THE WqEHsT3TYGUARD iATUUIUY'l .JA.SUAItY 2. I8J-6. , Cummlulontr Sparks. This gentleman Iion ft big job on his landa, and lie tmm equal to it. He it trying to reform thn adminiHtration of thn land lawg, investigating pant frauds, nullifying them a far as lie can, and swing that thn act and in tenta of Congrena are carrind out lion fitly. We have abiding faith in Mr. Sparks, and while thera may lie somn delay, yet we brlieve that in the end, evnry man who ha Mittled upon gov. ernment will get ft title thereto in good time, according to law. The customs of the land office during the past twenty years, the la execution of the laws, and the appropriation of public lands in wholesale quantities by railroad companies, the barons of Eu rope and cattle syndicates, without the slightest restige of equity, are to ceasn, and none too soon. A few years more and the party whose hypocritical cry has been for years past that the pub lio domain is the property of the poor, would not hare left them' 'an' acre. Contrast their mighty boiuts and their miserable achievements, we can ay that the change was necessary. On this subject the New York Times of December 23d says: "The feeling against Land Com mis eionnr Sparks atd ITw rulings is wiid to le intense in Dakota, apd thn pvo pie ore appealing to Senators and Rep rescntatives for help. Senator Sher man and Senator Logan have already wssurcd them that their complaints will confirmation, both forgetting that the bo considered in Commissioner Spark's Commissioner was confirmed lust Spring before the Senate adjourned. It is carious that, although the land ques- 3s eae concerning which the people of Dakota fool deeply and are easily ex cited, no one has ever heard of an ii dignation meeting held in that region 'for 'the purpoNe of denouncing the i thieves and perjurers who have fraud xiteaUy taken possession of so much 'land tin the territory. That these 'thieves are there numerous is estab lished by many olCcial reports sent to Congress by Mr. Sparks' Republican predecessor who was of the opinion that tbou t 75 per cent, of the entries in Dakota were fraudulent. What do the warthy settlers of Dakota think -of these scoundrels! Why don't they i ftssist'iho Government in driving the rascals' out," The'Oregonian issued from it office -on last Friday a mammoth and super) ditiotv which excelled by fur the best in tha newspaper line on the North Faeifia Coast to this time. It content ed-of twenty pages, and contained a oowpleie and succinct account of the J a stafMl faint) 1.9 tint &hfnto ?ia I la nnut n.n m f If O unvn iui vi i1 ianv j i cat a mud i many columns of statistics and nil interesting artio'es. It is just. hn paper for the intending immigrant. '.Thnnewspaptir field is ably (illrd in ithistato by thn Oregonian, and the trotig, tnU'rpriaing men who manngn tt know that their elTlrts are nppreciu ted. or they may, if they will look at hnir subscription books. 'TheS. F. Chronicln piljnries ltepub ilicaii Representative Prion of the Eighth Wisconsin district for voting Against pensioning Mrs. Grant. The iChronioln is the great Republican news paper of the Pacific coast and it says that Price is ft Republican. The choel here that intimated otherwise simply exhibited its usual ignorance And unusual ears. Hou. Daniel Manning, Secretary of the Treasury lias issued a call for 10,000,000. The Republican news papers were mad because there were no boud calls, now they are furious a call has Ixwm made, It was to W . fxpectod of them as they have no prin e on which to unit. Rut nottody Aret them object. been opened by and the llepuhl . isoovered. Ihere 220,f()O in n Rutler puoiicaii Live Y Vaday. will iate VI). Hugh O'Brien has been elected Mayor of Boston by a majority of 8,500. The associated press forgot to chronicle the, election, as it was a Dem ocralic victory, but somehow never miss the report of an election in some 500" town with a small Republican majority. Jay Gould knows his friends. The present City Council of Eugene is deserving of all praise from their constituents for the able manner in which the finances of Eugene have been managed. Today, on a three mill tax, there is a surplus of over 82000 in the city treasury, and the usual improvements have been made. If the Democratic member of the Ohio Legislature should combine with some of. the Republican members and vote to keep John Sherman at home it would prove a national bless ng. John is at least twenty years le hind the times. He would prove a valuable relic for a museum, would this fossil fraud of the reign of the old fraud, Hayes. Democrats should inform each other tn the matter of the forthcoming regis tration. No perxoti ho is not regis tered according to the new registra tinn law will be ailowed to vote at the June election. With a full register .1 vote this county is assured to the party of reform and pregtess, which is tlie Democratic party. Next Friday is St. Jackson's day, the C8th anniversary of the battle of New Orleans. The 8th of January is now widely celebrated, and the custom is rapidly extending among the Demo crats of the ea.t. It promotes party discipline, and is a righteous tribute to the memory of a great hero. Hon. J. K. Weatherford is promi nently mentioned as the Demo cratic candidate for Governor next Juno. Mr. Weatherford is a man of excellent ability and reputation, and no worthier candidate could lie nomi nated. He would make a strong pull lor me place. The editorial in a certain paper on the silver question, shows a perspicuity that re.ninds us of the poser asked by another witty ssge, "If so be as how, how come it so." Which side do you.champion? TV. T ? 1 . n. i i . . .X'i resilient iiiuen is reported in better health. It gives us pleasure to record the fact, and we only wish that the distinguished nnd venerated statesman may enter thn twentieth century with renewed health. We learn that the Republicans of Portland aro in favor of nominating Hon. Sol. Hirsch for Governor. He is enti.led to it by his faithful and wanv Services to his party. The World, Mi. A. Noltner's new paper has ut last made its appearance. It is a newHy publication and will up pear weekly. The subscription price is $2 50 per yf ar in advance, . M Grevy has been re-elected Presi dent of the French Republic It would seem that Republican ideas are strongly intrenched in the mimls and aflnctions of the French people. United Senator John H. Mitchell of Oregon and United States Senator John I Mitchell, of Pennsylvania, are both natives of lioga county, Penn sylvania. The Orejuiiiuii now gives the South em Confederacy a blessed rest. "White winged peace now broods over the land." It is reported by telegraph that there is a likelikood of war between Austria and Russia. To I.rr,- In good condition, a comfortable six room bouse. For further particulars Io nium of Kmv I) l'arlmr- at tlia l.'i,ii.,ul Church Kectory. I-Ire. All persons indebted tn E V Whipple & flm's, either by note or book account will please call and settle the sain. Our store is burned and we mutt collect the mouey due us. K. W. Wiiii rut Jt Bros. Cottage Grove, Feb 23, 1S83. Taki NoTUR. All those owing me by note, aooount or otherwise are) reiiuested to call and settle the same immediately, at I must have what ia due me. I do not want tn put the accounts in the hauds of aa at-torm-y if I can help it. J. M. hLOAit. CARD. Trt all wVi in SlirTrtrttlir tntn ill indiscrti us of youth, nervous weakness, early leoay, low of manhiHHl, Ac, I ill send arvciii that will cure you,. FKKK OK CHAKlik Ttiia irrvat remedy was iliu-ikvrl li & n.i miliary in South America. Send self ail oresMM envenie 10 the KIT. Jonri H T. Ikmam. SuUoa V New City. Notice. I will have for sale, about Sit 10. 18SV J'AWO split wdar fence at my mill In i oourg. i ne price wui be 1T iwr hunilreL I . JaS. U GlHiHALE. CoburK, August 22. i i s Oebnra mowers raa lw liurvhssed l lit tore if Prruuett Forkaer fur 10. Buy Jlayward hand greuadaa. For Kood dentlstiy gn to Taylor A Kbe rly. 'I'll lik'hest cub urica will be raid for wheat oy r u isunn. Ask yoiir druvgUt for a package of Oregon I'hwtographa finished neatly and artis dually at Winter' A tine line of silk plushes in all shade ma grade t r 1) Uuno " The best candies and oranges can always be founu at . liauin confectionery store. If yon are in want of agricultural niaehio erynt any kind, remember that Mr J M Hendricks keeps a mil assortment. Mr 8 II friendly will pay the highest cash market price for wheat. Give him a can betore selling your grain elsewhere. Farmers Task Notice. A cood dinner caa hadat Baker's Hotel for 25 cents. Fish Mabket. Mr .7 P Ditchburn baa iust started a hh market In tins city on Ninth Street, opHsite Day k Pratt's blacksmith hop. He will keen constantly on hand all kinds of nh, oysters, clams, poultry and Ifame, etc The people should give the gentle man a K'kmi support. Tax Notice. fTUXPAYERS WILL TAKE NOTICE J. that I will be at the usual voting places oi tne respective precincts of , in County, from 10 a m to 3 p in of each day, fr the pur poms of collecting taxes for the yeat 1883, as follows, to wit: I ' Willamette, Saturday, Jan 9, , 1880 Irving, Moiiday, " . 1L " Lnn Tom, Tuesday, " . la, ' " , KichanUon, TlmiMlajr, " 14, " (-henhire, Fri.lay. 15, " Spencer, Saturday, " 18, " Crewwell, Monday, " 18, " fVittae Grove, Tuesday, ' " 19, " Siuidaw, Thursday, " 21, ' CoyoU, Friday, " 22, " SpriiiufieM, Monday, " 25, " Mi.ldleFork, Wednesday, " 27, " Kali Creek, Thursday, " 28, " I-ost Vallev. Friday, V 20, " Pleasant Hill, Saturday, " 30, " Mohawk, Tuesday, Feb 2, " Camp Creek, Wednesday, " 3. " .lunution, Friday, ' " 8,- " Hasle Dell, Satunlay, " 6, " MuKenzle, Monday, " 8, " Kloren, Tuesday, " 0, " South Kugene, Wednesday, " 10, " North Kugene, Thursday, " 11, " Taxpayers will take notice of the following law, page 7u'2, Section C4, Iawsof Oregon: "If any wrm resiiling in sueh precinct shall fail to atttjid at such time and place and pay his or her 'axes, such delinquent may pay the Mine within thirty days st the f'nunty Seat to the Sheriff j and if he fad fc pay within the thirty days as aforesaid, and the Sheriff visits hi renidrnce, the Sheriff may collect of such person, for his own use, ten cents per mile go ing and returning." J. R. CAMPBEIX, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Lane Co., Or. Dated, Kugene City, Deo. 18, 1883. Notice, NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT my wife, Elizabeth L Scott, has left my bed ami hoard without just cause or provoca tion, and the public is hereby cautioned, nut to credit her on my account, as I will tint be res imnsiMe for any debts cintrui-ted hy her after this date. W. W. SCOTT. I hi ted. December 18, 188.V PENGRA, WHEELER Ik GO, Springfield, Oregon. Call attention to YhE FAOT that they have added a full line of staple Dry Goods, - Boots and Shoes, and Groceries, to thir stock of merchandise in the store, and to THE FAOT that they offer the same at prices de signed to shorten the long face and smooth the wrinkled brow of the most exacting Granger that ever smashed a clod or whacked a steer. Also to The Fact Tliat thfir Cloning Out Sain of CLOTHING and FANCY GOODS of all kinds continut'H at pricca lower than the M Cosl Below Cost!! Regardless of Cost!.'! -TEHMSOASH Cash paid for wheat dolivprfitl at thn Springfield mill. BLANKETS, OVERCOATS FROM BR0WNSVILLEW00LEH MILLS. Good sold at our store in Eugene for the same price as at the mill. Gray Blankets Good value, $3.50 pr-r pair, Gray Blankets wild everywhere at $5 $4.00 per pair. Gray, Red, Itrown or Blue Blankets All Wool, S3.50 per pair. -OVERCOATS.- He arczclosin out this line, and as we hare a large stock on hand will ofcr special inducements- Boya All Wool Overcoats, 5 to U years 16.00 Boya All Wool Overcoats, 10 to If yearn - $7.00 to 8.00. Complete line of Furnishing Goods, JIats, Etc-, Etc JJrowiisYillc Clothing House. Notice. Mr. B. II. James bavins; retired from business and being desirous of settling up, wpierU all those indehted by not or ac count to immediately call and make a settle menu He can be found at bis ortice in the Court House, ready to receipt for all debts uue mm. I. X. L. Store. Notice Is hereby iriven that all those in dehted to the I. X. L Store are hereby noti fied to call and settle the same at once, or the accounts will be ulaced in the hands of an at torney for collection. Fair warning to all is our motto. I Warshaieb Bbos. Eugene, December 4. 1885. Keynote to Health, Health is wealth. Wealth means Indepen dence. The keynote is Dr Bosankn's Cough and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the world Cures Coughs, Colds, Pains In the Chest, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption. One dose gives relief in every case. Take no other. ' Price AO cents and Jl. Samples free. Sold by Usbum A Co. GRAND EJM! Until Jan. 1, 1886, I propose to sell all. kinds . of GOODS at JUICES that will as- tonishall. If you are in want of anything in my line give me a " call and PRICE GOODS. Remember I mean Business. This is a Genuine Clearance Sale. 1 1 lowest, IN FACT THE- Gray, Brown, Blue, Scarlet or White- All Wool, 4 points, $7.00. White, Searli-t, Gray, Brown, Etc, All Wool, Extra Large Family, $3.50, $0.00, $10.00. Young Mens' All Wool Overcoats 110.00 to 12.00. . Mens' All Wool Overcoats, former Trie II 5.00-$l 2 50. I) Mil!!, Only 60 Days More II All our cntim stock of GOODS which are left MUST BE SOLD IX TIME MENTIONED ABOVE AT COME ONE! And Don't Get Left. AT THE IZ-LSTOBEI'. Store Fixture for Sale Cheap. Bankrupt Sale. Having purchased the Bankrupt Stock of GUOCEBIES, ETC. at prices VERY LOW, formerly belonging to Osburn Belshawy I now offer them for Give me it call and Sheriff's Sale. IWrOTIOK IS HKHEBY filVKN THA'f by virtiiM i? a writ oi' Kxt-vntiiii, duly out ut tlx Circuit Court if the Stale if Un'gnii for Line County hy tlio ' Clerk thert-oi, Deceinlier fitii, tS ami to me dirccteil, Hhmi a jiiiuunuit renu'-ruil u: suiil Court Out. i, ISi.), in favor of J lin-niier & Co., t'llf, and n.iinst J. II. Hurry. Dnlt., for tlie sum of tfj.'il ,rKI ami .")() a t'y fi' anil th" fnrtiu-r sum ot J.00co--t, witli interest on said o lun u'. at tlie rutH of 10 per' cent, a mm (r un due tl.e e (, biog' nn ible to fin I any pvrn'iiitt pn e tv belong. Ini t i Den., 1 did, on ill' 21 day of Uucemorr, IS levy upon tlie follnuiug dei:riled ri'al p:'"i), rty. to wit : Lots ii, (r and 7. bl'C't 4). ii Jun.-'i'iu City, Line' ('ouiity,; nls.i eoiiiiiicJicioi at the K or of the N K of X K of See 17, run ning V 50 rods, N 4) rods, K 30 rods, 8 to plane of beginning, cut lining 10 auroi; aNo N J of S K of S K , Se.! 17, fontaiDing 2( acres, all in T 1"), S fl 4 vV, ,aue Coun ty, Oregon, and to satisly said judg ment, eonti and accruing o 'tU ami expenses of Sil", I will s.'ll the ab ive desi-ribeil feal pr p rty at p iblio an.t:ou to tlie higiiot bidder for eisli in hand at fie Court House door iu Kugene City, Lane County, Oregon, on Monday, January 23, 1886, At t'ie h ur of 2 o'clock P M of aaij day. Dated Dee. 11, 1883. J. It. CAMPBELL, Sheriff Lano Co , Or. W. H. DELANO, DEALER IN MOIIMEin. Headstouev and Tombs finished in American or Italian Marbl ALSO Stoci Wotk aid Cjsw'.cr;::-s Scotch and American Granite Monurnenti. r. .) at a distanrc wil'. 1 finn:-b 'd ith Tiirs ano oeMns in m:tit xiva on application. Ah' work warrnniefj. I -Hf edl snd examine mv w.irl: and get riciS before piireba-iiu elsewhere 5ii-). AN l VI!!K FEXCIXtJ r un ited ut maniif.ietiirers' prices 6 my cusUuners only. Shop on 8th street near Sloan' Stahl l -Tf r;ia tisj i J win HuMFRrrioill apjHIeuu. and M nMnrt lul w usii o. J.rloj li. Ii roaulai tlmul lad pun. llhiiuauou. prkM. itmw dnetlr.0 ... UA luil.l. to an. wnciaiw u Sum Oartcari7 Snd w It. D. at. FERRY CO., Detroit, Michigan. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. V"OTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT 1.1 the ipartnerhip heretiifor nistinj uuru a iieisnaw lauiasolvrd. I Jo l.,lSS by Uto. BtLsBAW. Way D EMM. ANY PRICE". GOME ALL I sale at own1 Prices, price the Goods. J. L. PAGE. DYSPEPSIA. oedPlitary.liabil. liK-iiliil.voiTy,nervoua J excitement, e.ceor linDriidenee in rat-- lny or di'iiikiii', uiul various other causes.; inducu Consiiputioii olluuvd by eeral il.'i'iiiijeiuent ot tlio liver, kidney's, auit" Moinat'li, In which Iliu di-oidu' of fuclr or.Mii the liilii'iniiy ut tlio others. '1 ho iimiieiliativsiillH u.v L'.waof Appe'' ti!i-. XiiiK'H, Koul Hivntli, Heart burn, Flntr-' lili nce, lizzines, .Sick Ifriirluclie, faiiuro '. of physical nnd inrniil vkw. (li-itrcsdiiig ' seiweorwel'litiindfuiliiPssiibi;pfoiiiiici, llllil illere!i'd('osliveiless, I'll ( which Mro" kn iwn muleroii.! head ns Dystiepsia. Ill every iiistimee wbcnMbitiliseiisedoe not oi'i,'iii:iii from wto.'iiIous taint in tlw' blood. Avkh's I'll.t.s limy be ronfldontly , reie il nno i Id effect iretiiv. Tlie caarV not iim-n-Mi! tn Hit enrul ive influence of'. A YKit'it Pilm :i.iiii will errtainlv vield if tin; l'll.l.s aivaid.d bvthe powerful blood- ' ptuifyiii;,' properties of AYfcK'S Sahsapa- ' itiix.w Dyspeptics slionld know tiat tlio loniT .treatment of their miilaclv is pcKtpoucd,-' the more difficult of cure It becumcs. Ayer's Pills Xevcr full to relieve the bowels ami pro-' mote their healthful mid regular Hction, mid thus etire Dyspepsia. Temporary ' piilllallves nit do permanent harm. The fitful activity into which the enfeebled' Momai'li Is spurred by "bitters," Hint nleo-'' holii! stimulants is' inevitably fullowrd-, bv react iun that leaves the onan weaker' than before. "Costlvenem, Induced ky my sedentary hsMts of life, tsn'smu cbninlc'; Ayfr's 1'ills sllorili'il me speedy relli f. Tlielr ocniiinnal use bus nlneo ket me nil riulit." Hermann Ckiko. ' it. .v x. ...... i. ir t "I wns Induce to try Ater's Pitu as a remedy for lnillKestlnii, Constipation, and Headache, from wbii h 1 bad been a suf fi n r. 1 found' their action easy, and obtained prompt relief.- They hnve bcnelited me more' lli:in nil the niedli ines ever before tried." Sl.V. Watson, to J Mule .St., (ih ago. III, "They have, entirely corrected tlie costive' habit, nnd v:illr Improved mv eeneinl hwiltb."' Kkv. 13 B. IIablowe, J-tMnto, (,a. "The most effective and tlie esslent physic I hnve ever found tine done m ill quickly more' my bowels nnd free my head from pain." W. L 1'aoe, Richmond, to. "A sutr.rer from Liver Complaint, Dye-' pepsin, and Neuralgia for tlio lnt twenty years. Arm's Pills hnxm tK-ncfilpU m. more than sny medicine I have ever tnktn." 1. R. Uooers, Ketdmsrt, Brotrn Co., Ind. "For rvsMps they arc Invaluable." J. T.' TIayes, Mexia, Tna: AYER'S PILLS, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau. Sold by ill Druggist. Something You Can . Save time and money by calling on STERLING HILL Hew and letting him renew your subscriptions tot' newspr, story papers and magazines. H a s., keeps a compleU stock of Magaiines, in-' rludmtt entury. Harper, Leslie etc. All thef P"pul.r librariea. Seaside, Lovells. Standard, .Munme ami others. In fact everythinif nsa- . ally found in a 1st class news dept P O Buikf' ,ms, tu6'tne.