The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 02, 1886, Image 5

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Urown, upholsterer.
Oregon Kidney Cure.
AghtWUlat Thursday.
Crosswalks extremely muddy.
E H L Co menU Monday evehing.
Sao on the McKenzie bills last Thursday.
Oregon Kidney Tea curee all kidney trouble
Hibbi Hha defaulting postmaster, is again in
X light fall of mow in Portland last Wed
nesday night
If yon want to buy (foods teap, Rive the
I X L Store a call.
Sam Parrish has been reappointed Chief
rf Police of Portland.
Oregon Kidney Tea is the best known was.
jy for kidney troubles.
i Ths Gdabd does all kinds of job printing
beaper than Portland prices.
Yon can purchase Waltham watches at
J 0 Watts' from ?10 and upwards.
Brown, Brown, Brown, does all kinds of
repairing. Shop on Willamette street.
Go buy one of those handsome chairs at
Dy 4. Hendersou's f ur a Christinas present
The cementing on the University building
will be completed uext week, weather per.
County and Probate courts convene in
this city next Monday. Commissioners'
tourtnext Weduesday.
Qi(y one marriage license issued s'nce last
week's Guahd, that of Jacob D Neet to Sarah
JI Lewis, of date of Deo 29th.
"Shadow." is the tit'a of an original bal
W by Pmf Coolidge. of Rujjcne. It is for
le at Crain Bros music store.
The services of a registered thoroughbred
Jewev bull may be secured by calling on Mr
11 C Perkins a mile below tiiwn.
Mr H A IVillims, of Junction, while skat
ing at the Osburn rink fell and sprained one
of hii ankles quite badty last Thursday.
Those wishing visiting cards, please call at
JlcCunwck 4 Collier's and exsmtoe my
,pecimens- , T. D. Kowlanu.
Sterling Hill, at the pnstnffice, takes sul
scriwtioru for nearly every uewspaper and
periodical in America, at the publishers rates.
The Bnuton Leader has been sold to
Messrs Pipes A Skipworth. We weloome
the new proprietor! to the editorial tripod.
Only ten Sheriff Sales are being advertised
it the Albany Democrat at the present time.
Sat a very (rood advertisement for Linn
Lane County Pomona Grange will meet with
Mohawk Uraar on Saturday, Jan 9( 1S06, at
which time officers will be elected for the
nmiin? yerr,
Several of our prominent citizens invest in
tlw Lnuisiuia L'.Uory at each drawing. It
a needle's In say tlu-y not diawn
a prir.if yet
Hxrenlttr snrinl i!nne wi;l lie given at
KMUdiari, l'aiior eveiy suinriiay evening-
Manic by Cron-fr 4 Moure. Aii mission, gents,
'iesiits; l.i'lifs, five.
W's acknowledge the receipt of the re-
wrtmf the Sicietny of the Inieiior and
t!ie Secretary nf tlm Tr asury. They are
linalile document.
Nf S W Mill.-r, President of the State
Temperance Alliance, wlli deliver alee ure at
tit Brick Church in this city, Tnelay eve-
ij, Jaa 5 th, at 7 p m.
luauro's holiday goods are of the very
latest, inch as vases, cups and saucers, plush
rtidet, albums, and many lithe)1 fine goods
Beats anything in the city.
ill persons indebted to us either by note
irieconiitare requested to settle the same
lijthe first of Jan, without fail, as we, must
hit money. Da? ft Hkndkrrow,
Ed Baum has just opened a fine line of
wVet'i articles meerschaum goods and fine
inn-exnresslv made fur Christmas nresentH.
AmbUv.'e hoard on the cijar box; something
mm ana neat.
0s the largest stocks of boots and shoes
'Wbrnnrht tn KntrptiA hss Inst Arrived af.
Mocks'. Thov were bought direct from the
Juniifacturers in the East and will be sold on
7 reasonable terms.
The Oregnnian of a few days ago published
Vsinarriage of Miss Nellie Ware of this
'j. and Mr Hackintos nf Albany. We can
"'wn the city editor of that paper that the
u a mistake.
MnSchmeer, of Albany, is sanguine that
he lih Diamond, 4, owned by Geo Gill, of
"pne City, by Schmeer's Blue Mountain
dam by Pathfinder, will, drop into the
JO list this year. Rural Spirit
Matlock's a very fine line of ladies
of the celebrated II D Holhrook make,
from the Eastern manufacturer. The
bf county would do well to call at
Mtlock's store and examine these goods.
Rwinij had four years experience in dress
es' in one of the first houses of Portland,
""'d be pleased to receive a share of pat-
from the ladies of Encene. Residence.
ie north of railroad on Mill street
F. C. Adair.
Cherry Pectoral Is recommended by
Tacians of ereat emihanr. nn hnth nf
Atlantic, at the most reliable remedy for
'"-wighsaa lall Primonarv disorders. It
)rds n
Prompt relief. No family should be
id that there are hnndreda nf
'"WlU of new 15 finnnblrr.if. ..l,l ni'.va
Laluioni prodnced by coinefs formerly
in ina New Orleans mint The
it good gold, bnt the filling in spelter
ae. The execntii.n
IslmpossiMe when the" bJood is im
,Lick,aj1d ,l0g!fish, or thin
"Povenshed. Such conditions give rise
"Pimples. h.U.),u ,...i.-.
j- - ...o, uOUIMttlM, IdOU"
laBd n(K. a: i .. a
L.n ..v. uimiruen. Ayer s oana-
L uke blood pure, rich and'viUlix-
"hinlr ..J i .t.. .
ft 1 jeweier nas been canvass-
I ttU w 'or business. There' are
Wj? Je'rsln Eugene, who v
""urn "d ,pen'd their for
'PPort of their families and for the build-
the town, and sTiould be supported
ttt.M ia prefect, to "peddlers."
Junction Items.
Junction, bee 00, 1885.
Mrs F W Folsome is sufferins with rheuma
tism. The sidewalk in front of the church is in a
dangerous condition.
Hon T (I Hcndrluks, of Eugene, made us a
pleasant visit last week.
Miss Terressa Akera.
gene, is visiting friends here.
Mr Joe Barlow of this nUna ham h.n VArv
sick but is now convalescent
Mnior Berrv is lvino In
aitmu, bin life hiu3 ieapai.ed of.
It is said that R V Howard will
residence in this city next season.
Jas Millifirn has niirahiuMl n half nf T ..:.
Salomon warehouse. It is now owned bv
Picket Milliorn.
RGCall'sonis here djplavimr his Duloit
oratory. He is having considerable success in
getting joiners to the church.
Sternberg & Senders are carrvino a trvnarnl
assortment of the finest Koods which they nio-
A tl L .. . ,
limo w sou at ootioin prices.
A skating rink victim in thn mnnn nf
Henrv Williams. Was hrnilpht hnrntk frnm
Eugene this week with a broken leg.
Mr Edris and family, Mr Swift and family
id Dr Clark and wife, nf K.nwno. AttanHeil
the funeral of Carl Cat son last week.
J W Starr smiles most pleasantly because of
new sales and old customers coming forward
with the coin., l'ay up boys and begin anew.
Carl Carson, son of Geoive Carson, d'ed
weilnesitay of last week, His funeral took
place at the C P Church Thursday, being con
ducted by Kev Houston,
The cellar of Lewis' meet market had two
occupants the night before Christinas. Lewis
says he intends presenting his bill bnfore the
(;itv Dads for keeping the city drunks over
Walter DeClark and Ed Babergot en a
drunk Saturlay niht and Sunday morning
broke a lamp in the new hotel. They then
skipped to Harrisburg and proceeded to take
the town.
Mrs Joel Ware, Mrs Guthrie, Mrs Wm
Ware and Jfisa Amanita Guthrie, of Ktiene,
were with us on Christmas. James Huffigan
and family were also here aiding relatives in
dissenting a gobbler or two and a few fat hens.
James is busy electioneering with Democrats.
High Sheriff is what he wants.
The following officers of Junction Lodge No
68, A F k A M, were insl ailed last Saturday
night by Past Muter, J 0 Campbell: FW
FoNom, W Mj W S Ie, S W; J J Butler, J
Wi TA Miliorn, Treasj MO WilWns, Heo;
U M Kirk, Tj K Van Vianl;in, S D; C Pink,
ard, J D; J Sternberg, S Sj L Salomon, J S
Fklu Fajb.
Stinit Again Attempts Suicide.
The tellow Stinit crtainly hs a charmed
life. He tried to commit suicide In Eik-cup
last Summer and in-jloriously failed, anil on
Christmas day, at 'Salem, he again unluckily
fa led. The Salem Statesman of Dec 2jth hAs
the following account of the attempt In that
Yesterday morning about 4:15 o'clock, the
nhht clerk of the Chemeketa hotel was con-
siderahly surprised to see a man come in and
sit down by the stoo, put his feet on the rail
ing, and then, without any warning "keel"
over on the lloor. He Went tn him and helne'd
him up when the man immediately went into
convulsions, $t knowii g what to do, the
clerk went tn tlie doom ml blew a police whis
tle which summoned officers Meaile, Smith and
ijyuon io tne scene.' un looking at the mnn
he wonretyyni.;eil as A Stinit, I he es-ICii;,-enfi
rein eotate aeiit, anil lit present "holding
forth at lla'liis." Dr Reynolds wai Bummnned,
tsiiii w.tiuu in ainnnisrer an aniiior, remark,
iinj the convulstms or spasms resembled !oi.
oning: Stinit refuse - to take bmv thin.-, hme.
ever, and said. "Let tne mi! (jive me rooih!'
Ilu then made a break for the door, eluding toe
oincers ami ran our. Keeping aiieail ot Ins per
sners urtil in front of Alolph's brawery, on
Trade slraet. When walking buck towards
the hotel, Siinit said, ,-I took two doses of
strychnine but tlie ' stuff flidu't have
strength enough to uffect me." In a short
time lie became rational again ami claimed
that the spasms Were from the effects of bad
Accidental Shooting.
Mabkl, Oiieoon, Deo. 50, 1885.
On last Monday evening as Frank Cou
ghed and Willie StOwart were returning
home from the postofiice, Frank Carrying a
double barrel shot gun, they ' cfimmenced
phiyllig on the road, sod by soino means the
right barrel was discharged, ths contents
entering the right thigh of young Stewart
Fortunately, however, he had a uiagaine in
his coat pocket which was folded in such a
manner that the charge passed through
several thicknesses of the book aud through
his coat and pants pocket, so that the force
of the charge was pretty well spent, fnnr nf
the shot however entering the thigh causing
a painful though it" is thought not a danger
ous wound, but it Was a pretty rinse call.
Albany Herald.
The Moukrn Nnwsr-APKR. Bill Nye de
scribes the Modern Newspaper thusly: The
Newspaper of to-day is library. It is an
encyclopedia, a poem, a biography, a his
tory, a prophecy, a director, time table,
a romance! a cook book, a guide, a horoscope,
an art critic, a political resume, a ground
plan of the civilized world, a low-priced mul
turn in parvo. It is a se.rmon, a song, a cir
cus, an obitrmry, a picnic, a ship' wreck, a
symphony iu solid brevier, a medley of life
and death,' grand aggregation of man's
glory and his shame. It is, in short, a
bird's eye view of all the magnanimnity aud
and meanness, the joys aud griefs, the
births and deaths, the pride and poverty of
the world, and all for three dollars a year in
advance. We will here state that the
Guard will be furnished for 2.50 per year1.
A Row. Last Saturday about midnight
John Roberts and John Ross had a row on
Willamette street near Goldsmith's store.
Ross appeared before Recorder Shaw Mon
day morning and was fined $3 for disor
derly condnct. Robert was tried before
the Recorder Ttresday upon the charge of
flourishing a knife over the body of Ross.
After hearing the evidence the Recorder
found Robert guilty, and sentenced him to
nineteen day in the city jail and to pay the
coats of trial. During the row some un
known person fired a pistol shot which went
through Roberts' hat, then scalped Elroy
Coffin's hand and went through his coat.
Mr Coffin was trying to separate the com
batants when the shot was tired.
Married! In Portland, Oregon, Decem
ber 24, 1883, F D Hall and McKon
zie. The lady lived at the residence of
Judge D M Risdnn in this city several
months and taught music.
Clcbbiso Kates. The Guard and New
York World will be sent to one ail dress
the sum of $3 2a The World is the leading
Democratic paper published in the United
States. Send in your subscriptions' immediately.
dottage Grove Itertii.
Cottaoe Ohovi, Dec !M, 1883.
A wedding or two in the near future.
U W Veatch and wife went to Cresswell
Mr Chas Miller, of Tippet Coast Fork, went
to niuslaw I uesilay.
The school at Latham, tsinrht bv Mr Chas
jacKson, closed wtilnesday.
Oulte a number of our nrointnent citizens
were in bugene Alor.tiay.
Mrs Jerry Yarnell. of Mohawk, was visit
in relatives irre the past week.
Mr Win Hubbard is at work at bis trad of
boot and shoemakmg here again.
Mf Darwin Bristow and wife auent the cast
week at Kugene returning Wednesday.
Mr Jas Or.ment is in town again after an
absence ot about three months in 1 oik county.
Mr K D Hawley and bride Massed here Sat
urday on their way to visit Mr H's parents, at
nawiey station.
Messrs S B Withlnton. Albert Leonard.
Hale aud Henry Boren are down here from the
mines to spend Christmas. t
Mr R H Hazleton found three of his calves
crushed to death under a fallen tree one day
last week. He was offered 83 apiece for
them, but they were missing, and when found
were as above.
This is our last item for 188.1. It. as well
as all we have written, is for every reader of
the Guard. We have tried to give, and we
'Mjlieve, have given, every event within our
knowledge, correctly. Notwithstanding we
are severely criticised, bnt only by those who
are so seu-impnrtant as to imagine items from
nere are solely lor themselves.
January 1, 188G.
Happy new year,
Mrs Stephen Harris is sick with sore throat
We consider the GuARi as one of our pres
Mr Dan Harding returned from Gervais
Mr W W Cathcart aud bride went to Cress-
well Monday,
Mrs Samuel Dillard died the night of De
ceuibe. 30th.
Mr G R Cbrisman and wife were in (town
Saturday was the only real, clear day for
some time past.
Mr J P Currin was out surveying for Mr
iv it nazieton aionuay.
A number of Eugene and Cresswell folks
attended the Christmas ball at this place.
Mrs Sam Veatch was in the class fai paint
icg under the instruction of Mr Robert Lane.
Mrs Myers of this place went to Browns
villa Tuesday to see her father who was very
Drs Sharpies and Scarbrnugh were to see
Mrs Cathey Tuesday. She is not expected to1
Mr Smiley McLaughlin took to the mines
Monday Messrs .1 illackburn, I H aud Wilson
v eaten aim ) S Medley.
Mrs J D Fenton and Miss Pevcrv Tinder.
wood of Eugene, were in town Monday and
erurneu to Eugene i uesilay.
Mr W W Cathcart and Miss Fannie Rouse
were married Christmas day, Mr J W
Vaughan, J P, tying the matrimonial knot
Misses Ida Hendricks of Eugene City and
Nellie (iilfry of Cress Wrll were visiting fiiendaa
Here oatiiniay ami Sunday.
The morning nf December 31 we had lust
enough snow to make the ground slightly gray,
the first of the season. A slight freeze-up.
Mr R H Hazleton sold one day this week fo
Mr Henry Jjong one hundred acres of land.
oil the southern portion of his farm tor 81000.
The Christmas tree was a grand treat there
being ahout four hundred presents thereoH.
i lie inrisuiias nance was tile Dent here (or a
good while.
Messr S U Withingtnn, Henry and Hale
ili.ien and Allsot Leonard returned to the
mines again Tuesday, Mr Silas Leonard ac
companied them,
Messrs Char ie and Clay Viles, Leroy and
Joe Daitiewooil came down from the mines
Wednesday for supplies. We understand
that the boys who went up Monday had a
rough trip as the river has to be crossed sev
eral times. The boys had to get out in the
water every time and hold the wheels as the
team wmrid balk.
Trent Items.
Trent, Dec. 81, '&
Born, Sunday, Deo 21, 1S8.V to the wife
of h P Williams, a son; weight 10 lbs.
Mr Alfred Briggs and family, of Pendle
ton, are visiting their old home. They will
eheud the winter here.
Henry Goiley and H O Campbell are ore-
paring to take a trip down the river on a
limiting and trapping expedition.
Our debating society meets every Tuesday
evening at the school house. I he. pro
gramme consists of debate, paper, essays.
declamations, orations, eta
The social party at the residence of W H
Mol'all, Thursday evening, tn watch the old
year out and the new come in, was pro
nounced the party of the season.
Mr Chas Wilfiams and brother have pur
chased from Dr Scarbrnugh, of Cresswell, a
portable steam saw mill, and have gone over
after it. They will set it op at their father's
place at the upper etid of Lost Valley,
We are proud of oar Sunday School It
was organized ahout three week ago, under
the leadership of Thus Barbre, and is now
one of the best in this part of the country.
It convenes every Sauday at 10 o'clock. All
are fuvitcd.
Public School.
I expected as soon as school closed for a
vaciJun to publish a list of the pupils of my
det, rfrtment who stood foremost in their
studies, but for ce. tain reason I have con
cluded net to do art. It is customary with
some school in tha East tn publish, from time
to time, a statement of thi kind known as a
'roll of honor." I have often conscientiously
doiiUed the advisableness of such a plan for
reasons, perhaps, not necessary to state here.
H iwever, I may conclude to publish ch a
list in! the future. In making out the standing
of my pupils I rank deportment on an equality
with mathematics and other studies; this puts
a pupil, who is naturally bright but disposed
to be mischievous or vicious, on his good be
havior in order to save his standing. So far as
attendance and punctuality are concerned the
following named were neither tardy nor absent
during the term: Wilton Martin, John" Ma
dura, Joseph Liles, J Weider, Chester Osburn,
Mairgie Whipple, Ellen Tuter, Mary Drake
and Susie Ritchie. The following, although
not reaching perfection in this respect, are
entitled to commendati m: Ada Honker,
Ermak Smith, Rena Bonnett, Mary Watta,
(irace Bnshnell, David Day, Herbert Martin,
Henry Fisher and James Drake. Refpectfuily
F. E. Pattehbqk,- Principal
Married. On Mohawk, SuncTay, Dee 27,
18S5, by Rev Mr Baxter, Mr Elmer Yarnell
and Mis Ella McGee.
Divine service will be held in the Episcopal
:hurcb next Sunday, morning and evening, by
the pastor, Rev O Parker.
The Hetslan Fly.
Mr J A Pll'nej , of Jnnction precinct, called
at this office but Wednesday afternoon, aud
gave the editor information concerning the
prevalence of the Hessian Fly in the fields of
Lans county. He had with him some last
years stuhbl pulled from a field owned by
Mr Samuel Meek. By cutting th joint on
each stubble th fly was plainly visible. Mr
P informs us that be had examined th stubble
In at least fifty different fields and found the
fly prevalent in all of them, therefore he is of
the opinion that th Held in Lans county a.
generally thus afflicted. He Is of th further
opinion that the light yield of wheat of last
year was caused by the ravages of these in
sects. W herewith give full description '
the Insect, taken from Chamber' Encyclope
Hessian Flv-Th tan in laid nn tha vniidu
blade of the wheat, alter the coining up of
the plant in the fall, and also in th spring.
lhaeiriMi &ni K.iiift l.rj) u.:k .
- -oo- - "" -w VI III. II 1 'lift , "1.11 .
diameter of oaly 4-1(100 of an inch, of pale
reo. coior, ana natch in (our or live days if the
weather be warm. The larvea, as soon as
hatched, descends between tha leaf and stalk
till they reach a joint, just below the surface
of the Ki-otiod, at that stage of the plant's
growth. Her they undergo their metamor
phones, being nourished by sucking th juice of
th plant All th transformations mav ra.
quire several months, sometime a year, being
often retarded by circumstances. It need
dui very rem at these Insects to cause the
plant to wittier and perish. The larvae attain
their full Mm Id five or six weeks, whan tha
are 1-7 of an Inch long, and have the appear
ance of flax seed. In April and May the fly
is releared and soon betrins to lav itji tirira nn
the young wheat blades of both autumn and
spring sowing. The eggs attain the pupa state
(flaxseed appearance) in June and July, the fly
appearing in the autumn tn lav the eggs for
the next spring brood. Many of these do not
come to maturity till after harvest, remaining
for time in th stubble in tha Duna atata.
The Hessian fly is said to have been first seen
in ini country on Itaten Island in 1776 near
Y Sir William Howe disembarked the
lan soldiers under his command: and from
this circumstance received its name. Tha
crogrej of the insect seems to hsva been about
20 mile in a year, miuraifng in swarms. It is
a difficult pest toget ridTof, and th eradica
tion requires concert nf action among the far'
mers. If the straw contain any insect in tm
pupa state it should be buined. Tha etuhhla
should be cut quite long so as to give as much
neat as possible When it is burned. Then
plowing, and careful harrnwimr and eollectins
of th roots as far a4 practicable should follow.
wuu urying anu uuruing.
Lost Valley Items.
December 25, 1885.
Mr E B Hunsaker' is vwitinir friends at
this place. '
E L William went to Easene vesterdav
nn busines.
Mr J B Clarke and family have moved to
our valley.
We understand Mrs J R Clark has se.
oured several scholar in music
John Perolval has ecocluded to settle on
Falloreek. Who' the lucky one.
Thomas Hunsaker and family are visitinn
relative and friend on Camp Creek.
Miss Minnie Addinirtoti is affAln In mi
midst after an absence of two mouth.
Miss Ella Roiiey has attain left our nniet
valley tor the more exciting ceno of Eu
Rumor has it Jame Sand ford has nnr.
chased the Gridith farm paying $1800 for
the same.
Mr Thos Konev left last Monday for hia
home in St Louis After .a mouths sojourn
Oyster ripper ii the residence of Mr
Chaa William's to-uight. A good time an
ticipated. Kobt Willirfm has purchased the atenn
sawmill of Messrs Hunter and Scaibmugh
Messrs J P Barbre and K Smith have
rented the Bacus saw mill slnd are sawing
some lumber.
We understand that Mr Jame Parvin
has deeded b'O acres of liflid to hia sun
osea. We congratulate.
Uncle Tommie Mathews' butchered seven
six months old shotes that averaged near
wo hundred lbs. Hurrah for Webfoot'
Who'll beat it!
K L Wilson is our boss cafoenter. Hu
has erected a barn for Williams ami a barn
and blacksmith shop for Chaa Williams! i
t...:J! . t a u .... v
now uunuing, one tor i!.u Morgan ot W Inn
berry. The petition for a road thi aide the river
beginning near Fisher rock and ending at
MrTho Shelley' met with uoce. ,A
committee of five were chosen and held a meet
ing. Mr Chas William was appointed super
intendent of the road. Work will begin on
the same on the first Monday io January,
The Narrow GfjAOK. The work of
building the narrow guage railroad, says (he
Salem Statesman of Tuesday, began yeater-
ay i One hundred Chinamen were tent yes
terday to Oswego to do the grading. Seven
teen white men accompained them to do the
clearing. Mr Wm Watson is uperintendent
nf thi gang, with headquarter at Oswego.
The Oregon Iron and Steel company has
given the right of way through it pro
pertjr, which cover (even mile of the line.
The condition are that the railroad i to
establish switches at certain point on the
property. Mr Win Reid (aid to a New re
porter yesterday that the line would be
finished in June Or July. The highest grade
on the line ia 66 feet, on the Chehalem
Died. At tne residence of Robt Johnson,
Siulaw, Oregon, Deo 25; 1885, of coniump
tion, Jame E Attebery,- aged 46 year. The
decease arrived in Eugene about the year
1874. He erVed as City Marshal here for
several term and made an excellent officer.
He was a member of Spencer Butte Lodge,
10 0" F, aud J W Geary Post,
the tirn'e of hi death. He leave (even
orphan children to mooru hi death, his wife
having died last September of the same
dread disease; His remain were buried at
the Pleasant Hill Cemetery last Mouday.
The sympathy of all is extended to the orpbao
children and the relatives.
Mosio Skcurkd. Mr Grant Osburn, man
ger of Lane' Theatre, ha secured the
New Eugene Band to play at that place of
amusement every Friday and Saturday
evening, It U now the " bos " place to
Important. Th Bank of thi city or now
prepared to issue exchange to any place at tha
same rate as charged by the pontomce or
Wells, Fargo ft Cos Express. Patronize men
that in- in youroouiity and help to build
up the same.
L. Salomon Talks. He ay that all
thoae indebted to him must come forward
and settle oi else they may have the unpleas
ant matter brought to their attentiou by a
lawyer, A word to the wise i afficUut
Real Estate Transactions for December.
J E and E Taylor to Elizabeth Taylor, 160
acres: consideration, pua.
B J and W U Pengra to EM Beebe. lot.
in apnngdeld, Viuu.
C 8 Henderson to E K Henderson, lot in
r,ugene, u.
M A llovini tn 8 TWii land. IV).
0 3 Waahburn to R Allison, 80 acre.
P B Klnsey to M A Kinsey, lot in Eugene,
Item lTvln,l n T. TTl.n.l 170 .. iftftn
- "f J " . . j iuiiU A v a.iv n , ,-1'iWi
W A Potter to Jas Huffman, lot in Eugene,
W R Walker to M H Thurston, 127 acre.
J R Sloan to J M Sloan, lot In Eugene,
.1 W V.t n.n w W.I.I.. A ai-nn
...... r, v-tv . . '.cimci. i avic-p vuvia
Frank Dunlap to Q W Weider, 5.51 yrrs,
Phoebe B Kinsey to O W Weldor, 10.41
acres, t'.iw.
Ira Bell to O W Washburne. land. HI.
M M Uilespie to A O Hovey, 100 acres,
ias nuatuesion to M wumn, 0 acre,
J K Smith to T J Smith, land, $100. -Austin
Bond to C K lng, 320 acre, $Go0,
I L Swearingen to Emma C Huff, lot in
Junction. 123.
S H Norman to T R Hanna, lot in Junc
tion, $700.
S H Nornam to T It Hanna. 14ft
sum ' '
On Hlckethler to P C Swet, lot in Eu
gene, 811C0. ,
i. V an Vrankin to Ella Tllaw. hits In Jnnn.
tion, fiBj.
Isaao Vanduyn to J 0 Goodale, lot in Co
J ':. Goodale, to L O. O. F. Lodge, No 62,
w in vtsinuga erthj,
D R Hill to A L Hill, land, 3500.'
D R Hill to J B Hill, 128 acres, S3200.
A M Griffin to W H MoCall, land. 8150.
Lwis Salomon to J P Milliorn, land in
Jun tion, TMQ.
J W Harmesa to J C Wilson, land. tHOO.
N B Harvey to Anna Thayer, 100.87 acres,
Anna Thayer to NB Harvey, land $700.
Benj Hyland tn Fred Thayer and Nathan
Harvey, land, $6. ,
E Jones to H C Humphrey, 320.99, $200.
G W Ehbert to A G Hovey lrtO.65 acres
Jesse Simmon to M A O'Neil, 25.88 acre,
eon WOO.
B J and W B Pengra to Henry Smitheon,
lots Ir Springfield, lots in Sprimrfie'd, $50.
J A Ricks to J W Awbrey, lota in Junc
tion: JisJO.
W J .1 Scott to A C Fairchild, lot in Eu
gne, $120, ,
Benj Despain to J K Bristow, lot in Eu
gene, $1.
James Shaub, per sheriff to W Pitney, land,
F M Keiwr to W M Rose, 160 acres, $500.
Phillip Number to E W Whipple ft Bro
land. $1100.
S H Taylor estate to Mary F Wilson, land,
State of Oregon to Wm Goodman, 40 acres,
J D Hendricks to G M Dillard, 454 acre,
Mydr Rolenb'att to C Marx, lot in Eugene,
J H Berrry to W H Hoffman, lot in Junc
tion, $1400.
Irving Items.
December 31, 1835.
Farewell to the year of eighteen and eighty
five. Everything in and around Irving Is very
quiet for holidays.
Mr T J Rodger, of .Linn county, is spending
the holidays with hi sister, Mrs J M Kitchen,
and ha been getting very well acquainted
with some of th fair sex.
A Bend ft Son have been very busy making
an inventory of their good to see now bard
l"i'es v trade goes,
J P Zumwalt, .1 II Inwall and J R Yate
have been down in Linn county looking for
land. XNone ot them purchased any except
Mr Zumwalt
Our blacksmiths commenced tn build a buck
board in which to ride, but on account of hard
times have changed it to a wheelbarrow their
horse died
The Sunday School at Irvlmr had a very
pleasant tlm at their Christmas tree on Friday
last The tree was loaded down with si me
very nice presents, besides a great many little
things tor the smailtchildren who attend the
Sunday School. We say come little children
one and all. After the distribution of the
presents there were spread three lonir tables
upon which Vers placed that which replenishes
the inner man, such as turkeys, cliicltens, pies,
cake and everything that the heart could wish,
and we think everybody was well tatiafied.
May we alway have as good dinners.
Dexter Items.
Weather springlike.
Mr J A Bringle of Walterville paid thi
place a flying visit reoently,
Mr Jame B(Clark ha removed hi family
from Eugene to thi place.
'Mr J A Briggs and family arrived here
on Tuesday last from Pendleteo. They
will remain here.
A child of C L William fell recently on
a broken glast jar and received a severe cut
Mr Thomas Shelley, who with her hus
band, live about S mile up the river, met
with quite an adventure on last Monday.
Mr Swa absent from home and teeing a
deer across the river (he shot at and killed
it, then crossed the river in a skiff and while
loading the deer in the skiff the same start
ed to float down stream. After having
quite a tussle with the boat in trying to
save itane tounu heraex in deep and very
rapid water, but dually when nearly - ex
hausted, she managed to gain the shore,
where she lay nutil found by a' neighbor,
who procured a horse and carried her home.
The boat and deer were found the next day;
to "all u well that end well."
Beginning with the new year, publio echool
book will b sold at th following reduced
price at the McCnrnaok ft Collier Book Store:
uia rue, new fric.
Independent 2d Reader,
3d "
" 4th "
" 5th "
Complete Speller,
Elementary Geography,
Comprehensive "
Sills English
Karnes U. 8. History
Mental Arithmetic
Written "
50 ct 45 oU
75 65
1.00 80
L25 1.15
0 25
90 75
1.75 1.50
90 75
L50 t.25
40 S5
1.00 90
D. D. D.
Koe'ing sore of the unquestionable virtue
and absolute curative qualities of De Haven'
Dyspepsia Cnre, we offer free of charge sam
ple bottle and circular tn all who are
trouoltd with Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour
Stomach, Flatulency, Hick headache or any
form f( Stomach disorder.' This remedy
oontsih do alcihol, i ooinponoded np"n
strictly scientific principle and never fail
to ctfdct a cure. A trial will convince the
moat (foubtful nf it wonderful effect. Sam
pi bottle free at Oaborii ft Co' Dm 4 Store.
We Understand that Mr Grant Osburn ha
leased Lane's Opera Ilo'lse for five y lTt
Mr Jo'4 Lane in the pf iiig"
will reo-
Vjve to
Judge R 8 Bean went to Portland last Tu.
Senator Hoult wa in Engen a couple of
day thi week,
Hon Wm Barnes of Portland viiited Eu-
gene this werk.
Mr J B Alexander ha returned from a
visit to Yaquina Bay.
Mr Harry Baxter is once again at hi pott
in the ttore of Mr Peters.
Orover Simpson it now Wells, Fargo ft
Co' ageut at Tacoma, W T.
Mr Daniel Baas of Salem visited Engeue
friend the first of the' week.
Mr L H Wheeler, ot Portland I tojotmlna
in Washington, D C, at present
Profs Bailey aud Condon were registered
in Portland one day this week.
Mr W T Slater and wife left for their new
home at Pendleton last Monday.
Mr J A Strattoo, ' clerk of the Supreme
Court, viiited Eugene thi week.
Mrs A Goldsmith is visiting at the rest
dence of her daughter Roaa in Portland.
Mr Al Churchill, late of the Corvalll Ga-
sette, gave us a pltasanc call last Saturday.
0 P Coshow, Jr, of Browmjvill. wa in Eu
gene last Saturday and Sun day.
Attorney Bilyeu paid Junction City
professional visit last Mouday and Tuesday.
Mr W H Alexander is visiting at tha'
residence of Mrs J B Alexander in this oity.
Messrs Geo Frissel and E Deitx, of Mo-
Kenzie bridge were in town thi week.
Mr A F MoClane, ot Silverton, hu been
in Eugene the greater portion ot the weeks
Mr Harry Simon left on a trip to Port
land last Thursday. He will be gone about
one week,
Messr Winter and Brown, of thi city are
now running th Crawfbtd photograph gallery
tn Harrisburg.
Messrs Orr and Campbell left for San Fran
cisco last Monday, where they will join the
Grace Hawthorne orchestra.
Mr John Leasure ha been elected Mayor
of Pendleton. We alway like to see Eu
gene boy tuoceed, hence we congratulate.
Dr A Sharpie, of thi city, went to Mon
mouth last Wednesday to see a Mr Stump,
who ia quit UL He returned home Thursday.
Mr Clark Miller, an old time Eugene boy
gave n a pleasant call last Saturday. - He
now resides in Coquill City, Coo county.
Mr M S Weill, Deputy Collector nf Inter-
nal Revenue, paid relative and friends in Eu
gene a visit Wednesday and Thursday.
lie was looking splendidly.
Mr Nelson Luckey, of Southern Oregon.
ha been in Eugene th week visiting rela-
ves and friends. It look like old times
to tee Nelt nn our streets.'
Mr 0 P Lee, formerly principal of the
Eugene publio school, is still engaged aa a
profeawr in the Washington Territory college.
Io the last number of the Seattle Univeristy
visitor several article appear over hi lig-
Mr Geo F,,Craw, the accommodating express
agent, while attending to business In his office,
had a stroke of paralysis. For a time he could
not stand, and he was taken to hi horn in a
carriage. At this writing, Friday noon, ha ia
able to be about hi residence, and with the
exception of his right arm, is about aa well as
ever. We hope he will (oeedllv recover th
use of the paralyzed limb.
Frosty weather.
Read the correspondence in this issue,
Gent ean buy five skate ticket for $1.00 at'
See the I X L Store' new advertisement
in another column.
No open houses kept in Eugene on New
Year's day thi year.
If you want a book to ipend the long,
wintry evening giv Sterling Hill a eaU.
The Firemen's baud is improving rapidly
and now disoooraes most eloquent music
Mr Geo F Craw ha the sole agency for all
brand, of the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigar.
Ladies skate FRKI from Aiisdate at Rhine -hart's.
Gent', admission and skates, 25 cU.
Fall wheat is from two to three feet high
in the fieldij, and the grass is growing nice
ly. StValetine's day, Decoration day and
the Fourth of July all oome on Sunday this
year, i '
A pleafeot social party was given at the res
idence of County Clerk Ware last Thursday
evening. 4
Sterliig Hill keep in stock an excellent .
assortmrat of good readable work. Giv
him a all.
Ever tine the first of December many of
onr citiient have been reveling in the luxury
of uew ' potatoes.
Man good resolves haae been made
in the kst few day, which will be broken '
ia the text few day.
We icknnwledge the receipt of some fine
waddiig cake, with oomplmeut of Dr J W
Bean end bride. Thank.
Th roller-skate craze baa taken possess-
ion of the young perle of Eugene and
s6me d the more aged, too. .
The bell rung nut Vie old year and rang
in thi new Kit Thursday night. The
chronim as uso d grumbled thereat
Ferine urholstiiriig call on R D Brown, '
two dmr south, of Hendricks' a.T-icultnral '
ttore. Work i,, dune in good atyle and at
living fote.
Dr L F Joue has just receive freah bo- 1
vine vrru from the Jenuer vaccine farm of '
Franklin county, Pa. Thoe who have re- '
qixatil and aredesiriou of being vacciuated"
can now t,e treated with perfect safety.
LIge F-.iiey and Sam 8mith this week made' -
a matc'A race, to be run ntxt 4th of July over
th Vrineville track, for $2,000 aside. 2)1-
tfeit. 11h.II.. It I .... .
"' )' i1,""! tmok Wi-im Burn.
2 yw old Winters filly, and Smith runs hi." old Winter colt A forfeit of t-Mi'
a side has been deputed, the balance to be
put up the day befy, the race. This race'
promise to be an exerting eon test, as it will
b ruo on lis nenU.-PriaeyiU. News.
1' f