fif AND COUNTY, BHIEF L to-oight- L Kidney Cur Lid the primaries Monday. Jiuney" on wheel, to-night Li ,r kil glove t Dr N J Taylor for dentistry. ,,n Kidney Tea eures til kidney trouble Bettman'e removal notice In another imsn jd.y. Jtyac moved liito the I X L Store last ty crei of Hue laid for ale. Inquire o L'uleman. tlaud champions play polo to-night at l,rt'Ha!latT:30. Lon Kidney Tti U the best known rem r kidney trouble, , ndcollrntlU every day lu the week ry Horn' barber shop. Goabd doe all kinds of job printing sr than Portland price. iter Beckwith and wife have removed i Jtlyron Judkim residence. i can purchase Waltham watches at JVatts' .'roin f 10 and upward, fyon want a book to pend the long y .venings giv 8terliug Hill a ci.ll. Von want hardware at reasonable price tt the itore of Pritohett 4 Forknbr. Gen F Craw haa the ole agency for all I, of the celebrated Tausil Punch Cigar. citizens of Central 1'oint, Jauksn L, hare a 15 mill tax for school pur- S W Condon will occupy the office tly vaunted by Geo M Miller, for a law irlin Hill keep in tock an excellent of eood realable works. Give jacall. 'good farm for raising stock or grain for nn reasonable term. Inquire' of Juil'e tun. e registry law Has been held unconsti ; usl by the Supreme Court. Tell jour L libnrs. ie Rev 0 Parker offers at private sale . whole of hit household funiltilre. Call e Rectory. ie Goldsmith has moved hi cigar store room in Baker's Hotel formerly oceu- Wilson' saloon. sale a baby carriage, two baby's ft, tWO Oaoy I criun, uiatvicovua, at the Episcopal Factory. 1 ie services of i registered thoroughbred ay bull may be secured by calling on Mr Perkins a mile below town. " he L-ading Star Band of Hope will give i mcert Sunday, April 4th, at 4 p in, at (3 P Church; Admissirm 1(1 cents. )emocrals, if you wish to see a Rood ; iet nominated, go to the primary meet- kg Monday and leet competent men; - fltrlin;r Hill, at the posto'ifice, takes: sub riptions for noarly every uewspaer and i; if -A .1. . 1.1 : ..1 riomcai in rtiuenca, at tots iiuniiauoiv ii,cb. Mr J V Matlock will erect a two story brick 1 ling on his lot, recently purchased from nblatt Bros, during the cmiina' Summer. teioemW, you can purchase Justices ik summons, civil and criminal suliioeiiftes i complaints at the Guard office at Portland -'' 'hs following marrioge licenses have been led since lost week: C D Delano and A S . :hinson; W D McGhee and Eva R Gil- re. he finest and largest lot of window shades r Drought to r.uirene win arrive "n iuev ' freight, from New York. Call and them at Friendly'. jFor dyspepsia, headache and all disorders fixing from .a disordered stnmaeht Pe Haven's ir'ipcpsia Cure is an infallible remedy, lry and be convinced. Fur sale by Oxduiix k Co. Some parties tried their best to burglarize e residence of Mr Janus Ramsey one ni'lit is week. They li'd entered the house, and it narrowly modo good their eSiatpe from be ! g captured Until further notice the Undersigned will i ill Pioneer white lead at 1 ots; boiled oil I y the can, 75 cts; raw oil by the can, 70 i, net cash.- OsBUiti & Co, 15. It. Luikev & Co. At Matlock's a' very fine line of ladies hoes nf the celebrated H D Hnlbronk' make, 2irect from the Eustern manufacturer. The 'dies of Lane county would do well to call at fir oiatlock store ana examine these gomiv On and after Auril 1st the undersigned Fill Cummeaoa doinff business on a ready pay basis, selling goods for cosh or only. All purchasers will hud it to neir interest to call and get prices. J. U. AIATLOCK. Parties are enmiced in moving the old M Church building to the Catholic lot oil j-" corner of Willamette and Eleventh greets, where it will be retitted aud repaired Af Catholic Chtfrch. 'thi M'tHhodinU have fenrttd UhinehaH's ftll, and will hold service and Sunday School therein at the usual hours. The con gregation Will gather at the ringing of thd rresbyteriau bell. All are invited' to at DoL The Prohibition party has already nomi. county tickets in Marion, Clackamas,' Jackson, Waken, Polk and Yamhill counties, ft will alsd nominate soon id Linn, Beritnn, Washington,-Multnomah, Douglas, Clatsop and Lane; There w"ill be a match game nf polo to. Aight at Rhinehart'e for the championship of ft State, between the Portland Polo' Club tad the Eugene Amateur Polo Club. Ad mission 23 cent. After the game the Club ill give social hop in the Parlor. A will be seen by an article clipped from the Oregouian, which we publish on the first Pge of to-day'. Guard, the chance, are j .r,foribIefor tht Democry to elect their entire State ticket at the approaching Jana election. Let the DemocraU of Lane ork harmoniously together and we can help ecomplish the result. We should give the State ticket at least 100 majority. County Convention to bo held April 22(1. PRIMARIES, MOMMY, APRIL 5iii, m. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. At a meeting of the Democratic County Cen tral Committee, held in Eugene City, Oregon, March 23, IPSO, it u urdered that the Demo cratic County Convention be held iu Eugene City on Thuriday, April 22d, 1880, For the purpose of electing 10 dido.'iites to the State Convention to be held at Portlund May 4, lBriti; also to Humiliate a candidate for State Senutor, 4 candidate for llepreaentative, 2 candidates for County CoiitinisHinners, 1 cnudl dato each for Sheriff, Clerk, Treaxiirer, As sessor, School Siiteriutendent, Surveyor and Coroner, and for the transaction nf such other business as may coiue before the convention. It is requested that tlis primary conventions lis held Mdnday, April 5, 1880. The County Convention will conist of 75 delegates, apHrtioned one for each precinct and onb for every 2 votes dr fraction of one half or over thereof cut for Hon E P Coleman for State Senator in IK8I, as follows: SpiimrrVld 5 North Kni;tie S 0 rail I 'reek 2 2 CrisHWeil. 4 ; Willamette 3 2 Junction 5 3 Kicliardson 4 2Swucer 3 2 H.U.-I 1.'II 1 South r.ii-'ene... Pleasant Hill.... ('ottuue Grove... Molnwk Long To n SiUKMW Lwt Valley Creek 31 Middle Fork 2 McKeuzie 1 Irving 3 Klorinioe SCheidi'T 2 Covote 2 Luke Creek 1 Wild Cat........... I1 Total 73 E. P. Coleman, Chairman County Committee. L. BlLYIU, Secretary. Citizens' Ticket. The Citb'iis' Mal Convention met at the Court, House latt Wednesday evening. Mr 11 C Ilni:iihrcy was elected Chairman and Mr J M Hendricks Secretary. The chair appointed Geo S Wasliburuu aud L N Honey as tellers. Tlio following ticket was iiouii n n led: Couucilinen Geo B Dorris, J 11 Mu Clung mid John Church. KiioonW W S Shaw. Treasurer V W A Grain. Marshal After several ineffectual ballots the Convention adjourned sine die without nominating a cnndidnte Election Notice. The annual city election will to held nt the City Hall in Eugene; Oregon, on Monday, the all) day of April, 1880, for the purpose of electing the following officers, viz: Three Trustees, Treasurer. Keconbr rind Marshal. The polls will open st ! o'clock A M and close at 6 o'clock P M of said day. Dated, Eugene City, Marrh 17. M V. S. Shaw, lteconUr: The OitKoow City liniTiiiis Inukted The U 8 grand jury, now in session at Portland, have returned indictments against the following persons',' who are charged with aiding ill the recent Oregon City Cliine raid: William Myers, Lewis Jlnmilton, Geo Brown, John Belil, Alluii Wlute, I yton Miller, W II Stafford, Nat I, Baker. Win McLanulilin and Hiram Straight. The pun ishuient in cae of oioiviction is either by a linn of not Wks than $.)(K) aiol not mora than ?."),(H)((, or by imprisonment with or without hard labor for a pei iml of not less than six months nor more than six years, or by both such line and iuiprimnment. Sl'DTKRRANEAN S'l'IIKAM. The nrtesi.lli well on W S Ladd's place near East Port land is now down over 1400 fevf and is pro gressing at the rate of six to eight feet per la'. The drill is now iu a very hard kind of rock, but none of it comes to thn surfoce, owing to a subtrrreaean stream which car ries away nil the boring". Just what a stream of water is doing 1400 feet below I'last Portland is hard to imagine. If the sewers of this city could be connected with it the Willamette nould be kept pure and the resident of Shod might be killed.-Sulem Statesman. tFKRsf AN SlIRRIlKT Which takes the place M 'and is superior to any portable lemonadej sit iar of lemon, or any other like article fi'f making ft cisihng and refreshing beverage. It is put up in one p oind (full weight) square tin cms, 2 d'lz-n in a case a dry fruited sugar Pine Apple, LeirMn and CVinge flavor assorted doing away with the sm.dl vial (vile) nchi. Although we received the IVr.-iun Sherbet after last year's 8'easoti was well advanced, it became very popular and sides were quite lare, an I tlirongh their snperi irity and w-11 kmAvn quality we expect n large demand for the 'ame this coming season, and have made ample provisions to meet all demands. Fleikenmtein 4 Mavkh, Agts. Verdict for Damaues. Judge Walt n re turned from Corvallis hist Thursday afternoon. He informs us that the jury in the cae of Mrs D U f.akin vsthe OPIt It, for damages for injuries she received last Summer on the cars of that line, cave a verdict for the plaintiff iu the ruin of 1,1150. 'J he suit for (he killing of the child is in the Supreme Court at present, Tare Notick. All those owing me by note, account or otherwise nr requested to call ami settle the same lmmeiiiaieiy, as must have what is due me. I cln not want to put the accounts in the hands of au at' torney if I can help it. J. M. SLOAN. L Salomon Talk. He says that all those indebted to him must come forward and settle oi else they may have the nnplcas ar.t matter brought to their attention by i lawyer. A word to the wise is stilficient. Notice. Mr P.. H. James having retired from' bnViness and being detimus of settling up, reqnest all those indebted by note or a count to immediately ohiI and make a settle ment. He can be found at his office in the Court House, ready to receipt for all debts due him. Scott's Addition.-Lying two blocks from University ground and four blocks from M .tin street are 0 lots that will be sold for 875 t $175 each, just platted and now the best loca tion oBered in Eugene City. (Jko. At. Miller, Agent. Removed. Mr J i'avis has removed his tailoring establishment up stairs into the rear room WJtnn'a bnck building. Anyone wanting good work don. should give h.m a C1L Bob. In this city, March 28, 18SC, to the wifu of Mr J C Watkius, a daughter. Cy now wear a (mil. UNCONSTITUTIONAL The Registry Law held Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Ths Supremo Court rendered their diclsloti last Wednesday iu th case involving the oon- titiitionaluy of th registry law. The law was declared unc institutional, the opinion being by Waldo, Thayer dissenting. Th court holds that th Constitution provide who shall be electors, but they are not eligible till day of election. The Legislature cannot pass laws re' quiring voters to prove beforehand their eligi bility to vole in the future. The principal grounds upon which th dects' ion is based refers to Sections 2 aud I I, Article II of the Cohititution of Oregon, which reads: Section 2. In all elections not otherwise provided for by this constitution, every itbiU male citi.. ri of the United Status, of ths age of 21 years and upwars, who shall have resided in t'nU State during the six months immediate ly preceding such election -and every white male of foreigh birth of the ,'e of 21 years and Upwards, who shall liuvs resided in this State during the six mouths immediately preceding such slielioii, and shall have declared his in tuition to become a citizen of tie United States one year preceding smh election, con torimihly to the laws of tne United Slates on the snliject nf niitnraliuitiou, slndl be entitled to vote at all election authoilzed by law. Skc. 17. Ml nualilieir electors shall vote In the election precinct in the county where they may itvidf, lor county oltio-rs, and in any county in the State for State cHieers, or in any county of a congressional district iu which such elector may resiile, for member of Con gress. The action of the Supreme Court will render registration useless, Lane county by the do cUioii will save about 2,000, which is quite a sum considering the present hard limes. The costs thus far mmle in purchasing registration 1 looks, blanks,etc,will not amount to over 9200. The law was badly needed in Portland and Antnria, but ill the interior nf ithe Stat It was a hardship that the people generally are glad to evade. Elmira Items. 8 . March 20, 18S& We&ther fine ami tanners busy. Three or four weddings are expected soon in this vicinity. Miss Kaiida Michardson was visiting friends in tins village last weeK. The melisllous voice hf the hooting grouse can be heard in every direction. Howard Bros nre progressing rapidly with g'tling their mill in running order. Mr Chamberlain Is doiiu a rushing business; he can he seen on the road nt any time. Miss Kate Holhert has been finite ill, bet is improving under the cure of Dr Jeffries. Valentines were numerous here. 15iif. little. o'.d, young, married and single ladies all got llh li' share. Mr Jnmes Itbhartson is expected home soon from San Fiancisco, where he has been for the past two mouths. Mrs Nancy Halj and her little daughter, nf Klk Prairie, are vim ling at her father's, Mr John It o!n r Ison. Mis-.'s M:inda and Ella ItichanWn attended a social hop at tioldson's mill lost Friday eve ning. A .(ood time reported. J G BruiBtettor is buy breaking horses here. He has tamed several lately, aud given perfect SHlisl'uC'.iou in all cases. Tnere was an snti Chinese meeting held nt th Fir (iroie sohool house last Saturday eve inn,'. It Was largely attended,' School begins" at the Fir Grove school house the first Monday in April, under the inanaite ment of Mrs I'.olliiiau; also at the Kllinnker schoi l houso under the Uirectioti of Miss Jeflnle Spencer. Lookout. School District Meeting. The Directors of School District No 4 met at the ollii e of J E Kenton, Eugene City, April 1st; full board present. I'he Clerk submitted the following state ment of the Kuance. of the district: I'alaucc on hind at last meeting $10!) OS Amount since collected 181 i Total 5'2'JO 85 AMOUNTS PAIll OUT. March 9. order No 47 8 45 00 ' 9. " " 43 4.)(Kr 2,(i u 65 (H) ' 24. " " 4.3 CO 00 Total $20.-1 00 Halaucu on band 85 85 Orb-red tout the assessment of S II Friendly tor school tax levied Dee, 1SS5, be orre.'ted I V dedil rting ludehteiluess, ieav iug the sum of 10, l OH, nud the Clerk wa'j instructed to correct tux accordingly. Adjourned to neift regular mooting. U P. IIkniiek.son, Cleric. City Property, The following transfers of city property have been recorded since our last issue: Frank IWi-ln to EiichIi llotilt, house and let on Tenth street: consi I ration 8100. M irv t! Elfsworth to J M Hudson, 2nJ feet frontage, south of liohiuson tt Churuh'J hard ware 't oe: con el.0U. M,.iHha W C'noiier to B H Jnmes, Jot 4 in Mnldi'Hii's addition: eon $000. T tV r-'helton to S O Garrison, 10 lots in Pack ud's addition. est of Hawthorne's pro. perty; con $1,000. Mr liarrison wid commence the erection of a dwelling on, the name at once. David Pritchett to M S Crook, house' and lot on east Mill street; c in 91,5 '0. Ah OiikuoN Bk.llk. Miss Maggie Mitch ell's, second daughter of Oregon's junior SenatiT, is visiting the gay Parisian capital this Spring in company with her mother. Those who recollect her as she left I. ere f mrteon years sgo, will remember1 hat as a pale-faced child ttfth large brown eyes,' and a spiritnal expression of countenance that is sometimes seen in ideal pictures. Ishe" was a lovely child and mu-t have grown iiitu a lovely Woman, if half is troe that has been written about her. A correspondent of .he New York World writes that he met her st a ball at the 11. del Normaiidi, and that she is the most beautiful girl that has graced the American colony in Paris fur years, and one that is as much admired for her girlish inno cence ami sweetness of manner as for her personal beauty." The who knew her as a child will believe every word of it. Portland Ex. - Convention. There will be a citizen's mas meeting at the Court House this, Sat urday, evening, at 7 o'clock for the purpose nf nominating csuditates f"r city officer to be voted for on April 5, 1880. All citizens in favor of education ami temperance are in vited to be present. By order of Committee. Marrikd. In Eugene City, March 28, 1880. by llev A C Fairchild, Mr W D Mc Ghee and Miss Eva It Gilmore. DiEn. At his horn, near Cottage Grove, March 29, 1880, Robert Briggs, aged 29 years. 3 month and 2 day. Personal. Mr and Mr J Conscr havi have returned home. Mr J M Shelley paid Eugene a visit this week. Senator Hnnlt, of Harrlsbnrg, paid Eugene a visit last Wednesday. Harry and Jake Wnrshauer left tor Sail Francisco lost Tuesday'. Mr R M Day Day made Southern Oregon business visit this week. Mr Julius Goldsmith leaves oil a visit to San Francisco this morning. Mr Cha lloeflin of Horriahurg; gave thii office a pleasaiit call on. day this week. Mr Win Duraut lis been confined to his room seveinl days this week with sickness. Messrs It 11 Hayes, Jo Richardson and Mr Brown returned from San Francisco last Mon day. Mr Win Barnhart nf Portland was in Eu- en last Wednesday aud Thursday on swsmp land businees, Mr J j CorrittocR, who has been viritit g it Eugene several weeks, returned to Pi rt land yesterday. Mis Celia Goldsmith and Mis Adler will leave on the steamer next Moiulay for Sun Francisco on a visit. Assessor McPherson went to Junction City last Wednesday morning for the purpose b assessing that section. Hon Geo II Durham; a prominent Portland attorney,', visited Eugene last Monday on professional business. Judg. Bean will probably arrive home to-day from Corvallis, where he has been holding court for a couple of weeks. Dr Tyler returned last Wednesday from Corvallis where be had been a witness before the Benton County Circuit Court. Miss Lillie Wyatt, who has been visiting at Oakland, California, for some time, re turned home Thursday afternoon. ifori T (I Reames, of Jacksonville, Giand Master of Oregon Masons, gave this office a pleasant call Isn't Thursday evening. Mr Fox, of Armstrong county, Pa, is in tjne county linking for a location. When lie left home, two weeks ago,' (how was still nh the ground. Mr Edwtfd F.spey.well known in Eugene; will shortly leave Portland for Paris, France, where he goes to retime bis art studies. Ed is bound to tie one of the most noted artisti of America. I!ev A P Graves, the evangelist, passed through Eugene on the south bound train last Wednesday, His destination was Ash- fand, were he went to hold a series of meet ings. Quite a number of his Lngene friends were at the depot to greet him. Prosecuting Attorney if.tmilton passed tlirongh Eugene last Monday on his way I oine from Cnrrullis, where he has been in attend, ance upon the Benton County Circuit Court.' The Democrats propose renominating him, and the residents of the district,' irrespective' of party, will re elect him, The Lower Siuslaw. MrTC Judkliis Writes from Wsshington, D C. in the Sunday Oregonlan, as follows: Ths Hiusluw river .occupies at once an unique and unfortunate position am hug Oregon ports applying for their improvement. Neither the river nor its har have been scrveyefl, and in. utmost that it can expect at this session of Congress is an appropriation for that purpose. The Secretary of war has recommended 1500 for a survey and the chairman of the river nnd harbor committee, Mr. Willis, has assured Mr Hermann that this amount will Iwaupropriated. The friends nf Siuslaw must understand its re lation: 15IKI is considered ample to complete a survey. No amount of work on the part of Oregon s representatives can secure an appro priation until this is done. There is a feeling In the river and harbor committee favorable to to this nort based on I he very fnvnrable repre sentations of iieighiKiriiig residents and the statements of Mr. Hermann whn paid it a per sonal viit. The item for this tar will not be included in the regular river and harlmr ap propriation bill but will lie recommended in a supplemental one. Judging from the present feeling Siuslaw will have no cause for com plaint at the next session nf congress if the unvernmeiit board nf engineers shall make a favorable report thereon. Trent Item's. M!:rch 31, 1880. Oh, the beautiful Oregon inlst. Fanner about done seeding here. Mr V M Miller will teach the Spring1 term' of school in this district. Do Hi you nre not entirely lost to obscurity; let us hear from you again. Mrs A N Miller, who' has been troubled greatly with rheumatism for some time, is ogam sole lo oe auouu Wn understand that a sinirlnff class will be organized at this place in llm near future, and will b. coinlucteil by 1'rot win unstow. Mr Thos Graham has purchased a ranch of D W Bridges, ptving an equivalent of 8160 . .. to,' , I. .'.1.:.' T ' tor the same, tv nai noes tins mean, 1'mii. Evidently the mind of one of our most res pected young men is becoming slightly derang ed, for he can be heard diurually uttering the following words r " There is an angef itf ssen ger on earth." Who can account for his Vaf DIR. Democrirtic Primaries. Notice is hereby given that the Democratic Primary for South Eugene precinct will be held at the Court House text Monday after nisui at 1 o'clock p in, The primary for Ninth Eugene precinct will be held at the City Hall, Monday at 1 p m. Let there be a full attendance of the Dem. ncratio voters. . Removal' Notice. Mr Abe Goldsmith desires to inform his customers and the pub lie generally that be has moved his .tore into the south' room of Baker Hotel, on Willamette atreet. If yon' want anything iu his line give him a call, as he keeps only the best goods. For Sale. 200 acres of rich level bottom land; improved. Price $2000. Address E P Wright, Baker's Hotel, Eugene City, Ore gon. Married. Mr James Driver, well known in this City, was married on March 17th, to f;.. I.I. l,.,.Llf,.r,l nf P.rnwnsville. His ! many friends in this p'ace offer congratulation. Farmers Tare Notice. A good dinner can W.l.t Tt.lrar'. HntlJ 17 TJi flmU.' Mr Fcf to the Front. Ecokni City, Wiu March 30, 1880. Editor Guard; Dkaii Sue In response to your repeated requests tor information and in justice to myself I beg leave to make the following statement at to the Itosecraus letter. I wrote to Gen itoeocrans about a year sgo asking him for a copy of his report on the battles of Iuka aud Corinth (in which I had the honor to serve under his command) snd asking his aid in a matter of interest to the Ma'ined Soldiers League, etc. It was some time before I received a reply and then it contained no reference to my request, but stated in substance that the General was always ready to do all in Ins power to aid his old comrades in arms, but that all appli cations for appointment to ollice shbuhi be made through thn proper channel, etc. 1 paid na attention to the letter at the time. 1 had nn thought of applying for an ollice being su situated mat 1 coiiiu not have ac cepted an appointment had one been (en tered. Hut three or lour mouths later 1 did apply for the Eugenn City Post Ollice, aud after my petition had been sent to Washing ton 1 wrote to lien Itosecraus who kindly gave me what assistance he could, as the fol lowing letter will show; TwtAsrKT DKr.UITMKNT, KitdlsTEHs OI-kick, Dec 11, 1885. ) To Henry Frt, Euitene City, Oregon: My Dear Comrade My field of aclnii is much more restricted than my desire to serve yon. 1 shall take the liberty nf sending your letter to Col Stevenson and ask him to do nil he can for you. Very truly yours, W. S. lUtHtf ItANS. Now thst is alt there is of the mole hill from which yoil are trying tn mrike a moun tain. In regard to the articlo from the Cess Co, Iowa, Democrat, the stories concerning my injuries, mo, were all thoroughly invesii gated by the unvernmeiit years ago, aud all the testi.nony in the case together with the record of my military service is nn file in Washington A to my otliuinl incompe tency 1; as Secretary of tile Independent School District of Atlantic paid out (by orders) over f 10,009 of public money; as overseer of the poor farm from $.150 to (400 per month, and r as Township clerk some $'.',000, aud never heard a word of complaint while I lived in Atlantic; and I settled with the Boards satisfactorily in every case. Now as you have asked several questions, 1st me ask what is this all about anyway. What is my olTense? Is it because I applied for an office, or is it nu account of my political preference, Vhen I tendered my services tn the Governmet in ISb'l there was no ob jections offend because I was a Democrat, nor was any attempt made to asperse my character iu order to prut en t my services from being accepted. I made my application iu good faith and I believe the oilier appli cants did the same, and should I be success ful it will not be owing to aspersion on my part. Respectfully yours, 11knrt Fry. Mr. Fry asks as to publish the above. We comply with his request cheerfully; all the more so from the supposition that the cow nr gan had refused Mr. Fry a chance to vindicate himseli. lest the editor should be convicted of a flagrant untruth. Ths editor of that sheet in last February made this remarkable state ment "Fry, being invited to apply by his old commander, Gen. Hose'irans, for the Eugene Post Office he expected at least decent treat ment." When this statement was denied, he sneaks nut of the onntost which he had thru'', himself into and hides behind the crutches of Mr Fry. Such action" (s on a par with ths vicious attack oq one of our most honored citi sens and his cowardly retreat Now for Mr Fry. He writes for a eopy of Uon. RosecransVeport on the battle of Iuka, eto, and some time after he resolved a reply stating the General was ready to do all in hjs power to aid Ids old comrades "but that all Applications for appointment to office should be made through the proper channel, eto 1 his, we suppose was the most curious (reply ever sent to a letter asking for a public document. For all the world, R sounds JikoArllMjjiisiver to . ... . uimna mtW- That t,'It,. ecrans thought that Mr. fry was a PcnmrsUj can admit of no doubt, for he could not think Mr Fry would ever hide bis principles and psie as the representative id the Democratic Ad ministration in Eugene City. The letter he publishes from Gen. Rosecrans oertninly has nothing tn do with the Eugene postnftice as Mr. Stevenson, Second Assistant Postmaster General, has no mors to do with the selection of the Eugene postmaster, than with the choosing nf our min ister to England. Mr Fry must have written for the Acme or Sqited'hik postofffce, as Mr Stevenson has the disposal of all offices that pay less than' $1000 per annum. Mr. Fry's application states that the people Irrespective of party ask for his appointment when' the Democratic nonies on said instru ment can lie counted on the fingers ofone hand.' Here we have an attempted deception, but it didn't work. The question of compe tency of Mr Fry a town clerk of Atlnntio City, Iowa is between Mr Fry a'nd the Cass County Democrat, the JJeruocrat alnrming that which .f r Fry defiles. We have never considered Mr Fry' con nection with this scheme other than of a cat's ft'iw and a tool of another l e'rson. We do not think that the othor party excels us tn patil olisin, who ho 'iich abounding love for the soldiers he has fleeced, and we believe w. can lie honest and loyal, even should we oppose Mr Fry in his aspirations, The letter which appears in to-day paper over Mr.' Fry's signature is disingenuous, it begs the question, and must raise doubts, it is a witne- against Mr. try, and the strongest that could be brought He has furnished the best reasons why he should not be appointed, and with the reasons given above, a satisfactory answer is formed to bis questions. . Hre. All persons indebted to E W Whipple A Pro's, eitho' by note or book account will please call and settle the same. Our store burned and we mu it collect the money due us, E. W. WinrrLEi Bros. Cottage Grove, Feb 25, 1885. A CANl)ll)ATE,-"Prof.M V.' Garrigus,' of Independence, announces himself a an inde pendent candidate for "Slat school silfieren tendentfor the next election the People of Polk Co k General" the professor thinks want a roan, a fine "publick speeker, and Lecturer, and fine astronomer of the age" to visit the Khools and "incuradge education." The professor acknowledges that hs Is not a gradu ate of Yale.' but his "signriffio and j"urnalis tick" experience, he thinks, will wholly fit hlin for the duties of the office. A Correction. In last week' G card a cirre-pondent from Trent tato that Mr E I p Mjim, c4,ne near having a rnnaway.and that he had th tongue of his wsgon broken J out. Mr William miorms ns ma m tk a mistake as his team did not rnn away nuith wm the tongue of his wagon broken, f laoi w make the correction with pleaaur.. Brevities. City election Monday, Read Trent item on the eighth page, Goixi sold cheap for cash at Matlock's, A fine bt of Eastern hat just received a( Matlock's. Se. Goldsmith's new advertisement ' oa another page. The cow editors' 1st of April last about 309 day every year. Sheriff Campbell report large collection of taxes this week. . ' The Supreme Court hs held the registry law to be "no good.'" Nn Chinese in Harrisburg is th report that comes from that town. R. P. Boise Jr Is now the local editor of th Tacoma, W. T., News. Matlock is receiving a large lin. of new dreaa gmsls. Giv. him a call. Read the Springfield Milling Company' new advertisement iu another column. We acknowledge the receipt nf the published premium list of the State Fair. Window shades of all Imaginable kind at Day & Henderson's furniture it re. The Linn County Democratic- County Con vention has been 0 tiled for Arril 9th. Day A Henderson have received from the East a complete line nf window shades. DrShelton Is soiling good town lots for $50, three blocks froiri Main street, Eugene City. See the new advertisement of the Browns- n llle Woolen Mills store in another column. Andy Titus has sold his barber shop and baa accepted a position at the Foley Spring for the coining summer. The full proceeding of the Lane County Prohibition Convention will be found on th first page ol to day's GuAtil). The Bishop of the Diocese will visit Ea- gono nn Friday iii Holy week, April 20th, and will conduct divine sorvioe. Two hundred and four Immigrant arrived la Portland yesterday by the overland trains, till lielng the largest arrival for some time. The dospicable vulgarity and brutality of th Blunders published by the cow journal prove the writer to be a finished blackguard, nothing else. , Of th thirty-two young lady boarder, at present in the Sacred Heart Academy, in this city, ten are from Lane county. Salem Statesmen. Several parties visited the k'ummlt of Spen- oer's Butte lost Sunday. They report having had a splondld view nf the Willamette valley, as it was unusually clear. Eugene Hook A Ladder Col No'. 1 meeta ntxt Monday evening. A full attendance Is requested, a ihe regular annual election will tnk place upon that evening.' Dr Russell of Cedar Flat, was In town this week. He reports that he has not seen Over two inches of snow this winter In th moun tains. He thinks he know, as h live there. There will be divine service in St Mfy' Episcopal Church on next Sunday" morning) on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 4 p m, and nu Wednesday cveufu al 7:30. All are cordially invited. Sheriff Campbell started out about one-half do.en extra deputies yesterday morning to the different precincts for the purpose of notifying ths Judge and Clerks nf registration of the unconstitutionality of the law. ,The entertainment given by the I, O! 0,'T.slmtge Saturday evening was largely at; tended. The performer, all acrfultted them selves admirably, and a pleasant evening was TJtufitably spent by the audience. The Good Templar, all Over the world will unite to pay proper respect to the mem ory nf the late John D Gough on Sunday, April 11th. The charters of a'l lodge will he draped ill mourning fnr a perind of thirty days froiri that date. Mr. Chds. M nyer,' Jr ,' of San Francisco, was m town last Saturday and Sunday. Mr May er la cneof the most accomplished sither play ers nn the Pad Ho Coast, and while here delighted many of our citlsens with his beau tiful music. His return in several months will he eagerly anticipated and cordially welcomed. The Oieironlan charge more for it adver tising space than d'oes tins paper," and the reas on is very simpte, it has more subscriber, consequently Is more read and therefore mora valuable. It Is on the same principle that the merchant charge nearly ten time mora for ten lbs than for on lb of sugar. All this may be wrong, but we don't think so. Notice. I will have for sale, about Sept 10, 12100 split cedar fence posts, at my mill in Coburg. The price will be $12 per hundred. . Jar. C. Goodals. Coburg, August 22 Cedar Flat Items. March 20, 1886. We have a Sunday school at Mr. I'utroan' on Sunday. Rey Mr Al'wrt nf Michigan has located oa Cedar Flats, his son taking a claim of 80 acre near Chapman' saw milL Tjuitwrek Mr Chapman our denial saw mill man had a log rolling. It was well attended and he has a large place cleared. Th new school house at Cedar Flat, will b completed by June 1st in good style at which time they will commence school, A newcomer from Ohio by the name of Stnmm was severely hurt last week while cut ting timber on his claim at Cedar Flat. A large limb struck him on the head cutting hi scalp to the skull, and inflicting severe injur ies to his he id and fae rendering him inseusl hie for six days. Hs is now sensible and rap idly recovering but remembers nothing of the way he was hurt He is under the care of Dr Russell of th above named place. Postmaster General Vilas objects to Mi name bing used for the Post Office at Cedar; Flats and request some other name to be u,ed. X. L. C. Or. Struck it Rich. -We take fhY fbflnwinj from the Portland Telegram "FiW a' lettsi1. received iu this city a day or tw'o'agn it would" seem as if on. of out fellow citizens! S. W.' Miser had struck a very rich lead 1st Dougla. county, Southern Oregm. A portion of th letter reads: "Hurrah' for Southern Oregon! S. W. Miser has discovered a lead iu South ern Oregon near the Jackson county line Width of lead is from five to six fett A sam ple of th. rock from MUer'. claim ha. just been assayed by Crane, of this city, which shows $ C2 free eold to the ton. Specimen nf the rocl are on xhibitlon at Cran' assa office."