en in ESTABLISHED FDR THE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRHCINES, ASD TO BARS 4S IIQXEST LIVING BT TIIE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. 4- EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, MAY 15, I88fi. .18. nn CITY at U M M VJ1 cut &nnt cCItii Guard. I. L CAMPBELL, PubllHlier nntl Proprietor. OKFICK On the Eust side of Willamette Ureet, between Seventh ami r.ighU MiwU I TEBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. rt annum 82 60 1.2.) ax Mitth months 75 ire ODE 0NL1 A.TK9 OF ADVKKTIS1NO. , .t.,i.tAiiiintji inserted Ad follows: 3i)n suture, ten Hum or less one insertion 83; 4ch subsequent Insertion 1. Cash required advance. .... , jTime advertisers will be charged at tne top IVLuar three months 3" 00 jne .piar six mouths Jne square one year........... jTransieiit notices in local column, 1. Una (nr each insertion. 8 00 12 00 cent 20 Advertising lill will lie rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid Mh km ukuveuv. DILYEIT. C COLLIER. BILYEU & COLLIER f-Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,- EUUEXK CITY, OREGON. rRCriCE I.V ALL THE COURTS OF I thi State. Will give special attention collection ami probate matters. OmcE--Over Hemlrlck fcakin s nan. Attorney and Coiinsellor-at-Law, itili, PRACTICE l.N TUB vjvnia i of the Second Judicial District ami in e Supreme Uimri or Snejial attention given to collections and fcatter in probate . Ceo. S. VVashburne, Attorncy-at-Law, fcU.lESE CITY, - - - uuw.ua OFFIOK-At the Court House. iy8m3 CEO. M. MILLER, Attorns; and Ciunsslbr-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CUT, - OREGON. J Odlce formerly occupied by Thompson & JDeau. J. E. FEN TON, III-Lit U'. OREGON'. kur.ET:5cirv Soeciit it'-r.i i 'iv.-n to Real Estate Prao ice ami A.ic.mv-. i I tele. Orrti'K Over Or.m Store. ,T.W.IIAMUS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Or Shelton eroierly resided. Dr. T. AV. Shelton, Physician and Surgeon. ltOOMS-Ai Mrs. J. B. Underwood. EUGENE CITV. OREGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Fresby erian Church. J. J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OBEGOX. 1TTILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE I. ,.( till. StlltA. Soecial attention given to real estate, col- ctini;, and prolwte mutters. , Collecting all kimU of claims against the United States Government. Office In Walton's briuk-mnms 7 and 8. W. N. NOFFSINGER, ATTO RN KY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY. OREGON, WILL PRACIICE IX ALL COURTS pf the State. Negotiate loans. Col lections promptly attended to. Ureics Uver Grangu Store. olO-tf PIPES & SKIPWORTH, Attorneys-at-Law, CORVALLIS, OREGON. PROF. D. W. COOLIDGE, (Formerly of De Moluea, Iowa, I HAS LOCATED IX EUGENE CITY for the purp.oeof teaching NAXo, OBOAM anil BARuoNV All tha latest Ine'.hiHls em- plnyed to develop a fine technique. Rooms for thn present cor., Seventh and Hub sts. olOjJ- MdNFYTfl IRAN u m I BM I Bl f SM OX IMPROVED FARMS FOR A TERM -i i....i. V " ' aUGENECITY, - '- OREGON, OSce up stairs in Walton's Brick. NEW GOODS. ---ft2 l B. t3T A GENERAL A large assortment of La dies and Childrens Hose at U l-'J cts. Good Drfss Goods at 12c Best Corset in town for 50c, An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade. New and Nobby styles in CLOlJflNG. Liberal Discount for CA Cash Or Goods Sold Oregon, for as CASH OR The hishest mice paid Produce, ( ail and sec S. H. Friendly. . Harness Shop. HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE west of Crain Bros'., I sin now prepared LOWEST H&J&JI?JE1&. The Most Competent Workmen Are employed, and I will endeavor to me with a call. . J. L. PAGE, TT AVING A LARGE AND COMIXK I K I 1 ,t.Hk of Suple and Fancy Grocerie, nt'H k of i bought in the best markets EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH Can offer the public better prkes than any other house IN EUGENF, Produce of all kinds taken at market pice. NOTICE TO JREDITORS. VTOTK'EIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT l lUli Hendricks has been appointed M rt..r of the esUte of Tm-unas G jlimniNtrHLir ; ('hilil.rs. deceased. All erns having claims aaint said esUte are n..tihed to present the in tde ailministr.itor at the ImciK I H .nd-U. t Eakin, in Eu,en. City. Ureg .n, ; j fiiro. II. T.'Kri, Atty. Dated March 6, In;. Mil Trimming silk and Sat ins in all shades. Moirca n titfae Silks Velvets in Colors. The finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place BOOTS and SHOES in all grades- GlWCEFllES of all descrivtions. Credi SH Low as any House in CREDIT. for a!I Kinds of Country AND HABNFfS PIICP 0 8lh STBE to furnish everything in that lino at the give satisfaction tc all win ma favcr . . jt ft. 9 BH.lin:. 4 LL KINDS OF WORK rOXK IXTHE Iiest of stvle at reasonabl es. rants from $7 up. Cleaning and repairing a spec- mlty. Shop In the room one door noth of Dunn's store F B You Can Save time and money by calling nn STERLING HILL and letting him reriew your suljarriptions f"r I newsiwer, story par ",1.ke"!'? ,c"'",t - '' story pa r anil magazines, lie took of Magannrs, in- Le.Iie etc. All the ieiiii.ir niiranes, neasuie, yeli. ntautiaro, Monroe and otliers. In fnoi everythimf usu ally found in a 1st c'au news depot, P U Build ing, Eugene. Mr S H Friendly will pay the highes cash market price for wheat. Give him call before selling your gram elsewhere. I 3P TO cileries. Hew The Dim C ob rianicr. ' Since tho death of Colonel Edward Richardson of Mississippi, C. M. Neil of Pino Bluff, Arlc., is porhaps Mie largest cotton planter in the South. He was liorn in Alabama, and is only 38 yearn of age. In 18G0 he went lo Arkansas penniless and went to work on farm. He is now President of thn First National Bank of Tine Bluff, and lias 12,000 acres of cotton in cultiva. vation. lie own three krge stores and a railroad twenty-nix miles in i i!lij5lni M of which j-uiih through one of hiit plantations. He is now huild ing nothor road forty-two miles in lepqttf through bin pliiitations. Mr. Neil' wealth h estimated nt $3,000, 000. j, Recently he advanced to one person $90,000. The moment he heard of the Hot Springs fire he forwarded 300 barrels of flour, 200 Wrels of cornni"al, 20.0HO pounds of Wf, he. Rides clothing, etc., for the lienolil of the sufferers. Some of the liest mines known have Leen discovered merely hy accident, while others ngnin are the result of years of toil and lahor. Then others again have heeti run across when the lucky individual whom fortune favored was thinking of anything hut falling into a gold mine. John Quinry Adatns, a namesake ot tne great jonn struck a rich mine somewhere down in New Mexico in this way: While pros petting he found his haversack on fire, his prospector's glass having fo'cuwd the sun's rays upon it. As the haver sack contained ahnut a dozen pounds of powder, he dropped it and got out of thn wny in a hurry. It fell into a crevice and a large mass of rocks was thrown up. Adams returned mourn. fully to gather up what mifcht he left of his effects, and found an exceedingly rich vein of ore which the explosion had exposed to view, lie sold a third interest -ia his find for $10,000, and Very consistently nan ed the mine "The Nick of Time." "The cockroaches in this house are rem.irkaUy versatile," said an actor at a hotel tahle, picking up a hisctit. ''I notice that lln-y appear rolls every moi'ning." in different Since 1878 Henry Irving' receipts have aggregated 2,.ri00,000. The pre fit of Ireing a first cluss actor rank next 10 U ing a first-class defaulter. T.G. Hendricks, l'reideiit. 8. B. Eakin, Jr., Cashier. Of Eugene. Paid np Cash Capital $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. Sight drafts nn NEW YORK, SAX FRAX CISCO and PURTLAND, OKKGON. All collections entrusted to us will receive attention. We make this departme nt a specialty Deposits revived subject to check. Loan made on approved security, and a (teueral bunkirir business done on reasonable terms. FAIR DEALINCJS OUR MOTTO. Everyone "t toiling in need of building mate rial will do well to call and see our Cohunr stock of lumlier, kept at Midgley k Dyslnger's factory. We can please all kinds 01 customers in quality and quantity. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. X. N. Mathews, Agt. First National Bank of Eugene City. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, I Office of Comptroller of the Currency f Wasiiinotu!, February 27, 18. WHEREAS, BY SATISFACTORY evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear t!mi "Tlir. Klltsr National B.sk or Ei iiknk Citt." in Eugene City, in the County of Lane, and Sluts of Ore gnu, has complied with all th provisions of the Revised Statutes "f tho United Slates, re. quired t he complied with before an associa tion shall be authorized to commence the busi ness of Banking. Now T HEHtroitK, I. Vallentlne P Snyder, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Cur rency, ri hereby certify thst "Th KlIlsT Nat'iiinal Lan or Eror.N Citt." In Eugens Citv. in the I 'ountv of Jjns. and Stat, of Oregon, is authcrized U eoromnnoe th huslms of Banking as pn.vMed In Section Fifty-wrr bnmlrwl anil sixty nine it the uevisei Matuiee i of the United Sutes. i I TestiM'ixt WHESfif witn my IisihI and seal of ntnue this 27th day of . sau U'y. v- V. P. SNYDER. Deputy and Acting Casuptrollercf theTrsM ry. Xo.8,45a.l )M2ta U iial M Drrnorraiie Sinie riiliform. His Deninciatic party of the State of Ore goo i in convention assemblod, adopted thd fid lowing resolutions: 1, Rksoi.vkd, That ' reaffirm the time honored maxim: "Equal and exact justice to all men; speci.il privileges to none." 2. That we heartily endorse President Cleve land and his admiui.tration in their etforU to purify the public service, to restore the admin istration of federal government to the practice of honesty which existed helore the govern ment was prostituted by the Republican party to partisan uses, personal ends and class legis lation. H. That we endorse the sentiment and sug gestions nt President Cleveland in his special message to Congress favoring a system of arbi tration ' of liitferences lietween capital and labor, employer and employe. 4. We favor a tariff for revenue, limited to the tioesasities of the government, economically ftdbiiniMlix't but aa any tariff for revenue mnst of necessity afford some protection Inci dents lly, we therefore favor such an adjust ment as to prevent unequal burdens and en co.irage the pnsluctkn of industries at home, and to slfonl just coinHnsation to labor, but not to create or foster monopolies. Therefore, as a matter of justice, the wil growing inter ests of the country should receive the same benefit from a tariif as the manufacturers of woolen gissls; and we condemn the action of a Republican Congress in reducing the tariff oil wool and increasing the tariif on woolen goods. 5. That we heartily endorse the present ad ministration in its etfirts to build up ft navy efficient and able to protect our sea coast and our commerce, and to maintain and defend our j :Uhts wherever our H i,' llo:tts, against any and every assault; and we lielieve that a reasoualue isirtion of suriiliis revenues slionlil lie appropri ated for the construction and armament of eis.-lt naval vessels, and that all material needed therefor and for the buildii.g up of our mer chant marine should be free from all tasation, and such vessels should he constructed, equip ped and armed at our own ship yards and shops and by our own workmen. IS. In harmony with the record of the Demo cratic party in the state and nation, we hireby lleilge the party ami its canilnute to use an awful means hskiug toward the speedy ter mination ot existing treaty relations between the United States ond China, and the lawful removal of all Chinese ciMilics who may now be in the United State. 7. We nre in favor of littoral nlTToiiriatlons commensurate with their Importance for the hays, harbors and rivers of Oregon, includiuu the mouth of the Columbia, he opening of the l"pi-r Columbia, the Willamette, lipmle, t'mpqua and Siuslaw rivers; (W, Yaquina, I illainook anil t'ort Utlnril nays. 8. That we uru'e uimiii our national govern ment the propriety of setting apart Crater lake and sufficient lands surrounding said lake for a national park. !. That the prodigality of the Hepuhlican party while in power, in granting jsnmdless tracts of tho pnbliu lands to corporations coin Hed of political managers and officeholders, under pretense of providing the country with railroads and wagon roads, and in upholding these grants in violation of law in casea where the grantees did not pretend to comply with the conditions of the grant, tni juntly merited the outspoken rebuke of every Americau citi zen. hiln deman ling (or corpornlious the observance of every contract right, we hold that everv such urant liecama void and was ab solutely forfeited in every case wliore the road was not complete.! in te manlier aim witinn the time prescrilied by law, and that such for feiture should be declared withmit further de lay (save in all cusea the rights of actual set tlers): ami the hinds of the lieoiile thereby rescued from the grasp of speculators should be lH-stowed in small tracts to actual settlers under the laws now in form, or such as may be hereafter enacted; and that the efforts of l'res ident Cleveland and tho officers under him to restore to tho people an amount of the public douiaiu equal in area to tuat of the cmiibinul states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, has won the uratituile and contiilcuoM of the labor ing and producing portion of our countrymen, and especially of the people of the State of Oregon. 10. That we earnestly sympathise with Glad stone, the English premier and l'arnell, and with their c patriots, in their euoris to ameliorate tho condition of (tie Irish people, and wish them Gjd snjed in securing homo rule for I inland. 11. That we are In furor of the enactment of state laws providing for the appointment of a state board of arbitration, to the end that all differences between labor and capital may be equitably adjusted, with (Ine regal d to both laborers irtid emiiloyers. 12. That we are opposed to any unjust dis crimination by transportation companies with in this State in favor or ngainst any plane or class of persons, and are in fovor of such legis lation as will prevent such discrimination Mid will establish just and reasonable freight rates within the state. 13. That we are opposed to the employment of convict labor In competition with free lalsir. 14. That we favor the submission t the voters of the state of Oregon of the pending amendment to the constitution of our state reg ulating the liquor traffic 15. That we demand such free school faoili- in our midst as that the children of the rich and poor alike may have theopertunities of obtaining an education commensurate with our advancing civilixatiou. 10. That we arralirn the Republican major ity of the recent session of the state legislature regular and special, for their manifold blun der in legislation wherein a regard for the in terest of the people was lost in the factional contest of the llepuuuuan ptrty; ami we u nomine the Republican party in this state fcr it extravagance and for collecting large sums of money from the oile by exorbitant taxa tion, and exiei.ding the samu for unwise and unnecessary purises. 17. That we fav.r a rfgH Invsstlatlisi aa to the manner in which tlie swamp binds of this state have been ilioseil of, and demand inch aotion as will restore to the people for the actual settlement such of these lauds a am un lawfully and fraudulently liehl. IS. That we favor a non pai lisan aiwl Inde pendent commission, whose duty it shall 1 to count the money in the state treasury as often as may ! necessary to insure that it shall re main in Wis lawful place ot iluMuiory ii.siean of Isdng used for piirpo-.es nf private specula- 1'J. That w recommend that Congress make the iio-aary appropriati-in to nisiii and build a road connecting the Oregon .1t California rail road in Southern Ortejon with the southwestern border of tho stale. 21. Inasmuch a the duty Imperatively im posed by the constitution iiu th legUlature to make a reapportionment after each census, has been neglected by s-veral euocesMV legis latures to the great lujiltice and Injury of Tari.-fw ciunlle of th sUM, w demand anil Insist that every Democratic! nominee for the legislature U pledged to a new and JiiA apM-rtiouuieiit at th next session of the legis lature to be based Uli prose lit populat'on. A Mr t'oiiyer, who live in Cnluiuhia conn, ty, claims to have kilted .Ight elk, seventy lr. two hosslrwl deer, ten cmirars and Cali fornia lions, and two hundred and Rfif beaver in the past two years. Columbia county must lie a good gam cnr.nty. Mr W S Lsdd's artesian well neurr lvt Portlaud, k uow dowoto the deptlr M 1330 fW Cnpinin funl It would perhaps ho going k' littln' too fur to say that Captain" Paul Boy ton surpnssej himself and heat all fui" previous records in his exhibition ii the Cliff House-yesterday, hut fucK f statement, made after deliberate con sideration, would seem to lie justified1 liv results. A little after 3 o'clock tho Captain appeared from the Cliff House attirrrrf in his husincss stli tof caoutchouc. Tlit Captain lost little or no time ia mak ing his way to tho rocks, and only hes itated in his course for a fnvr minute while the ancient anal, known to ever frequenter of the Cliff llouse aa "Ben Butler," made pressing overtuies to' him for an interview. It was generally believed by the spectators that tho' venerable phoca mistook the Ouptairt'i paddle for a sort of double headed Nevt Orleans spoon and that when he b ;ame satisfied that ho wan mistaken" ho' judiciously took himself off. Anjwftf ilurina the rest of the Captain's fflfor. gramme Hen contented himself witW recniinoitering his methods from a safe1 coign of tantage on the further 8et Rock. The program ne was a perfect stfc'' cess except in the one particular of blowing up thn man of-war, that vessel" having incontinently taken to ''artfnd'-' ini'" just as it was laorfcnerf. Tim" Cnjrtaiu Ihrrreuporf cruised all ovef the space of water betweon the Seal Rocks' and the shore, at One time propelling' by his paddle, at another' by a full suit of sloop sails, at yet another by lateen rig. Ho (hen built 4 raft, lighted a lire, cooked a fish which ho' clui.ned to have caoght in sight of tho' crowd, Rred his httlo gtn at iimfgirrar' polar Learn, sent telegrams by fagy rocket and pigeon routes to the shore,' and otherwise disported himself in t way tj make the atetifge ptifrart of terra frma open his eyes lo thoii1 full est extent. It gees without saying that Captain Hnyton's exhibition isf unique and nothing bettor can he seen' in the; way id "bfg backsliding," as ft' Western jourmtlist puti it, on this continent, S. f Chronicle. A Word From DoDglun. HosTOtf, May 1. FWefica: oug- lass lias written letter tor f. W. Bird Douglass says: I nni a Republican ami I did a'l I could to defeat the elec tion of Piesident Cleveland. He wa under no political obligation whatever yet 1 hold tho position of Recorder" nearly a whole years under hia ndinin-' istration, an office of law held, tot for" any term, but solely at the pleasure of the President. While I was in oflfiic' President Cleveland treatfd m as he' treated other oflioe horlders Irt tho dis- trict. He was have enough to invite' Mrs. Douglas and myself to all his grand receptions, thus rebuking tho' timidity, I will not nay cowardice, or prejudice, of his predecessors. I om Republican, and, if living, shall do all I con to elect a Republican in 1888, but I honor manliness whenever I tinrf it, and I found it in President Clove land, and I Khould despise myself if 1 should let anybody think otherwise. Whatever else he may lie he is not1 tt snob or a coward. The Tauoma steam laundry began work fow days ago with soiree sixty orders fronV private families per week. They havs i"V creased the number of order to 200, ntl areV employing some thirteen1 men and wemtn kf their feandry, am) to-dsf they expeot to add to their corps- M workinumn ato.ut Ma women, who will ito the ironing, --Lder. t Oeo W Sweeting, enloreit Bntln1s,' ays the Oregon City Cmrrier, waives it die. tinctly understooil that he doe St Wlitte7r with the Republican ring nf Oregon City. Mr Sweeting stand in with tha boy all the ten, ami not, he say, "wid d party' dat cau be bought wid Chiny gold." The biggest e lin lion that haa been ea here fur many a d iy was hauled up yesterday' morning by the Fishermen who U thi' oinnt iihnoa wits nlun.liin. He wa o ezhi- bition yesterday at the Oooident Paokiug om. pany's, where OMwd went to see him. -t the after wain h was flung overboil. Hi wifttj ' was estimated at 25UU Usi.-AvU.rian. The latest positive new concerning tha railroad is tu tho effect that th line will b ran by Bonn, and thAtth tha gspintha ssountains west of hejra. Harney Items. Thi i the Mn that ar ramorel will irvar th Mokvnsi Pas. t t Produce is very low in Nebraska. 0f ii quoted at 13 cent per bushel; wheat, 83 oats, 18; hog, on fool, 23 a hundred.'