The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 15, 1886, Image 3

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LimitxT is very Hcurco at r.afcpr City.
I Carlton wmts a doctor to lorato there.
Union county 1ms 4.1S2 school cliil
Jren. f PfCi wa flailing is proving a success
f Tin' Masoii Mpofe two erect a two
jtory lirif Ir !,flnon.
? Hank Vniit;h had 800 acres in grain on
the Umatilla wwrvation.
(ieriuaiMt compose one-third of tba
fom!u!iofttf Uuker city.
Tin' estjiMuted coht of a bridge across
tlie Willamette at SaVm is $-13,000.
I J. T. Ojulioime lias been cuiifirmcj as
Iiecoivt r of the La Grande land otlice.
(Jrain in looking well in Umatilla
futility, but not us far advanced as last
I An excellent oiiality of limestone has
teen discovered at Adams, Umatilla
jfoiinty. ,t . ,
i Ben. Windsor, of Lincoln, has sold his
Voiiiic horse, I'rido, to Joe .McGee for
i.t.uou. rr ' . -
I The averaw asReHsnient per acre of
laud for 1SST, all the counties of Oregon
included, was 77.
Mary, tho wife of Indian Jim ut Oregon
t ity, was inurdered ul her home last
Veek at that place.
About 000 head of young- '-'tittle will
pass tliinugli Looking Uiass from Coos
Uncle Jesse Appletftite, the sage oi
Voinalla, attended the republican cotl
leiition last week at Koeburg.
Ther.; was 57,S7t tons of wheat hauled
jut of Umatilla and Morrow counties by
the O. It- it N. Uo. between August, 1SS5,
Mid lSSii.t
Klamath Slnr: Butte creek valley is
ast settling ii. Quite a number of fam
ilies liavti located there within the past
I wo or thren weeks.
Wuit will bo commenced on the ns
Ki'iiihly cjiuinlier of thocapitol building
: early next week and rapidly pushed fur-
twurd to completion.
The body of a Swiss boy named Border
as found near the mouth of Lake creek,
f.ane county, last week. He mysieri
usly disapared several weeks ugo.
Salem has 1,724 children in its school
xiistrict, and the number of pupils en
rol le J iu the public schools is Mil, of
(which 42") are males and 423 females.
A dispensation has been granted by D.
Buick, C. P. of Oregon, to the inein
jlern of Lakoview Ixxlge Xo. to insti
tute an encampment at Lakeview.
J Alex, a patient committed
from Yamhill, escaped from the asylum.
Ule is from the vicinity of Sheridan and
will probably endeavor to make his way
I In Curry county three weeks is the
shortest time in which an answer can be
received to a letter sent from Kllensburif
to Eckley postotlice, a distance of forty
I The funeral of the late W. B. Hamil
ton, of Corvallis, under the auspices of
'the Masonic order, was largely attended.
jK very place of business in the city was
U. S. Attorney White informs the
Yakima Signal that school lands must
be vacated, and that ho intends com
mencing action against all of those who
iail to so vacate. '
The governor lias appointed A. S.
i Gross, of Kllensburg, to bo commissioner
lof deeds for Oregon and T. Brooke White
land Chas. Henry, of Portland, notaries
public for Oregon.
!La Grande Argun: The most rapid
sale of town property ever known in La
jirande was that made last week by J.
X. liomig, who sold thirty-one lots in'tha
now Coggan addition in two days.
Peter Morgan was shot and seriously,
if not fatally, wounded by a waiter
named Johnnie Smith, in front of the
skating pavilion, at The Dalles on the
-5th. .Morgan is in a critical condition.
The Gird Creek and John Day's road
and ferry company has tiled articles of
incorporation in the office of the secre
tary of state, with John L. Helms, Oscar
A. Patterson and James II. Helms as in
corparators. Since Jan. 1, ISSfi, L. Senders has paid
out over f-lO.OX) to the fanners of the
Willamette valley for horses, and he is
only one of the half diwen men who are
purchasing these animals for the Sua
Francisco market
Parties from Grand Konde valley a"e
lond in their complaint of thr . ndition
of. the Meacham road across the Blue
mountains. Not a day's work has been
done on the ro:id for four years, yet the
proprietors charge excessive rates.
Sometime last January Terry Gregg
and Andrew Languein, of Trout creek,
started across the Wallowa River Moun
tains to the Pine creek mines on snow
shoes with their blankets and provisions
pached on a hand sled and have not been
heard of since.
Ochneo Review: Men who were at tin
linrse drive on the desert the first, of the
week say that horses look pretty well,
and there is a large number of young
colts. The grass on the Bear creek range
is growing fast and stock are getting in
good condition.
William Larkiti and Charles Welch
started east last week from Umatilla
county with a band of Beveral hundred
horses. They expect to drive as far east
as Nebraska, 'at least, and will bo gone
several mouths.
The Hubbard cemetery association has
filed articles of incorporation in theotlice
of the secretary of state, with the follow
ing list of oilicers: Trustees, W. T.
White, A. B. Gleason, Geo. J. Wolfer,
G. N. Fry, J. H. Heustis; treasurer, A.
B- Gleason; secretary, J. L. Calvert.
Baker City , Tribune : Col. Thompson,
route agent over the Oregon Short Line,
arrived in this city last evening, and in
forms us that the stage connecting with
the train at Minedoka was stopped by a
robber on last Wednesday and the Pa
cific Express relieved of its treasure box
containing $12,000.
A road has been laid out and partially
completed from West Yaquina to the
ocean beach near Wra. Grant's place,
says a Yaquina paper. This road will
shorten the distance from the railroad
terminus to thjj Alsea many miles, and
in a short time the Alsea country will J
all its business over that road.
F. G. Blair, of Eugene city, was
caught by a bdt and his arm wrapped
around a revolving shaft, which was run
ning at the rate of 300 revolutions per
minute, and his arm torn off between the
elbow and shoulder and otherwise
horriblv mangled. The engine wai
stopped just in time to aava bis Ufa-
Port Townsend is to be lighted by elec
tricity, '
" A bank is soon to be opened in Mon
tesano. The delinquent tax list of Spokane
county foots up $S,5tt2.0S.
rT!!e l,li,,Mt V P'ii'1 for wheat at
Walla Walla is 48 to 411 -emus.
Eight thousand acres of land have been
located near KiUville the past two weeks.
Powder rivor valley farmers had a good
start this season in plowing and seeding.
The assessment of Tacoma for ISSfl
foots up $.1,790 ;o3 an in-reaae over HSj
of $24.-,2i;i.
It is reported that immigrants have lo
cated S000 acres in Adams county, near
Kitzville. 1 Helv.
Several small boats ara belmr fitted
out in Seattle and vicinitv to take pros
pectors 'o Alaska.
A funnel named B. A. Tippon, living
near Kllensburg, was severely injured bv
a kick from a hoise. '
Citizens of Dayton are moving in the
matter of independent railroad connec
tion with the Northern Pacific.
Clement Willis is under $oo0 bonds on
a charge oi setting fire to the residence
of Prof. Brock at Walla Walla.
A few days ago a man named John
Phillips shot at and killed Hugh-Armstrong,
near Okuiiogau mission.
Win. Munks, oi Fidalgo, has begun a
libel suit against the Anaeortes fc'nfrr
prine. Tho papir is 8x12 inches in size.
A Dane, bv tho name of George Sor
enson, of O'ympia, had the fingers of
his right Hand teariully mangled by a
circular snw.
Theodore Alailie. for the murder of
II. C. Savage, at Warrens, Idaho terri
tory, has been sentenced to be hinged
on June !)ih.
Rev. K 0. Oakley, pastor of Tacctnn's
Congregational church has resigned and
will leave for San P.ernardino, Cal in a
few weeks.
SheriinicGraw, of King county, offers
$1,000 reward for the persons w ho mur
dered John Guin at Green ttiver on
Sept. 2t, 18S.").
A few days ago Miss Fannie Travlor,
of Palouse City, was thrown Irom a
horse and kicked, breaking one of her
legs below the knee.
The oyster business is receiving atten
tion on Shoalwater bay. Win. Mills is
reported as intending to plant about 20,
000 baskets of oysters this season.
The Spokane Falls Review says : "J.
T. McCarthur has received a list of over
20(H) i. allies of parties in Pennsylvania
who contemplate coining to Washington
territory this spring.
The different logging camps at South
Bend are all making preparations to be
gin operations and Uie prospects are that
notwithstanding 'he low price consider
able lumber will be put in the coming
A few days ago, says a Columbia, W.
T., exchange, Mrs. Dwight Ilatleyof
that county, while playing hall with "the
children, received a slight injury from
the ball, but did not consider it serious.
Thursday, however, she died.
Says a Dayton, W. T., exchange: R.
L. Dashiell has received a diploma of
merit from the New Orleans exposition
for hemp and blackberries. W. T. Rich
ardson received the first premium for
best plate of Washington Beauty apples.
Macon Mirror: The sixteen-year-old
daughter of T. E. Miller, a well-to-do
farmer, who lives near Genessee, attend
ed a dance Friday night. She appeared
to be in her usual good health, and re
tired to bed after the dance had con
cluded. She was there found dead in
tho morning.
James Sams has struck a quartz ledge
on the Big Creek farm in Union county,
that assays gold, $.'!4 ; and silver, $3 ht
ton. He will soon ship a lond of ore to
Salt Lake for reduction. JacLtoiivilte
Baker City Reveille; J. T. Breeden, of
Pine Valley, called upon us last week and
says that a three-stump mill was shipped
from Portland to Pine creek on the 14th
inst. Its principle use will be that of
testing ore. He informs us that the
wagon roail is iu good shape for travel
until one gets to the canyon some ,six of
eight miles this side of the camp, from
there it is very bad: Mr. Breeden is in
terested in quite a number of valuable
Baker Citv Democrat : The latest news
from Pine creek regarding the showing
of 'he " Whitman " mine is most flatter
ing. Mr. Meuner, the siierintendoiit of
the " Whitman " company is now on a
business trip to Louisville, Kentucky,
whither ho goes to make preparations for
the purchase of extensive mill machinery
to be placed on the " Whitman " as soon
as the deep snows of tho Pine creek
region shall admit. The owners of several
other mines in this district are pushing
the work of development as fast as jios
sible, the snows interfering somewhat
with operations.
The Jacksonville Timet says that
considerable prosS'cting is still going
on everywhere. The miners of Jose
phine county are busier than ever.
Dan Fisher is engaged iu taking quart
out of the ledge he is interested in with
Gov. Chadwick, which will soon be prac
tically tested. J. Casteel has the
Jacksonville Mining and Milling Co.'s
tunnel in Timber gulch nearly finished
and the prospects for plenty of good ore
are favorable. Geo. Svhumpf has sev
eral tons of quartz from his ledge in Wil
low Springs precinct tested at the Med
ford reduction works, and informs us that
it milled from $S to $12 a ton. A 18-
ounce slug was recently picked up in
Feldt St Co.'s claim on Althouse, where
so many big nuggets were found in former
days. We expect to hear a still better
report from there soon. Wm. Fehely,
who is mining in the Red Dog district,
Josephine county, is doing well, having
already cleaned up several hundred dol
lars. The gold is ostly coarse, one
piece weighing $42. The quartz mill
at this place has been thoroughly over
hauled, a larger engine procured to propel
it, and crushing of ore from several
ledges was" resumed this wek. We aae
quite certain that it will prove a success,
if experienced mining men manage jt.
Bybee & Hall have struck the pay chan
nel in their mine on Canyon creek, and
are taking out considerable dust. While
in Grant's Pass last week Mr. Hall show
ed ns about $000 of as pretty gold as we
ever saw, being nothing but smooth,
bright pieces, ranging from 50 cents op
to $25. This claim promises to be one of
the best in that county.
Cen. Arthur's condition is said to be
Cholera bus broken out in Venice and
several other points in Italy.
The Land Development association,
limited, has failed for $"0i),000.
Forty lives has'0 already been lost by
the fire in the Austrian town of Stry.
Te Baptist Home Mission society of
the Uuited States is $lj0,0tk) in debt.
This country sends to foreign parti
$o000,00J worth of locomotives a year.
I.ate statistics show that St. Peters
burg is the mot unhealthy city iu
A cargo of live ostriches from South
Africa, hound for California, have left
Hew Orleans,
Zach Montgomery has been confirmed
as assistant attorney general for the in
terior department.
The Canadian Pacific intends to start
its first through train to .Montreal, Can
ada, on May 24th.
Plans for a $l0,00i) monument to John
McCullough have been submitted to his
wife for her selection.
Howard Van Wyck.ayoung Milwaukee
lawyer, has tied the city after embezzling
$20,0iW belonging to a relative.
The grain fleet which will sail from
Chicago when the ice moves, will carry
nearly 7,0 H),000 bushels of grain.
Mr Blaine has sent a chock of $100 to
Mr. Patrick Ford for the relief of the
famine-stricken people of Ireland.
The republican state committee of
Maine has issued a call for a state con
vention, to be held at Lewistou June 0.
The Greek government has ch irtered
four steamers to convey troops to Volo,
whence they are to march to the front.
Gen. Miles has written to Washington
advising the appropriation of $l.'KI,0i)i) for
the strengthening of our Mexican bound
aries. Greece is pushing troops to the front as
rapidly as possible. The Russian min
ister bus left Athens for au interview
with the czar.
The heaviest Krupp gun ever made,
weighing seventy tons and throwing a
shell weighing 7Si pounds, has just been
mounted at Berlin.
Recent investigation shows the exist
ing navy of Great Britian cost $210,iMH),
000, and that its present value does not
exceed $00,000,000.
Tho directors of the Pacific Mail Steam
ship company, with $307,000 on hand,
decided to pass the quarterly dividend, it
not having been earned.
A family named Lang, in Chicago,
were poisoned by eating canned poaches.
Ono child is dead and another child and
the mother are very ill.
Louis T. liaggin has decided to with
draw his application for the Austrian
mission. It is not known in Washington
what has led to this decision.
Five murderers in Indian Territory
have escaed tho gallows by a commuta
tion of their sentence to life imprison
ment in the Detroit house of correction.
Defalcations amounting to $20,000, to
gether with a number of heavy losses,
caused the suseiisioii of the City Na
tional baiik at Willlamsport, Pennsyl
vania. A suit has been begun to compel North
Carolina to pay interest on bonds granted
t'j unfinished railroads. The amount of
the principal and interest involved is
$23,001 1,000.
The Birmingham 7W says it is under
stood that Chamberlain has given notice
that he will introduce in the houso of
commons an amendment in opposition to
the land bill.
The white and colored pupils in the
McDiinough school at Algiers, opposite
New Orleans, struck for less hours of
study, and the services of police were re
quired to preserve order.
The government of Greece has been
served with an ultimatum by the powers
of Europe, stating that they will soon
take steps to enforce their demand for
disarmament within a fixed criod.
Publication of the second volume of
Gen. Grant's memoirs has been again
postponed. The publishers do not expect
to get it out before May 10. The hook
has 1(H) more pages than the first book
The remains of Father Ryan, the " poet
prest of the South," who died on Thurs
day, will be interred at Mobile with mili
tary honors. .Ex-confederates of this
city passed resolutions of respect and ap
pointed eight pall bearers.
The New York senate has passed a res
olution providing that when, in cases of
tie-ups, there is danger of loss of life and
property from the running of street-cars,
companies so tied-up may refrain from
oNrating their cars without forfeiting
their charters.
More than 8000 members of tho civil
service in Ireland have appointed a com
mittee to watch the progress of the home
rule bill, and to endeavor to secure an
improvement of the provision in the bill
which relates to themselves.
The senate commerce committee, which
has in its care the nomination of Captain
Beecher, son of Rev. Mr. Beecher, to be
collector at Port Tjwnsend, is said to be
dissatisfied with the explanations made
by Captain Beecher and his father, and
so have asked the president to withdraw
Bcecher's nomination.
The London Timet commenting on the
reported seizure of an American schooner
in Nova Scotia, expresses a hope that the
incident will give an opportunity to settle
the fishery dispute with England. " Can
ada," it says, " would bo wiser not to in
sist upon her full rights. We have made
such large concessions before that we may
continue them without risk of being mis
interpreted." The next question in regard to the
Chinese legislation this session is whether
the Morrow bill will ever be called up be
fore the house. The committee on for
eign affairs will have a day in the house
and the Morrow bill would undoubtedly
be a measure to be called up for action at
that time, if it received the approval of
the committee, but it does not receive
generous, hearty approbation.
A I'inneir Prett special from Fort
Pierre, Dak., says that great excitement
exists at that place in consequence of an
order issued by the Indian agent, at the
instance of the interior department, or
dering all metchanta and residences off
Port Pierre reservation within thirty days.
This will involve a loss of $.500,000, and
settlers have held meetings and resolved
not to move, except at the point of the
bayonet. Serious trouble will follow
should the agent attempt to enforoe the
FLOL'R Per tihi. standard brands,
3.0: other. 2.2
Wllh.U-lvr ctl. valley, ai.l'Sjil.ilH.
Walla Walla. Jl.l.wi 1.1H.
UAHI.KV-Whole. centl,$l.o;ji 1.10.
ground, V ton, fCAKe.2.
OATS -Cuolre milling, 3H&!Uc; ctiolc
feed, a7ia;s;,
RYE-Per ctl. 81.lX)vl.U).
BUCKWHEAT KLOUH-Perct). $4.00.
CORN MKAL Per Ul, yellow,
3.i; white, $2.A3..
CRACKED WllhAT-Per ctl, 83.
HOM a7.v v
.PEARL BARLEY No. 1, fic; No. 2, Rle;
SPLIT PKAS-Per tb. 4o.
PEARL TAPIOCA -Iu boxes, 64c.
SAtiu-lVr ft, tic.
V ER.MK ELLI Per lb. No. t, 81.2.i; No,
BRAN Per ton, 811.i0.
Miuttrs-rer ton, 81i.
M IDDLIXUs-l'er ton,
CHOP IVr ton, l7.uu.
HAY Periou. baled, tft'Ka.7.
OIL CAKE MEAL-Perton,8ku:v:.3U.
HOI'S t'er tl, Oregon, uomiual; Wash.
Ter.. do.
EUlis-lVr dox. He
BL"n'ER-l'crtti.taucvroll.L'2Jci Inferior
grade. 12; pickled. tOnle.
CHEKSE-l'er tb, Oruxou, M 13c; Call,
forma, tUulJc.
DRIED FRUITS Per II., apples, quar
ters, sacks ami boxe, Ufc; do sliced, iu
sacks aud boxes, ajta-tj: apricots. l.V;
blackberries. Ulu l.x:: uuciuriiius. ia(a,14e'.
tpeaclie, halve unpeeled, (lietfc; pear,
quartered, (ub; ptiled cherries, 17c;
pitted plums, California, 8a.lUc; do Or
egon, tKuSc; currants, dates, fl'a)
7c; tigs, Smyrna, IHm,a); California, ik4S;
uruueM. Caliloniia. 7(.S; French, luctli;
lurkish. tKa.7; raimas. California Lou
doniaers. fli.iBiiUJ.Wif box; loose M us
catels, (ft.W; Seedless, f lb, lc; Sul
tana, 12$c.
RICE China. No. 1, 85..S0; do No. 2,
$.i.&; Sandwich Islands, No. 1, $j.2'.
BEANS Per Hi, pea, 4c; sumo
wiiiujs, ile; ba)0, 21c; lima, tk-; piuk, 21c
VEGETABLES- UeelM.Ib,lJe; cabbage,
lb, Uo; carrots, ton, 8rl; cauliflower, V
dox, $l.2.ViU..U. sweet potatoes, f lb., 3c;
onioiiH, 5o; turnips, IK ljc; spinach,
V sack, lutnauc; celery, l do, $1; reeu
peas, lb, 4c; lettuce, f do, 2Jc.
POTATOES Patotoes, new, lJfaL'c; per
sack, old, itOiu lioc.
1'OULIKY Chickens, V dot, spring,
$ (92.50: old (a;i.5U; ducks, 83.uu
(a,3.6tt; geese, 8,'.!5l0; turkeys, V tb,
uominal, il)gl2c.
HAMS Per lb, Eastern, -c; Or
egon, UJ(a)lUc.
UACON-Per It., Oregon sides, 67c; do
shoulders, 5(at).
LAUD Per tb, Oregon, 6(Si7j; Eastern.
PICKLES-Per 5-gal keg, fl.OO; bbls,
gal., aujc
SUUAtlS-Quote bbls; Cube, 8Jc; dry
ursnulaletl, "io; tine crushed, 8Jc; golden
C, 04c.
CANNED GOODS-Salmon. l ib tins, f
dux, 81.; oysters, 2-lb tins, V doz, 8i.2.i;
Mb tins, 81.4U doz; lobsters,
1-lb tins, doz, $1.00; clams, H-tb tins, V
doz, 8 a,l.U0; mackerel, 5-tb tins, f dot,
88.76(s9.00; fruits, doz Una,' 82.25(g 3.00;
jams aud jellies, ? doz, vege
tables, (0 aoz, 81.loCcrjl.yo.
MONEY-Extracted, 77Jc; comb, 14c
COFFEE Per lb. Guatemala, B!J; Costa
Rica, lO&llc; Old Government Java, lH(g
Ok; Hto, 1213Jc; Salvador, Ua)lUc;
Mocha. !J(gU!&; Kona, ISc.
TEAS Young Isyson, !!5a;fl6c; Japan,
LlKgooc; Ooloug, ISstSdc; Gunpowder and
Imperial, 26fttJ6c.
SYRU California retluery Is quoted
at 30c. in bbls; in kegs and 1-gal.
tins 35(oi4.".
FRESH FRUIT-Apples, Oregon, new,
If box,7ocii$li; bananas,? bunch,83.5U 4:
cranberries, vvestoru, ll.U0(.a;12.U0 1 bbl;
Cape Cod, t bbl, 8t12; Lemons, Sicily, ft
box, $5.60(o.u; Limes, If 100, 81.&; pine
apples, doz, $7.00; Los Angeles orangvs,
V box, 1 3.00:i. 3..
SEEDS Per tb, timothy, 60c; red
clover, 14(oil5c; orchard grass, 17(lfic;
rye grass, KKsSllc.
N UTS-California almonds, ? 100 lb sks,
18Jc; Brazil. 150 tb sks, p tb, 15c; chestnuts,
lMiOc; coconnut,tli(!'i7.n0: tlllsrw. Sicily,
175 lb sks, V lb, 14c; hickory, 1U0 lb sks.lbc;
peanuts, 8J(allc; pecaus, Texas, lOOIbsks,
He; California waluats, C K0 lb sks, bi(aj
SALT-LI verpool, If ton, 815&19; table,
in bales, per bale, $2.50.
OO L iutaujin urt-Kon, spring clip, 12ft
&ll!c f tb; fall clip. IWall. Valley Or
egoii, spring clip, 1."ho,17c; lambs' and fall,
13 15c.
HIUESHry, UKJ17c; wet salted. 6(oi7.
H Krmnrlaro.
FLOUR-Extra, 84.25g4.73 V bbl; super
fine, 8.75(0 3.50.
WUEA'l-iNo. 1 shipping. 81.3:!(d;l.3:?
If ctl; No. 2, 81.25(o.l.ii7j; Milling, $1.32
BARLEY No. 1 feed, tl.27Jlfcl.3u V ctl;
No. 2, 8L20: brewing, 81.40r$1.50.
OATS Million and Surprise. tL274(g
1.3.'i ctl: Feed, No. 1, 81.2J1.2i; No. 2,
81.17 1.20.
CORN -Small yellow, 81.20(2:1.25 If ctl;
large yellow, $1.10i).20; large whll,$l.lfl
(,1.20; small white, HI. 10(1, 15.
We Tell You foMltlvrly
That Simmons Liver Keitulutor will rid
you of dyspepsia, purify your system, ena
ble you to sleep well, prevent malarial dis
eases, aud giv you a brisk aud vigorous
feeliiiK. it acts directly on the liver and
kidneys, cleansing, purifying, Invigorat
ing and fortifying the system against dis
ease. It will break up chills and fever
and prevent their return, and Is a com
plete antidote to all malarial poison -yet
entirely tree from calomel or quinine.
0. C. K. a. TIME TABLE.
Mall Train ortti, 11:41 A M.
Mail train south, 51:01 e. M.
(lenoral Delivery, from 7 1. M. to 7 l". M.
Money Order, frm 7 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Kuvlstflr, from 7 a. m. toft e. M.
Maili for north clime at 8:l.i A. M.
.Mailn for south close at 1: P. M.
Maili fur Kraukliu cIum at 7 a. m. Monday
and Thursday.
Mail for .Mabel cIom at 1 A. M. Monday and
Maila for Cartwrlifht close 7 A. M. Moaday.
pCtiKN'K LODflK NO. II, A. F. AM) A. M
1 J Meet tint and third Wetlueaduyi in each
O Meets every Tuemlay evening-.
' T Meets on the teound and fourth Wednes
days In each inontti.
TL'OKNK I)T)(;K NO. 1.1, A. O. V. W.
I J Meets at MaMinlc Hall the eecotid and
fourth Friday iu eauh month ,M. .
f. at Masonic Hall the tint and third Fri
dayi of each month. By order, Cohmamdkh.
the tlmt and third Saturday ercniiiK" at
jiasonio liall. liy order oi (. i .
1 L'TTE LOIKJ K NO. 3S7, 1. O. O. T. M KKTS
1' every Saturday bight in Odd fellows
Hall. W.C.T.
a J at theC. f. ( hnrch every .Sunday after
Dooaat3:3U. ViaitoT) made welcome.
Eugene City Business Directory.
HKTTMAV (I.- 1 rv gtxKl, clnlliinir. giis-oricH
aim H.-1HTHI iiirniiauitlMl, MJUl.ll t'Sl col-nt'r.
Williinii'llt' and KIk'IiiIi at reels
HOOK STOltK One door unulh of Hie Alor
iM'u-.r. t- i iii i moi k oi a-mui ieu oov papurs,
plain unci lam y.
t'l'AlV HIIOS.-Healers in .lewelrv, wntelies.
v hi ivn nini nni.Hirqi mil rilMientrt, tUIUIIItMle
trret, hclnven Si'vntith and Kighlli.
IlOltlMS, H. F. - 1 N-n!or In ulnves and tinware
niiiiiiuiiu meet, ueineeu .-M-vt-nin anil
FltlKNUI.V, S II. Dealer in dry goods, ilmh-
iiih nun Keiiuriu inereniindiHi'. uiaiuetto
all-eel. hetweea Kighth anil Ninth.
lllt.U J. P. - I'liyileinti and surgenn, Ilium-
.it In ul p.... l.ul .. ...... k'.. ...... a I I l-i.l.i
niimi, iH-i..i-1-ii nfT.vuui hiiii r.isnui.
HONKS, r, Keopsnn hanil line wine, liiiiuim,
i-Ilpmi-h UMll u tuu.l .....I I.JI I ,..l.l.. II-. II
. .r... r, ...... ,. i.iiiittKi 1 1, i ii uinio-
f tie alreel, Is-twecn Kighlli and Niutn.
llOHN. (MIAS. M. (iun-iuiith. ritlemmd ahot-
Tiiu-i. niri-i-ii nun lulln.ll, lomiers, lur
teimiiluif doii., in thn iiualent style and war
ranted. .Shop on Ninth street.
I.l't'KKY. J. S. -Wiilehmuker anil ieweler.
i ' !" I""- sun k oi k'hk.h in ms one, h uialii-tltosli-wil,
In i-;ilawi)ith sdrui store.
M.( I.AI:KV. JAMKS Cholei. wIupr, l,,itor
Hum im.iTi, i, iiiiiiueiiesireei, m'tweeu lugntu
end Ninth.
I'ATTKItSON', A. R- A lino slo. k of plaiu aud
luui-j i iKiiinK cams.
POST OKFICK-A new stm-k of standard
mum ihkiks jusi received ai me post olllee.
ltK.NSIlAW & AllltAMH-WliMA lhiuorsand
eigarmif the best iiuulity kept eousliinlly on
hand. The lies! uilliiuil table in lim n.
HHINKIIAUT. J. II.- IIoai. sln aud ea'rrlage
painter. Work guaranteed llrsl-t luss Sioek
aeld al lowur rates than hy anyone in Kunone.
ollli e In Hays' lirlek.
My neratlims will he tlrst-i-lasn and charges
Old patron as well as new onee are Invited
to rail.
Physician and Surgeon.
1 1 cans day or night.
Omrti-l'p stair In Hays' hriek; erranbo
found at K. U. Lui key & Co t drug atore. Olllee
hears: y la 1'.' M., 1 to 4 P. M., ( to 8 I'. M.
wora warrunied.
laughing gas admlnlstensl for painless ei
traction of tenth.
1 Collage drove. He M'rforms all operations
in inrenauieai anil surgieaiuenilsiry. All work
warranted and satisfaction guaranteed.
Justice of the Peace.
aud farms, ('ollm tious promptly at
tended lo.
ItusutKNiiK -CorniT Kloventh and High Ht.,
Kugenti C'ily, Oregon.
St. Charles Hotel
W. H. W ATKINS, Proprietor.
Maw aad Kxierlenced MnnnKeaaeut.
. t'hargea Moderate,
r. a. i iMiiri kN.
Having puridiased tho store formerly owned by
X. (i. Hendricks, I Ink. pleasure In In
forming the pulilin that I will
keep a well (elected Block of
Dry Coods, loots, Shoes,
n.faot our slock will tie found to be complete.
fly honest and fair dealing I hope to be able
to secure a IHhthI share of Ilia
public patronage.
Call and eiandne our stock and prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
I can always be found at the
Where I will take all kinds of produce
Id exchange for good.
Feb. a. list
Boot and Shoe Store.
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
Will liin-aftcr k p complrt .tuck of
Ladies', Misses' aiil Chita's Shoes!
Slippers, White and Black, Sandal,
And in fuel everything In the Hoot and .
Shoe line, lo which I intend to devote
my especial attention.
And guaranteed as represented, and wili
be sold fur the lowest prices that a good
article can Ik1 alf'nrded.
A.. 1 1 tint.
Is the Life of Trade!
Will do work cheaper than any other (hop
in town.
Horses Shod for $2 Cash
With new material all around. Hesettiug '
old shoes 1. All warranted to
give satisfaction.
Shop on the Corner of 8th and Olive St
C. 31. IIOIIX,
Practical Gunsmith
Klshlng Tackle and Materials .
Sewing MacHmes and Needles or All Kinds For Salt
Repairing done Ih the neatent etyle and
Gum Loaned and Ammunition Funished
Shop on Willamette Street, oppoelte Peetafflea.
Book and Stationery' Store,
foautfloe Building, City.
I have on hand and am constantly reoelrtng
an assortment of th. best
Blank Books, Portfolios, Cards, WalUlt,
Repairing of Watohns and Cluck.
Mounted with puncluallty and al a
n-usonulil. oost,
U illanietl Mtreet. Kugee City, Or.
Pumps, Pips, Motals,
TlINWXItia1 '
iNU , ..
House, UmiWn Goods Generally
. - ,
, ... , i V,
And Satisfaction Guaranteed. '.
Eugene City, - - -
Central Market;
-' . . . :
Will keep conatantlr on hand a full .uppljr of
' .. 'A
Which the? will sell at the lowest
market price. d f
A fair .hare of the public, patronage toUclted
We will pay the highest market price for3 fat
cattle, bog. and aheep, . .
Shop on "Willamette Street,
' ' i
Meats delivered to anr part of the cftr free
of charge. ' Junlt
Practical Drugeist I CMiist
' j II, f 4
' '
Braahra, ralata, (slaaa. Olla, Lea4a.
Pby.lolaaa' PrMoripUona Compounded.