The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 26, 1886, Image 5

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    ' - nr ii latum
Foster kid glove at Friendly'.
Go to Dr X J Taylor for dentistry.
Good told cheap fur ouh at Matlock'.
A fin bt of Eastern hats just received at
"Eighty acre of flue laad for tale. Inquire of
D H Coleman.
Th highest caih pric will be paid for wheat
by F B Dunn.
Photograph tiuialied neatly aod arti
tically at Winter's.
Matlock U receiving a large line of nw dress
good. Give him a call
Hot and oold rutin every day in tlie wek
at Jerry Horn' barber shop.
The Guard doe all kiud of Job printing
oheaper than Portland price.
You can purchase Waltham watches at
3 0 Watt' 'roro (10 and upward.
Osburn mower can be purchased at the
tor tf Prltchett ft Forkner for $80.
Day 4 Henderson have received from the
East a complete line of window shade.
If you waut a good plate of ice cream go
to Ki rUu.ri'i. The tiuost in tli e city.
If you want hardware at reasonable price
call at the store Of P.itchett Forkner.. '
. The best candies and, orange can always
be found at E Tlaum's ooofectiouerv store. '
Get your bed room sets, lounges, mat
tresses and furniture of Day 4 llenderson.
u Mr Geo F Craw has the sole agency for all
brands of the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigars.
Sterling Hill keep in stock, an excellent
assortment of good readable work. Give
trim a call.
A good farm for railing stock or grain for
tale on reasonable terms. Inquire of Judge
If you are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M
Hendricks keep a full assortment.
Mr S H Friendly has just received an in
voice of ladies kid glove direct from the East,
mod they are the finest "in the land."
Sterling Hill, at the postotfice, takes sub
scriptions for nearly every newspaer and
periodical in America, at the publishers rates.
Remember, you can purchase Justices
tlank summon, civil and criminal suhoeitaes
and eomplaiut at tlie Guard office at Portland
The finest and largest lot of window shade
ever brought to Eugene will arrive on Tues
day' freight, from New York, Call and
tee them at Kriuudly't.
For dyspepsia, headache and all disorders
arising from a disordered stomach, l)e Haven's
Dyspepsn (Hire is an infallible remedy. Try
it and be convinced. For sale by
Oauuim ft Co.
On and after April 1st the undersigned
will doing business ou a
ready, pay basis, selling goods for cash nr
produce only. All purchasers will liud it to
their interest to call aod get prices.
J. U. Matlock.
. G W Weider hai bought a half interest in
the City Grocery Store of this city. The
firm nsme will be llcisner ft U'eider. They
will make their stock equal to any in Ore
gon, buyinif direct trom the manufacturers
and producers, thereby giving their custom
ers the benefit 1 They will sell the most
Groceries, Provision, Qiiuensware, Glass
ware, Tobacco and Cigars for tlie cash of
any house iu tins p'art of the valley. Call
and lee. Kkisnkk ft W eider.
Rare Bargain for Thirty Days.
, 1290 acres of grain and meadow land, 4
miles west of Kugene, with good dwelling
bouse of 9 rooms, barn and nut houses; all
under fence. Price $15 per a 're.
. COO acres garin aud meadow laud 5 mile
west of fiugono; $12 per acre.
210 acres grain ami meadow land, 4 mile
west of Eugene, with small d elliug; price
600 head stock sheep, .in good order.
. Term The land will be (old for one-half
oash in hand, the balance in one or two year
to suit purchaser. Apply at once.
UiwituK W. Kinbey.
, The undersigned have for sale at their mill!
14 miles west of Eugene, a large stock of at
kinds of rough lumber; also flnoring.rustic, etc,
which they offer at very reasonable prices.
Contractors and others intending to build will
find it to their advantage to see them before pur
chasing. They will move their mill this season
and must move out their stock. , .
May 7, 186. Walters ft McVat.
Keynote to Health.
, Health is wealth. Wealth means indepen
dence. The keynote is Dr Roeanko's Cough
and Lung Syrup, the best Cough .Syrup in tlie
world Cures Coughs, Colds, Pains in the
('host, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption.
Price 50 cents and $1. ,
All persons indebted to E W Whipple" &
Pro's, either by note or book .account will
please call and, settle the same. Our store
burned and we mu it collect the money
due us.
. E. W. AVhipplb ft Bros;
Cottage Grove, Feb 25, 1SS3.
Its Delicate Flavor,
And the efficacy nf it action have rendered
the famous liquid fiuit remedy Syrup of. Figs
immensely popular. It cleanses and tones up
the clogged and feverish system, and dispels
Headaches, Colds and feers. For sale by
r M Wilkins E ugene, W S Lee Junction.
Take Notick, All those owing me by
Mote, account or otherwise are requested to
call aud settle the same immediately', a I
must have what i due me. I do not want
toputtheaccuntsio tne hands of ,n at.
r ..... .
toruey if I cau help it
J. M. Sloan.
v,.r... r u l? I . . .... !,.:.
.III. IN A. VrtlllCB llM.ll.lf, ,.wv.
from business and being desirous of tf tiling
np, requests all those indebted by note or ac -
, .u.u,., 7 "'""." V'
meot He can be found at his office in the
..,. a i t. ii ji,,
due him.
L. Salomon Talks. He savs that all
thoee indebted to him must come forward
i i.i i . . ,
and ettle 01 else they may have the nnplea-
t.t matter brought to their attention by a
lawyer. A word to the wise is sufficient
" Foe Sale. A firu-clas, nod cart for ..1. M J" " n'n"'
. he went to hi nil residence n Olive street
cheap. Apply lor terms and particular to M(1 jt oot g, to him that he had re
ChaaCruner, .lr, or the Gcard nlBce. i moved until he tepped upon the front
- I porch. He says he felt a little f'olish a he
Farmers Take Notice. A good dinner can , retraced hi step past the Court House.
k'J at Baker' Hotel for 25 cents. I "Custom is secoud o.ture."
' Brevities.
Carpenter busy.
Hay harvest ha begun.
See Sheriff' sal in another column.
Fourth of July only on week from 8unday'
The engine company had a drill but evening.
Look at Btttman' new advertisement in
another column. ( )
See Joseph Bradford's advertisement In
another column.
Baker City was treated to a heavy fall of
snow last Saturday.
Quite a number of Euganlte are attending
the race at Junction City,
The spire of the new M. E. church building
ha been placed in position.
Several of our citiiens attended the Masonic
picnic at Albany last Tuesday.
Temple Commaudery of Knight Templars
will toon be instituted at Albany.
Work is bein r pushed with great energy on
the new skating rink and theatre.
Mr W T Campbell ha rented hi residence
property on Olive Street to Mr Krause.
A cousiderable amount of agricultural
machinery i being old by local dealer.
Judge Washburne and family have removed
to the residence on the corner of Eighth and
Hi.'h street.
The work of laying the foundation of the
Matlock and Bausch brick building will be
completed to-day.
Services at the Catholic cbuic'i next Sund ij
at 10:30 a. in.,. conducted by Esther Metayer
The public is covrjlally invited.
Mr W W Moore ha sold hi steam wood
saw- businei to Mr J T Witter. Charlie
will enntinue the business.
t'ortlaud will celebrate on the 3d and 6th
of July.- Extremely low fare will be offered
to all visitor by the 0 4 C K R.
( A 12-year-old son of Mr E F Wyatt ha
been dangeroasly ill daring the weok. At
preseut writiug he i much better.
It is reported that the European, Indian'
Australians and South American wheat crop
is short this year 82,000,000 bushel.
The Oregon Pacific Railroad now runs daily
trains from Corvallis to Yaquina Bay. No
tice the change in thtir advertisement
Hay ft Henderson have removed their fur
niture store to their new brick building on the
corner nf Seventh and Willamette Street.
Guitar strings, violin strings, banjo strings
and supplies for all stringed instrument
Cheap at
D. T. Pkitchard'8
At a meeting, of the Directors of the Lane
County Fair, held last Monday, arrangement
were made to fence the (rack and erect judge'
stands, eta
. f . . ..
Mr James Humphrey, formerly a resident
nf Eugene, was elected a Councilman of East
Portland last Monday at the annual city
city election.
Mr Quincy Brooks, of Linkville, at one time
a student in the State University here, was
graduated June 11th from the West Point
Military Academy.
The trial of Capt Wirt Saunders for the
killing of Charles Campbell, ii the first case
on the docket of the Linn county Circuit
Court, which meets on Mouday next. ,
Mohawk will celebrate the coming Fourth of
July, on Saturday July, July 3d. Judge Wal
ton will deliver the orttion and Mr Zurewilt
will read the Declaration of Independence
New subscriber continue to enro'Khefr
names for the .Icard. Thi paper now has
the largest bona fide subscription list of any
paper between Portland and Jacksonville,
The Eugene and Junction baseball clubs
played a match game in this city last Monday
afternoon. The Junction club won the game
easily, The (core stood: Junction 30, Eugene
Griffith, whn was recently arrested on the
charge of attempting to break the County
Treasurer's safe, has been disrhaiged from
custody, the evidence being insufficient to hold
The Teachers' Institute at Yaquina City on
July Cth, 7th, 8th and 9th, promises to be
largely attended. A very! interesting pro
gramme has been formulated. All who attend
..... .IVIl.J 1V.I...
Mr W H Alexander has procured a contract
to build a residence for Mr C B Montague, of
Lebanon. The Contract price is (2500. Mr.
Alexander will leave fur that city next Mon
day to begin work.
Ayefs Sareaparilla operates radically upon
and through the blind, and is a safe and abso
lute core for tho-various (Unease, complaints,
and disorders, due to debility, or to any con
stitutional taint ot infection.
Some 75 trained teachers have been sent out
this year from the State Normal school at
Monmouth. These go into the schools and
are making a great success with the Improved
methods learned at the Normal School.
We acknowledge the receipt of a piece of
music entitled, "In the Woods,- reverie, com
poed for the piar.n by Prof D W Coolidge,
and dedicated to Miss Kate Dorrir." It is a
fine composition and should find a large sale in
-, -
Those who intend to board students during
the coming year . are requested to notify, as
soon as possible, the Secretory of the Faculty,
Prof. John Straub, in writing, stating the kind
of accommodations, the price of board and the
number of students desired.
Avoid, by all mean, the use of calomel for
billious complaints. Ayer Cathartic Pills,
entirely vegetable, has been tested forty years.
are acknowledged to be.-tlie best remedy for
trri idity of the liver; oostivenem, and all de
rangements of the digestive apparatus,
" Why don't yon trade with me ?" said a
close-fisted tradesman to a farmer, the
j other day. 'Because, ' was the characteri
I f ".mi, hftifi tioVAt. itusrl mm In
tic reply, "yon have never asked me to. I
have looked all through the paper for an
invitation, in the shape of an advertisement,.
but in vain. 1 never go where 1 am not
( 'jjjJ (Jr"
i '
1 Friday night there wis a big storm at the
month of th Columbia river, which lasted
, ..." , ' . ,
until Saturday. Many daring fishermen
I c08r' plytog their vocations, and in
1 all twenty-seven of them were drowned.
Among those who were lt were Billy Lyno
pnuibst, who.i well known here, and a
man Known as oik oiti nowi,
Judge Washburne laat Wednesday worked
I rather late in his office at th Court House
Junction City Items. .
Junction Cm, June 23.
' Mr Snell and family left for the coast this
morning. ,
Rev I D Driver passed through town Tues
day on hi way home.
Mr S E Strong, whn ha been on a visit
to Illiuoi f jr some time, is expeoted home
Messrs SUrr, Powell; Uttinger ami Say
lor went np the river this morning ou a fish
ing excursion. ,
If thi dry weather continue crop In this
vicinity will be short especially late sown
A little child of W A Gnthrie came near
being drowned Sunday .by falling into the
slough uear their house.
Tre family of W H Countiss. who have
been residing here tine last Fall, moved to
Portland ene day last week.
Several of our eitizons will avail -them
selves of th opportunity of visiting the
sea ooaat on the excursion shortly to be
Riley Gilbert has sold his farm near town
to a Mr Parker, lately from the East. Mr
(ilbert intends to go te Eastern Oregon or
Washington territory in a short tune, m
price paid was (4000 for UK) acres. , ,
Celebration at Chesher.
The 110th anuiversary of American inde
pendence will be celebrated at the Chesher
school house on Saturday, July 3d, 18S6.
Officer of the day President, Hon A N
Greeu; Yioe President, Hon J B Hill; Grand
Marshal, Hon C K Hale. Programme 1st,
salute of 13 guus at sunrise; 2d, salute of 33
guns at 10 a in; 3d, prayer by Rev Wilsey;
4th, reading of Declaration of ludependencn
by C A Potter; 6th, oration by Hon L
Hilyeu. Excellent inuaio will be preseut
Basket dinner at the grave, after which
there will be horse racing, foot racing, sack
racing, aod various other amusements too
uumerous to ineution. Come one, come all,
and take a fresh breath of pure mountain
air. In the evening there will be a social
hob at thi school house, where all desirous
Lof tripping1 the light fantastio toe, will be
accommodated to their heart content.
By order of Jf.T Taylor, J 1! Hill, CK
Hale,. J- F Montgomery, committee of
r-.. i -
Mohawk Items.
, ,, . June S3, ISSrJ.
Wild blackberries plentiful.
Mr C Root returned from east of the
mountain last Sunday. (
Mr C Arnold still cnutiuue to capture
bear, having killed one last week. (
Mr Joel Ware, of Eageue, made Mohawk
a pleasant call Suuuay.
Crops are looking mther poorly a (hey
are greatly iu ueed of rain. ,
The school of district No 79 will give a
picnio Friday.
A ton of Mr K P Hamiriitt, whn has been
dangerously ill, is somewhat better,
Mr W Adam is building. a new dwelling,
which add a beautifying appearance to
Mohawk. i
Skin Flint.
Creswell Items.
, j ,. Juno 21, 8C.
Mr J L Tuit starts this v. cek for Eastern
Oregon, where he will try the life of a book
agent for a time.
Mr B B Scott returned last weet from the
Bohemia mines. He repfnrts lots of gold.
Mr G W Rhinehart contemplates moving
to Eastern Oregon thi fall. The Democracy
of Laue county will lose one of it truest
members, a he is the wheel horse of Cres
well precinct.
The school, conducted by Jas Bond, of
Irving, will close June 2u'th,
From the number of defeated candidates
in this region one would couclude that this
wa Salt river No 2.
Mr Noah Buoy i building a large barn on
bis place. Me has to enlarge in spite of poor
crops and bad prices.
TpkTacoma Ciiinesk Indkmnity. The
citizen of Tacoma held a mass mooting, on
Monday night, to discus the Chinese claim
for $75,000 indemnity for being "ired out''
( 0j Rt ctv pa
The people of that
place olaim,.that the demand of the Chinese
is ridiculous, a the entire value of tlie
Chinese property in Pierce connty, a shown
by the Assessor' record for 1883, wa $10,-
033. Of course it ia supposed part of the
claim for 173,000 was based on damage to
their business.
Died At his residence near Pendleton, Or.,
after a .lingering illness, on June 19, 18Sf,. Dr
G C Harris, aged 75 year. The doctor was
well known in Lane county, having practiced
bis prnfesxion very successfully here during the
ye r 1872 73 anil 74. He leaves a wife and
five children-Mr E T Henkle, of Indepen
dence, Mrs J B Butler, of Monmouth, Or. Dr
G W Harris, of Lexington, Or, Harry C tnd
Fred W, all of whom were present to attend
him In liis last illness one daughter, Carrie,
having died in Eugene In Jan, 1877. ,
J '-
Now The City taxes nf Eugene City,
t Iregon, for the year 1880 are now due 'and
payable the city treasurer, F W A' Crain, cor
ner of Willamette and Eighth streets. All
taxes will be deemed delinquent if not paid
within eixty days from date of this notice.
W. 8. Shaw, Recorder.
Dated Eugene, Or., June 23, '86.
Incipient Blaze. Last Tuesday evening,
by some means, fire caught in the blinds
over the windows in the kitchen of Mr
Samuel Swift's residence, burning them up,
and then commenced catching the wood
work. The fire wa extinguished by some
gentlemen that were passing. No alarm was
City Transfer The following city deeds
have been recorded since our last issue: F F
Patterson to V E Patterson, one lot in
Shaw's addition; consideration 8200 D R
Christian to J T Rowland, one lot in Chris
tiao's addition; consideration 320.
i .
.Marriaoc Licenses. The following mar.
riage licenses have been issued daring the
pait week: S C Dodsoo and Maggie David
ton; Geo Harkin and Clar Speer; L N
Man pin and Ada Powell.
Married. At the residence of Peter Riley
Albany, on Thursday, June 17, by Rev S E
Davis, Mr S. C. Dodson and Mia Davidson
both of Lane county.
Married. At the residence of L Coryell,
June 13, 1886, by Rev Jess Cox, Levi
Berkshire and Mia Martha CorsilL
Of Interest to All.
The next number of the (Portland, Or.)
West Shore will contain magnificent Urge
picture of Kugeu City, and numerous other
illustrations; it streets, busines buildings
ud residences, the Uoivertity, Publio
School and Churche all priuted in three
oolors. It will be the hudumt number
ever issued. A well written, description of
I-ane county and it resources, and the
advantage of Eugene City, aa the commer
cial emporium aud educational center, will
be furnished in th same number. It ought
to b widely circulated. Never before hits
o excelleut an opportunity presented itself
to make th advantages of this aectioa
known to the outside world. Circular, .-i
' The citizens of Eugene should purchase a
loast 6,000 copies of thi edition ot the
West Shore, and scatter theia throughout
the hast, Eugene City is the bast town in
the State, and Lane i the beat county.
Advertise thi fact propsrly and th popula
tion of the county and town will doubWt ia
the next three year. We know no better
way to (tart tin matter than to circulate
this particular .illustrated edition of the
West Shore. It will do more flood than a
doien letters to sn intending immigrant.
Mr Mamuels, the enterprising proprietor of
this publication. . should be properly encour
aged iu his undertaking.
Celebratien at the Head of Tide.
Hie lTOth anniversary of American nde
dependence, will be celebrated at the head of
tide, on the Siuslaw river, in Lane County,
Oregon, on Monday, July 6th, 1886,
Programme 1st, Salute of 13 gun at sun
riser 2d; prayer bv the Chaplain, Frank
hwert; 3d, reading of Declaration of Indepen
dence by Geo Knowlee; 4th, eration by Judge
G. S. Washburne.
Officer of the Day-President. Hn. A.
Hadsall; Vice Presidents, Capt W A Cox.
Hons A R lluctolph, E W Whipple, C T
Hale, U B Hayes; Grand Marshal, Jamet
Good music will be in attendance. Basket
dinner at the grove, after which there will be
boat racing, sack racing, shooting matches, etc
Let the pennle of Lane County, who wish
recreation and a good time, be with us and a pleasure ride on the grandest little river
that flows into the Pacific There will be a
grand excursion to Ca;e Perpetua on North
I teach. On th night of July 6th there will be
a ball given by W W Neeley in hi new and
spacious hall.
By order ot: Fred Mason, Frank Knewle,
W. W. Neeley, S. West, and Frank Sweet,
Committee of Arrangements.
Chesher and Wild Cat Items.
June 21, '80,
The Rev E Mays is visiting at the residence
of O T Hale.
Thomas ami James Cook started for Ellens
burg on tlie 7th Inst.
This place was ,isiUxl py a heavy thunder
and rain storm on Monday evening, turning the
dust into mini. , it i
The blasting on Plymouth Rock iacomp'r ted,
ami the way is open to travel for vehicles aa
far as the mouth of Lake creek, i -
A son of Mr Chastain, whn reside on Wild
Cat, died on Friday nf last week, aged bout '20
years. The family have the sympathy of the
neighborhood. . f i
Messrs Win and Finic. Taylor, Dick Rush
and Geo Lakin started for Smith river on a
prospecting totir.' It is hoped they will find a
" New Eldorado." ' , i
The citizens nut here will celebrate at the
Chesher school house on the 3d of July. The
Hon L Bilyeu will act a orator of the day.' A
good crowd and a lively time 1 anticipated.
Kyerybody invited. .'
Picnic at Mohawk.
A picnic will be held at the picnio grounds,
Muli&wk, on Sat unlay, June 3, 1886,
2 Prayer by Rev Mr Baxter. ' ',
3 Reading of the Declaration of Indepen1
dence by Mis Zuiuwalt
4 Miisic. T ' t
5. Oration by Judge Walton of Eugene.
6- Music.
7- liftket dinner. '( ' 1
8- Danciiig in the afternoon and evening on
the platform. t
Messrs J M rlporek and L Crawford will act
us Marshnls and mointnin'good order:1
A general Invitation to be preseut is ex
tended to all. ,
To Isthoduck Mining Machikert. F. B.
Mason, superintendent of the Eureka mining
company, has been In the city for some days
making arrangements for having one ot the
Salmon quartz pulverizing machines put up at
the mine. The company have had men at
work on their ledge, which is situated in' Blue
River district. CO miles north and east 'of - Eu
gene, since the 1st of March. , Two tunnels
hsve been run, one of which is 87 snd the other
25 feet The ledge is free milling gold ore
seven to eight feet in width, and from five
aHsavs made here averages about 118 per ton
nf the precious metal. There are now about
400 tons of ore on the dump, and when a mill
is put iu operation, the value of the clalrr will
soon be demonstrated. Oregonian.
Pamedtii. Examinations. From a pri
vate telogram'recelved in this city yesterday,
it was learned that Milton F. Davis, of Mo-
Cov. Polk county, who wa appointed a
cadet to the Uuited State military school at
West Point by ' Hon Binger Hermann last
winter. Passed the last reouired examination at
West Point on Tuesday, and wa yesterday
admitted to the achool. Thia examination is
very rigid, but Davia passed it with honor and
his many friends in uregon senu congratula
tions to him, and wish him a successful
prosecution of his studies and a graduation
with hiih honor. Satan Statesmen. Mr.
Davuf many friend here are gratified to bear
of his success.
Connecting Stags Line. A new stag has
been added to the line between Albany and
Corvallis, enabling passenger to connect with
th O ft C R K and th Oregon Pauifio train
th same day, The passenger stsge now leave
Uorvallis after th arrival oi tne uregon ra
citic trains in th morning reaching Albany in
time to connect with the noon train, and
leave Albany immediately after the arrival of
the trains at noon in time to connect with the
Oregon Pacigo train which leavee Corvallis
for Yauiua at 2 p. in.
Like Old Times. A couple of wagon
loaded with goods came into town last Thurs
day consigned to Mr A Goldsmith. Naturally
ihey attracted considerable atteution. Mr.
Goldsmith finding that the teamstr were will
ing to bring the goods at the same figure
charged by the railroad company hired the
former to haul 'the freight,' which hjid eome
over the O P. Railroad, from Corvallht. A
one of the bystanders said, "It kind er- looked
like old time before the railroad days."
, i rt
Norick to Net Comers. Reader, of the
Guard who have located in thi oounty site
Mar oh, 1883, will confer a favor and 'hear of
something to their advantage by tending their
post office address to the Stat Board of Im
gration, Portland, Oregon.
Died Jane 12, 1886, at the residence of
Wm Lyons, in Wild Cat precinct, Wayne H
Chastain, aged 21 years and 9 month. ' He
leave a father, brothers and sisters, and
many friend who mourn hi In.
-- -
A Urge invoice (4 carpet and oil cloths just
received t Fries-Jly't. Exaraine them,
Eld G M Whitney it visiting in Albany.
Mr Andy Titus Is visiting In Portland.
Mr O RBean ha gone to Florence on a visit
MrCha Lauer visited Yaquina Bay thi
Little Mao Watkina Is now able to be about
the house. u
f Mr A G Hovey loft on a visit to Puget
Sound last Monday. x
Dr J 0 White'aker paid Salem a professional
visit the first of the week. ,
' Mr C B Montague and wife, ot Lebanon,
visited Eugene but Tuesday.
County Contmissloner-elect Green gave us
a friendly call last Wednesday.
Mr J B Alexander has gone to the Cascade
mountain on a prospecting trip.
Dr Davis, of Harnsburg, paid Eugene a
professional visit last Tuesday.
Hon. T. G. Hendricks and wife visited
Cottage Grove several days this week.
Mr Frank Rankin left Wednesday on a
a pleasure, trip to th Siuslaw country. '.
. Miss E-nma Bean has returned from Coos
Bay where she has been teaching school.
Judge R S Beau has beon oboseu by the
aluinui ot Moumouth college as orator tor
Mr Jason Owen, ot Crook county, will
shortly visit relatlv and friend In Lan
county. 1
Mr F W Osburn will take charge of th
pottoffice about July. The office will re
main in the old quarters several months.
Mr Wm Palmer, nf Portland, b ib th city.
He expect to begin Uying brick on the Mat
look building tyon.
Mr W A Wash, traveling agent for th
Seattle, W. T., Intelligencer, gave this office
a pleasant call one day this week.
Rev J S McCain ha resigned his position
a teacher of the Indian school at th Siltt
reservation and will permanently locate in the
town ot Newport ' )
Messrs Wm Osburn, F B Dunn and Thos
Osburn left Tuesday for a trip to th summit
of the Case le Mountains. They will be ab
sent about eight days.
Mr W R Owen and several San Francisco
gentlemen left Eugene for east of th moun
tains yesterday via the Mckenzie route.
1'hey expeot to purchase a oonsidersbl
amount of land in that section.
Hampton Bros left for the Silver Lake
country one day thi week. They took
with them a header the first one ever taken
to that section.
, Messrs J N Blair and A C Brown left Wed
nesday on a prospecting trip to Southeastern
Oregpo'., ,;, .
Misses Hattie and Minnie Luckey, who
havs been attending the Academy of, the 8a
cired Heart at Salem during th past year have
rationed hum. t ., ,,
Mr J W Ifixon, formerly'proprietor' of the
Belknsp Sprisgs, will shortly leave for East
ern Oregon where lie expects to locate. .
Judge C B Bellinger,' of Portland, visited
this city on professional business several days
this week. f.
Mr U P Kitchen, ot Portland, visited
friends hi Eugene several days this week.
Mr W C Griswdjd,'' nf Salem, was regis,
tered at th St Charles Hotol one day this
weeki ' 1 ' ' i ' ;
Mr Darwin Bristow, of Cottage Grove,
ha been visiting in Eugene this week,,,, ,',
Mr Geo Marsh si, of Washington Territory,
i in i Eugene, He was oce of the pioneer
settlers ot Laoe couuty. ,. . ' , '
Bishop B Wiatar Morris delivered an
excellent, sermon at the Episcopal Church
last Thursday evening. .
Mrs G Bettman has returned home from
Portland, much improved in health.
Mr. Geo Neland of Astoria, last Tuesday
was admitted to practice in the U. 8. Cir
cuit Court at Portland.
Nesmith's Resting Place.
Tho State Legislature at its last session
appropriated (250 toward erecting a mono
tnent to the memory of ex-Senator J W
Nesmith, whose death occurred a year ago.
A number of citiiens of Polk oounty have
organised themselves into a committee and
are soliciting funds to be added to the
State's mouey so that the monument erected
will be worthy .of th man whose memory it
ia to commemorat. Nesmith i buried near
Dixie, Polk connty, in a besntiful spot in a
grove ml flr trees, on th South bank of th
Riokreal, which overlooks a One stretch of
country. Hi body lie within one hundred
yard of the place where he was married to
Mia fauliu Ootr, in 1847, end the grave t
unmarked by any stone. Nesmith selected
this resting place year ago, and nfkn when
he wa entertaining visitor at hi home Ii
wnnld beoome serious and wonld tell ths'iri
ot th future solemn a of th beautiful
In a few weeka a benefit entertainment will
be given for the Firemen' Band cf thi ' City.
Th programm will be specially attractive. Mr
Cbas Mayer Jr, of San Francisco will render
several piece on the zither, in the maiimr th it
hae charmed the best musical circle of th
chief city ot the Coast Lover of beauiful
tnnsio will appreciate bins fully. Besides,
thi attraction th band will play om of
their' finest piece, and choice selections on the
plarto and violin and theguitar will add va
riety. The best vocal music will be provided.
Every effort' ha been made to select the moat
pleaetng and" melodious music, and the public
iuy rest awured that thia will prove the
niiMtentertaining a well a the- most sucoes
ful musical concert ever given tn Eugene. Fur
ther announcements will be made,
-i- ,
Tbs Holladat Cam Decided. Nw wa
received in thi city yterday from Salem to
the effect that th Supreme Court htd de
cided the long contested ease of Holladay v
Holladay in favor of ben and against Joe, The
decision Uavea th case in much the eame con
dition as it wa decided by Judge H teams in all
eawLtial particular. Expert estimate the
value of the Holladay estate at from 11.500,
000 to 1,800,000. Th total Indebtedness will
not xectd between $-V)0,000 and 1000,000, to
Mr Ben Holladay will have a little working
capital at his command after he ha settled
with the last on of hi creditor. Portland
- -w.
. Baltd Minstrel war advertised to play ia
In thia city last evening.
Cottage Grove Items.
Cottaoi Grovk, June 16, 188L y
What is going to be dona th Fourth?
Mr Herbert Eakin went to Eugene Tuesday
and will remain until Friday, , :
Mr Charles Vile left her Monday morn
lug for Yakima City, W T. . .
Hon R M Neatch receive three fine bound
pup on day but week by express.
Mis Matilda McCoy went to Eugsne Sat
urday to sojourn for a time at O R CkriamaA'.
Mr Charles Vandevert of Crook county ar
rived here on Saturday last on a visit to friend
in this viclulty.
Mr Darwin Bristow and family paid Pleas
ant Hill a visit a week ago Sunday and Cre-.
well a visit last Sunday. ; ; w
Thunder was heard lit the distance Sunday
and Monday af tern sons. We hoped tut rala
but have gut nous yet.
V- .'-
A butcher shop is In operation here once
more. Opened Monday last by Andrew Miilex
and a man from Harrisburg.
There was a man ia town Friday who had
three nice bear skin. We understand that lie
had killed the bear quite recently.
Mr Jets Thornton hat been having hi ho
tel renovated and a dormer window put in and
other additions put on that greatly Uaprov it
Mr George Hawley of Crestwell was visit
ing at her father's, O P Adamt last week, and
returned home Saturday accompanied by Mlae
Lucy Adam. i '
Quit a number ot people from;' thi plao
and some from Creeswell and Silk creek, 'went
i.p Coast Fork Sunday to th mineral Spring
near the Geai ranch. , . .' '
Miss Emma Coleman left Saturday for her
home in Eugene after a stay of three month
at this place at the arduous task of trying to
instill into the the mind of th youth useful
knowledge. -
The publio school closed her Tuesday with
o,n it an antertaiument that wa conunenda
ble to all concerned, eaiecially th teachers
who had labored to make it both Instructive
and interesting. " The programm wa aulU
lengthy, consisting of songs, declamation.
dialoguand choice readings, In which wa
think averv scholar took a part and performed
well, which showed great proticieucy in their
teacher, Miss Emma Coleman and Sadie
June 28, 1888.
Mr R II Haileton visited Eugene Wednes
day. Ben Lurch and wife went to Eugene Tues
Mr D Bristow and family were in Eugtn
Born. Jun 15. 1880. to th wife of OT Col
lins a ton.
Mr W H Medley went to E.iirtne Monday.
returned Tuesday.
Quit a number of our town people attended
commencement last week.
Mr L B Whnrton and daughter left here
last Friday for Lakeview.
Mr Charlie Vilet returned Tuesday. He
want no further than Portland.
Mr Ellen Gough and little daughter cam
up from near Eugene Friday.
Mr T G Hendricks and family were vlaltlnif
at Mr Darwin Brlstow'e the first of th weak.
Mr Charles Barlow and wife passed here
Monday on their way to Jacksonville. Mr.
Barlow Is Well known "here. ;
The festival that was to be. proved aa en-j
tire failure as there was hone for so in reason
unknown to your correspondent
Mis' Helen.. Adam Wa Indispose i
couple, ot day last wk and was
not able to teach; in consequence her sister
Alias liVdia took charge ol tue school lor the
time. .. ,
Two gentlemen, Gonkle ft Reed, have sued
the express company fur nnn delivery ot ex;'
press matter for which they hold receipt froid.
th agent at ltoeeburg, who wrote to the agsnt
here to collect charges to the amount of 13,
Mr Otto Sliultt. brother of Mr Fred Skulks.
of Caoyonville stopjied here a few days on hi
way to Portland with several horse that be
long to Fred. We understand that h I in
Portland awaiting hi brother and horse
who left here Monday.
Justioes and Constables Eleeted. IM
The following Justices and Constable were
elected June 7th tor the usuing two year
from July 1st:
North Eugene-N J Taylor, jutlci J T
Witter, constable.
South Eugene-G W Klasey justice, W W
Cochran constable.
Cottage Grove Cba Stouffer justice, 3
Veatch Constable.
Junction J J. Butler Justice, A A Mek
constable, ' . ! ,:-
Springfield-J 8. Churchill Justice, W J
Pengr constable. ' ' . .' '
Cresswll-G W Hawley juatlce, t(i W
Tuell constable,
Klchardson-G W Bryant, Justice, F Smith
constable. .'. ' '(,'"
Pleasant Hill-D W Brtdgoe justice; L 8
Attebery constable. ;
Sbislaw-r-Wm Intnan justice, D G Pelomf
Cons, able, ,
Willamette-J B Cochran justice, J 3
Thomas, constable. , ''
Mohawk-J C Lemon justice, A F Smith,
Spencer WG Romans Justice, L M Kent.'
Camp Creek-M J Hillegas justice, W D -MolAne
Irving-J M Kltohen justice; J C Yates
Lost Vallev-T H Hunsaksr lust Ice, A L
RoKey constable. .
t all ;rrolc-U W Humphrey tiistlbe, A - II
Noble oenstable. ;"
McKenne A S rowers Justice, J M Davl
constable. 1
Hazle Dell-I J Gray, justice, T H Mc
Ginns constable. ' , .
Florence & C jCnowles justice. . W W
Neely constable. ' '
Coyote Thos AlcUuUougn justice, J mc-
Ciillciuih nonstable.
llnuirH nnnutAhljl. t 1
Chesher i A Fountain fustic: lieo . Male
constable. ' '
Lake Creek-TLos Pop justice., H Pop
Constable. '
Wild Cat-R G Fowler, constable.
, . f. -Trent Items.
Farmers busy making hey.
niy crop very light in thi aectioa ot th
country.' ' ;
Mr Wm Miller's term of school will cloa
hare on the 2Mb inat -'
We once more see the smiling oountenaar
of Lewi Morgan in our midst
Mr H C Morgan is milking a large num
ber cow for th Goshen creamery.
Mr Wm Morgan contemplates attending the
State Teachers' Association at Yaquina Bay.
Th singing class at this place under the able
management of Prof W L Bristow, 1 pro
gressing finely. '
Mr Tho Graham wa busy no day last
week making improvement on hi ranch pre
paratory to moving there.
We learn that Mr W It MoCall has secured
him a ranch at Silver Lak and contemplate
moving there this Fad. Voter.
Th Rnseburg Junior Biasa Band passed
through Euiren yesterday i
through Euirene yesterday morning on their
. wav to Portland. They favored our citizen
with s selection at the depot
I )
i '