Not What Wai Wanted. The inventor of a patent car coupler Was lately admitted to an interview With a Chicago railroad prohidont, and started off with. "Lant year twenty six men were killed or crippled on your road while coupling cars. I warrant this inven tion to" "To Have how much wear and tear on the lumpen.?" interrupted the pros, tdent. 'I warrant it to save tho lives of employees, sir." 'Uni! Don't wanl it. We are after something to Have the bumpers." Wall Street News. A singular visitation of death hap pened at DitfLy, N. 'ately. Peter Milanson, 8C years of dop, iHmI after a hort sickness, ilis wife Mary, 84 years old, for some had evinced a strong desire that her husband should be tho lirst to die, as she did not want to '.eave him alone in tho world. After (lis death alio expressed her willingness to follow him, and four hours after her husUnd's domise lie too breathed her last StatisUca of mortality in France show that almost tho healthiest occupa lion is that of dueling. Of 847 duels recorded sinco 1870, only nine caused cither party to bo disabled. In vo per cent of theso affairs the desperate com testants came out uninjured. There are now 200,000,000 German carp in tho United Slates, the descend nts of thirty. live lish brought to the United States less than a dozen years Excited Thousands All over tlie land are g"ing into ecstasy over Dr Kinit New Discovery fur Consumption Their unlooked fur recovery by the timely ese of tin irct life saving remedy, cause them to go iiearly wild in it praise. It in guaranteed to positively cure Severe Cough, Colds, Asthma, liny Fever, lironuhitis, Hnaiseness, Loss of Voice, ur any affection of the Throat and Luni. Wide Awake Druggists. Mourn B It Luc key & Co are always alive to their business, anil spare no paint to e cure the best n( every article in their line. Thoy have secured tho agency for tho cele brated Dr K inn's Now Discovery for Con jumption. Tim only certain euro known for Consumption, Cniiijhs, I oli In, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, llronchitis, er any at tfeotirmof the Throat and Lungs. Sold on yniitive Kiiarautuo. Trial Uottlci free, lteg 4lar size 91. Cure For Piles. Tries -aye frequently preceded liy a sense of Volutin lb hack, luiiw Mid lower part of the Abdomen, causing the lutn lit ti iijihjko lie ha tome alfectiou of the kidney or neMihorini! organs. At times, Hvinptuin of indigestion are present, tUtiileuce, uneasiness of tne atom ach, eta A iiiointure, like peropirntion, pin (hieing a very disagreeable itching, after get iiag warm, w vonmiou allcudunt. Jslind, Weeding and itfMng idle yield at once to the Implication of Jr llimiinko's rilu Itemed lildi act directly upon the part affected, orbing the tumors, allaying the intense itch ttiur and effecting n permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address the Dr ltnstiiieo Medicine Co. l'lipia, (Kilo. Hold by Unburn & Co. and V. S, of Junction. Syrup ot Figs, Manufactured only by the California Fin Syrup Co., Sun Francisco, Oil., is Nature 'a Own Vru Laxative. Thin pleumtit liipihl fruit remedy may be hod of W 8 bee, agent, Sunction, or N v llKiiin. agent, Migene City, at titty ce;U 'T one dollar per bottle. It 1 the most pleasant, prompt and effect! 'e remedy known to cleanse the system; to act on the I. Ivor, Kid lievs and Itowrls gently vet l)i.irouK'lily; toili ml lleaiuuhcs, Cold mitt Fevers; t'i cure Coll' atipation, lniliuestion snd kindred ill, Its Delicate Flavor. ' And the cfllcney of it action have rendered the fnnuiii liipiiil f nil reiueily Syrup of Figs iniuieuaviy popular, u cleanse Mini tone up . I. -I 1.1 I . .. . n cmggeu nun levermii system, ami ilisiels jiennneiies, v .oiua ami leer. ror anle by ni iikiiii r.ugeue, v n Junction. Proper Treatment for Coughs. J hit tho reader niny fully understand what ooiutituto a gnnd Cough and bung nyrup. we win y that Tar io Willi Cherry i the basis of the beat rciucdie j et disoov. ered. Ttieso ingredient, with several other equally as cllioaoious, outer largtdy into I r liosankn't Cough and Lung Syrup, thu making it one of the most reliable now on the mai kot. I'rue 30 eta and $1. Sample free. Sold by 0burn & Co, Kugonei V Lee, Janction, . S m nn urrl Li M0H5MEHTS iiiik 1 t J. A. CAK DWELL, T.T,n nerJ Agent for Orep. SL FLLLER, of Urtibur.( Local Agent for Lion and Lane cmintiri. CaU at ( anlwell & Millrr Few Furnitur. atort b EL'GEXE. oa WUUmetU Itnet, ud I f.tprlcwwiddt.igt.1.. I Twin Foes to Life Are Indigestion mid Constipation. Tliclr primary symptom t'" unions tho most diitrcKkini,' it minor liiiuiuii nilmcHtu, and a liont of UIm-iimh, Huli!y roultmit from them, mutually ajruviiic ei.cli ollu r and nsHiill t onco t!io wholo niiicbiiiciy of life. Nausea, l'onl Hmilli, Soue Stoiimcli, Ii.lness. IIoikIui'Iics, IJIllous Fever, Juiiniilee, pjupepsm, Kidney Discuses, files, ICIieuiiiul imii, Neuralla, Iiopsy, mid vtuloii" SUin Disorders, lire union',' the Minplom and miiliulic finiKcd bv b r,iii:;tiiiciit of the itumadi ani buvvels. A Thorough Purgativo medicine In tho first neeeadty for euro. Then tho iiilhsrtic cfTcrt imi-t bo miim tallied. In n inlld tb-sreo, Jiet nifllcicnt to prevent u recurrence of tostivcncsK, ami lit the name limn the liver, kidney anil dtollliicll lUUNt bo dtllllUllllcil mid strengthened. Ayer's Accomplish this iwtoinllvo work 1 tl.u.i uiiv nllier llll ll Ii ino. I lll'V belter nro scarchln,' mid thoroiiili. vet mild, in their plirL'HttVO licllon. lliev no noi Kill'" itttfent, mid do not Induce ii coflivo i re action, in I the cll'ict of oilier etithni-l c. AVItlml, thv liOHsex Hprciiil properties, diuretic, hoi'mliennd tonic, of Hie highest liicdlciiud value mid Absolutely Cure All diseases proeeedin.' from disorder of tlio tll,'estlvo mid nssiniiliilorv oiviiiih. Tho prompt use of Avkii's Vius to correct tho first Inilicnlinns of coslive ncs, nverts tho serious illiK'ses which wclcet of lliuteoiidiiion would lueviliilily Induce. All lm",'ul:ii iiies in the notion of the bowels looseness ns well lis consti pation lire belli flcl.illv runt wiled by Aykii'h Tills, mid for Hie llmulnlion of di,'oslivo orpins weiiKeiied by loiij? eonllniied dvsiepsia. one or two of Ayf.k's Tills dally, nfter (liimi r, will do more good limn niiyttiiii else. Leading Physicians Concede That Aykii'h rn.i.S nre the best of all cathartic medicines, mid miiny pnieliliou etn, of Ihi blithest stiuidlug, customarily prescribe, tliein. AYER'S PILLS, Ntr.PAM'.D BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowoll, Mass. Analytical CheinWs. For salo ly all Druggists. TUrOTION DIRECTORY. CENTENNIAL LIVERY STABLE J. J Kuton. nro. r init clns I conn, liiiianc. etc'. to ull pnints at reasonable rates. 1 lay and uraitifor sale. Headuiiartera t orvallis utaite 0YEKLAM) TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California It. R. iintl Coniierioiit. r are from Portland to San Y rnncisco ?32 to Sacraineoto, 30. Clote connection made nt Ashland with stupes of the California, tlieit'in and lilalio Stage Coiiipany. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Divisinn. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ''ASHLAND. MAIL THA1N. UAVE. AIIKIVK. Portlaixl...7.30a. m. Kuitene '2:04 p. m. Ashland.... 7M5 p. m. Eutteue 0:41 a. in. huitene '.!:(. p. ni Ashlanil....4:4') a. in, Euiteue. . . . . 11:40 a. in, Port laud ...4:25 p. 111, ALBANY EXrittHS TIlAlN. LEAVE. AUIlIVr. l'ortlana.-...4:W) p. in J.eliaunn....!i:.'llp m Lebanon. .. .4:4.") a. in 1'ortlainl .10:10 am Pulluian I'll I lice Sleeping cai-a daily between Ainany ami Allium. I. The ( & C K K Perry make roniieelbm with all the regular trains on the East Side Division from font of i" Street. West SM Division. BETWEEN P0KTLAND AND COKVALLK IIAILTIiAIN. I.KAVR. AHHIVK. Portland 9:00 a in M orvullis. ,.4:"0 p 111 Corvalh. N::U)a in Pitrtlund.. .3:'.'U p in kximikss thai:;, leave akiiive. Prtrtlnnd ft:00 p m I Mc.M'inille.8:00 p ni MoMinnville.ft:4f m I l'ortlamL...K::0a in Local ticket for aiu aud Juiin eheeke at louipany up town olliee, cor Slark ml Second stievts, TiekeU for principal points In I aliforma can oulv lie priK'iirril Hint liau Kat;e checKril at company oiiice, COII. r. AND MONT HTM., rnllTI.AMI, Oil. KreLdit will not be reeeivwfor hii!iunt af ter O o clock 1 . Ai. ru t'ltlKT the Lust or Wert Side IKvMciik. KKOKHI.Kn. Manager, E. P P.OtiEKS, 0. F. ami Pass LOOK HERE! W. B. ANDREWS IS SELLING Lumber At the Depot, FOR GIVE HIM A CALL, A. O. IIOVEY. H. C HUMPHREY Cashier. Preiilfn. iANE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY, HUMPHREY Jk CO EUQENB CITY. . . or Ctnral Ixnkin trauAtl. on currvitk ivtnni .... . tui 'm hi1 cvrtihcate fnfta drawn on PCRTINU, SAX FRANCISCO AND hW YORK. Bi'l n Eichan.Ti nld on th. Citie. Crrep. lco ns.1. I CcloMwaJlacblepokUasBecialty.' 10 per thousand 5 0 p a H - e W M o 3 p a. H SElWtJ 3 c s n rr e t n 2 o ZZ - "12 13 n "1 5 a. c 9 - CI3 L. WILL EXCHANGE 13 THE EtfOENK MILL herebr take the pleasure COMPANY nf announoi ins that they wil! take WHEAT. at any warelimme uofth of Eugene City in exchange ("f FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., at 'heir mill in Eugene. The Company will take wheat receipts, properly signed to them, and iive credit to the owner nf tho same on mill books for the amount in bushels, P. E. 4 CO. JulvSJ. 1834. a2-lim 30,000 CASES -OF- RECTAL 3DISEASES -AS- PILF.S, RECTAL ULCERS. rtSSURES, PRAKITUS-ANI. FISTULAS IN A NO, POLYPUS-RECTI, ETC., ETC. Cured In Six Yoars by the Brink rriioii hjMieni, Pr. J. B Pilkiinjtoii, proprietor of the Eye ami l.iir mi .iniiliariiim for .orvon IMNrilNfi, haa been appointed Hcnt ainl physiuian for this system in Oregon and W T. No never mrjjical ofaration. No pain. Nn loxa of IiIoikI. In two mniitlis have cured several cases, who have liefure subniitted to severe operations, anil only received injury, Am is'nniiteil to refer to Mr. .la W Weath erfonl, iliu'ist formerly of Salem; Mr Frank lianlner,; Mr U A Jlampey, liar risbura, and other. Will meet patient at St Charle Hotel, En ',-ene, from 2:30 p. in. WfltlH'Nllay, April 7. I . p. in. 1 lilirMCluy, .tprll S, 18MI. Addros for pamphlet, etc, J. U. PILIvINtJTON, r. v., Portland, On-goii. NEW DEPARTURE! NEW GOODS! iEt7 PRICES! riVUi UNDERSIGNED WILL COM .1 lueneu nn tho lxt ilay of Oetobrr, 185, to sea their new aiul complete stuck ot GEXEKAL SIEIUIIAXBISE FOR Cash of Approved Paper Only, In view of the hard time, we have con eluded to reduce our prices to a cash basis, I'eeliiiL' aa nre.l that it will lie to the advantage nf our customer as well a ourselvea. We cordially invite all cash customers to ex amine our stock, a We I cel Cuiilldeiil that we can Knit loii IJoih m Quality aud Price. UKMKMHKK We Carry No Trash! C all n ft e the Difference Between Caih and Credit. ANOTHER e in f rices. U Itu Heat Ilice. II " Suiiar ..$1 00 ..UK) 9 " CollVe .... .. 1 00 . . I (Ml 4 " Tea 8 Can Toinator (bet). . . 1 00 And other good In proprotlon AT GOLDSMITH'S THE UUOC'ER Gool deliverej promptly to any part of town, Cah paid for all kind of County Produce Hide and t ur. Bet anrtDiril nf C l!lrVtTPJ fpru.t. :?" 1I'A!SS WAKE, and VVOuD JTh w 1LLUW WAKE in tl . City at Goldsmith's Notice. T .:il i i i . ... . l''in 1 Vnv U1 he $13 per nutMind. CoburR, Auwt Uoul'-t. a'" aB"" . Tumb JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, DEALER IN Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promjitly Executed. B3TAllWork Warranted. j?-3 J.H. LU' KKY, El wrth A Co'a Brick Willamette treet. Oil. MKKlti'S Wonderful German Invpia'of, THE OLDEST, OHEATEST and HKS'J i.b.iiKUV for the cure of Nervous and Physical De- Qbilitv, Vital Exhauti Semi- UJnal Weakness, Los of Manhood, fJCPailinif Memory, and ltelaHed Qund Enfeebled conditions uf the i Geiiilo-L'riiiKry oralis; Vn lr Spr.tuii.Y Ciiirs ImpoUn i. it v. Earlv J eeAy, Li of Vliior, ffil Weakness, and a'.l the Y-ftfA ellecU of youthful follies and iii.',-. Iha iiIiush or Kxi'eaaus of Mutu- thy. . .. .. u v. ..I l. n hac 1., imCanFi all p,Uuniituriil L"s fniii the ys . ':' V'tein, as thousands can attest wl o tr have used the Jiemeily III tne -past quarter of a tenlury wlilcli Jrt has been befoio the public. O It is ifi(!el a wondetfiil reme Ody, toning the ilct veK, Htrennth 3Ceiiing the muscles, checking the rnste, invijionitintf the whole syHtem, and rest'iringthe alllicted Jito Health and J The Doctor will aree to forfeit 1,000 for a cue undertaken, not cured. The reason so mrtiiy can not et cured of Weakness and the above disease is owin to a complication called "Prostatorrhea," which require upecial treatment VARICOCELE or WoRJfY Vi.a of the Sciotum. Often the unsuspected cuuse of Lost Manhood, Di bii. itv. Ac. VIL LIEHKVS INVIGORATOR. No 2, with mi' peculiar special treatment is the only cure for Piostatorruea. liy it Manhood is re stored and the hand of time moved back from aire to vouth. If pi'iiples appear on the face, if you become Ustless anil despondent look out tor trie com plication with Y:tol Weakness and loss ol Vitality known a Pro.statnri Ilea. Hundreds of lives have been lost, for the want of pruper treatment for this complication, mid thousands have lout all their property and pltasure iu life trom lis ellects. Jfiiou of eitiier Inviorator;?3.- I use of six bottles, 10. Sent to any address, covered securely from oViSivation. bit. LPKIilU ft CO. treat siuiv-Jiilly by i HoiiHtiipntliy every form of Special, Private or 'Jhronio liise.mj without mercury or iiasou drills. If vitality is drained from the body, numerous diseases follow that liallle ordinary medlcal treatment. If allowed to continue, 'the unnatural loss cans' Cooxiiinption, l'ia lietes, l'.rLdit'a Disease, Insanity, Etc. Cure Guaranteed. Disease of the Kenito-iiiiiiary "ryain, kuhieys, liver and Madder spccl.dlj itreul'H. Diseases of women soeedilv erred. ' QUAl.IKIKD and KKSPONSIIJI.E.-Dr Lienufand Co, from Europe, are or'auized in comoliuiice with California Medical law. Diploma procured by regular cnlK;" ediieation and are now in their nineteenth year of spec ial practice. . . i , ftfost powrfuI electric belt free to patients, i I'rLiebiu'g Wonderful Maunctic HeahTS or Self Mannetizers, the greatest curative inven tion of the aqe. Every man or Woman can now be their own nmcnetic healer. It can be used without the aid of a professional hand rubber, consequently no Lii; fee to pay. Price, .5 complete. Sold ONLY at tbfl Dr Liebig Dispensary.' . Call or Mil Ires' Ll e b i k M 1 !pe u s a r y , . 400 Gearv Street, San Francisco, Cal. I'livate eiilij'iice 405 Mason street, four Muck up Henry from Kearney. Main en trance tin mull Dispensary Druj Store. ftsoitre Olehrnieit Fashion Cnmlcgtie. OCMT CSCC 'or Bprlhx uml surn. Ottl I rtlbk. mer. l&iG, ready March, mtta, to any address, illustrates and list every tiling for Ladles', GcnU', C'liiltli'eiis' tnd Infanta wear and IlouHekecpln? (iiHMls, at prior lomr than those of any liouae In the Lulled States. I'oniplele Miiuruclluu yuaranlenl, or money re fan.lcl. . " .. K(l( II &z bON, Old Ave. A, rjOib bt., V, Citr. CTfe M- 7tW bcoiMlcd FRKR to all apsltc-Hti, tn,l tocD"imeiof Kit jut iiliout riidt.-iLH it. It contain fttaut 130 pSt, fc-A' liLiitrtn.i, rict, ict'uritfl dicriptionn unrt hiab't iifk-ctiiinj Mr j.l.nuinc nil w.rfcitfi f VKGET BI.R ir.4 i l.OUYlt ht'HlH, nUl.ltH.ete. IuvftUkbls ta s'.l, efjKtt'lt to VtAft OarJenri. StiA lr IL D. M. & CO., Detroit, Michigan. TO STOCK RAISERS. Young Sampson. Thi fine horse will stand at Sloan tMe in Eiiffene, on Thnnwlay, Friday and Saturday of each week, and at Creatwell on Tn... lay and W'ednesdav for the beiriiininir April 1st. and endinir.lulv l.t 1.;' and will serve mare at 15 to insure a foal. pa. aide when the mare is known to lie with foal. PartinE with an inaund mm f.,rf;.. the insurance money. Care takeu to prevent accidents but respoimihle for none should any occur. jMare a.itured at reasnnaM rt. Youns SatniMon is a Wnntifnl l..v a old April 2li, ISSfi. wei-lit about 1840 llw, i 17i hands hich, and i ronsidereil liv h ,tvum., one of the finest in the State. i nun hamiwon was ired hy Adventurer, he liy Emperor, the fiit tliorniiLdihr.l cu.i. dale ever inisu ted into Oregon. Adventinvrs dam waastine Hon'y mare. Saniinons is well known in Marion conn tr as a fine mar and a eooJ l.rwdrr, with few if any superior in the Stt. Vr fn rtllMV MIL ticulars see the owner. This hr8 will make a full stand at his own stable in Ku.-ene. ' T. .!. DrxTFX. J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kinds of Agriclutural Implements. AND Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon umGH m Luckey&Co, DEALERS 1N DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet iiracies, ramis, uus, Brushes, Etc., Etc. - Prescription Department in Compete n Hands. CEO. F. CRAW. P0ST0FF1CE Cl 3 A3 STORE. EUGENE CITY, OEEGON. is I to o to a 1 w Ik e in Q a CD r-H ft a H 95 ft J? so 3S 3 tnre' Own Remedy, Will speedily relieve and permanently cure all the varum itiincumes arising irom a tiisor dered condition of the Liver and Kidneys. It i perfectly harmless and can he given to the most delicate woman or child. I1 or sale by all lriij.-git.ts. SHELL , IIEITSIIU & WOOPAED , Wliolesale AK'enU. Portland, Oregon. A Li'a Experlone?. K-c'-tifirkabla end (ju'ca csres.. l'ri'al l acia?t33. 6au-i Btiir.p for so.-Ai'd pvtlculara. Atldreea Pr. V;'.-ino & CO., f.Tc. l a r A re uerlW-i; y Knfc aud alwavs llf.ectual. Vs-d to-uny ri,nlarlv lv lu.WO Amerirnn Women. barniwil nRperlor to ail others. or'nti rrfunUrd. Dnn'lv.Rii luonev on KOrtblrM Irr (til Keraed.T first, bold by ajl henfrz'jfts- or umiled to any d1re.. Bend 4 ont for psrilculars. WiLtOX Sti: iriU CO., rblladn.. P?. Lumter, Is running and will run trfi Sdtiimcr. Bills filled at short notice. James C. Goodale, Yroprielori Order can be left for the Cnhi r;j saw mill' at tlie store of McCIun it .lohnaon. GRAIN BROS. DEALEKS - is flocks, J Matchfs mid Jewel n. Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clock, and Jewelry repaired and W'!?-a'f'i NI,rthwt corner of U'Ulamette MILLER BROS. -'DEALERS l Field, Vegetable and Fiower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, OAKDKN TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETC., 209 2J Street, Iletweea Salmon and Taylor, ortli i. Oregon. Onlt 50 CEST.-Tb Cuahd will U fur. ni-hed to all new subscribers until after theJuueelectioufor the small mm ol 60 CDU. km. Kidney M Ikn h lil! OSBURN h GO,, DRUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES, WILLAMETTE STREET NEAR SV, Eugene City, dealers in 11 DHUUM, CHEMK.'ALS, OIL, GLASS, VAKMSIIES, CKUTCHES. PATEM' Sil.Llnvt Of miiif aviipv Litiil tin BranJiea. Wines and Liouon of thr very best quality for mcdieint 1 1 un. v nave always aepi anreast o tlie tit! Iri our line, and without Wet in if, a m! we nre safe in claiinini? that we have Tin P.EST assortment of DItUCS in EjgeM ' Particular attention is called to our itxll IfT. I -l 1 .1 . . . ' . rEPd'TMEItY, TOILET SETS, and ( EI.LCLOID CASa For the year 1886, We shall he aide to sell PAINTS, MIS J lillL'SIIES, (of width we nt.w l.avo a U, htock on hand) Than r.ny hoiife in tins cily, ninl imr tri,M ran rest assured that anything houlit fruit A win ue njsi-ciasn. jit we nny lniiiiy of ! i;i:oiis East and have facilitie that few in (t husiness haw, we think we are prepared to a dersell and furnish a ktter quality of pr4 tnan anyone in our line in i.ane comity. We call especial attention to l'HKSPKTf TIOXS. which w ill he carefully filKd tt il Hours ol tlie day or nuut. DR. SPINNEI Xtl. UIvEAnyKY SritEKT. Trents ull C'lironic uud Spcrlil Illst'llKCN. YOUNG MEN VrrilOMAY BE SUEFEHLVG FR01I T f 'I'he elfeets of youthful follie or A cretinli w ill do w ell to m ail themselves of th the greatest hoon ever laid nt tht alter nl ni feiiii" hnmniiity. DH. SPLN.N'EY.wil) nr untee to forfeit f,"0 for every case of Semim weakness or private disease of any kiniW charaet r which he undertakes ntul fail V 1IlEJ)Li: AED MI X. There are many at the nice of thirty to ii who are troubled with too frenuent evwiu tion of the bladder, often accompanied by i sliiiht smaitin or burning sensatiea, srnl i1 weiikenini; of the system in a way tin puti'tl raUllot account' for. On eX!miinirnWh lirin.rl deposits a ropy sediment will often m WwU ami small particle ot ainimtn a.ienr, or t!;o color wilj be-of a tliiii, liili hue, aaiu elii'iiLiiiiK' to a dark aud torpiil c peiiranee. There me many mtn who ( this ililKculty, i;;wuaiit of the cause, wliick thf second stsite of seminal weakness. Dr1 ill t;uar.iiite a perfect cure iu such ciikm,m a healthy restoration of tho jjihito-uiiiiariK fans. Olfice houM - TO to 4 and (1 to 8. RnnJil 10 to It a in. ( onnltatiniia free. Thorough n amiiiation and ail nre, -V,). mi. sii.m:y o, No 11, Kearney Street, San Francisco. Dissolution Nol'i.e. Notice is herebv piveu that the ft'rin of Mi lock Bros ha9 been dissolved bv mutual cm sent. J, 1) Matwkx .1. W. Eugene City, Nov 2S, 1883, MEUKITYfrosnAKHOYAHCE t.'.'of tla..; f-'? t.;'.v: j:.Ui' Ti.. n ji.k J . .-Tlj Mi; ' ' " - tt TT. n.,'il f".i:'v "i fro t--w, Iab3l is c. :v.-:i chtuizieyaabav Hi J Ponrl T?p Iz always clsar asa Pilbtrr:it r. ". eftl Work. FCCl CJLLU KY C-ALER3. FLUES Extinjiiii-hed every dy with the Howard Hand Grenades. Pare j-mir home, your property an" live. Take no other. Re nr y" 8rta Haywanl. G .1 lWcht, 11!4 Market St." J. M. HKSDKICKS, Agt HI jggX rPai.d;t.3ir!,lC2?. :i r"