The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 12, 1886, Image 4

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Like father, like von. James G.
iJlaine, Jr., waa secretly married lant
week in New York ind returned im
mediately to Augusta, leaving his wife
behind biro.
Last Monday the election was held
in Maine, As usual it went Republi
can, but by reduced majority,
although Blaine nearly tore his tongue
out by the roots talking so hard.
The artesian well in Iowa still con
linueb to spout large quantities of wa
- ter. A channel has ben dug to con
duct the water into the Iowa river, and
the flow of water through the channel
has doubled the volume of water in the
Wednesday the Secretary of the
Treasury made another call for the re
demption of (lfl,OoO,O0O of three per
cent bonds. Thii last nil makes over
00,000,000 that has been called for in
the last 'two months. And suit our
Republican brethren are not happy.
Mr. Blaine says that the poverty of
wotkingrueu i due to the want of
protective tariff. He ih then auked to
ctplain why all the discontent of labor
lias arisen during the past twenty five
years of high tariff. He replies "Be
cause the Democratic party are op
posed to the tariff" Surely this is an
exhibition of logic that ought to start
the roof off ft madhouse.
.What is commonly known as the
'voluntary bond call," or circular of
Aug. 3d, issued by the acting Secre
tary, itforing to redeem uncalled 3 per
cent, bonds to the amount of $10,000,
000 if presented before Sept. 15th, has
been so moelifiod as to offer to redeem
nti! 'further notice, all 3 per cent,
ionds presented at the Treasury, at
far and with accrued interest up to
uate of redemption. The modification
VxtenQs indefinitely the amount of
bonds that may b presented and the
tratH within which they may be ro
Cottag Grove Items.
fraoMoua srsciALCoKUKMroNnsNT.
GutTAflC OaoVK, Sept 15, 1880.
(Dr. J. O. Whiteaker is in town.
Mr. Ed. Olseu's babe lias been quite
Mr. J, W. Gowdy was at Eugene
H hursday.
Mr. Charles Adams has gone east of
-the mountains.
Mr. J. K. HirreU was in Eugene
Thursday of last week.
Qute a number of Cottage folks at
tended the circus at Eugene.
Uncle Jas. Mo Far land, who has been
' dangerously sick, is thought to bo im
We had a heavy rain here Saturday,
Sept. 4th; two months and one day be
twoen showers.
The youngest son of II. C. Vtiatcli,
who acoidontally broke his arm, is gttt-
a! I 41. I
ting aioug unciy.
Weather warm ond has town very
smoky until this morning; tho utiiiotn
phere is quite clear. -
No items from us for two weeks; no
one to blame but ourselves, as we w il
. fully went hop picking.
Eakin i Brlstow are doing a good
, business, as people know whore to no
, to get what they want; the keep a
good supply of almost everything need
ful, Mr. O II Wallace bus just completed
the burning of a kiln of one hundred
thousand brick, which, am to be used
in erecting the Whipple Bros, new
store and Dr. J.'W. Harris' drug store.
Hop pickers are returninj; homo and
have a few dollars. We hope to hear
hereafter of whites leing employed to
pick hops, as there aru plenty of people
ready and willing to pick them at lib
eral wage, and keep the money at
Jtome and the Chinamen out,
Slander on Oragon.
Springfield IitnH.
September 17,
We noticed several commercial men
en our streets this week.
Mrs Millican and her companion
have been visiting at the ntttirenc of
Mrs Lyons.
Pengra, Wheeler & Co are doning
out their stock of dry goods at 50 cts
on the dollar.
Levi Linder finished picking his hops
yesterday. The yield was not as Urge
as he anticipated.
Marion Judkins and family are
moving into the pursonage, where they
will probably remain until the close of
A fight occurred on our streets not
long since but tio arrests. J3oys, you
are violating two of the commandments
when you light on the oabbatlk
MrLafo Wilmot and Mrs Linder,
who have been quite sick, are both im
proving and we trust will soon regain
their usual health.
Mr Marion Judkins, of Eugene, as
principal, and Miss Carrie Walker of
this place an assistant, will teach the
public school beginning bept it th.
A large and attentive audience lis
tened to a very able discourse on last
Sunday evening at the M E Church,
delivered by Eev Mr Booth, tho new
Methodist minister in charge. We re
gret that Mr B cannot bring his family
among us.
Some unknown party entered Mr
Wheeler's bed room hst night and
helped himself to over forty dollars in
cash. Ihe thief was certainly
shrewd one, as Mr Wheeler had tuken
the precaution to place the purse con
taining tho money under his pillow,
We have been informed that the
City Council at its last meeting ordered
about a thousand ynrd of new side
walk, a tliiuir much needed. . There
will be between five and ten thousand
feet of lumber needed for crosswalks,
which the city will have to furnish; let
lumbermen look well to this as the
Street Commissioner will buy lumber
where he can get it for the least money.
We hope the petition circulated in
the vicinity of Junction for the release
of Harry Abrams, (Dr : BrownWs
murderer) did not cet a single name
asking for his pardon. But if Harry
Abrams should be pardoned we beg to
offer this suggestion! That the people
petition His Excellency.Unv Moody, to
open wide the prison portals and say to
the convicts "depart in peace. '
How Me Caught Some Coons.
CoTOTK, Sept 14, 18G,
Talk about fun nn a farm. This morning at
three n clix:k Y M Nighswandur took hid bai
ter mpe ami dog ami started to the pasture to
catch up a unrne. At the lower eiul ol the
pasture hU don nlforeil buttle to a coon which
Waa accepted and at it they went. Finally
the nog began to get the best of it ami the coon
Waa squealing when another comi came to ita
aid and turned the tide of buttle against the
dog. F M run up to amist the dug and as lie
ai rived stepped in a hole and fell on top of the
cninbattauU. For the next Hve minute the
air waa full of arm, legs and tail. Then the
buttle caused unit K M rise to a sitting pnsi
t'on and wined the sweat .from his heroic
brow and gouged the dirt from Imk left eye. sur
veyed the tu'ii coons expiring and one
dug hit on the Imad and neck and the leg f F
M scratched snine. Y M claims tohave helped
the dog some by fulling the heaviest on the
coon on top. N. Kxtsnsion. V A Hunter has
just rettirned from the railroad front ut Soda
Springs from whom we obtain the following
railroad news. The trains now run to Cedar
Flat one and a half miles' helnw Uncle .Dick's:
where all freight are discharged. 'I he end of
the t.-nck Ih now at a point a half mile below
Dick a. J hey are buililinir the road aa fust a
men and money will ln it. Fred White'
right of way gang moved to jStmwherry valley
the 7th lust, .loe Hind's narU of locutiin; en-
giueers are at Simon', A great many men
have quit lecaui of the danger to life from
falling rocks, li) t'hinameii and A white men
have leen killed. "Jveutuck was recently
killed by a flying rock from a Mast. A 45
pound rock struuk the shop in. which Mr hun
ter waa working. It crushed throinrh the wull
noising between him and helper, landing be-
ween thefoive ami bellows, hurviinr itself IS
nchealnlhe dirt 'floor, throwing dirt and
plinter all over them. Small lin k Were con
stantly striking around them rendering life to
uncertain that our intormant nnit the nine.
There are 18 iron bridge! on tho line of the
railroad crossing the S.icrainento river, 15 of
which are now completed, lirading is now
progn-Miiig on the double loupea where the
m.ul ruisDs mit of the Sacramento river canyon
uxm which there la one trestle 80 feet, and
and another 110 feet hight, both of which are
s.-na tin "liijf Canyoit." Grnut'a Pius Cour. I
ler. . ,
Citt Thassfkrs. The , following
transfers of city properly have been re
corded in the County Clerk's office since
our last issue: F E Patterson to
Samuel P Wilson, house and lot ih
Shaw'g addition; consideration $900,
Geo D Dorris to School District No 4,
land in Eugene; con nominal. Ella
Burbridge and 8 Whitmore to W II
Abrams and J O Church, fractional lot
in Eugene; con flCO. Searles Bros to
Jos Davis, lot in O T addition to Eu
jjenf ; con ?170. J B Harris' to 8 W
Condon, two lots in Harris' addition to
Eugene; con $375. JC Lawrence to
Emma Lawrence, two lots in Packard's
addition; con $350.
Hack Horses. A Mr. Cleveland
arrived here from Jackson county with
two race horses which he has in train
ing for tlm County Fair races next
week. We learn quite a number of
horses will bo here from the State Fair.
' "T T "I? T- Tf "t Vr w I
The 5th Animal Fair
Eugene City, "
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday,
-September 22, 23, 21, 25, 1886.-
The fine stock of Lane County will be In at
tendance. Large omplay ol farm produce
the pavilion.
An excellent race track hat been built and
exciting trial of upeeil are expected.
Season Tickets Gentlemen, 81; Ladlea, R0 eta.
ALIjK.N VVISV, President
E. M. DAY, Secretary.
L east of Creaiwell, 11 miles south bf
KagtM, containing G8D acres, I now oiler for
sale at a bargain. This is a fine location
with sood improvement, well adapted to
both stock railing and farming.
lloHt'oi Knox,
Crewwell, Or.
Storage! Storage !
Farmers are hereby notified that -
Adjofnliiar The O. and V. It. Depot
.ill new uprii itriue
.Storage r
Hops! Qats!
Wool! & Barley
pa iniuisnioQ o)
Joj Xououi viS
eonpoau a no A Znuj
Notice for Publication.
soli. Sent 18. lWi.
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named settler nan hied notice ol Mil intention
to make final jinx.f in iniiport of his claim, and
that said proof will le made before the Judge
or Clerk ol the County Court of Lane County,
t 'regon, at Kujjene City, Oregon, on Saturday,
Oct 23,, viej dollies K 1' Baniett, Home
teail Kntry o 4444, for K of NKi.g W
of aKi, and N K i of 8 Hi. See 13, Tp 20 8,
U 4 Went W M, He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
Upon, ami cultivation of, said land, vix i 8
Harris, O E Harri-, K W Veatch, J Frost, all
ol CotUye, L,ane County, Uregon.
t'HAB, W. JohnoToit,
Referee's Sale.
XI by virtue of an order uf the Circuit Court
of the Mate ol Oiegoit, fur Lane Couuty.dul
made at the reuular April term thereol
I8HG, I will oiler for sale at pnlilio auction.
at the Court House rtonr in hugeue City,
uregon, on Monday, tho ..un day ol Ucto
lier, 18bb, between the hour of 9 o clock I
m and 4 f. clock u in of saiil day, the follow.
ing described . reul pMtierty. towit: The
south half of the donation laud claim of
James Ly tie, dciwaseil. being the north half
of section 30, Tp 18. 8 1( 3 W. in Lane
County, Oregon, and containing 323 60-100
acres, Also the following: tiexmtiing at
the 1 post of south line of sec 30. To 16. 8 R
3 W. thence west 30 elm, alienee north 40
uhs, thence east 30 che. thence south 40 chs
to place ol begiiuitng, in Unn C'ountv. Ore
gon, and cimiainiog 120 tows, touether with
tne teui-inunts and appurtenance thereunto
K-longli,g or in anvwioe npuertainiuii.. Said
amis will be sold in tracts or parcels or all
together aa may lie deemed best at time of
Turin nf side cash) gold coin in hand.
Dated this 11th tiuy of Sent, 18S6.
S. B. Kakih, Jil,
Sole Referee.
I Bii.yku ami u. fli Dei R (tin, Attys.
.o " tu.v.ui U1VX.1 1IIAI
11 tne uuilernlL:nU. .lerrv IIhv Kn hr.
i... !. ' i i .r' . :.
j .mo i-imiuj vyiHin in ijitie county, ure.
gon, duly appninled administrator of the
estate nf John Valentine, deceased, and all
persons having claims against said estate are
ncreiiy nntilied to present the same duly
verified to aid administiator, at his store in
llairislmrg, Oregon, withiusix month from
the date of this nntioe.
Dated Sept 11, 1SS8.
Jkriiy Hav, Administrator.
BlLVKP A; Col.l.lKH. Attv.
Xotlce for Publication.
From Oregon oomut the following d
ly nnploaaant prophecy:
Prof K P Ilamniiind forctolli terrific
yolonea, earthquakes' and turnadov for Sep
86th. 27th and 28tb.
Now, would it not be well for these sensa
tion sexrs to let up on this tort vf thing
for awhile, at least Nervousness ia killing
weak and excitable people in the South.
What it th us of adding to the evil by
making prophecies which may or may not be
faltilUd! THom who inak these startling
prediction claim that they wish to give
timely warning, so that ommnnnitie inu-r-ted
may reef their topsails. Hut th use
. leasne of th propheuiv lie in the fact that
nnt petipt put nu faith in them, aud those
who do ara just th one who shouldn't.
'Will Wiggiua, lUiiunoiid and th rt of
them kindly keep uiut until th chock of
th rJnt tarthipiak ha lost aom ot it
fleet J on th nerve of th publio at arg,
W Y World, Sept 7th.
AD peraoo indebted to E W Whipple k
Jlro'a, ithr by not or book account mill
tlea call aud settle th same. Our stoi
is bmed nod w ma it collect th moor y
! us.
K. V. WBirrLi A Bhos.
CotUg Groya, Fb 23, 1SW. 1
As Acvidkst. Last WpJiu-sday
rtft crnoon wbilo Grautluia McOord waa
on a Ntcp lutldfr, about ton fuel liigli,
picking applpa, th ladder ffll over
hurling tlm old lady to tlm ground with
mui-h forco. Nplglibora happened to
notice the accident and ran to her aid
and carried her into :ht residence. For
a time she was uncoimcious, but Boon
recovered o a to be ablo to talk. Dr
Sharplea was called and aaya Im thinks
tlm old lady will bo aa well aa evwr in
a few wo'ka.
Watkb Works. Mr. Clias, of Cor
allis, hits leen employed by tlm Water
Company to locn'.e their works aed
preparo plans and apeciticntions. The
gentleman lias Uen busily enj;!tfil in
the work here all week.
Th beauties of th "Kfvat palladium of
liberty" were r-illu.trated thi week in a
can tried in th Circait foort Kleven
men thought on way and nue man thought
eleven ways, and though th twelve staid
out hour, neither th eleven
could conviuce th on nor th on the
eleven, and to they were discharged, and
th litigant will hav a big kill of cost to
pay for nothing. Three man are nnnnh for
a jury 1 decide. The present law ina "relic
of barbarism" and ouuht to be I .ttrn rid nf
a speedy as possible. It is strange how long
sensible people will cling to an i.otrfeus
custom because it is oKL-TenJIetun East
Oregon lao.
Lakh Orricis at Itosr.Bt:an, Ob., I
Sept. 8, 188U- f
ll the following naiiiod ittli. h.. lill
nonce oi in intention to make final proof In
support nf his claim, aud that said proof will
lie made Mure the Register or Keceiver of U
S band Office, at Koseburg, Or, on Monday,
?ov 1 LSSti, via: Jame K Bay, Pre-emption
H S. N'o 4.M9, for the 8 i of 8 W I N E f Of
S W and N W f S E , 8eo s Tp if. S
RUNVet, WM. He names th followihg
witneaae tn prove hi continnom M.,.n.
upon and cultivation of said I land, vis: L C
jiaenv, ivooeri vannerrwig, frank Cowden,
Inaac Cowden, all of Florence, Ie,ne county.
Oiegon. Chas. W. .Iohnrtow.
a TTTTTirarTrrnn
1v gms 0 soouct
Brick! Brick! Brick!
hand. Will exchange brick for all kinds
of farm produee. Kiln and rehidetice at Wal
lis Butte, two miles West of Eugene. Brick
delivered immediately nn receipt of order.
JO. UK.llU'OKl).
A. V. Fetera, Agent, Eiuteue,
Ml' III.
(OpjiosiU Baker' Hotel)
Just opened, will sell you more
Gliiss Ware,1
Croekey Ware,
Cigars, Etc., Etc.
For your money than any other house in
' Country Produce Wanted.
Good oVliT.rti to any part nf the city.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orcgoo
lor cane County.
Chas Kohn and Xaphtatl Kobti,
partners, doing business under the I
linn uame of Charles Koho k Co. J
A A Berry, .Jtoua Perry, James)
nerry, Aeine Berry, rc toiiiirtv.
and Ceo Itrouuscvin, partnel-ii, do
ing hiisiues under the rlrni nnmo
of E Uolinsky & Co., Julius .Sul
tan, doing bunnies under tlm linn
name of .Julius iSultan 3c Co..
Joseph Bremer, doing bu- inen
under the hrm name of Joseph
Bremer ft Co., John Hriickman,
1 A Milliorn, Ivouis Salomon, ad
ministrator of the estate of J II
Berry, deceased,
To E Golinsky, Geo Bronn.teiii, Julius Sul
tan, Joscpli rirrinnr and John liuckman,
uciBiiii.iiiu aoove named i
. Oregon you ara hereby reouired to au
pear td answer the complaint now nn tilt
Kt you in me aoove entitled court in
the above entitled auit, on or before the first
lay ot the next regular term of siad Court.
to be begun aud huldnn at Kuuone Citv. in
said County, on the ilrst Monday of Novum.
her, A l 1S8G, said Hist Monday being the
.J-.. ..f XT . ... " . ..
ui uav in ixiveiiiuer. ipa . and it von Im
appear and answer said complaint the plain-
tm win appiv HI Bald ClUl t tor t in r..h,.f
lemauded in said complaint, to-wit- P.,r a
judgment and decree iu favor of pluiutilTs for
tne turn ol SiOJ 00 the amount due on the
promissory note e xe. ulid bv said J H Bur-
ry and the sum of s7U attoruev le and f,r
j . . .
a necreo or said Court lorecloung the plain
till' certain mortgage deed in said complaint
alleged and set forth and that the
gaged premise in said mortgage described
a follows, to-wit: commencing at the 8 E
corner of N E J of the N E J of Section 11,
rnuning thence 50 rod West, thence North
40 rods, thence East 50 f ids. thence .Smith
to the place of beginning and the N of S E
ot the fl K of Seo 17. T 15 S H 4 W
Also Jot No. 6. 6 and 1 in Rlnk
40, in Junction City, Lane county, Oregon,
b told aa by law required and the proceeds
thereof be applied to the payment of plain
tiff mortgage debt of 8702 INK aud th fur.
ther nm of J70 00, attorney fees, alleged
to be due and ewing plaintitla iu said suit in
eompiaint, and that all subsequent
to f
That tlio CHEAPEST place
Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hats,
Boots and Shoes, jj
-18 AT-
P S. HaVO also just renaV
from New York Oity a lam I
voice of LADIES' CLOAKS. W
Is Selling OUt His Entire Stock of Oood
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Dolls, To
Albums nnH nil TrinHa T?o,J
iNouons, uanaies ana JNuts.
Call early and secure bargains at
-E. Bawin?s Confecilonery Storji
One door North of St. Charlos Hotel, Eucrppo City, Or.
I will devote this Fall to Gloryr
nuy mau. woman or CJUIO. naw
a dollar to spend can save ten cec
of it by calling on me this season.
I will carry a mammoth stookl
everything complete in my lineM
will guarattee to you, mv frient
that I will save you money.
Give ma cl call and see for vourselves. "Dee
are Mightier than Words."
M the Old I.X.Lk
Continue to Exchange Merchandise nf all
Kinds at the Lowest Cash Prices for Cash orMerchii
rroauce o; any land at the Highest Cash him
. Give them a trade
Continue to furnish Lumber, Lath and Shing'
o oraer at the lowest current rates, delivered
he Mills, on board cars, or at Eueene Citv,
Leave your orders with d. M Hp ks. m
- . . , - - w - . . - w W E
ai tAjgene Uity, or send to the Mills direct,
Continue to pay the highest prif
n uasn lor wheat at their Mill,
to furnish flour and feed at t;
owest market rates for Cash.
SSS.atte attention to Exchange and Custom GriA
from any iuterest, K in or chum in or to said
mortgaged premises, and for uch other re.
lief aa may be equitable iu said suit.
Thi luinmnns is published by order of
Hon K 8 Bean, Judge of said Court, w hn.h
said order was made at Chamber on the 31st
day of Angust, 1886.
BiLvr.f k Collier,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
the undrrsigned, Elualieth Tavlor, has
been by the Comity Court of Lane'Cuuntv
Oregoo, duly anpoiuted administratrix of the
estate of Eber Taylor, deceased, and all per
tun having claims against said estate are
Hereby notiaed to present the same duly
verified to th said administratrix, at the
law offio of Bilveu k Collier, in Eugen
City,Orgtn, within six month from the data
Dated Sept 11, 1886.
Elizabeth Taylor, Administratrix.
BlLTIU k ColllKR, Attys.
IUmemlwr, yoi can purrhax Justices
tlank summons, civil smd criuiinl snlipnriian
and eomplainU at th UvAau offiv at Portland
SURVEYING. Farmers of lane
Hilf'l. trrailes anil ilruina (A r V.r. It'
aJ measurwa ami iliiiilcl.
evened. Kates reanonabU VI1 .. . -
Ililyeuan,lCll,Vror l.ave won It i, r..i. ' repaired in go.d ...ape .n -
uirn gr.un ana prouuoe anu u
M- il':n....j r-- a. elf.-
ami iiiuiu .iiuviee, ill lew. - r.
ship wheat at the old rates. 0'L
we have kept the price of sturtf "
per cent fir vou for many J" (
owe it to our bouse ti fill it. W",
do it. U H An
.T C. Ptns(t1'
nack k Collier's bmikstnre.
,OM.lKH.rn.,nt. Surveyor.
Notice For Publication.
Land Orrice at Kohebci
ho. Or.. 1
A .... IA '
XI the following named settler haa filed no
Uce of her intention t- make final proof in snp-
Miss E. J. Lew
rtl' : AtJn; h s'P,wrth. widow of f
John Svsworth dee'd. Ibiniestewl Cltim N J
ne names the fnllowing witnesH-s to prove her f
continuous resilience npon, and cnltivati..n " "
w H-n-le,S S ::.netw S fTIEN YEARS EXPERIEXfE ,
ennr. n m' FrankliD. Lane 1 All work gu.iranteed to S,"'7f
eonnty, Oregon.
SHPTn W.r .tnr. of I
CHA3. W. J0H5STOM, RciUter.
WillametU street.