEiu. Wanted to exc'unge a
Piano for good stntk theep. Enquire f W
B Andrews, st ths depot, Eugene City.
, B cvitie.
Th day ara shortening!,
Several light' frosts this wwk. '- ' V
Jerry Horn' nevv dwelling house is- finished.
E H A L Co No 1 meets next Monday ev.
oing, " ,. .i
Large quantities o( hop are being brought
to town and stored.
The material (or Hang's new livery stable on
Ninth Slrett UarriVing. r
Jmlge Walton recently erected a wind mill
on his residence property.
EdBaum will make an important an
oounoemont text week.
Reisne'rft Weider have sold th City Gro
cery to C H Cottle o( Salem.
Th roof of Walton' block was treated to a
coat of tar and sand this week. '
Dealer in Eugene are willing to pay 65
cent pr bushel for good potato.
All the Jewish stores were olosod last Mon
day it being th Hebrew New Years. .
Th j ni for ths first floor of the new
Huffman House hay been plaoedein posi
tion. The t: from th north wa two hour late
Tuesday caused by a car being derailed at
Junction. .j l
There are now 431 patient confined in th
Oregon Asylum, 297 of whom are male, and
134 a'o'ea, :
. Prof E PatteTson' private school will
begin next Monday. There will undoubtedly
b a large attendance. ,
Rheumatism and similar disease, caused by
a low stat of. the system, are cured by using!
Ayer' SarsapVrilla, ' , (
An account of th failure and - suicide of
W F Owens, of Roseburg, will be found on
the first page of the Gdard. . . V
It is said Miss Binnis Ds Forest, of Salem,
will give a' reading for th benefit oi th
University societies in a few week.
Some unknown person attempted to asiassl-
nat D L Pattee at Prinevllle one day last
week by shpotiog but luckily failed.
Albany is to have another daily newspaper.
It will h called the Daily Bulletin, and is to
be owned, edited and published by 0 T Por
ter. ' .
The farmers are now praying (or the Oregon
mists to descend in such quantities a will give
the ground a thorough wetting so they may be
gin plowing.
Mr Kobt Pratt's residence on Ssventh Street
is being rapidly pushed forward to completion.
Further announcement will be made In the
near future.' , i
! The net proceed of the lunch stand con
ducted by the Woman' Christian Temperance
Union, during the county fair last week were
nearly $55.
A 150-yard foot race was run on th Lan
County Fair tract between Wld MoGhe and
a Roscliorg runusr, last Sunday, (or a pun of
150. MiGhee won easily.
Matlock ha moved into hji new tor
building on the comer Eighth and Wil
lametw streets. It ia the handsomest store
building south of Portland,
I will pasture horse at th rate of 75 cent
per month. I will call and take th horse out
tn my place when notified of anyone wanting
pasturage. ' - Floto ValohaK.
All the Jewish stores in Eu ten will b
closed next Saturday from 6 a in to 6 p m, it
being "Yum Kipper," or the Day of Atone
ment. All interested partie will please note
A fine constitution may be broken and mined
by simple neglect Many bodily ill result
from habitual constipation. There is no medi
cine eiiual to Ayer' Pills for restoring th sys
tem to natural, regular and healthy action.
The Albany Herald of September 28, says:
"D (i Clark, of thi city, i lending dally to
his daughter-in-law, who reside at Eugen
and is HI, ripe strawberries picked each day
from the vine in hi garden." It must be th
climate; . .
M-l A K McPherson secured th contract )
for graveling the two block on . Ninth Street
at 50 cent per yard; A, J Babbi two blocks
nn East Seventh at 4" cts, and1 twO: block
further west at 50 cents; ER Ilollenbeck
five blocks on the west end of Seventh at from
57 J to 70 cents per yard, V , ,
A runaway occurred last Wednesday from
tht alley west of Willamette street pp to th
brewery (t Ninth tret, when th ' wagon
was oveaturted, pilling the' contents, flour
and shorts, and mixing, thorn .badly. The
wagot wa -broken up considerable. ' We-'
failed to learn the namfc of the owner of the
vehicle. ,
The' store-on 9th street, opposjte Rhine-
hart's Hall, appears to - be doing a rushing
business. Thi is a natural and legitimated
result of selling good goods at less thsn
wholesale .pricp, and rjf lurking th price
of evry a'rtrsTe in pla?oV PgurerVCo early
attd get yocr (hare of the bargains. They
will ot be locg on the market. i -
M.i M B Ixsse, of Ohio, organiser for th
National ' Woman' Christian Tamperanu
Union,. wa announced to lecture in thi city
nn 'I uesday evening last, but owing to sicknes
was unabled to come. Sh will probably
speak her at tome time In the ' near (attire;
She 1 well spoken of by tho Who bv besrd
her Isith in Washington Territory and in this
State, and may possibly rusk her bom on
thi coast.
Developments how that the cause which
led to th suicide of Mr W F Owen at Rose
burg wer numerous, and o( a ' character to
mak that th only alternative of serving
term in the penitenUry. He used thousands
of dollars advanced to him to bny wheat and
wool to pay off old debt; h drew check ca
banks in which h had no money deposited, aod
h was even guilty of (orgerr. If had been
"robbing Peter to pay Paul," which is a vsry
dangerous proceeding, a th sequel inor than
prove. His affair are a yet in a very bad
and complicated sb.
It is asserted that th Wash ingt .h mosiu
i mtnt is slowly sinking. It lia alrea-ly gon
down four inches, and I settling st to rate nf
about th thouindth rt of i f.t ier nmnth.
. '
I( it kee( on, thtretore, the offic l.l.Wr
may 1 inhabiting th caidtil city (n t'.s rear
40,116 A D will k th aluminum tip disap-
pear in tl rnn-L But what ha that to do!
with Sara Kriendly' new stuck '( Winter
Ijoiols. It all hi dry gmxU,, hoot
awl shoes, hats and cnp, furniliii.f,
were piled Up, they Wonld mak a i-raml mon
I uujeat that rcproseot a vast amouat A wssith.
Tli Couuty Board of Equalltation will meet
Monday and continue In session three day.
' ' Service at th Presbyterian Church to-mor
row, mdrning and evening, by the pastor, Rev
MrMcKinley. AU are Invited.
George Jackson caught a hundred and
leven Salmon on night last week on the Sius
law river. -Coo Bay News.
Th 'contract (or excavating th reservoir
and pu'tnp hoi (or th Water Company bad
not been let when we wsnt to pre last ven-
Ill ProhibltionUt of Spokane county, W
T, have nominated Mr R M Moore, a former
cltiien of Lan county, as tlislr candidate for
assessor. Dink would mak an xclleut officer.
Mr Geo Vsnduyn is visiting at Pendleton,
Mr It G Cailison' family have moved to
till city. ? ; ( .f
Mia NettI Whitney of Eugene 1 visiting
in Albany. ' , ; 1 1
Mr Chat B Moore of Salem was In town hut
Thursday. ' ,- ,.
Mr Ira Walton - wm in town aeveral day
thi week, . '
Dr J C Whiteaker paid the metropoli a
viit this week. 1 '
Mr James Haddl eston ha been quite tick
(or sevtral days. - c
Mr R 0 Comb 1 flourishing th yard stick
io Matlock' (tore. " ' ;?
Hon L Bilytu went to Salem Thursday bo
professional bosineSst " u ' "
Mr Ed White left for bis home iu Prlne
Tills last Weddeday. .';'.'
Jilflge Vashburn went to Salem Thursday
on professional business.
Mr W T Campbell has been at Lebanon thi
week on a business trip. ' : '
Misses Clara and Mattla Berkshire have
gon to California cn a visit.
Mr C C Haley of Crocker & Co, San Frar-
oisco, did Eugen thi week.
County Clerk Wik and f.milv went to
Portland Widnetday on a visit. ' .
Mr Eben Blachley and family her returned
to Eugen from Eastern Oregon. '"
Messrs' V L and Bruct Cdshow, of Prine
vllle, were in town last Tuesday! ' '
Eld O M Whitney hat returned to his
mining claimtio Jackson 'county, k ' '' .'
Mr f!uger Brisfvw has teen appointed
OsCUR yardmoatfj at' Salom. '
Mr J R Whitney of the 'Albany Herald
pent veral day lri town thi wek. . v.;'.
Mr A J Msgicr of Astoria returned' horn
from th Foley 'Spring last Wednesday. 1
Judge C It Page,' of Astoria, returned borne
from a visit to th Foley Springs last Wednes
day. .. ' ,
Mr J C Boyd, formerly of thi county, I
now engaged in mining near Canyonvill, Ore
gon, , H " i- ;
Mr Jo E Holt 'and wKe and Mr J W
Cherry and child have gon to San Francisco
on a visit !.. ' " fH
i '.V-
Walker Hlnlon and family left (or Crook
aoanty yesterday, wlur they will perma-
ently locate. ...
Mr Samuol Goldsmith, of Portland, wae
in Eugene several dsys this week visiting
the old folks st home.
Messrs A C Woodcock and Wm Shaw go to
Salem Monday to apply before the Supreme
Court for admission to the bar.
Mr A Klein and family are visiting in Sa
em, Samuel Vandersol has charge of the
store during Mr Klein's abteuoe.
Rev C A Wooley and family have removed
to Lebanon, Mr Wooley ha been called to
th pastorate of the C P Church in that oity.
Mr Grant Osbum Is confined tn his rcora
ith sickness. Dr Bushnell I actlnir clerk
in Osbum k Co' drug store during Ids sick-
Mr , Nell! Awbrey, ho Craw.
quite lck' when she first arrived in Eastern
Oregon, has entirely recovered, w are pleased
A couple of young men of this town'' in-
dulged in fight last Monday. Afterward
they interviiwed Recorder Shaw and were
fined 28 and f 13 respectively. 1
Mr J V Hall, of Coot Bay,' was lor Eugen a
couple n( days this week. II was on his way
to Salem where he went to apply to' the Su
preme Court for admission to ths bar;
Messrs Houck and McCulley oam up from
Monro Friday tveulng; th fhrmer'ls now en
gaged at the'Eugene City Mills and 'Al r
turned "early tnd alone" Sunday morning.-
Mr Lee Searr. and wife, -'of : Dayton,'. V
T, have been visiting relatives and' frioods
In Eugone during tht past "weele. Miss
Wallis of thi city retarstld horn wiKithem,
Rev Kt McKinlef n (amlly arrived in Eu
gene by .Thursday aftemooh's train)' They
will live m th4 present' in 'a 'dwelling hous
owned by Mrs Phoebs Klnser, West Fifth
street. t
ReT E P 'Henderson returned from
Southern Oregon yesterday. He think that
th doctor hav anocesded in killins th can
eemus tumor on the siileof hi face, which hi
been troubling him (or the past fsw years.
Early Closing.
We, th undersigned merchants, hereby
agree to olisw our respective place nf busine
at 7 o'clock p m. vry venlng of th week,
except Saturday evening. Closinj time to be
gin Oct 1, '80 at 7 o'clock p m and continue till
April 1, '87, from and after that day, time will
8 II Friendly,
IfB tr n'n.B ww vvsuuvi v. i
i i) ratlock
H Dunn.
J W Cherry,
McTornack k Collier,
MoClunir k Johnson,
Titua 4 L"nilirt.
C'ot'-ls k Howard,
A Hunt,
J H Edison, , ,
J J. rage,
A Goldamitb,
A;V.P.U, .
I);r Handerson,
, J R Ream,
Starr k Co.
I keteby notify all that ar Indebted to m
tbrft I must insist ii th paymentof thesaintat
a time nnt lng henc. I appreciate your pat-
r.oaK-e and bp fr a enntiiiuaac of Unsarne,
t it takes money u, buy g-u. I shall x-
t.-ft a reaiiitM sunn, an t Ui tnosa wuns an-
' unUrl,f ng sUmling I will av. don't
l,i,nn nvoii hut vmirarlvr if tt is mad
i hi:iMt you, for I shall oltect the oam if p-
F. B. Diss.
Will be Cvmr.n. The st-r of Mr G Eett-
mCn will rmaln closed Ratiir lay.'Ott 9th.' on
a xuut oi th Jtwiih holnlay oa thai data.
Trent Items;
Mr B B Rutledg ba moved to Eugene.
Mr C M Hamilton ha just returned from
There ha been considerable trouble with
fire in th last few days. '
Mr Gilfrybottcht several head of beef of H
C Morgan one day thi week. 1
There seems to be considerable room in
doubt torn of "You Nohoo'" statement In
hi last from Dexter,'
V notice a good many farmer have raised
several acres of corn th past season in, thi
vicinity; Th yield I from 20 to CO buahl
per acre. Wboaays corn will not grow la
O mmt noble youth) most illustrious Samp-
ton! most gracious "Kusty t'en! U hlo
puer tarn lepldu ao dellcatut" to think that
we could hav been guilty of such a base crime
as not to hav regulated our six to meet your
approval But we only beg from your mighti
ness th poor privilege oi living. And gracious
Sauipton, pleas draw the sweet tell of (ilence
ever th vacuum and gaping void which ought
td contain your brain and suffer us to say ono
for all that we never at any time wrote a com
munication to the Go aru or to any other pa
per signed "Uno Hoo." Avis. '
Onr Thousand Dollar. A match for
$500 siito ha been made for a hundred
yard toot race between Geo Noland and Ed
Rea, tho race to be run botwesn 3 and 4
O'clock on tho aftoruoon of Saturday, Oct
Id. G C 'Fulton back Ed Rot, and Sam
Harris backs Geo Nolnnl " The . thousand
dollars wa paid into the hand of J F Hal.
iorau at 8 o'olnck last evening, he beiug des
ignated as the final stakeholder. Two
judges and a starter are to bo selected on the
day of the race, the decision of the judges to
be final, and on receipt of a written certifi
cate designating the winner of the race and
signed by both judgos, the stakeholder will
pay the winner the thousands dollars. There
it uo talk about this. The thousand dollars
it up tnd whichever of the two it awarded
the race will get the coin, Astorian, Sept
25th. . '
Lookino tor ills Skat. Hon Lark Bil-
yeure-elected Representative from Lane oouuj
ty, came down yosterdny, "presumably to
pick out his' seat iu the new legislative hall''
(chestnut), but he said he could not tell tho
Democratia from the Greenback side of the
house, so ho will wait until the furniture is
in place. Salem Statesman, Sept 29th.
Ti'E Boss Wheat Grower. -The exhibits
at the pavilion had the merit of being good to
far they went; but there were o manyempty
shelves that it looked exceedingly slim. Th
display of cereals by George Belshaw was the
redeeming feature of the exhibit It wa a
magnificent on and cannot be surpassed in the'
United State, From the Albany Democrats
description of the State Fnlr. 1
City TaASCsfEiis. Rlnoe our last issue the'
following city transfer hav been recorded In
the olerk's' offict Tho Swift to M W Mo-',
Murray, lot on Eighth street, C1000. N L
Packard to Phoeb B Klnsey, 1J lots In Tack:
aril's addition, $370. OA Wooley to Jacob
Uillurpw, lot In ) I adilillon, wu. John
btra'b to Wm J Miller, city property, 80UO.
Died, At' Elmira, Lan county, Oregon,
Sept 5th, 18SG, of iullamatory rhoumatisir
and paralysis, Burton O Tollman, oldest son
of J W and M E Bnllman, aged 15 years, 11
months and 23 days. Funeral serviuos were
held at the residence of the parents by Rot
A C Fairchild, of Eugene City on th 7th of
Ilonac Race A horse roue has been mad
between Mr Montgomery and Gen War for
1200 a sidv, fur a on half mllo dash, to be run
on th tract below the Blair farm. A (or(olt
of 25 a side has been placed In the hand nf a
stakeholder. The trial of speed come on two
week from Monday. ,
. i :
MAniUKD.r--Iii Eugene City, Oregon, 'Sept
25, 1886,' at the residence of the' bride's
father, by f ro! ThoS Condon, Mr Wm Loon
snd Miss Ada Snodgra.. 1 The enuple left"
the samo day for llarrisburg, trosr where
Mr Ixing own a farm aud upon which the
will roiiide in the future. ,
MarhiaoB Lrt'E.tHEi, Since our hut report'
the following marrlag license hav been Is
sued by the county clerk: Martin V Prltch-,,
ettand Emma Clark, N Feldervert and 0.
Burke, M L llenilriuk and I net Hlisuh, Isaao
Luna and Emm Bramlette, Wm Lou and
Ada Snndgrass. ' 'I
Died. Near Irving, tfept 23, 183C, a tf
o'clock a m,'o( cootuinptiuoi ' Wiltiatm H
PiUer, tgei 30 years, 1 month and 27 flays.
He leave a father, mother,1' one' sistor and
four brothers, beside many friends to mom a
hi lo., ., ,
.'Removal Notice. The postolhce. will be
removed to the old Huudrick corner to
morrow, Sunday, The express office and
Patterson k Christian's book and stationery
store will be moved Monday. '
Premiums, Era All those having premiums
or other claims against th Lan County Agri
cultural Society are hereby notified to call im
mediately on the Secretary at Day k Hender
son's furuiture store and procure a warrant (or
th same. . .
Passed Awat. Hon Jason Owens, an old
tints pioneer and prominent citizen of Line
eountv, died yesicrday afternoon at 1:30 p m,
aller a lingering Illness. If wa universally
beloved and respected In tills community.
Died. Mr Lura M Simmon died at th
rerdenc of Mr Alex Cockerline, in thi city,
Friday morn i ii K, Oct 1st, at 8 oclock. ill
fimilv have th sympathy of many friend
In llieir sad bereavement. The funeral will
take place front th resident- nf Mr Cocker
line thi afternoon at 2 JO o'clock. Friend
ar invited.
MARRita At th bous o( Rufu Clark,
Sept 29, 1880, by Rev A C Fairchild,
Mr Martin V Prikbtt to Mis Emma Clark.
Th Gl'ARD offers friendly congratulation.
For Rett In eastern part of town, th e
pirtly furnished rooms, so situated that they
form a hus to themselves. Very dirabU
for liwht housekeeping. Rent, tfii a mcnlb.
inquire at this oSiu.
NoTli.E.-My place of business will b cloed
Saturday, October 9, ISSfl, aotil 6 p m. oo
account of Jewish holiday.
8. H. Friesplt.
Local Market.- -Wheat, 6." and 6Tm per
oer boshel on board earr;- oats, 30' cent net;
1 bop, dull, Sic aud 25c per pound.