IVllARMOflfr, iTI. I. . EUGENE CITY; OR., T)ltOFES$I0NAL CALLS IX CllY L d immediate vicinity solicited. CITY AND COUNTY, IIKIEF ME.TIO.M. Foster kid glve at Friendly1!, tlo to Dr N J Taylor for dentistry. The best Ice cream at BannA Try it Good told cheap fur ouh at Matlock's, 8m Friendly' new ad uu another page. Grass Md bought and told at Goldmlth's. Horee (or sal. Apply to D M Risdon, city, ,.A finely of Eastern hat junt received at uauocavs. Eighty acre of fine laud fur sale. Inquire of D H Coleman. The highest cuh price will Be paid for wheat by F B Dana. Phetographs finished neatly and artii tioally at Winter' Matlock U receiving a large line of new drew feMlt. Give hint a ulL Hot and eold tatha every day in the week at Jerry Horn's Barber shop. The Guard does all kind of job printing Cheaper than Pbrtland prices. You can purchase Waltliam watches it J 0 Watt' 'rom 10 aud upwards. dsburn mower can ba purchased at the lore if Pritcbett k Forkner for C0. If yon want hardware at reasonable price call at the (tore of Pritcbett & Korkuer. ' The beat candies aud oranges can always be found at E Baum's confectionery store. Get your bed room sets, lounges, niat Irenes and furniture of Day k Henderson. . Mr Ged F Craw has the sole agency for all brand of the celebrated Tauail Punch Cigere. . If yott are hungry go to Baum's. Fresh titers; ham and eggs served an tiineof day or bight, Sterling Hill keeps in stock an excellent . assortment of good readable works. Give him a call: ; If yon are In want of agricultural machin ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M liiridricfcs keeps a full asHortnieut. , Mr S H Friendly will pay the highes cash market price for wheat. Give him sail before) selling your grain elsewhere. . : Sterling Hill) at the postoffi'cc, takes sub scription's for nearly every newspaper and periodical In America, at the publishers rates. r I will deliver good cedar pouts fur ? per hundred; and good cedar boards for SI per nun' tired. Will exchange for wheat or flour. Leave orders with 3 B Eakin, Jr. , Robert VaL'OHN. On and after April 1st the undersigned will corrttrieace doing business ou a ready pay bosil selling goods fur cash or produce only; All purchasers will rind it to their interest ttt vail find get prices. J. I). M ATLtibK. Avoid the Harsh; Irritating, griping com ouiuls so often Sold as purgative medicines, nd correct the irregularlliea of the bowels jy the nse of Ayer'i Citthartio Pills, which are gentle, yet searching in their actum. As a purifier; Acer's Sarsaparilla Itcti ,di ectly and promptly. A single bottle will prove it merits. M my thousands of people are yearly saved front dangerous fevers by the exercise of a little timely uare in demis ing the system by the ue of this fenlsdy. Dr. Taylor's T Oaks Compound, purely Veg etable, positively cures rheumatism, tieurnlifia, toothache, sick headache, cramp colic, cholera morbus, Complaint iecnliar to females, Dys pepsia, cold or counh, Hive, Chills and fe ver, pains arounj the he art, ervHipelas, phthisic, George Taylor. f Sold by Osbum k Co, druggists, Eugene. ! Trent Items. , ; September 9, 1880. ') We are sorry to say that U W Guiluy is quite sick with typhoid fever. As there have been no items from here of late I thought I would send you a few. MrC M Hamilton finished tricking and dry ing; hops yesterday, K P Williaids begin f idling to-day. Miss Laura Mae Wiltse, who has been staying with Mrs Kutllge during tne pat summer starts soon tor Monmouth to a. tel. 3 school next winter. i We understand that Barr Bros intend mart in? a soap factory soon. They will procure grease from the mill company, the other in gredient they have at hand. i Mr Lee Kutledge will enter the University an the 13th inst. This will' be a loss to this Community. Mr Rutledge haa Ion? been an able correspondent to several papers. His rare inventive and descriptive powers pecul iarly fit him for journalistic work. V Ws learn from Mr Joe Parker, who liitely returned from Eastern Oregon, tliat 1! B itut ledge is on his way home, he leaving tin tied a-ide to pursue a fish which had been seen in Deschnttes river. He U expected iu a few days. We are sorry that in justice to ourselves we ire at last compelled t pass notice on a pur ported correspondent from Pleasant Hill who writes over the expressive name of "Gossip )er. Although we see no nam he should not shorten his pseudonym so as to expre-S ap tiearsnoes as well as character something like 'Gosling," or "Greeny Goshen." Of course, many of his vagaries and poetical effusions may be aooounted for by the epproaching change In His condition of life of which his trading his dog cart for a family carriage is an index, Vet no charity will suffer us to pass over in ilenoe the aspersions and vile insinuations Which he has heaped against certain Trent correepsndents. As for morals we believe his hind sunning has only stained his own hands without spotting honest, genuine, local corres pondents. In conclusion permit us to say, Mr R, please pull down your vest aud give us rest, Gcem Who. For Sale. 2 Lots in Shelton's and Packard's additions to Kugerts City. Xicely located and the ninst 8 ovenient at any for sa'e. I'rffce from $50 to 1100 on easy terms. Apply to ) Db. T. W. Shelto, I Eugene City, Or. f Xotict Mr. B. IL James having retired MB business and being desirous of settling up, requests ell those indebbni by note or" ac count to immediatelv call and make a settle ! inent He can be found at bis office in the 1 Court Ronse, ready to receipt for all debts - aue him. J . . . ; GravdBoM Box Ball. There will be a rrand fashionable Bon Bon Ball given at l r.hin'bsrt's Parlors. Saturdoy evening, Sep' tmber 18th. The best of innoic will be in at' I tidance. All are re)ectfully invited to at" ! fend. Positively no disreputable characters I ailmitted. Tickets, L Fasvkm Tak Xonci A (rood lincer can i4 at Baker's Hotel for 25 eenta. Dexter Items. Sept 10, "bU Everybody goes hopping. C L Williams visited Eugene yesterday. Mr Wm Preston was un frurA Eumin. Run- day. ' Mr F F Ward, of Pendleton, is visitini r.la tivea here. Miss Civil IWbre Is .sftllnir at the BI P.siris thil week. Mr S Handsaker Is haVfuv a new wnnd hnnsa built and also his dwelliiui Inclosed by a baud some wire feuue, Mr J W GaileV slid wlfs have rrturnsd from the KiUon SnriiiL-s. where the have been lor the past two Weeks. G W tiuiley Is nulls 111 with typhus fever. Several case of typhoid fever in this and miuediute vicinities. We learn tint Barr Ores will start a soan factory soon) l'.irker Bios will furnish the grease and Bur Bros the lye. Mr Gainev Matthews, wifs and sifter. Mrs S Keeney, of Mayville, Oregon, were viiting rel itivei here aud at Trent this week. Williams Bros have suspended sawing at their mill. We understand that they intend moving the mill to Silver Lake in the near future. Two men in a certain hop yard cnuld not tell what struck thein the othvi day. Their arguments were very much like those of the sun do move theory. "Uustv Ten" seems to be verv fond of our town of late; he is trying to clear some of thoss unpleasant truths that are going the rounds about him. Better work lively, "Old Rusty," The long, delightful Summer days ire draw ing to a close; the birds in the bushes are sing in j their evening sngs,and the country bloom ing maidens send out upon the pure, calm air their lost simple, palheue iuvs lays of Sum mer. C A Davis, B R Rutledge and J M Parker returned from Silver Lake Tuesday. They ut expecting to find one of those imaginary places called a paradise on earth and returned with that time out of mind expression: "Old Webfoot is good enough for me. "My horse having taken the dystemper, I was threatened with the U li Dy Alt V, so 1 traded my horse for a family carringe." B F K. vVe would add that this carringe is drawn by a pair of handsomely built (?) donkeys. driven by a first-class jchu, the slowest rate of travel being one mile an hour, while the dri ver s Blind goes a communing every second. YOUNO Hon. I Tlil Oi.n St. Chaki-M Was closed on Wed nesday mbrninl last. It is to be torn d,ovn t iat a three story brick strtlclure may be erect e I on its site to be called the Hoffman House. For several years It has been the boarding house of William T Cuthpbell, Ira h I'ainpbt-lll Harry Baxter, favid E Bice, Kobt fratt, .las AMrumsi J1 rank lnicknum. l.ee Canioliell and others. The saniple rooms Mid parlor were full of the gduds of coirliner cial travelers displaying the articles of their various lines 1ft the old buildiny for the last time. .lull'iS Ach. C'ln's Al t'Luke. M Dm- enhnwer, f 'airy Miller, Hamuel Cooper, O V Wiley anil lioui L,evin, commercial travelers, uw the old house Clone, which they have so often frequented in tlieif1 movements up and down the valley. Jud;;e Willis, Judge liam ey arid Judge liilveu were jirescnt. Of the OA CUullrnadJ'DWait, C M Van Bureu and John iewan were on hand. The old hos telry has closed with a full house and a strong register. Mr Watkius, who has beeu the les see for the lust three years will open the Hoff man House as soon as it is completed, under a leaie of hve years. Mrs Munra of iionnenlle. mother of Airs Watkins will be here to open the new. Prior to going to Bonneville, Mr ud Mrs Munra inanog6d the St. Charles for upwards ot two years , The You.no Hop Housr. To show our readers hnw a story will be exaggerated iu a few miles, we take the following from last week s Albany Democrat: "1 he hup house ol Walter Young; near Mabel, is reported as hiving been bUrued, together with about eighty thousand pounds of hops.' Mr Young employed Chinamen and this is given for the reason of the, hre, some having Deen dissatis fied at this " h'or tlie beoelit of the editor of the Democrat we will inform him that the hop house was situated about two miles north of Eugonej the house contained 2,400 pounds of hops belonging to Hatter .Young, and the home was burned at 5 o'clock iu the aftvinoou precluding any idea of iuccn- liansin. - NeW Telegraph Link. The American Postal Telegraph Co , of which the great millionaire, J W Mackey, is President, will u the next half year be able to compete with the Western Union for business oh this count The work of setting poles and sketching wire will lie commenced all over Oregon iu a few day. One party of employees will begin setting poles at Goshen this count.' next Monday or soon thereafter, going south ward, under the supervision of Mr Vincent. Our people will gladly hail. the advent of the new company and will liliviitlly patronize it The teleirranh shop on Skinner's Butte may then shut up as nobody will care to scud dis patches that way. Arrested. Sam Carothefs, charged with assault to commit rape on the wife of M A fieiuer on the night of M.'pt 1st, was arrest ed by Sheriff Sloan last Tuesday night at his hop ranch above npiingheld. tie was brought to this city and the case set for trial Wednesday. 1 On that day, however, the prosecuting witness, l!eioer, refused ti ap pear against thfc accused. The. costs iu the cae were paid by Carothers. Su'hi.aw Fair. The Siuslaw Agricultural Society will hold its annual Fair on Friday, October 1, 1880. Exercises will begin at 10 a in shsrp. JiverylsHiy Invited to atteud. No pains will be iar.'d to make it both interesting and amuing to all who may attend. By order of the Board of Directors. Isaac Simpson, Secretary. Asothvh DismiERr. .fackson county has already one distillery, but several gen tlemen of that county are interestiue them selves in another project of the same charac- ter, and a new distillery will probably soon be estallislied near Med ford. APPoixTED.-Governor Z F Moody has ap pointed Hon C (' Beekman, of Jacksonville, to the vacancy in the Board of Regents, caused by tne death of Rev E R Geary. Wanted. A few day hoarders; terms, 3.S0 rer week. Fr further information ii quire at the Gcaii) i ffice. W i VTn A rdrt at TtakKr'a Hotel to Wait I ' n i on the table; fair wage. tea, Boom the County Fair. Lovely moonlight night! , ; All the hotels in town are crowded. 1'ubllo school begius next Monday. See additional local on editorial page! County Fair begins next Wednesday. Now is the time to settle with the printer, Oregon grapes have put In their appearenoe. Seethe Board of Equalisation Notice another euluiun. The shelving fur Matlock's atom is being placed in position. State University text books kept at tne poet office book store; Attend the B ut Bon ball at lihinehart's par lor this evening. Look but tor B F Dorris' 'ad" next week It will be of iuterest to alt Mr Ben F Dorris has moved kls office np sUir over the Grange store. A fine line of silk plushes in nil shade and grades at F B Dunn's. The brick work dn Preston's building iu finished last Thursday at noon. A broken press has caused eomtiIable ill lay in the Guard blnce this week. Carpet and oil eloth just received will be eold at Portland price by Bettman. Quite n number of Lane oonuty people it tended the Stat Fair at Salem this week. Lieutenant Wood Geary has srrlHd from Texas sod is Visiting relative and friends. We acknowledge the receipt of a box of Urge nice luscious peaches from Mr B Deadmorld. The new skating rink is being repaired . and will be ready to resume busides in a few days. If you are In need of public school books fur your children, call at the postoftice bookstore. Rev Geo1 A McKinley has accepted the pas torate of the Presbyterian chdrch in this city. Miss Annie Beuner, formerly of this cltjf, is pursuing her profession at Grant's Pass; Or ex on. Mr F M Blair has started a private board- iug house on the onrnor of Olive and Seventh streets; Messrs Alei Osbum and ftod Huitiphfey exhibited their floe cattle at the State Fair during the past week. We acknowledge the receipt of So I, Vol 1 of1 the Brownsville Informant We wish the hew venture success. New line of ladies' and children' Underwear and cloaks ha jtist arrived and wili be fold at bottom prices by Bettman. Mr Geo B Dorris' new dwelling ii being pushed rapidly forward to completion by the i con tractor, Mr fieo II Parks; The Salem Statesman says that qiiite a l(nunber of people from that coulity will at- -tend the Lane County rair iu Eugene next week. Mr A M dslmrn's Holsteiii bull, "Davy brocket," hail taken first premium1 and Sweep stakes at the State Fair, lldrrah for Lane county. ' The Rupubllfans have carried Maine,' but Sam Friendly declares that ha tarries the broom on account of selling at the ldwest prices. The building formerly .occupied by Robin'- son s confeetMifery store and Com' law office has been tiirri iiway preparatory to the building of a brick. A number nt the Chinese hop picker have returned to Portland. We hb'pe our hop raiser will never have to hire Moilgolian agiin. Be sure and lock your ddors arid fsston dowu all windows st nigh't during the fair H xt week is nnr advice to all. A todgh gn.bg is said to be coining here. Eugene is a lively, properoUs town, Wouldn't it be a Handsome thing for the people to take up a collection to help the poof, homeless suf ferers of Charleston, S C? The Portland Hro' boat Veto caught fire early Monday mnriifng and burned to the water's edge. This i's the third of fourth time this boat has burned. Let everybody place on exhibition at the County Fair sotife article of interest The Fair is (leseiviut of a liberal patronage from the people of Laue codnty, Johny Hanson, - well know in Eigone, came out ?5C'i losef by the Are at Corvallis last week. We are pleased to learn that the entire lose was covered by insurauce. The (joiincil has wisely ordered the immedi ate construction of some fire cisterns In the suburbs of the town. The committees oh Are and water and streets will locate the same ad vantageously. A new weekly paper will be started at Salem shortly to be called the Lance,' and te lie devoted to the interest of the Knights of1 Labor.' .Workmen commenced tearing down the old St Charlet Hotel building yesterday morning preparatory to the building ot the new brick. An,d thus ariother old familiar land tiiark must titu way tor tne new. At the County Fair oext wc'eli may be expected Targe crowds of thieve an 3 thtfgs that will swindle any Who may bite at their games. Our officers should promptly arrest any person' fouud runiifug any lottery of cou fldence game. William Falwell, the man who1 shot Hank Vaughau few mouths since, ha been sen tenced to the penitentiary for foiCf years, and was taken . to Salem last , Tuesday. Vanghan, it is said, l likely to die, ai,d in that case Falwell will be reindicted sod tried for murder. This year began on Friday, end' on Fii- day, ha fifty-three Friday, and four of it months hate five Fridays spiece. The long est and shortest day are Friday, the mou changes five times on Friday. It is a Fri day layout. Of course you1 sVe' coming to ths Cotfnty Fair next Week! A. phd exhibition will be given each May from it a m to B p m, ai tne great mercantfle ttnre of Sam Friendly's, be- iween ine employees lo iesi weir endurance in selling first class gof! at price that are usually charged for inferior grade. The ex hibition will be worth money to the purchaser. Warden News:' Webb Leasnre, who wat hot on Monday morning by Thus FoyV is getting along wonderfully well and thers now seems to be little doubt of hi final re- AAuAru rn, .uiin. tn h... li.J.la, ki. tMnlf, ....... .1 . . .... ...v ... closely, as no tidings can bs obtained of his movements. Jasare has many f' lends in ! K Af.mmnnitw .kn vill t. i.liuu1 tn har ' . - j . . ... rv ,nmvM - - - of hi improving condition. Brevlt . The quarterly publib examination ot teachers will take place Monday ths 2,'th iust St Ihs Court House, W acknowledge the receipt of a complimen tary ticket to the Mechanic's Fair of Portland wuicn negins uct if m anuclisie on the KM. A good farm for raising tock or grain for sale on reasonable term. Inquire uf A A King, 4 mile north eaitol Eugene. l"he Council last Monday gv Mr F A Raukin s permit to eularg his gallery build ing. However, It waa fouud that that body had xovded It authority, and h was notified oy LUiel bugineer Uay not to snlarge. City Council. Sept 18, m Council mat norsuant to ordinanca. PrMitt President Xunn, t'uucilmen Dorris, Lucksy, Uih-u, Friendly and McCluug, Ke cordst and Marshal. Minute of lost meeting read and approved Finano eommittes reuorted favorabiv uimn the following bills and uin motion warrants were ordered drawn on the treasurer, for the several amounts, vis: J VY Clark, 13.75; W S Shaw, 13.80; A Donnovou. 13: James Warniuk. t M A O'liHen, U; Willamette Lumbering Associa tion, $17. ; Oregon State' Journal, $iOi; umtroner, I8.M. Street committee submitted a report upon matter of grading Charnelton street from Fifth to Eleventh street aud recommend the grading of said street only from Eighth to Eleventh street. Od motion of Frieudly re port was laid on table. On motion Recorder was Instructed to draw warrant on treasurer iu favor of K It HM lenbeck lor sunt of IJ00 W be applied on pay ment for grading of Seventh street, IVtition of Kobirison A Church et al asking that an ordinance be passed reoinvlnir all simis frosn over sidewalks and to regulate the mas ter ot placing obstructions rid the sidewalks wu read and upon motion referred to Judi ciary committee. Uuon motion rule were suspended and the following bills Were ordered paid! John Brown for service as special police, $3; W W Cochran, same as above, $9 Morton Blair, same, 13; J T Witter, sanle, $3. Following bills were read And referred to Finance committee! llodson k Yoran. M: R D BroWn. $ : G F Fanning, 12.75; A Goldsmith, SA cents; W H uk. aisoo. u I li. '!. II f '..n!... si. J M iiendricks, 00 cents; Will Lumber Asso ciation, l:"J.(f.'; A 8 Patterson, L7 Upon motion of Friendly chairman of street committee was instructed to advertise for bid for graveling Seventh Street from High to Madison streets, and Ninth street from Wil lamette to Charnelton streets. , Upon motion of MuClung it was ordered that the city surveyor be iustrur.ted to make a survey below the butt to ascertain the fall length and exiei:se of constructing a sewer. upon motion ni Mooning me, construction oi re nmivrns was oraereu w oe none i uiscre- tloh of Committee on Fire and Water aud on Streets. . . Upon motion of Friendly report of Street Committee Upon matter of grading Chanieltoh street was taken from table and adopted as read; Reshtttatlnn of H R Clark of office nf rilcht- watchman read and upon motion acesptud and placed on file. Upon motion F A Rankin was granted ii special ieniiit to construct a wooden addition to his Photo-Uallery within the city fire lim its. Applications froih the following persons for ffice of nixhtwatch were read: W W Scott, W II Ldekey and J N Blair and W W v'oohran. ' Upori million the ballot was spread and W W Cochran having received three otes was declared duly elected to said office. Mr Cochran took the renuired oath and Im mediately entered upoli the duties of his omoe. Upon m'otiert nf Bilyeii the Lane ('ounty Agricultural Association was granted the priv ileueof collectinir and unitlit all monevs de rived fro'ni license ddriug the coming week. Upon motlou aljonruvd. W; a Sll.tW, Iteoorder. AccinsT.!.LT KlLLKD. A Siditlifleld cor respondent writing to the Gua'ru (Id ler date of September 10th, 1888, saysi Lett evening a team stnppil t.t the gate of Mr iJrysnt usr this place, anil Ws shortly noticed by the women iu the home, hut nolhiiU thought of the raitt'ir as Mr Bryant was wiirlitiig n few yards away a::ro i the road lieifce it ,was thought the driver hail gomi to see him. How ever in a Ui iiioinent Mrs Bryant noticed something move In the w ;on li-d wlieu she ran to it and found Mr Michael Kiine, who lives in the tfeivllborhooil lying therein in au upconsciods state. The lady called for help Which wo responded to at once,' and the Un fortunate man was carried into the house ami sn examination1 made. It was found that he flail received a load of buckshot in his left arip', breaking the bone hear the shoulder Joint. He was very weak, and tne only words he spoke was, "Take rife hflu'le;" after which he lived only about one hour. His gun was found in the wagon with one barrel discharged. J t Is supposed that the lines oauxht one of the locks nf tne gun in some unaccountable manner And the gun was fired thereby. A gentleman heard the report of a gun a few minutes before the team was noticed. The decsosed leaves a wife and five children In a needy condition. Mr KlnVe was respected by all and his death is sincerely mourned by his .neighbors, who sym pathize with the widow and orphanod children. Additional Race. The following were the results of ths additional races at th Stats Firemen's Tournament last week: State As sedation Champion Iftce-lt-scues No 2 won in lf2.f, priie 250; Capitals, second, 12.'J, 1100; Eugenes, ):; . Hundred nnd flftt T.xnl fimt race Won by K Ray of Atoria, K Fer Hiison second, Dicf Patton and E Long, of Salem," W Martin of MeMinnville, nthef en tries. No tjnte. , Jlake and break coupling Usscues won, 118?. $2.1; Ku'gene, li'JO 1 10. lry hose test Resruef won, 4j seconds, $100; Bu'ger'e, Vl,W0;t Tigers 4G T-lff: Leb njn, Kjt- Rescues, won altogether,. 72!t; Tig-ers.'llK.-;? Ajert H L' Co, UM); Capitals, f 115; Eugenes,' ISO. The Astoria boy won seven of the eight tirstprue. Hop' Houm Boitsfkb. Ou Srinday morn fug last the hop house of Scott Yvallaoe, near Leng Station, eau'gh't lire and b'nrrieif to the ground With the entire crop raised upon a field of seven acres,' which will be in the neighborhood nf fofir thousand pounds. This at (he presout price nf hops vill represent considerable loss. -The fire is su'pp'ised to have originated from the furnace, and was' first seen breaking out through the roof. The building, furnace aud fixtures were iu sjired for S4U0, but there was no insurance upon the crop of hops Albany llorald. Horhi Thiep. liast Wednejslsy evening at about 8:30o'clock, MrWmDurant heard a suicious noise in his barn and at once went there when he found thatsomebiHly had on ed the barn door and cut the halter of one of his horse and taken it :Vay. He Jpmped on the remaining animal aVul rode out past the school house snd then returned home. He must have been close, upon the thief's tracks, a the horse returned to, the ham' in a few min ute with every indication of having been rid den. . . Out on MORf SfRnxiwit' From tf'.e Western Division. 819 Bush Strett, 8 F,of the National Surgical Institute, will ,fe at the Kt ('barbs Hotel, Eugene City, 0 t, 7th and 8tb; Miaiu's Hotel, Harrisb jrg, Oct lJth; and st the Revert House, Albany, Oct 11th. 18H4 Persons suffering f irms dneases ( I the spine, hip, limbs or any bodily deformity, paralysis, piles, fistn la, sexual o. chronic diaease should avail themaelve of this nportnnity, References given throughout the U 8. Consultation free.' Dwelliico Bi Riea Lst ITiurs'sy about midnieht the dwelling belonirinz it David Mo- I, .1 a II . L . I .. . t ' . " ' 1 IM. Ml M IT IL fclina nilin III L II I II at II 1 1 1: 1 III . WM (jestn-yed by firs. None of the content were MW9A y,, f,miiy h,in, j,ut tiD, k. .1,. nr,n .t..r indnv Ia 4-Yimi-n : . Tk. I. .....r..... 1 km al,. . lll.lll Wll C. j ii. m' fm UL'Vw4 UV III. t work of an Incendiary.' Lxne County Exhibitors. We Uke the following from Thursday' Ore gon Ian in' reference to1 Line comity (exhibitor at the State Fair: A M Osburue exhibits an imported Holsteln bull. N Humphrey xliilits two full-blooded Hoi stein heifer-, on two year old bull aud two calves. '.,,-, ., M Wilktns ol Eugene looks nut for the in tereatof I, vie county in the Krain and gnwu, and has fine exhibit of grains of all kiiule. The showing nf wheat, oats aud barley r'ni- sluts v almost every known variety, suU goes to show what can be raised in that line. Of wlieat there is Landreth, Red Chaff, Palestine-winter, Chili, t.'lub, Texas white, Scotch, Hudson Bay, Odessa, llig Club, White Vrl Vel. New Finland and Oregon winter. 0:lU Stotch Dunn, Whiteside, lllackside. Spring, llckberrv, Hamburg brewing, Standard malt. Barley l'lue Sirin;, Silver hull. , Also snm p'es of huclrwheatj white rye pess. corn, etc. Mr Wjlkins shows 100 vaiietie of grains and grasses for Lane county, and prove bow well, liuorted grasses, of Which he ha numerous seciinens thrive in ti Willamette valley. Among the miprte,d grasses he displays Texas bluegras. Winter bdtter, , Iiuiaiaua summer, Berrtiuda, purple Clover and winter, clover. The finest exhibit of grains and irasse ever niade u Oregon is that of George Beishaw of I.ane county and wo ralseii by Mr Beishaw this year n his. farm near Eitgeue. Mr Bei shaw took .the premium at the New Orleans World fair and also at Philadelphia for the best bttskel of spring wheat of any closS. or lo cality: also a ireminut at both expositions similsrly worded for the best winter wheat. Mr Beishaw exhibit 70 varieties ot wheat In straw, J of oat, ip trw, 3 of barley in straw, ana ou varieties ol gross. . Yesterday ho was awarded the . blue , ribbon for the best county exhibit In Oregoni ini hi line. , Hi display of whit wheat consists of the follow ing varieties .first, Scotch Fife, th wed of ...L..L t' ' t , . mil wiiicb was urougu inun miuuesuu. ine kernel Was nrlLrlnatlf red, but two Tears of careful handling 111 .Oregnh soil changed It to a white. Other varieties propagated from California, Chili club, spring beauty, fish pole, Australia crown chib. white chalf club, seven headed, Hudson bay, .Sonora, Canada club, moss white. Ion white. French, red chaff club, Keywirth Englaml, red chaff, New Z a land. Hue new wheat, vejvct chaff which took the premium at New Orleans, and Philadel phia; talcveie. Whitman county club, Claw sn long white, mammoth luiperial, ninety day hedge row, shot clubj goljen chaff, the d"al, sunset. Red varieties: Pultxa,, gixe wheat, Lancaster, Knglish red, (Xlessa and bearded amber. Lilt nf Letter Remaining uncalled for in the Tost Office at Eugene City, Oregon, Friday, Sept 17,1880: !ult. JC Maxwell, Mrs Mary Ittiverlv .Tidm l..lii..ma.u All. A If I'cll: James Ross, Mrs Alary Bunery, 8 V Smith. W H Hurton, Miss Mary 'l ownsend. J II Cloves,, Mr Mary Wood, Mrs H J Hall, OK. Wells, Mr Windsor (iieen, JH Wilson, Mrs Beltie Lnmberson; Trm WiKidcock, Miss Carrie Persons oiling for (he Same will please say advertised, civiug date uf advertisement I , . . . F. W. Osii'itRN, P. M. Noilce to Contractori. Sealed bids for Construction of reservoir,' Eump house and cistern will be received at he olfioe of the company up to Sept 30th, 1888. Plans and specifications will be ready for inspection by ooutraotors, Sept 2.1d. The Co reserves the right to reject any or all bhls, T. W. Smki.tiw, . ' President Eugene Water Co; delinrfuent Tax Notice". Notice is hereby given to, all owing tiises, now delinqitenti that the County Court at it late session ordered toe to collect the sains forthwith, 'this is therefor to notify all concerned that if they wish tosav cost they iiiiint oome forward at once arid pay the same or I will be obliged to proceed against, them legally. J. M. SloaA; Suerlil Lone Co. Sept 18, '1886. i" SrxctAL Oklivehy. I'ostm'aitor . Osbum has received instructions from the Poitulllce i)eprtiiient at Washington, DC; to the eirot that the special delivery system in re gard to letters and packages would, on Oct I, I Ml, apply to the Eugene olllce.' Mr Osburu ha made hi arrangements accord ingly. He says that upon the arrival of the ulorning and afternoou trains all lotters sitd packages arriving, stamped with the special delivery stamp, will be delivered at the residence ur plsoe of husine of the party to whom addressed, provided such place is within one milu of the postolliue. Parties wiehing Irittar delivered by this sys tem must be parlii iiW in writing the ad dress on the envelope or Packages plainly and iu full or they will not be delivered. Aimupukd' I.shane, Last Wednesday .los Dounntt, who live near Ooshen, was ex ailuneif before Judge Washburue, Prosecut ing Attorney Shaw add Medical F.inaniners Dr L F Jones and Abram S'harfilu tui the charge uf insanity. Alter carefully hearing the testimony the ifufortnnsto man wus found to i be fiisane. Tlitirsd.sy morning Hlicrtlf Sloan took the ii'iau to the Oregon lusauo Asylum at Salem. , COMMESDAPLI ITsTEItt'ttlHk. At til eal nest reqSiest of many of our best .farmers Mr If O Humphrey ha imported two fine Ken tucky Jacks which will probably srriv here in tiine to be seen at our county fair. Mr A C Brown' ha been III the Southern States during th past two months for the purpose and has no doubt secured good one. W uu- .tnrstaud that the Cost of the same is near WW. ., Ban EiJHNliD. A barn belonging to Mrs Siirsworth'.' who lives six hille west of Smith- field was borliml to the ground . Inst Hsturday morning at 2 o'clock, consuming machinery, hay, harness, chiickeiis, eta,' contained there in'. Loss alioiit 2,000; no insurauce; cause of fire,' unknown, , llACl AT Coos Hat." Last woek Dick Hayes' horse Bln'go run a half mils roc at Coos Bay against Maplewond the "crack" piirse of that sectjon. lliugo won the race and 1800 for his linn i county Packers. Mr If.iyes arrived home lost Monday ujU;Ii pleased with the result of fit race. Privatk School. -J1 B l'atteiwni'e private school will open Monday, October 4th, , lHtf, fu Rhiiiehart parlors. Pupils will be ier mitted to take such studies a they wih. A thorough jours of UoWeieity book keeping will be taught without etra eharge. State Uhiverhi'tV. This iustitutiou opened last Monday with Very flattering prospects. The atleudauce wo cousnlera bly larger tbau It ss one year ago ou the opei.ing day.., . New PosrornrE. -The Pt Orlic Depart ment ha established an otfici at Hale, Lane County, Oreifou.with (ieo 11 Hale a postmas ter. This otfist was much nwtled. lur. MaRXETS. The following r the lo cal prices: Wheat, 6T cent er buhel on booid th cars; oats, 0 oeut net; hot, nomi nal. Grakd 8TA.1D.-Tbe Fair A-sciation is build- Inir Lrnd stand on th race track. M St lin .' Mill has leased it for thre year. Gi bim a liberal patronage. To Farmer. Wanted to exchange a Piano for good stock sheep. Enquire of W B Aodrew,'st the depot, Eugene City. Personal. . " i , Mr A Barrows went to Portland Tuesday. fjt Campbell went to Woodburn Wednes day. The water is eitreihely low in the Wil lamette flyer. .Mr E K Henderson ha returned from Eastern Oregon. Prof Woodcock retiirri'eil borne Jrom Port land last Saturday! ( Miss lone Cranlill hasrettirned home fmirl Josephine county, Mr Harvey IliiLT has accepted a position on thsOJtCl.lt. Mr Ed Baum visited the metropolis this week on business. . Mr Gen W (jibsori of Crook county Is visit ing in Lane oounty. County Surveyor Collier Is on Lower 8ius liw surveying this week. Mr W It Watkins and family have moveJ to their farm south ot town! ( Mr J T Cardwsll ba returned from a visit to Califoruia and Navadxl Mr Frauk Maaon, of th Bide liver mines) was in town several dsye this week! . . ' ' I L f ,. M i ; i i Ceo Hill and family, ot Astoria, went ii Belknap Springs Thursday moruing. Mr Chas A Cole, of th Corvallis Chronicle iave this office a ploasant call last Monday! Senator It B Miller,, of Grant's I'm, pali Eugene a visit lost Tuesday and Wsdu'esday, Miss Alice Morgan is now in charge of the ladles' dcpsrtnicnt iu Matlock's store, Miu Cejis Goldsmith, who ha been visit iug in San Fratioiaco for some time, has re turned home! . Mr Lindsley Sparks! of Pendleton! is vis aing relatives aud friends lit Eugene aud vicinity, Mr Walter Cochran has been elected Night, , watchman vice (,'lark resigned. An excellent app lintment. Mr Ed White of Prinevillt, arrived here last Thursday evening on a visit to i datives and friends. Mr It li Clark', ex-iwlioemsh, rios accepted a place under L d dair,' at the depot! vice J W Bristow resigned. Mr S D Coats and fuihtly left for dran't - county the first nf the week where they wi'l permanently locate. One day this week Rev E 1 iicnderson went to Ashland! where he holies' th! .cliia'ln n cure from the tumor near hfs right ete, Mr Oahe Chrjsman came Koine from Ys- quina Day Tuesday, lie will .return again to the Bay this morning for a short sojourn. Messrs J W and Clif Cleaver started for Sodaville, Linn county, last Monday nieru- ing, where they went for the former's health! Mr J C Church and family left for St Louis,' Mo, to attend the Knight Templars conclave to be held iii that city, lost Salur! dsy. Miss Leiha McCornack aiid Faunie and Clara (jondoa have been visiting at the resi. deuce of Ooyoruor Moody iu Salem tins week. Mr P H Moore.' who has been visitina st' tlie residence ot her son, .Mr R M hfoore, nesr tjhjney, W T,' tor several, mouths put, returned to her home in Eilgeiie last Wed uosdsy. Ellis G ltu'ghes and wffe,' nf Porilanit,' re turned1 from the McMeniia Bridge last Wednesday, where (hey have bteo snendinff the past month, aud left fur their home Thursday morning1. Miss Cora Linn and Fletcher Linn.' nf Jack sonville arrived In Eugene lost Saturday nlominir. Miss Cora will visit relatives and friends here for several weeks and f letcher will attend the University during the year. l!uv I b Driver and family have taken! j . . . .( - f pilssessiuh of the M E parsnuage at East Poril.iud and he. occupied the nulnit nf that ohiitch for ths first of his official term., there on last Miiuiay, sua Dad large and apprecia tive audience. i Mr i M Mghswandcr of Sinplaw .wil lesfo next Monday to visit the old folks his boyhood's home, and revive the niemor ies of auld lang syne,' at Urban, Chsmpaigri county, Ohio, , Jle ,hss bees , away front there for 20 years. We wish him a pleasant trip. Messrs David Thompson snd family and Mr Orant Thompson and wife left f'or Har ney valley, Grant county,' last Tuesday They took with them quite a. little drove, of cattlt. 'Mf Orant Thompson has. Ioad mere, ami air xaviu inoiiiiioo "), pMi the w nter. wth him and if he like the country will settle in that sectiou. Geo W NfuHrule's health,' we are naiA'y to state, fs not near a' poor a ha b'oen repre sented. He is gradually inip'roylnd' and, w have no doubt, will be able to discharge the duties jof the olllce to, whicli ( he ha been elected; lie is the recipient .of the hearty good wishes of the entire ijta'te. St Helens Mist, Sept 11th. ' Mr B C Van floutcn,' Auditor of Spokane county, W T.spent lust Sunday and Monday in Eugene , visiting relative, and friend. Kvrnn has been renominated for the position of Auditor aud stands excclleut chances for re-election, lie is capable, honest and effi cient, and his many friends in Eugene are glad to hear of the confidence that has been reposed in him by the people uf Spokane county. ifi'iiAM Skelktox KourIi.- -While workmen were digging a sewer hole in the rear of Mr Samuel Swift's residence last Thursday after noon, they came upon a box chisely nailed, sn I ut onue it ruu through their mind probably a fortune wo contained in th same. They knocked the top of it off, when to their surprise and consternation, instead of a large amounted money they liebeld a well preserved human skeleton. After due consideration the bone were again placed in the box and rehuried. The skeleton is generally believed to be that of a man who a number of yean ago handed him self in the county jail, as it i a well kim n fact thst th body of that lierson was exhumed bv several physiolans, who bar since left hers, the night after hi burial by th authori ties. The Chrism ax Will Cahe. Th evi dence and argument of attorney before Judge Washborne, in the Chrismau will case, consumed five days this week. Th Judge has taken the com nuder advisement, and will give a decision in the near future. Accident. Wm Durant, Jr., while pitch ing hay in hi fathr's barn, last Thnrsday evening, in some mysterious manner rau oneof the tines of the pitchfork clear through l th ..luu nfhiaWs. It is a' Kaiua I v.i. v, vmttvm v -- - -- fill wound.