L. J L. !. f Vegan Kidney Cure. foster kid 8,,,ve l Fr'1'"'1' rtaii Dr J Taylor f"r de,,ti,,tr Cued "I'' cheaP '"r c1' at Mat)of k'' (im Kidney T cure all kidney trouble The stroet sprinkler has sgaia started up. A Inebt of Eastern bats just received at ,1 stock's- pity acrei of fiue land fur sale. Inquire of ; i Coleman. The I 0 0 F Grand Lodge will convene at ie palles May 18th. (jjg-m Kidney Tea in tlie best known rem ly for kidney trouble Summer wr.ips. Ladies call at Friendly'i torand examine them. Matlock U receiving a large line of new dree a,i Give him a call. Shirid Campbell bai posted tlie election otili required by law. jii and cold baths every day In the week j jiry Htra's barber shop. Th Gi'Aitr dne all kinds of job printing h-Ajer than Portland price. Yau can purchase Waltham watche at 0 tVatts'rom $10 and upward. Tk s bricVwork or the first atory of It M , ' building has been completed. y . r Henderson Have received from, the I a complete line f window shades. i you want btWtk to upend the long ; y eveningsgivta Sterling Hill a otll. ; i the new advertisement of the Benicia ' mltural Works in another column. If V1 hardware at reasonable prices jil at the store of 1'ritu'hett & Forkncr. rlbrohU-ries a specialty at Friendly', xits step in the store and look at them. f;i your bed room sets, lounges, mat uJei and furniture of Day & Henclurson. Ml Geo FCraw has the sole agency for all ,riX of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigars. Site our last issue a marriage license has x- Jissued M Albert W Norton and I.la B :aus. Stirling Hill keejw in stock an excellent ,w.jtmeiit of good r.ala'de work Give situ a call. k?M farm for raising stock nr grain for ulsfon reasonable terms. Inquire of Judge tt'Jtun. Tie sarvices of a registered thoroughbred Trriv boll may be s-eured by calling m Mr .( t Perkins a'uiile below town. Flesh vegetables, raised by Frank Marion, rilljhe furnished every Tuesday and Saturday it A Goldsmith's grocery store. JV Campbell, formerly of Junction, baa cej nnminat -d by the Josephine county publicans for C-iinty Treasurer. l you are in want of agricultural niaehin. ry!nt any kind, remember that Mr J M Hendricks keeps a full assortment Mr S II FrieniHv haa just, received nil iu .nice of ladi-s kill cloves direct from the East, md they ar.i the finest "in the land." Jfr.f H Trombb-r, off.Optri, v. ill lecture n this c'ty the coming week. Subject, "An t!irMolog)r." For articular see bills. i great many imiiiii.'1-.mts aro coining into Sis State. They should he considerately U'i :e I aid assists I in litidiug homes. crliug Hill, at til postntfee, takes sub- -i lions for marly every newspaper and rr j.lieal in America, at the publishers rates. IinnMnSer, yo i c-n purchase Juti-e 1 k suinmons, civil and criminal subpoenal ',( complaints at the GUAM) office at Portland ri es. ' lie finest and largest lot of window shades evi brought to Kugeiie will arrive on Tiles. Jaj's freight, from New York. Call and leeithem at Friendly', Tlie total amount of the city taxes in Pm-t-is S135.110 45. Of this amount there has If 115,81-1 70 collected, and there remains 5112T1.75 delinquent Mr W T Ca npbell will remove the old Uiiienblatt building to the rear of the lot ncit week, to make room for a handsome brfck to be ereotod by Mr J I) Matlock. I nr dyspepsi i, headai-he and all disorders srilini from a disordered stoma' h. D Haven's I)jtip"Pi (lure is an infallible remedy. Try it Slid be convinced. For sale by I Osni'ltx 4 Co. The Odd Fellows celebration at Coburg ! Monday was largely attended. The mjsia by the Fireinens Band was especially g-d. The exercise were ei joyed by all. t'ntil further notice the undersigned will 4 Pioneer white lead at 7 ctsj boiled oil tithe can, 70 cts j raw oil by the can, 65 ct net cash. OxRUim ft Co, 1 U. R. Luckrv Co. Xt Matlock's very fine line of ladies s'fes of the-yeelebrated H D Holbrook make, ' wot from Ue-'Emttm man'ifacturer. The tiiM of Itne county would m well to call at Matlock's store and examine these goods. f)n and after April 1st the undersigned Mil commence doing business on a rfuly pay basis, selling goods for cash or fluce only. All purchasers will Kud it to r interest to call aud get prices. J. i. Matlock. Mr Robt Parker, an employe of Mnlgley Itysinger' planing mill, experienced a Jvere accident io the factory Monday morn iug by gettinir his foot into a belt, badly ssrsiuing the ankle joint and bruising the bJnh. Fortunately the belt was lose or else might have lost his leg or probably hi W- Dr liar is dressed the wound and the Jitient ia getting along as well as o-.ild be topected. IOn last Monday, say the West Side, a ther respectable looking ir.an struck the jb town of ludepender.ee, and immediately fommenced rilling np with the "0! be joy- Pd,"aud before night lccame'n happy that : eicellent w fUrshal Bohanuoo ld him to the cooler. Vo Tuesday mornin; he appeared before his ! cuit c urt M,lllay Wm WeM. -naor.vuyrUo..a.r.an,an.l pieau guilty 10 . lm;lle)l V"rge 01 neing drunk ami nresen up. im tsted that he was Dr Hoard who killed a FM while under the iufueuce of liquor at l ottace (irnve last Auuust. He hail been prscticing hi pr-des-i 111 in the vicinity i f f heri-lau and had come to Independence to I'k for a location, bnt hi old anpetite had ttti him. As he was dead broke th-i pdsynr duchsred him, on the c litinu ?hat he would lesve the town, w hich he trnmised, saying: "If the people l.erc duu't jui me 1 guess I d better go. Prohibition County Convention. The Prohibition County Convention nut in Kugeiuj City, Thurday, April 2'J, lSSli, at 111 A M. Called to order by Chairman K P Hender son. Minutes of Inst meeting of convention read and adapted. tn.iiimttee on Credentials reported ad ditional delegate from Wild Cat, Mohawk and Springfield. Motion made that a committee of bve be appointed on nomination of omcera. The following persona were appointed as su'ih committee; V Mot'lure, L B Rowland. Harlow, J. V, W'hitmore, Palmer Ayres. ( On motion adjourned until 1 P M. : Convention r.-vinhled at I p m. On motion . I W Whitmoro was invited t rupresenl Mohawk preeinet. .Mr I. I liovu.ind iii"Ved that the Conven tion lAljourn without nominating a ticket; lost. The committee on platform reported the following, which wa adopted: Whehkas, The leu-alized traffic) in intoxicit- ir.; liipiors is sulieersive of the best interests of our beloved country, is a growing and con stant menace to our free institutions, heing the nio.t fruitful source of crime, pauperism, insanity aud unjust taxation, the enemy of the home and k'ood morals, complin- 'he lullot and seftiiu at iletiance the laws of o.ir State aud mtti. in, brutal iiiug and destroying many ot our best men, bringing poverty, anguish ami untold hardships upon many ot our purest and noblest, pois.ir.lug tlie lite blood that courxes in the veins of many of the rising gen eration in shod, proving itself to be an un mitigated curse, fostering as a withering blight, iMMiii every interest dear to the American peo ple, and NHBRKAfl, The continuance ot tins terrible evil aud nuisance rests with the voters of our country, and hkiikas. lioth the old parties have proven themselves either afraid of the saloon power oi opiosel to prohibition as a temperance measure, wnicu in euner casti reu'irra vnnii unfit to subserve the best interests of the American people; therefore be it, Kkmolvkii First That e aie unalterably opposed to any coalition or compromise with any man or party whereby the least concession is made to the liquor power, and that w stand firmly by tho piineipleof absolute prohibition of the manufacture, sale and importation of intoxicating liipiors, and that we press its claims upon all classes of people S nil That it is the duty of the next Leu- Mature to prohinit the traltic in intoxicating liquors in the State by statutory law, and we ilemrtnl the sebmisslou of tlie pending amend ment at a special election, if coimtitutioual. Third - That evei v l.onet elbnt be made to enforce the pres.-n' liquor laws until the neces sary measures can bs se'mred through the Lei; islature and M'opls to t itally prohibit the trathV. Fourth -That industrial and moral worth, and not wealth, is the true standard of indi vidual and national Krcatuess. Kifih That we are opno-ed to the intmiluo tion of a Bvstem of Chinese or other foreign slaverv, the labor of which lends to reduce our race to a kind of seifdom and teach the rising generation that labor is lUgrndin-, and we d inan 1 that the importation of forei0n labor b- ii i' ii i lit e I. Sixth That we deprecate the attempt to denn.iietize silver: mid that all paper iinni-v should be isiie,l ilireetly by the government, and not for the beii.dit of national banks. .Seventh -That the public lands, the ln-rit -;,' of the peple, be reserved for actual settlers, an! that nil lauds now h-ld for specrlalivc pni'imsi s be taxed to their full value. Kighth That we demand protection bv law aitainst unjust oppression mid discrimination I iv corporate pow- r. Nihth That the stability of the irovcrnment depends u the intelli,'. i:.v, morality, virtue and education of the people, and that we de mand an absolute free school n t. in. Tenth-'I 'hat no citizen slion d l.e debarred from a full exercise of the elective franchise on account of propi-rtv qualiti nt i-(. CoiiimitUe, I I'' W ici.tv, C'll.VIS- II VNNAj V S Mi-l'l.ntf, .1 P I'M Mill, 1, II KolVLAMI. The following tidat win then selected: sK'A'":-. Roscoe Knox, of Cr ssw. 11. ki.i'I:i:-i:ntuivk. V S MoClur-. of Spriii-'.iel.l.C II Wail.n e, of Cottai!" (ir.ive. .1 P Taylor, of lirove, J W Wiiitnioro, of Mohawk Hit Kit IFF. f'otlag Left vacant to be tilled by consisting ol C A Wnoley, J a committee C Kiciiard- sou aud M H Harlow. C'l.KKK. Calvin Hauna, of Kugene. ciiMMiHsinxeiirt. A C Jennings, of Irving, and M H Har low, of .Spriugiiuld. ASSESSOR. L II (.lowland, of Kugeno. TKKASIIUHI'. Palmer Ayres of Splint: field. KCHOIIl. NIT! B T1HI)F.T. Minerva Starr, June wo. 8UUVEHUI. Ilcv C A Woiilty, ot Kugmie. C0RHNCI'. Dr .1 W Harris, ..f Cottage (.rove. On motion, adjourned s ne die. Convicted ask Skktkscf.d - List Mon day James Burns and James I icon were tried in the Circuit Court for the crime of burglary, committed at Latham a short time since by breaking into a China house and t aliiiL- therefrom a 52 7a pistol. Tbo jury. after hearing the case, brought in a verdict of uullty. V eilnesday morning junge man sentenced ech of the parties to three years in the penitentiary. They were taken ti the penitentiary at Salem last Wednesday by Deputy Sherill Cochran. Baptist Ciiiitcti Regular services at the Baptist Church next Sunday at 11 am, and 7:30 p in. In the morning the pastor will begin a short series cf sermons to Young .Christians. Subject next Sunday evening, "The (ireat Decision." Young peoples meeting at fi:.10. A Fine Meat Market. Messr Fisher & Watkins have removed to their new shop . .1 t i, . 1. 1 : .!. 'I 1. .. one door norro 01 it annus one. it market is one of the finest in th ) State out ide of Portland, and is a credit to the city awl the gentlemanly pmpiietor. Tbey are deserving of a liberal patronage of the pen pie. Piano Tcsisti. Mr J P Thomson, the piano tu er is again in town, ami is pre pared to do a l work in bis line. He is an rkman and guarantees his work. Hohannnn li him to the cooler. i. r. L AI.Mtrn il TO l ITliRN-llll". iu nil vir a na- to Cltl- zenship ' f the United Stats-. Sold. Mr James Ca nplM-11 has sold his h .use and lot on Oak street, just islli of the Croner residence, t" Josephine Cardwell Price paid, ?1, 000. t r. .1... ...... A..nl -'1 IH-tt. the w.O of Alex Cc! Hii.e, a. laughter. iThat is the reiJon Alex s".. ps so high. Circuit Court. Court virtually closed last Wednesday, but the journal is still kept open to cuter up orders. Since last week's issuu the follow ing cases h ive been disposed of: (ieo lielshaw v (Irant Osburn; suit inequity to dissolve partnership. Judgment for pllf in ths sum of 1,K17 4tt aud cosu and execution thereon, and that partnership be dissolved. (.'ha Parsons et at vs H-jnry Parsons; suit for partition of real estate. Granted. Or dered that property be sold at public salo, and 8 B Uukiu, Jr, appointed rrlerree. State of Oregon v James X i.uper; charge of arson. Not a true hill State of Oregon vs James N Luier; charge of larceny. Venlict by jury of tint guilty. Stat- of Oreifim vs John Ileverly; selling larcf without license. Not a true hill. S-tate Insurance Co vs Roscoe Knox; to re ed er money. Nonsuit. , James N l.uper vs Samuel Meek; suit for dam ues. Continued. 11 J and W 11 I'eiigra vs 0 and M .T Mnll. nan; to recover money. ,itM,'iiieiiv or invh an I costs aud for execution on attached pro- rty. .losie Lambert vs G K. Lauibvrt; suit for di vorce. 1 1 ran ted. W H McCnniack, receiver, s Geo 8 ash- burne et al; to recover money. Receiver Mc Cornack liles his reisrt and uprm the filing of plff's receipt is dlscnaiged fioni liability. State of Oregon vs Juo Uurns ami James Itreans; larcenr in dwelling hows. Vkrdicl of guilty. lfendants senteuosxl to three yean each in the peniteutiaryi Wm Welch, a native ot ureal urilain, was admitted to citizenship Monday, , Cottage Grove Items. FBOMoTR SPKCIALrnRRMPONPHST. Cottaue Ghovr, April 28, 1S8. Apple orchards are white with bossoms. Mr (ieorge Diy, of Cresswell, was in town Monday. Rev Sneed, of Eugene, was in town the lirst of the week. Mr Cy Miller and wife left here Tuesday afternoon for Paisley. delightful weather; frost Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. The foundation of Whipple Broa' new store has occ.il laid some time. The protracted meeting held here the past week closed Tuesday evening, with lint a convert. Rev C A Wnoley was in town Friday and Saturday uutil train time, when be It-It for liost burg. Messrs Stanley, McLaughlin, Ws Chris man, L 11 Wharton and the latter' two sous, left lor Lakeview Tuesday. A party was given at the Whipplo Hall Monday evening in honor of the parties that left for Kuatern Oregon Tuesday. Mr John Sherwood had the misfortune to lose, one of Ins ringers jne doy last week, by oetting it crushed I a heavy piece of lim ber. Mr .Icto'iic Knox arrived here on the 2 1th direct ti- Lakeview. lie says it was quite a i.oi-'i trip across the mountains. He came by stage to Ashland. Mr I) Iv diaries arrived here to-day di. red fn in For; Wayne, Indiana He is vis itni,: at Mr Hon Slavics, lie says there bad ml iieeii a furrow plowed, and that snow was on the ground mIicii he lctt two weeks ago. Vr.uiTT. Final Report of Grand Jury. In the Circuit Court for Lant County, Ore- L'OllI te, the trand jury in and for Lane County it the Anril tot in of the nl ove court, lHtHi, do h-reby make the foil.ovin,' report: We have e.iin:nd the vaiions public otlices of Lane Coimtv, including the Sheriff's, Clerk's mid Treesnier's orti.'es, and we find each of said oHicc" n.'.'it an. I oi.lerly aud the records thereof ill (I '-1 state of preservation, That w have e.vau.in -d l !ie pul'I'.c i ill mid hnd it Well kept, but. w,) wish In rep u l that th.i mine i in secure and insiloicien! lor th" safe keeping of priviiieis; that, we have ex iniincd the various coiiimittiiicnu ivfore us. and having mane our report in regard thereto, now ask to be dis charged. J. A. Khhr:it, Foreman. Jvpoe Deapy'i Lwtl-hf.s. Judge M I' )ely will begin lecturing to the State University law school on "Constitutional jw" shortly. Wednesday evening he de livered'a special lecture on the Laud Laws nf Oregon. He named the three systems donation. nreemptio and homestead under which laud was taken np and held, and commented mi the merits of each. "Our lirst system was by doiiuliou under the pro visional government when every inan got (ill) acres As civili.iituui progressed, the ore uni.tioii and h mestcad acts passed ami the aim u lit 4 land was cut down so there might be sullhient for everybody." A "News'' If em. The Baker City Daily Sage Brush publishes to the world the follow, ing piece of "new-," "J Whiteaker has re centlv been appointed Internal Revenue Col lector for the district of Oregon." Now the writer has a faint recollection of having made such a statement as the almre through the c ilumiks of this paper some time dnring the "warm spell" of 1885 and feels safe in saying that other papers made the same statement. Han John Whiteaker is at present and has been for some lime in possession nf the Collec torship for ti. yon, but it has not been loin since his cuulii 'nation by the Senate. -Salem Statesman. WHAUA-Capt Oh' u of the (! II. Mer chant, reports that whales are very ph-utiful along the coast at present. On his trip up from Sail Pedro they were continually in sijit. Sometimes sporting about playfully and at other times making strenuous effort to escape from the attacks of their dreaded ene my, the thresher, which causes the monarch of the deep much annnyauce. Several times, while among the school of whale, the lug was hauled, the captain having lost log be fore, by whales getting foul of the log hue. Con Bay News. Contract Let.- .Monday, J 0 Jannning", Superintendent, let the contract at public outcry t i John Brown, to make a grade around "Plymouth" rock and also around . "Wild Cat," 011 the Himlaw waon road, j The v ok i to be fiuishtd before July 1, j 18-ci, and Mr Brown is to reaive 8 1,15(1 for I tile same. Doi iji.a Cocstt Tltntx The following t'ckethas been nominated by the Douglas DcniocfaU: lleprese tatives, F. B Waite, ( Hugh McKenain, A F Met, and V L Arling ton: (!o.Iud'e,.IS Fi''ni'.-li; Commissioners, A I.Mi.b ami .loo H.ill; :,'irk, T It Sheii-laii Sii-ri'f. B O Aee; Treaouer, l S We f S-cii""'! .Siijieriiit-iident, G I' lius-ll; Asesoi, K 1 ' S iiTfj; S irveyor, Win Thi. !; Ctroner T 10s Graliaiii. i:fc.,yi;i,. -Mr .1 Davi has removed his tailorin,' est ddi-hmeiit up stairs Into tl.e rar A n vi me Bmil.li;i.iua,Vlrk aue ,1,, IcalL ;ive him a Brevities. May 1'iy. liny Havward hand grenades. 'l'he highest cash price will be paid for whent by F I) Dunn, See change in the Oregon Paeiiio Railroad ,! advertisement. Photograph finished neatly and artis finally at Winter'. . The Foley Springs hack will beg'n making regular trips next week. We acknnwlpdjte the receipt of some passover bread from Mrs S II Friendly. The bent candies ami oranges can always be found at F. Hanoi', confectionery store. At the last quarterly pav day at the Insane asylum at Salem over $7,000 was distributed among the employes. If yon will make a solution of lime water and wash your roofs with It, the moss will be removed and the shingles benefitted, says the Vancouver Independent, The I X L boys have already commenced advertising in the Baker City paper. Their store will be Mulshed in about two week when they ill commence business there. Ayer' Cathartic Till are the best that cau be employed to correct irregularities of the stomach and bowel. Gentle, yet thorough in their action, they cure constipa tion, stimulate the appetite aud digestive organs, and strengthens the system, The eoiistmtly tired out feeling, so often ex perieneed, is the result cf inqiovt-risried Miaul, causing enfeebled vitality. Aver' Sarsapa rilla enriches the blood, increase the appetite, and promotes digestion. The system, thus invigorated feels new strength and energy, The Supreme Court has rendered a de cision on the cose brought rip from Lan county, which settles the disputed question as to whether Circuit Judges ' elected at the last election hold for two year of for the full term of six years, which i prescribed as the official term of Judge in Oregon. The decision is to the effect that a Judge elected to till a vacancy holds otlice only durum the remainder of the term for which the retiring Indue was elected. 1 he effect of tin de cision will be (hat-all li trict Judges will rctue fnun idlice in July next. Acme Items. April 20, 1330 April shower have been frequent. Nine pew settlers recently located on In dian creek. Dr Saubert' goods are being hauled up the beach from Oardinar. Invitation are out fur a May party at Mr AI0117.0 Young's the .Kith iu -t. ' Charlie Saubert captured a young Inopar.l seal a few days ago at the month of the river. It. was about two feet long, light silver color, perfectly tame and the prettiest object 111 the way ol a pet we ever saw. Mr Neilcy with a crew of liftteeu men were at work on the road lust week, be-in-it says they aro gctt ing along linely, and will soon have the road no timt wagons can Irive tlirc uc.li to the head of tide. Mr Gate of Rnseburg, and Mr Leancrd from the Kast; have been in Acme. The lat.fr .uuntleunin is said to represent a wealthy Kasterr mill company and was look no' after that business here lie was lelichled with the, country, uml expressed lilltiseif as being willing t.o "live right, In re." - ; C ('.. Eugene rempetanco Alliance. Regular meetim- of the Eugene Temperance Alliance next Monday evenim; at the Brick Church at 7:31 P M. All are cordially in vited. Following is tlie piogramme: Music Musical .society, led by L t Adair Pr.iVKi ,..lit-v A C rairchild Music. Musical Society Address ..Prof K K Patterson Music. . c. Mal Ouartett Select Reading.. ..Miss L'lula Lockwimd Music Musical Society , Dissolution Of Partnerertlp. Ifntlce is hereby given that the partnership existing between Mastersoii & Carry, ot Cot tage Grove, Oreifrm, is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved. All persons indebted to said firm will please cmue forward and settle their accounts, for the business must be closed un immediately. MAHTF.imnN & Caret. Cottage (irnve, April II, leXtl. hire. All persons indebted to R W Whipple k BroV eitiir by note or bonk account will please call and settle the same. Our store burned ami we muit collect the money due ut. K W. Whippli k Bo. Cottag Grove. Feb 25, 1885. To Tit Ladies. I will be at the 8t Charles Hotel 00 May 4th (Tuesday after noon), with a fine collection nf pot plant for sale. Come early and get first choice. Mr. C. S. IIockknfikld, Florist, Salem, Oregon. L. Salomo:j Talks. Ho say that all those indebted to him must come forward ami settle ol else they majr have the unpleas ant natter" brought to their attention by a lawyer. A word to the wise is sullicieut. . .' 1 - Notice. Mr. B. H. Jame having retired from busineae and being desirou of settling up, requests all those indebted by note or ac count to Immediately call and make a settle meut. He can be found at his office Vethe Court House, ready to roeipt for all Mitt due him. ScoTT'rt Aliliino.w- Lying two block fro University ground and four blocks from Main street are 0" lots that will be sold for $75 t 175 each, just platted and now the best loca tion offered in Fug'tie City. Or.o. M. Mim.f.ii, Agent. TaK NinicK. All those owing mc by note, account or otherwise ro requested to call and settle, the same immediately, as I must have what is doe me. I dir not want to put the accounts in thsrhaniU of ao at torney if I can help it. J,M. Sloas. Wistmi - A callable m .1 , woman of uni i i. . .. tt.t. versa, energy . "' ..me other county lor tne "iniory "i t..ri v n T. tf.a.ri.'..t is&rflv itwill ifiv fnnn-TMH - er niont!,. Address T Pearson. M.na eUl Publishing Co.. . to fo( 0 i ijer OccidenU Fob Half. -200 acres of rh.-h level l"tt.Wi d: imnroved. Price fJHt. Address improved. Price JJIIO0. P Wiiglit, Baker's Hot. J, Eugene City i gon. 0r STATE ifNlVKKSlTY A Co.llliill i.'cv ted to the interests of tlie 1 Laure ni ami K it ixiau Literary Societies, aud J the State l niycr-ity Kiftv I tit r . ,. F.nrroii. There 1ms been a cliimge. The Cirtaxian Society has hail aft election and 1 have been elected editor. The former editor ha trans ferred tor me the paraphernalia of this office and the dignity it 4s becoming a Kutaxlan editor to wear. I offer my sympathy to my readers and hope they will reciprocate by giv ing me any items that may come to their notice. Robt Johnson haseiuervd the class inOptic. A F McClaln made Kugene a visit last wek Frank Mulkey entered school again this term. The First Latin class begun Roman History Monday. The late conventions (eft some disappointed office-seekers among the Laurean. Jese M cClting has been absent from school this week on account nf a sever cold. Hatli Ulckinson is teaching at the "Green Door Sch'Mil House" on Siuslaw. At the last meeting of the Eittaxians Mary Potter favored the Society with a select read ing. The class in Virgil, having made up the re view during vacation, were examined last week. Miss Kate Buick did not come back to school this term. W hoe ah will bo with u again uext year. Prof McCornaik, of Marshfield, and H Y Thompsou, of Portland, visited the University last week. Miss Mary Bonnette writes an amusing ac count of her experience "tcachiug school and boardtu' Vmed." A M Ellsworth returned to hi borne at Cove, Uulot eminty, last Saturday. He will not retvrn this ysar. It Is reported that D V Bass, one of last year's graduates, is expected to settle perma nently in Kilfceneaud engage In business before long. Arthur Collier, Fannie and Clara Condon, Vcimi Adair, Ada Cobnrn, Jennie McClure and Carrie Walker joined th Presbyterian Church l.t week. Question chosen lot May 7th I Resolved, ''That a man neglects his duty when he fails to vote." Allinnativa leader, Sue Uorrlej neg ative leader, Mary Potter, V M Chrisman left for his home last week. He expects to reguin his impaired health on the cattle plains of F.astern Oregon, ami be with us again nest September. Laurans chose for delate May 7lh the qiifWion: "Will homo Ride be beneficial to Irchuid!" Afl'mnative, Cha Lock wood and W (1 Roberts. Negative, LO Davis and V McClure. The following is the list of officer of the Kutaxiaii Society for the ensuing term: Pres. F.tta Moore: Vice Pres. Lura March; Sec, Id Porter; Treasurer, Linnia Holt; Marshal, Klla Burbridge. The University la beginning to be quit an object of interest. 'I hi cars stopped opposite Villard Hall last Tuesday moruiug to allow a iovciiiwi luin. I to L-iv a sereuade, which was much appicciated iy the students. Question chosen by the Lsureans for April .tilth: Resolved. "That Education should be made c pulsory." Affirmative, J R Patti- sun assisted bv JO (lore-. Negative, Mark Bailey, Jr, assist-.d by W A MoClnre April 23d the Ixinrean Sociecty elected the following nliiecrsi President, V A Hufler; Vice President, W A McClure; Sec, AL Veazier; Asst See, Creo Noiris; Tre as, J O Crore; Censor, J 1. Tail; Editor, J K Pattlson; Seiueuut at-arins, L K Woudworth. Question iteUted Friday! Resrrlved, "That the Standing Army of th U 8 snmild be in creased." Aflirmstivs Isailer, Olen Shaw) ool leagnrs. Linula Holt, Ma Hendricks and Ida Pin-ter. Negative leader, Etta Moore; col leagtie. Emma Dorris, Ida Patterson and Emily Bristol. The Rhetorical exerciss yesterday were held in "Villard Hall." Essays were reed by Prof ' Hawthorne' classes, and recitations and decla mations were rendered by the senior class who appeared in iblio for the last time before Commencement. Th Regents are to be con gratulated on securing so nice a building for future sxercisea. To-day the senior class aecmnpanies Prof ' Condon to quarries neav Eugene to take sums lessons in prsoticul Gjology. The clan ha finished the text book end ia n w studyine th Uenlngy of Oregon. By Prof Condon' jtforts this stiidy is made a very Interesting one and the knowledge secured from books verified by actual observation. The reunion committee is at present perform ing very hard mental labor, prepnring a pro gramme for Reunion. Some very remarkable remilts a1 to be expected (mm these delihera tk ns. We hope that architectural studies will not aain prevent a Laurean member of the committee from giving his full attention to this most iiiiHirtunt work as Was the ease at l ist meeting. Mr S S Spenet'f having lost M ennjt, and finding that he will either have Ut undertake (lie onerous task ol preparing hi viands him elf. or to rid seven or eight mile every morn- W, .ml mvrkinj tit utt his meals, and having a great aversion to indigestion and a still greater ..... ti. tuLinu car of a korsr. has resolved tr take a few days vacation and rest his weary biain uutil bis sister can enrue back. A youth of ortr town named E O P, Thought a County Surveyor he'd like to he) S the delegates to the Convention he dl e. He thoiluhUhe work would la) esteerlingly Huh , . And his knowledge ol the sehaiw,thntn:h some what sli-.'ht. Would be sullicieut Io carry kim tlirongli the fijit. So he fullv resolved to fill up his purse fW serviri'k' bis comity well(lmt nothing worse.-) Alas, he came back a sad as a hearse. For another had worked as hard as he And returned home with a great deal of glee, For the nomination was given to C M C. President Moore'e Address. - 74etyUa.brineiutieon,;U i if its na-mlWrs. Jiubtless tliosewni no milder - l e is-rmitted Uvmeet with us. associate many 2' l:a wi n MM. 1 a iile-y.ant hour am MlcM, Living mem ,i.:. i,ai i hill inn. - J - , , f f ..Mi..u.rK ah t ,v iinve tnvr cn eiTH u h j but we feel that V'tZZT - 11 i 12 Vh. time has happily 1 imno-.taiit ouarae'er. iii van urn "i-i'"J cm.e when woman is not a silu.it lactr in E n" " ? . '.. lheo-gians, '"'uns - - . the same condition, as U sterner l.rotlier iw olt--u the victor. I util wivnin we quarter of a cetitifrylbe power of woman as a public sieakersias in a dormant onnoitioiii btft when awakened, she baa been recouniztil by all classes. Such societies as this are now in con' neciioii witn Rimorft nil ot trie collides, uuivers' itics mid other institutions nf learning in the i uite i Mutes, l thank von tor the lion ir you ave conferred upon me by eUetlnif me to IhW ' I otlice. To conduct the affairs of this society successfully it is necessary that eaoh one of you perforin her iluty.and I hiqie cheerful com pliance will be given; for only by your asslA' anoe in this, can X hope to siistam the high reputation of our society gained for it by my predecessor. During the present year our mice of rrder have been strictly nffffed, our membership has been increased, our debate havo been Well preril, and but a ingl mi indefinitely postponed. Thr bav been those when our memlxirsMp eemd to he gYostln; less, when w seemed to be working under difficulties, when only the dark lid of Ike cloud ajqieared, hrtt the silver llnlui has re vealed itself ami hsa alsiorbed th clouds them selves in it glittering sheen. Our work here is a preparation fr duties that may come npo each one of us. lb re, too, w er helping to form habit and character. Let u endeavor to do thfs with care and skill. lit 0 rscall the beautiful won! nf lmgftllow) "Sculptors of life are we as we stand, With our lives uncarved before ei, Waitimr the hour when at Uod's cotermaad Our life's dream pemso'r us." Personal. Mayor Ddnrt tislted Portland last Tel day. MrJ If'age paid Portland a short Trail this week. Ony Hovef returned from San Francisco, yesterday. Mrs Jmd Ware rbilifil her (laughter Nellie this week at AMttfiy, Mrs 8 S Train and daughter, of Albaaf, are visiting friend in this city, Mr W Huir, of the 0 k C R ft, hrl(ed Ml ative and friends in Eugene this week Mr Cliss Shskleford, V 9 timber agent, gave the Guard office a pleasant call fast Thursday. Andrew Huff of this city ha hail eberg of th Drain railroad and telegraph 6tfic durleg the abscuce of the regnlaf agetit Rev R L Shelly, formerly of Leo county, has been Humiliated on the Douglas evrttnty Republican ticket for the otlice of Sheriff. Mr ( liettmno went to Portland last Tuesday. His wife was sick at the home of her parents, where she had gone to pay them a visit Mr Bettman returned home yester day , Mf Luther Rowland has Sad charge of the Journal duriii; the aWftoe of the editor and proprietor, Mr li It Klnoaid, to Port land, this week. Mr It 11 Hendricks, t normal graduate et . the State University, has been nominated by the Oilliain county Republicans for the oIKc ol School Snperitendentt Mr J II Donald, late of Canada, visi'led ' his old friends In Eugene last .Saturday and Sunday. We flnitrrstand that he lias par chased a large boot and shoe store in the city of Portland. Mr George Herbert, who attended tfi State University here fnr several years, has received the nomination of Sheriff at the hands of the Wasco Democracy. His many friends in Engena hope for his election. Mr A V Suelling, County Clerk of Lake county, gave this ollico a pleasant call yel' terday, Mr Snelling was on his way to Portland to attend tho Democratic State Convention. At one time he was a resident of Lane conntyv- A letter from Mr Ocn Hill ennyey the in formation that Mr J M Neville, well known hero, is finite ill nt the Jackson Home, on the Hiliside, Dausville, N Y, with sewer gas poisoning. ' Hi ninny friend in' Eugene hiqw to hear of hi speedy recovery. Mr Henry McGinn, who attended the Uni versity here for a couple of years, ha been himiinated by th Republican for rroeecntlng Attorney for Multnomah County. Henry fa t bright young man, and if a Republican is U elected', be is just the on w would like to swe get It Lane county was represented fn the KefrrV llcnn State CoftVentloe at Portland last Wed nesday by the Winn Ing named gentlemen John Kelly, O S Washbnme, H R Klncald, Jasper Will Ins, T W Hsrris, A O Hovey, K V Whipple by A 0 Hovey ftroir, F RoWe son, S M Voran. Removal Notice. Mr Abe Goldsmith, desires to inform his oustomers and the peb lie generally that he ha moved hi store Intn the south room of Baker's Hotel, oj Willamette street If yon want anything in hi line give hits a call, a he keepe only the best goods. : . ftxconi) DastaicT RoiiiTio-'Tlie Be pilblicah Stat Conventlnft nominated th fol lowing gentlemen for the Second District: Knruil Second District, R S Bean of Lane; For Prosecuting Attorney, J W Rayburn, at Douglas, A MiitTAkE. -Our foreman by some unac countable means got ft Intn his head that the month of April conlalntd days, and thu dated th first pane of the Obakp. Th edi torial page bear the correct date - May lit. Fahmkbs Take Notick. A good dinner can hadat Baker' Hotel fcr 25 cent. BENICIA BOYS ra-i;iP. n'I.Y EXTENSIVE CON'CERX J manufacturing farm implements on thi coast is the lteuicia Agricultural fks, ol Clifornia. They manufacture all kmus- of farm machinery, and coast farmer wMl do well to correspond nil their Portland aitio.. Their celebrated BTF.KL HuwEli, wliichi tie peo ple of California have nsmed thr"Becia( lloy," is ou'.striping all other in ti years heavy alfalfa iu California. On tuxastrtd el of these mower are to I seaUessd through I'rsgim and Washington Territory this v aa an Mlvtrtineiiieiit for another ywsv w the number allotted to Eilgen and- IU R Lucksy has aecureil one of thiis aniubsr. They 1 rr) not in wm inarm, mi ibwhw- tUlntn-inction u. ...... :..i,,.trv termers should bear in mind that iu very many see- ! "I Had ltmctm" that stam. M tarner a m t"H " " ""V " v . i farmi no. find the ; ilea U - W . ::, - ... .. ... i .Krt tn tn. J xYT.H9, - Portland, - i , , p,..:..;. A 'I cu tural Wort anu oaatp and . A. b "lU urn - " O