The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 15, 1886, Image 2

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CAMP II KM-' I'roprlelor.
Ton flo not tir-nr It? 1'nto m
The awpet low tidii nil chinch ewnwli-aslr;
.Add, UoatniB. tluieartb mill sky
Willi tender mud.
You do not hear Hie restlewi t'mt,
Upon tilt lloor. uf elilldisli feot
VI feet tliHt tread the llnwery lUeet
Of Heaven alone.
At morn, at noon, at eve, St nlirht,
J hnr I he patter. soft ami liiiht.
Aui filch the iruat of wlnirs, snow-white,
About in ' dour.
And on the silent nlr ii bornn
1 he voice that from my world wan torn
That left mo. eomtorlloKs, to mourn,
1 , , , tor evermoru.
Potnetlmr-s float up from out the street
The boylfh Ihiir lit-r. Iiird-liko, aweet
1 turn, forgetfully, toaroel.
My ilHrlniR lair;
rVift a the ripple of the stream,
Jlreezekissed beneath the moun'agala beam,
How ulra lively real iloth it lee in!
And lie not there.
Ah, no: you can not hear hla call
' You catch no lauirh, norllyht footfall;
1 am ula mother Hint la all;
And He who raid:
"I will not leave thee detiolate."
Han, somehow, looted the bondaof fata
And left ajar the (rolden khio
Which hide my dead.
1 AeUfe H'utU Mi. Yev, in frank LaUe'l.
Opening It With Impressive Royal
' ' Tim Diet answers to tlio Amerii-nn
Cntifrross, bring roinpohml of two
Chamber. The nmtonil (.'dumber has
, two lmndrod hthI fifty member, elected
. every two years, whilo tlio first ('liiim
v bcr ban one Imiulred and fifty, elected
every four years. In apeiininco tliey
reKftiiblu very mneh any, lelil)erutiv(i
' body selected from the uf the
people. Many of llieui have the air of
well-to-do business men or farmers,
while here and (hero you can pick out
, a prnfcssioiuil man from the greater
ease in his bearing and his readiness
In debate. Altogether, however, tliey
arc a solid, ' Hiibstuiilial and wnrthy-
' looking body of men. Tin: opening of
the Diet, or Kikstlag, as it is called in
fcwetlisli, is nlwilya an Important event,
find is utteniled Willi (treat ceremony,
; jt.;t ii, tliu one occaion of the year in
wliit:ilttlio King ussiinieM the crown
" and ybfpter, and, clad in his k in pi y
roljit, asiteuds the xilver tlimim and
. personally deliver thn opening ad
dress. One also sees, provided he lie
' fortunate enough to he invited to be
present, all that is ceremonial and im-
, . jiressive in a myal court. In addition
to the Kin"; ami his familv, the open
Inn; ceremonies are attended by (lie
stale Ministers, all the principal olli
eers of the palace, the leading tillicers
' ' of thn army and navy, the chamber
Jains, attendants, geiillcinen-in-wait-ing
ami the diplomatic corps. Kadi
Individual man 'Ik in uniform, gay in
brilliant colors-find trappings, Hud
many of them having llirir luvn.sis
covered with decorations earned for
meritorious services in their country's
interest. The ceremony always takes
place in the grand hall of the palace, a
room built expressly fur the purpose,
which, upon the occasion of yesterday,
was tilled with as brilliant a gathering
of ladies and gentlemen as a must
formal and ceremonious court could
. bring together. There was nothing
simple about it, but, upon the cou
1 trary, it was as imposing and impress
ive as human display could make it,
presenting a spectacle at Mice novel
nd interesting;.
At eleven o'clock in the morning the
two Chambers attended church in a
body, and upon the conclusion of di-
' vine service repaired to the hall, where
they awaited the coming of the King.
, My invitation reuuired me to bo pres
ent at twelve o clock, and knowing
that an Invitation from a King means a
command, I was prompt in my attend
ance, although it was a full iiiilf hour
before' the trumpets sounded the ap
proach of his Majesty, and we re
paired to the gallery mi the hall re
erved for our accommodation. The
evidences of the coming event were to
, be seen by the great crowds of people
tm the streets leading to the palace,
and in and about the court.. I have
often been impressed with the orderly
conduct of a Swedish crowd. They
are a piict, well-behaved and orderly
people, making no sign of approval or
disapproval, but ipiielly satisfying
their inordinate curiosity by silently
' standing and looking at w hat may he
seen. If there is any enthusiasm it is
nil pent up and never permitted to un
cork itself alter the fashion of Ameri
cans. The stairw ay leading from the court
to the room in which f was received is
' a broad, winding one, and on this oc
casion contained two rows of uni
formed guards, with crested helmets,
at a present arms. Through this line
of soldiery the visitors passed to a
spacious reception room adjoining the
great hall. In this room were sta
tioned the gentlcmen-in-wailiiig, in
brilliant colored uniforms, who waited
the approach of the roy al procession,
and preceded it to the hall. Kvcry or
der is by rank and precedent, and as
every one knows his or her plaVe there
is no confusion or scrambling for van
tage places. The hall is about sixty
by two hundred feet, with a small gal
lery on either side. It displays a very
commendable economy in ' its in
terior. It is- severely plain and
unpretentious. Aside from two
heroic statutes in marble - one of (!us
tavus Adolplius and one of (iuMawis
III. there are no works of art to re
lieve the banvnno.-h of iis white walls,
without it is the frice, which is in
plaster has relief. The throne stands
' nt one end on u dais raised four steps
from the leel of the floor, and above
Is suspended a canopy of faded green
velvet, plentifully adorned w ith crowns
In gold. The floor and steps of the
dais were covered with black tape-try,
' also Ix'fprinkled with cro ns in yellow.
An open space some forty feet sipi-m.
immediately in front of the throne,
Mas enclosed by a small railing, and
tliij space wis cov uvd with a rich
Turkish rng. The member sal in tha
auditorium on raised seals, the lirnt
Chamber to the right ami the second
to the left iA the large aisle running
from the open space to the rear of the
room. In the gallery opposite to the
one it was mv privilege to occupy sat
the Crown lVn ss and the ladies of
the court. She is ft most gracious ami
amiable woman, greatly admired by all
classes for the extreme sweetness and
benignity of her disposition. As each
member" of the court passed into the
hall and took his appointed place, he
paused for a moment, looked up at the
Princess, and saluted her after the mil
itary fashion, which was recognized by
a gentle inclination of the head. After
all of the Ministers, ollicers, etc., had
filed in a detachment of guards, known
as Charles XII. satalites, inarched in
and were placed in the aisle spoken of
above. They wore dark-blue frock
uniforms, surfaced with yellow, with
ye.low-trimmed hats and gauntlet
gloves of the fame sall'ron hue. Fol
lowing these came the pages, bare
headed, dressed ill green silk uniforms,
with white stockings, elasned by a blue
ribbon at the knee. Two heralds camo
next, bearing maces, followed by the
attendants on Prince Eugenie, the
youngest son, who headed the royal
procession. The Prince wore around
big shoulders a long robe of blue vel
vet, ornamented with crowns, and a
crown upon his head. His -three elder
brothers came next in order, wearing
similar mantles, the tails of which were
borne by the chamberlains, the
Crown Prince being distinguished
by having two, while but one
performed this ollice for the other
princes. They took their seats on
either side oftlie. throne, and as soon
as they were seated the grand master
of ceremonies, with his mace, came in,
followed by the King and his attend
ants. Ilis Majesly wore a scarlet vel
vet robe trimmed w ith ermine, with a
large ermine collar about his shoulders;
upon his head was a crown set in bril
liants, rubies and sapphires, while in
his right hand he carried a scepter, and
in his left a roll of manuscript. Three
chamberlains bore up his robe while
others accompanied him on either side.
As soon as he had taken his scat upon
the throne the mace-bearer struck the
lloor once, turned to the King, made a
low bow, when his Majesty without
further formality unfolded his manu
script ami commenced to read his ad
dress. The King has a niagniliecnt
voice, and brought some little dra
matic ell'ect into his reading, which,
from the opening sentence of "(iood
(ienlleinen and Swedish men," to its
close was listened to with marked at
tention. The reading did not occupy
more than fifteen minutes, after w hich
the respective presidents of the two
Chambers made brief responses, the
grand master of ceremonies again sa
luted the King, tinned to the members
of the liet, struck the lloor with his
mace, and the ceremony was sit an end.
The order of departure was the same
as observed in entering the hall each
person again saluting the King and
Crown Princess.
The personal appearance of the King
adds very much to the dignity of this
very formal ceremony. In stature he is
six feet two inches, well proportioned,
and bears hiui.-clf wilh an case and
grace.which, while in some degree natu
ral, litis been supplemented by his long
military training. It was very notice
able that in all this brilliant gathering
of men who have passed their lives in
the atmo.-pliere of the court, he was by
far the ino.-t gracious and kingly in his
pre-eiice of them nil. I can make no
comparisons, but I involuntarily re
called the niagniliecnt manner of Kd
win Torres! as the only thing approach
ing the real scene being enacted under
tny eyes. All in all it was a spectacle
never to be forgotten. It was the
iomp and circumstance of royally giv
ing expression to its imposing charac
ter on the one hand, and an exhibition
of loyal adherence to tin- a tl'airs of the
country on the other. A generous, cour
teous and intelligent people, they are
fortunate in having a King thoroughly
in sympathy with their national aspira
tions. liiliui)tiioli.i Journal.
A Kind (iciilli'iiiaii Whoa Writing; Proved
lllni to lie a Married Mun.
A stranger was yesterday writing a
letter at the desk in the corridor of the
post-olliee when a woman with a postal
card in one hand and the other lied up
in a handkerchief came walking up
and eyed him in a w istful manner.
"Ah! vou want to write a card,
madam, ' he nhscrv ed.
"I don't believe 1 call, sir. I have a
letter from my hu-bund. who is in
Cincinnati, and 1 want to let him know
1 got it."
"1 see. (live me the card his name
is ?"
"Peter Jones, sir."
"Kxaetly. Peter Jones, K.-ip, Cin
cinnati, O. Now then."
lie turned the card over and rapidly
"Mr. Jones -Your letter, tin first
for three weeks, is at hand, and the
two dollar bill has lcn noted. I am
half sick, out of wood and provisions,
and tired of lying to the landlord.
Hither come home and attend to busi
ness or chang. your name to No (iood
and never dare to address me again. I
am. sir, vour patient, but determined
wife." '
lie read it to her in a well-modulated
voice, and she held up her well band
and exclaimed:
"Oh! thanks! That's beautiful. Whv.
I couldn't have done so well in a week!
You must surely be a married mau
She trotted away to mail it. and went
out of the ollice with a smile all over
her face. 'ireif Fret "ass.
Once a shepherd, caught out upon
the hills by night, built a lire under
the lee of a pile of stones that be had
tossed together. The heat split some
of the stones, and in the morning the
man saw within one of the cracks a
piece of shining silver ore. That hap
pened in Peru, and thus was discovered
the mini's of the Cerro de Pasco, which
have yielded four hundred million dol
lars, lktftnn 7Mifi;i7.
-It is said that of the sixty thousand
Hebrews in New York City not one is
the keeper of a grog-shop. "
Whr a wly.Apioliited Hallway Mall
. Clerk Itetiirned liU foiituilsaloii.
A story they tell about Andrew Jock,
the veteran railway mail clerk, routes in
well at this time, when they are making
no many changes in the postal service,
leek is the oldest railway clerk in
Maine, and there are few, if any, on the
postal cars anywhere as old us he; yet
he is active, efficient and sharp. Years
ago another fellow succeeded in getting
himself appointed to till Jeck'a place.
Of course Jeck consented to make one
or two trips with him to show him the
ropes. It happened that on the first
trip they made together there was an
accident and the car was thrown from
the track. Jeck caught firmly hold of
the table when he felt the first jar and
came out of the accident unscratched
and not thn least disconcerted. The
novice was flung in a heap into one cor
ner and badly bruised.
"Does this sort of thing happen very
ol ten?" he asked Jeck.
"Oh, yes;" said Jeck. "And I forgot
to tell you that we all have a place to
cling to when it comes. You must have
a holding place purposely fixed to get a
stiff grip on with your hands."
The top of the car was much battered
by time and the new man asked, befryy,
they had gone nfuch further on the
route. "Mr. Jeck, what has made all
these scars in the ton of this car?" .
"That's nothing, said Jeck. "It's
only where my lieels have struck when
I've been tossed into the air by acci
dents such as we have had this morn
ing." When they finished their run the new
appointee said he guessed he had
enough of it, and would go back to sell
ing groceries for a living, and Jeck
staid in tin railway mail service then
ami ever lifter. LewiMon (Me.) Jour
nal. m -
A WahlnK-MH hlnn Agent Who Wan Not
I'roof A(uliit Dynamite.
"About four weeks ago," said a farm
er on the market the oilier day, "I
concluded to get rid of several old
stumps near the barn, and I came in
and purchased some giant cartridges.
Next day forenoon I went at the job,
and had just got a cartridge tamped
down in the first stump when I saw a
man drive up to the house. That was
nothing to bother over, however, and I
lighted the (use and ran around the barn
to wait for th explosion. ' I had only
got In place when 1 heard a voice
" 'Ah! there, Sharp! I want to sell
von the best washing-machine ever
"It was the chap who had driven up,
nnd my wife had sent him out to hunt
me up. Ho was within ten feet of the
stump when he called. I had a two
minute fuse on the cartridge when I
heard his voice, and 1 called back.
" 'For Heaven's sake get out o' that!'
" 'Oh. I'll get out, after 1 have sold
you a machine. Sharp, where are you?'
"Well, sir, you can have my cars if
that infernal idiot didn't walk up and rest
hi- elbow on the stump, and he wasthere
when she exploded. He took a rise of
six or eight feet. came down spread-eagle'
fashion, and then scrambled up and
made for his wagon w ith slivers sticking
out all over him. When he won by
the house my wife a-ked the
machine saved ten percent, in soap, but
he never an-wercd or came to a halt.
He jusi sailed over the forewhecl to his
seat on the wagon, giving the horses a
cut wilh the w hip, and w as a mile away
w hen I went out to tin road to impure
if hi- machine was full-jeweled." V
troil Fne hrss.
Where I. overt of ig Fli'.ll Can I'lirchase
H C 14 1 1 1 1 1 u Cheap.
The I.fwiston Journal gives a Huston
drummer's experience with a high
priced dog, which he had purchased on
one Of his trips to Maine. The animal
had become suflleiently familiar with
his delighted owner to follow him. so
the young man started to drive to Kead
ticld. His dog ran along beside his
team, jumping fences ami scouring
among the im-lies. The drummer had
not gone far when the dog played the
mischief wilh a farmer's sheep, 'and the
drummer cheerfully settled for the mut
ton, greatly admiring the prowess of
his dog. A few miles further on, the
animal made a raid on a flock of hens,
and killed several of litem. The drum
mer pulled his w allet again, and paid
the cost of damage.
Well, he had hardly got under way
once more, when that dog saw another
Hock of sheep. The drummer had
bought all the spring lambhccoiild u-e,
so he got out of the huggv and started
for his dog with the whip. Tne horses
became frightened and sprang. Ray
mond caught the tail-board of th
w a iron and stopped the hor-e.
He had no further adventures, but
when he reached Kcadlield. he saw for
the first time that only a small piece of
chain dangled from his vest. When he
jumped into the back of the wagon. the
chain hail caught, pulled out his gold
watch, and broken in tw o. The watch,
which had cost him one hundred and
twenty-live dollar-, dropped in the
road. He sent that dog home in a
Pretty Good Material.
As Ilo-ietter MeOinnis was passing
Schaumliurg's Hoss Clothing Emporium,
that worthy merchant priuce baited hitu
and said:
vpon't yer vant ter buy a coat?"
"No. I guess not. The material of
coats isn't as good as it used to. Just
look at this coat. I've had it five vears,
and had it turned once and it is as good
a- new."
"F.ggscuse me. but dot coat has never
been turned. Hot outside breast pocket
ish on dot left side."
This was getting Ilostettcr in a cor
ner, but be managed to get out very
""es. I know, the outside breast
pocket is still on the left side, but that
pi-t goes to prove what I said about the
material being so good. The coat has
beiu turned twice.' Tuoi Sijlmgi.
, Cruel
Faxlilou Which U Inworlhy of
American Women.
Women wen; once taunted with their
devotion to their canaries. A more se
rious accusation can now be brought
orainst them. The alarming decrease
of American song and shoro birds litis
been deplored by lovers of nut urn for
many years. It has been due in part to
unavoidable causes, such as the drain
ago of marshes, the conversion of wood
lands into farms, the destruction of for
ests and rapid settlement of the country;;
but a much larger share of the extermi
nation of bird-life is directly attributable
to feminine folly. An interesting and
val.iaole supplement of Science discloses
the magnitude of the evil and suggests
legislative remedies. It is plain, how
ever, that the friends of the birds can not
hope to accomplish their purpose by
means of legislation unless they
can appeal successfully to pub
lie sentiment for adequate sup
port and encouragement. Sin
gularly enough, they must begin by de
claring war upon modern fashions
and enlisting the sympathies of sensible
American women. Wanton ami im
provident as is the destruction of birds
for snort, fond and scientific and aina-
.Jciir collections, the slaughter is mainly
conducted tor tne millinery iraoe.
Some of the details of this wholesale
sacrifice of bird-life on the altar of
fashion are of startling significance.
At Cape Cod 40,000 terns have been
killed in the season by a single agent
of the hat trade. At Cobb's Island, on
the Virginia coast, an enterprising
business woman of New York has re
cently succeeded in tilling a contract
with a Paris millinery firm for 40,0oo
bird-skins of gulls, sea-swallows and
terns, at 40 cents apiece. The demand
for egret and heron plumes has ex
tended the linn of slaughter from Flor
ida all along the Gulf coast. In Texas
sportsmen receive orders from New
lork for the plumes of white egrets
in lots of 10,000. The prairie
and mountain vales of the far
West are scoured for birds of
small sizes and every variety of plum
age, and from the Pacilie coa-t hun
dreds of thousands of bird-skins are
shipped annually. Nearer home the
coast line of Long Island, once one of
the favorite haunts of sea-birds, litis been
the scene of indi-crimatu butchery.
Terns and sea-swallows have well-nigh
disappeared from the marshes between
Coney Island nnd Fire Island, which ten
years ago were their breeding-ground.
At Seat'ord, Moriches, Grcenport and
many other towns the slaughter of birds
for t he millinery trade is a lucrative
means of livelihood; and the New Jer
sey coast is ravaged in the most merci
less manner. The land-birds sutler in
'the same way. Robins, gold-winged
woodpeckers, humming-birds, thrushes,
orioles, cedar wax-wings, blue-birds and
meadow larks are shot by the thousand
and the skins and plumage sent to the
shops to be used in frivolous ornitho
logical displays in female head-dress.
y. Y. Tribune.
Its Infallible ofthe Stale of a
Speaker' Mind.
Nothing betray s so much as the voice
stive perhaps the eyes, but they can bo
lowered, and -o far the expression hid
den. In moments of emotion no -K II
can hide the fact of disturbed feeling,
though a strong will and habit of -elf-control
can steady the voice when else it
would be failing and tremulous. Cer
tain voices grate on the nerves
and set our teein on edge, anil
others are just as calming as thev
are irritating, quieting, or like a coin
posing draught. A good voice, calm in
tone and musical in quality, is one of t In
essentials for a physician the "bed-ide
voice." which is nothing if it is not sym
pathetic by constitution. Whatever its
original quality niav be, the orator's
voice bears the uiiiulstakablo stamp of
art and becomes artilieiality; as such it
may be admirable telling in a crowd,
impressive in address but overwhelming
and chilling at home, partially because
it is always conscious and never -elf-forgetting.
An orator's voice, with its
careful intonations and accurate accent,
would be as much out of place beside a
sick bed as a brocaded silk for a
kitchen girl. The voice is much
more indicative of the stale
of the mind than many people know or
allow. One of the lir-t symptoms of
failing brain power is indistinct ami
confu-eil utterance; no idiot ha- a clear
ol melodious voice; the harsh scream of
mania is proverbial, and no person of
prompt and decisive thought was ever
known to hesitate nnd stutter. A thick,
loose, thirty voice does not belong to the
crisp character of mind which does the
most active work, and wlien a keen
witted man draw ls and lets his words
drop instead of bringing them out in
the sharp incisive way that ought to be
natural to him. there is a flaw some
where. I'liieijo Sun.
Would Save Trouble.
A prominent citizen was seen digging
a large hole in his front yard.
"What are you doing?" some one
"Making a pond."
"What, a pond in your front yard?
What do you mean?"
"I am doing it as an accommoda
tion. It was so much trouble for the
law who carries papers to throw them in
a little puddle duringwet weather that I
concluded to make a pond for him. He
is a gentlemanly fellow, and 1 want to
assist him all I can. This pond will
save him much trouble." .trAii wi
Travc'er. Where She Missed It.
Anxious Mother Well, darling, did
you have a pletisaut time?
Charming Daughter Oh! so nice.
George was all attention, and we had
oysters twice and terrapin and can-, as
back duck. He is so liberal.
Anxious MotQer (hoarsely) Wretch
ed girl, you have ruined your chance
for life. Hat her would I have heard i.
tale of a waik home to save ear fare.
i'n-7u.Vi'iiu Call.
Coat of Hi" II -"y ( "-ilefel National
Temple at Moneow.
The I'roat Moscow Cathedral, lately
completed, has cost more than $11.
0(10,000 and will accommodate 10,000
worshipers. It is one of tne most re
markable churches in hurope. ".oi
nintiv cathedrals can boast of having
been built in one lifetime, but there are
Russians still living who saw the
Vreneh armv denart from Moscow, to
commemorate which event the Church
of St. Saviour has been erected. In
less than three months after the retreat
of the foe a decree went from Alex
dcr I. that a memorial temple should
be built, and five years later the foun
dations were laid. But not on thn
present site. The Emperor accepted
plans winch, had tnev oeen cnun u
out, would have given Russia the high
est building in the world namely, 770
feet, on the Sparrow Hills, between
the routes of the entrance and depart
on. of ' a do eon. but the undertaking
for a while collapsed, and the architect
and building committee, auer ex
ticnditifr or misannronrialin: in ten
years upwards of 4,000,000 rubles,
were banished and tneir estates con
fiscated. The Kmperor Nicholas
adopted new plans, and chose
the present site, which has cost, with
embankment, terrace, etc., upwards
of $1100,000, and where, at the out
set, a nunnery had to be r -moved and
70,000 feet of earth displaced, before,
on the 27th of July, 1838, the lay
ing of the foundations was commenced.
The building continued slowly to rise
for twenty years, and in 1858 the scaf
folding vvits removed, this latter item
alone having cost 277.0IX) rubles, or
upwards of $200,000 (reckoning the
ruble, that is, at seventy-live cents, as
throughout this letter.) A quarter of
a century more has been expended on
fittings and decorations. The style is
ancient Russian or rather (Iru-co-Byzantine,
the most striking features
of which, to a Western eye, are the live
coppcrcupolas, for the gilding of which
required !H0 pounds of gold, their total
cost being upward of .8.'0,000. Tlio
domes are surrounded by crosses, the
center one, nearly thirty feet high,
stamliiiir li-IO feet, from the oTOIIUil.
.. "r- i
.The building covers an area of 73,000
square feet. The bells, as usual in
Russia, are of ponderous weight. The
largest or -holy day' bell, weighs
twei!tv-s:x tons, or half as much attain
as' Paul.' Kven the second or
'Sunday' bell, is within a ton's weight
of our bantlin?: while the smallest of
the 'every day' bells descend to about
thirty notinds. The cost of the Deal
wtis " upward of $1)5,000. "London
J lines.
The Wonderful Increase In 1U I'se ns a
.Medicinal Aicent.
The consumption of glycerine for
medicinal purposes, arts and manufac
t tires has greatly increased in the past
few years. It is the by-product of the
manufacture of candles. Tallow or
other animal or vegetable fats are sa
ponified, with the addition of water,
under heat and high steam pressure.
in closed tanks. The neutral fats sep
arate into tatty acids and glvccnne,
which latter remains dissolved in the
water. The solution of gly cerine thus
formed is concentrated and sold to re
finers. Some of the hitter, in order to
cheapen the process of refining, bleach
their half refined product by means of
vegetable or animal charcoal. This
absorbs the color and also some of the
acids still in the glycerine, rendering
it for a short time inodorous and al
most colorless; but the seeds of decom
position are not removed, and in time
the acids still contained in the glycer
ine oxydize and the glycerine becomes
"ofl-oolor." It should properly be
distilled until the last trace of impuri
ties is removed, when the .glycerine
becomes chemically pure, inodorous
and colorless.
When the concentrated glycerine is
applied undiluted to a chapped or ul
cerated surface it produces a burning
sensation, which to some persons is
almost unbearable. The reason is
glycerine has a strong affinity for
moisture; it takes it from the skin,
and thus gives rise to the burning
sensation. If a small quantity of
water is added to the glycerine before
it is applied this unpleasant oll'ei l w ill
be observed but little, if at all. TukJu
A Kail n ay Olliel il's --lin-cnlmis" Device
anil lis l lilily.
During a recent struggle of the
Union Pacific with the snow blockade,
a newly-appointed ollicial in tin- iue
chanictll department of the road found
occasion to make of himself a first
class butt for ridicule. The t,tory as
told by one of his subordinates is this,
in brief: Hitherto it had been the cus
tom to send out heavy trains which
had to break the snow, with four or
live engines coupled together in the
ordinary fashion. The unequal motion
of the locomotives when "bucking" at
heavy drift served to lesson the power
of the attack, because the force could
not be brought into a single impetus,
this circumstance being due to the fact
that the engines were loosely coupled
together. The officials in quest ion, af.
ter studying the problem, decided that
it would be a line scheme to have, the
engines coupled together by mean's of
long timbers placed on cither side, and
riveted strongly to each locomotive.
In this way all the engines would
move at once against i!u. drill and
scatter it to the four winds of heaven.
The thing was tried. F.verv thing
went swimmingly until a sharp cim o
was met. The engines Ix-ing coupled
together in a manner which bfi no
play of net ion. it was impossible to
round the curve. Ilefore the danger
was noiieeil. was to., fit,-
and even one of the liu
ditched. U,nihu lit ru'il.
engines ,-. a ,
Cures of sciatica are repot'. !
having taken place in Paris ;,'ot' ,
single application of Dr. l;v,, . ,
method of freezing the -kin aU.v,. r ,,.
painful part- wish a spray .,f ebb--,.'
of methy l. The operation i-said loo,,
applicable also a facial neuraona.
Why in a liltle boy leamih- ..
alphabet 'like a postage stamp?"
cause he gets stuck on the letters.
A man who gives his chiM,.-'
habit of industry provides for tht-m J
ter than by giving them a ltJ
nioney.-A': IV Ledger.
He Careful.
.When people tell ynn tlvht tblnn -Of
Dick mill Tom unit Harry "
Be careful how you answer back
For those who fetch will carrv
Property-holder Hey, n,,
there! I think there's a bugllr jB
house. Weary oflleer Well, jouV
got gall to wake a man out of
Bleep to tell nim wnat you tbinU
"Papa," said an inquisitiv
...!... ! . .1... Jtll. I... "",
"Wimi la m uim;ii-iiuc iiciwccn a liml..
II 111! tv Ullimuit nu in I'llZZII'l. k.
brings experience to his aid. He ',i,
I .. 1 1,..hU" !.... !.. , . ,rl
tells the difference: "A broker b oh.
who breaks you to pieces bydegrPM ,
banker takes you in at aguin.' ft.
The Fizzletop children were nl
Ing with their toys: "Johnny, you ij,
spoiling the whole game. Yoii art th,
biggest donkey 1 ever saw," said litti,
Mamie. Colonel Fizzletop, reproving
Why, Mamie, I am sururW'
Mamie, indignantly: "Why, pa, Id.
mean vou. 1 ou am i tne oiggest dm
Key 1 ever nun. "((HiI,
-De Jones I wonder why Miss B:,
pies married Snifkins Instead j
IJoozebyP They were certainly q.
gaged. Podgrass Yes, I know, bi:
lioozeby wanted to break the erin
nient off long ago and was afraid to,'.
he sent Nufkins to break it to her.
Jones Ah, 1 see! Failing to gc-t tts-
one stie wanted, sneinoiigtit siio w0u;
a proxy mate! ( 1 hey haven t spo
since.) Jlamblcr.
For all Diseases of the
Liver, Kidnqys, Stomach and Spleen
Thi purely VPRtHble pre-
Fa rat ion, now so celebrated as a
amity Medicine, originated in
the South in 1H'-!H. It acts
pently on the Itowel and
Kidney and correct the
action ofthe l,ivr,and is, there
fore, the brl preimrutory
medicine whatever the sick
ness may prove to be. In all
common diseases it will, Mil
An Hinted by any other raedi
.cine, etli'd a Hpeedy cure.
The Regulator is safe to administer m i
condition of the system, and under no clreut
HtauceM can It do lumn. It will inrirorae
like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bne
age to lead to intemperance; will promote 4
geMtinn. dlMHipate headache, and gfiifr
ally tone up the Htem. The dose issbuI
uut unpleuHantt and its virtues undoubted
No loHHttf time. no Inter
ruption or Htoppnge of
buHlneHM while taking the
Children complaining of
Colic, Headache, or Sick
Stomach, a tctspoonfui or
more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by Pa
tients exposed to MALARIA,
will expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
1 have been practicing medicine for twioj yxrt.i
and have never bern ame to pui up iwjw
compound that would, like iwnimons urn kq
lator, promptly and effectively move the Lim
action, and at the same time aid ( instead of n
eninn) the digestive and assimilative powenoH
syhtcin. L. M. Hinton, M. D.,WashingtM,An
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phiiadelphia.h
ruicic, i.oo.
gjB7t you want to enjoy the W
smoke try " beal ol JNorth LaruMi
riug Cut.
STEINWAY .Outlier, Hotmiah Pun', ta"
OfjfuaB, dmkI Instrument. Luivust IUV
Music uhI Books. Bnt iUpplltnl M fcMwnp
K OIUV. a Coat Street, Han In
ur clow
l)o not nib your clow
when you can wwhtritM
tub or washboard. Satif
linn in Rmn t.Ml or IDC
refunded. Bond I5oenta, ailvor, toM.KiK
KKLL & CO.. Somereet. Mich. Agent w
Any per on I ting Information of the wbereiM'V
John (lordon. ho left Keaverton.t iiila, hImU'S
IStil, will he lilwrallj rewarded. Gorann ;
Denier; lant heard 'mm at onray or Kao Migl'T
rado. Important Information from home.
J. 11. MAIiUIKE, Man Bernardino, rai.
CBCE Nerraua IMIHtli4
Pf tbt cflebraml MARSTU "
will ml on nlpl or o
Maraum Kerned j U IK rwa nan,
Ovi r 1ft) of ilm Annul and latent style Bi
and I'mil Tables, with tln-eeli brated imp"
ntwl jilate Di-lany new patt-nt ciibIhou
ranU-d for 15 yearn: twenty, percent
than anv nthoe linnun nn tliia Coitst. l
In dnmimers.aml nocominiMonM
Iiocelved Hint prbtoa. (lolii and Silver m
alnoe 18S0. In any competition with omen
P. LIESENTELD, 945 Folsom St., SaiFK
VTEVFft fail, to arn-t H.ipid 1 'K
i ' and titreiiKth, uim.mln 1 "Sfj
Exhaustive Mlit Sweat, no inatw-r In" p
caiwe, rurei Uronehitia. Aithma. N'ro
A:oimj. imv jw.-n i i.-.,ui
nentS)ectalirt and Authority on 'nwi
italea in hia Treatise on "Tne O "j
ammo," that "he nan muii..
irumnv" thi ' ha hn
Ufa IWnrw inrariahlr am-t the ra
ui iiorn, auu in. ij;or..i' .... ' , ,afl
vatem, and haa recommend 'ri
Lite Escnoe ' to thousand, f f ! P""
the moat marvellous mutts."
ine wen nest nn
can take It.
Foa Sals it au. Durooirr. ruc" '
rt.a aiiTtA
WWraai Artntt ,
T CURf ) WHlRt All ilSI f AltS. i
f Best Conch Bvrup. Tnaii-n px-d. 0B
fv In timo. Sold liv dru"gnt, B