The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 05, 1886, Image 3

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    1 1 ... 1 . I!1
r tr kid gloves t fiifsidly's.
t; to Dr K J Taylor (or dentistry.
( ,kU sold cheap (or cash t Matlock's.
A fine U of Eastern. haU J""' receive1 l
hty acres of nM tnd fo' Ini,li,s
V.e hlht cash price will be pal J (or wheat
v B Dunn.
"j ,toirapli finished Uy and artis
at Winter'
hammer wraps. Ladies call at FriemHy '
,,e and zi"ino them.
, iOock U receiving a lare line o( new dress
' Give liira a call.
.4 and coldiatha every day lathe week
t J .-rry llom'a barber hop.
t .Guard doea all kiud uf J"b priuting
per than Portland prices.
V can purchase Waltham watcliea at
x, Watt' 'rom 510 and upwards.
burn mowers can be purchased at the
U Pritchott k Forkncr (or $80.
1 A Henderson have received (rora the
complete Hue of window shades,
yon want good plate ( ice cream go
'J Bau n's. Thi tl iatt ii th e city.
na want hardware at reasonable prices
at the storo of Pritchctt & Forkncr.
nrnidrtics specialty at Friendly'.
1 step In the store ana nnic ai muni.
le best candies ami oranges eftn always
lnd at E Baum' torrfeutMintrv store.
It your be room aetij lnh'ngee, mat-
Jen and furniture of Day & Heiulcrson.
Gen F Craw has the aide aKepoy (or all
m, of the celebrated Tausil Punch Cisain.
irlinj Hill k'ep1 ' ,tock an. "Acellent
Jtirient uf good readable work.'. Give
in call.
r..wm riul'rf. atitrlt nr Jrain fur
h 1 J '--'fl) " .r a
inn reasonable term. Inquire o( Jiuko
jui. . . ,
Dr Patterson being absent visiting rclmnliy
lei to tUte that he will be iu the cd'ue
on Saturday 1. .
yon are in want of agricultural roncbin-
lnv kind, remember . mac Mr J w
, ,dricks keeps a full assortment.
:r S H Friendly laa just received an in-.
, ice of ladies kid cloven direct froE! tho East,
i they are the finest "in, the land," .
,. Sterling Hill, at the posWflce, takee sub-,
'.. rfptlnns for nearly every r.ewspr .cr and
rtn.tieal in America, at the publishers rate. .
1 Itiinembir, . you put pbsha; , Justices'
rMsbk summons, civil and criiuinul aukmcuara
i i.J complaints at the Guard office at Portland'
r- . .. v .
f will, deliver g'Hid cedar pnsts for ?H jier
inddredn 1 good cedar boanls for SI per linn
rtil Will exehniii.' fr wheat or flour-;
Iekve orde.vt with S B Kakin, Jr.
The finest and Urireit lotof intlnw abades
'vir bro;ig!it to Ktigeiie will arrive on Tiles-.;
rd.iy'i freight, (ruin Now lo'rk. Ca-.l tud
tea. them at Friendly 'a.
t . . t; . .: . '
, Fur (lyapeMa,, .ttf-adiudie r.r.d j,!l 'iriwink'ni
rfaiiiK from a dianrdi'i-ed etiuiiarh, De Haven's
,!'yip,'Pi t; " an inflt:lile remedy. Try
!t and bo convinced. dale ly
... 1 Ospdhn it Co.
, On and aftnr April ; !t,. tho viiihrsigiioil
. Jl commence r.01113
l;n iiiie pit a
j pay Immv selling r. r iasIi or
v4du :e only. All purcliawri will rind it to
t .Mir interest to call and 'gt pricijs. , ..
J. u. alATLOVK.
Rare Bargain for Thirty Days.
1200 acres of train and meadow laud, 4J
t dies went of Kuene, ith jjood ..flwelltnx
i.auiie of 9 rouinn. Iiarm and out houses
jider fence. Price $15 per a in.
'500 acres jrarm and meadow laud 3 miles ,
v-Mtof Ruuena: S12 ner aero,
i-;210 acres (;rain ami nmadoW laml,,i miles dclliug; price
5J4 per cro.
1500 head stock sheep, in gord -rder.
Terms Tho land will he sold fn? one-half
cash in hand,; the Ualanco in one or two years
t suit purchaser. Apply at once. . ,
I The undersigned have for sale, at their milll
M miles west of fingene, a large rt.ock ot at
Jjinds of rough lumber; also flooring.rustio, etc,
ftncti they otler at very reaonaoie. prices.
f ontractors and others Intending tnhrild will
nci it to their advantage to see their) before pur
hasin?. They will wove their mill thh sciwa
And must tntve out their ntnck. j
May 7, 188I5. WALTKItS t MCVAV.
Notice to Debtors.
All persons indebted to we as postmaster, or
therwise, are very respectfully requested to
lome forward an I settle at once, 't he new an-
pouitee will talc charge ncout .;uueo, 10,10,
tieivfiirn it m tin iterative .that the accounts of
the office should all be settled beore that date.
AU those indebted will please give this matter
their early and prompt attention. .
, , A, J, I 41TMISVS.
. . Its Delicate Flavor,
Anit (ha iffiMr'v of its actkm hare rendered
fthe famous liriuid fiuit remedy Syrup of i'iga
L. . . . ..I f. n.l ..uua III!
i immensely popular, j, tirimiw.
Uie clogged and feverish system, add disK-ls
Headache; Colds and fe-ers. For sale by
til Wilkins Kugene, W S Lee Junction.
Take Notick. All those owing mo by
fcote, account or otherwise are requested to
call aud settle the same immediately, as
innst have what is due mo, I do not want
to put the accounts in the hands of au at
torney if I can help it.
' J.M.Sloas.
f.NoTlCK. Mr. R II. James having retired
from business and being desirous of settling
UP, requests all those indebted by note or ac
count to immediately call and make a settle
Went. He can be found at bis office in the
Court House, ready to receipt for all debts
due him.
(Removed. Mr J Davis has removed his
tailoring establishment up stain into the rear
room of Walton's brick building. Anyone
wanting good work should dune give him
,L Salomon Tauca. He says that all
those indebted to him must come forward
and settle 01 else they may hevetheonploas
tt matter brought to their attention by a
lawyer. A word to the wise is lurfkient.
, Fahhibs Take Xotice. Accoddiuner can
WAitsker'sHMelLrSS cent.
The Repubs at Cresswell.
CBtsswsti,, Or.; June 1, llWO.
Mb. EnrroB:-lt U ah nit tiii.e that a Remb
lican rumpus of rejolcieg was given a liearint.
and as I attended ffyices at this place ar.d
i-nbibed a liberal supply of the food
can enthusiasm which our kokI brothers Diuk,
Tate and Gilbert dispensed, I must express
myself or I w. 14't live to help ulrct the tbckyt
with the Republican trade mark on it. Anil
as the law provides that each party m iy select
a vignette to a-lurn tlnr'r ticket, I want to
surest, if it is Aot too late, that ours be a
rhirt, stained with the deeMt dye, forthe vtry
)!iHd readnii that that has about the saice effuct
en the Democrat (the dunnnic-N), that it would
have nu a Spauish bull-makes 'em jusc charge,
ami it's about thu only thius' that we hae left
that Iimh any etfei't on them. It would be not
only convenient hut su'Chtive. Well, aliout
our nautili. J'Iib chairiuan iiitrodueed Jim
Uiuk us l:riublii:an camiidatu for htato Si-na-tor,
aud llio Dick ilidn't f.Ml away auv lime in
talking about the duiivn of tne olliee for which
he is running, but l iuuuhed nt ouee into an
eloquent Hrtviumeiit of the Democrats at
Washington nud the President (Oh, why
couldn't it be lilaim?) in 4articular, unl the
way ha did slash things ws a warning. I
Wl you it did my poor i'aiuirhing soul gornl
after hearing thr D.-uircraU and Prohibition
ists (the crankn) wramde the day Iwtoe, to
hear a man taKe his own time for it and just
spread himself. '1 ha UHiirper C'hVfland, will
nued to hive about nineteen lives to live
through this campaign, if Jim Dick uss bim
up at every precinct as he did here.
U10 Tate .ulna next and trotted out his man
uscript to tall iM he wan not a speaker, hut a
worker, ninl that he had fought 111 the political
war eversinoe the shirt became a weapon, ami
he showed that he kii-w how to wield that
effective we.yirn for the demoralization of tho
Democratic detnagtgies. He went on and
mentioned (modestly) his economical ways ami
assurred its that that part ot his n ature should
predominate if we keiil hi in to Salem and we
surely vi,l. V.'e, who know him, can vouch
tor las economical trsiU, for it is known that
he once wanted the Toledo lil.ide and another
uood Keuiblican paper for the saiue price, and
when "Ns's'iv" coiiimeliced writing his letters
to the lilade from Ireland, telJiu;; his awful
stories of the poor cl.otses andaluiMiig the land
lords, llro Tate not justly iudiL'iiaiit and de
cided to take the other IMiner. (It would lie I
just l'ke those fool KcpuMicait lalmr agitators
to scratch ).fio Ta t atiout that if they tind it
out. but then they'd have to take up with the
good for nothing third p irty or the Democrats
and they ere nearly lad-moll guess it
don't make any (HfTcreuce, and Hro Tata and
llni Dick both say ami sound logic it is too
"that the troubled of labor and capital must be
settled by theirsetves licfore thero is needed
any h't'talatiun on the subject."
The leanti:'i part of the whole cvivrks our
brothers are making' is that they've got it nil
their own way, plenty of time and nolmdy to
bother; And then it is so easy to clenr 111 the
fabu'honili 'tijJ mirepresi-ntations of the 1111
i.criipulous Dt'tni.'crnt and the tricky "shys
ters" of J'roliibifior'-At, being just one iby he
hind them aud having a good Kepublic.iu in
each rreoiii"M!ike myself), to taki notes from
the other meetings, etc. Oh. it is the cleverest
thing out, and 1 could not see how it was so
neatly nrVaui!ed until somebody said it was the
work of our tine new chairman from Iowa, and
it is no .ifod. r, for he has certainly ha I much with Dr-nincmU and Prohibition
ist,; Mid he know that the bet way .0 treat
them is to ht thorn alone. And then that
notice that he published about Iiro Dick going
tocanva'H and inviting opposition. Iiro J)ic!
did pake it plain that they made tho fust
uhalieng", but I didn't rpiite g"t tho hang of it
aliout the "If te, but of course it was just
righ', aud anyway tlnv didn't have to go with
tho "menagerie and tide show" a Bro Hudson
puts itL VVkh a State platform "like the nig
ger's iloiifiled-tuded coon tia," and a cminty
aanvaJs with nobody to ask fool questions, we
are af. and I want to sav "Glory" but I
xuefi I u ii1 profit by I'ro Hudson's experience
In tno pivsidintial tual contest, ami wait 1111111
the voln is counted, as tln re is 11.1 Knowing
what the eoheniinv Democrats will do, ami
then there is those Proliiliitioiiiits th. y are
Working in tuj interest of the Democrats the
"ehystera." Very truly,
" Judilant."
Soldiers' Call.
To the Indian War Veteran of Line
County: Yon are hereby notified that there
ft ill be a meeting of the Conip uiy at the
Court House, in Kuene City, .Saturday,
June lUlli, at 1 p 111, t morn fully orgauizi
and to attend to such other business as
m iv urouerlv c mio before the .netting. AM
soliliers not Laving nrrennore j .ineu tun
... . . - , . t . ; ; 1 . 1 -
JJompany are nurei.y rcpectiui.y inviwu v,
" yn.v iv.
Dune by order of P. C. N'oland, ("apt.
L. Ii. Uowlanii, Grd. Suijjt.
Trent Items.
May 27. 18SU.
Mr .'oe Parker's team ran away one day this
Iveek, and in the fracas Mr P had one of his
hands badly injured.
There was a fire at Dexter on the night of
the 2oth iu a house occupied by Mr Kd Mor
gan. The flames were extin.'uihcd with smue
difficulty by the neighbors; damage slight.
Thn m-.ny friends of D.-auon P,ntledgn will
be pleased to learn that he has accepted a
lucrative position with the railroad tt Peiulle-
tou. .
All nersons are hereby notified to clean up I
all rubbish of any kind in streets and alleys
adjoining their property or residence within 10
days from the date nl tins imiicu.
Uy order of htreetloiiimittee.
H, J. Day,
City Marshal.
Eugene, June 1, 18SS.
Cottage Grove Items.
Cottage Gkove, June 2, 1SS6.
Diy weather. .
Road work is progressing here at present.
Miss Hattie Chance was married to a Mr
Bedell, May 25th.
Mr John Whito and (amity, of Siuslaw,
were iu town to-day.
M' Alfred Leonard came down, (rom the
mines one day last week.
We understand that Cathcart 1 Veatch
will build a new store at the depot.
Mr Sam Vuatc'i, it is said, will be run d r
Constable at this place next Monday.
The political speakings were well attended
at this place both Friday and Saturday.
Charlie McFarland, son of Jas McFailand,
is sick. Mrs Jas llanley is also quite un
well. Attorney XofTsinger, of Kugene. paid Cot
tag .'irove a professional visit Wednesday
ot last week.
William Wallace, son rf C H Wallace, has
been quite sick, but was ou the mend at last
Last week a man had a wtiman arrested
f .r striking his son on the head with a stick.
Mr Nnllswger appeared mi behalf of the
State and Mr J S Medley fur the defense
The woinau was acquilleu
Pr( B J Hawthorne ill conduct lay scr
Tioes in St Mary's Episo.l CImreh every
Jfinnday at 11 m unrtl (urther notice.
Locals scarce,
Election Monday; -
The Pink Tea party was well attendsd.
E II i L Co No 1 meets next Monday ere
nln. . v. 1 . v. ,.
Attend the sjwaking at the Court House this
afUrti Hin at 1 p in.
. v . .
J 5er.gerl the boot and shoe maker, has
moved to Cresswell.
Mr VH Wsikins' little boy is still lying
ft) a very precariots comr.tioh.
For rent, a sinnll new dwelliuf hcuso, gxxl
lucition. Inquire of Marshal Day.
Matt Hendiii'ke received an Immense stock
of aricultiiial n a.-hincry last Thursday.
Mr D T Pritchard cleans watches for the
low price of 81 and warrants satisfaction.
Many of our titir.ens will leavo for the
mountains ami seaside after the election.
Mr Jas Huffman has let the contract to Mr
W It Abraios to build hiin a new residence.
The thermometer last Wednesday regis
tered 92 degrees ia tho shade; Thcraday CO
Hon G M Miller, Prohibition candidate for
Congress, was announced to speak in Eugene
last evening.
Mr Keistier has sold a half Interest in bis
giocery store to Mr G V Welder. Give the
new firm a trial
Ve request our friends in the different pre
cincts to send us as early a report of the result
of the election as possible.
The Warshaticr Bros have opened their
store in Raker City, aud write that they are
doing a splendid business.
Mr J W Matlock h is lot the carpenter con
tract on his new brick building to McFarlatid
Si Feuton, for the sum of $1300.
Complaints sre numerous concerning boys
going in swimming just above the F.ugene
b idge. If they Io not desist the officers
will bi) compelled to arrest the guilty parties.
The M.inns of Albany will rive a picnic at
that city on June 2tth. Dr Geary of this city
will daliver the oration upon thai occasion, and
JasF Uobinsuu will act us one of the Mar
shals. The Chinese baby 'recently purchased at
Albany by Him, the Chinaman, died at the
wash house on Willamette street last Wed
ncsday. The remains weie buried Thurs
day. If yon want anything in the tombstone or
cemetery line, call on Ilickethier & Graham.
They arc splendid workmen ami thoroughly
understand their busiuees, aud give extreme,
ly low prices,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly concentrated
extract of Sarsaparilla and other blood purify
ing roots, combined with Iodine of Potassium
and Iron. Its control over scrofulous dissases
is unequalled by any other medicine.
II C Ownn. Sr.savs the Prinevillo Review,
sent a force of hands to the Ochncn mines
recently to begin work. Mr Owen proposes
to do consiilerablp prospecting them this
Summer, and if the prospects are favorablo,
wilt fully develop the mines.
Pack-ache, stitches in the side, inflation af.rt
soreness of the bowels, are symptoms of a dig
ordsred state r.f the dlgestivo and assimilative
organs, which can bo corrected by ti ueo of
Aycr'a Cathartic Pills. As dinner pills, nrn'l
aids to digestion, they have no equal. Thy
cure constipation. ,. .
Mr D H Canwell, manager of the Hclknap
Springs, was in town several (fays this
week. He will open this popular resort, at
once, and intends immediately buililjiij; a
oommoilioin hotel, Lath bouses, etc. Stages
will leavo Eugene twice week (or this
resort. ;
Last Wednesday a Mr I N DbVkwnrtlt
nud daughter were leaving their home near
Knnira, their team hucaine scared and run
away, throning Mr Duckworth and .his
daughter to the (round with initch force.
Mr Duckworth was severely injured and tho
d uijhti r considerably bruised. We hrtpe to
heiirof Mr Pink worth's carry recover, as
be is one of our best citizens. .
The proprietors of the new skating rink
are at work placing a roof nri the large
structure. The roof is supported hy.jroii
toils that run clear thrcngh the building.
It is estimated Hint 80,000 shingles vill be
used it the roof, We learn that A stage will
be placed iu tho building, mid suitable Scen
ery secured immediately. . ;
On the 21th inst, says the East Portland
Vindicator, Mr Frank Hill,, 'well-known
employe of Jlirguee saw mill, was united In
matrimony to Miss Annie Furlong of, Port'
1 md, the ceremony beir.g performed by Ke
Father Fierens at the pastoral residence, ror
ner of Third and Oak streets. Th J happy
con I1 have taken up their lesidence on the
east "ide, and are the recipients of many con
gratulations at the hands ol numerous iriendH.
G W Weider has bought a half' interest in
the City Grocery Store of this city. The
linn 111ms will be Itcisner k Weider. They
will make their stock equal to any in Ore.
gon, buying direct from the rnxnuftctSrere
and producers, thereby giving their custom
ers the benefit. They will se!l the most
Groceries, Provisions, QjeeoswAro, Glass
ware, Tobtc-co anil Cigars for the cash of
any house iu this part of the valley. Call
aud see Rkmnkk & W cider.
Memo'ial Day Services.
On last Sunday evening memorial services
were held at lihinehart's Hall under the auspi
ces of J W (jesry Poet, G A K. A very large
assemblage of people were present, many being
unable to gain access to the large balL Ac
cording to programme, llev C M Hill deliver
ed the sermon Umn the occasion. It was a
very creditable production ami showed much
thought, and was delivered in n impressive
manner. It abounded in loyal sentiments and
was highly praised by those present
On Monday at 2 p m the Piat, the Women's
Kelief Corps anif"a large nnmlier of cituens
wended their way to the MsMinio cemetery,
where the exercises of the day were held.
After prayer, ltev E J Tbnmon, of Sjalem,
delivered an a hires. The speaker's remarks
were fitted to thn occasion, and received mark
ed attention from those present. During the
remainder of the day the graves of many were
rtwirab-d with garlands of flower !n th Ma
sonic and Old Fell w cemeteries. Detach
ment ,f the G A It al.n decorated th grave
of Comrade Attelwry at Pleasant Hill and
CoirraJ PusliBfU near Irving.
Lane County Pioneers.
Last.Tbursdsy was the day selected by
the Lane County Pioneers for their Second
Annual Ft! u ion. A large number of pen
arrived ia town by 10 o'clock a m, and our
streets presented a gala appearance. Gray
headed pioneers, men and women, were to
lie seen upon every hand, And s we looked
upon them many thoughts coursed through
our mind. Many have already gone en the
journey to tho silent land, aud in a few
years at most, the remainder of these noble
men and women that hewed this grand land
uf ours from the wilderness, must also fob
low. Many were the trials and reverses
endured by these pioneers, but at last suc
cess has crowned their eflorts. To day,
however, all wore smiling faces. At 11 a
m, Marshal E P Coleman and Aids escorted
a large concourse of people to the est
Park in the Court lloase Suture where seats
had been prepared.
The meeting was called to order by the
Vies President of the Association, Hon A 8
Patterson, who made some ell timed re
marks, Welcoming the Pioneers to their
Second Annual Iteuuioo, and introduced the
Chaplain, Eld Phillip Mulkey, who deliver
a prayer suited to the occasion. The Prei
dent then introduced I'ruf Thomas Condon,
the Oral or. It would be au injustice to the
Professor to give a synopsis uf his address,
and 011 account of lack of apse we cannot
give it eutirs. But permit ns to say that
the iblrss wss (brilliaut and pointed, and
was a credit a the gentleman. At the con
elusion of the address, the audience dispers
ed to take dinner until 2 p m,
At the business meeting of the Associa
tion, held at 2 p in, the following ollicers
wern elect for the ensuing year; President,
A a Patterson; vice President, Uoo 11
Mnrchl Recording Secretary,'!' (i Hendricks;
(,'orresM)iidiog Secretary, Joshua Walton:
Treaurer, A ( Hovcyj f)ir:tor, Prof. l W
Johnson, Dr K It Geary, M II Harlow, Jacob
Spores, h V Coleman and A 3 Patterson:
Gun Hillard, ex-ollicio.
The Pioneer Ball held at lihinehart's Hall
in the evening wes largely--attended and a
pleasant time rnjovrd by all present. The
fl.sir manairers. heretofore announced were
especially praised for tnelr able management.
Roll of Honor.
The following are the names' of (he pupils of
the Springfietd school ort the roll of honor fer
tile month d!ng May 28, 1BSG.
Martheta Thomas, 95: Minnie Rownran. 85:
Manerva Hemingway, 93: Oscsr lleniiiik'wav.
8'J; tewrtrt,. 95 Frank Cowan, 83;
Alice Hirsto'V, 93: .James Seiivey, 8.1; Mertie
Churchill. 85; Nellie Holcome, 95; Jaiues
Stewart, 85 Eddie Armstrong.
Ionk CBAMriM, Teacher.
Bertha, Walker, Laura Burton, Fred Walk
er, waiter oici narson, r.arnest i ainpneii,
George Burton, George Neete, Hattie llenja-
miu, J nomas JJowman, I.onuy Andrews, .las
Wyarit,'1 Margaret Thomas, Karl Churchill,
Esther Stewart, Millie Siilers, Edward Hrlggs.
t-AimiE WAl.ltKll, Teacher.
The following are the names of the pupila
of the Latham school who were on the roll
of honor for the month ending Mny26, 188C:
Ciirrin Coolry,' Geo Cathcart, Clara Haiub-
lin, Sydney Mnmlilin, MuDole, Klua
Thnrne," Osriv ' VaJghan, urnost Mclley
uulds, Giant Brown. ;' ' '"' .' ' '
MiNStR fosvEtt, leaohcr.
.The followfcg h the report of school in dis
trict No Off, frr the mrtth ending May 28,
UWtff: ' ' '"' "' "
Nn pupils enrolled, !C; attendancgood.
The following pupils have not if.tsaod a dari
Flora I'Mminstnn, Maugie Gray, Wultor Ed
tiHqt.ii'iD, Ira Grayi Fred Gray, Ena Vanghan,
Lost-'r.. Vauglinii, J'-ddie ti nieal, Allred
Vanj.'h'ii.' James Donaldson, Edoie Vaughan,
Charles Donaldson, (Jeo lMnaldsnn,
J'he follnwmi: missed one day only: John
Seaver, Johnny Edmiston, Birtle Seaver.
' . . 11 . T...I...
Sclionl report of District No 87, (or the
moiith ondiiig May 28th:
Whole 'nninfi'er of uutiils enrolled. 19.
Averago daily uttendaiic. IS. The folloer.
iug nr' tboMe who bavo not been absent dur.
ing tho past month:
J'.lla .llaslerson, liiun Aycrs, ranny
Avers Miiida (iilb Hiie. Walter tiillospie.
Clmrles Swnggart, James Boyd, Gen Camp-
brri. 1 lin. e who nave only missed one ilnyi
Ctistis Masterson, Kuima StillwelL Nemlxir
tardy murks, 4. ' General deportment gissl.
At SMITliniiLD. All tle candidates' met
at Smrthfield last Thursday and discussed
he issues of the day. The' Republicans
oeked suit Cult 6nokfng, oiul did pot try to
explain why they refused to meet the Dem
ocrats and Prohibitionists in the major por-
tifm of the previncts In Lane oomity.i The
"Iowa Stutesmau'' will be as mad as a tor
tured bull when he Itifda out "his men''
wire foolish enongh to meet the candidates
of the -other twn -l.artiea. The Democrats
and Prohibitionists literally demolished
them. It is a weak lot of "men and we
hardly blame- the Iuwan for making them go
it afon heretofore. Tate, 111 his attempted
speech in reply to Wallace, ' said ' that
"preschers'ahonhl not mix 'in politics,"
when Hro Wallace arose and said, "then if
that-! so, Rev Dick hiuiaelf had better go
home." Such remarks by a Hepubliesn', of
course is very "interesting to Mr Dick.
DlKD. At the family residence, 12 mill e
cat of Knyene, Thursday, June ft, 1880. (
consumption, Mies DeEtta Cogswell. The
funeral will take place from the residenqe to
tfr Gay cemetery c-'n Camas Swafe to-nior.
row. Friends are invited to attend. The
citizens of Kugsoe olfer their heartfelt sym
pathy to the bercavul family.
Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely veg
etable, positively cure rheumatism, nenraluia,
toothache, sick headache, cramp colic, cholera
morbus, Complaint peculiar to felonies, Dya
ueuda. old or muifh. Hives, Chill and fe
ver, pains around the hear'., rryaipelus,
phthisic. GrouoK Taylor.
For the benefit of othrs, I testify to the effect
of 7. OAKS. I have been afflicted for year
with gastric troubles of the stomach and indi
eestion of the fond with itreat suffering at
(ime anil I Kml 7. OAKS to t an antidote.
! arhtoh I ftAiimit iiv too much iiraise. With
respetrt, Mrs. IchaboIi Hemkle.
Philomath, Centon C.., April 3, '8U
I have been troubled with Phthisic for two
years and find 7. OAKS my friend. With
respevt. J. L. Hum IE,
Philomath, Benton Co.. April 3, 'bo.
Sold by Oaburn k Co, druggists, Eugene.
All persons indebted to E W Whipple k
Bm's, eithe' by note or book account will
1 please call and settle the same. Our store
e burned aud we mo it collect the money
due ns.
K. W. WBirru Bbos.
CetUge Groyi, Feb 23, 18SS.
Eld Whitney U home on a visit
Mrs J 1) Brown is improving in health,
Mr. II C Owen is visiting in Prinevillo.
Mr Shurthff is confined to hit led with
Mr 8 Simon, o( Portland, has been visiting
In this city. -
Dr J C Whitcaker visited Purtsnd one
day this week.
Mr D W Bass, of Salem, ha been visiting
friands in P.iigen this week.
MrChss Cochran, of Gilliam county, is
visiting relatives and friends in Eugene,
Mrs Geo Campbell, who resides across the
river, is visiting in Itoseburg (or a fw weeks
Mr S Muura, of Bonuevillo, is in Eugune
waiting oil her grandson, Mr Watkius' little
Mr W B Rice, General F and P Agent 'for
the O P It R, gave this office a pleasaut call
this week.
Mis Ella Risdon, daughter of Judge Rlsdon
of this city, this week visited her oousio, Mr A
W v'rikht, of Portland.
Messrs Jas Noland and E K Henderson are
at wink aurvoyiug suveral of our streets pre
paratory to their improvement.
Mr Col Henderson started for McMinnville
yesterday. His mother is visiting there
ami he will return home with her next
week. .-
Thursday Mr Geo A Dorris came op from
Albany where lie has been several days bn
legal business. He returns to Astoria this
Mr K J Sprague Is the name of ti e" gentle
mad that has purchased lilalr Bros & Bell-
man's niamifV:try. ' He Will move here with
Ida family ne:;t week. ..
Mr ' Sampson McConnell, who has 'been
spending a couple of years iu'Jackson county,
has returned to Lugme. His many friends
gave him a hearty welcome.
Andrew Huff went to Myrtle Creek Thurs
day, to tako charge of the tcleraph and rail-
Mail office at that place for a few days during
the absence of the regular agtnt.
Rev C A Wnoley left Monday for Mo
Miuuville, where he went, to attofid the
Synn X of the ' CuniberlauT ' 1'reabytvriau
Church to be held at that place.
Messrs Clias Calef, Frank Harrill, and Grs
and Will Bullanl left this ccunty Suuduy (or
Montana, where they go to permanently lo
cate. We hone the boys will strike it rich,
Mr George ( ibson, our old Demooratio
friend, arrived in Eugene laatThursday from
Crook county. He will return to that coun
ty next week,' add idtem'i to take a drove of
cattle back with him.
A Reliable Article.
For enterprise, push and a desire to get
such goods as will give the trade satisfaction.
Osburn A Co the Druggist lend all competi
tion. They sell Dr Rnsankn's. Cough and
Lung Sy i up,, because It's .the best Medicine
nri the market, tor Coughsr Colds, Croup and
Primary Cnnmniiitlon. Price f)0 cents and
81.00, Sipnples free.
Ducklen's Arntc(t Salvo.
-e . mmm mm m . ,
The best salve In the world for Cuts, Rruis
ea; Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and
all t(t hi eruption', and M.sitively cures piles,
or no pay. required. It i guars iitecd to give
perfect ratrMfAOVfuft,1- or iMonuy refunded, Fof
rale by E K Luckey k Co,
Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means indepen
dence. The keynote is Dr llorankos Cough
and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the
world, Cures Coughs, I olds, rains in (lie
Chest, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption.
Pries 00 cents and el.
A C ARD. '
' Tn all whn sre sufferiiiir' from the" errors ahd
Indiscreticns of youth, nervous weakness,' early
decay, lose of manhood, Ac, I willsenilareciiie
that will cure you, FREE OK CHARGE.
I IP (Treat reineuy was iiiscovoreii vj m mis-
fmiiRry in Hontli America, aenn a seii au
d.-eswid envelope to the lUv. JostrHT. Imuan,
Station- D Nw YA City.-v1 ' ;. .-
JiilJl I JL'J ' 1
v . Notice for Publication. ,
gon, .Iuiih 3, lKSII.
N;oti:e i heMhy' glvon that the following
ruiu'iKil sctLler has hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in suppoit of his claim, aud
that aald proof will le inude lietore tlie I ouniy
Judge or Clerk of Lnne County, Or, at Eugene
City. Or, on Salurdav, July 17. IBM, ix:
.film McCiillooch, llomestead No 3i75, for
the Iota 1,2 and 3. and the N E $ of N EL
Sec 31. T 18, SUtt West. He names the (ol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
d nco upon, aud culti'-alion of said land, vii
A O MclJanlel, Geo lladley, S Mctiullouch,
I N Doak, all of Crow, Lane County, "regnn.
Chak. W. Jo1intow,
Notice for Publication. .
I 1 .Inns 3. lHffi..
Notice i henhy given that the (ollnwlng
nan.arf eltlvr hull Bllt notice ll( hi illtelltioll
to maki final pror.f in suppoit of his claiin.and
that utd i in of will be mad before the County
.1,1.1... nr t lerli of I .an Couhtv. Or. at Eiurelie
City. Or(jpp Monday, Julf 1!, IHHrt. vixi K
A. West. Pre-emption D S No (3M, for the
los9 and H), and a K J of S W L Seo S4, T
17, 8 R ll West. nd lota 2 ami 3, Sec 3, T 18,
S R 10 West. He names, the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous resilience tiioii,
HTIil flll II V&llllll III lllll 11.11. 1. . M I. V .
Sweet, Z T Sweet, W ( cWt. Tho II Lace,
all of Seaton, Lane County, Ur.
UUAB, . jOHHnnm,
Kvervone .tndin2 in need of building mate
rial will do well to call and e our foburg
stock of lumber, kept at Midjiley k Dysinger's
factory. W ran please all kimls of customers
in ouallty and quantity. Uive us a call Inspire
purchasing elsewhere. N. N. Mathews, Axt.
V airents for the Insurance Companie for
nirly held by Mrt'ha I-auer, and are pre
pared to Insur your
EosBo. Earn. Whsat. Wool. Zts Itc-
auainst 1" by fire, and can give you choice
of some of thn Best Companies omthib Coast.
ready and wjllinif to pay bwi promptly.
Wsaskf -r the liberal .patrons' eatended
to Mr Latter. ; ' .
HS5PUCES k Eaiut.
1. manufacturing (arm implement nn ibis
coast is the Benicia Agricultural Works, of
California. 'Ihey manufacture all kinds of
farm machinery, and coast farmers will eVi
well to with their IVtland office.
Their celebrated itkel uowrk, which the peo
ple of California have named the "Ben ft la
IJoy," is nutsrriping all nlhrtrs in this years'
heavy alfalfa iu California. One hundred only
of these mowers are to be scattered through
Oregon and Washington Territory this vear aa
an advertisement for another year. Four la)
the nnmlier allotted to Eugene, and Mr E K
Luckey ha secured oue of thi number. They
are not In the market to interfere with trade
Iu any manner, aiid those who secure them
hae the Is-tieht of rery low prices aa a re
muneration for assisting in the Introduction
and improvement of home industry. Farmers
should liear in mind that in very many see
tiona in the northwest the dealers are bound to
Eastern factories or their Western agent ia
"Iron Clad Contracts," that stand a a barrier'
between the farmer and home made goods, Ia
c-iae the farmer doe not find the goods of the
Henici Agricultural Work in stock of his
1 ical denl.'r, he can secure prompt deal and
liberul discount by writiug direct to r
M. AYER9, .
Portland, Oregon.
A Rt Benicia Agricultural Works and Baker
k Hamilton ('
r . ,
WlUametts Va!l97, to San Francisco
Traiiu have Corvallia Tuesday, Thursds,
and Saturday, at 9 a. m:
Leave Yaquina Monday, Weduesdsy and
t ,Friday, at & a. at. .
The fine A 1 Stearftship YAQUINA saili
Monday, May 5,
Saturday, May 19,
''hursdiiy, June 1, ,
Wed'y, June 17.
Sunday, April 25,
Suuilay, Ma 11,
Thursday, May 24,
Wed'y, Juno 8,
The Company reserves the right to change
sailing days. .
Faiiiw Cabin, ?U; Stcerago, $7; freight
at reduced and nn-lerafe rales.
' River boats on the Willamette connect at
Corvallia. fare and ratbs.
For luthcr iuf jrmatioii apply to
A. G. F. k P. Ag't, Corvallia.
Eye, Ear, llcctal and
Nervous Diseases.
, Surgeon, Ocjlist and Specilist,
Aa above, (lnts his lietlth improved by travel
ingr and now anuounces that he will continue
his monthly visits to the Upper Willamette,
for a year to come, f ,
Will meet patients at St Charles Hotel, Eu
gene from 3 p. m. Wesiiii'Milssy. to 2. p. I
ill. Tliumdsiy, immediately following tie
first Monday of each month.
Have over one huudred etires to refer to, and'
sis sample give the following:.
B F Bond, Irvini', saved from Blindness.
Jaa O Cherry, Albany, foumlryman, restored
from Blindness.
K A Rampy, Esnj, F DefTenliacker, Harris.,
burg, 1 W Hond, Irving, M E Judkins, Eu
gene, Rectal iHseuses. - ' ' ...
Have a large numbtr. of cases of FileeV
Ulcers, Fissures and Fistula, either cured or
getting well after years of unavailing treat
ment with cutting operations have tailed.
Address, . "
' Dili J. B. PILKINGTON, y
Portland, Oregon;
For Sale.
east uf Cresswell, 11 miles South of ,
Eugene, containing (iSH acres, I now offer fOT
sale at a bargain. Tim is a line looatioh
with good Improvements, well adapted to
both stock raising aud farming.
Rohcih Knox,
Cresswull, Or,
Stevens' Patent Clothes
Dryer, Wheel Barrows,
Wooden Bowls and
Wooden Ware.
Prices of farm fencing range from 45 to 65,
ceuts per rod, to turn all kinds of stock.
Factory, Ernst Wilt 8t, Eugene, Or
Headstones and Tombs fiwinhed in Americaa
or Italian Marble, ,
Sfono Work and Cemetery Enclosures.
Scotch and American
Granite Monuments.
Persons at a distance will be furnished with
prices and designs to select trora .
on application.
All work warranted.
Please call and examine my work and get
prices before pnrohasinii elsewhere.
Furnished at manufacturers' price to my
customers only,
Shf nn 8th street near S'oan' Stable.
of years. Apply to
Sherwood Burr,
. OfiBoe np stsirs ia Walton's Brick.
Blair hi I Co.,