Thin is Ihn ay Itfcyclrr Stevens cheats thn Asiatic brigands: Hi but tons nr" made of Rold covered with cloth. Ylien tlie read ueri'ts liave gone through lit it and relieved him of hit small chaiiRH, lie goes cheerfully to th next village, cuta off a button, and Wdsup again. A Chinaman made his appearance ot thn Elh'iiHlmrg school on Monday of last week, with book and slate, and applied for admission as a scholar. Ho was allowed to remain until noon when the directors were called in and John was informed that tho "Chinese must ii Several years ago Senator llamsey, of Minnesota, offered his wife her choice of a new bonnet or a corner lot in She took the lot and has sold it for $90,000, and proposes lio w to havs mat nonm-i. When John L Sullivan joined the Leater and Allen troupe he agreed to submit to a fine whenever he get drunk. In two months he was drunk 888 worth. ' ": i i CEO. F. CRAW. POSTOFFICE CIGAR STORE EUQENE CITY; OREGON. Wide Awake Druggists. Mourn K 11 Uckey A Cn ire alway slive to their uuaineea, sml are " l" " cure the beat nf every article in their line Thuw have ensured the auency for Mia tele Nbw Diwioverv fur On nmption. The only certain cure known for UIO0tnpt(nB, UllOglll. l.nni, lloareiie., .tt,n.. ll.iu rmrer. Krnncliiti. or any af fection of the 'l'lrot and I.oiik. Hold on i ipoeitive guarantee, -rial Mottiui iree. lien miaY ltl. 'Curs For Piles. 'Ttt. tro ' frennpritlv preceded by a nmio n Velijht In the back, loin and lower iart of the abdomen, catminif the intimt to niow he luif. erne affection of tlie kidney or nei.lilmriin,' rKan. At time, vinptom of indiucHtioti re preeent, flatulence, unaine-i of me iii ch. etc. A moisture, like vrpiration, pro 'ttucinir a vory dUaipwahle Htcliiw;, after ifrt IKnn Warm ( a uilllllinB attendant. 1'lilld. 'Weeding and itchinMlle yield at once to the 'application of lir loiikn' ..Pile Ketiiedv, 'which aoU directly upon tlie part anocieu, no aorblng the ttimoi-, allaylim tho Intenw) itch ing ami effecting a ieriiMiien cure, l'nce 50 'cent. Addren the Dr Kmunen Medicine To.. ' l'lqua. Ohio. Hold by Oaburn & Co. and W . M. 'Lee, of Junction. Syrup of Figs, ' Manufactured only by the California Fin Syrup ' Co , 8an Fntnei.w, Vnl., In Natnro'a Own I'ruo 'liaiatlve. Till" iiWnat liquid fruit remedy I may le hal of W 8 Le, mfont. Sanction, or i'F M Wilkin. a.t, Eitir.-ii City, at fiftv oer.t rt one dollier pr bottle. It i the timet r pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known to clean the svateni; to acton the J.lver, Kid- ney and Ilnwid iffntly yet thoroughly; to di I pel Headache, IVIdi and Keveni; to cure Con- itlpation, Indirection and kindred ilk BucklerVa Arnica Salve. "The best mJve in the world for C'uU, Urul Hnrw, Uloin, Rait H Ileum. Fever Sore Tetter, Chapped If and, Chilblain, Com, and nil kln rnptini, and Knitively cure pile. or no pay ref,irlrd. It in Kiiamiteid to gia perfect ati'etion, or money refunded. For ale by K U Lackey ft Co. ls Delicate Flavor, AMd tlie fficacv of lU action have rendered '"Mie fiwneae liipiid fiuit. n-inedy Syrup of Fitf Mrtiieimrly pipuliir. It uleiiiinee mid tone np vttie closed ami fuverUh ayiituiu, ami IU'Ik leadahvH, Colda and fuern. For milo by tiih Wilkiin KtiKitne, W 8 Irtie Junction. Keynote to Health. Health in wenlth. Weltli ineaim Indepen "dence. The keynote ( lr ItorHiiko'e CoiikIi and I.unir Syrup, the bent CoiikIi Syrup In the world. Cure Couch, Cold, l'nin in the Cheat, lironchltu and l'riinary ConMimption. Trice AO oenU ami ?1. A Reliable Article. For enterprlne, piuh ami a dexirn to g-t inch good a will five the trad ntif.n'ti.m. Onburn Co the l)rii;;(l-t lead all competi tion. They 11 lr lloanko' Cuiuh nnd Lung Syruii, becatme it' the lwt Medii-ine on the market, for Cough, Cold, Croup and Primary Cnniniitlon. 1'rice ftO cent ami $1.00. Sample free. Proper Treatment for Coughs. That the reader may fully underMaiul what onnatitutv a r'nxI Couh ami I.uiik Syrup, we will y that Tar and Wihl Cherry ia the bi of the brat reined in yet do-covered. Thee ingredient, with aevefal others equally as tllluaciou, enter largely into lr hoMiikn'i Cough and Lung Syrup, thua making it on nf the moat reliable now on the market. I'Hcs 90 ct and SI. Kampl free. 8old by Onburn & Co, Eugene: V S Lee, Junction. UOHUMBHTS J. A. CAKPWKI.U General Aifrnt for Oregon. 1 . FrLT.En.of lUrri-burg, Ical Agent (or Lino as 4 omr.lie. Call at ''anlvell ft Miller' New Fuinitnr Store in El'UKN K, on N iUamette abret, and tget f 4 and deUn. KING'S EVIL ttu tbo nsmo formerly Riven to Scrofula becuuw of a lupcrntltlon that It could bo cured by a klu' touch. The world la wiser now, tmd know that SCROfULA can on!y ba cured by a thorough purifies, ilou of the blood. If t ito la jto$t the dlieaie perpetuates It taint feneration after generation. Among ltJ symptomatic development Kczemii, Cutaneous I'.rupUons, ! mora, Hulls, Carbuncles, fcrja ipems, Purulent tleera, Nervoua ami Hiy alcal Cllttpao, etc. If allowed lo eou tiiiue. Kliouiiiatlsiii, fJcrofulous tn tarrh, KlUuey and Liver Disease, Tubercular Consumption, mid vari ous other danijerou cr fatal aiuludie, are produced by It. Ayer's Sarsaparilla h the only pmotrful and always rtliallt Hood-purifying medicine. It 1 so eflcct unl an alterative that It eradicate from the vtem Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poliom of contagion dii-ciife ami mercury. At the same Jimo It rn rlclie and vitalizes the blood, rcatorlng liealtliful action to the vital oririin and rcjuvenatieji thecntlre system '1 hlsgrcut Regenerative Medicino I compoed of the penulne JfrMbmit fiitrtanarilla, with )'e?foe Dock. Mil lingid. the MMcs vf Potassium ami Imn, and other Invrredients of jficat jio tencv, carefully awl dclrntilhally com pounded. It formula I Kcnernlly known to the medical profession, and Hie liet plivnlcian constantly prcscribo Avicns BAUSAl'Attll.LA M On , Absolute Cure For all disease catticd by tho vitiation of tho blood. It Is concentrated io the lifeli est practicable desrcC, far lienmd nny other preparation for which like clTccts nro claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest, as well ai tho best blood puiifjiujj lucdl' clue, lu tho world. Ayer's Sarsapariila, rnrrAntcn nv Dr. J. C. Apr & Cl., Ldwbll, Mass. Analytical Chemists. Scld by nil Drnaj-istst 1'rltefl; Six bottles lur $ 13 TUOTION DIRECT011Y. fVVWNIAT. I.IVEItY STABLK iiT. J in ull lu.intii at renminahlo flutes. Hay and cruiiiforsale. lleadunarter Corvalli tae OVERLAID TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California II, R. MhiI Cnnnerlio Irani fruiii Portland to San FninCiscO $3'i to Sacramento, t'M, Cbwe connection maile at Ashland with tge of the California, Oiegon ami Idaho Stajje Company. (DA1LV 'nXC'iiFr SUNDAYS.) rOBTOAUD AND A3ELASD MAIL TUAIN, I.KAVK. AUltlVfc Portland... 7:30 a. m, Kiigeue 2.U4 p. in, Kuwie, . ., ."(U-t p. m. Aliland....4:4rt a, in Kiueiie Ui4U a. Hi AMiinuil. . :io p- m huteiie ..11:41 a. in. Port and ...4C3P. nv ALBANY EXrUKHS TBAIM. I.KAVK. AlllllVn. Portland. . . .4:00 p. in Lebanon . . . .lliOT p m Lelnon....4:45H. in Portland .10:rt a III Pullman Palace Sleepily cur ilally btten Alhaiiy and Ahlan l. The!) ft C 11 K Kerry makes pnhheelbm with all the roL'iilnr train on the KftSt ttblo DivWnn from foot of F Street. Vet Sid ')iviion. BETWEEN POiiTLAND AND C3KVALLI3. MAIL TUAIN. I.KAVR. AHIUVK. Pnrtland O.KImii I CnrvnllN. . .4:30 f m Corvalli H:HI in P-rthuid. . .3:2U p m Kxi'uK.vs thai:;. tKAVK AIIKIVR. Portland ft:(Ml p m I McM'nville.8:00 p m Mc.Miniiville...A:45 in I Port land... .8:W) a in lM-ul ticket for ide aiol b.ij-' checkel at company ' np town otlice, ir .Stark nd Seeoml "tieeK Ticket. for principal point In California can only he l.riM'iired and ba (fj;e checked at compauv' olHce, COB. r. AMI rKoNT HTM., PnHTI.AMI, OR, Freight will nt l received for shipment af ter 5 o'clock P. I. on cither the Kat or Vct Side, llivlsioini. It KOKlll.i:H. K. PliOilKUS, Manager, (i. F. and Pan At LOOK HERE! W. B. ANDREWS IS SEALING Lumber At the Depot, FOIl 11 p hud, GIVE HImTa CALL. A. O. HOVEV.e 1'rrniiL'Ht, II. n HUM 1 1IUEY Caliur. LANE COUNTY BANK. IIOVEY, HUMPHREY A CO ElIQEWE CITY, - OR. General hanking transacted, ltenoaiu mwivwl on current account i.nd on ipe-UI cvrtihoaU Draft drawn op 1CRTIXD, RAX FKAXC1SCO NKW YtlUK. AND Pi'le nf EchnK told on the Citie of Errep. 1 can naile. Cc4.dUioullcceMiUpciiuUpedlty. 3 . t) 'a S C; M sr O 8 a s. p v 3. 9 I I o xs a. a M tiJ I' H a WILL EXCHANGE n ii THK EUOENK MILL COMPAKY hereby take the pleasure ot announc ing that tlioy will take WHHAT at any warehnnae north of Eug(e City in exchange fnt FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., at heir mill in Kuien. The Company will take whvat receipts, properly atjpied to UienK snd uWe credtt to the ownef of the ame on mill books for the amount in bushels. ... P. Fu & CO. JulvSJ. 1884. aLMiin 30,000 CASES -OF- RECTAL DISEASES AS PILFA hF.CTAL.ULCF.RS, FiSSURES, PKAKITUS-ANI. FISTULAS IN A NO, i-oi.Yi'Urt-nr.i.Ji, etc.. etc;. Cttrcil In Six Vcan hy Hie ttrink rholT Nj alem. Pr. .1. B Pilkinifton, proprietor nf the Eye and'iuiii for Xervotl ItlajfiiHr), ha lieett np)oiuted mpiit and nhvician for thi ytem in Orwon ami V T. No ever Hinvical n)iera'lor.. No in n I.m i if IiIihmI. lu two Uimuh have ,.i,ri,l mVeial cae. who hav before lilliitted to aevcre oiwration. and only received injury. Am pemdited to refer to Mr. da W Weath erford, druif.-int formerly of Salem; Mr Frank (iardner, hiachinlMj Mr 11 A Kauipeyt liar rbhuhn and other. Will meet patient at St Charle Motel, b,-(,-ene, from 2:30 i. rn TnMtMiUy, JIAreli 3. In 3 p. ih VedntiUy, Mnrvli :i, Addl'eas for pamphlet, etc, J. ii. I'lLlvINtiTON. M. P., Portland, Oregon. WVi DEPARTURE! HEV GOGDS! HEW PBICES! milK UXPEHSIC.XEP WILL COM X meiice on the lxt day of October, 18S5, to aell their uew ami complete etock of GEUAL MRUMXDISE FOK Cash of Approved Paper Only. In view of the hard tiinra, we have con eluded to reduce our prii-ea to a cah Itaxi, feeling a ured that it will lie to the advantage of our ciiktoinera a well a numelve. We cordially invite all caah cuatoroeia to ex amine our atock, aa We Ieel Coutldenl tlial w can Salt l ou l'olh Hi Qimlltv and Price. URMKM11KK , Wc, Carry lo. Trash! Call an ft e the Difference Between Cash and Credit. McCLUNG & JOHNSON, DON'T FORGET THAT iiOI.DSMlTII Deliver pvxls to any part of town. That Goldmlth TayaCash for Prnluce, " " Hide, " ' " ' " Fur., " " Keep of all kind, " " Sell Gmcerica, Crockery, Wooden and Willow-Ware cheaper than any hnue in town. THAT GOLDSMITH SELLS Tea at -c per poumL 13 lb Sugar for l. 1. lb Kice for f 1. 8 U Coffee for II. ' Good lirooni for 2.V. Good Wash Board for 25c 6 gal of Crock for f 1. A. GOLDSMITH, THE GROCER. Pr. Tavlor'7 Oak Coniionnd, purely teg- etiole. taken inbrnulr. tuisitive v rum rho. 0. mnnn nun warn i matisin. nursli;ia, tthache, chiil and fever I and crmp cdio. Sdd by i IsD-irne k Cv. Eu- i on. Ak'iits, Sntll, IKitahu & Woodward, I I'cr'.land, Ore.-on. ' ' 1 I JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LOCKEY OEAtEB IN Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Ett. Repairing Promptly Executed. tZ-All Work Warranted. JP1 J. ii. LU' KKY, Kl .worth Co'a Brick Willamette treet i) it. i,u:uiG's Wonderful German Invipra'or. THE OLDEST, GREATEST and KIWJ IIEMF.DY for the .cure of Nervou and Physical De Qbilitv, Vital Exhaiwtiou, Seuil Ulnal Weakne, Low of Manhood. ttFailinu Memory, and Kelaxed rjnd Enfeebled conditiona bf the S"":unito.l,'riimrv nrtaii. ft iTtirKEDILY Ci'KM Impoten- Viy t..i.. t i -icy, r-any i "j ! rlheminal Weakne, and all the !u"ad effccU of youthful follte and .. . l' I r,.,,. the auue or i.nvemm ui . ! ritv. It permanently prevent all .Unnatural in.ra ine ) V - . .l..,..,.n.l. nut. nltuat. Wi n have ued the Kemedy In the jiaot quarter of a century which is it ha Deen Deiore me iouuu. O U ia indeed a wonderful reme toniuir the nerve, atrength- Xetling th muscle, checklnK the rwate,. invioratiiiff th whole 3syitein, and rwitoringthe afflicted i and HaHPINKhh. 2 1'he Doctor will acree to forfeit for a Be umlertaken, not tmeM. The reason o many can not itfr cured of Weakneea and .1.. .iwxv. Mwt Unwimr tn a coinnlication called "FriMtatorrhee," which require apecial treatnienk or Wonuv Vkiks of the Scrotum. Often the nniiii:ted cause ot iA)8T AUSHUOD, UKBII 1TV. ftc. 11M Ml TUr.a TXVIUOKATUU. J0 with oil' peculiar fiiecial treatment la the oiiij cure for Piiwtatorrhe.a. liy It Manhood i re .tore.! and (he hand ot time moved back from ui.O til Vnllt.ll. If piniidt appear rti the face, if you heconrie ,. .i 1 ' 1 .1 L...4 t. llia .w.m. Ilfliess anil neiiine:in i"'i mi. i. .. v.... t,li,.uii(in with Vitrl Weaknesaand loa of; Vitality known a Pn:tatorrhoa, Hundred of live have betn hmt for the want of proper treatment for this Complication, anil thousand have lost all their ijierty and pleasure in life fpnn it etfect. , Price of either Ibvijjorator, 82. Case of six bottle. 10. SeVit to nny addres, covered ecnrely from rtliseivalion. Pit. LIK1JKJ & Ct), treat successfully by Uouneopatliy every form of t-'p;c!al, Private or L'hronic PiseHS; without niercurv or naseon dniK. if vitality W drained froni the body, ninneiu disease follow that battle ordinary medind treatment If allowed tit continue, the unnatniiil Ins cStiws Ci n'iml)tion, Pia liete, Ibih'lit's Pieasc, Insanity, Cure Guaranteed. Disease of the (fenito-urinary orcAlist kidney, liver and Madder specially treated Pis--A- of wimien sneedilv cured. QUALIFIED nd P.ESPoNSlUI.E.-Dr Lieidjf and Co, from Enm, am organized in comoliance with Culifomia Medind law. Diploma procured by regular colle; education ami ai-e oV in their iiincteentli yeur of sjieo iid practii-e. Miwt powerful electric licit fret- to p-.'tlenU I'r Lie'iic's W brful Magnetic HeaUr or Self .M:n;neti'iH, the crenter-t euinlne inven tion ot the J.very man or woman can now lie their own maiMietio healer. H can be used without the aid of s professional hand rubber. s pi oinsuiueiitlv no ,l' lees to .av Price, comijltte. 8old ONLY at the lr Liebi' Dispensary. Call or addles Li'liIiH4i3MHry, !0fl (!eary Street, Sun Francisco, Cal. Private entrance 4C5 Musoii htreet, four blocks 11 1 Geary from Kearney. Main en train thmiiL-h Dispensary Druu Store. Th moat popular Weakly new.ntpm aerotea toHienc. inclunic,iiiiineerin ducoTeriM, ln ntions and patents ater publi.hed. Kverjr nnni br illu.traled with splandid ttitmmnn. IB pabliotionfnniihainMHlubl enoyolopedia of information which no person thould b without Tha populsrilr of tha BciKNTirio AMr.aicy i aurh that It. circulation nearly equal, that of all othar pspera of iu clasa combined. Pric. S3; a Iesr. PiecounttoC'liiba. Sold by all newadealerj. 1UNN CO., Publihera. No. 36lBroadway, N. Y. ATE NTS. also had Thirty; """a prsutio Iwforel I OfBc nd hv prepared One Hundred Thou- .iirtinnii tur tsitenta id the biatea nd fori;ii oountrie. ' Caveai., Trade-Mrka, Copj-nghu. AHnments nd all other paper, for securing to raientora weir ri' United 8ute i:.nade,,fcnlaod. Franoa, tiermany and other foreian eountr ... pra pared at .hort notice and on niuonabia tertne. Information a. to ohtaininf patenta cheer fully ien without oharge. Hand-booka of u. lu Patents obtained through Munn ACo. ara noticed ithe Scienliho AmwVu " Ins.. Tha dnta oj.uch ia will understood by all persona who wiah todia- dd'VuNN CO., OOeaSeniim SU Broadway, haw York, THE S.tLL AGE ALL IF.OM AND STEEL. Same Price as Wooden fans For 90 day from Nov. 1st, 1885, for Introduc tion. More durable than the steel war.os of Eng land, which run twestt years. Built on Trus principle. Lfcht and tnni! ami will l.iiKt t 1.1 re lime. No Tlrei lo Net Ten Yearn in the Market. Low freights by the new route. Manufactured by i BENICIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, j Addrva Bcnicia.CaL nil ni3 ) FAU.niCItM! Cut thi nut and send it with name of thi paper to obtain discount for IURECT TSAIiB. J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kind ot Agriclutural Implements. -AND Real Estate. Eugene City Oregon II t I I 4 It HfuMM m mm. ivzvm nsan Bills "irEEkckey&Co. DEALERS IN- DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, ram is, uuo, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in, Competed Hands. T. 6. Hendbicks. a B. Eakin, J R HENDRICKS b EAKIN, Paid up Cash Capital $50000 (Each Partner Individually Liable.) Eugene City --Oregon. ax .Yt Avtt. TTF.W YOKK. SA2i r KAJI- CISCO and PORTLAND, OKEGON. All cnllectlrtnii entnisted to ua will receive attention. We ttiftke thia department a eciaiiy I)epoiU rteived aubjectto check. Loan made on apoved aecunty. and a general haukirK businen ilone on reanonaiue lenns. H u bo l O m PI H a o r-H ft a a 3 o ft. I si s. a S) c3 '-1 c3 u M ..... ...... v .i ill spewiuy reieniui i..i.... i.-m.jr , n. the V'.H'.H iliNi'-ultles ur iiiL' Ir.'iu a disur- d reil couiiitioii of the Liver and Kidnevs. It is perfectly barmbss nil ' can bo civen to the in ist delicate woman or child. Tor sale by nil drujruieta. SN31L. C2ITSH3 & WCOPAED, Wholesale Agents. Portland, Oregon. Lumber. Is running and itriU run all Summer. fired iit SllOlt notice. James C. Goodale, Proprietor. Orders can he-left for the Colun; saw mill at tliesurj of McCluni & lohnmui. The ni'VF.nS' GUIDE la- Issued March anil Sept.. I each ytT. IV "id pagei S'4ill', iiit),e.,wlrhoTcr 3, COO tUiialratloni k whole Picture tialltiy. CaVCS Wholesale Price. itrrrl to rnnsHwr on all gooU for penonal or family tue. Tell how to order, and filve exact cost of CTeiy thing you uac, eat, drink, vrrar, or hare fun wliH. These I. V AI.VABLB BOOKS contain luformatlon gleaned? from the markfta of the world. We will null a copy FRKK to any ad dreae npon rerelpt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing;. Let ua hear from you, Reapectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. tn a 829 W abash Aeeane, t'klrao, lib CRAIN BROS. MM DEALERS is P Matthrt ifld' Jewelry, musical instruments, TOYS. Notions etc . . . '.viown., cic a) i.ii . I Watcbee, nock, and Jewelry repaired and' HFr": '3"'e corntr of WiUanietU ad EubUk atneta. BANKERS fa . I Drop hi j rnturc' Own RemtMly, iGoburg k lill u OSBURN a CO., DRUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILLAMETTE STIlEET NEAR 8TH Eugene City, dealer in DUCtfS. CHEMICALS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, CRUTCHES, PATFNT lOXICINI Ot every kind, etc. Brandies. Wines and Liquors bf thr. very beBt quality for medicinal purpoae WE have alwaya kept abreast of the time In our line, and without boasting, we think ti are safe in claiming that we have THE BEST asaortuieut of DRUGS in Ejgene. Particular attcntiou i called tn our atick PF.RFUMEIiV, TOI LE I" SETS, rnd ( EI.LUL0II) CASES For the year 1886, We shall be able to sell PAINTS, OILS and UHUMiES, (of wl.idi we now have a large stock on hand) Than any house in this city, and mir friend cm rest Kssurcd that anytliinir bought fmro ua will lie first-clan. A we buy many of our ;,'i.o1b Eat and have facilities that few in our business have, we think we nre prepared to un ilersell and furnish a bi tter quality of gonda than anvoiie in our line in I.ane county. We call especial attention to PKESCKIP TIONS. which will Is? carefully filled at al liouin of the day or niht. DR. SPINNEY, No. 11 Keakxey Stiikkt. Treats all Iinniic nud Special IlN(-uwrN. YOUNG MEN WHO MAY BE SUFFEIUNG FROM V y The effects of youthful follies or India cretion will do well to avail themselvra of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the niter of suf fcrini! Iiuinsnitv. Dl!. SPINNEY will guar antee to forfeit MiO for every case nf Seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakt and fail to middle xur.n Jiv.y. There are many at the ae of thirty to; Sixty who are troubled with t frequent Kadis' tions of the bladder, often accompanied by S slight sunn tin or burning Fensnti6, and wiutkviiiiiif nf the syst'io iii a way the patient cannot account for. On e-.iainiuiiiKlh miliary iiunis:ls a ropy se.liiiient m olteii De nv :inH soiiirtiim s snikll nnrficfe of alb '.men will nr par, i.r the color w ill he f a thin, whitU hnv-, nnin i-hnniiiK to a d k and torpid i peiimnee. There are ninny nun who die this ililticiilt v. iL'i'ornnt. of the came, which the second sta-c of seiiiiiial weakiiesa. Dr S n' r "'- I' "u ft nM,ihy restoration of the tftiiitn-nriiiary or (;aiiK OiT..rhoiirs-10to4niidG f S. Sundae Thorotiijh ex' 10 to II in. Consultation flee, animation ami advice. ?;". nit NSMXr.Y Avo, $ct Jl, Kearney Street, San Franciscn. Dissolution Nofice. Notice it hereby given that Hie firm of Mat lock lsrou has been dissolved bv mutual con sent. .1. D Matlock. .1. W. Matlock. Eugene Citv, Nov 2R, 1885. KawlUWlTYfroniAKNOYAKCE mwsxmm 2arteonlr of Cio fin aii-1 neatfltal' Ity of ila9 far wit:.taudini beat. Evor po-i thing 13 CovtA folted, and coasumors era CAu TIONED agralast UJITATIOT T3 ol these Chimneys mcrfo of VIS POOR GLASS, Soethatthe exact label is cn eactt chimney as aDOV The Pearl Top ia filwaya clear an bright Glr.r;3. Mnuufiictarfcro?7I.Tby GEO. A. 2 ACDTH & C0 Plttabunrh lnJ (llaa Work. VOi RAL13 BY DEALERS FIRES ExtinjuUhed crery day with the- Hijward Hand1 Create. o ..j -ntf Hare i-onr home, mnr DrcDerTr at JT. Wee. Take bo ntrer. Be ere-yen . Eayra O. J FeM. 1 21 Marktt st, & 1 1 3. II HENDUCKS, Ajent, J