The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 31, 1886, Image 4

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    I , XT'
JULY 31. 183.
b Marm
Tim yacht.Priscilla, which la to race
the English has Just put in a mast of
Oregon P'n
Wtutr in wiling at 5'l cnta a Larrtl
tt Galveston, TxflH. Tho Inhabitants
think it a nw kind of &umniT dritiK.
fix Governor Geo Hoadley of Ohio,
nd Chief Justice VVaitaof th 'U. B.
NupreimaCourt wera in Portland dur
ing the pt weefc.
Ilulifrt Tliompspii, of Hw York,
onebfthA hrihtPBt politician in the
counfry. Is dead, lie was the leader
of the County Democracy. .
It ia discovered that thn Italian
Count ' Cavour was ft Gerniun,
' hut it must have Isn from way hack,
for hia family haa hwii in Italy 800
The planet Mam haa more, land than
the ftarth. and tli latent tin ory is that
Mara is inhabited by a rac of beings
similar to our own, hut longevity there
is far lew than Imre.J
In Indie, itwem 1873 and 1880,
lio lens than 103,000 people died from
anakebitfc. In the nam period the
(lovernmenl paid rewards for the kil
ling of 1,073.546 poisonous reptiles.
Prince Napoleon, thecahle anounees
in about to aail for this country. After
Plon Plon ia acclimated and takea out
. hia paper of citizenship, he may im
prove. In France, hia career haa hern
lament aMe failure.
We are surprised to hear at thia fate
day that Generals McCh-llan, Hancock,
Hooker, Rosecrana, Sigel, Slocinn,
13uh11 and a huhiImt of other Pfino
crata rendered no service in the late
war. Hut then we livo to learn.
A Republican contemporary arteer"
at tbe idea that the people are wun
the president. Very well. If the Rv
puhlicana don't think bo let them trot
trot out Mr. Blaine in 1888 and see uh
, ropaat the dosn. 8. F. Examiner.
Thn whole nu.uWr of poHtoifioea in
the United Statea ia 83,014, Of these
2205 are presidential otiicea; that ia to
nay, the poHtmaHtera of tliiHjInst number
are appointed by the president. The
, Asistant Postmustr appoinia the oth
er 51,349 postmasters.
There ia responsible) talk in Pennsyl
vania of putting General Mauler
Workman Powderly in Congress. We
hnpoitwill If done. Ilia presence
(I are, atipoorted by . practical students
of the labor question, like himse.f,
would have a wonderfully wholesome
. effect - -
The new governor of Utah begins
his work well. He has distinctly in
formed the Di-onle. of the territory vhat
thn low is against polycamy and he
gave them notice tlmt he intends to
enforce that law. Uov. Went win next
proceed to fortify hia assertions by acts
and not bv words.
The St. Joe Herald says: Jude
Love of the Iowa Supreme liench, hits
delivered a decision in a prohibition
ease similar to that of Judge Brewer
in the Walrutr case in Kansas. He
holds that the state, cannot prauiicMIV
confiscate property that waa legnlly
used prior to the passage of a law, urt
ilnr that law, w'thout ro-iinbu'rsenient
for the property.
Eastern Orecon paper are nwonji
some very plain qeHtions a to Ry t'ftl
lots at the June election cost ao milch.
A irood manv ueoti i who notice these
little things wou.d like to know why
p aper that a secretary of state furnish
es should cost so much niorV than' it
oould be bought for ih tpn market,
Iran a lowina thn ten per cent, com-
IniaMion. Explanations from the' hon
orable aecretary ure in order1,
i - i i
It ia one of the wickedest of Imulo.
vxrd journalists who, in a Paris paper,
declares: that in a compartment oii the
French" Northern' Railway he over
lieurtl' a. conversation, which he thus re"
' ports; " Thn liilsUnd, n Englishman,
aaya t6 hia wife, an American, "Are
vou quite comfortable!" 'Yes, dear,"
ia the reply. "Vou dont feel tlm jolt
ingt" "No, darling. tt "You don't find
any drautrht on that side, do jout"
"No, love." Theri let us change
Unices, "
Kearly all the Repuh'ican papers are
willing to accept Dolph'a lame excuse
for working in the interests of rail
road corporations and against the peo
ple, The senator goes "away around
t wv it a i , i
Jionin liooaa itarn to explain wny tie
hu not done hi duty, and the organs
iry, "All rijht, Mr. Dolph, your apol
ngy i accepted." Any fair minded
person oan see. that it was the duty of
Congress to declare forfeited all of the
grant not earned by th railroad in
11879.' Thia simple Act of justice would
have tune d over to thn people every
acta of Northern Pacilio lands west of
Pakota aeven vetrs ago, and yet in
1880 Senator Dolph wanta to confirm
lands in Oregon coterminous with the
Cascad brfneh, and then apoligixe to
hia constituent and says he U not a
corporation senator! If th RepuMi
can party expect tb plead for Dolph
and Mitchell, it will have considerable
liegfiini! and cringing, and get
ldly beaten in the at&te after all I
JJonchgross Blade.
TresidenJ Cleveland haa given anoth
tr pVoof of hi loyalty to the princi
ples of civil service, reform. Tbe ex c
utiVa order, issued on Wednesday, to
the heada of the departnieiila in the
aervto of the Kovernnii'iit, has tho ring
lit ii'niichimr sdherencoto Drinciple, It
forms a notable controst to the auhter
fuL'e and trickery which characterized
the ay II uMx-llisiit, Alahoneism ana
DuJIeytsin of Heputilicau ru'.e. wnen
office holdera were ass'saed, assigned
to political duty and informed that
their tenure of place depended upon
the teal and industry they displayed in
the cau. of the party. -It shows that
hit day is passed for federal oniceliola
ers to use their positions and influence
for pariisim purposes, ss was so no
toriously demonstrated during the last
presidential campaign,
Then the entire Vinjinid pa".ronne
of the government wis placed in the
hands of little Malloiie; who strutted
about the depart nieliis In Washington
like a modern fiiili Tappertit, waking
among the clerk for obnoxious Vir
ginians who were not on his list of
olwdient henchmen. A word from him
on the discovery of such a clerk and
decapitation instantly followed vn
til the ndvent of thn Democratic Ad
minisirution Mahoiia exercised despotic
power over not only the federal office"
holder ih Virginia, but also on Vir
ginians in the Government otiicea in
Washington. Commissioner Dudley
placed all the power and. influence of
the pension office at thn disposal of the
Republican national committee, and
worked openly and undisguisedly on
the stump for Dlaine, itwuing blank
pension certificates to the Republican
managers in Indiana to enable their, to
carfy the State, The Republican
postmaster has long lieen known as ofie
of the most valuable factors' in politics,
and has given substantial assistance o
hia piriy in a political canvass. lie
has turned his office into a Republican
headquarters tor the distribution of
campaign documents, and has carefully
excluded from the mails all circulars
designed to benefit the other party.
President Cleveland will not ier-
rtrit any of this nnsuse of official pow
er. "He says very plainly that the in
fluenoe of federal officeholders nhould
not lie felt in the manipulation of po
litical primary meetings and nomina
ting convention; and that proper re
card for the proprieties atnd require'
nients of oftinial place should prevent
their assuming the active conduct of
political campaigns. At the same
time, he does not, for a nVonii'tit, ques
tion their rights a individuals to take
part in a political canvw. It is very
easy to discriminate betwVen' the in
terest and activity in politics, shown
by a federal officer in his capacity as a
private citizen and his niisufca of the
influence and resources of his office for
the same purposes. ; President Cleve
land desires that political action
should, in every way, bo -free fioni of
ficial coercion and attempts by tin
power of ollicH to control political
movement. This order will prove an
additional blow to the spoiUmen, who
have been waiting in vain for the pres
ident to weaken anil recede from his
position. They will r.ow understand
that civil service reform ia no passing
show, but that it has come, to stay.
The reproach which has so long been
attached to the pcMio service has been
removed by thn Democratic presiiient
in compliance with the outspoken dec
Unit ion of a Democratic national con.
vention, "Experience proves thai ef
ficient, economicil conduct of the i;ov
eminent hu.Mitesa is not potsililn if its
civil sir vice lie subject to change at
every election, le a priie fought for st
the ballot box, be a brief reward for
party real, instead1 of posia of honor
assigned" for proved competency, anil
liehl for liilehl-v in the public employ ''
It is four years since. K-nutor pemlle
ton MpoUe prophetically on civil s-rviv
reform, "tty iis'str'uyih, ami in nr.
d'T to perfect it, the Democratic parly
will Sooner or later coilie into power."
T'lie Democratic party has conn, into
power and President Cleveland is' re
ligiously rtsi;rving tile pb'djjes' given
by it to' the people The improved
condition of the public srvSfi is a suf
ficient proof of Ills sincerity in this im
portant refhriii; It is il! for the
spoilsmen to expect tliltt hh will ever
alamlhn the pfinoip'l' liM haa' cherished
since his first entrance flito public 'ife.
The spoiU system is gone forbver ailcl
the Democratic' party' win" always' lip
hold the spirited patriotic views-set
forth by the president in his varinuH
puiilio papers and recently in his warh
ing to nflic holders.
There is a story told of LMiucheh;
when ho was un attache of the Briiih
Legation at Washington w hich indi
cates his disposition for a joke. A vis
itor called one day at the Legation to
see the British minister. "He is rtot
in," said Labouchere, "Never riiin'd;
I'll take a seal and wait till he Comes."
The visitor was handed a chair- on
which he aat for about an hour;- w hen
he became rather restless and crnnhed
hia watch. "Look here," h said, "I
can't wait forever: how much longer
will he Ur "WeU,1 said the impu"
dent attache, "he h-ft for Canriada' this
afternoon, and I expect him' bacV in
utout aix weeks,"
The difficulty of preventing ,llie es
cape of criminals ha at all time
grieved the friend of justice, hlit the
most radical solution of the problem
has probably been devjaed in Gaxi, a
seaport town dawned by lioih the Emir
of Belang and the Sultan of Zanzibar. ,
Accordiujr to a correspondent the mu
nicipal authorities, who enjoy a local
autonomy, have for year saved the ex
pense of burglar proor Jails iy ham
stringing their malefactor and teach-
inir them to earn a living hy some. spcI-
entary occupation. cesiaes neing
useful, the consequent lamenesa pre.
vents a relapse, or at least thn flight of
a suspected backslider.
Seventy thousand volunteers enlisted
f irty year ago for the Mexican war
They fought seventy battles and won
them all. They brought to our country
a million aquore miles of territory, out
of which three and a half billion of
gold and silver have leen dug, the
wei-'ht of which 1 equal to the weight
of the whole army, so each soldier won
for Ins country Ins own weight In silver
and cold. Ten thousand of the
volunterrs still live mid the recent law
of Congress gives them each a pension
of 890 a year. . , ,
Liberal construction of a statute
sometimes has excuses, but when in
attempt was niode to punish a New
Jersey man for pounding his mule
under the statute fopudding the wounn
ing of song birds, the court took the
Jcnersoniaii position.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Mve In the world for Cut, Uruii
r! Sore. UltTin. Salt Ithriim. Fever Soret
Tetter, ClispHil Hanile, Chilblains. Corns, and
sll ikin eruption-, ami iswitivrly cures pilee.
0r mi pay required. It ! guarnntei'l to give
perfect atinfiictiim, or luuuey ryfumled.
u!6 by E K Luckey & Co.
A Reliable Article."
Fw entrrpriM, path ami a dwlr ln"e
ucb (wU aa will five the tnuU utlMacHon.
Oahura Co the OrtigKinU leail all cm peti
tion. They Mil br lloeankn'a C.xu.'h asd
Lung 8ymu, beoauee it's tha beat Mettirixe
on the luarkxt, fitrCoughi, Culda, (ip and
Primary ('miiinition. f ric 50 cenU asd
f 1.00. Samples Irva.
A fioe Una of ailk plushe ia all shadrt
and grade t f B Ihioo'i.
ft Delicate Flavor.
And the Aflicacy of, it action have rendered
the famous liquid fruit remedy byrup of tit
iiumeneery pnpaiar it cleauftes ami tonca up
the dogged and feVerUh syetvm, and dispels
IteNdaeh'c,' (!iMa and fe"ent.' For s'al'a by
J ...... . i at. n v T . l '
Wide Atfake Drugisti.
bte'ittit A K Lu'ck'ey k Co are always1 stive
to their luuiiienK, and (para tin pains to
c ire the bet of every article lit thetr line,
Tncy have tucured the aKei'iC); for tm vele
brated' Pr ICine't New Dixcovery f6r .Coii
auinptinii. The only certain cure known fur
Coimumption,' Uopiiha, (..oioh, Hoaraeneiv,
. . . i r ,' i 'i- t
Astinim, nay rever, nroncnui", or any hi
feotiou of the Throat and fmiKk. on
positive giiaran'tcb. Trial frittlcs free, Reg
ular i!Ml.
Dr. Ta'vlnr'i 7 Caka Comitiiund. nurelv Its-
eta'ole, rinajt-ely cure rheiiniatiin,neiirnli!ia,
toothac'lni, lick hradache, cramp colic, cholera
inorlma, CempUfntfl peculiar t" females," Dya.
pepula, cijld or oi!,'li, Hivea,'. Chllla ,Ji'l fe
ver, paiiij nrouiVd the henri, erynipelaa,
phthinic, , 4 , O'fuaoB Taylor.
, For tile .mefit of oh, t tmtify ti (he effect
of 7. OAKS, . I havs been aflrjcted for yearn
with gaatti'ii troubles nj the atoniach anil, indi
ventioD of tfi'a tu with ltcrC Biitft-i;uir at
tim.-a. and Hnd 7. OAKS to he an antidote,
which I ounui.i i(ive too mncl) pmine. ,. With
riiilomath, Uenton April a, w.
I have heei troubled With Phtlio for two
year and find 7. OAKS my fw-mV. With
reiqieota. .1. L. UNi.i.
Phllnintti,Tnt.n Co., April 3. '86.
Sidii by Unburn it Coj dnigts, Eugene.
Fast Time! Sure Connection! New Equipment!
AcoommiKlntlon nnturpaaaed, for comfort and
Safety !-Farei ami JTelgliU much Lisa
than hr any other mute between all
point in Willamette Vallry and
San F.anciiicO.
Only Route to that Popular Summer Reaort
Where for Modern) Expenitea you can enjoy
eBoach r difitnq: b1 walklno;.
riehingia tlvors asd brooka.
Deep Sea Flsbtnu.
Hctola aud Better Acoommuda"
Than any other Summer Resort on the
.Coast of Oregon.
(Except Sundays)
Leave Cnrallla at S 1 M. I-eave Yaunina
at 7:10 A. M. ,
Oregon and I 'ahfornu letiue trains con
nert at Cnrvalllai '
On-goii and CalifoKii. Eaatside trains con
nect with atiigts at Alhiiuy at 12:05 V. M.
Round Trip 'i'lcifsTS at Exci;bsion Raj
Good 'I'iuSOT 30th.
The fine A 1 Steamship YAQUINA talis
S-SSffSSaaaaajw I
Tuemlay, .Inly C,
aliirdny, .Inly 17,
Thuwday, July 29,
Tneadr.y, Aug l',
Sumlay, Aug -a,
Monday, July 12,
Friday July 23,
Wednredoy, Aug 4,
Moiidav, Aug 16,
Snturilay,' Aug 28.
The Company reserves the right to change
ailing day.
FARES Rail anil Cabin, $14 Rail and
Steerage, $9 88
For futher information apply to'
A. G. F. ft P. Ag't, Oorvallis.
F.I. Fin I Co.,
f'fastering, Stone and
Brick Work
Tac6ma and San Juan Lime,
American and English Cement;
New York ?.nd California Plaster,
PIsteVing Hair, f ife Bride, Lath,
Marble Dust, Etc, Etc.
F. F Patterson & Co,
OmcE-With Betkwith ft Sun.
The Grape Cure.
Notive (or Publication
Land Offipc at RossrHjRO, Ok,
JuW K, IS8G.
the followiii-iiami'd aettler haa filed
notice id hia intention to make tinal pViof in
tiprt of hia claim, and that an id prool
will In made before the Judge or C'lt-rk ol
:1ie County Court of Laim County, ,at
Knuene City, Or., on Saturday, Aug. 2M,
ISSli, vizi Daniel Markiua, Hoineoleml, N'o
::103 for thx Lota 0. It) and 12 of Seu 2D, To
17, !S R 2 West W M. He name the f I
lowiii( .witucaHea to prove liia t'oiitiiiiiou
r Mi.lxnee iiihiii. anil eiiltivatifti of. xaiil laud.
vis: J A Ehliert. Altv-rt ' Siniuion, .loin
Wd and J K Khlxrt, all of 5priii)lield,
44 (it Keni-ter.
N.-tice of
Application to
Timber Land.
Oregon, Afav 14, 1880.
Notice ia hri-Hhy (jiven that In compliance
with the pmviion of th Act td Coiikiv ap
proved .Inn 3, 1878. entitled "An Act for the
alo of Timlter Lands in the Statsa of Califor
nia, OreRon, Nevi! an I WaahisKton Terri
tory," t'harlea W Ynuiur, whoae Kwt-nflice
i '(lr.'H.i Kueene Citv. l.ane t'outy, Oreu.
hae thia day lili-d in tlua office hia application
to pim-hae the lot No 8, rVction No 28, in
towiihiii )8 South, lUn;'i 1 West of the Will,
All liewona hohlina any adverse claim there
to are required to preaent the tame at .this
otHce within eixty days from the first publica
tion of this notice.
, . W. F. BasJAMifi. '
" ' Reuiatev""
Molitd for Publication.
ano OmcK At Rosebi ro, Or ,1
. June 23, 1830. I
1.1 the fidlowjnu nanfed aettler haa filed
notice of hit intention tit make final proof In
support of hia claim, altd that) Said proof will
he made before the Cl.-rk of the' County Court
of Ine County, Or., athunehe City Or., on
Weilnenlav, Ang. 4, 188, via s Irrin" Andrevm,
Pre emntion. I) 8 No 4575 for'thelt No 7.
Seo 27, and Lota No I, 4 5, 6 and 7. Sec Tp
17 S R 10 Went W. M: He nam'th folfnwhiR
ailneaari tn prove his' eontinuotu reaidence
uiMin, and cultivation of, aaid Jand, vi",i Amos
Ilad4al, fteiirk-e Hadaal, n( Florence, Lane Co,
Or; Tfinmaa Lace, W'm Wei4, of S-Ut1, Iiue
Co, OK Chas. W. Johnston, F.ihter.
In America
Without the EipcM of an
European Journey.
The crvatnlllzed Halts, aa obtained In a plire
state froin'rmp'-a and other choise fruit, in a,
portable, phlutafil.i'iiiiple forni, are now t pre
aented to the pnblic.of America mi the Kraiolf't
reaolyent of iiilpnre Mood,, ..corrector f)f the
liver ami regulator ol tue uuweu ine natural
promoter of ,
9t& (m
Of Spring and Summer Qddda
Regardless of b$t
to make room for the Pall J
winter DtouJi tu iwnvc at
At the old I. X. L. Store. Produce
'I tt' i nr. T):,i
, pemgra; Wheeler $ co,
dontthue to JExcliuMe MercJiandise of aU
Kinds at the Lowest Cash Prices for Cash orMerchu
Produce 0 any kind at the Highest Cash Prim
Give them a trade
Continue to furnish Lumber, Lath and Shin;
to torder at the lowest current rates, delivered
the Mills, on board cars, or at Eugene City, j
Leave your orders with J. M. Hendricks, A?
at Eugene City, or send to the Mills direct,
firm firm o f.n -nnxr t-.Vifi "hieTiftftt. rr
in Cash for wheat at their Mill, i
to furnish flour and feed at t
Lowest market rates for Cash.
Special attention to Exchange and Custom Grim,
III ffillli.
(Opfioeite Baker's JIoteL)
Just optWietl, will sell you more
Glass Ware,'
rockcy Wafc,
Cigars, Etc., ltc.
For your money than' any other house in
Country Produce Wanted.
Goods delivered to any part of the city.
For Sals.
eait of Cr ell, 11 miles aqth l
Kuene, containing GS9 acre, I now" offer for
aale at a barKain. Thn it a line, loralion
with iiood improvement", well adapteil tn
both stock raiaiug and farming.
Romcoi KkX,
CrMwell, Orw
. To aO hn ar tulferiiig from the error and
kidiacrHicsM of youth, nervous weakne j, early
decay, Wtf manhood, ., I will eenda recipe
that will dire you, FREE OK CKXKUK,
ThialeSt remedy waa diaouTereil by n.b
nonary in ' South America. Send a eef-ad
dreiued enwlop to the Kit. JoaErltT! ISnkS,
Station U New YV City.
Mr 8 H Kriendly will pay the higUea
oaah market price for wheat. Give him
call beiore mUm rirrain ebn hera,
Eminent phyicinti. chdm tlii-i achievement
a new era in the nllind n ienre of nifdiidne, aa
it furiWifH the liloml with iU nntural ealinea
that aie Iwt or eliminated every day. .
a positive, natural
Sick Headache and
Dyspepsia Cure.
Snl-Muscatfllo 1 Nitnre'e own product ll
auppliea to the nyeteui tin want of sound, ripe
irrapea and fruit; it ia the simpWet and best
preventative and cure for sll functional de
Mnfemeuta of the liver ami it kindred ail
meiit; inveuta the abnorption of malaria die-eaeee-lHvern
of nil Mini: counteract the
effect of luul air. p-nr drainage and impure
water: a xirful oxydise if the blood; a
natural MprciKc for all .kin eruption, sick
h-adacht-a, liilinnaneeH, nervn,isnf, mental
depremion, and will remove the effects acci
dental iudi'ention front exissiv eating and
drinking. Have it in your !mme aud on your
travel. It is a upecific for the fa&ied, weary
or worn-out.
Prepared by the
Lotidou sal-MucaleHe Co.
Beware' of imitation. The genuine ia tn
"hlue wrapper only."
Bend for, eirculHr to G. EVANOVITCH,
General Ai.irico Manager, 1 O Box 1068,
New York Citv.
For Mle ly OSBt'RX CO, Eufene, Or.
260 PAGES. Mmraud, mlmkoxlOili Bilii...tua.
i I uiipa. S.u,HPww,IM. Thi. Book
taint ALL Ih. euHou. doubtful or Inqutiitiv want to knov.
Fullof ry ImrrrMinf d wlxb ( ln(.n.tK. HRALTM, '
((A ITT u. trrilultwrpmmMH by iumItim-wIw
(rSirj.tleiKwIin Mrdinl AhI. vtrniimTMrr,
Woof U .Jfomt U tea. ae Wi.irl r.s riiTr at, ma
toliW. I...ckof .ll,ilvo4
mdaSrM M kT DR. WHITTlER. 8. Im! M .
. 1T n ri- .i n T i tii nini'.
Fob Sail Mr John Wearer desirea tn
inform the mhlio that be haa a rpaa ol good
work hnrM. w-m years old, wUhine between
I 400 and 1,800 Ria, for sale. For further par
ticulars, ioi'iiic i Giaao offiit.
Brick! Brick! Brick!
hand. , Will exchange brick for all kind
of farm' produce. Kiln and resilience at Wal
li Butte, two mile Wet of Eugene. -Brick
delivered immediatelv.ivn receipt of. rdr. .
. jos. mtioroKD.
A.'V. Petert, Agent, EiiKeno,
XI by virtue of a .warrant for the collnction
of iMpujuent ixit of 1S84, I have levied
upon the pro; erty described in said il.lin
(juint roll at follow.:
Owner unknow n. Beginning at N E cor
of cl which i 6.00 Chi S am' 73.03 oh E
of toe cor of Sjc 29, 30, 31 ami ,"i2. S,
19.3 eh. K .27.51 ch, S.. 35.4.1 ch N.
80' 4.T, W 63 50 ch, N 54,51 ch, K 40.60
ods, in p'aoe of bexiuninj Cii'i'tog 321 aires
T208 R3W. Tax, $10 2 ).
Hamilton, Wm : N W 1 Seo 14. T 21 S IV
3 E Tax, go 10.
Lambert, David : N W Seo 10 T 21 S R
3 K. Tax, 83 10 , .
And will sell the same at public auction'
for cash in hand at the Court House door in
Kuueiie City, Lane Co, Or. on Monday.
August 1st, 18S6, between the hours of 9
o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., to tlie
highest bidder. '
Sherill Lane Co.
Dated, Eugene City, July 2: 1886.
Notice For Publication
Land Office at RoarBi'io, Oi
.flint 14. lift
1.1 the following named settler luiiJ
tine of his intention to make final wif
port ol m.i claim, anrl tbat said vpH C
made before the Judj,' or Clwkiiftkiw
court' nf. J.ane courlty, ,()rnn' r
City, Orugi'n. on Tneuilr.i, ;,luj Vhi
viz: wm . i. vniishaiir ttoiyi -Vi
for the S I S of N K l4.rnd N tUO
Shc 4, Tp."d8 S, K 1 Wet. - ;lf mi
lowing witnexKe to prove hi 0'".a:
ilnce upon, Mini cultivation of, mM -av
Thon Ballard, Je-se Siminnn, S D Gr-
Chspiuan, of Spriiiffil, Lux sot
4H-fl - Chai. W. .ToHXsnw.fc"
11 . by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court
of the S ate of Oregon, for lne Comity,
made at the April trm 1886 thereof, I will
offer for sale to the highent bidder at public
auction at the Court Houe door in Eugene
City, Oregon, the 14th day of Augnrt, 1886,
the following decribed real estite t Lota 2
3 ami 4 of See 24, ami E of 8 W I and 8
W i of 8 K I of See 13. And also beginning
at the N W corner of donation land c aim of
Alfred Allen, claim 40, Nntiri "183, in Sec
23, and 24. T 16 SK2 W, then E 20.88
chsj. thence S 57.50 rhs; thence W 20.88
ch; thence Ji 57.50 chs to place of beain.
"ing. All in T 16, 8 R 2 W, Un. Connty.
Or, and eontaiuing 2S3 and 24 100th acres.
Said farm is situated on the Mohawk.
Terms of sale, cash.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. M. of
said dav.
s. a eakix. jR;.
M P.fere,
Tho.fiiil rapidity with W4
Colds mid Coughs frtiUrnlly '
into llic gravcHt mitkidii of 11
imkI lini.i, Ih a voiMidvraliuD vVAit
impel every, prwdont, person w ir
h:ind,iis a lioiwhiild rcnifdy, I k;
Xothiii!,' ,clse pivcsucli ImmeiWii
imil woi'kxuo mire n rure ill till''1
of tliis.vlns. That-Mnlnrnt pH
I'rof.. J'. Swcctxer, of the Jiaiw
School, Biim.swick, Hie.., syr-
ilvuo cxK.toniut so anod a. ATIS1!
1'ErToiui.i . It I Invaluable for
tnryiit and lung." , I
.T'lie Aamo onirii'on h.exprrjW'f
Wfll-:.novn Dr. L. J. Addlwn, ol M
111., who says:
I'l !,,. ,.... e.nnJ In iSlrlT-in
comlniioii Klndv end practice of
)hTi:ir.iliou.iif ui tfrenlvalueu ATII1
1'ectorai., for trenlmcnt of slw" I
throat and liinc. It nut calybrruy,
nod cun- .cvere cough., bet I ""fl
than nnvtlUnit vlo In rclltvis -
eriou. bron cliial and jjulmonarju6!
Cherry Pecto
U not n new claitnunt foi V0d
.i' which V
savin tho lives of tba fuiroPM
Who have t-oiim mu. oeing "
first ofiered to the pO.blic. " ,
There i.s not a household
luviilniihlc remedy has one?
trotlm-ed where, its use hi" i"
abandoned, , ami there Is a01!
who 1ms ever (dven. a.
for anv. throat or lung '".
tilde of cure, who bss not w
well bv ft.' '. ' -v...-
In mimherless instance, cvr
rWesof chronic Bronchitis'
niuf even acute Pneumonia.
saved lnnnv patients In the"",
... . .. .. ... nf WS '
medicine that only require
sniiill Hoses, Is pkesssni io --.v
n-ed"il in every house whW i "
ehililn-n. n Ihere I Z C t
nient of Croup and WhojyTO )
These arc nil plain fncWi"
verified bv Anybody, nud IB00
niembered bv ever. buuv.
Ayer's Cherry 'Fej
inr.i---- j
Sold by all Drussis
Xl warehouse receipt neu-v r?
against W tl Pickett Co, f JJ
of John Woolridpe, N
Walter Buhner, '0, "
Baber, in all four hundred a" "J
of merchantable wheat, illT
by the nadersigned onleM b'
torage and payment for f
101 50. with interest un tM 1
March I, 18S5. is tendered, j
on tbe Mid het is paid 'Jif