Si ! i ! J II . I- i f ! If I -;. "it ; i, H !! ! ? 1 S ( ' 5 i - i i f - . I- SaTtiJ From The Crati A dinpatch from Toledo, Ohio, dated June 11, says : A remarkable camt In just Iichii brought to liilit in this city, llujjli Mclntyri1, a young Jrialinwn, arrurontly died, and Jiis remains were plaved temporarily in vault at Detroit. Kiyht days after nn uncle visifctl the vault with the intention of removing tlio Udy to the cemetery, and wan horrified to -o the young Mian sitting p in his ootlln, the glass f f which wan broken. . Young Mdntire waa very weak and pale ; his hands wern lacerated and Weeding, hut ho wan mill a!iv JIo was at once removed. Ilia ife was terribly frightened at his appearance, after having mourned him as dead. Don't send 25 tvots-ia rwponso to -an advertisement in the New York i, that on receipt -of that amount the advertiser will send " twelve useful household articles." If you (.end 25 -cents, you will get twnlve pins ly rvturn mail. T. G. HRlHH Ki, President. S. Ii. Kakih, Jr., Cuahier. Of Eugene. first Mm fail ' raid up Cash Capital $50,CC0 ftugeno City - - Oregon. PiKht draft nn NEW YORK, SAN FICAN CISCO aud PORTLAND, OREGON'. ' All collections entrusted t" in will receive mi leiitinn.'Weiiioke tlU Jeii tun-ik r Ki-cijUv Itopnalts re'irived subject to check. Loan mede iu approved security. mhI a general . liwiikimi liiixiiitwH dime nu rcasnnaiilc terms. ADMIHiSTRATOR'SfiOTiCE. NOTICH IS HKIIKIiY (1IVKN THAT tin) tiiiilrni.-iittl ha lii-en by the ('utility Cnurt of Line Ci'iiiily.Ori'Ki'P, iluly vi adiiimiiitrntiir of (lie enfiite nl Julin H Mk, ilecvaKi'd. All pemiinii liavinK i l'iiin guiu.t aid ett9 - ar ' hi rehy untitled tn VrMeiit the name duly verilii-il, m by law re paired, within ain tnettlia fmin the date lixrenf to tlm MiiiliTniKiiiMl at the law ntlice ol ' Ollyi'O & t'lilliiir, in Kugenu City, l.aue Oianty, Orennn. latd M.ty . 18SR. Scui' Mkf.k, Ailminiatratnr. WltVKn h C'iI.i.ikk. A'tva Wide Awake Druggists. Mr K It l.nnkey & C are ilw-nyi alive In their bnninn, ami iain nn paiini tn t'liru tlie liu.t nf isvery arlmle in their line. Tliey have aeonred tlm oitency for the tele bratwl Dr Kin-'. Nur )iHcnvry for Cmi auniptiim, Thu only certain cure known fur t.'iiinumiiti'iii, CiiiiIh, CiiIiIh, IInar.viioHK, Asthiuik, liny I'nver. Ilnnicliitu, nr any af fnutinn nf tilt! Tlll'u.'lt nnil 1.iiiik. S. .1.1 mi a pinitivu Kiiaraiituu. Trial lloltlet free. (!u ulnr lize J I. Cure For Plies. Vilen are fwrpioiitly preeeilrd by a rne nf weight in the tmck, l"in and Iohit pint nf tilt' jilHloiiien, cauniiii; the lutiuit tmnipinwe he hat .onie nll'ci tion of th Kiilnr or ni'L-liluirin.' arKana, . At titnm, nvinptoins of inilii,'i'Htion nr. pn'iiciit. nittiil'Micn, nneaninets o ine atom I. ..... A .....if I... IiIa ..irMiiiriktiiin lil-.i. ilnolmj ft very iliiiareealila lt-'hin, aftiir jjt t tinir warm, ia a comninu altemlant. I'liinl, Meeiliint auil itoliim iilK vii'M at mice to the plilication of lr Itomitiko'a Pile Iteineilv, width acta dirently upon the parta atfected, b nrliinu the tnmorn. allavinu the intein-e itch- fnif ami etfei'tiiiL' a lieinmnent cure. Price fit) .cent. Ail'IreM the lr Itnnancn Muilicine K.y 'Piipia, Ohio. Sold by Ohlmrn & Co. and . S, ILoe, of Junction. Syrup of Figl, Keynote to Health. Health U wealth. Wealth iiieann Inilenen itUiice. Tha keynoto la l'r Itoaanko's CoukIi anil l.iimr Kvrun. the beat Chiil-Ii Svniii in the world. Cure. Coul'Ik. t'olila, l'.iiiu in the 'het, Dnmcliitia ami Primary Comounntlin. One doae k'ivea relief in every cane, lake -no either. Priee AO centi and 91. Saiuplei free. Sold by tialmrn Vo, iProper Treatment (or Coughs. That the reader mav fnlW underatanil lavhat-cmistitutea a kmhI Couuh and l.uii; JNyrup. we will say that lar sikI ililt lierry S the baaia of tlio beat romedie yet diaoov- relt. Tliene ingredients, with toveral others equally as elliuaeious, enter laf p'ly into Dr lioaaako'i Couch and l.unir Syrup, thus making It one nf the most reliable now mi She market. Price ,10 cts and $1. Sample, fine. Sold by O.burn & Co, Kiigene; V 8 liSe, Junutinn, 1S0HUHEHT: J. A. C.Vi:DWELI, Corral Acetit fortie,'oa. M. FULLER, of IJartUurv, L'al Axent j0t A and Lao ciMinti". i i ' li A MiiUr'a Xew furnitnr in El'liKMi, on Wiilmelwtret, aw! t uinj and drxiua. 4 IviVi Tw0 K,Si- -iSw m0 AM KING'S EVIL TVas tbo namo formerly clvcn to Scrofula because of a supcrstlllon tliut It could bo cured by a llus touch. The work! is wiser now, sod knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough pnrlflca lloo of tlie blood. If Uiis Is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint tbrouiru (feneration after generation. Among Its earlier symptomatic developments sre Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Bolls, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and iay leal Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tluue. Klicuiuatlsm, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, mid vari ous other dangerous or fatal muladles, are produced by iu Ayer's Sarsaparilla J the only powerful and alveam rellablt blood-purifying medicine. Jt la so effect ual sn alterative that ft eradicates from the svsteni Hereditary Scrofula, mid the kindred poison of contagious diseases and mercury. At the Mime time It en riches and vitalizes tbo blood, restoring healthful action to the vital orirnns and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medietas I composed of the pr-milnc IIniuhtrri fiarwpariUa, with Yellow Duck, Stll lingia, the Iodides of FoUinsltim and Jrun, and o'.her InTeilientu of (crcat po teucy. carefully mid M-lentllieally com pounded. Its formuln Is cncrully known to tlio medical profession, uml the bext nlivHicluns constantly prescribe AVEtt'a feAH8Ai'AitiLL. as an Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest, as well as tba best bloo'd purifyiug medi cine, In the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PHErAltEP BY Dr. J. C. Iyer & Co., Louell, Mass. Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Untwists: Price (1; Six bottles tor & OVERLAID TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. .' CoHHetUoni, l'are frmn Portland to Sim Prnncisco ?32 to oncraineiii, ?.). Cloiie connection made at Ashland with ntage nf the California, Oieifnii anil Idnfiu Stage t'niiipany. (DA1LT EXCEn' SUNDAYS.) Sole l)iviiion. BETWEEN FOBTIAND Alii) A3HLA3D MAIL TRAIN. I.FAVK. AltniVE, Portland... 7 10 a. in. Kiik'ene 2:04 p. in. AhIiIiihiI ltuJO p. in. Kunene 9:41 a. in. Knuene 2:0.1 p. Ahlnnd....4:15 a. Kuaeiie.... '.51:40 a. Portland ...4:L'5 p. Al.HANT rxi'UKSSTBAlN. I.r.WK. AltltlVE, Portlainl. . . .4:00 p. in I Lebanon. . . .H:20 p m j.rliannn 1:4.1a. m Piiitland .10:05 am Pnlluian Palace Sleeping cam daily between 1'nrt anil anil Axlilanil The (l At! K K Kerry makes connect!"! with nil the regular trains on the Kant Side Division from foot of I' Street. ii'..... uri.. lit. .:.x. BETWEEN FOoTLANO AND ' C0EVALLI3 11.UL1UA1N. I.HVI. ARSIVR. Portlainl fiflO a m I Corvallin. . .4:30 p m Corvalli H::tl)a in Partlaud. . .3:20 p m EXPIIES THAIS, irtrt Alllltvr. Portlniiii fi:00p in I McM'nvile.8:00 p m AIeAluinville...ii:la m I I oruanii. . ..o:.j a in I. ti.'kt. fur mill, and li.-iL'-ia'e checked at coininiiy'e up town nllice, cor Stark and Second afreet. Tickets fur principal point in I alitornia can oniv no procnreti ami uag gage checked at eoinpanv ottuv, Vi.ii.lf will iint )m ri.ivive.l for iliiiinient af ter 5 o'clock P. i. on either the East or Went hide Invimona. JtKOKIIl.KK, E. PPOtiEP, Manager, U. V. ami Paas At LOOK HERE! W. B. ANDREWS IS SEILHSTG Lumber At the Depot, FOR GIVE HIM A CALL. A. O. HOVEY, I'reMileiit. H.f! lU'MnrUEY Canhiir. LANE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY, HUMPHREY CO EUGENE CITY, - OR. (! nrral ksitkiiu' tran.a. ted. 1). oits mi-ivrd on etirretit accomrt t.nd on lir.ial nitihitite Draft, drawu on PCRTI.AXD, SAX FHAXCISCO AXD NEW YOUK. PiM. of Exchange 'ld on the Cities nf K o;ie. I can. mde. ( rl.edt.Hi. onatl aecuilde points apecilty CK,KXXIAI. I.IVKUY STAP.I.E-J. Eat.m, pn Firrt c!a Ti ams, ltsivi-, etc. to all iMiints at reanabU rate. llyJ aiafor tale, if Mlguartere ( W-a,Ut eta jt. m Thousand. d S I re p Hi 3 Jo' UM h .1 , i H t ETC rr, m P -1 a. 3 a ? 'A 2 o CO 1 5' (A o a tr1 WILL EXCHANGE TI1K, EUOENK MILL hereby takes the pleasure COMPANY at annotiuu ing that they wil! take ....WHBiLT- at any warehouae north of Eugene City exchange for FLOUR. MILL FEED, ETC., at their mill in Eugene. The C pany will take wheat receipts, properly signed tliem. ami cive credit to the owner of tn the 'aniu on mill buoks fur the amount bushels. P. E. fc CO. Julv 30. 1831. a-'-'i'n mi DEPARTUJE! IIEiV GOODS! NEW PF.ICS S! milE UXDEHSIUXED WILL COM I. inence on the lt day of October, IS., In sell their new and complete Mock ot GENERAL MERCI1ASBISE -FOR- Cf Ef In view nf the hard times, we have con eluded to-reduce nur 'prices to a ciiwh ba.ia, Mini; AK iireil that it will be to the lulvautat; of our ciiKtomeiH as well as ourselves. We cordially invite all cash customers to ex amine our atock, as We Feel Coiilidcnt that we can Salt You Doth In tiiinlliv and Price. RflMKMllItlt Wc Carry ITo Trash! Call in Ste the Difference Between Cash and Credit. MM & JON, J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all l.huls of Agricliitural Implements. AND Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon IS. W. CONDON,, EUOEXECITY, - - - OKEOOX. Orrics Opposite Walton ' flrbk. First National Bank of Eugene City. treasury"dartment, I Office of Comptroller of the Currency 1 Washington, February 27, lSso, WHEREAS, ltY SATISFACTORY evideuw) presented to the unrli'Piik'nrd, it has tven made tn aprar that "'1'HR I' lKaT National Pank or Kcuknk City," in Eiiirenc Citv, m the Cminty of Lane, mid Stute of Ore poll, has complied with all the pn viions of the Uevined Statut.'e of (he United States, re quired to be cnuiplird with before an asaocia tiou shall lie authorized to commence the busi nt'wi of Itaiikiiu;. Now TliKiinvnr:. I, Vallentine P Snyder, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Cur rency, do hereby certify that "I'HB Filter Xathinai. Hank or Eit.fsb Citt," in Euent City, in the Cminty of Lane, and State of t'reifon, ia autln rir.e.l to commence the hiiMne of lUnkinf aaproiided in Sei'tmn Filty-on" hiiiulreH and sixty nine of the KevUed Statutes of the United State. Is TssTiMoNt WHltnror witnew my hand . and seal of office this 27th day of Seau J "-lrury. 1SSC v V. P. SNYDER. Deputy and Acting Comptroller rf theTreaa urv. X.v 3.4.-A fml3 2m Notice of Application to Timb'T Land. Purchase XL'S S. LAXD OFFICE. r.OSF.r.TTj;. Oreiron, Mav 11. IS,-;. N..tice i herehy jiiven thst in eomplianct with the provUion. ot the Act of Conrres ap prove..lune3. lS7ri. entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Ual in the State ,,f Califor nia, t),ei;on, Nevada ami Wahin;ton Terri tory," t harlea W Younk', wt ..(fice ad.lrens ia Eueetie 'ity. Lane Cmnty, iretfon, ha. this day hied in thii ffice hia application t pun-haw the lot No 3, Sect ion No 2S. in twn.hip IS South, Kane 1 Wet, of the Will meridian. All perrons hMiinr any adreme claim there to are r.Tjuire.1 to prerent the .mie at this otfuv within aixty laj. fn.iu the first p.iUiia- j tioa of ll.u oeii je. w. r. I'LNJAMIX, l(jiter. Approved rap JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J, C3. fA,-r DEALER IX Clacks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc Repairing Promptly Executed. &2A1J WorU Warranted. JTS j. a. LU:KKV, Rf worth (Va Brick Willamette atreet. ngoraior. THE OLDEST, OH EATEST ami iiKiT I:EMK1'V lor the cure of .Nervous uml I'hysical Do Cl'i'i'v. Vitid E::',i.iun'.ioo, Seml WiihI Weakness, l.oa nf Maiilnaal. CCl''"il'"-' .Memory, ninl Ktlaxed jund hnfi ebled conditions bf the u.Uenito-L'i:nr'iy or(;uns. (n li M'tKiui.Y Ct Imrnttn V. icy, hiulv 1 n-sy, Lis of Vior, talitici'i', and a.l the S$ sail ei;'tcU of youthful foliies and 1H the abuno or hxcewts ot .Matu- VxV"i ntv. v'L.'X '-... r. n.n...ltu nv.nli .Unnaturul Loan fn.m tlio sys- .. .1. ....... ii. ) nnti nttuaf wl O vyi'lll, an viiv.ritiiMr.....v..... :: k have lined the Jb inedy in the . .:'V . . . i i .L I Y'v"jp.paht quarter oi aceniuiy wnicn .''i.1 'it li. been b'.fore the imblic. 'Vfjixi O t it iiiiin il a wonderful remo I .' . V f".l.. li.Tiiin. !.!:. Tn'fV.'ii. Mlrni'.'tll- "Ceiiitit; the nmtcles, clietltiiu! the KWHste. ii.viL-oKitii:).' the vhnlc t?rrv.ti-m, and rvtorini;tbe nfllii.ted J?to Health and Hai'IMNKss, bJ! The Doctor will a;:n e to forfeit 81,000 lor a u'.se un lei'taken, not cuied. The reason an muny can not itet cured of WeaUlies atnl the iibnve i1i.eosea is owin,' to a complication riilkai "Pnwtatorrhen," hicli require, special tieatmeiit. VARICOCELE or WoiiMY Vri.vs of the Scrotum. Often the nnsuMifcted cause of Lost Manhood, Dhbii. ity. Ac. DR. LIEP.irVS IXVIOORATOR, X with one peculinr special treatm"nt is tlie "iilj cure for Piostatorrhea. Pv it Manhood is re stored and the hand of time moved back from Jl-'( to until. If pimples appear en the f;ice, if you bccimie litlrM iinl de.4iaiiiiliDt h k out for the coin- nlication with V tnl Wei.tmi!n aud loss of Vitality known as Pit sti'toTrhea. Jluiiihtile of lives have been lost for the want of proper treatment fortius cominicntloii, and tlioiiaano. have lost all their property and pUasure in life from its eiteots. Puce of either Inviorntor, V-'. I aso of six bottles, .1H. Sent to any lulilm, covered accun lv fmni observation. Dli.'LIEUKl tt ', treat mnv-esafully by Homicopathy every form of Siiecial, 1'iivate or whrunic, Diseiiaj without mercury or mw-eoiis drtiu's. If vitulitv iii drained from the lioily nmu-'rous diseuse.i follow tlit balfle ordinan medical trcatmctit. If allowed to continue, the unnatural bus causs Consumption, ilia lietes. UrL'ht's Disease, Insnnity, Ktc. Cun-s (iuaranteed. Di-uses of t'ne Ki nito-nrinary opsins, kidneys, liver and luailoer cpceiull) treated. iMseiwe of women si.ililv cured. QUALIFIED nnd KKSFl IXHIPLP.-Dr Licoiir and Co, from Europe, are organized in couinliance with Califoroiu Medical lr.w. Dildoma iirocureil by regular roller education and are now in their nineteenth Year of spec iai practice. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. l'r LielttVa Wniidirful Mii'netic lleab rs or Self Mnnetizers, the iirentei-t curative inven tion of the aire. Every man or woman can now he their own magnetic liHiih r. It can lie usrd without the aid nf a professional hand ruhlier, consequently no liii; fee to pa v. i'rici', io complete. Sold ONLY at the Dr LiebL: Dispensary. Call it aiMrewt 4fl0 Geary Street, Sun Francisco, Cal. Private entrince -tOo Masmi htn-rt, four blocks up ticiii y from Keniney. Main en trance thiouuh Dispensary Dru Store. 'fl r9 Cotehrated Fnnlilon Cnialnirae ti 13 CCMT CRCC Kortyrtii acU sunv ULI1 I U J." uur, J.30, rraoy mwa imh, tnanyniMreaa. Illor.tra.c3 and lists every tlminlorLaiiiiis', Gents', ('lilldiens' i.n I Imams' wear Housekeeulinr iiiMMtit, ot prlcrii i:avr thau Uiofic ot eiiy l.,.u. In L mm L'ultral StaleK. llftllOCle tNiiltluciinu iiiuraarer!l,or monev re i .ii.i. i it. ( . I . liOdll s hffS. C: li Ave. 'JUlb bt., -N. I. Car. "TO STOCK RAlSEiiST Ycung Sampson. This fine horse will st ind at SKmns ata'do in Eui.'cne, on Thurs'lav, Friday and Saiun ay of each week, and at ( reswe!l on Mouilov, Tues day and Wediiesdny for th ' ensuing srnson, liei.'iiiiiimr April 1-t, and en.lin.l.ilv 1st, l.t-itl, ami will nerve mares at SIS to in.-nirj a. foal, when the min-e is known to bo with foal. Pnrtinj wilh an icsur" ! mare forfeits the Insurance mmi-v. Care t iken to prevent accidents but reponil.V for none should any ocinr. Marea a.ituted at renoiia!il- rntes. Yniinii Ssmp-ion is n beautiful bav, 8 ye.w old April 'Jii, l.SSii. weight about IS!) lb, is 17J hands hli;li, mid i considered by h.irsemen on of the fin. ft in tl e State. Ynunir SainH.on was sired by Adventurer, he by Emperor, the first tlioroujjhhrcd Clydes dale eer imported into tlreu'nii, Adventurer's dam waa a tine Hnry mare. SanipsnnV ihim i well known in Marion coun ty as a tine mare ntul a uno,! breeilVr, wiih few if any superior in the State. For further par ticulars Bee the owner. This horse will make a full stand at his own stable in Eii. eiie. T. J. Dl'NTEX. ANOTHER 14 lbs Br-t 15 " Suirar 9 " C. llee 4 " Tea S Cans Totnitoes (best). . ..SI 00 .. 1 00 . . 1 00 . . 1 IKI .. 1 00 And other goutlt In proprotion GOLDSMITH'S THE GROCER. Goods delivered pmmptly to any part of town. Cah paid for all kinds of Couuty Produce, Hides and Furs. P.wt assortment f lillor'EniE'l. CE'iCK K'tYand CLASS W 1;E. and WOUD and WILLOW WAKE iu U e City at Goldsmith's. hL Lumber. EE DRUGS, PATENT MEDIUM) Prescription Lepn J tment in Compete n Han ds. CEO. F. CRAW, P3STG??1SS C13AH STORE. EUGEXE CITY, OltEGOX. tan I rH tn Cm O m iH 0 4) e s a o rH f H CO o C5. a. CO M c3 o W 8 0 m fi CO LCii A LU'a Exreriorco. Iv3inarfc.ibla and c;uic!s circs. Trial PaCissca Band Dxp for BoalzJ parti 'ju-'firo. Addroea iV.VVWJ A CO.' t.c;g.!ana, n'!?. 3 1 W, r .iWa J V-l Are H-rf.i'i!y Uniti ai:anlvvs Cillftdin!, Vfta to-tl.v.' rcOTlarlv by liuki Amcrien.i Veu-.'-n. fin p?rl? to S1 thcrs. or i !wi rffanileil. Pon'tss;e UJ nuiuev on wcricti1"; nsxrniu. tfrV tnta Betioily lrnt. ti&id tiy all Lr.ii.iMti, nr linoiP't to eny .'trireeH. Send 4 oenta for particuiara. YJlLtO. irai: CO., fbKnCa.. I'm, Is running and will run all Summer. Eills filled at i IJ ii . 11 I' -Jl -Jt T JSL JtZa Gsburg h Ii short notice. James C. Goodale, Proprietor. Orders can be left for the Coin rg at the store of McClun.4 & Johnson. aw mill GRAIN BROS. DEALERS -is J Tlotclici nnd Jewelry, iV.' Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and Wft-aned. Xorthwen. corner of Willamette nd Li-hth str-eta. MILLER BROS. DEALERS IX- Field, Vegetable and Fiower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, GARDEN TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETC., Ml 2d Street, Between Salmon and Taylor, I'orltmid. Oregon. ! (KLV 30 ''ksth. Tlie Ctaiid will be fur . nished to all new .ubicribera until after . the June election for the ennll mro of 50 euta. LuckeylO DRlLEItS JV.......;. Brushes, Etc., Etc. OSB WILLAMETTE STREET SIASB, Eugene City, dealers in DlvL1 Ur, CIIKMKJALS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES,- CBUTOHE8, PATENT UELlth BranJie'a. Wines and L'l of the very best quality furmtdifbitlif WE have nlwnye kept abreast of tW fcj in nur line, and without boastiiii; , k wa are safe in claiiuinir that we hi?. 1: TtlsST aanrtnn.nt flf IlTtfJCS li P.. "j S - - - - -,j m Particular attention i called to urit' PEEFUMEHY, TOILET SETS, and , V.A CELLULOIbCAjj 1886, Weehall eAMetaFelI PAINTS, firfij HtucK on harm) llian any house in tlm citv. and nv liti can rest assurer! that anythinsr benghtbii i win oe, nrwi-ciaw. ja we ouy many if, p.o.ia Kiw-t and have facilitien that ftW ki business hftA e, we think we are prepareii,, derscll and furninh a better quality man nnvmit: in our one in xitne Cfillarr. We call especial attention to I'K&Cl! h'TuVl) .l.:.l. l. f..ll ...I . ,i : i: t -. "1 iiii.n, twncii win ne cureiuiiy numiti nouis oi ui) uay or ni'iiu DR. SPINNE!, No. 11 Keabney Street Treats all C Iirosiic and 8pm DlMcuat'ji. YOUNG MEN liTHOMAY BE SUFFF.ItlN'OR V The etfects of youthful fnlllM or ri cretion will do well tn avail theniselKulii the Kreatent boon ever laid at the alter d feriug humanity. DH. SPINNEY will d antee to forfeit 50 for every cae nf M weakness' or private disease of asy k( cunract'T wnicn ne unnercaKei sou iu There are many at the acre nf thirty tn who are troubled with too frenurat f" tions of the bladder, often accDinird H slight smattiiiL' or burning sentstien, weakening of tho system in a way tht fa cannot account for. ' On y.ainitiint; tfi wm ileKisitn a ropy sediment w'd lAvm W W mid soinetimeH small paillvlM ot Mtrian hi iicar. or the (iolor will be of a thin, ite hue, nuitiii changing to a (lark aiid t'ltj pearance. I here are many mm we. tliis ditlii nlty, iynorant o the cauw, iW the second staL'e of acminal weakneav k ' will (.uarante" a perfect core in nch cam. I a healthy restoration of the Kenitft-onuit Hans. O ice hours it) to 4 ami b to a. tail 10 to 11 a m. Consultations free. Tftumf ainination and advice, $5. mi. nvixxv.Y a to, No 11, Kearney Street, San Pruot 'o5 y ; v--.',',A,' W$ Pal Cst 3M, 1333. K, -V. -- -.- .--r --'.' -! .'y civ?.' 2vor7 Rovl tiling' is COf. foit-M, end. oocGur-i.-rs thens a-Arvwja Woof'; ?OOB GLA.G3. Ceo HiattWe labalte on rncli divaneyaf 3I;iak;:'.Tenr:o!CI.?W J Iitittrs.-!i .et t,'1,.;T4 PC?. AL3 IT f'lEES ExtlngTiiehed every day with the III rave j onr nnmea. ynur 1'" ' rrt f r n.tT live. lakennotner. "''';",', a. 1 Hayward. G J IWcht, 124 MsrWJ J M HirNDKICKB, W Notice. I will hire for aale, about 12000 split cedar fence 1ot. '14 I I rr 3 v3sai..m 'Taj t . . am3 mi lit Hiyward Hand Grenade Cobont, Aust 22.