The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 12, 1886, Image 3

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    .EGON NEWS.'
, a scarcity of horses in Lufiiy-
a for Clatsop county this year
; i on the dolUr. '
wberg, Yamhill county, fair,
e on the L'oM and continues
mers around Prineville are anie
ns a bushel for ouU and barley,
- w heat.
liy, while visiting at Jefferson
, was thrown from a wagon and
hkle fractured.
. T. Branch, of Georgia, has ac-
0 chair of mathematics in the
nil college, Corvalli.
tingis abont finished through
irthwest. It has been a most
Keason for the farmers.
Griffith, who was recently
Lacon, I. T., was formerly a'
Salem and had relatives at In
eft,. ."incent, a well-known and re
tizun of. Table KocW precinct,
inty, was killed in a runaway
ast week.
Icffner, aged 17 years, was
1 ist week in the Long Tom a
lance above K. V. Howard's
Imira. lie was running lugs
fa boom.
eek, while a little fellow six
age, son of Mr. Lindsey, at
ity, full on a small knifo so as
I to enter at the heart, and the
v died almost instantly,
r.llett, of Dilley, reports a yield
!ive bushels .of wheat to the
mty-two acres of beaver-dam
Hory is duly attested by the
the entire crew of threshers.
J. L. Cowan, of Albany, has
pg at the residence of the
lii li promises to mature equal
as in the sunny south, lie
aton plants uliHOHt ready to
ho: The Umpqua river rail
t moves ahead in good slmpe.
funds have been secured to
He survey, and it is hoped to
surveyors in the field within
uman says that there is now
t'lird Salem a constant stienm
licveti, mckpocketn, confidence
biers, long-haired men and
d women, and the scum of
irings of civilization.
Ue is active at Yaquina Bay.
1 to be the result of the visit
.-if the Northwestern railroad
,'robably the $75,000 appropri
tad a material effect on the
jperty in that section.
Leader: W. W. Brannin, of
1 realize this year foOO from
torn crop. It is a wonder
ll-corn is not raised in Uma
, as it grows well, pays bet
heat and is easy to cultivate.
k C. Buell lias been appointed
superintendent of tiie Oregon
:ilroad, vice Mr. II. V. Gates,
Mr. Gates will remove to
Oregon where he will take
" jhe Oregon Pacific construe-
de Gazette: There seems to
mce of opinion in regard to
of Carpenter by his step-son,
t Bully creek, last week, some
nit it was an accident, while
k it was a cold-blooded mur-
Wallowa Chieftain: A man
lie of Neal, aged about 00, and
ed Nichols, aged 14, of Prairie
k McUully's stage on Friday
tnde, where they boarded the
iaho, in order to be made one
hoco Review says that Phil Ver
ity creek, sold out and gave his
J and one of the children, tak
'.her and $15,000, and left for
nown. His action is a surprise
ple generally, as he was a very
S business man.
leader; A Mr. Lemon and an
ileman whose name we did not
l of Missouri, have been in
week preparing for the coming
sixty families of immigrants
ouri. They have chosen a
He river for a catnp, and the
I at once come to the camp.
:em will buy land and others
'Vernment laud in this county.
fegdo of rock salt was discov
i.tly near Helena, Montana.
Ieadow lake mines, in Nevada
ventcen men are engaged in
hiill, and four or five men are
m the woods. There is said to
15,000 tons of rock on the
lii-li it is claimed will net $10
flock ranch of J. M. Bentley,
. mtains south of Pendleton, a
.ine has been found. Several
the rock have been taken to
n and found to contain gold in
juantities. Great excitement
rospectors recently returned to
y from a prospecting tour in the
iver mountains and claim they
d a basin as rich in mineral as
basin, and located east of War
!iey named the place Yellow
n, and claim that they washed
with their hands during the
"hen snowed in. They have
with more provisions to thor
" apect the country. .
any Herald says : A mong the
eived in this city Wednesday
regon Pacific railroad, was a
aher consigned to J. Riddle, at
s. It was a new variety of
ii, resembling very much a
d Missouri steam washer. It
of a large hollow wheel with a
5 roller inside, which takes the
te stamps in an ordinary quart!
ago a watchman detected two
1 robbing the sluice of the Bald
unit mine in Nevada county,
wveral shots at them. The
the badly decomposed body of
an was found near the mine.
J and feet were eaten off by
ther river has recently been
So a tunnel excavated at a point
to, Cal. The tunnel is large
f allow its entire volume to
K'h it. The bed of the river for
iies has been drained perfectly
as method, and tb gravel at
p la said to be exceedingly neb
In Alturas county, Idaho, hogs aro dy
ing of cholera.
Hog cholera h.w apjiearcd near Elmira,
Solano county, Cal.
The total assessment of Los Angeles,
Cal., is IM.THS.OOO. , ,
A scheme is on foot to build 100 cot
tages for rent in Santa Crui.
The average price paid for wool in
southern Idaho this year was 18 cents.
Work has been begun on the postal
telegraph line at New Westminster.
The 0. R. A X. depot at Farmington
will be an exact duplicate of the depot at
Baker city.
Vineyardists in most sections of the
Sonoma valley complain of the grape
crop being short.
Artesian wells have been sunk near
Battle mountain, Nevada, that yield a
good flow of water.
A shower of frog', extending over three
miles in one direction, fell in Big Flat,
Siskiyou county, lately.
The discovery of gold on Wilson Peak,'
in the Sierra Madre, has created consul
able excitement in that section.
Residents in the vicinity of Stein moun
tain state that not less than 40,000 head
of sheep will be wintered there this year.
A company of surveyors have com
menced work on the ex ension of the San
Francisco and Noith Pacific railroad to
The machinery erected in the Iron
Mountain miuo, in Shasta county, at a
cost of $120,000, is to be removed to New
Henry O'Httle was lost on the desert
near Silver Teak, Nevada, recently and
was found dead sitting by a clump of
Tho Chinese who were evicted from
the Treadwell mine, have been returned
and they went to work without meeting
In a dance house at Warden, I. T.,
Thomas Foy thot and fatally wounded
Webb Leisher. Foy lied and bus not
yet been captured.
The sheep interests in southern Idaho
have increased so rapidly during the past
few years as to seriously interfere with
some of the ranges heretofore occupied
exclusively by horses and cattle.
Tho river water at Sacranento is now
acarely at all discolored. It is said to be
almost as clear as ut the mouth of Feath
er river where it is uncontaininated by
hydraulic mining wash.
The Cceur d'Alene Navigation Co., of
Idaho, is making arrangements for the
navigation of the lake and the river dur
ing the winter. An iron barge for the
crushing of ice will be built.
The number of wcros in hops in the im
mediate vicinity of Healdsburg is about
150. The yield per acre will be about
1800 pounds, ana the cost per box for
picking, white labor, $1.25 a hundred
"Keep out of this water millin patcho"
is a signboard nailed to a farm fence a
little east of Brighton, Cal. Some wag
turned tne board over and wrote there
on : "Take one," and the poor farmer
is almost bankrupt in consequence.
The Santa Monica, Cal., H'tir vouches
for the truth of a story that a resident of
that place recently opened a watermelon
on the dinner table, whereupon a large
and lively rattlesnake issued thence, to
the great consternation of the diners.
Water being scarce, some Chinamen
who own a garden at Austin, Nev., con
cluded to sink a well. They 'struck a
ledge of ore which assayed $.'J50 a ton,
and are highly elated over the unexpec
ted find. They are now in a quandary
what to do whether to work the mine
and let the garden go, or work the gar
den and let the mine go, or sell out.
Union county has commenced suit
against the Pine Creek road commiss
ioners for $(000 and to restrain them
from paying out $8000 to the contractors
the county claiming that the road has not
been built according to contract. Much
feeling is caused by this action.
A man giving his name as Thomas
Reeves was recently taken to the resi
dence of J. F. Lovelace, at Damascus,
where he was left. He claimed that a
young man and three others had drugged
liini and robbed him of a $1000 certificate
of deposit on the First National bank of
Portland. Reeves was brought to Fast
Portland and left at the Rivcrsido hotel.
He is a railroad engineer.
WaHliliiatou . errMory.
The tax levy of Walla Walla county
for all purposes is only 12) g mills.
John Gilhaus, a farmer livimr about
seven miles west of Sprague, fell in a
well and broke his neck'.
In Spokane county, the taxation for
territorial, county, school, road and
bridge purposes is 19 mills. Poll tax, $4.
Ezra Leaning, of Kittitas county, W.
T., this year raised a cucumber which
measured four feet five and one-half
inches long.
The Ellensburg Localizer says there is
a fine opportunity on the Wenatchie for
any one who would like to build a saw
mill in that country.
The crops of Yakima county are unus
ually good this season. It is estimated
that the wheat crop will reach fully 00,
000 bushels this year.
The taxpayers of Stevens county are
to vote on the proposition to levy an 8
mill tax to build a court house and fire
proof vault at Colville.
Whitman college has just received
from its eastern solicitor, Rev. Dr. Bar
rows, $700, the last instalment of a fund
for the erection of a young men's hall.
Farmers in the Wenatchie country
have built a ditch eight or cine
miles lone, carrying 400 or 500 inches of
water. The landhich will be irrigated
is said to be of excellent quality.
An effort is being made to have a tele
phone line from Tacoma to Puyallup.
Seven hundred dollars is the necessary
sum. Puyallup has raised it half and
Tacoma is considering the matter.
The people of Ventura, Cal,, are going
to try a novel experiment in sprinkling
the streets with crude petroleum instead
of water. It is thought that oil, after
two or three sprinkles will lay the dust
for months. The experiment is looked
for with much interest.
A Los Angeles, Cal., paper, having no
appreciation of the beautiful, complains :
"There are too many artists here, and
not enough tillers of the soil; too many
people trying to paint sunseU and pic
turesque scenes, and too few who are
willing to set out vines and plant orange
; trees."
Faets About R.rh aat Delightful Per
fumes Natural ami Flrtltlnu.
Choice perfumes may be considered
as belonging to ' three classes the so
called bouquet" perfumes, those that
are the simple odors of the flower
whotie Dames they bear, and those Ilia'
jy delicate art employ such combina
tions and blending of various odors as
together simulate perfectly the perfume
of come particular llower.tlie real odor of
which is so evanescent and delicate that
it can not be caught and fixed by any
process jet known to science. Of the of these, the representative one
that most readily occurs to my mind at
present, is the Edina." Tho' inventor
of that perfume was no less than nine
years in bringing it to perfection, and
when it was done he was so justly en
thusiastic over it that he declared that
"in it art was glorified and nature
eclipsed!" All these bouquet perfumes
are made by various blending of tho
rexilts of the cntleurago process the
extracted odors of violet, jasmin, tube
rose, rose, orange flower nndcaasic to
gether with mu.ik.oilof roc, oilofylang-
lang and ambergris as a tixateur. Ono
or unother of these may ho left out of a
special blending, but that is the open
field for selection. The enfleurngo pro
cess consists in,
th, nly spread on glues frames, to tho
presence of tho flowers, until it has
taken their odor from them. That is
dime by manufacturers In tho valley , of
tho Yur, in the south of Franco, where
vast fields of sweet-smelling flowers aro
grown for this purpose. Alcohol after
ward takes up all the perfume ffom the, mid tho perfumed alcohol is
h hat is used in making the extracts for
the toilet. It is in the grease form that
the perfumes aro imported to this coun
try. Other tixatcurs than that which I
have mentioned aro employed, such as
iritiii benzoin and gum tolu. Tho prov
ince of ambergris is to blend and de
velop perfumes, to give them a lionio
genitv, as it were, lis natural smell is
not pleasant, being more like that of a
damp cellar than anything else. It is
found in the spermaceti whale, is an in
d. cation of an abnormal and unhealthy
condition of that creature, and is sup
posed to 1h a product of indigestion.
Nevertheless it is a requisite fortho per
fumer, and nothing else can take its
Doubtless the nicest art of tho per
fumer is shown in the perfect simulation
of the odors of certain flowers, the real
perfiimo of which can not bo caught.
Such a (lower, for instance, is the lily of
the valley; yet thero is a perfume named
after that flower, the cntrnncingly
sweet ordor of which is tho perfect re
production of nature's work, so far as
tho smell goes. Tho reproduction of
such a simulant perfiimo is sometimes
the work of years. It can only b2 car
ried on when the flowers themselves aro
in perfection for purposes of comparison,
for a scent can no more bo accurately
remembered than it can bo analyzed.
And even when tho time is propitious
tho artist compounder must often lay
asido his work forduystogether, because
his olfactories grow "weary, temporarily
vitiated and unreliable. Two of our
most delightfully sweet flowers that
grow upon our continent, the magnolia
and tho tea olive of Georgia and Ala
bama, have never yet been perfectly
simulated in perfume, though thev have
been tho subjects of almost countless
experiments. Again and again the ex
act odors have been caught nnd lost
again tho moment that tho necessary
tixatcurs for retaining them were added
to the alcoholic compounds. Of course
they w;ll bo won some day, but when
tlie'v do they will have" been well
earned. Uuti Timet.
S:,Kln; IWnd will) the Soldier Alter tlie
Unit Hat tie or Hull Hull.
Without attempting to record with
any degree of conseeutiveness the occur
rences that followed each other like the
quick reports of a Catling gun, I will il
lustrate tho simplicity of Abraham Lin
coln's character, and tho singular 1 ick
of what we recognize as discipline, that
obtained in those days, by an incident
mnicdiately after the battle of Bull Kun.
It was either tho day after the biittlo of
Bull Run, or tho day succeeding that,
a bright, beautiful day in the latter
part of Jul v, lxtil, when General Mc
Dowell's troops were drawn up somo
distance from Washington, that Pii si
lent Incoln and Secretary of State
Seward visited tho encampment.
The soldiers were what were known
as three mouths' men. Their time had
expired prior to tho battlo of Bull Run,
but with 'an esprit that was characteristic
of the times, they decided to remain,
and did so, sharing in the great drawn
lighf, known throughout all time as the
tit-sit battle of Bull Run. Tho troops
were drawn up by companies, the Presi
dent, standing 'in his carriage, Mr.
Seward and General McDowell not far
off, addressing them, thanking them
for the loyalty which led them to re
main rather than return to their homes,
complimenting tlnni upon their gal
lantry under tire, and, in the name of
the Nation, assuring them of the re
spect and regard of tbeirfellow-citizcns.
That's all very well. Imagine the
scene that followed. Drawn up in
double line, face to face, stood the
troops. Leaving his carriage, the Presi
dent of the United States started at the
head of the line, and, with a God bless
yon to each, shook hands right and left
with every man until he reached the end
of the first company.
Turning at the eod of the second, be
did the same with thfm, and o on
through hundreds and hundreds. There
was a narrow 1 no there between the
lublime and the ridiculous, but Lincoln
didn't cross it, and although under or
dinary circumstance such procedure
would be absurd and indefensible, un
der these circumstancs he did precisely
the right thing at tho right time, and
nine-tenths of these men whose time
had already expired re-enlisted for
three years or the war. Joe Howard,
in Boston Globe.
FI.OUK-Per bbl. standard brands.
J3.t0ll.b5; oilier. U.!.Va.:Si.
WHr.Af-l'er cu. vaney, 11.221 1.18;
Walla Walla. 1.15ci.l7.
BARLEY-Whole, v witaWl.OT.fcUi).
ground, F tou, 24(g.S.
OATS-Choloa milium, 42icj cholct
feed, 40c.
RVh-Peri-tl. ll.UMI.W.
CORN MKAL Per iU, yellow, fx&xj
t7J; whlu., i5uft3.74. .
CRACKKD WHKAT-Per ctl, 175
UOMINV-Perctl, 4.UU,
PEARL BAULK i -No, 1, 6c; No. 2, 4,o;
No. a, 4c
SPLIT PKAS-Per ft. fie
PEARL 1 AHOCA-lu boxea, 04c
SAliO-Per lb, 0c
VLRAUCELLl-Per lb, No. 1, f 1.25; No,
2,f We..
11KAN Per ton, 13.M15.
SHOUTS Per ton. 10.
(JllOP-Per ion, fltfiuu.
UAV-Per tou. baled, 1)10,
OIL CAKK MEAL-l'ertoii,?3(3-,Vi.
UOPS-Per lb, Orison, V ft. i
Waal-. Ter.. .
EtiGS Pur uon. 18c
BUTTER-Per IMaucj roll.ltlo; luterlor
grade, U: pickled, 10 j; lo.
CUEKSK-ier Di. Oreou, 41; Call,
forma tRfcbc
KICK -China. No. 1, (5.80; do No. g'j
(5.26; SauuwicU Inland. No. 1,
TEAS loutiK liysoii, &V400C; Japau
ftHtiitoo; OoloiiK. liUoc; Uunpowder am
ImueriaL &x&0ic
SYRUP Calhorula rvtlnery la quoteo
at &v. in uuih; tu keK aud l-gul
tins ;ioi3'S,
I? ft. Siic: carrots. aelc.yl.&i; caulillower.y
dot, green curu. r dozen, loo; roeu
mas, $ lli, 2tc; lelluce. f dox, 2cc; onions
l.JS; turn um. V Ik lie; spinach, f sack, 4(1
MoOc; celery, f doa, (I; parsnips, ? sck,
76c; toumloes 9 box,; taruu
beans, tf lb. 5c; cucumbers, C dot., luc.
POTATOES Paloioen, new, lie; pet
sack, old, i.0J;swoot, p H,j-iC
DRIED FRUITS Per ft, apples, quar
ten, sacks aud bonus, IM, do sliced, lu
tuitka aud boxes. yjW-lj: apricom, 17c.
blackberries, 13.15c; nectarines, lt!(fl5l"c
peachea, halvea uuptieled, 7Kto; lieaiK,
quartered, 7(fe8; pilled cherries. We;
pilled plums Calilornia, tHgilou; do Oi
cguu, ku,7c; I'urranU, 8(gU; datos, tRa
10; Ii k. Suiyrua, 17 -Uri; California, 0(47,
linnies, Calilorma. 6iU; French. llKuUit;
lurkisli. (Kui7; ramnm, Culitorla 1au
dou layers, tfi.l'fu Ii1 box;' loose M us
cilelh, vS-ld; heedless, V ft, 12c; bul
imia, 1-jc
POULTKY-Chlckens, If dox. spring; old .l.UOa4.(Xi; ducks,
(n;i.ll; geese, tyi.UUtgd; turkeys, Y lb.
uu'.uhial, .0;ilic
llAMs fvt lb, Eastern, c; Or
egon, Ufc(3 Hie.
LARD Per ft, Oregon, 6(74; Eastern.
WOOL Eastern Oretroiu snrhtu clln. 18
gttr iu; laii cup, . valley Or
egon, spring clip, 20 ⁣ lambs' aud fall.
Electricity is now used to record
ihe weights indicated upon scales or
steelyards the application bein espec
ially designed for the weighing ol
frefght cars while in motion. if. Y.
PICKLES-Per 6-gal keg, Duo; bbla, ,f
gal., ii-iic
NUTS California almonds, if 100 ft aks,
20c; Uracil, loO lb ska, f lb, 14c; chestnuts
ltifeiWc; cocoanuU,(Xa.7.i0: II I beru. Sicily.
175 lb ska, If ft, Ho; hickory, luu lb sks.lOc;
peanuts, tmwc; pecans, lex as, 1UU lb aks,
14c; California waluuia, tf KUlbsks, 11(9
CANNED GOODS-Salmon. 1-ft Una.
dox, tfl.36; oysters. H-lb tins, if doi, 2.20;
1-Ib tins, ?l.4U if doi; lotmlers,
l ib Una, if dox, 1.90; clupm. 2-ft Una, V
doz, (fl.lRKffiSi.t'5; mackerel, 6-lb tins, if dos
tft4.75ii!U.UO; f rutin. If dot tins, 2.0u(g2.25;
jams and Jellies, Ir dox, tflwoigli.OO; vege
tables, y dox, tfl.llKcd.VO.
HIDKS-Drv, I4(15c; wet salted. B(7.
BACON Per ft, Oregon aides, r7c; do
shoulders, 6fct).
TTTIRsnf PUlT!TAnnW Drainm. nw
Ir box, O.KeM; bananas,!' bunch, $4.0';
Lieiiuiua, oicuv. v uoa, 9ii'iaii waLcri.iui
ons, V dox, tfifO liimes. If 100. tfl.60; piuo-
i,i.i..M u ilm a7 nfl I jim A 111mIhh nmiicrMN
It uox,'3i4.M); Dears, V box, tfl.'Zoiml.N);
1 . t -- Al.i-.-.Vit. l u.1
readies, p uox, f i.&; piuuia, r uox,
70c; grapes, 4 box, tf l.M).
KTTIt'IlQ Pan It, Hmnlliv Mfii'ilf 1-aH
Uuuk. . ' aw. --'.-J. v,ii,. ,
cloTer, 14(a)l04c; orchard grass,, 17lttl0c;
rye grass, ii(?
rriiririr.Ri'w n. r:uimii in- Pnai
Bica, l!(a,12)r; Old tSovenmient Java.
dir.; Rio, 1UI2c; Salvador, KslOic
M'vIia. tUiikJi. Kona. lc.
SUGAltS-lJuoie bills: Cube, figa; dry
uramilated. 0S: fine crushed. t)c. golden
V.. f,5o-
Hlflli'5l'.r IT. ivul 'Zkf amall
whiles, lie: bayo, c; fiiuu, 3c; pink, 21c
0. C. R. TIM! TABLE.
Mall Train "orth, 9:41 x M.
Mall train south. 2.114 p. M.
orncK houxs, euoenk city postoffice.
Denaral Of lire ry. from 7 A. M. to T p. M.
Monejr Ortlcr, fraiu 7 A. M. to 1 r. M.
Kefrialrr, from 7 a. m. US h. m.
Mails for north clone al 81A A. M.
Malls for soulli close al l:JO i. M.
Malls for Kraukliu closs at 7 A. M. Monday
Slid Thursday.
Mails fur Mabel close at 7 A. u. Moadav and
Alans rer (.anwniil closs 7 A. M. Monday.
1 J Meet first and third Wednesdays lu each
SPKNCtll BUTTK I.01H1K NO. I. O. O. F.
Usula STerjr Tuesday veiling.
I Mi tts on the seceud aud faurth Wednes
days tu eax-h insiith.
1 J Mrets al Masonlo Hull the second and
fourth Fridays lu each mouth. M. W,
fls at Masoule Hall tlis first and third l-ri-
days of each luonlli. lly order. C'iimmanukr.
Pmlth Tlint dor of yours loops ms
awake nigh's, hnwlin;?.
j0I,es Why, 1 uuva no doj it musi oe
my daughter sinjins.
Bmith Is lluit sof Excuse ma. I am
sorry. I don't suppose she cun bo shot,
ehr-The Jude.
Itrason Knoii(rll.
"I notice," paid tho g ntleman In scari-h of
Information, to II.;rr Most, "that Auarchbti
neyiT strika Why U tbisf"
"That," said the great apostle of month at
a factor In social progress, with much dig
nity, "is easily expluinoj. No true Anarch
ist ever works." Washington llatchot.
Your Liver?
Is the Oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
' cannot exist without &
healthy Liver. When the
Liver is torpid the Bow
els are sluggish and con
stipated, tho food lies
in the stomach undi
gaeted, poisoning the
blood; frequent hoadache
ensues ; a feeling of lassi
tude, despondency and
nervousness indicate how
the whole system is de
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been the
means of restoring more
Tieople to health and
happiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
agency Known on earth.
It acta with extraor
dinary power and efficacy.
As a funeral family remedy for Dysptpsla,
Torpid Uver, Const! nation, etc., I hardly
ever one anything eW, and have nevel
been disappointed In yie effect produced .
It seems U lie almost a pt-rfort rnre for all
diseases of the Hiomarh and Bowels.
W. J. Mchiaor. Maoon. Oa.
the tint anil third Saturday eveniimat
Masonlo Hall. By order of U. U.
BUTTK I.0110K NO. 3ti7. 1. O. O. T. MEETS
eyery Saturday night In thld rVllmvs'
Hall. W. C. T.
I J at IheC. I'. Chun-h rvorv Hiinday aftur-
noon at t.'M. Visitors mail welcome.
Eugene City Business Directory.
IIKTTMAN, O.-Dry (roods, clolhlnir, mworlcs
and Knerul iiien-iimiilitie, soulhwosl corner.
Willaiiietleaud Kiglilh street
CP.AIN IUtOS.-I)ealrs fn Jewelry, watches,
clucks and muslpal InNti uincnls. IlluuictU)
slreel, butweeu feventli aud Eighth.
FKIKNDI.Y, S. H.-l)elerln dry gMun, cloth
liiK and ircneral iiierohandise. Willauielti)
street, bclwreu Eighth and Ninth.
GII.I. J. r.-rhyslclan and surgeon. Wlllam-
lic Dticcs uviwi-ei. ouveiiiu aim r.lgillll.
110DES, C-Keeps on hand flns wines, liquors,
clicars and a poiil and billiard tahlo, Willain
etls struct, between Eighth and Ninth.
HOltN', CHAS. M.-Ounmlth, rifles and shot-
finis, breech and iiiiutls loailers, fur sale,
tepulrlng duns lu (lis ncHtcsl style and war
ranted. Shop on Ninth street.
Ll'CKKY. J. S. -Watchmaker and teweter.
koepsatlne sbu-k of giMxts in his Una, wlllani
sll street, lu Ellswurth s drug store.
McCLAUEN", JAMEfl-Cholc wines, Honors
andcigsrs, Wlllainetlsslreet, bolweeu Eighth
and Ninth.
POST OFFICE -A nsw stock of standard
school books Just received at Ihe post ollloe,
IIF.NS11AW k AnitAMS-Wines, liquors and
cigars of the best inmllty kept oonstaiilly on
hand. The best billiard table in town.
ItHINEH APT. J. Il.-lln, sign and carriage
painter. Work guaranteed Unit-class Hiack
sola at lower rates uiau by anyone in htigene.
On Account of Removal I
I will aril my stork at a amall mar
gin above Coat, on account or not
wIhJiIiik to remove tho atork to mj
XewNtore studding.
Come One!
Come All!
Opite tlie St. Charles Hotel.
Repairing of Watches and Clocks
eimulcd with punctuality aad at a
reanonabla cuU
Wlllametto Hlrrot. Rngoao City, Or.
olfice In lluys brick.
My oiieratious will bs first-class aud ohargei
Old patrens as well as nsw ones are Invited
to call.
Physician and Surgeon.
M calls day or night.
Orrit'K -Up stairs In Hays' brick; orcanbe
found at K. It. I.uckey k Co s drug store. Ollloe
hours: I la 12 M., 1 to 4 P. M., I to 8 P. M.
work warranted,
iAiiglilng gas administered for painless ex
traction of teeth.
1 C'uttaire (inive. He perform all operations
lu meolianit'al and surgical ilcntlslry, All work
warrautcd ami sallniavllou guuranleea.
Justiceof the Peace.
and farms. . Collodions promptly at-
tcniled in, ...
ItKHiiigMna -Onrner Elsrsnth and Ulgn ols.,
Eugens City, Oregon.
Is tlio Life of Trade!
St. Charles Hotel
W. H. WATKINS, Proprietor.
Slew aad Riperlenced Management.
C'bargea Moderato.
PracUcal Drnggist Cbemist
Hruahea, 1'alnta, iilaaa, lla, ta4a.
Pbyalolana Preaorlptlona Oompoundod.
Boot and Shoe Store.
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
Will bsrrarter kwp s souiplele .look of
Ladies', Misses' aui Cbilircu's Shoes!
Will do work cbeapxr than any other shop
lu town.
Horses Shod for $2 Gash
With new material all around. Itesettlng
old shoes II. All warranted to
glrs satisfaction.
Shop on tht Corner of 8th and Oliri SU
Slippers, White and Black, Sandala,
And In fact everything In the Boot and
rihoe line, to which 1 intend to doroto
my esnechtl attention.
And guaranteed as represented, and wtl.
be sold for the lowest price tiiat a good
article can b afforded.
jY. Hunt.
Practical Gunsmith
tsLsa ia
rUhlng Tackl and Materials
ScwlM Machines ana Needles of All IifiU For Sail
Impairing dona Ih tha neateat atria and
Otuu Loaned and Ammunition Forniihed
Shop oa WUlametU Street, opposlto Pestoflloo.
Central Market,
Will keep oonslantly oa hand a full supply at
Which the r "I" n at tho lowest
market price
A fair share ot tho publlo patronage solicited
Wo will psy thf highest market price for fat
cattle, Logs and sheep.
Shop on "Willamette Street,
Meat deUrorol to any part of th elty freo
of charge. joali