THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. 8ATUUDAY MAIiCH20. I8S. Blaine a Ywii Dcmocraiir . Bearers. Slnnilard The sketch cf Mr. Dlainr'B oppo nents in hi nw hook are very inter Mtinir. The politic of the author rn of tli nioat radical type, hut exw t in a few caws, he ha given what worn a fair idea of the men thenmnlve. That Mr. BlaitiH hhould injact o much vit riol in hi account of Carl Schurz, is not to be j wondered over. It is a marked testimony that the caMigations Inflicted by,tho latter were not un iecded j Mr. Blaine, and the ditiin ereted and impartial public will un derstand th reason. But the moat interesting portrait is that drawnfor the great Democratic leader, BafeuelJ. Tilden, It is very high praie indeed, core ing from such an fxtremepsriiHun a Blaine, and it revealRj tLat the Republican leaders are acquainted with his honesty and purity aua that they fear him and ma licn hiiu lcauM of his preeminent " ability We give below the characters of TiWen and Seymour as viewed by . Jh(wiLcublican leader: w'Mr Tljden has Wit the subject of vftheniant and contradictory judgments. Ilia friends have well-nigh canonized him as representing the highest type of public virtue, his toes nave painwti him as an adept in craft and intrigue, His partisans have hold him up as the evansm of a newer and purer dispensa tion; his opponents declare that his ability is marred by selGshneHS and characterized by cunning. His followi rs have exalted him as the ablest and most high minded statesman of the times; his critic have described him as a most artful, astute and umtcrupulous politician. The truth dmibtles lies be twnen the extremes. Adroit, ingenious . and wary, skillful to plan and strong to execute, cautious in judgment and via orous in action, taciturn and mysteri ' ous a a rule and yet singularly open and fwnk on occasion, resting on the old traditions yet leading in new patli wavs. surprising in the force of his blow aud yet leaving a sense of re served power, Mr. Tilden unnucstiona bly ranks among the greatest masters ' of political management that our cia has seen. IIOKATIO SEYMOUR. No man was more seductive in an Deal or more impressive in sedate and stately eloquence. With his art of persuasion he combined rare skill in evading difficult questions while pre serving an appearance of candor. His speech's were as elusive and illusive as 1 they were smooth and graceful The (Knights of Labor of Indiana 1 through fyHiator voorliees liavo pre sen ted the following petition to the U 8. Senate: "Wj demand that a In, j protective tariff, direct to the lloveru 1 ment. be placod on the Chinese labor " now in the United States and 'IVrritor ies, the satua not to excied 82 per day - and not lew than tl 25 per day to each and every man, this tariff to be J paid by all parties employing said ' Chinese labor, said tariff to ho paid monthly in advance by such contract : ing parties. e donvind that a smta bin numbor of first cluss vessels of the United States navy be iniinedmtt ' stationed on the 1'acilio Count, with or ' ders to pick up all suspicious-looking " vessels coming within 3(0 miles of the American con, thoroughly search the same, and if finding contraband Clii - nose laborers on lioard, enforce the luw 'by hsavy penalties." That would 'be a measuro of protection, indeed, but the Republican Senate will never pass tauch a bill. They are too busy (protecting the interests of capital. Whence, forsooth, did the senate klerive its authority to constitute it self a court, and try the question of the partisanship of a removed ollicial! And even if it bad such an authority, how could a trial conducted by it in secret session satisfy the aggrieved ollicialt The president stands fairly and squarely before the country on this question. Except through the vicious chagrin of the disappointed and the impotent ma lignancy of the defeated, ho is unas sailable In him constitutional Do otocracy is dauntless and impugnable, alike unmoved by threat or bribes, recognizing no master but the people, and no limitations on popular sover ignty represented through hiui, ext cept those made by the people themselves in their constitution and their law, Just now it would I profitable for oiue of our Republican contemporar ies to discuss the propriety of Senator Kdmunds going from the Senate Cham ber to the Supreme Court room to take part in legal contests involving quea tion pending before Congress, and es pecially the propriety of Edmunds' act of serving before the courts as an at torney of one of the companies hostile to the Cell Telephone monopoly. Detroit Free Press: "Where have we lost since the presidential election," inquired Senator Evarts at the recent banquet Michigan, 188.1, 30,000 ma jority. The Marysville, Cal., Appeal says the contest for the presidential honors in the Republican national convention' will be between I land Stanford aud James G. Rlaine. Eastern newspaper correspondent sty "Oregon two senators, Dolph and Mitchell, are repliant towards each th.eV When the llpublican papers were bragging in the last campuign that the country's prosperity wes due to their party, the Dhinocialic press pointed to the failing baiil.s, and the low price of h'-at and asked them to explaie. What we then remarked was that man ingenuity had exhajsted itself 10 i waver one article of use to th fan mer tint did not cost him far MoT than ir wiik worth. We claimed tlnu us now that with a reform in the tariff te could get more with 50 cents than ho now obtains with 75 cents, thut he ould sa-.e 10 cents a bushel in freight. W e further showed trom tne teijublican statistics that moro pro ducts of the farm are sent abroad, in pile of the handicap tariff, in proper- . . . . . u.. A i lion, than twelliy-nvo yearn njj We asked the Republican papers to explain how it was that a tantf that bears it lightest toucn on luxuries that the rich will buy, and the heaviest on the necessities that the poor must lave, favor the workingiuen. We inquired as to what become of our merchant marine. W e wanted to snow who imported and now import contract labor into the United Stales, wny there were moro strikes in the protected in dustries than all others combined, why they paid less wages than in other oCcu" nations, ana tinauy wny u bs mat . ...... - il . under the low tanll ol 1047 the mighti eft progress ever made in manufactures occurred? These questions have never been answered. A discouraging conviction that the Senate's wasting precious time over an artificial, false and petty itmue forces itself upon us. But once before in nearly eighty years has it been raised. Do the Republicans think rresident Cleveland is another Andrew Johnson? Was their "fight" upon that prenident well ft chapter of purty glory that they would gladly see it repeated today? Did not Senator Hoar at the opening of the session regard the last relic of the anti Johnson legittUtion as a fit subject for repeal. Springfield Re publican. It is a remarkable measure of stultifi cation for Republican papers to rail at Daniel Manning for his acts us secre tary of the treusury. Jie is acting according to the laws, all of winch are distinctively Republican, except the Bland Silver Bill, which was passed by a Demrcratio Congress. The Pro tective Tariff is the means by which that surplus is gathered, yet huw many Republican newspaper are willing to levy a tariff which will not yield a sur plus of $100,000,000 oimuuly. Are ten such in the nation? i v . Ihe population ot Loudon now ex ceeds evpry other city, ancient or mod em. New York and all the adjacent cities combined are not equal to two thirds of it. Scotland, Switzerland. aud the Australian colonies each con tain fewer souls, while Norway, Servia, Greece and Denmark have scarcely half as many. Yet at the beginning of tho present century the population of London did not reach one million. Ihe Morrison bill which will cut down the war tixes a good many million dollars, will bp reported from the Ways and Means Committee, to the House of Representatives in a week or two If it runs the g.iuut- let of the Senate, we Kiiiino.w that Col. Bill Morrison will be on hnml next Winter with another starter that win yield no more revenue, than is re quired to run the d'oyernmcnt. Jin) Ueinocratio laud comiin.ssionfr, Sparks, has rendered a decision by which a tract ot land in norma is taken from Mr. Call, the Democratic senitor and given to a poor negro. Mi. Sparks will now. doubtless, be abased more than ever by tho Republicans. The Republican claim the sole right to give land and mule to the negroes. LouisviIIh Uourier Journal. . a a it is an awicward and unnecessary provision, out certificates win tie given voter which they must present at thuir polling plac on election day, or thoy will not be allowed to vote, even if they are properly registered. Until a certain date they niav be re. is sued. Preserve your ticket with care aud save trouble and annoyance. It is proposed in the House Com mittee on Public Lauds to report a land -grant forfeiture bill embracing 30,000,000 acres, now held by corpo ration and syndicates. This land when restored to the public domain will give comfortable homes to nearly a million of people. It is the duty of every intelligent man to register, and every intelligent and patriot io citizen will register. Re menils-r, you must register in your own precinct on either the 5th, 6lh or ?lh cf April, or else you will be dis franchised for two years. Ex-Governor Irwin of California, one of the ablest and safest of the Dem ocratic leaders on the coast died Inst week. Although hiving been in pub lic life fur many years and tilb-d many important positions he left a property valued under $20,000. How many negroes have bi i-n forced into slavery during the post year? how much of the rebel debt has Ixvn paidt what is the sum paid to robin for dam ages! Will some one answer. A Connecticut pap- enriches the language with "recentmost." It means the latest. See that your ntghlor ivgi.ters, and i be sure and register yourself. Talking about funny things, !iow is it for a trade dollar with 420 grains of silver in it you can only get 65 cents while for an ordinary silver dollar with : 41 2J grains of silver in it jou can get 100 cents! Two hundred and ten millions acres of land are owned by railroad compiif. nie in the U. S., and forty nii.lj t acre by fdreign syndicates, Ufi laud Republican party gave all this away. The bill for tho relief of Colonel Berrvman Jennings, of Oregon City, appropriating oyer $3,000 for service rendered in loO'J, lias passeu tne sen ate and the House. The claim ha been before Congreis twenty-five fear. hire. All bersons indebted to E W Whipple k RroV either bv note or book account will nleasa eall and settle the Mine. Uur store r . ... M. -ll . 1L. M. ...... t burned ana we man conec. mo uiuucj dae us. . K. W. WHIl'PLB a 15ROS. CotUg Grove, Feb 25, 1885. . I. X. L. Store. -Vnttno U Weliv inven that all thus In nl.t.d tn ttiii I. X. L. Store re hereby nU fieil to call and settle tlio lame at onoe, or ne will hit ulaced in the hands of an t- Limnv for collection. Fair waniinit to all 1 our motto. ' Wakshaveb Bros. Eugene, December 4, 188 lliiv Havward hand irrenarfeg. Ak your druKgint for a package of Oregon Kiduey lea. Photographs finished neatly and artis tically at Winter . A fine line of eilk plushes la all shade ml ffradei at F B Dunn's. Oul.orn inowert ran ue imrciiAneu w " i a -l the tore tf I'ritchett ft Forkner for 80. The beet candiei and oranges can alwaye be fouud at E Baum'i confectionerv atore. If yoa are in want of auricultural maehinJ ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M Hendricks Keeps a lull ainariment. The hlnheHt cash price will be paid lor wheat by FU Dunn. Attention Farmers! And land owners. You are invited to cal) ami aee our patent combination wire fence. This U the gtroniient; prettieat ami cheapet fence in the world: It ut C(imp.i"ea 01 ne two etrrvnd cables of the bei-t Kalvanized steel wirn Krnilir interwoven With Dlt-keiH at a uniform distance aoart The picket aro sun imrted in such a manner thnt lireaknsje is linniiHsilile. and thev cannot lie driven or nulled out. This is the fence for the fiirmer, as it mi) k.nt tliR Mime ns a olnnk felloe ami wil iimt ten times as Imu and will turn all kind of stock, from a chicken to the lurext animal. This fence tukes up no mure room than barbed wire ami cannot injure theastm-lc It mines trom the machine hi rolls tiiutainiiiK about 1W) feet. An ordinary team of home can haul from 100 to IflO Mils, thus saving much time and exense in ifcttliii it on the hind. Our yard fencing is unsurpassed fr henuty and duruhilitv. Cull and see nnr fencinct and ;ji-t nriens beforj inakins! other arrunL'fnints. Kactnry on east 8th street; Kuu'ene City, Oro.'on. Bum Bin s. v Hki.i man. FAIR DEALING IS OORfilOTTO. Kvervune sttndini; in need of buiiilinir nate rial will do well to cull and see our fntaijb stock of luiiiber, kept at Midjley & lysingtrs fui tory. We can please ull kimls of customers in flimlitv and nuautity.- Oive ns a call before purcluuing elsewhere. .X. N. Matiikws, AuU TO STOCK RAISERS. This fine horse will stand at Slnns stable in Eugene, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week, and at Cresswell on Monday,Tnes day and Wednesday for the enuiii( season, bevttinin? April 1st, and emling.fuly 1st, S8ti, and will serve mares at SUV tn Insure a fohl, payable when the mare is known to be with foal. Parting with an insured fnare forfeits the insurance money. Care taken to prevent accidents hut responsible for none should any occur. Mares pastured at reasonable rate. Young Samiioon is a beautiful bay, 8 years old April 2(1, iSStl, weight alssit 18 10 lbs, is 17 hands liixh, and is considered by horsemen one of the Hnest in the State. Yountf Stun won was? sired by Adventurer, he by Kmperor, the fiist thonniglibred Clydes dale ever hnimrted into Oregon. Adventurer's dam wesatine Henry mare. Sampson's dam is well known in MniHon coun ty as a tine mai'e and a good breeder, with few if any atieriora In the State. For further par. ticuUrs see the owner. This horse will make a full stand at life own stable in Kutiene, T. J. DUNTES. Notice. T will have for sale, about Sept 10, ISM, 12000 split cedar fence )wt, at' mf-iulll in Coburg. The price will be iVl wr hundrel. , Jas. C. Cwoalk. Colnirg, August 22. IW 1 1 Celebrated Fashion t'aialetne , If (irilT TDCt Knr Surlnil mud HurnJ - -...... H.M.WHV - tJ OCI1 I rnCCmr.liTdyI(irch T i Vi,wi,iTi,urti I lisb, to any aWmis. lllulrstes ael lliia 1 irtj thins tor Uiles', Oeuts', Chllilrvos1 1 snl Infanu- wmr aud HourHwiin; 1 bounel ifcHHia. ai price, touvr man uiot. oi any uttt.faclloa e in in. i i Lntteil Siu ('eniplet auarantmL or ruoury r C. K. KOCH S-ON, i ioik bu, N. V. City. 6ih Ave. cV io Will bm:M VT.FT will rpllou. u4 kniumil KH Tu Itbmo f4f a ik It oonlkiQ, bna, 1IJ Mr CU illuttrau.. rrlMi, Swnpli.n. &iil iu, Slrctl..n, f.r rtlknUnc .11 irltt r VP.ttKTni R u4 t anus, nri.Ha,tu. u..i,!, 111. fv.i'!v tot Mkl.t,. SfM Ibr II. D. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Michigan NOTICE TOJEREDITOSS. VOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i Th U Hendricks has brn appoinUd a.lminitrst'ir ttf the ettate of Tniomas O, deceaseL All Krsons having claims a;aint said estate ar ntitiel to prvM-nt the sAiue t the administrator at the bank of ll.-n(tt Icks Kakin. iu Eocene Citv. Onvon. I within tit months fntin the .late of this n .tu-e, GriX 11 Dokris, Atty. Dated March 6, lti, Young Sampson. .. i i e';r v j oj- r-t trffsm y?rx .r-j 'ss? v 'I ' T orilKvi'Sichs, S. B. Eakix, J... 1'residrnt casmer. r m mmm mw Ells " Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. Sight draft on NKW YORK. SAN FKAN CISCO and POltTLAND, OltEUON. All collertlont entrnnted to ne will receive ittentlnn. We make thU department a npecialty DepneiU received mbject to check. Iyan made on approved security, ana a itenrrai bankicg buninem done on reasonable terms. First National Bank of Eugene City. TREASURY "DEPARTMENT, I Office of Comptroller of the Currency 1 Wahhinston, February 27, 18i WHEREAS, BY SATISFACTORY evideuce preaented to the undemntned, It hat been made to appear t'.at"Tl Mbbt National Ban Of Euoes City." in tuuene CUT, in the County of Lane, and State of Ore nn. hu onmulied with all the provisions of the Iteviied (Statutes f tho United States, re quired to be complied with before an a3.icla. tion shall be authorized W commence the bui- new of Banking. . , , NowTherkfohk. I. allentine P Snyder, Deputy and Artintf Comptroller df the Cur rency, rin hereby crtif7 that "lHE riHrt National isank or ftuoEsa nn, m '-b'j City, in the County of Lane, atid Stote of Ore'ifon, l authorized to commence the business of Bunking a provided in Section Fifty-one hundred Slid sixty nino bf the Revised Statute of the United States. Is Testimony Whereof witness my nanu snilaenlof ofhee this 27th day of Sea.."111 'wyV V. P. SNYDER. Deplity and Acting Comptroller ef the'f reas- "Txo. 3,4M. ml3 2m Valley to San Ff'ancisca via Yaqu:'a, I lea I'-'rvidl's Tuesilny, Thursday, . unit .Saturday, at U A. M. Yaipnna Monday, WViltit-sday Friday, ni 8 A. M. Lea and Thefir.e A I Steamshify YAQUIN tails FROM YAQ.rl.NA. Siindsy, March 14, Wid'y, Msroh 'J4, Siinilny, April 4, W.d'y, A('HI 14. Sunday, April 'J., Irwi MX kr Frisco. IWid'y M.n-h Id, jKriif.-y, Match I!). Tn'-rilay, March M, jKriday, April !) iTiiewlay, April Tlie Conipuny reserves the right to clianjje sailing days. Kaiiks Cabin, $14; Steeraye, froijflii at rvduoed nod HMleratt- rates, lliver hoata on the Willinut-tte eonnect at Corvallis Iw fares and rates. For futlier iuformatinn apply to C. C. lKHiUi:, A. O. F. & P. Ag't, Corvalha. Summons. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE X State of Oregon for the County of Lane: Rssiua B. Whitney, Plaintiff, vt. W. M. Whitney, Defendant, To W. M. Whitney, said defendant: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon Vou are hereby required to be ami appear in the said Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff now on hie, uithin ten days fr-nn the date of the service of thi summons ri'pon yotr if aered in said Lane County, Or., and if served in any otlin comity III this Stats then within twenty days (rum tli dare of the service hereof np"0 yoa, and if served by publication of m.r. mons, then on the first nay of the net U-nn of said Court, to-wits the I'.Uh day nt April, ISSti, which shall be six weeks from the first publication of this summons', ami if you fail to answer, judgment will be taken for want thereof, ami the plaintiff will demand judg ment for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: The dissolution of the mar riage Contract now exintinii he t ween the said parties; and tor costs and disbursements of this suit. This summons is published in the Ki'cf.m Citv (iCARn by order of Hon R S Besn, Judge ofthe Second Judicial District of Ore gon Hated Feb 19, 1SS6. JoslICA J. Waltos, Atty for Plaintiff. MILLER BROS. nCVLKKS IM Field, Vegetable and Fiower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, . - - GARDEN' TdOH, Folt riLIZEIt-t. ETC.. 200 2J Street, l'.etweea Salm ai and Taylor, PortUud, Oregon. mmmmmi THE GREAT Slaugliter Sale Clothing Blankets, Flannels, Overcoats, FURNISHING GOODS At THE Will continue only 30 days. Af tetf Febi 9th, no goods will be sold at the present figures. ; W.F. McUAKTil x , rrop. PENGRA, WHEELER k GO, Springfield, Oregon. Call attention to THE FACT that t key have' added a fullline of staple Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, and Groceries,' to thir stock of merchandise in the store, and to' THE FACT that they offer the same at prices de' signed to shorten the long face and smooth the wrinkled brow of the most exacting Granger that ever smashed a clod or whacked a steer. Also to The Fact .... . . . . . r. i (nr That their Closing UHC mu oi vi m.u uii'i r.uiui ui u kinds contiiiiii-s nt prices lower than the lowest, IN FACT M Cost! Below Cost!! Regardless of CdstH! TJ5 KMsTc A SH Cash paid for wheat delivered, at tlin Springfield mill. THIS HIGH-BRED TROTTING STAT. lion will stand at EiiKeue City the coming season. 1'Wiin.KKE. Kainh'.etonian is by Hamhle tonian'Jr, or Fitch's Hamblet'Hiisn, he by Ryuilyk's Harahletoninn, which is the head of all Krent trotters. First tlam a lielmont mare which Showed treat si.eed.dam of Fitch's lliun lih't'inhin was a Sir Henry mare. DsscHiPTioN. - H.tnihletor.i m is a dark chestnut, with both hind feet white and strip in face; Mi.!, hai.ds IiiIi, wi inht l.i'.ll His; with lofiy carriiine, hiijlJ. hvnded, irood jlction, a fine mane, a heavy n'wimr tail, n remarkably larue rone, nu exiVbeut ili'-Kttiii. a uoo.1 roadster with hi-,' ripvii irate, which l,e imparts to his iiffsirini. II" has proven hiniself a Komi hreeiler of hiive carriage, rtoditter and oi k hoi se. He took the gold tiie'liil in ltt'3 for swetlwtake s.nllimi and faulily of five colts. Prince Albsrt. IVltKiliKK Prince AM-rt was sired by Pritlit & Vt rchj third nmss on dam's side Morgan; weiuhf 14S'J lbs, i If! h.iuils hiuh. D. ttt hriinii, with no white except small star in loreheatl. t i I will ttand "Prince A Hurt" and "Ham hli'toiiiau" at Stewart's stable frmn April 1st for the (MRon. I'rn es to filit the tiint-s. I AS. BATES. W. H. DELANO, --KKA1.KU IN M H h n 11 i U II U l.j nemlstones and Tombs finished in American or Italian Marble. Stona Work ati Cemater ZscloOTes Scotch and American Granite Monuments. Persons at a dixtanci- wil! be furnished prices ami derins to select from on application. with All work wprranted. Pleas call and examine my work and get (. pricvi bffore pnn-hasini! elsewhere. IRON .T) WIRE FENCING rurniolieil at manufacturers prices to customers only. 1 Shop on 8th itrtrt near Sloan' Stable. my in in MHO, & HATS, mi i J ni-iirvn ...j rtvov rnrna ..t m THE BEST H;ilr rott'i ituc Iu tin tvoihl Is IIaix's' Haih l!i'Nnw-:i!. it curt - nil dtM-uM's of t i io M-iiip, ,-inil .lliiulntct th l:;.ii- 'lauiN to ht iiltln'lll iictiuii. It stops lin- l;iliin-,'of liuth.iir; i-i-vciiisHslirHiii'.'pr;iv: ciirts h:ihhii'-, lint! iv:oi-cs yoiilhfnl color unit fiv-illi'ss oi' li; -penvrmee fo flcads .'iln-ndy whitt! w!i!i fi r.-. The lollowiti-.' nlu u fev iilu'-lratini)s of Vi is dic by . MALL'S E2EtablB Sidlian HAIR REHEWER:- Mn. lll'Xsiirnnv, 841 Franklin Art., l!nik.'yu,y. l'.,inli r a n vtre all tu k of Krv. HinliH in tin. I,:iil; f.icnl hi r liiilr rlreiiny rt'-tv Qilltit ttli'i r-ipiuli' ili-.t i1"' roitti l-ci'iimo iiiii" Icil.l. One Skilil - of. llji.'s U.Mll, J.'K-, hniii'jlit It li.ii'k s's ioli, biui.u ami liiick as wlivii she nun u gitl. , CT Mr. Kssi.ivo, nn ol.l firmer, nriir Cor. jt'.-'f, Inl.t sr:irrciy t'liv U II. w l.;it I .. i Hit -re whs of It l":ul hii ou I emly while, lin,- lmitle of Hall's Hair Kknkwki'. s'tiiypeJ h t f 'lhti' out, nnil y:tQ I nn A lliii l', liisi:rwnt I. -ail of hair, ns brown auil fn-.h a. U- ivir Imili JT3 Mrs. A. T. Wall, GrtrtflcUI. Chnhlrr," :.:;., writes : "I have fi'lllltl t!.e Itli aleft Ik II. ei;tlrn:n tliencof Hall's Haih k ear. wen. it having rcHnrul my hair, wlileli w"" tnpily fH lirj nil', nu J rvluriu-d lis original eohir." ITj- Tn. Smu. rtiK flrtr'tllrlL't' errtlfles th . i "Hall's Haiu Kl-kkivkii Is '-'x.-. l' nt dir. hair rniwinv, sml (five Buck the natural culur tu failed and gray bajr." ,J- Mns. P. E: txinVf. 6trrltlf. V. Tasty.-.: One b.itile of Hall's Haiu Ukscweb rttttufeil my Itnlr Iu It. a.tursl, youthful color." ' Xd injurious stibitmices cnler Into tho coinposi'iion of Hall's Haiic 1;kxi:vi'f.h,1 mid it In not H dye. Its cj.'cti.h:c iiiu'rc-. tlicnts render It ili the highest dt-nitH- h ne-, ti' hil tn the scslp is it preventive of di cuv. IK iffctls are natural ami histinsr. mid it dhos tint make tha hair dry "'' hi-ahv. like the so-vnlled restoratives com potiiiilcduithuicuhol. Buckingham's Dye' FOR THE "WHISKERS Is. Iii four resiKM-K superior fo !l ni!icr-1-tt It wlH'iiriHincc a mttural i-olor. hrown or black, dohvd. 2d The rolor so ii-iluceil l-ipi-rntnen.. eanuot be Vns:iiritV. nnii will not milauj- Ihiii',' Willi which it i-oiiit-s in eoiiliii-i. , 3d It N a sinvle prrpiiQitlon. uud inoro convenient of application than any other hair or whisker dve. 4th It contains no deleterious In-rre- dionts, us ili) in.inv jirepata; ioua otfend lor like use. PltETAnED I?Y E. T. HALL & CO., Nashiin, X. H Sold by all Dealers hi Medicines. For Sale. MY FARM. SITUATED TWO" MILW east of Creaswell, II miles south Euvene, ctiiitain-.iii; f!S!) acres, I now offer M sale at a bargain. Thu ii a fine loratio with gool improvements, well adapted both stock raising aud" farming. Creaiwell, Or-