! n I '1 j i . f ! H i! I !- r - A 24-jwnT-olrJ grandfather is one of the freaka of Aiuericua, Ga.' We nee Clothing in tliia to cau.su its to change oar often exprrwd . opinion .hat if, Georgia nre walled iu and provided with a hand organ und door tender ho would mako the most com ploto side alio on earth. Chicago New. Tim 'Governor of Idaho in an honest and coiiHcicntiouH man. In rehearsing in his Thanksgiving proclination the things fcr which we ougty- to thank God, ho included a Democratic Ad ininirUrulioii ai tlio National Goyenu aient. : 1 ' Marrying a foreign lady who cannot speak hnglihh w ill iiixuro no man a quiet home if vorapuck, the universal language, is tii hccoiiie univerttaL Away with volapuck. Proper Treatment for Coughs. That the reader may fully untlertnl what constitute a goo.1 Cmitfh and Lung 8yrop. we will say tint Tar nd Wild Cherry ie the basis of the let remedies yet dis-jny. ereiL These itijpedienU, with several other equally a eflicaeiiw, enter largely into l)t BosankV Cough and Lung .Syrup, tliua makio it oue of the mott reliable now on the market. Price 50 Cta and $1. Sample free. 8old by Osburn Co, Eugenes V S Lee, Junction. hire. ' i All person indebted to E W Whipple 4 Bro'e, eithe' by note or book account wilj please call ami settle the same. Our store I burned and we mo t collect the money due u. , , H. W. WmrPLE & Uhos. Cottage Ornve, Feb 25, 1885. Cure For Piles. nil ' ' Plica are freriiiently 'preeeded by a sense of Veilit in the back, loiaa and lower part of the abdomen, c.iiisin;,' the patient tniiioe he liar, some affection of the kidney or ueL-hborin;.' organs. At times, vintm of indigestion are present, flatulence, iiiieasliieM of the stom ach, eta A moitnre, like perpiration, pro. liicintf a very dUa'DeeMe itclihu', after i;tt tiiir warm, is a common attendant JUinit. lileediuK and itch inK pile yield at once to the application of Jr losatiko's Pile Kemedy, whh b acta directly upon the pert afTecteil, ah orbiir, the tumor, allayins the Intense itch. Intf ami effecting a permaneDt cure. I'rice fiO cent. Address thel)r llosaiico Medicine Co., Piqna. Ohio. Sold by Osbiirn ft Co. and W. S. Lee, of Junction. ' Sheriffs Sale. VrOTICK IS HF.KKHY filVKJf THAT 1 by virtue of a writ of Execution, duly lamed out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Iane County by the Clerk thereof, Duuemlwr 8th. 1S85, and to me directed, upon a judgment rendered ir. said Court Out. 21, 1885, in favor of J. liieoncr k Co., Pltr., and auainst J. H. Herry, Deft, for the sum of fcMl.fiO and $M alt'y fie ami the further um of $22.00 o..U, with interest on said judgment at the rate of 10 per cnt. per annum from date thereof, being unable, to find any pxraonal property belong ' lug to Haid Deft., I did, on the 10th day of December, 1885, levy npnn the following doseriliod real property, to wit t Isits ft, ti nd 7. block 40, in Junction City, Line County, Oregon, and to satisfy nid juclg flient, coat and accruing coat and expenses 'yof sale, I will sell the alKivo described real . .property at public auction to the highest -bidder for caah in hand at the Court Mouse "Tllnorin Kugoue City, Lane County. Oregon, -on 10 Monday, Jasitahv II, ISSii, mAt the hour of 2 o'clock P M of said day. i Dated Dec. 11. 1885. J. R.CAMPnEIX. w Shcriil' Lnuo Co , Or. re : tl r Th noat notralir Weekly nwirr dfotl ' tMitnM, miniii.urfinriiif durowna. ntiona and palanta er piilijuhrd. Rr7 nvim br luiirat4 nh aplpntl;t ancrafniCT. Thia ttabllmiioa furniihaaaino.lTaluablaaBcjc.opMlia (inCanntiasbirhn ron iliouldl without. Th popolariir l M'iKmric Anicay i uch thai It eireulatian aatl Muala Ibat . ofall otliae vvn oliMcla"io)mliiiiMl. Price yar. liwoimntKiCluba. (iold br all Bawadjf rt. Ijitvu nt d..i.1(.k.m Krt 1 Hrnailwav. n. V. aaaa practice batore ha Patrnt OWi "d hate rwiar4 I mora thaa One Hundred Tfiou- I Luitaa n AJauromTeta. and all otbtr .pap -burins to lotanwnatnair ninw I'niiad 8UI. t'ar,ad-. Baaland. 1 ranee. l.orm.D and other (orairo ",,nl"'t-.;'-uarwl at ihort aoliea and on psaaonabla urma. Inioraiauon aato obtainiM rntshaer. information aao. AhrMaa Muna t. are noi?u iwfca"". The adr.ntaaao achm.iii. indariwod by ail p.r4 Ue wtata todia- Tdd0'rJ!ii,,WjN3, CO Pm Borrnnc ID.. ei. m J. A. CAKPWELL. General A-ent for Oreic"-M- rULLKK, of lUrrUbiiry. Icl Agenl for Linn and Lane cmr.tiee. FLUES EaUnguubel every day with the Nprd Hand Grenades. . Fv ronr boine. Tur prrpertT and your 'Take no Mher. IW.ore t : ' Bsywrtd. O. J. Perl't. 1- Market yi, . J f. I'f'M'H1.'!'', 'g'ue. KING'S EVIL Was t!ic namo formerly c!vcn lo Scrofula ticcaUkO of a auiierstltlon Ibat It could bo 'cured by a klna toucb. "Tbe world Is wk-r now, auJ known Ibat scitoruLA can o-j'.r bn cured by a thorough purifica tion of- the blood. If this In oevlected, tbe diwa-w perpetuates Its taint throuftli generation after generation. Among It earlier svinptoiniiic dcvtlopmeuts are Kczcmiti Ctitaneoua Kruntioiia, Tu tnora, UotlH, Carbuncles, Lryalptlaa, 1'urulent tlcors. Nervous and I'liy slcal Collapse, etc. If allowed to eoi: tinue. Klieuniatlsm, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Livor Wlscuses Tuberctilur Conauniptlon, and ari ou other dan.'erou or fata! maladies, are produced by iu Iyer's Sarsaparilla h the only powerful and ahroys reliable U'lod-purifyiny medicine. It U ao effect mil an alterative that It eradicate from the system Hereditary Scrofula, i.nd the kindred puNon of coulugiou diaenKi and m"rc jrv. At ih same time it en rkhei and vlLiiizc the blood. reMorlne; bealthful actlm to tbe vital ortiuw und .rcjurrtiatlug ihceutire yystciu. TLIsgrcat : Regenerative Medicine I conipo'd of tlio conuine Hnndurvs Suri'iparilla, with Yellow Duck. .V7 liwjla. ibo Iodide of rolntshini nud Jikh, und oilier Ingredient of great j. tcny. carefully and ecienilllcally com pounded. Iti forniirln I generally known to the medical profcsiou. und I ho bct phraiclam conxtimtly prcscrib'J AVKR'S bAUAi'.vitii.LA a au Absolute Cure For all diserwi canted by llio vitiation of t'.ic blood. It I t wticmtnted to th? blirli e.t pr.ti.rtea!)!3 degree, far beyond r.ny c'her irep:iru!io:i for which like effects are claimed, nn I I therefore llio e lieaet, ,.; we!! :i tin liet blood pttrlfylaj tncdl--liui, iu v.o:M. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rur.?.itt:r nr Dr. J. C. Iyer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Analytical Chcmlsta. Sold by all Drnaglm: Price $1; Sis bottles lor , i. f JT10N PIKECTOUY. 'KVTKXXIAL I.IVKKV STARLE-J. J Katon, pro. 'irat bw 'ream. P.ugvii', etc. to kll jHiiiit at rca"iiahle rate. Hay aud v'r.iinf'ir .de.' lleailuuarteni Corvallia Uii. GRAIN BROS. PSALEItS "' Jewelry, Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Wat'.-liee, t'locka, and Jewelry remired and wtiratd. Northwes. corner of Willamette ml Einbth Ktrieta. CORVALLIS, IfiQUiSJI, SAN FRANCISCO inn) VIA Oregen Fail S, S, AND STF SHIP LIME. TEAIK3 KT AXD APIS2 IE J. 13. Irfuve .'nrv:il!i-Tiieilav, Thnr-diy, .yatur iluv nt !l A. M. Irfuve Vaoiiiiia Mnn l'iy, Weduewlay, Fri day at 8 A. M. RaiTES iimn ctavALLia ikd sas r ustistxf Vitrl claNt and e.ibin .ice 14 M Firt eiai. and ftei ra-paw.i 7 (V lir.iin, er tn, i' Tlill" n:ivin;! t" th! f irmoin an J nii-rcluilita of be t II.-y tlnmMiulii "t dollars Willamette river t-eil"iit will hereafter niintH't with tiaina at CuitalliA. 'i'lii new line i prepawl to transport nil the libt and li;tentfer tferii:g A. (' P. ft V. A.'eKt, :oi v.dii. Dr. rALiisxA.sa vi.-r iw LOOK HERE! W. B. ANDREWS '-IS SELLING- Lumber At the Depot, FOR ;1Q per Thousand. GIVE HIMA CALL. A. 0. HOVE Y, Pleaideli'. H. C HUMPHREY C'aaliicr. LAKE COUNIT Bi N . H0VEY, HUMPHREY A CO EUGENE CITY, - - OR. (i neral batikins transacted. I). A-ita receivtd on curreut account und oa a i'i.l evrtiheate DrafU drawn oa lXRTiaXD, PAV ERAXC1SCO AND NEW YORK. J'I'ls of Exchanfra sold on the Cities of E ;. Iraus made. ( i lkeiious ot-all a-.vesille jx.udi aapeculty. "1 3 8 mgmmm JEWELRY' ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEY, c3 r 25- W M b aaa 3 L H" J 2 S S S 3. ' & LH 3 p I a n C -l 1 o DEALER IN Clocks, Waches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. C5"AII Worst Warranted. J.S. LU.:KKY, VA awrth Co's Crick Willamette street. x o WILL EXCHANGE El 111!. milK EUGEXK MILL COMPANY X herehy takes the pleasure of annunc iug that they wil!tLe WDE-IS.T at any Marehr.use north of Eageno City in exchange for FLOUR. MILL FEED, ETC., at heir mill in Eugene. The Company a ill take wheat receipts, properly signed to them, and (jive credit to the owner of the mime on mill books !ur tlie amoinn in IiusIil'Is. . P. K. fti:. Julv 3 J. 1SS4. nUim 30,000 CASES -OF- RECTAL DISEASES -AS PILKS. RECTAL ULCKIiS. EISSUFES, 1'KAKl I U."-A.i, riri l u..- i.t AXO, I'OLYPCS-KECTl, ETC.. ETC. tired In Y-nr! by llio Knnlt- rrillrli jia-Jia. 1 - T II l:1bl....M i.pn,irt..hir .if till. Kvf and ICnr Inririnttrj.an IMiiiiltnriii.il InrlTVOIIfllsiNCUisfa), BiuoeeiiBiuiiicti fur tliirt eviiteiu in Orecn ....I l' T 'n avvorrt allP'iciU nlivra'loli. J pain. No If of bheel. In two ninntna nave I l Mn.u Xl'Ui. llUVll lu.flir Mlllllllltttfll to severe ik-Mv1oiii, ami otny rwiveu iiijiim ; lll.ivi iiiiin... crfonl, ilr'.i.'-'i't formerly of Sali-in; Mr I' rank Canlner, imtvliimxt; .Mr It A l.ampey, imr rinliiirv, anil ottiera. M'lll ...;.... t St I'liA.li'a lliiti'I. Kll .1 ill n ,-..i.m. - - ,'.-ne, ff-i.nt 2:: 0 P m W,rtin,i..-y, JhiiO Mil. lit I'lwu hImv '2 n. in. Jilri ary 7th. 1SM1. A.kirea l"f imn 'incr. nr, .1. li. PlLKlX'iTUN, M. T)., Portland, Or.-g.in. Wonderful German Invigorafor. THE OLDEST, GREATEST an.l RKS'i REMKUY for the cure of IS'ervona and Physical De Qbilitv, Viul Exhaustion, Seml UJn 1 Weakness, Loss of Muiihoo.1, fJCFailim,' .Memory, and Relaxed 3 ami Enfeebled conditions !( the L(Jfiiito Lriiisrj- oruaiik, Yn lrSruiilLV Clliw ImixiUn- KenJr.al WeakneM, and all the rail t If ecU off youthful fnlliea and the abuse or Excesses of Matu- ''! it pennanently prevent all ilhinatural Loss fr.m the sya 'tui, as UioUHanils can attest wl.o iMve nsen tlie itemeily la the . w.. m . in . ii i if U' I, i. Vi allfc l.l . wiimij " vn I l.fi. lu.ni before thennolic. O It is nsieed a wonderf ul reme Oily, tonin the neres, strength lining th(j niuscles, checking the 2s."te, ilvit'orating the whole System, aid rentorins'tlie afllicted Ipto Health aud Hai-pinks. tj The iJavU.r wi! aree U forfeit $1,0(10 fnra case uinlertuken, not cure. I. Tie reason so many can not cut fired of YVenknewi and the above disease isi einjf to a complication e.dled "Proetatorrher 'which rvipiire siciul treatment VARICOCELE or WoiillV Yruxa of t e Scrotum. Often the nnsiir.iected caiine off tsT JIaxhikjI), Ukbh. ITV. ftC. UK. LIEPKVS I! VIGOnATOK, No 2. with our peculiar fpe.lil trentun-nt is the only cure for P:ot,it-rrl:enl Py it Mi.i.Ii.hmI i re- Mi mi m tored and the band " ai:e to Youth. if pi'iipies appear It moved back from .he face, if yon become listless and 1eHt...inUit l.k out f..r the com plication with V:tiil( Veakness sad loa of Vitidity known s liistntorrhen. irnmlreds of lives "have Wn h"i' !r t'.ie want of propi'r treatment for this vi:iiieatioM, ami thoueaiiils have lt all tliiir j.roj t.v iii.il pleuure in life from its elfrcts. Price of either Invfa.wtor, $1 Case of six bottles. $10. Sent to any addrers, covered seciirvlv from olmervatiie. Uli. LIEIiKr t) treat sncceasriillr bv Moina-opatliv every fi or L'bronio lVeine witi dniK. Jf vitality il: niiiiieions lis'.irs folli me.iitr:d treatment. If the nnnatnral Iws catr lteK, llriihl's !;, (iiinra:itI. inn-iins ..r'aiif. kidneys, liv.-r treated. IWeses of w OL'AI.IKIhli and 1 Lieiii'.' mid (', from Km . tvpecial, Private t meruiirv or i!.-aseons lied Iroin the lly, that bal.'le nljicrv !Ii.hmI to continue, ConsMtiiptiou, 1'ia- isaiiity, r.lc. t nr I the eiiito-miu.'irr d bis'lder SH-clal)y ii miertlilv cured. SI'ONSIP.LK.-Di are ..r.'iiiiiw.l in '..m.ilii.nce r.ith Calif'Siia Medical law, NEW DEPABTUHE! NEW GOODS! HEW PBICSS! mtlK UXDKHHUXKli WUa. COM- J niriic.) m the l.t il.'V of Octolk-r, l'i, to .ted their new .uiil c..ni K te huh I: i.f GENERAL MEH(IIAniSE FOR Cash or Approved Paper Only. In view of tilt hard times, w have con eluded t'i reduce our prices t. a e.rli lis, fr!inrf as.lire.1 that it will be t tile thlvantae of our ciu.Io.ikih as well na ourselves. We cirdi.illv invite all cash customer to ex amine our stuck, We feel Coulldent tbat tve ran Hall 1 ou llotii In Qualllv und I'rice. HRMKMBKIl , Wc C'sirry io Trasli! Call an e the Difference Between Cash and Cred.t. lillii.'i procured by rv slid are now in their nine l.il i.iacticc I M.nt powerful electrii: Vlis fie to .aticnt.. I'r Liebu's Uondnful lai:iietic Hviib-ra or Self Jl.miietii'Ms, tin rei-t rnrntue imu Hon t the a'f. J-) very ma or wi.in.in i-a:i now lie their own m:iv:lt-tiv l.-r. It cm lie nil u illioiit the aid .'f J prof, j is.liettlirrutiv no bi- fes i compU-te. Sold tlNIA liaprlisarv. Call .r lublress l,icfi0!t;eii;rj-, ii') ;ieiuv Street, San Itam i-co, Cal. I'rivi'.ic eiitr.iin-e 4o." A a - u r-li.-ct, f.mr liioik" up IJaiy from K tnuice thioiih J li.HjH'iis.iri r college eiiiu-ati.iii nth year of snc mal hai:d rnbbei, jiv. I'rice. S5 t the Hi l.iel.i NCTIOE CF FiHAL yOTK'K ! HKliK! the iiiid.-r-vn-d h'' Co'i:t of I.Mi.e t'ocnty :i.iin:if. :i Executor ! I l "rnl'tr.'.-, deiv.iM'd, aud . .lm iav, .Liliiiai v I. Kl. Mi.l il.iy at tiirt 'Court Oci'ity aii'l St -to as the ti iieaiin.' thtn-of. '1'lvr. f. ete.l ill ap(h'r at iii s'li.w cause, if any there 1 be not tiu.illv settled. Pnhlkdwl live weeks i (I'AHO bv "llli rof said C' U r J7, s.-v. Main eu- inu- Store. ISETTLEfvlENT. C.IVKN 'I'll XT ! in ti e t 'onnty (irvni, n:s tinat K.-ute of y.imii t'o'llt lis' tie.l t 10.iVl.ick A. M. of itie .l.wr in said e and i!. for the , sil k'Ixoh mter uie and p'a.-e anil why snid Estate the Kl OKXF. C"TV rl, made Xovem- DISSOLUTION VTTICE IS the I HBIfKl nri'i .f l;rikill S 1 1 V iiiuticl O'lisent .T ill V I indt l'ted t. the Kl in ai-e 1 tame to 11. .). Day. THE STEE . '-AGE lap ant Trucks, P. FlSHKII, f said Estate. NOTICE. ;IYKN THAT !).y was dissolved All iwrsons ited t pay the Tm. I)IISK!LL, J. AV. AILJRON AND STEEL, DON'T FORGET THAT GOLDSMITH IVlivers joimIs to any part off town. That Goldamlth Pays Cash (or Produce, .. .. i. .. Hil)e)! " " " " Furs, " " Keep Seeds nt all kinds, " " Sell Groceries, Crockery, Wooden and Willow-Ware cheaper than any house tn town. THAT GOLDSMITH SELLS . Tea at 25c per pound. 13 lb Sugar (or ft 15 II Pice for 1. 8 11 Coffee (or SI. G.id Rrootn (or Vx Good Wash Board ( 25c. 6 gal of Crock (or $L A GOLDSMITH, THE GROCEU. Tl Tavt.tr 'a T Oat a ftunnntind. nnrelr tes- table, Uken internally, positively cure rhsu- i toatism, neuralina, U'thch, chills awl lever I and cramp colic Sold by (ajb-jra Ca, Eu- . n ,, .. .. l ... ipene. Aitents, oaei (leiisnc & nuraaim, 1 Portias I, Own. Sams Price as Woden Wagons For 90 days from Xov. 1st, B5. for Introduc tion. I M.trs durante than the tte4 wakens of Jung- land, which run twkstc IE, IJuilt on Imas principle. LMit and at rone and will; i.Kt s ureiiiue. N Tiret lo Se , Ten lean in the Jnrket. I Ivw freights by the new nte. Mauufactiiml by BENICIA AGRICULTUAL WORKS. I Address Bcnicia,CaL j nll-m3 F.IH.T.E1M Cut this nut and send it th name off this paper to obtaiu discount ffor tiECT TR.VI.E. T E E Luckey & Co DKiLERS m DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. i We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. SUCCESSORS To Luckev J- Biistnw at the old Ellsworth Store. arH U cm O in a l-t mm Pi ft ft : h Q eH !h w a3 rH CO OSBURfJ & GO. DEUCCISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILI.AME1TK STREET XEAI1 STH Eugene City, dealers in DltCCS, C11KMICA1-S, OU A (iL.ASS, VAi.MSHKS. CKU'J CHKS, 1 A1IM yil M INK Of ui-vt every kind. i t. . Brandies. W ires and liqvois d tl.eviry Inint i nlit 1. 1 tu'in'i 1 1 1 1 1 E hn. e nlway lr4 alneast of the time ii .ht line, and i ill,. .ut l. a.iinr, ve think ' ar wl.1 hi i lnimiii-' tli t hate HIE l'.''" sw.irtnirnt .f DPI'GS In Ktiiiie. P.riiciiliir siiinti. ii is lalltd t. n i rtxk I'KIM-T'.MERY, TOILET f-KTS. Mi l Mil 1.01 D CASES For the year 1885, nr'i Own IliutMl', Will speeiiily tvlieve ami miiinnentlr I'll the v:u ions ililiieulties uri-iii;,' from a disor dered eou.lition of the Liver and Kidneys. It i perfectly harinteM ii'l can be itiven to the most delicate vnniu or child. 1 or s dv by h!1 .Ii tij.'v:ii-l. SITSIL . HZ1TSSU & TTOOralED, V!i.il.-ide Al-imiK Portland, Oregon. T 1 Lumoer ... 'EJ'-EriEi 9 !i Is running and will run all Summer. Bills filled at short notice. James 0. Goodale, Vroprietor. Orders ran he left for the Cob' r? saw mill at the store of McClunjt Johnson. We shall lie aide to sell PAINTS, MLR and P.KUSHES, (off wliitb vc now l.uve a lari;a stuck ou hiind) 'IIiiiii any bouse in this city, and our friend can reft asMnre.l that anylhin bought from n will lie first-chit. As buy many off onr Ki.ods Eiu.t and haie fneilities that few in onr husiiifffl hae, we think we are .reKtred to nn lersell and furnish a Utter iiality r.f g.m.lii than anvotie in our line in Ijine cotintv. We mil esjiechd i.ttenti..p to PUEsCltir. 1'IOXS. which will W .aiefidly fillet at 1 hours of the day or nik'h. lTshnneyT No. 11 Kr.invr.v SiarKT. Trent all ( lirwnii and SrrlI lNriiMes. YOUXii MEX -TITHOMAY l!K Sl'KKKHtXIt KHOM W Thu etfni-ta of youthful follies or iiidi eretion will d wvll l evi.il tl'eii.s. lies off thi, the ut'cntest ls'll ever laid at th- alter f aiif. lerim; liiiiiianitv. I:. M'lXXEY will irunr antee to f.il feit .Vl ..r er. iy vt f S.iiiiunl u'enkoesi. or .rivnte dieae of anr kind or w-henict'T wlnVh l.e iindert;fces sm! fails to MIIr.rLK MiY.Xt ML. There are many at the ne of Ihirlv to slxlv who lire Ir.MiM. il ilh .mi fr."l.i' rvs.'lia lions ..f the Mi..1.!m'. ..ft. m .,.-.: i .iii, .1 by a ati'ht smaitini or Inmtiin! afiiution. and " weaki'iiim; of the svt- ui ill a way the .stit l.t aiiimt ace-innt for. rxaniinim; the tirinary deles-its rV se'K'iielit ill oflen l-e found, ami M.iiieliiiieii small .iiiti. ls . f all. .in- n will il M-nr, or tbe n-l.-r will l e ,.f i. tliin, hiti-h hue, i;aiii i-hsinjinu to n iis:k slid t r id si-In-ar-nit. 'I here are Inanv imn alio .lis his difficulty, ik't'oraot. "' the caile, whi-'ll the aeiinid sta-.'H off aeihiii'd ne ikne, Ir S u iil iH.inmte- a -r'cc' cue in snrh rjis, and i lui.ltl.y re.t.-iatii i. of t'.e uii'. ninary or .'illl. O'.Ore )i..iirs-l(l to 1 und K to ! Snndav 10 tn 1! a ni, ( '.iMoMi.ti..i. fr.-t. 11i.woi.'h tf l.imiuatii.li and a.lvii-e. K"ll, Keaiu- y Sli-eet, San Ern4e Dissolution Notice. X.'tioe s herehy irie'M that th Wnn off Maat. lock Er. lias lieeu i1lolvel bv mutual mn-w-nt, .1. 1 M.iTl.ncK. d. W. M ATl.iX'K, Eusene City, Xov 2?, 1885. HKUNITYfroraANNOYANCE J. W. 0LE1VER lealer la all kij off Agriclutural Impements. Real Eaate. Eugene City, Oregon mie rvrrw m" t t . . M ir- - ! eil . .i.I. -rtiX. ': .rt I r... a ,s t ti i tu. tn i.liao r ".LO' lln a m'lol'. t h"'e I't. ti:i". wt:. l I iVi . Vl-'.rii.!r ll. 4 a: -rf ft e. .-. 'l (;oi..: tr M-va-n.-.t or r-i.tr n-. Vttlil.nw :t r.ie.n. enrt ;.l w ' '''""'" lU.il y-a ' ''. a. I .1.1.. . -.nr. i t l.ave f kl arl-.i. I V- a 1 .'. V . t t A UI : !". con'it.ii ! .WI" I f not ''.te nisrl..-! -f t . v j l-. t- r r.'l i.i: t x - -r l-V--. si'ir a 'rr. rei'h' cf 'Or.. .. i.. f r. r ri-viM of il".u :. I.'' in hrur ! yoia. H.i-ralfnllr, r'!TC.Of."i-r.Y V" ,r" ' r". i G. Hk-xubicks. S. B. Eakui, Jh. BENDHIGES h EAUN, BJLMEERS, Eugene City - - Oregon. Siudit drafu on NEW YORK. SAX FRAN CESCO ani lr.TLAXD, OREGON. All collections entrusted to na will receive special attention. IVposit revived tubjectto check. Loan made ra p;mved seciinty. and a general biukir.' bibiuea d. m on reasonable terms. r nrrm t? jJ ills I f J'.'T;!., aafeontvorina 4 lerli"K ily ( Olava fur la nuilin i heaa Every gxxl thing la CXnntor-. fatted, and oonaumera are CAU TIONED airainat IMITATiaVS of these C7himny8 Tr-.ade of VERY POORGIaASS. See that the exact label la on eesh chimney as above. The Porl Top is always clear ana brLjht Olars. MaaiitBc4ire4 OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO, PltUliwfXD Lcstel Ctaaai Worka. s