The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 20, 1886, Image 5

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brief ME.vrioas.
1 I
Igi.terl, Rgiiter!!
pfN J Taylor IUC uenwswy-
T cures all kidney trouble
L,, goods .ml
clothing specialty at
Ljy' store.
T - ... v .
Lhty acres of nu ,or "le- lnfu"6 01
vou wt to buy 8'" cheap, the
t. Store U.
Lrybody w' bo VuMed if attend
Bind oftioeri.
.'Mou8 are at work on It M Day'.
brick building.
,. Kidney Tea in tlie bett known rem-
h ,r kidney trouble.
,tndooldtitU every day in me wee
. Horn's barber shop.
i, GuabD doe all kind of job printing
Ler than Portland prices.
to Khinehart'i Hall next rnuay eve
,uJ enjoy wine good music.
ott CM pnrons " '"'" ...v..v.
Watte' 'rom '0 nd upwards.
m want ft book to spend the long
ry sfenings give Sterling Hill ft call
went hardware at reatonaoie prices
I the stow of i'ritohett k Forkuer.
. j H Whitmo'te and wife intend soon
M to Eugene from MonawK precinct.
.nF0ra i the sole agency for U
U r the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigars.
Ltjei skate riit from this data at Rhin
li Gents, edmlasion and skates, 25 els.
Llini HiU keeps in stock an exceljent
Ltaont of good readable works. Give
good farm for raising stock or grain for
oo reawoable terms. Inquire of Judge
emocratsb sure and register in your re
tive precincts. The time is April 6th, 6th
What mast I do to be saved," t the
Ltian Church Sunday, March 21st, at
)ity election two weeks from Monday,
notio in another column given by the
y Recorder.
Mr D R Lakin has a cooper shop in this city
fi It prepared to Make and repair all kinds
jwillow ware.
X pleasant home for sale by Myron E
Ilkins, near Willamette street. Inquire
I mail or in person.
Jdr Elroy Collin ha repurchased the do-
ery wagon, and will take charge or the
at next Monday.
i i .. .if' .
jThe services of ft reentered thoroughbred
J-sey bull may be secured by calling on Mr
$0 Perkins a mile below town.
k-tir VUll ,cw -uii ui ,.v.v ....
Idling to be built in the south-western
Jrt ot town, to McFarland k Feuton.
Sterling Hill, at the posti!fice, takes sub-
j-iotiuns fo Wr evirr newspapor and
wiodinal in America, at the publishers rates.
Remember, you can purchase Justices
Ink sumocn, civil and criminal suhpoenaes
I complaint at the Guard office at Portland
utev J 8 McCain hot purchased the Ya-
lot Mail, published at Newport, and will
Wter devote his time to publishing' the
The following announcements for City
'arshal will be found in another column:
lessrs Wm Durant, Geo W Fletcher, Gno
fost and Egbert C Lake.
If you want to buy anything in the cloth-
g or dry goods line, give Mr S H Friendly
call, as he has just received a stock uf
joods that must be sold at once.
Ons of the largest stocks of boots and shoes
erbroutht to Euirene has jiiHt arrived at
Jatlocks'. They were bought direct from the
anufacturers in the East and will be sold on
fery reasonable terms.
For dyspepsia, headache and all disorders
jrising from a disordered stomach, Da Haven's
Pyspepsia Cure is an infallible remedy. Try
and be convinced, r or sale hy
Ohbuiw 4 Co.
At Matlock's a verv fine line of ladies
Ihoes of the celebrated H D Holhrook make,
lirect from the Eastern manufacturer. The
kdies of Lane county would do well to call at
lr Matlock's store and examine these goods.
Oo and after Auril 1st thn undersigned
Fill commence doing business ou a
eady pay basis, selling goods for cash or
roduue only. All purchasnr will Hud it to
heir interest to call and get prices.
Then will htk Aluinn Arvinn in Sifc farv'ft
Episcopal Chnroh next Sunday, . morning
kod evening; also on Tuesday and Tuesday
Wternoon and Wednesday evening.' All are
C'Jtllilllr IllnlJ n mttnA
I The U S grand jury has been called' to
.meet in Portland, March' 23d. The follow-
!-n( gentlemen from Lane connty have been
driwn u member of that body: H Q
f .1 .1 ; ni . . . r.
jiiicn, win tsmitn and u vv sears.
Dr Graves' closinz services will be held on
Monday at the liaptiat Church at 3 p m,
last least," Eveninu at the same place at
1 7 o'clock, 'address to vouna ladies." The
sme address will be given at 8 o'clock at
Rhineharts HalL At the close of tnese ser
vice Dr Graves will say good bye.
, Ayer'i flair Vigor stimulate the hair cells
to health action, and promotes a vigorous
growth. It contain all that ean be sup.
plied to make the natural hair beautiful and
abundant; keen the calp free from dandruff
od make the hair flexibfe and glosy.
When the blood ia loaded with impurities,'
and moves sluggishly in the veins, an alter
tive i needed. This condition of the viUl
fluid cannot last lorn? without serions results.
There is nnthinir KatfAi than Avpp'a SUm.
Prilla to purify the blood, excite the liver
to action.
The Firemen Band will give a concert
on Friday evening, March 26l.h, "assisted by
the best musical talent in the citv. The
Programme will consist of instrumental and
ocal music character aongi, solos, duetts,
qnartetta, etc. The proceed to be applied
n new lnstrnmeaU.
,,' - A
Coon Range Items.
. , March 10, 1880,
..Wear having variety 'of weather this
. A niece of J Boyd, from Junction, is visit
ing her.
Born, to the wife of n I .vnha. a. inn Afnthap
and child doing well, and ilea may recover.
We are sorry to learn tint lioo.jack has the
rheumatism, and hope for liis speed reoovery.
Mr W Bullard intendi HtArfclnir 'fnp TYaj; A
a short time, to look after his lurxe bauii
Miss N E Goodnastui-e has been itonnini
with ter brothers, VV L and T A, for the latt
two freeks.
W ULdersjind that Civ
his prospective son in Uw iu partnership in tlie
hop I'umiiens.
Thare must be some attraction at Spring
ild. as 11 IS bag been uoiua there of Urx
every Friday evening.
We understand that tlm I.mnli- iio.hAlr
Yacyby, is now prepared to give lessons in
music to any that may dexire.
Old Thoughtless.
City Real Estate Transactions.
W T Osburn to Ada S Biitterfield, lot in
Eugenei con 81250.
Geo II Parks to F M Wilkius, lot in Eu
gene; con $450.
S P and 8 H Lowell to Bell Jennings, lot in
Ejgene; oon $1000.
John M Harper to A W Patterson, lot in
Eugene: con $1.
M C El'sworth to B S Wilbur, lot in Eu
gene; con $250.
Having sold my insurance business to
Messrs Hendricks & Eakin, I would hereby
tender my thanks to the people of Eugene City
and Lane county for the very liberal business
Destowed upon me. 1 would also most cor
dially recommend my successors, Messrs Hen
dricks & Eukin. . Chas. Lal'ER.
Eugene City, March 19; 1886.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby civeii that the nnrtnentbin
heret 'fore existing between J W Hulery and
r f iiaxter has been dissolved by mutual con
sent ,T. W. Hl'LKRY.
P. F. Baiter.
Eugene City, March 1, 1886.
The DEMrsEV LaBlanchb Prize Fight.
The Dempsey-LaBlanche prize finht came
off as per arrangement on last Saturday at a
place called Rye, just on the border line be
tween New York ami Conneticut. The stakos
were $1,000 a side and a puree of about $2,000
made up hy some of the notable sporting men
of New York. The fight was conducted ac
cording to the Marquis of Queensberry rules,
and is regarded by those who claim to know to
be the hardest fought middle-weight battle on
record, ltoih men were ceverely pimished.and
thirteen rounds were fought, lasting 5'J min
utes. Lelilanche was com; letely used up and
when attempting to meet hie antagonist in the
fourteenth round was about falling, and Demp-
sey caught him and assisted him to his chair.
Both .contestants pronounced the battle a fair
Saying" ova "Agitator." One of the
Poitlaud agitators is said to have remarked
a day or two ago that the country is on the
verge of "arnica," and if the law snd order
men did nut look out ''arnica" would e'yon
dnwu like night and "macassar seal Oni
gnu' eternal brave. He is the man v,ho
apologized for the uulamented Butes' p.ior
poor oratory by saying that his "bronieal
jhubes" were out of order. Tho "agitator"
has evidently, been thinking of "anarohy"
and "massacre." If there is any massacro he
he, will get. his dose. Ihu anarchy part he is
doing his bout to preclpltn'e. Statusi.iau.
PXINTINO. Owing to my sickuesH last
Fall I was not ablo to attend to my painting
business, but uow I am much better, nnd I
have secured two good mechanics from Eng.
land who have each served an apprentice
ship of seven years, who will do all work
offered me this Summer. All work will be
executed in the bcxt oi Btylo. Sign and car
riage work a specialty. I have just recieved
a large quantity of Salem and Eastern nils
aud all kindj of paints, which will be sold at
reasonable prices. Give me a call and get
prices. Special attention given to orders.
Joseph: La b.
Cct Rates. Mr 8 H Friendly has just
received large stock of dry goods from the
East, which, owing to the cut ates made by
the railroads, ho intends selling sftices
that will astonish all. Times are hitiWnd
he is bound to give his customers the benVlit
of the low rates consequent to tho railroad
New Tailor Snop.-Mr J Davis has estab
lished a new tailor shop in this city, one
door north of F B Dunn's store. He does
all kinds of work in the best of style at rea
sonable rates. Pants from ?7 np. He makes
cleaning and repairing a specialty. Mr
Davi is au excellent workman. Give him a
Notice Tp Voters All persons desiring
to vote at the next June election, are noti
fied that they must appear at their usual
places of voting on the 5th, (Tth and 7th
day of April, I38C, and register; otherwise
under the law they cannot vote.
Married. In Salem, Oregon, March
17th, 1886, by Key E J Thompson, Engene
H Bristow and Miss Pugh. The couple will
take np their permanent residence in East
Portland. Eugene's many friends congratu
late. Closed. Sheriff Campbell, last Tuesday
afternoon, closed the saloon of Mr J W Wil
ton, on attachment. The amounts of the
claim are as follows: E Gnlinsky & Co,
$70; A J Weiller k Co 860; S Smead, J65.
He will not resume.
Tare Notic All those owing me by
Bote, account or otherwise are requested to
call and settle the samp immediately, as I
must have what is duo me. I do not want
to pnt the acconnts in the hands of an at
torney if I can help it.
J. M. Sloax.
L Salomon Talks, He says that all
those indebted to him must come forward i
and settle ot else they may have the unpleas-1 Dl.KD At th,e ''' of Kv Mr Bax
ar.t matter brought to their attention by a ter, in Mohawk precinct, March 15, 13S6,
lawyer. A word to the wise is sutliuient i Una, daughter of Mr P F Baxter.
Farmers Take Notice. A good dinner can
hadat Baker' Hotel tut 25 cents.
County Democratic Committee Meeting.
The member of the Democratic Central
Committee of Lane county re hereby called
to meet in Eugene City, Tuesday, Marlii
23, 1886, at 2:30 nm, for the purpose of
choosing a time foV the holdiug of a County
Convention, and apportioning delegatus to
the same. E. P. Colkmam, Chairman.
The members of the oommittoe are as fol
lows: E P Coleman, 0 B Dorris, A D Bur
ton, H M Veatch, U K Hayes and L Bilyeu.
Cottage Grove Items.
Cottage Grove, March 11, 1886.
Mr H lladley came up to this place lost
Miss Minnie Porter, of Shedd, was in town
Monday night.
Mrs John Whiteaker left for her homo in
Portland Saturday.
Mr Sam Veatch had about one-fourth ot his
teeth extracted last week.
Frost snd ice every day up to the 10th inst.
Some snow on the surrounding hills several
Mr U H Hazleton was kicked by a horse a
few days ago, ou the thigh, aud considerably
Mr James Sears killed a bald eat;le one day
last week that measured seven feet from tip to
tip of its wings.
Mr Lawson Sleigh has been quite sick at the
residence of his father, rive miles west of here.
Dr Osburn has been attending him.
There was a s iciahle at the resilience of Mr
L B Wharton Tuesday evening, and one at
Mr 11 Chance's Wednesday evening.
March 17, 1886.
St ratrloV Day.
Mr D H Coleman, of Eugene, was in town
. Rev Mr Smeed preached here, last Monday
evening. s -,
Messrs Veatch and Thornton cam .down
from the mines Saturday. . " j
Aunt Kittle Cooley, mother of Alex and
John Cooley, is quite ill
Mrs Dr Kennedy and son, of . the Lower
Siuslaw, arrived here to-day on a visit to rela
Rev 0 II Wallaee returned from Mary's
river last week, where he delivered a series of
sermons. '
Mrs Avery roiurned home last Friday from
a canvassing tour of several months, with a
chart for dress cutting.
There was a Prohibition meeting held in the
church here last Friday evening, at which
several little speeches were made.
Tuesday miming came in looking quite
wintry, the ground being covered with snowf
which was also tbo case this, Wednesday,
A little boy by the .name of Mol'herson,
who, with his mother, was visiting relatives in
this vicinity, died March 11th, at the resilience
cf David Mosby, They wero from California.
Miss Sadie Meyers narrowly escaped being
baoly burned last Monday morning. - She was
stauding near the tirepiacu when ber dress took
hie, and was in tputH a maze when she noticed
it. Sue was slL'iitly burned iu Cftini;iiisliing
the name-.
:. :. Vebitt.
Prineville Items:'
Marco 6, 1380.
Weather cloudy; thermometer W, - '
Hills and desert covered with show.
Vtul LUdgpath closed hii school her ori tie
otu. l, . ' ; .'r-.:f
V . .
j I7i jjorsey nas moveo. iu nil i.irm on new
some creek.
Mrs Jss Iiuckey will start East on a visit in
a short time.
Dink Graham and Linn Woods opens (hoir
new sal'sm to-day.
The sheep men now pay tbo same bounty on
coyote scalps hs the comity.
Col Smith, of Eugene,, arrived here on the
stage from The Dalles last night.
Miss 0ie Walton has moved her school
from the Power's Hull to the district school
Mrs S J New arm will start iu a few days on
a visit to relatives iu tho eastern part of the
Several deer were seen close to town yestei
day evening. All the boys that can get a gun
and a horse are out for a chase.
Several persons from here intend visiting
relations in ih valley as soon as they can
cross the mountains. The snow is repot ted as
not being very deep at Fish Lake,
Douglas Baker, of Silver creek, is In town,
and reports having had a good Winter with no
lose 6i stock. Mr li is a brother of Win
Baker, or Grand Prairie, Lane county.
There will be about five tickets in the field
this ejection; DHinocratiugw Uepyblican, Mug
wi'mp.V Vigilatities and Jlooushiners. The
lust trt'iAare hul l im,' me.fin'j now forthe
purpose of controliug the conventions.
Iei;uuvR. i
Last Notice.
Connty and State taxes will bo delinquent
April 1, 1386. Hoed this notice and save
cus and percentage for collection of the
J, K. CAM Pr! ELL, .
SlioyQ and Tax Collector.
Notice. My wife, Mrs E J Stinit, having
left 'liy bed and board, I hereby give notice
thatI will not bo responsible for any debts
of her contraction from thi (Tate. Dallas,
Feb 6, 1886. A. Stisit." The dijove notice
we clip from the Dallas Itemizer, It is just
cheeky enough to emanate from such a bilk
' as Stitiic. We don't suppose he could pur
chase 25 cent worth of good in any town
iu Oregon, for the simple reason that he
pays uo one.
Contract Let. The contract for the erec
tion of the new nue-story brick building
just south of tho I X L Store has been let to
Mr L N Roney for $1,640. When finished
it will be occupied by Kliue k Krause, as a
boot and shoe store.
Vacancies;. We are informed that there
are two vacancies in the Lane county schol
arships to the State University, viz j' Jennie
McClure, term expired, and Mary Potter,
Oslv 60 Cents. The Guard will b a fur
nished to all new subscribers until after
the June election for the small sum of 50
Wanted. A girl todogeueral housework,
Apply at the residence of Chas Laces.
,Lane County Pionears.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors Jof
Pioneer Association for Lane County, held
in Euguiiu March It, 1886, the following
member were present: , Hon A 8 Patter-
Jm, Vloe PwiiUjiit; Hon K P Coleman, Prof
W Johnson, aud Hon T U Hendricks, See
. The minutes pf the last auuual meeting
were read. and approved. .
A letter from Gov John 'hitea'ker, War
ing date ol Feb 6, 1886, tendering bit resig
nation a President of the Association, was
read and ordered filed, and Hon A S Patter
son assumed duties ss President.
On motion of Hon K P Coleman it was re
solved, that a vote of thanks are due aud is
hereby tendered Ex Governor Whiteaker for
the great interest he has manifested iu tho
Pioneer Association of Lann county, and
that we greatly. regret the nocessity . of his
resignation as bur presiding officer.
It was resolved that the Pioooer Asso.
ciation hold their third annual Grand Re-
union at Eugene City, on Thursday', June
3, 1886, in accordance with the constitution
and by-law of said association.
Ex-Govnpr Whiteaker was chosen as
Orator of fie Day, with Prof Thomas Con
don as alternate.
Elder Philliu Mhlksv Wis annninted
Chaplain, with iter Oillospi a alternate.
Hn i J.tVngr 'sras appointed annalist.
Hob K ? Coleman wan appointed Grand
Marshal, with'Amo 'Wilkiu and Goo W
Kinsey md,fants. .- , .
Commrtme" on grounds 8 A Ogden, Geo
Swift and J U Gray. ,
lommitlffl on music J H McClung, J 0
Watts. Mill Nettie McCornack and Miss
Committee on toato F M Dunnl Hon
John Kelly and A U Hovey.
Committee on amusements J B Rhine
hart, Henry HorTmxo, R M .Day, DrJC
Whiteaker and William Walker,.
; The programme will b a follow: ,.,.
' 1 Profession of Pioneer to be .formed in
front of the Court House under th direction
of the Grand Marshal and hi aid, at 10
ocioc. . .. i , ,
2 Camo to be formed nearitand erected
for the speaker.
3 Music
4 Prayer by Chaphno.
5 Music
6 Oration.
7 Muie.
8 Heading of Annals.
9 Music .
10 Meeting amund the camn fire, at
which time abort speeches, toast, etc will be
in order, after which a grand basket dinner
will be enjoyed.
Ihorewillbea business meeting at the
Court Hnneo after the ceremonies arc over
at the grounds, for the purpose of electing
oliict rs to serv the Association th ensuing
year, and to transact such other business ai
may come before the meeting.
I he KfTetary was instructed to notify the
lifl'iTi'iit officers of the day of their election.
and to give a oopy of the proceedings to
each of the city papers for publication.
On motion the meeting adionrned subject
to the call of the President.
T. w. Hendrick, Sec.
Eugene, March 9, ISS6.
Another Question of Veracity.
, We'pnbj.h to-day a letter from Gen. W.
S. UoseoTUus to a gentleman of thi oity where
in th statement are diametrically opposite to
those mad by the editor of the eow paper.
Ther4M never better time, foe explanation
' ft! tee ther will give it rittht now. If
they do nrtt, or if they shuffle, th people win
know who tells the truth and who do not Here
Is the letter of General Rosecrans:
Treasury Department, )
Register' Othce. 1
.Wasiiijuitox, D. C, February lO.h, 1880.
Dear Shi: A. man named Henry Fry
wrote me that he was nil apilicant for the
Post Oltine, anil was probably told by me how
such application should Lu made. I do not
know him, and cannot remember ever having
seen him.
I think his oaU!rs were sent in my care, and
forwarded to tlie 1'iwtiuaster General ome pa
wrs at least, but I have no memorandum, and
no uetailed recollections of what they were.
I should be vsry sorry to say or do anything
to prevent the Democracy of Eugene City from
having their wishes and views favorably con
sidered in the appointment of Postmaster.
Can you tell mo where Henry Fry is from,
and what military service, if any, he prettmds
to have rendered during the War for the
Union, and in what command.
Very Truly Yogrs, -
Tiik Oreiionian on thkO. P. The Jfler-
ald-Dissciiiinntnr says' that in a sensible arti
ule upon the business situation in the WIS'
lamette Valley, the Oregonian says: "The
middle counties Liun, Benton, Polk and
Marion are expecting great benefits from
flio una OrncriKi Pjiiiilin ir V.Oninil Knv rnih.
-0 -- - ' lX .
road, which is to be extended at once to iWittee.
Albany. It has been found cheaper to send
grain to San Francisco via Yaquina Bay than
to market it in Portland, And merchandise
is being brnugh by this routo at less cost
than via Portland. The Oregon Pacific
Company, it is reported, will pnt another
steamer on the route between Yaquina Bay
and San Francisco very soon, and during the
coming year will make a strong bid for Wil
lamette business. We would prefer, natur
ally, that the business of the country should
come to and through Portland, but if better
terms can be made elgewhere, then the bosi
ties must go that way."
Thi "Moonshiners." We stated last Week,
that Mr Joseph Davi had boen arrested for
running th saloon near the bridge without ,
license, After a trial Mr Davi was acrrtiitted
as it appeared that he had nothing at all to. do
with running the saloon. The Sheriff tben ar
rested one John Beverly on th earn charge,
and he whs tried on the evening of March
12th before Justice Henderson,' who held bim
over to await the action of the grand jury in
the sum of $50. Thursday he furnished ATessrs
Win Edris and Wm Skelton as bondsmen and
was discharged from custody.
T i-
Dr. Graves' Meeting. To night at Rhine-
hartVllall thc.Dr will preach on "The Mod
ern Dance," at 6:45 sharp closing in time for
Mis White' lecture at th f Presbyterian
church.,. At 3 p'm be will give t Bible reading
at the Presbyterian church on, "Sheltered by
the blood." Sunday evening the evangelist
will ak at 7 o'clock and at 8 o'clock. The
song services and addresses by the pastors at
the Hall will begin at 7 p m.
Removed. Mr J Davis has removed his
tailoring establishment Bp-stairs into the rear
pmrn of Walton's brick building. Anyone
wanting good work dune should give him a
Several immigrants have loostod in Laue
oounty thi week.
Two traveling co'ored musician wore in
town lost Thursday.
Mr 0 ftettmaiv wilt remove to the I X L
Stor about April 1st
AI Hembree intend returning to Lane
county from Burn next month.
Th Linn County Prohibition Convention
is called to meek March 29, 1886.
The students of lliq University generally
wore the green ties on St Patrick s Day.
The trial of W W Saunders, the Albany
homicide has been continued until June.
A large numlier of cattle and sheep be
ing shipped from this station to Portland.
The hills have been covered with (now
this week, making the air feci wintry-like.
All Pioneer should read the proceeding
of the mcutiug of the Executive Committee
Monday, Tuesday and WedneiJay, April
8 th, 6th and 7th is the proper dates upon which
to register.
Mr J J Cotnstnck has sold her saw mill
near Latham to a Mr Palmer, of Drain sta
tion. The north bound train was three hours late
yesterday, A slide beyond Roseburg was the
Farmers snd horsemen, it will pay you to
read Mr T J Duuton' advertisement In anoth
er column,
A large amount of freight arrived in Eugene
via the Yaquina route from San Francisco last
Tuesday morning.
Dr Sharpies sprained one of his. ankle last
Thursday. .He is now able to be about the
street With the aid of a cai e.
( Prof T F Campbell, of Corvallis, it promi
nently mentioned a the probable nominee
for Governor on the Prohibition ticket.
( We acknowledge the receiptj ot a compli
mentary ticket to the social party given last
evening by the Eugeue Social Club. Thank.
i N Luper wa bound over to appear be
fore the grand jury last Saturday by Justice
Henderson in the sum of 9500, with Rodney
Scott and J $ Stewart a bondsmen!
The Indian War veterans of 1835 6 will meet
in the Court House this afternoon at 1 o'clock
p m for the purpose of organising an Encamp
mont, There should be a liberal attendance.
The machinery for the new foundry to be
established in this city, by Mr Frazier, late of
Roseburg, has arrived, Our people should
give the new enterprise all possible encourage
J E Houston, formerly of thi place, is
spoken of as a candidate for thi ollico of
Superintendent of tublie Instruotino before
the Prohibition State Convention that meets
in Salem, March 31st
The last issue of the cow journal was uhiit
terably vile and dirty. In chat line we leave
them thn laurel they may pluck from th
slime; we do not compete. Vulgarity is not
wit, any more than yov. art what you pretend
to be.
Some person attempted to assssiioate Mr
M Fenwick, a former resilient of thi connty,
recently at hi horn near Burns, Oregon,
The aeaassin shot at him, but luckily a book
lu hi breast packet received the bullet A
uarrow escape.
Mr F M Wilkiu ha purchased the old
tannery property on Eighth street, near the
mill race, the sum paid being 9550. The
building occupied by Blair Bros will be eu-
larged, and Mr Frazier, late of Rnsejmrg,
will establish a foundry in the now building.
The many friends of T J Blair, of this city,
will be pleosod to learn that the reported
shortage In his accounts as county treasurer,'
to the amount of over $400 is a mistake. As
further examination ot his books ond account
reduce the amount to about (200, and it is
thought that thi anion nt will be found. Cor
vallis Gazette.
L G Ross, wlloormerly attended tho
Univeffii tsfTTsoappe "his pistol at W B
I'arkor.' of Lakeviow, last i?atunluWi Parker
tbSifthc'rtL ill' Rosswice.S mi'
BotUHlie combatant tiaveMic
bcuu bound over
iiijtie sum of $500, to await tli actum of the
Lako county grand jury.
The Democratio Stte Central Committee
meets in tlie city of Portland to-dny for th
purpose of selecting a date and place for the
meeting of the State Convention, and for such
other business as may come before the ceta:
cj r .1 Hi
Lane County Pbmonraoy at the meeting.
, Rev A C Faivhild has been appointed,
superintendent of the new M E Church
building, and J II McClung has been ap
pointed to collect the subscriptions. A
ro uble slab, appropriately inscribed to the
memory of Cynthia A Humphrey, was
ordered to be placed iu tho foundation of the
The 1 O O T entertainment bus been post
poned from Friday evening, March 10th, to
Saturday evening, March 27th, on accouut
of the Japanese scenery and costumes for
th "Mikado" part of the programme being
delayed. Tickets, including reservod scats,
will be on sale at Crain Bros after Monday
next Admission 25 cent.
Dr Graves, the Evangelist, has been holding
a successful meeting a Rhinehart's Hall. The
place ha been crowded every night thi week.
Many persons ar deeply interested and quite a
number have been converted, Th sermon
to young men Wednesday night , was listened
to bv over on hundred voumr. men besides a
large congregation of older persons. Dr GrAve
is very earnest and bold and is making a deep
impression upon the community.
Wanted, A capable man or. woman of unf
versal energy tq take the agency of this or
some othr county for the "History of Cali
fornia,'' To theright party it will pay from 100
to 43(10 per month. Address F Pearson, Mana
ger Occidental Publishing Co. -
Notice. Mr. B. II.. James having retired
from business and being desirous of settling
up, request all those indebted by note or ac
count to immediately call and Disks a settle
menL He can be found at his office in the
Conrt House, ready to receipt for all debt
due him.
Hop Plrchahed. Yesterday Mr S H
Friendly purchased 200 hales of 1884 bop. He
will ship them to New York immediately.
Mr Chas lancr continue t;o improve. ,
Rev E R Geary visited Albany last Tue
V- . ,. , . , .. ... . . ' , . j.
Mr J W Cherry is able to be about the
house. , ,
Judge Washburn returned from Salem
last Tuesday. , , ,
Mr Geo C Swift ha accepted position In
Peters' store. . ,
, Dr Jones loft on i
, visit to Cheney, W T,
last Monday. ,
Mr C C Cherry, of Albany wa in town one
day fhis week. , , ,. ... , .j
Mr Peter Runcy aud 1rid hare returned Portland.. , , . , ..' ...
Dr J C Whiteaker, of Cottage Grove, wa
in town Tuesifay. . , .. i , : . ,
Mr J II Goodman ha removed to ill: farm
near Sorinulield. . . ..' '
Hurrv ami Jake Warshaner will leave
Engeuo in about one week.
Mr R M Robimon i quite ill at the fam
ily residence in this city. . ,
Senator E P Coleman went to Portland
last Thursday morning. , . ,
Mr Pliny Snodgrass has accepted a posi
tion in the First National Bank of this city.
Mr Geo Gill and family have moved to-
Snlcm, where they will reside during th Sum
mer. . ... , -
Attorney J- C Fentoh, weut ti Corvalli.
on professional business last Wednesday
inerning. i , . ,
Mr S Munra, of Ponnville, ha been Uf
iting relatives and friuudt ip Eugene during
the past week, , ,
Mr T J Nelson, of Portland, Deputy Rv.
enue Collector under .liovernor vvniteaKer,
gave us a pleasant call last Thursday after,
noon. I- '
Mr W H Williams, the arohitect of the
new Cuivorsily building, passed last Sunday
in Eugene. He wa muoh pleased with the
work of the construction on the building and
recommended it acceptance.
Weather (till continue sumnwlike.
Schooner AmythUt tailed the 3d Inst
There will be lie school at Florence thi
year owing to the impossibility of procuring
title to land, at present for a cbool house.
Deoutv Sheriff Cochran ha been on th Si
uslaw apropos the Malone-Wentworth case. He
thinks he must pay "Old Ocean a visit tbt
A natural oranberry marsh. A practical
tarty has boen prospecting around Aleroer
ake with the Intention of cultivating a large
cranberry raorsb there, ...
Posters are up for for a fechool meeting to be'
held in the caimery On W A Cox place to
elect officers ami arramre- other matter prepar
atory for ,a school this Hummer. . ,.
iit Andrew Famine.' f South Slonih, ha so
far Improved in health that he is able to he
nnt,.isitlti hi ifnend. Thi I an agreea
ble ohang for bim after hi long ticknes,,, .c
Th trail from Anm to the North TolrW
already being found useful Th other datf
w tried to stop a man who was running acros
with a hack load of lumber from the mill, tat
he exclaimed, "Eureka" and said a man wae
waiting in hi boat for him on th other side, ,
Messr Foster and Presley arrived at Acme
on Satuaday and took a trip to th lake en
Sunday- ' C.J.P.
, . r
Lane County Prohibition Party Con
vention. Th County Convention of the Prohibition
Party is hereby called to meet at the Court
House, in Eugene City, on Saturday, March
27, 1886 at one o'clock p m for the purpoM( yf,
electing 8 delegate to th State .Cobyenttori.t
be held at Salon), March 81,1.886, and traii
acting sucn other business as th :convention-
may deem advisable. The various precinct
are invited to send the following number of
Delegates: .-. . ' .'
South Eugene...
, 6' North Engine 6
. 8 Kail Creek
Pleasant Hill
Cottage Grove...
Mohwk. ........
Long To-n
Lost Valley
,. 4 Cresswell 6'
,. 8 Willamette S
, , 3 Junction 6'
. 3 Richardson..
,. 3 Spencer 3
,. 2 Hazel Dell.. 1
,. 2 Middle Fork 2'
.. 2 Irving..' 5,
.. alUhesher.: 2
,. llLake Creek 1
.. I1
('amp Creek
iV i.
Co vote
Wild Cat.
The primaries are called in the variou pre
oincts to be hold on Monday, March 22, 1886,!
to elect delegate to county convention a
nhiive. 8. B. MoitUH.
Chairman Lane County Central Committee.
- i
Artihtio Painting. A fine painting i.
on'exlutitinn in the show window of Crain,
Bros, the artist, being M J Odell of this city.
The pioture show exquisite artistic ability and:
should be seen to be appreciated. Mr OdelL
is quite proficient In this line, and in delinea
tion and execution shows ro.- skilL Th
lady having no musio classe on Tuesday af
ternoons, she i willing to give lessons in paint
ing to limited number during th afternoon
of that day1. Tr.lticn, moderate.
Married-At the residence of B M Rich
ardson. March 10th, Wm Brown and Mr Nel-
lie J Hitchcock by T J Neelcy, J r. May
a full portion of wedded Wis be their.
Fine Shek? Pubchaset. Mr Norri Hum
phrey ha purchased from Mr John Moor 2
head of the famous Shropshire sheep, payinf,
,vn im l, ........ (I'Xn'iliihkniiAiA averaora
CLU.os ,i.r hi. w""' t "v - --r a
A pretty good price.
at the reqiwst ot many citizen, I here! ;
announoe mvself as an Imdipe.nden CahH
n,Ti fur tin, iillio of ClTI MANHHAt at ti (
etsuing City election. wil. iJuAT.
will lie a candidate for tlie office of Cm
Marshal at th ensuing municipal election.
nflii of Cm Marshal at th cominjr City
election, Monday, April 5, 18J. j. uua -
a candidate for ClTI Mam Hal at theean
ing City lctK. G, G, GaOos,