EUGENE CITY GUARD. I. L. '' II K 1. 1.. Proprietor, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. . THt HtLlAdLt LAW ttH. la hit, at a lauvr, Wlim n diaioni'i mm In, Whom l' kiciiiiI with ,11 and Htm t-nlliiKlftotli' K'l' H'mii 1 lilns oo" oxlrt Hi ernner. "In inv ckhb u Hill Wlite?" "Surely.'' Snlil I lie alile Uwvri, "I will ni t him IuhiI li) ilxlit, , II la lint n avlinllinu. vIIIhim, And I'll lulus lilin lu Uia kirni-a; ' Yoii're a af'iiiluinnn, ilrar .lnri-iinn, I'ay a hiiinlr"l l"llar, iImh." ' Jtlmmi went, miotlier mtcreJ W llli KmrHin i ( affiiif nt. ', "KBy," liu BlJ, "fit" I icme 011F ' 1 am knnwn U IIIihiii m; I hnvr ailed E In .lolinsnii. Ami I w Hit to do linn up " "I," replied llie utile liiwyer. II live it hi ml :.i'iiiiint tin- imp. So il vou Will y to liiui'lro I, I will ee llife iiiHttnr lliroiixli. A ad I'll miar.inuie to mint linn, And to win tho case lur you " - Jkr Whip. ANIMAL MIMICS. A Naturalist' Experiments Southern California. In ftnakea Tliat klninlnte Vlnea l.linrila Tlmt Threw Their Tlla Awny I - 1 1 fill llut trllltM Stivaife Htuuiia ami Ituola Animal Ne Weeda and Mueks. "Southern California i it fine ewm try iu which to Htmly the local fiuinii. Tlx to is so much J-as:ml vi atlicr tlmt onn can put in a good ilrnl of field work." ' Tim speaker wan iin East ern iliitiuiilist, who liail smut! iiioiillm since coinu from the Kant iiml tiikmi ' up Ills temporary residence In k niottn ' tain resort In Los Angeles County', for IIib purpose of observing tin; animals and their habits. Ho had just arrived in this city, called hither by some busi ness engagement. r "No, I have not found anything spe ' chilly new," rontlniieil the speaker, in ' reply to a question ty a reporter. "I do not expect to. If yon will accom pany niu to my lodgings, however, I nmy show you something of interest." ' After R brisk wnlk of a few blocks, the temporary quarters of the naturalist were reachcil. He said: "My attention, Just now, is directed toward certain phases of nnimul life, principally the methods of protection and defense, and ' particularly mimicry." "You don't mean that animals mimic '. one another P." . "Certainly, and, as an example, pick 'out the animals on this branch," and the naturalist took from the mantel and handed to the rcpurir a branch of alder. It was examined, as was sup posed carefully, but no living creature could be seen, , "That demonstrate the perfection of mimicry," said the host, as he laugh ingly touched one of the leaves, that immediately walked off and became an insect. "That insect," he continued," "that you could not distinguish from a leaf, finds its protection iu niimicing leaves. lou see how exactly its wings mimic them In color, vcining and iu oilier re aped. Anil not only that; when I caught il it came llultering down from tree with the same motion as a leaf, and if my dog had not directed mv attention to it I should have passed it by. It is a very common and interesting example." "What is there hereP" iiimiircd the reporter, leaning over a box of plants and vines dial stooit on the window sill "On the vine is a green snake that mimics vines. brought it from the Kast, and on the stems you will see a .. number cf green spiders that a fleet green plant. All snakes lind protection more . or lean iu their simulation of other oh- jecta. , Take the rattlesnakes, that, by the way, are all hibernating now; they . o imilete iJiu barren rocks, among l which llicy live, that il is almost impossi ble to distinguish them unless you sec the , outline of the form, In the Ironies you , see large boas and pythons hanging rfrotn u tree, and from a distance I hey arc perfect mimic of the lianas that are one of the characteristic features of the , country. ,., 1 ."Hero s a case," continued the speak er, taking the top from a large glass box. the bot'.nin of which was tilled w ith ' Hand, 'dci you see anything?" ' IV writer looked steadily, at a long t and short range, and was tmiillv obliged to confess that sand was the only object diNcernablc. The naturalist then introduced a pointer, and immediately : lizard, three Inches long, broad ami tint, appeared ' and ran around the inclosure witli rapid, uncertain motion, it's a horned toad, really a lizard," explained the owner, laughing, "and is a remarkable mimic, as you see, of the sand, lu hunting for them iu the valleys I never could see them except when they started up, and when thev stopped it was to dis appear, so complete was their identity lost. You see this is the protection of nature that all animals possess outside of their special organ of defense". It it a phase in the evolution of life, all ani mals becoming adapted to their environ- L inunW. ' There is nothing startling lu liatmrn the form of aniiii.tU all blend with their surroundings. This creature mimics the dry, sandy wastes that it af fects; hut go to the woods, especially of the south, and we lind tn rinds (if forms ihut imitate the leaves and U igs. C.recll lirmds lie before our eyes ami defy us; the tree IomIi crouched on the havesare Invisible; the bullfrogs in the sislne liy tho !i.oi, of the pond are rendered in by thuir rich green coat; then lut e to the toad, that wander along the dusty reads and bare tracU of land, and wo see it dust-colored or mot tled, liming in this a sure protection. "But to return to the lizards. There we some curious cases among the ickok. Hue is one, dead, that is called the leaf-tailed gecko. You see the tail bulges out aoon after leaving the body, anil .iMdine a leaf or arrow shape; hence the name of the animal, Now, when the little creature hi chased you will vo it dodge around a limb and hold up the cm ion leaf-like tail. That is all you can ee, and , naturally, would think it a part of the treo itself. Hut ibis lizirii baa a more remarkable method of cacao yet. We will iuingiue ' that you have tried to pluck the leaf. Hid nnimal drops ciiimsuy io urn ground, and darta away among the rocks, where it attract the attention i t the hawks that are forever prowling around; immediately a cluwe ensues; the bird gains, and is finally about to pounce upon itjs prey when all at one two li.ards appear, one making oil while the other dances up and down into the air and along the ground in a very mysterious way, so that the aston ished bird stops iimf looks. In the mean time, the original li.ard escapes; the other, that is really the tail, soon be comes (piiescent. You see the gecko has the faculty of throwing off its tail when hard pressed, and while the pur suer's attention is drawn to the squirm ing member, the animal itself escapes." "But it loses it tail?" suggested the reporter. "Only for a time. They can repro duce this organ, and, curiously enough, sometimes two tails are produced instead of one. There is a great variety of those geckos, and they all have some protec tion. In another class of li.ards, as the anofis and chameleon, the " other changes, and they are enablod to adapt themselves to any location in which they may lind themselves. "If," continued the naturalist, "we look among insects, we lind a remark able display of mimics, l'erhnps you have noticed in the woods how often butterflies dart up where you have not noticed tin-in. They have been protect ed by their simulation to the leaves and flowers, and the birds that prey upon them are eijually deceived. In the southern part of this State wonderful exanioles are seen in the walking-slicks ami the mantis. The former seem to be actual twigs, endowed with life, the body is strai"hl, seeming a twig, while the legs are like branches from il. and with its slow methodical movements it would hardly be considered a living creature. Some of thene in South Amer ica attain a length of eight inches. An allied form in Central America, found by Belt, the naturalist, ho mimiccd a moss-covered twig that even a close examination sometimes puzzled the ob server. The leaf insects are particularly interesting, as they are almost exact in their resem blance to dead and living leaves; so much so that they even deceive the for aging ants that rush over them, not suspecting 1 1 1 tit in the fallen leaf is the wily mimic they would fain capture. Among tlie plume moths are many of such delicacy that they resemble the down of plants in their flight through the air, and when alighting on a flower their animal nature would never bo sus pected. "One of the most beautiful cases of protective mimicry is that of the orange tip butterlly. When open it is U'ry plainly seen, its wings being of wmte, black and orange, and Hying about is ijuite conspicuous, but as soon as it alights upon a favorite plant and closes its wings, it becomes at once an exact mimic of the white blotches of the tinder surface. "These animals," continued the speaker, "you see, generally mimic plants or twigs, but there are others that are more remarkable from the fact that they mimic animals that from their pois onous qualities are safe from attack. Thus it is well known that birds do not especially care for hairy butterflies. In Central America Belt found a curious beetle that was a tidbit for the birds, clothed in a coat of long brown hairs, chisel)' resembling the thick hairy caterpillars. In the same localities spiders have been found that looked ex actly like ants, and were (litis enabled to ercei) upon their prey, the real ants. Wallace observed a butterlly that, though an acceptable morsel to the bird-, de ceived them by mimicking the Might ol a poisonous butterlly. If a bird chased it, it at once assumed the curious and laborious ilight of its poisonous model, and the bird noticing its evident mis take, would always give up the pursuit. "lu Africa there is a tribe that util'. the art of mimicrv very much as do the lower animals. The natives are giva' thieves, and at one time it was found necessary to send out a troop of English, soldiers to break them up. The latter finally came up to a baud that they had followed several days, and hating cor nered some of them drove them into a valley, only to lind that they had again escaped. The soldiers, tired and worn, refused to go further, and, dismounting, led their horses to some slumps and roots that lay scattered about. One of the ofliccrs took oil' his hat and hung it upon a, root, when, to his astonishment, it gave w ay and turned into a mini, and in u moment all the seeming roots started up and dashed away. They were the na tives that had placed themselves in these strange positions hoping that the soldiers wouldiiass by. which' thev ccrtainh would have done had they not Is'eii ovcrfatigued. (iiralVes frequently lind protection by standing in groups," hunt ers taking their long necks for trees. So the lawny skin of the lion helps to conceal il, and llic .stripes of the tiger and zebra are .supposed to be protect ive. 1'iider the sea we lind some wonder ful mimics. Take the sca-cueumhers; their mouths imitate seaweeds of all sorts and shapes, some actually looking like toadstools. If yon take the com mon pcnlai'ta and place it in an aquari um the creature will at once bnrv itself out of sight, and soon a beautiful plant will uegin to grow, Itrst one tip appear ing and then another, until a shrub is seen waving among the other weeds, seemingly a part of them. At the ;htest warning it is gone, only to re appear again, the humble mimic in this way feeding in security. Many of the lUhi s are protected l their resemblance to rocks, as the toad iih; the angler and ils kind are covered with barbels of Hob that mimic seaweed. The spider crabs mimic moss-covered rocks, and often liedcck themselves w ith moss , to increase their security, and so among all creatures wo lind tliis state of tilings. Hut to go back to the geckos, saul the naturalist, leading the way to a door leading out to an open porch on the sunny side of tho house, w here a num ber of lizards were corralled on a shelf. 1 lind vou have some tad-throwers in California. These liraids I cau-ht in the southern part of the State, and one I frightened so badly that it dropped its tail and ran, thinking to thus escape; but 1 was too quick, and now I am keeping it to see how long it w ill take to reproduce a new mendsT. I honhl judge tw o or three months miM do it. hut the winter will probably retard it. Mere you see," taking up another lizard, "is one whose tail has just grown out. You can tell it by the fresh and rather blue appearance it lias; and then, too, it is smaller than the others. At least three spVcies I have found will part with their tails before capture, and I find that the severed tail will jump about and imitate a worm two or llirco niiuutcs. San Fraiicitco Cull." .. , THE DARK RIVER. A Ileanlirul l.lllle Allrirnry, Suited to All Tliuea anil Condltloua. Once upon a time a little boy came, during his play, to the bank of a river. The waters of the river were very dark and wild, and there was so black a cloud over the river that the little boy could not see the further shore. An icy wind came up from the cloud and chilled the little boy, and he trembled with cold and fear as the wind smote his cheeks and ran its slender, icicle fingers through his yellow curls. An old man sat on the bank ol the river, he was very, very old, his head and shoulders were cover ed with a black mantle, and his head was white as snow. "Will you come with mo, little boy?" asked the old man. "Where?" inquired the liltle boy. "To yonder shore," replied the old man. ; "Oil, no; not to that dark shore," said the little boy. "I would be afraid to " "But think of the sunlight always there," said tho old man, "the birds and flowers: and remember there is no pain nor anything of that kind to vex yon." The little boy looked and saw the dark cloud hanging over the waters, and ho fell the cold wind come up from the riv er; moreover, the sight of the strange man terrified him. So, hearing Ins moth er calling him, the lillle boy ran back to his home, leaving the old man by the river side. Many years after that time the little boy came again to the river, but lie was not a little boy now lie wasabigslrong man. "The river is the same," said he; "the wind is the same cold, cutting wind of ice, and the same black clouu obscures yonder shore. I wonder where the strange old man can be?" "I am he," said a solemn voice. The man turned and looked on him who spoke, and he saw a warrior clad in black armor and wielding an iron sword. "No, you are not he," cried the man. "You are a warrior como to do me harm." "I am, indeed, a warrior," said the other. "Come with me across the liver." "No," replied the man, "I will not go with vou. Hark, I hear the voices of my wife and children calling to me I return to them!" The warrior strove to hold him fast and hear him across the river to the yonder shore, but the man prevailed against him and returned to his wife and little ones and the warrior was left upon the river bank. Then many years went by and the strong man became old and feeblo. lie found no pleasure in tho world, forhe was weary of living. His wife and children were dead, and the old man was alone. So one day he came to the bank of the river for the third time and he saw that the waters had become quiet and that the wind which came up from the river was warm and gentle and studied o' (lowers; there was no dark clouds overhanging tlie yonder shore, but in its place was a golden mist through which the old man could see people walking on the yonder shore and stretching out their hands to him, and he could hear them calling him by name. Then ho knew they were the voices of his dear ones. "I am weary and lonesome," cried the old man. "All have gone before me father, mother wife, children -all whom I have loved. I sec them mid hear them on yonder shore, but who will beiir mo to Hiimii"" ' Then a spirit came in answer to this cry. But the spirit was not a strange old man, nor yet an armored warrior; but us he came to the river's bank that day he was a gentle angel, clad in while; his face was very ts'suul'il, and there was divine tundcrn lo Irs eyes. "Rest thy head noon m bosom," said the angel, "and I will bear thee across the river to those who call thee." So, with the sweet peace of a little child sinking to his slumbers, the old man dropped in the anus of the angel and was borne across the river to those who stood upon the yonder shore and culled. VliUa o AVici." MATRIMONIAL ODDITIES. Two 1'n'iilhir ('Kara Whlrh Came Tudor I lie Olint-rtaleii of a .Syraeuae flfrjgjr inan. "A while ago a couple camo to be married, accompanied by the bride's Darenls anil one or teo nilw.r i-.d-o;,.. " i " " v - said a local clergyman, "anil I at first refused to perform the ceremony be cause of the extreme youlhfulness of the bride. She was a pretty little girl, witli light flaxen hair and blue innocent eyes, and did not appear to be more than twelve or thirteen years of age. Her parents, however, insisted that she was sixteen, and were very anxious that I should marry her to the groom, a line looking young (Jerman of twenty-one. The girl was more than willing, and 1 finally consented. The mother re marked as the knot was tied: -There! I'm glad it's done. She mightn't 'a bad another chance in many a war.' I hope the poor little thing is happy. "A line, healthy-looking young farm er came in one night with 'a large fe male of uncertain ngo and apparently divided sin ngih of 'mind, and desired the usual service. Witnesses wcrei sum moned and the ceremony was about to begin when the door-bell rang twice in quick succession, and a moment after a itoilly, well-dressed lady rushed breath less into the room and shouted wilh her lat breath before sinking exhausted into a chair: 'Don't you injury him, ton cau have it:' The explanation was ;:?t the woman about to get married vm tie- other's cook, and had left her mislrcs- in a tit of pique because die would j.ot raise her wages." Syr 'MHi.'Vi. CANADIAN SAW-MILLS, Thr tjurprlaliitf Haplilily Willi Which l..'ff Are Converted Into Hoard. Huge trunks of trees float lazily down the Ottawa find its alllttenls for hun dreds of miles, till they reach a row of monsters, full of greedy teeth within, which straddle over the current. Here the trunks, all slippery and dripping, are caught np nt one end of a shed and issue from the other, literally in a few minutes, in such tinidicd planks as you might buy from a carpenter at Notting Hill. The way in which a great log, ten or twelve feet round, is hoisted fresh from the water, laid upon a track, pinned rigidly down in an in stant, and then, suddenly, by means of a great whirling saw. finds one side of himself as Hat as a wall, is almost tru culent. You expect him to cry out. But be is sliced up before he has time to think. I saw one of the smaller trunks cut into e ght three-inch twenty one feet planks in seven seconds. In a very few minutes inure these were trim med and thrust. out into the building word; so far ready for use. Large and small trees are disposed of at an equal rate. Some half dozen mouths, in a row, within ono shed, keep gob bling them up at the same time, and sending them out in clean deal boards without any appearance of chips,' saw dust or rounded outside slabs. These all disappear rapidly through holes in the floor, and no litter accompanies the neat procession of planks which makii their appearance at the land end of the shed, and are rapidly carried oil' in trucks. The accumulation of "deals" at Ottawa is of course enormous. When you look down from the terrace behind the houses of Parliament the river banks far inland are seen to be brown with square stacks of prepared timber await ing export. And much' of the water is like Alderney cream. That is from the saw-dust, which is whirled down the river from tlie mills. When a steamer traverses these yellow plains their more appropriate resemblance to wood re curs, for the sheet of spray springs from her bows like coils of shavings from a plane lukrior. CRUEL SPORT. How the Gnlrowur of Unroll Celebrated Ilia .Marriage Ki-mh.. It is hardly probable that Mr. Henry Bcrgh would have greatly enjoyed the festivities attending the recent marriage of the (iiiicowar of Buroda, in India, a spirited account of which is communi cated to the Bombay Gazette. The city population of loO.OOO was swelled by visitors from all over the district, and according to the account the Guieowar's cavalry, regiment afterregiment,"weiit prancing through the crowd," doing it slashing and smashing business. But human beings are of small account iu that country. The great event of the day was the arrival of the liiiieowar in his gilded chariot at the walled arena crowded with spectators, while on the high trees outside "men were clustered like fruit. Here the wedding festivities began by a battle between two bull'aloes, which charged with such vigor that at the first crash one of them fell on the sand while his successful cncniv gored his lifeless body. This was followed by a few ram lights, which hardly amused the crowd clustered on the ramparts, .in view of the bigger show in come. Two huge elephants were brought in and by means of cxp oded gunpowder squibs were forced to light, their heads crashing together, as the correspondent describes, "like a rail way collision." When these two were worn out two more were brought in, and the performance wound up by nu i of iliem goring a horse, which was then led up to siiow his torn Hank to (iiii cowar and his lovely young bride "amid the plaudits of the multitude." The beauty of this Buroda business js that the province is in British India, and has been brought under the civilizing influences of the conquering country; and incidentally it may be remarked that the Kmprcss of India is a conspic uous patron or the Anti-I luniagn League which is horrified at the idea of killing little birds for the sake of per mitting London Indies to put pretty wings in their beautiful bonnets. S. Y. World. SOMETHING NEW. A Hair-Cutting .Mai blue Which Promise to IMspluee Itarlicra. Brushing by machinery is now an ancient process, so an American in ventor has, devised a machine for hair cutting. The is operated by clock-work, and after winding needs no attention from the operator, other than lo be passed over the hair to be cut. A metal box has two upright guides on each end. in w hich legs projecting from the cross-piece slide up and down. These legs are provided with a scries of HiK'iturcs for receiving pins projecting through the box, from the free ends of an interior spring, operated bv the push button. A comb is .secured to the front (if the cross-piece. Two knife blades are tixed immediately above the comb, the upper one of which is pro vided with longitudinal slots to receivo the prong on the lower plate. On the upper plate there are two upwardly pro jecting lugs between which an eccintr.c disk is located, which is mounted on an upright shaft actuated directly from the clock-work. The plate is convex. s, that only its front teeth and rear edge are in contact with the under plate. Im mediately above the push button there is a pocket for holding a key for w ind ing up the clockwork. ' When tho machine is not in use, tlie nicclianicisnt is prevented from operating by a brake lever connected with a push button on the front of the metal box. In opera tion the button is pressed inward to re lieve the clock fan and permit it to ro tate. If the hair is to be cut very short, the comb is adjusted accordingly, but when it is desired to leave a greater length of hair, the comb is adjusted farther from the cutting plates bv low ering the cross pieces. It is po,ihle that the machine will save time and lalxir. but we should say it would be dillicult to obtain a good 'style of hair cutting by machinery. Iu'vtntion and Inventor' Mart ANCIENT EGYPT. Nation ao Did That Ils Hi gliiiiliiB l !" In tiliarnrity. The story of the Kgyptiim religion p.cpcr has for its lllise-i ll-ect lie the Nile Iroiii the lir.-t cataract to the n-u. Follow it course s it Hows past the rolossul stones of Tin bo, the lunged columns and ohilisk of Kurnak, llie temples of Luxor in I'ppcr Kgypt. and the itutues of Memphis, the city ol Cairo, the pyramids of O' and the vnM Lybiaii Necropolis in Lower Kgypt The rivet itself t caches an average breadth of three-quarters of a mile; in its periodical overflow il waters and fertilizes an alluvial plain nine to ten miles wide; beyond this, for live or ten miles, lies the yellow drifting sand ol the desert, edged by a rocky plateau twenty to twenty-live miles wide I'pon this le'dgc are ranged the pyramids, and beneath it is hollowed the million-caved Necropolis of Memphis. Beyond are seen the Lybian hills, forming a pale blue or liliic back-ground, but flushed with yellow or crimson in the rising and setting sun; these are the same as they were in the days of Cheops, or Sene freu, or Joseph, and our eyes may still look upon what they saw. Kgypt has no beginning. A Caucas ian race (not Slictnile or negro) from the steppes of Asia settled in the im memorial past on the fertile banks of the Nile. The cave-man became tent man, and the tent-man a house-man. But of these indispensable Mages, which must have ranged over vast cy cles of time, there are no traces left in Kgypt. When the capricious bull's eye lantern of history lirst strikes Kgypt it falls upon an accomplished civiliza tion, quite as refined and complex, and under certain physical aspects even mightier than our own. Six thousand years ago the figure of King Menu stands out, ruling over a people who knew geometry, invented an unsurpass ed system of irrigation, built temples to the sun, pyramids to the Kings the stepped pyramid is reckoned tube six thousand years old wrote in hiero glyphics thes acred picture writings, and possessed, at all events, the lirst two chapters of the Book of the Dead, that sacred ritual which was minutely elab orated later on, and formed a kind of Egyptian missal, rule of faith, creed and funeral service all in one. It was only in 17'J'J that a window was opened in the present through which the life of that remote past could be seen with something like chronological dis tinctness. This window was the famous Rosep.a Stone. M. Bottssard. a French engineer, discovered, lying amidst the ruins of an old temple near Alexandria, while excavating for a fort, a smooth flat stone. It lay there as it lies now in the British Museum. It is of black ba salt, about three feet seven inches long and two feet six wide; the side and upper part is broken away, but what is left is more priceless than any Sibylline book. It contains an inscription in three lan guages (1) the previously undecipher able hieroglyph; (:') the (ircek; and (.'I) the Roman It is a decree in honor of Ptolemy Flpiphanes, nnd it was set up by the priests of Memphis in the year B. C. I'J.V The discovery of what con stittied the name of Ptolemy in the hie roglyph led to the deciphering of all the rest. The key of the unknown tongue was found, and the archives of prehis toric Egypt were suddenly unlocked. It was like oming upon the records of the world before the flood. From that moment Egy t has been the new all absorb'mg center of antiquarian re search. Four thousand years ago Abraham w as driven by fam'ne into Egypt. It was in the early days of the shepherd Kings, a hardy northern nice which ruled Kgypt until finally expelled by the Persians under Darius; but Abraham found there the stepped pyramid, w hich had been standing for. at least, two thousand years. He found, too, some of those temples upon which we still gaze. and. I regret to say, scribble our names. Three thousand seven hundred years ago Joseph was carried down lo Kgypt, and met with the shepherd Kings nt their zenith. He saw the ancient pile beneath which Senefrcii (;IHK) B. C.) still sleeps undisturbed. He looked upon the sphinx, which then stood out uncovered with a temple between its paws; he saw the mighty Chephren and Cheops pyramids shining and whoby incased in white alabaster-like marble, fragments of which we shuffle into our traveling-bags and make into paper weights. Three thousand six hundred and fifty years ago Moses floated down the Nile in his basket, and grew up amid the glories of Kamak, Thebes and Memphis the ppression growing un der the two Barneses, with whose por traits the British Alu-ei'.ni lias made us familiar. From Zoan, now buried beneath the sands, the Israelites on an eventful night set out three thousand six hundred vein s ago. in the reign of Mancptha I. The last thing winch impressed them as thev passed out of the land ot bondage was probably the newly-erected colossal statue of Barneses." a monolith then erect, now lying prostrate, and weighing eight hundred and eighty-seven tons. 11. li. IhiWiis, in Guml Words. Professional Courtesy. Two Texas doctors met on the street "I feel sorry for you. You ought not to be out in this kind of weather. You are a t-ick man," said Dr. Blister. "I am not feeling very well." replied Dr. Simnnvcr. "What doctor is treating von?" "I am prescribing for invself." "Yoil shouldn't do flint " Y,,o orn TL able to be arrested for itti.mnt.,i c,.;. .... '"i'-sm ci ode. hxas Siltnui An umbrella-dealer savs that um brellas will last much longer if, when they are wet, they are piaced handle downward to dry. The moisture falls from the edges of the frame, and the fabric di u s uniformly. If Mood handle upward, which is commonly the ease the top of the umbrella holds the moistl ure. owing to tlie lining underneath the ring; it consequently takes a lono- time to dry. and injures the silk o other fabric with which it is covered. li Wy i'wi. STREET BECGARY l lie I ramN Tract li ed liy ,;,,,., .Me.,dl,.nu;,Wri"'H The charitable workers in City have nearly succeeded 'J V professional beggars from thr,,) The system of street begiri,,, ' , : . , , , . tniiim, is an intolerable nuisance, 'p practice It, as a rule, are not r want, but h:ive adopted t,. .)r i itS A i the profit it yields and .(.,. j .1 ......,1 I .i . . . - I'lisiei in la il illinium iiinor, A lar portion of the beggars are boy, t oeyonii ine period oi infancy, , have the persistency of mu'.h and the cheek of a hurdeni.j, sleeeer or confidence nnm i. . nio Tin tl Ml frequently the case, also. tliHin!'' lit gar is a criminal, ami that if he,,, fiie - i . . : r vi .. .. i ii.. .i ..... i . . . i ueeo ic mr (innnei -nj um ot hi uv Hi I' win picn ins poenei t p,, knock him down and roll him w time, place and surrounding areu it F e re Bine io me coiiuinssioii oi sueli nT It is not uncommon, when n,if. . answers the demand of peiitirvhv. : i if.. i ..t , 3 ' IN '. T. li sr Tie uij; imii n iiuimiui ,u eoni irom to select a reasonable donation, fw beggar to snatch the money exp, his view and escape by running V an alley. Yet, because in refusj whining appeal for charity an . tunilv to perform a real act of n may oc lost, many people give thing indiscriminately to Vy.,,., Jt;l I that asks fnv it. A New York journal, in d,. the frauds and impositions practio professional beggars in that city,, set era I cases, among which arc ii lowing: "In ( instance, a KrcncliinMl: accumulating a fortune of t, thousand dollars, on which li(. to retire to France and live iipi income, and at the time of hisii h he hud nearly made up the ann. An Italian beggar was found with same ambition and a like sneer woman was followed to her born. New Jersey, where she laid asiiij garments of penury and entcrts company with herdiiughters in ah of her own. The wife of a farm, excellent circumstances was fa habit of coming annually to New) to attend a religious convention, while in the city she went to Is-gi-it; ofhees to replenish her purse. i ii An agent of the New York tw Organization Society examined the circumstance of one tliuu-. seven hundred nnd eighteen cam street beggary. He declared, as th stilt of his investigations, that the f mass of beggars were simply nut gated frauds. The proportion I were able-bodied and should hare I-f earning an honest living, was sh four per cent, of the whole. Thcr bulk of the money donated by char ble people, on the streets, to Is1 aside from that going to misers, i hoarded it up and had acquired wi. by the practice, was spent in dU tion. In nine cases out of ten, tlirr w ho begged a dime "to pav foranij' lodging' or "to buy something toes 8 sicnt it for a drink of hud whi? I!1t I he same is tho case in Chicago, sBie all other cities. Such is the nuis:it,ru and fraud of street beggary. Reasonable provision ib imAv.Vj cvj. I.,' r,lM'.il,. tltulil, if',,,,. a ll.V tVrl flll.4 lJ m lll.-il l , , n tut lief of all cases of genuine destiti; Any policeman will direct a re! ferer to the place where food and! ing may be procured by those real want. It is, then, safe and besU fuse all street appeals for money, I when all such appeals are refused nuisance of street-beggary will dr pear for the want of support. .CAi Journal. Dr. Joseph F. Fox, Irish Natio: 1st, elected to the House of Comts is a grandson of the late CoramoJ Stewart, of the United States Ki and is therefore a cousin of Mr.P noil. Ho resided in Newburg, Coll and Troy, N. Y., for several yeife trentintr iliueiiunia of thn pup Hnil bL man of professional skill and con- ' erable literary ability. Troy Timet- 1 - ' Partial Loss: All the children b eaten their supper, a good plain in-fct;, of bread and milk. All except Jiipiu who was shut up in the closet. Ik'i, been a very bad boy. So after the were in bed his mother tucked himi1'1 She was too full to say a word, aniij f i was her naughty little son. Wlien.,, went and the other boys said: "Jo: ny lost his supper to-night," he , restrain himself no longer and claimed: ."Yes, but the slide in '-p' pantry was open and I ate a c iln1 cranberry pie. And the otber I fr V can not understand the prosperitjl, h M-b.i-,.,1. . 7wi lnt. rn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa t To Regulate ji ... THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY warranicd not to contain iinfl Is tide of Mcrcnrv or any iniurKH Mance, but Is purely vegetulile. It will Cure all Diseases eanieJ by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomacn. If your Liver in out of order, then yom jihole system it deranged. The bl" impure, the breath offensive; you h headache, feel lanuuid, dispirited nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons T TTTTin REGULATOR. If yoil'0 l.llrK sedentary life, or suffer Ul 1 lilt Kidney Affeetlona. tiimulams and take Simmons Liver Kepi' Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything han ' diction, or f-el heavy after mral sleepless at ni;ht, lake a due and y will feel relieved and sleep pleasanUy. If you are a rniserahle sufferer wi CnnHtipntion, Kysjiepslii " Itilintmnesa, seek relief at "ce Simmons Liver Kecuiator. It ll'KV , require continual dosing, and costs vul Uifle. It will cure you. If you wake in the mnmin it" bitter, bad uste m yuur mouin, Mil c; to TAKE bimmons I.iver Kegum- a. recta the Hilious Stomach. iVr the Breath, and cleanses tf 'T to Iter 'i i uwtue. I nuuran a irn nni m"- ' . , hlldren ooen need some sa I ric and Ionic to avert appr.a-nini - Mmmnns Liver Kefulator will relieve -""" !. ache. Sick Stomach. Indigestion, P)K' f th Cnmnlaintt w'tAr,t (n t'hil.lhood. W the Complaints incident lo Childhood. At any lime you feel your y"'" cleansing, toning, regulating w ithoul vie purging, or stimulating without i10 eating, take eU II II PREPARCO IY Cimhiii T man BaMMlrW li hi ii nx ij Kr iiku u aw nicauivni El in iiic'"" J. H. ZEILIH & CO.hlladilp PRICE. H.OO. o