:?!ECOH KEWS ITEMS, illahaa been purilon-.Hi 1 .7 Gor, f(ml ilmmmordoillj au'.b mill. DM write of wheat are. eiven tinny, 'I rlrt.A hnrrt on 1r Creek, ' 1 rtvpr.tl, '. ;lnr nf Cottage Grove, Luna Co.. , grin iv ui jiinRnn aiyium. kM nre In, demand In Polk countio At goni wagni. : npnn Ama. will orppt a now I hI North rUind, Civm county. : in Yamhill has turned out much in waa expected. ."n bridge ARrom Roino river, Push, hai heen complptnd. county is out of debt and has ; cash on hand. ?tley, of Marion county, had n broken by the kick of a horse '. National Bank ha been utarted Hps, with Gov. Moody ai pres.- iirmin are pavinj; CO and fil r Imsliel for wheat at McMlnn- Soutbprn Oregon rioneern will ( .lacksonvile about tlie 14th of 'T, bondman, of Lane County, has K it arm broken by being thrown irt. Allison baa been taken to Sal wed in charge of the sherillof :nty. itcliell, formerly of Chicago, sarpo of the art 'department of college. !e propi ir's to envt several nan ami a goud briukm.iker is li.it place. ie employed on tlw pile-driver met with a tn-vera accident, prove fatal. ;its at the State Fair this vear bo much better than ihey or gome years past. n of Judge 0. S. Savaj??, of who died recently, was (or ient of the Stuto University. !g and a 13 year old a m, of 1 county, pot lout hurt week in 11s and did not get back into w three days. itfly, G. Owen, Elden My !e Myers hava boen arretted Agency charged with ateal- ? of laying ties on tho Oregon veen Albany and Corvallis commenced. Tlie grading is jd. are pushing forward on the Boise City, and a force of 300 t work on the line of the 0. r paea. sn in the employ of Mr. J. ir Gervais, wan thrown from week and killed by a kick 'he horses. .daney is under $250 bonds f arson. Ho is accused of bis blacksmith shop a few Mou mouth. i hoD men have refused 30 ind for the present crop. '6 diflculty in getting pick- per box. r, published at Dallas, Polk he farmers along the Nar J Portland their best wheat f il strive to ship this way. of the Cascade Locks and rt, celebrated on the receipt Iiat the river and harbor signed by the Presidont. found a box of ox shoes in ( Clayton creek, near Ash- k. It is supposed that they .1 there at least thirty years ig of Hank Vaughan by .ntreville, is said to be a 'iinpt at assassination, as unarmed and had never dant before. :iily, supposed to be from n the way to Nestucca, the did were tlirown from the ild leing bo badly injured ft short time. e, ot Kosehurg, started to It sixty miles east of that k, anijl while en route two res fell over a bluff forty ero killed instantly. Douglas County are move filing a road "from Kose inpqna to intern Oregon, i that the project will cost ; ihut a goJ road cau bo ? ' service which closed at unlay, there were between conversions and thirty-live -e M. E. church, and other will receive additons to the whereabouts of Willis i;has yet been obtained, supposed that he left the was heavily in debt. He it tunds in his possession ' Ids disappearance. "len, while at work on the ilartman, on the Abigil, y, had his left arm so badly bemg caught in a tbreshing Saturday, that it had to be 'T the shoulder joint, s Gazette says : We are re 1 that the 0. P. road will miction work, when Alba- many supposed. The ash as far across the Wil l possible this season, k Packing Co. are bnild Hinery on the Nehalera mve it In operation about month, running in con ie cannery at Tillamook, own and C. Leinenwebet damook Packing Co. I Colly, of Salem, while on ym in lamnill county, sil ked by a horse on the electa of which he died evening. Mr. McCully I .the P. T. Co. for many "rising and highly esteem t a pioneer of the State. of age and leaves a wife n. Mountaineer: The harvest ft than expected. From ve threshed their grair ld has been about two in comparison with last has been a much largei o county sown to grain jwy former one, it is fan am section will export at btdt season. fr- iVt' hi f wBj- IK' r. " Jl" id1 tin r; .X4 llir- pop AtONS THE COAST. TSg California orange erop promises to 0 ss !arg as tliat ot Irt year. A rich MtroVum well ha been discov er" I in the vicinity of Livewiore, Cal. An artesian well (lowing 20,000 gallons sn hour has jost been struck in Fresno county. Over $1,000,000 has been spent in new b'uldings in San Diego, Cal., during tlie p: st year. rive barges loaded with wheat are utiamlc l on a bar in the San Joaquin riv er about a mile above Grayson. The Los Angeles Council has appro priated m.OO towards a tine iron bridge across tlie river at Buena Vista street. Upward of fiitv buildings, including several business blocks, are at present under construction in San Bernardino. There are more school children in San Jacinto than in miv other towu in San Dingo county outside the city of San Dingo. A contract has been awarded bv Colu sa county for the building of an iron and Btepl bridge across the Sacremento river at Butte City, Gen. Miles thinks that pence with the Indians will never be assured until all of those on the Sun Carlos Keservation are removed. The new town of Kinzs Ci'v, tho pres ent terminus of the Southern Pacific in Monterey county, is having a boom, ami buildings of all kind are being rapidly constructed. A wedding bad beep arranged o take pla-e at Chico, Cal., cul at tlio imt r.tc nifiiit the prospective bride sent word she thought it was tim wurm to tm m irrio.l and ho tlie atlair was indefinitely post . County offices In Idaho are very lucra tive llti'.lir. Diirim- tlia vnii. m.lm,. June 3i)ih the Sheriff of Alturas countv, in mat territory, was allowed $1",:I70 20 iu addition to f 180.1 commission on li censes. The District Attorney for tho same tinu was allowed $70. The Yreka Union says: C. AV. Lusk, who shot an Indian near Sisson's on Wednesday of last week and came to relta and gave himself into tho custody of the Sherilf, had a short (examination Saturday, only one witness being called, und was discharged. The Indian will re cover. TERRITORIAL HEWS. Wheat is 41 cents at Pullman, W. T., sacked. Clara Brown is the name of a new steamer just launched at Tacoma. Travel to the Cuaur'd'Ale nn mini a ta increasing. The amount of taxable prrpe -ty in Nei rerce county is $2,210,240. Larco ntimherfl nf Iinraea nn 1ia Enn. homish are suffering with a mild form of epizootic. The (Ifimopratll nf T.lnpnln cnnntir VT T.. have nominated Mrs F. M. Oav for school superintendent. Contracts for bona ara now Vinlni- maila in Washincton Territory at A) ami St cents a pound. Tavlnr TIIIat. a cramKlor f Xfiim-a-r Idaho, was shot and killed by a deputy Bheriff. Kin? countv. W.T.. now allnva a knnn. ty for each cougar or panther killed, of e . I. I A. . ' 1 t "11 a; iureacu uear, i; ami lor eacu wild cat, $2. Gov. Poiiirn han annointprt Pant P Tl Johnson, of the Union, on the peniten tiary commission, vice Gen. Bane, resigned. Alexander Shearer mitwrintenilent nf btidj-es and buildings for the Northern Pacific was drowned in snake river at Ainsworth. It has been found necessary in the pro gress of work for the Cascade division of the Northern Pacific Railroad to change the channel of Green river. Yakima county is said to have hotter crops this season than for many years. ine nop crop alone will bring nearly $100,000 into this county. John E. Hayes, of Butte. M. T.. dror pod a revolver from his pocket the other day. One of the charges exploded and John was buried two days later. The Tacoma Mill company. Carbon Hill Coal company, Tacoma Light and Water company and the national banks of Tacoma, pay taxes on ofer $1,500,000. At Tunnel City recently a man who bad been arrested for grossly insulting a lady maile a break for liberty and was xhot by Sherilf Packwood. Tho wound is a fatal one. Articles of incorporation have been filed to construct, maintain and operate a -railroad from Walla Walla south to Ainsworth. and a branch through Eureka Flat. Capital stock $200,000. Mr. John A. Post, postmaster at Boise for the past twelve years, and Past Wrand Master of the Masonic fraternity of Ida ho, shot himself through the heart last Sunday, causing instant death. David M. Reese, a well known rancher living about four miles east of Anaconda. IXT., was found dead in his cabin, haying committed suicide by hanging. Ho had evidently been hanging several days, as when found decomposition was far ad vanced. A snort time since an accident oc cured in a tunnel under construction near Michell's, on the Montana Central railroad, by which three men lost their lives. A blast had been fired and seven men started to work at the drills. With out warning a block of stone about Bix feet thick, evidently loosened by the blast came crashing through the timbered roof, instantly lulling John Hayes, Wm. M. Bush and Samuel Tillery. John Powers was seferely injured but will re cover. Absolute destitution is said to prevail in ten counties of Texas on account oi the drought. The commissioners ol Shackleford county are employing farm ers on the public roads, and a fund ol $5000 is being raised to lend without in terest for the purchase of teed. Hog- Cholera. A reliable gentleman who raises every year about one hundred Lead of hogs told me he had never lost one from cholera, although the disease often appeared among his head. His remedy is Simmons Liver Regulator, administered in drenching quantity, about double that given to a man. Iaive this information for the benefit of those whone hoirs may be attacked bv cholera. PBOF.F.P.HopoooD.Oxford.N.C. If you want Heads, Slnar", Casea, Cabi net, order from Palmer & Key. Old Material is taken en aerount by Palmer & Itey; remember this fact. WAIFS OF THE TO. An oleomargarine march has been re cently composed. Pennsylvania mills produce 80.000 bar rels of oil a day. There are.it is said. 50,000 Mormon children in Utah. There are one thousand Chinese wo men in San Franclsoo. Tho wealthiest church In Boston pays its organist $;!50 per year. The room in which Grant died remain untouched in evory detail. P.allingpr, Tex., is but a month old, yet it has a population of 2,000. It took 87,500 leaves of gold to giM Connecticut's capitol dome. It costs Jav Gould $210 a day to keep hts yacht Atlanta in good order. drought is doing bad work in the Assiniboine country in Minnesota. ilio cost of nieUina the southern cotton crop by hand is $40.1100,000 a year. The funning out jf paupers will be ille gal in Connecticut after Jan. 1, 1887. American clocks lilted with oriental faces are found through all Asia Minor. In Ohio a Bluine and Logan club has chinged its name to the "Blaine and club." Tlie 20th of October is now chosen as the day for the unveiling of tho Barthol tii statute. A street railway is being laid in Hali fax, N. S. It wiil be coiuplotoi by th. 1st of October. One of the les linn SIittVn.Rts at Tor onto was once a weaahy wine-merchant at Oxford, England. Two policemen were recently dis charged in Cincinnati because they could neither read nor w rite. All Asia has only about as many rail roads as Illinois, and seven-eighths of those are in British India. The organ-grinders of New Yck ore E inhibited from plaving between the ours of 9 P. m. and D a. m. Canada charges 40 cents for every bushel of peaches that enters that coun try from the United States. Tho Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette on Thursday celebrated tho one hundredth anniversary of its establishment. A tunnel 2,:100 feet in length is being cut through tlie hill at Bridgeport, Conn., for tlie new water works system. A iieiter cait in White county, Ten nessee, is but five months old, yet it is said to give a quart of milk a day. A Bucksport, Me., idiot recently won a Watfer of tl bv driviiur hia linrua 1111,1 buggy olf tlie wharf into tlie river. The $10,000 floats which figured in the Albany. N. Y., bicentennial celebration were sold at auction recently for $05. Grasflhonnpra Iiava ilpitrnvAit nna lum. I I v.. V. UIIU .Mill- area acres of fine grass helonging to a farmer in Koane county, West Virginia. According tn a rppont rormrf nf th In. tornal revenue bureau, 250,000 cigarettes were manuiaciureu in tuis country last year. The grand jury which adjourned at Santa Fe, New Mexico, on the last day of Julv found 250 indictments, moatlv on land cases. A young woman at Altoona, Pa., was robbed of her head of long and luxuriant hair while asleep in her chamber a few aighta ago. The Curtis house, aged 250 years, was torn down recently at West Roxbury, Mass., to make room for modern im provements. A Hartford, Conn., man circumvents the gas company by storing his meter in a safe-deposit vault when he goes off for the summer. chased the steam yacht Yosemite from a New York firm of vessel brokers. The yacht will be used as a cruiser. llie Jew lork (Jraphie says the Il'iir Dnil ttin Sllnr ara flnii)itlaaa truth fill papers, and asks, if that is the case, 11M ft .1 : ) : . : . I . : m ny are not muir eunora 111 1110 jiuuimju- tiary ? Letters mailed in hotel envelopes are sent to the dead-letter office, notwith- nliiii.linn tA 4 .vrt A ,t itli ' uturn nnf liia nn the Corner, when they fail to reach the person auuresseu. A new industry has sprung up In Maine. It is the shipping of fir boughs Jl 'iiii.iiva. ai mo mi iY ivuo sifttrv been sent from Sehec alone to parties in Koston. ine quality 01 uie oougns is tlie very finest. MINING NEWS. Jacksonville Timee: Prof. J. E. Clay ton, of Multnomah county, has been ex amining mining properties in Josephine tonntv for Portland capitalists A considerable force is at work cleaning out the ditch, repairing flumes and petting reaily for next season's run at tlie Sterling Co!'s mines There is quite a quart excitement in Ashland precinct, nearly everybody there having one or more specimens in their possession Considerable work is being done in the quartz mines on Waguer creek. Two mills are crushing ore at a lively rate, with good prospects More solid work in the quarts mines is now being done than at any other time during the his tory of Jackson county j and not without good results, either Work continues steadily on Baumle, Klippel & Co.'u quarta mill, which will be in running or der before many months. The machin ery for it will soon arrive. It will be a first-class one The quartz mill which has been crushing ore from the Swinden ledge in Rock Point precinct is lying idle. It now seems doubtful whether L. D. Brown will put np the new mill talked about sometime since. Bedrock Democrat: We are reliably in formed that there has leen some three or four cash sales made of mines in the Sev en Devil's district lately, to parties from Butte City, Mont. This fs no humbug the sales were actually made, and the cash paid for them. The are preparing to get their machinery in there to work. A road is to be built soon, which will cost about $0000. The amounts paid for some of the mines ar: $12,000 for one, $.5000 for another, and one bonded for $25,000. News comes from Idaho City that new and rich placer digdngs have been dis covered in Long valley. The account of their richness are almost fabulous, and they are said to be equal to anything ev er discovered in the famous Boise basin. As a result, a general stampede fsom the lissin is made to Long vallef. For yeari mining has been going on In a small way on the tributaries of the Payette, and south fork of Salmon river, fn that vicin ity, but the returns have not been very larze. The new diggings are s-tid to U in Spring creek, a tributary of Payette. PRODUCE MARKET, t fartlaaa. Kl.OLH-J'cr bbl. inanriurd bnnoa. $3.t0v3.W; others, ii"i(a.a.tia. S 11 J AT Per ru. vauev. 61.171(0-1.' 0 Walla Walla. M.HU1.U4. ',l'"u' KAKLEi -Whole, V ceutI,$1.07l';l.lU grouud. If ton, $iL3ua. . OALShoic "'lUtuK. 45430c; cholc feed iW(4ic, llViC-l'erctl.ei.UMl.lO. blA'KWIlKAT FLOUH Perctl. $3.75. i7wh.Kfc&U ,Ul!0W' CRACKED W11KAT Per cU. f2 73 UOMLN Y-Per cil, 84.00, OATAlKAlr-PerlU 3.50. PKAKL BARLEY No, 1,5c; No. 8, 4ic, No. 8,4c. ' SPLIT PEAS-Per ft, 6c. PEARL TAPlOCA-lft boxes, 6ic. bAGO-l'er lb, be, VElUIlfELLl-l'er ft, No, 1, ei.li; No. ftj.n'o. li RAN Per ton, 813.50&15. SUORTS-Per tou. an AlllJlJUftNGb-Per tou, 8A)!!5. CliOP-Per ton. fi5.oul UAY-Per ton, baled, 86 0. OIL CAKE MKAL-Pertou.$3((ii3if5(i. liOPS-Per IU. Oregon, V ft. 18Uc; EGGS Per do, lc BUTTER Per ttUaucy roll.lOo; Inferior Kiauc ii, Muiiiou, iodize. t'UEESK Per if. Urvuc forum. 8;nyc Uregon, 4tfo; Call- tK,1CKrc'llui- No. 1, 5.80j do No. i, .iio; iNUidwuh inianda. No. 1, 5.j!5, 1KAS Young hjBou, sioinoSc; Japau, UtKuiwc; Oolong, liK06c; Uuupowdor ami luiuerial, Xixtiitc SYKUP Calhoruio rettuery U quoted .1 Mkv iu DUU; iu kega and 1-sal. tins 3545. BEANS -Per lb, pea, 2ic; small wlnies. tic; bajo,i,'io; liiua, 8c; pink, c. VEGKTAULES-Deet.ifift.nc; cabliaue, tr Ib.Xicearruia.l w-k.ijj; caulltlower.f doa, 1.7j, green corn, r doen. 15c: nreeu peas, y lb, 2ic; lettuce. dos. 2uc; ouioiis Do; luriup. v lb, ijC; spinach. V sack, 40 (" oOc; celery, f dex, tfi; parsnios, V Bik, loc; tomatoes 'box, 1.im1.m; Hiring beans, lb. ov; cucuiuboiu, 1 dox 10c. I'UTATOKS-l'atoioes, new, He; per sack. old. IJl.OJ; sweet, y lb. c. DRIED FRUITS-l'er ft, apples, qua ter, sacks and boxps, :ij; do sliced, it, jack aud boxes. 3j(a4j: apricots, 17c; biackOurrms, 13 lac; lieclarinoa, loVU7c' peuclitM. halve uiuieeinil. 7 quarieied, 7lc8; puled eliernes, ltlc; pilled plums, Caliloruia, WglOc; j0 Or egon, d(u,7c: currunu. tvall: datHM. c; Ugs, Smyrna, 17 o IS; California, (tw i, piuuen. Caliloruia, 5 a,U; French. 10(u,li'i .urkish. ti(it)7; raiina. falitoria Lou don tavern, a,15il!.2il box: Ioobo tl. caU!l, igitlu; Seedless, y lb, iac; Sul. tana, ljc POULTRY-Chlckens, y doa, aprlnir i!.50w3.llU: old, I.UOjft4.U0: ilur.lia. uu! fe3.60; geee, $ 1.006; turkeys, y n. nominal, iyl3c. UAMS Per lb. Bantam. (t : f)r. egou, U4'g,10c. j,BAt'Ui-Per lb, Oregon sides, 647c; do aiioulders, 6 0. FRES1I FRUIT-Apples, Oregon, new, f box, sl.00: banauas. bun-.h. fti 0.1 Lemons, Sicily y box. AlOftoU: watermpl. ous, y dox, f i.E0. lames, y 100, $1.6U; piiu. apples, y doa, 97.50; Los Angeles oranges, y box, 3( 4.60: ucars. t box. Zl.'2hta-A Ri- peaches, y box, tJl.liiVojl.SO; plums, y box. 5c; grapes, y box, $i sis-tius-fer lb. timothy, 8j7ic; red clover, 14(ii510jc: orchard grass,, 17g.ltK); rye grass, U(gl3c. WOOL-Eastern Orecton. snrinst plln. IS (20o lb; fall clip, . Valley Or egon, spring clip, 20(jg;Jc; lambs' and (all, PICKLES Per S-sal ken. ttkv hbla n gal., titc NUTS-Califorula almonds, tf 100 ft aka 20c: Brazil. 150 ft sks, Iff lb, 14c; chestnuts itxszuc coooanui,8tK.oU; DlberU, Sicily, 176 lb sks, y ft, 14c; hickory, loo lb ska.lOc: peanuts, (Jig7o; tpecaus, Texas, 100 lb sks, He; California waluuu, lob lb sks, 11(4 12c CANNED GOODS-Salmon. 1-ft tin, a- doz, yi.3i; oyslera, 2-ft tins, y do. '2.25; i-iu uns, fi.40 y aoz; lobsiers. l ib tins, y doz. tl.00: clams. 2-ft tin. V doz, 1.002.t'6; mackurel, 6-fb tins, y doi 9.00; fruils. y doz tins, fi.0ofe2.25. lams and Jellies, V dox. Vl.7u2.00; vetre tables, y doz, tJUooatW. HIDES Dry, IlCtf lRc; wet salted. 6V7. LARD Per ft. OreKon. 0(474: Emileru 7iic. COFFEE Per ft. Guatemala, llj; Cot Ric, l(a 12ic: Old tiovernnienl Java. IRT? iic; Rio, UViVk; Salvador, lO'lOio Mopha. ZWVXr. Kona. 1HC. SUGARS-Ouole bblH: Cube. OSa: drt granulated, Gjc; fine crushed, 03c; golder C, 68c Strange DUoaae Among lilnmlcd HnrM, The farm ot Ludwiz Lam, npar Port Jarvls N. T., is Hociiel with fine high bred cattlo and bono. A few day ago niia of a mntcbpd pair of hono wai sud dimly iilfdctel with a wollin in the glails of the tliroa . Tlie swelling Increased rapidly, and the horse died in a few hours. Before it died its mute was selzod with the same symptom, nnJ file J lu a short tlrao. About the natna tinn fm out of Mr. Laux's herj of dairy cow din J oaa after another. They were all apparently in the best of health, Lut were suddonly prostrated and died soon afterward. Onj of the dead cowi was dissected. Tho tnlein wai found to be swollen to twice its uau al size and Clle with blood. THE GRE&T REGULATOR wwTBk PURELY VEGETABLE. Are Ton Billons? Th KrguMnr aiwr aff ( 9Ur. I mort cheerfully recommend It to all who tuSer from bilious Attack, or anr Diieau caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. Kansas Citt, Mo. W. R. BERNARD. Do Ton Want Good Digestion ? lufftrtd Intrnttlif vtthFull 8tomaeh,ltea4 0rh, tie. A tuighbor, mho had taken Smmmt Liter Regulator, told im tt mat a lure ewe J my trouble. The flret dnee J took relieved me very much, and la one reeeh't time I wot 01 ttrona and hearty at I ever wai. it ie th beat medlein J rver took for Vveprpei. Richmond, Va. B. G. CSMSHA W. Do Tou Buffer from Constipation T Testimony of Hiham Wimi, Chief-JusrJce of Ca. : " 1 have used Simmons Liver Regulator fur Constipatioa of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangeroent of the Liver, for the last three or four years, and aiwiyi srirA decided heHrfii." Have Ton Malaria ? Issm hod experinee ttth Stmmme liver f ra lator einee 1816, and regard it ae th yreutrnt enxdiein of th timm for die Mere pecu liar t malarial region. S good medi tin deeeree nnuereal commendation. KEV. M. B. WHASTOlt, Car, Set' I Souther Baftut Theological Semtnary, Safer and Better than Calomel I I have beea subject to serere spells of Congndoa of the Liver, aad have been in the habit of taking, frnai 1510 engrains of calomel, which gmenlly laid bm op far three or four days. Lately I have beea taking S:mmofts Liver RrruUtor ,whn h gave ma rc LrY. trithamt any f Mferrwitftvn to bueln. UiuuLaaoar, Oluo. J. HUOO. J. H. Zoilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. zzaxcs. ci.00. 0. C. &. R. TIM!; TABLE. Mall Train "orlh, 9:41 A M, Mail tram anulh, i:X l. M. Of FICB I00RS, EBOESECITY P0ST0FFICE Rniieral HrIlTry. from 7 A. v. to T r. U. Money Orilcr, fraiti 7 a. M. to i l. it. IdvMrr, from 7 A. M. loA 1: il. Mails for north i Icmc al l I .' a. m. Muils fur smith rlo-o at l::l p. M. Mnila fur Krauklia doa at 7 A, at. Monday and aiiuiwinv. Maila for Mabel cloas at 7 A. VI. Motility and nut-Mai . MiiiU for Cartwrlght close 7 A. M. Morula)'. SeCIETIES. rU'OEXK LOIMiK NO. II. A. F. AM) A. M 1 J Maots flraiand third Wc.lurs.laTs in each uioutb. CI'ENCER IIL'TTK I.OIMIK NO. t. I. O. O. F. aiuia avcry 1 ucsiiuy avotillig. 11.11AWHALA ENCAMPMENT NO. 8. M.f la on tUe sooaml and fourth Wcdncs- uaja iu oaon inonin. IL'OKNK LODUK NO. IS, A. O. U. W, lj Mriu al .Mswonio Hull Hi second and ivuivu -iiuae iu men nionm. M, , T M.OEARY rosT NO. 4. O. A. n. MKKT8 f'e at Miuonlo Hall tha tint anil third Kri- uajs 01 eaun uionin. Hjr onlor, Lommanukh, OUnKttOKCHOKN KHIEN08. MEETS the rlrxl ami Ihlnl Snlunluy evcniiiKat ftiiasuiiiu nan, uvonit'riir U. C f JUTTK 1X1DOK NO. !7, 1. O. O. T. MEETS mm overy oaiuruuy ulKht In Odd Fellows' Hall. V. O. T. T EA1HNO 8TAH I1ANDOFIIOPK. MEETS 1 al that'. P. Church every Hittulay after noon at S::U. Ylsitoi made welcome. Eugene City Business Directory. HETTMAV, p.-I)ry (foodn, rlothinir. irroreriea t" ""' iiicn-imnmiio, aouiliwval comer. illainctloumi Kitchth trovts CHAIN nitOS.-I)cnU.nt In Jewelrr. walchea. clocks and intHicitl lintrumvula, NVilloiucllo atrcct, between Sovonlh and Ei;lith. FRIENDIjY, H. H.-Itealer In dry (jooila, cloth in ami KiMieritl incrclminliai, Willamette treet, hetweeu KUhlh sud Ninth, OII.U J. P.-Phyaloian and snrtri'oiv Wlllam. ette slrcct, lHitcou Seventh aud Eighth. IIOI)ES,C.-Kicion hand fins wlnea. Ilononi, riKara and a pool and I'illianl tnlilo, Wlllam etlaatrwa, between Kihth and Ninth. HOItN. CHAS. M.-Ounsmilh. rifleaand shot Ktina. I.nvi h and lutir..le li.ailem, for lutlv. I(t'pairlii(f done In the neiilcat stylo and war ranted. thop on Ninth street. Ll'CKEY. J. 8.-Vutclinmker and Jeweler, kei'na fine sl.u k of rihmIs In his liiia,villam tile street, in hllaworlh s dt u store. Mi't'LARKN. JAMES-Cholca wtnos, liquors andoiKara, Wlllttmettaaliuot, between Klglith and Ninth. PO.ST OFFICE -A n.w stink of stanrUrd achool books Just received at the 00.1 1 oltlua. KEN'SHA W k AIUtAMS-Wlnes, liquors and j .Hum ui uie oest nuaiiiy Kept conslanlly on hand. The best billiard table in town. ItlllNEHAIlT. J. n.-Hoaie, slifn and carrlaKe i'iniivr. oors Ktiaraiueed nrst-class Hieclt old at lowor rales Uian by anyone in Kiucene, W. V. HENDERSON, iEivrrisrr. HAS RESUMED PRAOTICK. WITH offlre in Have' brick. My operations will be flratalaaa and ohanrea reasonable. Old patrons ai well as niw onea ara lnvlirl to call. DR. L. F. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. VILL ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL 1 calls dav or nltrliL Omra.TTnatiftlra In Uava t.rl..W. m k found at K. It. Luckey ti Co driiK store. Olllce hours: te I'i M 1 to 4 P. u., I to ti p. M. DR. J. C. GRAY, DEIVTJST. 0 FFICK OYKIt OltANUK STORE. ALL wora warruntoa. IiaugliInK riis admlulstareil for painless ex trncliou of teeth. DR. W. C. SHELBREDE, TS NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN A CottuKeOrovfti.' lie purfurins ull operations in liiculiaulcal and urKl'-I ili'iit intry. All work warranted and satisfaction Kuarunteed. GEO. W. KINSEY, Justiceof the Peace. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-TOWN LOTS and farms. , Colloctlotis promptly at- bun.ieu ui. IticMiDKNoi-Corner Eleventh and High 8ts., Eugene City, Oregon. OIl,ONlrX,IOIV Is the Life of Trade! SLOAN BROTHERS Will do work cheaper than any other shop In town. Horses Shod for $2 Cash With new material all around. Resetting old shoes $1. All warranted to give satisfaction. Shop on the Corner of 8th and Olivi SU SPORTSMAN'S EMPORIUM GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! On Account of Removal I AT II. j. jIS I will aril my atork at a email aaar- fln'attovft Coal, on aerount or Miahlna; to remove the atork to my XewtUore ltulldluc Come One! Come All! Al I'ltK K TIIK NASIKt J. D. MATLOCK, Opposite the St. Charles Hotel. D. T. PRITCHARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Itepalrlnsr of Watehes and Clocka executed with puuoiuallty aad at rvasouable oost. U'lllamrtto Wtreet. Kaa-eno City, Or. St. Charles Hotel EUQKNB CITY, OREGON, W. H. "W ATKINS, Proprietor. Now aad Rxperletired Maaaf eaaeat. Chara-ea Moderate. P. M. WILKIKS, DEUQ3, MEDICINES, liruahea, lalute, 4ilaaa, lie, Leads, TOILET ARTICLES, Eto, Pbyalolana' Proaorlptlona Compounded. Boot and Shoe Store. A. HUNT. Proprietor. , Will hsrvaftar leap a oompltta itook o Laities', Misses' aud Children's Shoes! Ill'TTON 1IOOTN, Slippers, Whlt and Blaok, Sandali, FIN2 XID IH02S, MEN'S AND BOY'S BOOTS AND SHOES! And In fact everything In the Boot and Hhoe line, to which 1 in loud to devote my eapocial attention. MY COODS ARE FIRST-CLASftI And tniaranteed as represented, and wll. be sold for the loweat prloos that a tfood artivln can be airordod, A. Hunt. Practical Gunsmith DSALSS IS CUNS, RIFLES, Fishing Tackle and Material! SewiEZ Kicliinss anl Nselles of AH litis fir Silt Repairing done lh the neatest style and warranted. Gum Loaned and Ammunition Furnished Shop od Willamette 8 tree t, opposite Poetofflor. Central Market, liHlioi-cNcWntlftCiiis PROPRIETORS. Will keep constantly on hand a full auppiy ot BEEF, MUTTON. PORK AND VEAL. Which they will sell at tha lowest market priuee A fair share of tha publlo patronage solicited TO TIIK FARM EH Mi We wilt pay the hlirhest market prioo for fa cattle, hogs and sheep. Shop on Willamette Street, EUCENE CITY, ORCON. Meats delivered to any part ot the city free of oliarge. Juuli