I SUMMER B0ARDER3. A Ilnll llwif'i rivrlnmm Willi an Klht-Illar-a-WMk OumI. Git up'n riilo," he said a he brought tlm oxen to a lift't iinil movod along on the seat "Come furP (Join' t tin Tillage? Whoa! there. Buck, what ye 'fralil of! That 'ere oft ox alius fed as frisky as cnlf and It needs oM ISriftil to liilntiee hitn. A'n't a patent-right man, aro yeP Thought not. Mnbbe, ye are lixkln' fur summer board?" Ho rallied along In an honest, con fidential way for a few minuiwi long-T, ami then suddenly changed tlio subject by hhv nit: .stranger, I've had experience with uiniuer boarders, and 1 wouldn't take one into the house to-lay fur forty dol lars a wk, I moved up here alout ton year ago. I'd Jut gol marrind to a thnniliT.ii' smart wilder, a id wo gol settled in our lions i iiirly in tho spring. Out! d iy when 1 eonio In from work I.u C iidn says to inn. ' Siiiniii'l that's my name, yon know Iv'o (rot thu brightest idea yon over heard of. Iit's tuko a few summer boiirdms Ihis your.' "Flics and'la-sos, but who be thoyP' say I. " 'I don't know yd. Wo'll fix up our two spare room ami advertise in the city papers to acooniinod.ito a fow sum mer tinni'dors. Wo ran ninko enough moil' y in tlir.'o month t buy thul t;ii auro hit of old .Johnson.' "lJutwo liiilut got nulhiu' to fM-d 'cm on." " 'Indeed, wo have. Thotn city fol's whoHtiillri llii'lr ntiniicln on tho rich ness of tho land w II come out h 'to for a change. All they'll wnnt will In fried eggs, ont-ini'iil, rhubarb pio and old f iutliinii4 sweet cuke. They'll go Into Ufa over our old tnblo cloth, cracked IInIii'S nnd p'nin furniture. They'll ftwiil ow every thing down iih ru-die and old-fediionol, and wo'll charge 'em six dollars n week apiece.' "J liii 1 1 tT oil fur iiwliilo.'liiit I.uo'ndals a great p ova'ler, and hint linailv pre vailed on mot'igvoiiiyeori'otit. When ever I J.'ot a spare hiilir I helped h.-r toggle up lh" fiiriiltiiru.' 1 had to nail dp lu ll ileiuls, put otia legs to the li'4T, tip ii in'-hulcs, hi hi ii over the liiirea i with wnlniil juice, and do variouN Othcrtlritgst'i make n adv. 1 give l.uein du two puny good hoss-biinkots to make rustic i ii'iN fur tlm (lours, and wo cut up Kuiiiii old shovt for winder curtains, and by this iw of tli rty cents worth ot red, white und blue shelf pupor wo miulo thoni rooms look what you might rail Jim Dandy, linn it, itiiingor, when 1 cum to look 'em over I fell iih proud as a peacock, ami 1 1 m hug I givo Luclnda brought the tears to her oys. ''Wall, tho Ia4 thing to bo Hindu wa a rustic cheer, and f just pit up and humped mvsi'lf on it. H wasl.uuimta's idea you know. Mm said Ihu oily folks bad gut so iTed of h ti n around on tho sttillod cheers tliul tlii'V (1 sink into rustle I'lieer with a grunt of satihf.iotlon whleh could bo heard a inilo away, I drawod up a wacon load of Ihuhs and branolii"!, iiought five pounds of iimls ami a iiouml of cine, ami In about a week's t mo I had the all-tircdest, nicest ruitlco-t phoor you ovor Not ovos on, Wo put it In what l.uo mla called tho Queen Anna room, and then everything was reaiiv lor uoarttois. o advertised in the city papers to the amount of eight iliil turn, ami one nit moon Young, soleinn-faoed eluip, who looked as If ho hadn't two days to live, came piddling up the tliiHly row I in deiiroli of summer nnaru, ami Mic iulii took h.m in. Ho looked at tho rooiiH, and we thought ho grew mnresoloinn. Ho had somo pork and JolinnT eako and New (irletius inolawies ami two bIiiIIIii ton for suinier, nnd tlu rowas no doubt of h a be nr inoru.ioleAiin. "1 forgit what Luelnda was to rhariro that rlmp a week, with tlio privilege of walking In tlio I'linnaul, wnilin In tho swamp end climb n1 tho dead apple trees, hut it wnsn t tur Irotn eij:tu dol lars, lie ant arouml fur m spell in th evenin' to 'hear tlio lowln' of the kino. whatever that is, nnd to 'eoiiunun with tired natur,' wha ever tlml inav be, ami then he i clued to tho Cjuoen Anna room. "Mi'imgor, we never saw mat man nllvo no iiioio. Ho didu t come dow, when the pock nnd Inters was reudv in tlio morniit , ami iilt'f awhile I went ui to aroiiMi Irin. thinkln' that tho low n' ot tho kino and tlio Ml tin of the o n had charmed him. lie was dead - deader tlinii a door-nail. Vu4 of all. he had not down in that rustic cheer am died afore he. could git un. Thi cor oner Hrt'd the caino of his death was toe much ru tioity and tjueen Anna." "U ui that the end of it?' "Yes, lie hadn't a penny In hU pockets niul 1 buried him at my ow n expen d. When we pit back froin the burial 1 says to l.ueinda: " l.ueln'd i, lot (ho oitv folks continor to Mt on their stulled elioers and puge their loinachs w ith swo. t cakes and HrestTvea, We'll tueen Anna thes.' duds outer tho house anil make out money on pumpkins!' Whoa, there, jou old hinncr! Can't you mo a livaketl snake without Jumpm outer ver inter- v nj iKtroit riw iis. PROGRESS OF MEDICINE. ! MmI l'ru'Kr,r of Rt'lrnm llu Arrniillhrd In Hfly Yrar. Tliei-e Is still, no doubt, a va.-t amount of mlVering and disease among us but it would 1 folly lo deny that the d.ffor. enee Mwei-n the past and thepro.-eni li ImmoiiMV Tho tothomipe has inad it ai easy to detect a danisgtHl hi art oi an InetVuMont lung as a broken leg. Tin phthKlin.vjvopo enables us to explore the innermost riTesse. of the rye, whih with the larjiipwoopo wa can havi ocular proof of tl.a condit:on of thr wlndpiiKv Tho microscope vnlijthtenr ui to the true nature of growths ami such timely information often make it possible to cheik their develop .inent Ans-sthetic have robbed Mir pry of all its cruelty and hah lu Uangfr; they have, moreover, ex leud.nl it sphere ot action, for opera tiona are now frequently performed which formerly could not have Nvn at tempUvl, The iutrodunion of the ami eptio nu Uiod has largely inereai d th. proportion ol reooveriei after seven wounds ami tnntiiationt, and has ) don much to Insure th lafot j of th- ivmg-ln chamljer. Tlie nwfssity of cult ng for stone Is now obviated by tneunures which involve neither pain nor m rioiis risk, and there can Le 1 ttle doubt that the opcrat on will In the L-ourso of the next fifty yesrs bi come olsioleto in civilized coun triia. hmall pox ii no longer the slatid ng menace to be inly that it once was, while it is scarcely taken into account as a pos .ble danger of lifo by ordinary poo pie. Typhoid fever still claimi many victims though it is being grad ually driven ofl tho liold by an cnligliU biioU hyglono; typhus is almost un known except In tlio lowest and mot juiilitl haunts of poverty. Mid nasi is now treated as a bodily d.sease, not as a curse of (.od or tpito of tlio devil, the "csult being a largo uronortion of re coveries and Infinitely loss iiilloring among tho incurablo. A I ke improve ment is soon in oilier branches of the rued cat art Tlio loatlisomo compounds invented, one in ght supposn, by a council of ghouls and scavengers which used to bo ordered, no longor vex the pa'ales or upheavo tho st nit idis of unfortunato patients; tho active principle of tho most important rem edies lias boon sof arnti d, so that t lio igent can be administered in a purer and inoro elliiiont form, while the tihysiological action of tho dru is uiiurminod by oxperiment and and is taken as tho iml'X of ill thcrapoiitio value. Lcs4 phys'o Is given, but it is proscribed with a clearer pur pose. Koltcr still, more attention is paul to u.ot und tlio hyg onio surround mgs of tlio patient, nnd abovo all, int'ire Is los inciimlMiroil with tho olll cious help of a bbud ally who insists on aiding licr Willi a eul that is not no cording to knowlodiro. The truth has at last beon borno in on tlio medical ni'nd that many disease run a certain Jolinite coiirso on winch no mcdicino mis unv olioi't for iroo I, thouirh it mav have f t ovil, ami that acuordingly a policy of' masterly inactiv.t is tho w.a st in such cases. 'J'ho phvsxal I'hungi'S wrouglit liy di -oa-io and tho moroid proiawN wiiicli g vo rio to tiiem iiro now to a certain eslont accurately known, un I the liold of hum ry prom imS to bo increasingly fruitful of iolid result. H iiiio scattered rays of light, too, are begnnng to p'eiTO (ho shroud of darkness which formerly made the origin of dis- easo a more iiiipeii.-trulilo mystery than tno source ol tlm Mile. J Ins marks ono of the greatest advanoes in tlm history or meti.cino, and Its practical impor lanoo is obviously incalculable. Tlio cause clearly known, tho eff et can of ton bo removed, or, better still, pre vented. Specific fevers may possibly no mm Hiiod irom among men, and even thoo fell scourges, onsnnipt on and dincer, may in courso of timo bo stamped out. Ono disease after anoth or is traced to tho action ' of organisms inuiutcsinial in si,i, but having an al most Inconceivable power of scTf-muIll plication, i rom leprosy to a cold in Uio lictul tho "o.in'ueror worm" is credited with the gencrat. on of almost every form of disorder; w hero it has not yet lieon found it is suspected. In a word, tho sign liae litis is In the as :culeiit in the medical linnam.iut. turtiiiIUii Jicvicw. THE BAOBAB TREE. Itt llranphoi lrornihi(i a Mlnlitlura Korcut to IHlnr of it lliinilrml -t. Wo read wond -rful stories of tho I lu men so treos ono sees In California, but they sink Info Insignitlcancs bosido tlio Kiribati tree, which is found in many pans ol Western Africa. It Is not dis tinguished for its extraordinary height, tthiclt rarely rea dies over ono hundrod feel, but it Is the most imposin" and iniigiiiliecnl of African trees; miinv, it .a sa d. are over ono hundred feet in circumference, rising like a dwarf tower from twenlv to thirty foot, and J:en throwing' out branches I ko a mini lure f.ircst ton distance of ono hundrod foot, the estremities of tho branches bending towards tho ground. I'ho botanical uauio of this curious tree is .iilnnsnwa (,',,( Tho lirst, in honor of its discoverer, Adanson; and the second, descriptive of its live-jiariml I ut Tlio loaves are largo, nbnndant and of a dark green iolor, d.vided into live lanceolate leaf lets. Tho llowors are largo und white, hanging to podunchvs of a yard in length, which forms a sink ng contrast to tho leaves 'J'ho fru't is a soi't, pulpy, dry substance about the si.e of a citron, inclosed In a long green pod; tho pulp between the seeds tastes I ko cream ot tartar, and this pulp, as well ns tho pressed hree from tho leaves is used by the native Africans for llavorinr their food. The juice is great lv relished" as a beverage, and is considered a rem- edyin putrid fevers and other diseases. 1 lie Haobnl) tree is said to attain a much greater ago than any other tree. thousands of years be:ng ha.ardod as tho term of life of some specimens It has extraordinary vitality; the bark, which is r eularlv stripiiod oil' to bo made n; lino roe.s, nets for fishing, trapping and nativo clothing, speedily grows again. It dies from a very no. euliar disease a softening of its woody itructu.'o and it falls by its owu weight mass of ruins Tho native ViNagej are generally built around one of these immense tree and under its far spread ing branches, which form an agreeable shelter from the siyi, is the "Kotla," or place of assemblage, whore all the pub lio businetsi of the tribe is transacted. American Agriculturist, An American Drama of To-day, The Actress A new flay? Tray don't ask mo to read it Can't you jrive me a synopsis of tho most striking iueidenUf The Author With pleasure. In the first act there Is a corn colored silk cos tume. In the fecond there are two dresses including the very latest wraps and parasols The intert in the third act falls otT to a rid n habit, but in the fourth and fifth acts there are no leas than throe complete centimes and all made by Worth. I think it will be a auoetv. Tie Aelresa Xame your pries ilr. I'll lake it-rMjd.,i iV. Three young men of flo'on rocent r rode their hieyeles fro.n th it cilv to New lrleans a d J.inre f one thou sand seven hundred md. a CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS. Knpurlinonta wllh VnrloM Klnrta of Com mniwliil Kcrtlllflna Mlrl , We are always on tho watch for some now means of Increasing the fertility of the soil. How to do this t ) the. best ad vantage Is the all-importnnt question. Every year brings us a certa'n amount of new theory and practice and we aro often reiiriidod of the faot that all changes are not Improvements. An ef fort is now lieln? made to induce the farmers of Long Island lo app'y ground limestone as a fertil.wr instead of more expens ve materials Our neighbors are disposed to experiment witli it and lenrn its true value by experiment This Is not a now Id; a. Some years sinoi this 'substance was extensively ad verti'-od and ts inert rated vory high. Fur some t mo thco advertisements have disappeared. It was then cla'niod by some writers that this s i stance was in soluble, and if put in tho ground would remain there for a;'os without change. This same thing is said of the ground phosphate when not acidulated, inasmuch as th s phosplinto is exten sively ued with orwit io.it acid, erery farmer slio ild know the exa.'t irutn ot Ihis matt r. Too Carolina phosphate is ground and sold ns a coai 'O powd t, and as a owder so lino that it will lloat in tho ntmo-p'iero (hence calhd limits), nnd also d ssolvcd by sulphure acid. 'ow the lads aro, tho liner it is the iii"kor lis net'on. Tl.o acid roduces it to the iiiiist con lilion, and bene s the acidulated a?!s sooner than tho foil's and the i'oats s inner than tho coarse powder. Now ihcre is a class of men that sell thfliiivd pliosp'mte, that loll .is tlm pho )h.'it? in olli -r forms is worih loss, ns it is perfectly insoluble and w II remain so. They s.iy Ill's phosphate "n its nativo bad lias b eu in c intact with .vat"T for ages and never changed ami never will change unt'l aelod upon by Motim powerful soivilit. Now this samo th ii' limy lie m d of plaster (sulphat.r of limn) wh'ch is only ground and extensively us'd as a fort 1 zi r wilii great b'ui'efit. Thero Is probibly no ro"k known b it will d's-olvo when pi.wdired nnd ap l ed to tho si;l. In lingiand tliey iiro g.imling graVtn and using it in this wuy, nnd it may bo that this will yet b ono main source of pot ash, ns it is well known this element abounds 'nginiii'e. How mnch forco Iho net'on of tho no:ds o' tho ,o'l liave'ii produc ng ti.eso changes we do not know; imr do wo know how mil 'h to attribute to electrl'iil and magnetic a ' well as chninioil change i. Wo do not know enough on th s subject to calo i lato that wo may prolitably apply tho pho-phntes in e tlmr form As to tii s limn powder nothing but an experiment will determine its value, but what wo do know of cheni strv and botany "eid'os us to put no est'nialo on a part of its claims It is claimed that a largo per cent, of it is carbon, and ns a largo por tion of the plant is carbon, this funiishos the food it nco Is Now tho growing plant is con stantly taking in carbonic no d from tho air, cnrlt ng tho oxygon and retaining its carbon, tho natural infer ence Is that tho pi nt gets nil the carbon it need from the nr. Mill it is not certa'n but that itiors carbon in the soil would b) a benefit. This is often do baled in agricultural papers when it is evident ne ther party knows and it is guess work on bodi s'des. It soenis that our men of seience might per manently settle Mich a plain question. As to tho phosphate, when it is acid ulated, t requires pound for pound f phosphate nnd acid, so that when wo unv a (on of acid phosphate we get but half a ton of phosphate. If tho no d phosphate acts inoro quickly it ell'ects a''o also gone sootier. Now thoso'lloats are so lino that their action is not slow and they aro so cheap, e-noc ally as compared to standard fertilizer, that they will generallv bo found profitable. Tho price of standard ford fertilizers is to ) nigh, and until reduced wi must colli iiiie to experiment w.th iheiuicals. t'or. ChrinUan a U'urk. CULTIVATION OF CROPS. AilvmuitKft Derived from Krpplii); Hie Suit l.iH'ne himI Mel v. The clrcf olfeet in cultivation is to keep the ground lot, so ami mellow to supply the mot favorable conditions tor tho growth of the roots of the plants in inoir searcti lor plant loo I, A sec ondary olf eet is to prevent tho growth of weeds. If weeds are allowed to form roots so much plant foo I will bo ta!;eii up nnd appropr atcd to th growth oi tho weeds and so much n binTy to the growing crops J lie weeds should lie no more than allowed to sprout, and then should be destroy d by cultivation 8) as t pi event tlm format. on of roo:s. Mill ani ther ob ee! n tho cult'vation of crops is to Mippl,' plant food frOni ih.: siirioundingatiiiosi h.'re, by ope-i nt e so 1 to favor the action of tho clem mts in deposit ngthe plant food which they contain, in tho soil. From all tho foregoing facts it is dearly soon fiat frequent cult vat'on is required, tor if. the soil should become hard In the least degreo just so much loss will result to the growth of the roots of the plant and necessarily so much less to the vieM of tho crops And again if the cult vation is not suilicient- ly frequent t destroy the sprontiii" weed seed, and they bo allowed to form roots ju.-t to the extent that the-o roots take up plant food just to that etent will tno yield of the crop be diminished. Hat tho bonolit of frequently stirr.ng the soil is seen in the faet th.v as oft 'U as the soil is stirred and opened up the most favorable conditions aro suppl ed for the deposit of plant food by the action of the elements Everv failure to cultivate at the right time will inevit ably result in a dim'nished yield of crops. One cultivation every three days or tw ce each week, is most likely tho bost ruio to adopt. This will give sufficient time fr the weeds to sprout and the soil will not harden in that length of time tine msn and team with a double cul tivator can cult vate ai levt 13 acres of oorn in th s way, and if the g-onnd has been plow.-d li t 16 n doi and farr.iws made narrow so ii to make the od tine, a id if the crop has beon prop erly planted, and then cultiv.tted proper ly tw ce each week, the yield of r;op on i acres w.ll bo as much as fr am 30 j ... ,J A mtA rduntAfl In acres coilivaieu. FlunJU 7 the ordinary manner. The same time i..-. .nrl the same amount of CMIIIK'J i.i j,. f ainir iHven to 15 acres as t . I inn orlven lO lo acrc M to give to3u acres, producing the same yield of crops as from 80 acres, makes a clear saving of the balance of 15 acres "'jbecnltivation for corn should be continued until the grains of the car be gin to Harden. Just so long as tho stalk is green, or just fo lorfg as any part of the sta'k or car is growing, list Jo lone are tho roots tak ng up plant food, and thoreforo re uiro the same conditions of soil as. at any stage of growth. Stop the cultivation Ufore fhe stalk and ear are both perfectly developed, and the soil becomes hard, the roots fail to appropriate plant foul, and the yield as well as the quality of the crop w.ll bo diminished. The culti vation, then, should be kept up until the ear and grains are perfectly grown, when tho grain will begin to harden. The cultivator, or kind, ohould be mited to tho conditions of the growing crop. Tho first 'cultivation given to corn should be Icfore it comes through tho ground. This should be done with tsmooth ng harrow, passed over tlio ground as often as noccs iry to make the surface perfectly fin?, smooth, :von and mellow, and to destroy Iho weeds that mny have sprouted ready to grow.- 'lhon as soon as !ho corn is fairly Ihroug'i tho ground the rows can bo i-cen nnd the cult vation should bo inimod o;eiy resumed. At this htacre of growth small shovols should bo used on tho cultivator, and set so as not to throw much soil to tho stalks, mi l as soon ns the slnlks attain i height of ono foot, larger shovels may bu u-ed, and s t so as to throw the soil to the h lis, in order to hill up around tho stalks ns a support to t! cm, nnd for the purpot-e of covering ovor weed teed to prevent the r growth. After the stains ntti'n a height of three or four feet then small shovels should be used that will n')t g to a greater depth than about threo inches to prevent cutting th roots of the crop, md to keep the bo;1 mellow ti that Jopth, which will act as a mulch, keep ing tho soil loos.0 and moist When the stalks attain a height too great to uso a .double cultivator, then a single culiivo tor. supplied witli squaro teeth about four inches in length underneath the woo Ion portion of tho cultivator, so ns to run about threo inches doep in tho soil, tdiould be substituted. This imple ment should bo used until the cultiva tion is completed. Tho cultivation of potatoes should be gin as soon ns tho sprouts are fairly through tho ground, when tho rows can bo seen. Throw the soil to tho row so ns to cover tho sprouts, nnd then pass the smoothing harrow over tho ground until smooth and level. This will effec tually dostroy all S"cds of weeds The cultivntion after th's should bo tin samo as for corn as to kind nnd frequency, md to bo co-it' oiled until tho vines fall down and cover tho ground between tho rows At each cultivation they should bo hilled up slightly. Care should always bo observed not to disturb tho vines, as tho stems that support tho tu ber, or potato, commonces to form bo fore the vinos attain one half their growth, and for that reason they should be hilled up gradually at each cultiva tion, and not all at once, and that tho last cultivation,?. 8. Teaj(inlcn,.ui Western Plowman. PARISIAN FANCIES. A lli'Cgar iltntd'n ( o.lunif VmIiipiI at $t ru Hundred FrHiim. A new porto bonheur has made its appearance in Taris It consists of a little crystal locket, in which is encased a four leaf shamrcck, which, ns you know, brings good luck to all who wear it. This porto bonheur comes from Austr'a, whero four-leaf shamrocks abound, it seems What a pity wo did not know this before! How lucky wo might have boon at a l.ttlo expense! However, as "it is never loo late to mend'' our fortune, this now porto b m- hcur will no doubt bo eagerly fought after. Without being decidedly a novol y, I must not forget to mention Won lis new walking c s time, which, on ac count of its s niplieity, ho calls the Hoggs r Maid's'1 dress. It has a full skirt of white and blue llanncl serge, striped lengthwise, and a scarf tunic, wijh tho ends turned up at tho lack, of blue silk twill sorgo, 'i'ho bod co, of tlio i-anie silk serge, is oj en 1 ko a gent Io nian's evening coat in front, displaying an under jersey bodice of tlio strip d serge. No collar or ruils of any descrip tion. This little "Ueggar Maid's" c; s tunio costs only seven hundred frauds mere nothing, as ynu see. The barbaric stylo of jcwc!ry is con sul Ted tho most beautiful just now, so silver mountings tiro replacing gold. Heally the models should lie in bronze, as the models copied belong chiefly to tho bronm age, b it no woman would fancy this ultra faithful reproduction. Gold ornaments of lino fil greo work are fa-h onablc, espoc'ally as necklace. As bracelets they ure found too delicate, as tho lino gold w re is soon pulled out of plae and tlio beauty of tho design is in'urod. Tho new fans of crepe, powdered with shining spangles, having all the colors of tho ra;nbow, aro ve-y effective n the eve-iing. Jt looks as if the pow der of crushed jewels had been Sifud over them. A fan of black gauze is appar ently spangled with diamond dust: in the confer is the monogram of the owner in imitation diamonds The efl'eet is superb. It is the latest note of elegance, and all monondaine aro hav ing their monograms and coronets thus worked in their gauze fans A revived and very he timing fa h'on is alar butterfly lowteneath he chin, n whiU? or bright colored tulle: coral, salmon-p nk. and yellow of every known and unknown shade. So that" you see these fluffy bows of tulle at the neck of all sorts of wraps and even added above the now aga:n popular tishu. Colored tulle just now is the rare with our ele gantes, being especially becoming for all complexions Gotley'tLady't Book. Two Brooklyn women had hus bands who reila Iy heat th m, and the oth t night at about the same hoar they turned upon the rascals and beat them so sor'ously that they had to be taken to the hospital. Une us si a stone and the other a pitcher. Siwkij atcst A Sritam of Feeding Which Will, As- iHMdly Giva Fair Results. One of oar subscribers aski what plan of feeding In the summer has been found best for iwine to keep them gain ing so they can be fattened rapidly when colder weather comes Man farroen seem to consider the summer season as a time when they can easily carry the swine along on little food. Some of them have an idea that the pig fchould be tided over the summer on a little pasture, and prepared to be fat tened after the cold fall weather sets In. Grass promotes tho health of nigs, and a proper amount of it ii highly bene ficial; but profitable feeding requires that pigs should make thoir most rapid gain in warm weather. A hundred pounds can be put on pigs in summer as cheaply fifty or sixty-live pounds in cold weather. We believe this statement will be indorsed by all feeders who have tested the warm and tho cold seasons for feeding under ordinary circumstances Wo admit that the swino housos may bo built so as to maintain a mild tempora ture in winter, and then thero would not bo so great a difference as we have noted. Hut thoso who provido for a summer temperature in winter are thorough be liovers in full feeding at all seasons of tho year, and need no admonition as to the economy of full feeding in summer. What is tlio appropriate grain food for pigs in summer? i'ho answer to this question nm-t depend upon tlio ago and condition of the pigs Tigs from two to six months old must have such food as will produce growth of mus-ch and bone, not fat. Indinn corn for such pigs is, therefore, to bo avoided, eopt m very smnll quantity. Corn is the most fattening food, the" food to 1111 up the largo, lank,' muscular frame, to lay on clear, solid pork. Hut tho young pig has all th's frame-work to prow, nnd should have food best adapted to that end. A c'over pasturo is a good beginning, nnd this should bo supple mented with nitrogenous and phos phate food. Mich' as oats, peas, wheat, middlings, linseed meal or cotton-seed I . - r -J H.ofln ono hutulreil pounds "'of linsceXnical. two hundred pounds of wheat middlings and one hundrod pounds of corn meal, mixed together. Tlrs would give a mixture of qualities leaving noth ng to bo desired. The writer has used th:s com binat'on with very great sat;sfoction. He has had lots of lifty-pound piirs gain nine pounds each per week, steadily, for ten weeks in succession. At tho same t mo another lot equally thrifty, on pas turo alone, gained threo pounds each per week. Tho extra feed cost twelve cents per week for each pig, whilo tho extra gain was s x pounds per week, or two cents per pound. This samo extra feed given in cold weather would not have produced half tho gain. Tlrs combination of food will keep the pigs in pr mo health in the hot season, hav ing no tendency to produce a feverish slate of the system. Peas, oats or corn, ground together in equal proportions, also make an excellent combination for summer pig food. We doubt if hog cholera would ever appear in pigs thus reared. This disease is of very rare oc currence in tho Eastern States, and the cases there found are mostly propagated by contact with Western hogs. Western feeders would do well to provido a n.r,nt,r vtir'ntv' nf fnc.il fur their owrs. T'eas and oats grow ns naturally and as profitably in the West as corn. Use them nil in tho growth of pigs, and dis eiiso will lie much les troublesome. Ma!ional Live Stock Journal. THE PIETA MYSTERY. Ravagr of a rrnillnr Kpldrmlo Which Swopt Through California Vrrs Ago. About thirty years ago a gold-seeker grew weary of tramping the Russian river valley nud resolved to abandon the shovel and pan and start a ranch. He summoned his wife and four sons from San Francisco and went to IVeta valley to settle down. Ho announced to tho early settlers of this place that he would build his two log cnbii.s sndfhen return for Mipplies and live stock. A month j assed and he came not An other month and Iro had not appeared. Finally curiosity was aroused and party was organized to explore the mystery. Jhey found their way w.th difficulty to the valley. At its head they found two log huts ha'f built, and within tho walls of one lay live skele tons picked clean by b'izzard and coyote and wh toned by the fierce sun of July. In a cleft stick placed con epicuously within the inclosure was a a scrap of paper, upon which wa crawled ttiis legend: JIM AninilSlI A FaMLY, i-JUl Pock. Terror-stricken with fear of conta gion, the exploring party tl d. but some weeks later sunima-n-.l ini?r. t.. turn, for the rougii frontiersmen b- nevea in the hnr.alof (hefr.i'mlWdeaiL Here a cur ous fact was ili lo- d -nc trac cf the too cjnploved bv the An puish family in t!ie r r. nt V - ai labors could be found, nor :i foot- print or the hor-s they w,.r(. known tc posse-s iut a shred of "the.r clothing oi blankets Another curious fa-t wa llie skn I of Mr. Aug rsh him-lf ex hihiud :wo a vrtures no noial'r pro viibnl by n:!lim. rvn.-nn tk f i ... .luiaa, . s. . near 'he t mp cthc thr in theo-f pin - in .oomii reinarkiblv ik th i . of t vjKet VUo a nb, "prma tly once, the prpr Anguish's elder son. ho. r1 Ki Jar icar which seemed to indi7. lent contact with another bull there was a notable abeenc. weapons, ammunition and m - merely the four low walls 0f completed cabin, a fw 0 halfk u the bleaching bones and thTt letter in the cleft stick. Fo , were gathered, 'and rouMily nnreverently, placed in a shali0 J between the unfinished cabins- i head of the sand heap that covered a rudo cross was erected, and ti plorers rode grimly and ia deep ZH from the valley. '"ft Two months before these ocenrr, a traveler from one of the few m i scattered where Cloverdale now had noticed a hut by the road ton!11 by four drunken Mex cans andaviri whito who had been driven from , J settlement They had not bailed V but something impelled him to reein? revolvers and put spurs to his diumL Two days after the. burial in the 3 ho returned by the same road, h ' nearly dusk. As he entered the near the hut, which he romemberixlirt fear, his horso shied violently. .? samo time tho traveler noticed til where before stood the hut them !! now but a heap of ashes with emu smoldoring. Ho raised his pyeg, y?1 an arm of the grim old onk strewi across tho rond hung live cnrioui, $ shapen objects, swaying and twLgi slowly in the freshening wind n, rushed from tho mountains iw? was a cleft stick holding a fragniPKJ paper. It bore this concise stattfcl and moral: w. i ! PMAwI, Ports. : bill Bnixm' and fuue ciiEEstm i NU. ALL FLE-II are Grass. The mvxterv of the valley was ntf explained and tho phenomena of tt grove were beyond inquiry or invests lion, but it was certain that the sin larly violent and predatory epideJi which ravaged Picta had spread itect tngion elsewhere, although no oth,Tj s'nnco than thnt above cited was ifs$ svaru rccorueu. lor. iv. y. Tinm. A MAGNIFICENT DOG. the Finns t St. llrrnurd Kvrr ISrourlm the luitti-d Mitten. A dog believed to bo tho most rnif iiiccnt specimen of the rough St Bu ard species over brought to this co ry has lately been recoived byD.l oster. He answers to the named inrro and is said to be a direct deseed Intof tho famous St Bernard dogBsrti whose stulfcd skin is one of tlio atl'rv If ii pions in no nerno museum ana nm memory is cherished in Swiss gonu legend ns second only to that o?E liain Tell. The present Pane ru tit nail uog of tho bt Bernard monastq. Foster allirms earnestly that Barreknon more than most men do, and speaks il most witli awe of tho , progress be i making in learning the. English lu guage. When he arrived here i fei weeks ago he did not know a word i English, but his comprehensive intelli gence enabled him to understand panto mime. Jiow he takes in the salient points of an easy dialogue, with only now and then an expression of douU upon his mobile countenance, ani V conlidently expected will very 80011 as much at home in English as Ik if ready is in French and (iermnn. He is five years old and his kf'i weight in condition is one hundred ui ?eventy-two pounds. His length, tfJ tip t ) tip, is fully six feet, and his heigbt ai tho shoulders is thirty inches. H has two coats, ono of thickly nistti long, oily fur underneath that ia altntf Impervious to water; another outside of wavy hair throe inches long. Theuoder eoat is of a rich brown hue;. that on toe in old-fashioned brindlo, sliowia almost black in places, with bronze re flections in the light A deep, tremendous chest, close ribbed body, straight back, very lr? neck, powerful loins, straight forearm, riry strong hindquarters, and a ta lllul is more justly to bo viewed as a spleniM banner than a mere tail, are points that in expert will ad in re in Barre until i iurns hi majestic head around litati itock of his examiner, and thentheeij pert, or anj-body else, will find tliath 10 noble and wo1 thy of admiration tlut it will fascinate toll attcnt on. The lion 1 kingly consciousness of power bleni itrangely with a womanly tondernewa the expression of his great, reflectn y es. A". Y. World. NEVADA SALT MINES. 1 State Rirh in Salt, norat and OtW Valuable Mlnt-raln. If the salt formations of Nevada n railroad communication, there wooll xs no market in this country for tb foreign article. In Lincoln County, ihe Kio Virgin, there is a d posit pure rock salt which is epo.-ed fori engthoftwo mils, a width of hall nile, and is of unknown . depth, b ilaces canyons are cut through it to lepth of sixty feet It is of ancient a nation, being oovered in some plJ 5y basaltic rock and volcanic tufa. J ic posit has been traced on the ur l distance of nine miles. It is M m that it must be blasted like rock, and sure and transparent that print ess " read thtBiigh blocks of it a foot tb' it Sand Springs, Churchill Count iiere is a deposit of rock salt fourte 'eet in depth, free from any particls foreign substance, which can be qn ned at the rate of five tons a day tc i t nan. The n-eat Humboldt sa'-t fie-4 ibont fifteen m:l.-a lone by six wide. When the summer heats have ev rated the surface water, salt tot lepth of several inches may be xjt ip, and naderneath is a stratum off wk salt of unknown depth. orj iorax and othar valuable mineral a rxist in large quantities near thess v talitie. and branch railroads will it later bring them into msxfit ns:deralle business in P iorax is already atablished on the if the Carson '4 Colorado railroii Jevada will cut down her workm? enses and develope her natural ources,' she will be above the n!: 4 seeking land grants from her M r wrsor from the general uoveniu ia l'raneieo buiUtin.