The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 14, 1886, Image 7

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a Killed French Commander Talk
About the Surrender of Met.
An Interesting conversation with Mar
J Bazaino, at present living In exile
: Jladrid, Is 'publishod by a morning
I per. Dospite tho volumes that have
i on written on the subject, the con
rsation is calcshited to throw some
; Mitiunal light on the dramutio events
f 1870. The Marshal is now seventy
, years old, bloated, whlto-beardud
: d decrepit!; and, aoeording to his in
' rlocutor, he bears his dishonor and
!. 3 exile with the utmost resignation,
r t to say indifference. He began the
, nversation by saying that he was very
tie known in France because he hod
ays been in the field, where he won
distinctions sten bv start, nntl fitrht.
7 as a soldier, lie was called "The
. A f. ..... . 1.
. V nun w no uiauo 1U"
. onsible for all that had token place,
Ihouirh the capitulation had been ad
eaU d by the council of defense. Bo
, les, he did not tako the command on
' ugust 19, because the Emperor who,
though ho was very ill, was the master
id arbitor of the situation was pres
i it Keforrinw to the charge brought
: gainst him of having mixed up politics
with his duty as a soldier, the Marshal
oniod this. His misfortune after the war
as to have been on good terms with M.
.ouher, and to have called on M. Thiers
iistcad of going to pay his respects to
L Gambetta at tlio Hotel dos Reservoirs
l Versailles, where the tribune was be
jr madl) a good deal of by certain Gen
als. Moreover, the task of pleading
,6 Marshal's cause with Gambctta was
terward delegated to a M. de Valfort,
ho, instead of doing so, drew np a
fatile report against him, which de
Sod the tribune to act. It was not
tie that he had done any thing in a
olitical way, except to remain firm in
Is allegiance to the Emperor.
?The worst of it was that after Sedan
le army was split tip into Bonapartists,
tleanists, legitimists and Republicans.
6r my part, 1 asked Prince Freloric
harles of Prussia what importance was
be attached to tho Government of na
bnal (lefon-cP I only knew that it was
sniposedof four or live barristers. Tiio
T'mce replied that tho Government oi
ational ucfenso was not evon reeog
ized by all the powers."
Asked whothor he had not erred by
hus corresponding with the euemy,
'ao Marslial averred that he had
erhaps overstepped his limits' by doing
i. His object was to assemble the
haul hers at Rhcims and to get them to
ppoiut a Government which should ar
inge the treaty of peace. He was of
pinion that peace should have been
gned after Forbach. Again returning
iag to the subject of -MeU, the Marslial
' trough t forward strong charges against
is colleague, Marshal MacMahon.
l"MacMithon it is who should have
!een most blamed. Why did he give
battle without a chance of success? ilia
defeat produced a deplorable impression
: t Mctz. Instead of ordering out the
'fliird and Fifth army corps he opposed
to the Germans the First or African
corps, which is no good out of Algiers.
Je should at least have gone into an en
trenched position at Strasburg, and
i.fter that all that was left to him was to
fill back on Verdun. Had he gone
toward Verdun I might have attacked
the rear of tho Germans with one hun-
tred thousand men."
I The Marshal repeated that it was im
possible to got out of Metz with safety,
the place might have been held a little
longer had the garrison eaten rats, but
the prolongation of tho situation would
have been useless. As to his sentence of
twenty yours' imprisonment, the Mar
shal seemed to lay the blame of it on
Marshal MacMahon, for he thinks M.
Thiers would have pardoned him alto
gether. Finally the broken soldier feebly
complained that ho was penniless, and
that ho might at least have been allowed
his pons'on to keep him from starva
tion.. His wife, a Spaniard, had gone
to Mexico to look after some houso
roperty given to him by tho Emperor
ilaximilian in. halcyon (lavs, and his
rights to which wore contested. Paris
Cor. London Tchyranx.
The Ulfllcultlrs and Disadvantages Under
Which They Megan I lie.
Clara Morris' mother, writes Celia
Logan, was a cook in a restaurant in
Cleveland when Clara was a lanky girl
of fifteen years of a?e. Manager John
Ellsler advertised for some extra girls
for the ballet in a pantomime he was
getting up. Clara applied for a place
in the extra ballet. . She wore au old,
faded ciil'co dress much too short,' a
thin shawl and a Tagged woolen scarf
wrapped around her head. When the
extra girls wore no longer required
Clara was retained for small parts.
That was the beginning of the career of
the great emotional actress, Clara Mor
ris, who, by the way, is of English, not
American birth.
Pretty Maud Granger, with the gold
brown eyes and shapely form, first
earned her livelihood by running a sewing-machine.
Sarah Bernhardt was a
dressmaker's apprentice; so was Matilda
Heron. Adelaide Neilson began life as
a child's nurse, and Lady Hamilton as
. a housemaid. Miss Braddon, the well
known novelist, was a utility actress in
the English provinces, performing prin
cipally in pantomime.
Christine NiLsson was a poor Swedish
peasant, and ran barefoot in childhood.
Jenny Lind, also a . Swede, was the
iaughter of a principal of a young la
dies boarding school, and beyond rath
er narrow circumstances haU no espe
cial difficulties in order to gain celeb
rity. w
j The mother of Clara Louise Kellogg
straiqed every nervesjo give Clara a mu
sical edac&f :on, and at one time was a
professional spiritual medium. MissKcl
logj failed three times. Each time she re
tirtd,'not discouraged, but to devote
herself to the still further development
cf her voice. Finally she took the pub
lie bv storm. Her- lirst failures were
her fust '
lira. Langtry is the daughter of a
-country parson of small means, but the
'okl proverb of her face being her fortune
provsd true in her cae. Nevertheless
the tUndifg Mrs. Langtry has acqu re
tupon the board entitles her to rani
' amorig the self-made women of the day
Minnie Hank's father was a German
1 and a shoomakcr, In the most stra'tem d
uiuuiisuuiaj. nor vo.ct eariy a
I tracted the attention of ono of- New
York's richest m?n, who had it culti
vatod, and thus opened tho way to fame
for her.
' We have had two great female astron
I omers. Miss Herscliel and Mini Mitchell.
I Both were single women and both took
up the study of astronomy in order to
I assist their brothers. Miss Herachel's
! pathway to fame was over a smooth
road, but Miss Maria Mitchell had every-
thing to battlowith. Sho was the daugh
ter of a small farmer in Nantucket, who
was obliged to eke out his Income by
teaching school at 92 a week. Maria
was constantly oepupiod with household
duties, and she describes her childhood
as "being an endless washing of dishes."
Chicago Tribune.
How a Dakota Agriculturist Soothed II li
Wounded Keeling.
A man was driving across tho coun
try in Dakota when he came to a house
with a man hobbling around tho yard on
a crutch. A lino-looking horse was tied
to a post near by, and tne travelor
stopped and Faid:
'Is that horse for sale?"
'Well, now, I toll you jest how 'tis
'bout that air hoss; you see it's the one
my wife drives and I don't know as
she'd want tcr part with it It's a very
gentle hoss, very gentle."
"That's what I want, a horse that Is
gentle and kind.
"That jest hits that hoss preoisoly,
pardner, no easier hoss to handlo in the
"Never kicks, I suppose?"
"Never knew hi in tor histo his foot
'cept ter walk." '
"What is it worth?"
"That's jest it don't b'l'eve I can
Fell him my wife would miss him so.
Tell yon what I'll do, though; you give
nie ono hundred and seventy-live dollars
fcr that hoss and I'll t y and break in
ono of the colts fer her to drive. Don't
b'liove I can ever get 'em as gentle as
ho is but seoin' you want him I'll let
you have him for that."
"Well. I'll take it. What makes you
so lame?"
"Oh, rheumatiz got holt uv mo ag'ln
jest 'bout used me up. I'll tie the
hoss behind ycr wagon for you."
"All right. Your barn seems to be
scattered around somewhat, cyclone
strike it?" I
"Well, now 1 should say there did
reg'lar twister uv a tornado Jest spread
it all 'round. There you'll find that
hoss'll lead up all right and be jest as
gentle's a kitten. Good day, stranger,
yer've got a mighty fine ba-g'in thcro,
that hoss is sound and wouldn't hurt a
fly-" .
. Tho man drove off and a boy crawled
out from under the house and said:
"Dad, it's a mighty good thing old
Bill stopped . kickin' fore he come
"ou bet it wus, my son. He had
jest sent tho last board'of the barn flyin'
over in the garden and the dust wus
settlin' when the feller drove up. I
guess ho busted two uv my ribs and put
my leg soi ter out uv j'int the first kick
he made, but I reckon one hundred and
seventy-five will fix 'em up. I wus
afraid he'd back up and begin on the
barb wire fence wh'le the man wus here,
but he d (In t happen to. 'Bout the
time ho planted Ji;s off foot in my ribs
I'd o' took ninety cents fer him, but I
s'pose it's jest as well ter get a fair
price. Always remember, my son, in
future life ef yer sellin' yer wife's fa
vorite buggy boss jest own right up to
it and put on a good price ter sooth
ver wounded feolin's at seoin' it go.
Never forget that tho straight truth
is the best in a time like tuns." Estcl
line BclU
How to Do It Without Injuring tho Value
of the Hide or ttkln.
Ill taking off a hide or calf-skin,
never cut tho throat crosBwiso in tlio
least. Slit (he skin from tho brisket to
the tail, and from tho brisket to tho jaw;
then cut around each leg to the hoof.
Slit the hind leg 'from tho hoof up di
rectly over the gambrol, and the for
ward legs in the front, directly oyer the
knee, to tho top of tho brisket bone.
This leaves the hide or skin then in tho
proper shape for finishing.
Skin the head and legs carefully to
avoid cutting them; then, commencing
at the head, draw or fist off the skin
without any further use of the knife,
thereby avoiding tho holes and cuts that
almost spoil so many calf-skins. Some
farmers use a windlass to draw off the
dairy skins, and others use a horse; but
one or two men can do it a great deal
more quickly and easily.
Wheu taken off, lay the hide or skin
fat on the floor in a cool place, where
the sun can not shine upon it, and covor
it with salt rather fine salt being better
than too coarse salt. Do not roil it up,
but let it remain in the fait until you
take off ' '.other; then place that one
upon the other, salting freely as before,
and so on until you got enough to make
quite a pile; then continence another
pile in the same manner. Do not be
afraid to use salt freely; what the skins
do not require w.ll shake off, andean be
used again.
If you prefer to dry out your skins
before selling them, be sure that they
are thoroughly cared with salt before
drying them, and tlieu that they are
thoroughly dried bofore being baled up
for shipment
Never dry out a skin without having
it salted as described to preserve it from
moths and other injuries 'on the hair
side, which are liifble to occur if the
skins are not properly salted before be
ing dried out
If your skins remain on hand very
long after ben? tired out b fore de
livery to. the tinner, even if salted,
watch them carefully to detect any in
dications of moths or worms on the
hair s'de. and if nnv arj dscovered,
have the k ns v g r n y wh nped with
a st'ck so often lint h y -hall bi wholly
eradicated from tint tint r i lot of skins,
as th y of en w r' er u injury In a
very hort t ne. A cao fcAi a id
Lea! her J.e.en.
Snrrekitful practitioners of tlie art of
curhiK ili-i-KKfH feel natural pride In refer
ring to tilt) rrnikrkftl lti rrMtiltM flUcleil
in Home cases, pnt. Slitrkey & I'alen, l.ttl
Arch Street I'Uladeli Iiih, I'd., are con
stantly in receipt of unsolicited test!uion
la t (rum their many pul'tints extolling the
wonderful menu of the Compound Oxy
tl n Treatment (or lung, throat and hronic
disease of the I lood or iiervoim nystcin.
A pamphlet containing many of incite, scut
with permission to publish, mailed free to
anybody who will write (or it. Names of
national reputation will be (ound on the
Order for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treaiment will be tll el by H. A. Mathews
015 Powell Street, Sati Fraurioco,
It is estimated that the Increase of
births over deaths annually swells the
populat on o( this country K78,,Vi Add
ed to the annual immigration iu a few
tears this will make ours the most popu
lous country la the world.
How the human system ever recovers from
the bad elfoets ef the nauseous medicines often
literally poured into it (or the supposltlve re
lief of dyspepsia, liver coinplaiuls, constipa
tion, rheumatism and other ailments, Is a mys
tery. The mischief done by bad ihedieluei Is
scarcely less than that caused by disease. If
they who are weak, bilious, dyspeptic, consti
pated or rheumatic, would oflener bo guided
by the riperlenue of invalids who have thor
oughly tested llostetter's btomauh Hitlers, they
would in every instance obtain the speediest
aid derivable from rational metllcalion. This
medicine is a searching; aud at the same time a
thnrouKhly sale remedy, derived from veget
able sources, and poniieuInK in consequence of
Its basis of pure spirits, properties as a niedl
elnsl stimulant not to be found In the llery
local bilteis and stimulants often revolted to
by the debilitated, dyspeptic and languid, - -
In 1886 Maine packed fOOOCO cans of
sweet corn.
that the multitude of diseases of a scrof
ulous nature generally proceed from a
torpid condition of the liver. The blood
becomes impure be ause the liver does
not act Dtonerlv and work off the poison
from the system, aud the certain results ,
are uioicnes. pimpies, erupiious. sweuwun,
tumors, ulcers, and kindred affections, or
settling upon the lungs and poisoning
their delicate tissues, unit- ulceration,
breaking down, aud consumption Is estab
lished. Dr. i'lerce's "Uolden Medical
llistovery" will, by acting upon the liver
aud purifying the blood, cure all these
The city of l'aris has bought out the
hoise railroads.
Heart Disease can be cured. Thercfrre,
let those alllictrd with 1 take hope. Dk,
il.iNT's Hkaht Hkmkut Is the only one
which can he relied upon in cases of long
standing, and will not (ail in any case if
used faithfully. At druggists. tfl.fO.
Des riptive treatise with each bottle; or
address J.J. Mack & Co., 8 K.
Mrs. Ann Lacou-, of New Orleans, La .
writes: "1 have a son who has been sick
for two years ; be has been attended by
our leading physiciaus, but all to no pur
pose. This morulug he had his uxiial
spell of coughing, and was so greatly
prostrated in consequence, that death
seemed imminent. We bad in the house
a bottle of DU WM. HALL'S BALSAM
Felt THE LUNGS, purchased by my
husband, who uoticed ) our advertisement.
We administered it and he was instantly
IIoui-MenrNM. All suffering from
Irritation of the Throat and Hoarseness
will be agieeably surprised at the immed
iate relief afforded by the use of " Brown's
Bronchial Troches.- Sold only in boxes.
Sure cure for blind, bleeding and Itchina
Piles. One box has cured the worst cases of
ten years' standing. No one need sutler ten
minutes after using Kirk's Herman l'ile Oint
ment. It absorbs tumors, allays the itching,
acts as a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's Ger
man l'ile Oinlinenl is prepared only for 1'ilea
and 1 chlng of the private parts, and nothing
else, kvery box is warranted. Hold by Drug
gists and sent by mail on receipt of price, ill
per box. Wdiiaki, (Jlahkk k Co., Whole
sale Agents, "ortland, Oregon.
Whkn gelling your boot or shoe
straightened use Icon's Heel S'lll'eners :
they save money, give comfort, and keep
llieiu straight.
About 500 women do editorial work on
the large newspapers of this country.
Who knows but if the beautiful girl
who died so young hud been blessed with
Dr. I'lerce's ' Favorite Prescription'' she
might have reigned on many another
bright May-day The " Favorite Prescrip
tion" is a certain cure for all those dis
orders to which females are liable.
Prof. Dell is said to have given his deaf
aud dumb wife a present of tlli,ni'0,0U0. .
Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron coun
teracts, tie effects of au excessive use of
tobacco and liquors.
Branchltis Is cured by frequent small
doses of Piso's Cure for Consumption.
When a house is not rented in Mexico
it is not taxed.
Don't hawk, and blow, and spit, but use
Dr. Sage's Caiarrh ltemedy.
Itoscoe Conkting's foe in the Broadway
case was J.'H, W).
Try Gkrmra for breakfast.
:vn Quiicura
aW A
(or every form of
ECZEMA, or Rait Rheum, with its atronlrlng
ItoliiiiK and burning, instantly relieved by a
warm bath with Cuticuka ooap and a single
application of Cl'TlcuHA. the great 8kln Cu-e.
.This repeated dally, with twoorthree doses of
C'l 'i k uha KnHoi.VKNT,the New Mood Purifier,
to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pare
4iid unirrilating, the bowels open, the liver and
kidneys active, will speedily cure
K tenia. Tetter, Kingwo m. Psoriasis, Lichen,
k'runtui, hcall Head, Dandrutr, and every
ipociesof Itching, Scaly and Pimply Humors
if the 8k In and Main, with Loss of llair, when
the best physicians and all known remedies fail.
bold everywhere. Prioe,;uTicjRA.SOc.: Hoap,
ASc; Iticwu-VitNT, $1. Prepared by Pottkk
1 Send for "liowjo Cure Skin Itiseascs.
u, KlOMEr'pAlNn, Htrainsand Weakness in
7jk stantly relieved by the Cltictra Akti
t Haim Plahtkk. Nsw. elegant, infallible.
A Boarding and Day School for Girls,
Coder U tupsrrtMoa of Tbs Kw- Rw. B. WistAS
Moksu, D. D.. BUhoe at Ontoa.
Thxroafh hwtrurtioa In Unjluh, Arc lansf".
Tooal and InstraiiMOtal afuata sad B-Akorv'"
tvol Uitrtara tdra. . Poptls sdmitt-l al
and Into an j or 1 1 1 1 h Jorartmla Thjwj F
b-tins oe Um HR8T WKDNK8DAY of BKiTHMBf.B
Ostatot ssot OS apaltaHisi,
No, my friend, you do noi know what it
Is to be saved Ironi death. You think that
berauxe you fell Inlo I he bay and w ere
rescued from drowuiuir that. In the short
Hwce of live minutes, you realized all that j
is meant iv those words. l ou have no
Idea ot the lingering agony of weeks and
months of sultcring, the certainty that
death is ever coming neater aud ne rcr,
and that no human skill ran delay the
grim messenger. But let me tell you inv
lu the Fall of 1870 I had occasion to take
a stage ride in Oregon at hIkIiU I took a
severe cold and wasalck (or a week. 1 re
covered my usual health with the excep
tion of a slight cough, to w hkh I paid no
attention. On my return to California
the coughing became troublesome. 1 ap
plied (or medical advice. I was assured
tbat it was au attack of bronchitis aud
bottle ot medicine would set me right, A
mouth weut by and I was no better. 1
began to lose ileeu and appetite; my left
lung gave me paiu and night sweats
troubled nie. Again 1 received a thorough
examination aud was informed that I had
cavities in my lung and mast seek a
warmer climate. My doom w as sealed. 1
knew 1 had consumption. I took ced-liver
oil, cotiuh syrups aud the long list of lung
remedies. Day by day I feu that I was
Bearing the graver I struggled desierately
against the euemy. 1 spent one Wluter
iu Florida, but the climate enervated me.
.A sea voyage was proposed and 1 took ship
(or Havre. 1 (ell that 1 had exhausted ad
means. A violent hemorrhage nearly ex
hausted me, and I fell that 1 must cease
the struggle and prepare to meet my (ate
bravely. Nearly two years 1 had surtered
and was slowly dying. I resolved once
more to apieal to medical science, and,
bearing of a physician in l'aris. I went to
see biiu. This was Dr. iiujardlu. ilia
first words gave me hope. "My dear
friend, you nave the consumption, It Is
true; hut by the grace of the good Uod
you may yet regain some health." De
gave me a bottle of his Life Essence, say
ing, "Take this, and if it fails 1 can do
nothing." I had tried o many medicines
that 1 had Utile faith. Vet 1 took it. The
(list night I did not sweat. 1 was sur
prised, but feared it was ouly from the
ilillerent food. I soon begau to look
eagerly for my meals. My cough did not
trouble nie, and I felt as If I might get
well. I -aw the good doctor again and
receive words, of encouragement. In
short, I took seven bottles of the Lite
Kaseuce, and then felt that I was nearly
well; relumed home to surprise my friends
and receive their congratulations at being
saved from death. 1 brought several Ikr
tlee of Dujardiu's Life Kaseuce with me,
and shall never be without It. To be saved
trom sudden death is nothing, but to lie
saved from lingering agony, from daily
and nightly horror, Is more than human
tongue ran describe.
One dollar aud til ty cents per bottle. At
all druggists'. Snell, llellshu & Woodard,
whole-ale agents, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron re
moves languor and loss of appetite.
Go to Towne & Moore when In Portland
for best Photographic and Crayon work.
The Genuiiw has Trade Mark and crossed Red
Linei on wrapper.
WholualetAgonta, Portland, Or.
A Model Terrapin Farm.
The terrapin farms of Secretary Bayard
and Counselor Heverin . in Delaware are
among the best known In the country, but It
must lie conceded that Deacon Orson Spratt'i,
aoar Hoxnwottamie, is by fur the most inU'i
estlng. Deacon Spratt's terrapin belong to
the singing turtle family, and he has erected
commodious scats around two sides of the
main pond for the benefit of bis friends. The
Intelligent brutes climb balf-way out of the
water almost any fine night in the spring and
sing as if their little boarta would break. The
t40-a-dozen terrapin only warble once or
twice a week, for a few months at a time,
but the red legs, which sell for only a couple
or three dollars a dozen, cblrp pretty lively
most annight when the moon shines.
I had the prlvlloge of visiting fipratt pond
last night in company with Brother Gimp,
Tarson Jock, Deacon Lalow and other well
known citizens. The entertainment was. In
deed, a treat We had been on the bink but
a few minutes when a large, purple-necked
diamond back stuck his head out and sang
A Life on the Ocean Wave" with great ef
fect Before he had finished terrapin could
tie seen all over the pond rising to the stir
face, each on taking the diamond from his
back as he emerged and holding it aloft in
his beak to amtst the Illumination. The ef
fect was dazzling. Borne of the cheap ter
rapin evidently sported paste diamonds. At
the conclusion of the solo Mr. Spratt rowed
over the pond in his gondola and gave the
singer a glass of sherry, of which thny all
snera quite fond. Private to the Editor:
Please don't cut this, as I bare borrowed 110
from ftpratt and charged Gimp, Jock and
Lalow seventy-five cents apiece for mention
lag their names.) From the strictly vera
cious Uoxawottamie Herald.
diving the Clrens Chance.
The circus will striks Springer on th 84th
one week from to-day. We do not know
whether the district court will adjourn over
that day or not, to enable the judge and
jury, lawyers and offlcars to attend, but pre
sume It will. Over in Tascosa last fall the
district Judge adjourned court to allow him
self and others to attend a horse race, which
b a precedent that should govern. The circus
is a big thing on wheels, and can't come here
regularly twice a year, as the court does;
therefore, the court should courteously give
the circus a show. Colfax County (X. M.)
Senator Van Wyck Is afraid that If Jay
Gould goes to heaven he will want to buy t
railroad and steal the golden pavement Toe
senator k indulging In the wildest speculative
theories. Pittsburg Chronicle TslsfTspo.
ROYAL (Absolute
GUAM'S (Alum Towder) ..rrrT!ZZ.l?VL.L !'. ' ..
BOFORD'S, when fresh.. I'-VB.V ,;-!, Lf.'L1'1. i fgig
II AM F0 HP'S, when treah... fJSi 0 . H ar""" .p-wir;
REDHEAD'S " i', -
(II A KM (Alum Towder) ... M I .M BJi HJ. ! J. . s, '
AMAZON (Aluinrwderlw.. Kgi;agJil'llM
ri.ETELAXn'S shnrtwtioi BgMr??!!;
PIONEER (San Tranrl-viV ' '.'
czar :
DK. PRICE'S Bti;giig" ;
SS0W IXAKE(Orors) '
PEARL (Andrews A Co.) f '. " mnf
niiwsum (UoDUioa Alum.)
Ul'I.K (Powder sold loose). ... Q
As to Purity and Wliolesoineucss of the Itoyal leaking Towder.
" I have tested a package of Royal Baiting Powder, which I purchased In ttie
Open market, and flud It coimiosed of pure and wholesome ingredient. It is scream
of tiirtar powder of a high degree of merit, aud does not contain either alum or
phosphates, or other lnjurloui substances. & u. Lovs, 1'h.U."
"It Is a iclcntlflo fact that the Royal Baking Towder is absolutely pure.
"JU. A. Wott, l'h.D."
"I have examined a package of Royal Bulng Powder, purchased by myself In
the market. I llnd it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other Injurious sub
stance. liKNHT Mokton, Ph.D., l'residcut of Stevens Institute of Tuchuology."
"I have analyzed a package of Royal Baking Powder. The materials of which
it Is composed are pure aud wholesome. ' 8. Uana IUyis, State Assayer, Mans."
The Koval Baking Towder received the highest award over sll competitors st
tho Vienna World's Exposition, 1873 ; st the Centennial, Philadelphia, lbiO ; at the
American Institute, New York, snd at State Fairs throughout the country.
Mo other urttcle of hu limit food hsi ever received such high, emphatic, and uni
versal endorsement from cuiiueut chemists, physicians, scientists, aud Boards of
Health sll over the world.
Nots The sbovs Diagram Illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking
Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Bchedlcr.
A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in
each can calculated, the result belli) as Indicated. This practical tost for worth by
Prof. Bchedlcr only proves what every obscrvaut consumer of tho Royal Baking
Powder knows by practical experience, that, while It costs a few cents per pound
more than ordinary kinds, it Is far more economical, and, besides, afford the advant
age ot better work. A single trial of the Royal baking Powder will convince any
fair minded person of these facts.
While the diagram shows some of the slum powders to be of a higher degree
ot strength than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken a Indicat
ing that they have any value. All alum powders, no matter how high their strength,
are to be avoided as dangerous.
d I LI It If A I .Usblur, hoenUh ruwia; UinM
Ortfaita, busl tiittruuienta Lsnrest stock at Shoe
Musis and Books Bands su)llml st Eastern tvwee
ML tlHaV. MM Most ?Mt, Ban Kruciiixx
I hrepoltlvniiiittlMrtliftboTdis;bylii
IN lhnuiiml-f of wiiii ktntl tn 4 of fonf
iaQdlnRhuvabnctrtl. lu"lfil,'tntiOmTfnltl
iDUteltloiii'T.lh'itlwl 1 iHiidTu'O HOI'TUr! KltKI,
loRfflhrlth VAl.l'AIII.iTltKArihMoilllilid.sjM
total iillVrar. OtirrwisiiHl I 0.4dr .
Da. T. A. MLoCLM, 11 rwlkU., Trk,l
' AND WASTING DISEASES. falls to srroft Itnpld xm at Flush' '
anil htri'iiuth, clmiiiihi's I uuiih, cheeks
Kxhsuatlve Mirht Hwesta, 110 matter Imni whut
ssiiw, puree llrnnehltie, Attma, Kcruhila snd
Debility. DU HAltTIN,nl Nuw York, the end
nrntSieH'illnt ami Authoi It y on Cmnuniptkm,
states III his Ti eat l.o on "Tils t ins or Colt.
si'Mmnv," '' h has found lliijnrdlii's
I llu KwH'iiee linnrlnlily une-ts tho ruiil lws
of fle.h, Hint iiiMiirateit the iiitlro nervous
svetein, sml Ira rei minuend" d ' IHiJuitlln'e
Lite Kineme ' to thiumaiidn et hie iutlcnt with
ill uicwt nisrvellmie reul."
The Weakest Dnd Youngest
can take It.
Fns Sti.l vi all Dscnaiais. I'kics, $1.60
ll'Wcm AztMtt
Portland, Oregon.
Do you know that a in In the left shoulder
or srm Is a sign of heart disnawf It is; and that
dlaas msy Imve proRreswd (r tuwanls a fatal
termination without esuitlns; eueplrlon. Take 1H.
tl.I.M'S 1IKAKT ltKMKDV at once.
Shortness of Brenth. buw" "JS' vm,
paluiutlnu of the heart, shortness of breath, bail.
tilde, pain In the left shoulder or arm, denote th
Srcaew of heart disease, aud call fur the iinnie
iste uu of Dr. Flint's IIiurt Itsssnr.
rtrnnQV Fun's IIiirv Km hit rapidly re-
ui www j. moves the l7ualon in casus oi iropr,
which Is due In roost eases to some disease of Uie
heart or geneial ctrcunuion.
Qhltinn" DaleV I- Fun's lists? Ksssdt Is
Ulldalllg r dldl. efliiaclous In cases of Miaklnf
Palsy whliti have defied sll other remedies, eierHih
Its innuenoe directly upon the nervous system,
which Is weak and excitable.
0l2in UlSEaSB. should never be absent from
a household, for It Immediately relieves all diseases
depending upon a deranircinent of the circulation,
such as Onnifestion of the llroln, Hysteria, Menin
gitis, Pneumonia, 1-aralysis, Dementia and Insanity.
Taks it in TiniB. ptxp"! E",
countenance Is anxloue, snd who is sul Ject to spells
of faintnrss, is liable to sudden death from heart
discus, u-t him take Dr. Fun's Usasv llassor
belofS it is loo lata.
InnnloYV 'Da. Fust's Hsaav Himbdv wouU
nUUUICtJ. have prevented many cases of Apo
pleiy, which Is usually dopendent upon diseases
of tbs heart, U taken when first any unusual sensa
tions were felt.
Blessing cf Sleep. JtXZZ
who nnds himself or hersrlf unable to sleep nlg-hts, is
sn Invaluabls medicine, which will sot only procure
the bleaan of sleep, but will prevent a general
breaking down of tbs system.
AtrmrtrlrU,tl.Mk Descriptive trestlss with ssch
bottle; or address
J. J. MACK & CO.
Nos. and II Front St, San Franolaoo.
Ml? A tTPc,T,lK, IU kM.
ClEaHK I IUahtToniu, Old aud iwlt-
sLIerrnimlr. If not at Srweteta
Ds n-niittl iwrboHle, ( (nrs&ta
18621 se1"1.' v U.tosSMS.lTf,
' '- by eiurees, preuaid.
a yiin k, IV'nnaiiil
i'm for Loat MsjiIhhiiI, Ih-bli.
lly. Noruu n, Wealowm. Na
iuuckoiy. lndliuulalilo pruula
Uank seut smUihI, Iren
Plan's Hemedjr flit Cstarrn w the
Best, r lest to Use, sud Cheapest.
' Also rood Sir Cold In the Head,
Headache, llay Fever, Ac W cent,
i.i-tS. . at ..Mus'SSl
sl .mc c csJy f'ii In' t hit 1
dctaiiKcuh-mvuf . t-tstiii
tiri'titt. 'i q Hutu mttn.
ot ll-K'TRH 'ITiriinispMMf
through th) p-trtft hm1 itMiir,
thvut to lefAlttiy im.u I
not confound this Hb Hwtrk
Hrltt .tvcriH t suttr all It
rrmn hratl iu tu. Ip h Its
Vtt tucuiar sfivi-iH hii ft
luniMlkiti sulivfu lz0
lltV tt-H l e' 'It
The DirVSM' Gt'lOK la
Usurd Sept. and March,
each pear. f SM Mm's,
Ht 11S Inches, with over
3, COO Ulustratlons s
whole Picture Uallery.
U1VKS Wholesale Price
dirrrt to tonnumrre oa all Roods lur
lieraunal or family use. Tells how to
order, and Rives eiact cost of every
thins you wse, t, drink, wear, or
have f.n with. Thie INVALVAUI.IT
HOOKS contain luforniatlon Rlranrcl
feom the markets of Iha world. We
will mall copy FKICK to any ad
dress upon rvcrlpt of 10 cts. to drfsa
tiiens of mailing. lt ns hear front
you. llr.iiectrully,
ttl V MO Wabash Avenue, Chlca, lib
on.- dlttnttju,
ltd 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, CaL
TshaTI, IU, Ciisosic, Rrscuti ISO PsiviTS Dnsjlsa
with Wosusarub Suovsss.
I. HrC.ln miM In
ATtrvoiM DrhlHty, lot
Mutuhoml, i'ruxfaWr
ra, and all the evl
effects of youUilul roUieS
and eaoeaaos, and la
tlHnklng Intotk-ntlnf
,ont iM Mia'to,
who Is a regular physi Jian,
graduate of the UuVer.
sltyof Pennsylvania, wU.
agree to forfeit M)0 for
a case oi this sin.- ir.t
MMku3S.BHr -
i : I - I .1 ..J - .. ., ImI-mII will ,m
aernis special au.ic u .n -- -
U4) S bottle, or four times the quantity t sent to
any address on receipt of price, or 0. 0. D. In private
. ' a i i .J r,M S'l it J..rNi Nl.
name li uceircu, uj ' f ' ,7
H. K CuL Send lor lUt of queetlons and paaiptoet
will ha sans to auv one applying by letter, Stating
symptoms, sex and sk. Strict eecreey ta regard M
all tiuelneas t""aactliwsi ,
iv rcsivii
Siiatms, Fall
ing Sicknem, Vonvuhiont, &t. Vitus
Vance, Alcoholism, Opium Eating,
Scrofula, and all
t.To Cleritrmcn, lawyers, Mlrs-y Men,
Merchants, Hankers, l adies and all t.OM sed
entary eiuployuicutcaiuosMervuus Prost ration,
Imyuluruios of ths Uloud, ht-.nw h, Doweh of
Kidneye, or who require s nerve tonic, appetiser
er stimulant, Dujakuin's hsaviis Is Invaluable.
trio IjtuiBS-Un account of iu proven merits
It Is recommenced and prt rlbcd by the beat
nhyticlansln theoountry. One says! " It works
Us a charm and saves innrh tain. It will cure
entlre'y the worst form ot falhi.g of ths uterot,
Luoorihoei.lrreinilaran Ipaiuiul tier sniratioii
all Ovarian I roublea, Inflaiunialion and I'lrara.
tion, slllipUjiiientaandtheconas
quent spinal weakness, and Is eswvlally adapted
tothet hangeof Lite."
t.ThoiiMiids pro. klmlMhe most wonderful
(.Price, $1.60 r Im.u.
FOR rtALK I1Y ALL .'KI'lHlliTs.
PNKI.L. lleir-tHi v WiMiiiaHU
M l ... IV, .1 Oe
N. V. S.
El It
r 1 1 1 . n .'
If 17 Ml ff fl Est