The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 26, 1885, Image 3

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Oregon Kidney Cure.
New Yser's day next Friday. '
"Swearlug ofT" time approaclieth.
Drummer again becoming plentiful,
What did ynn get (or a Christmas present?
Oregon Kidney Tea cure all kidney trouble
K yon want to buy o.U cheap, nir the
I X L Store a call, , r ; ; '
Oregon Kidney Tea U the best known rem
dy for kidney troubles. (
The Guabi) doe all kind of job priiitiag
heaper than Portland price.
Go to Page's and get bargain's in the bank
rupt stock of Osburn & Belshaw,
You can purchase (Vultham watches at
J 0 Watts' 'rorrt 1 10 and upwards.
Taking testimony in the Chrisman will ease
has beeu postponed until Jan 18, 188fi.
Go buy one bf thiisebAnlome chairs at
Day k Henderson sfjr a Christmas present
Remember that Page is selling the bankrupt
stock of groceries of Ostium i. Belshaw at
prices astonishingly low. i '
Testimony in the Chrisman will cose was
being heard lie fore Judge Humphrey, refer
roe, the (i rot of the week.
Quit a number of old University stadents
iii town epeiiding the holiday.. Our people
give them a hearty welcome.
The services of , re,dtered. thnronghlnHl
Jersey bull may be secured by calling on Mr
II Crerkin a mile below town.
Mr Gen F Craw ha just resolved an invoice
of the famous Green Seal Cigars. That brand
is one of the Lett "bit" cigar in the market.
The largest stock of dolls, toys anil Christ
mas card can he found at Kd Bauin's. He
ells than cheaper titan any bouse In the city.
Sterling Hill, at the poatnffice, takes sub
acriptioat for nearly every newspaper and
periodieal in America, at the publishers rate.
If you want anything extra fine in the line
of fancy articles for Christmas, call at Kd
Baum's, Such has never been in the city
We understand that Mr Grant 0buru lia
leased Line's Opera Hnue fur live y.ars
Mr Joe lane iu the spring will remove to
California. , v ... ,
Hereafter social dance will le given ft,
lthiiieharl's Parlor every Siturdny evening
Muio by Otnner & Moore. Admixi-ion, gents,
75 Cents; ladies, free.
Patron' wil excuse thin !me of the (tI'arii
If not up t the nual standard. a we go to
res one day earlier o a to allow our printer
a chance to celebrate.
liaiim's holi.Uy are of the very
latent, such ft vase, cuH ami saucer, plush
article, alluiut, and many oilier line psals
lleai nj thing iii the city.
W A Lvf I ha sun': an arteiiau well 1,100
feet de-si at Ent Portland and truck ipii.vv
touid wlilnli in ik'sulthe it-'ie!fiiiiiuiiliiiile.
Th.i far the well h cost i?U,"09.
Mr J I. Paw lid puivh'i d th bankrupt
atmik, formerly belonging in 0-.ln.rii A Ik-bhaw
an I will tell the saw at price "way diwii."
tiive him a rail and priee the goods.
Mr T 0 Ju 1Uii h id two v-ry interesting
nr'icln i'l lt Smiday' Oiegoiii in, f . -m
Wnnitt.'toii, 1) C. ''y i a splendid writer
mid hi article are U-ty eiKerui.iin,'.
All p-ii'OH in lb t- n either by tn-le
or account are retii-le. t" m-hIc the mine
liy 'lie lir-t of .1 His. without fail, a u inut
lu-e in iieiy. I'aV & llr;viKu.sOM,
A Wailiiii'.'t' tt Territory j iry li n jut de
cided t'tat the killing of ase.viii.fin ichineiigciit
is not minder. 'I hi may he the riilt ot ul
lowing women a ciiunue to gt tevm by being
E l B ltUil ha put op 'lie l ft fi.ic lill'l of
smoker's articl-n inHeri;hanm .'ood a'ld fine
ci.'ar exprelv made for ( 'In wtiit ireent.
A'cribbatfe Imard on the ci3'Hr box; no.uetliing
novel mid neat.
One n the largest stocks of boot and shoe
ever hrou jht to Eugene h j"t atiived at
.Matlock'. They were lnilit direct from the
maiinfactiirerH in tbu Eaat and will lie sold on
very reasonable term.
We acknowledge pleas int call from WF
,,... trin.limf for the N' P 11 11. and W If
Marshal, ajeut lor tlie t l.lcago, MllwaiiKee v
- . . . -i , .1 : :l
St Paul railway, l'oth are gentlemen in me -
true meaning of the word. '
. , .,i21t. Ever, t iing iilniiit the auie run nicety.
. i l.if Hmtiuiiil n vprv tins -.' n
....t,,,.! ,,f inuelrv from the Eat, consist
ing of watches, chaiu. ring, etc, which will
be wild extraordinarily cheap. I hey aie espec
ldly suited for Christina present.
A fine polish can be made umn shirt Wmm.
collars and culT. by nsiiii! the following: Pur
u pint of boiling water hjmhi t"iinoof guin
arabir-; envw it and let it stand over night.
Use a sinal quantity in the starch.
At MaUock's ft very fine line of ladies
"hoes of the oelebrate-l H D Holhmnk make,
direct from the Eastern nianulaeH.ivr. 1 lie
la.lie of Lane county w mid do well to call at
Mr Matlock's store and examine tliese goods.
Having had four year experience in dress
making in one nf the first houses of Portland.
I would b pleased U receive a share of pat
ronage from the ladies of Eugene K-su ence,
first house north of railroad on Mill street.
F. C. Aiiaiil
The untidy appearance of a grimly beard
should never be allowed. Buckingham's Dye
for the WhUkem. will change their color to a
brown or black, at discretion, and thus keep
up your reputation for rieauie and g'l "oks.
We have been shown a new var'.ety of
winter wheat, grown by W A EaW. of Une
county. A sample was m;nt "
Lanning t ( propria of the Red ( rowu
Mills, of thiscitv, who pronounce rt a superior
wheat for flour, 'f hi grain i large and plump.
Albany Herald. -
The youngest daughter of Mr J B Wyatt
fell frt.m the east end of tht Harrisburg
bridge, distance of twenty . " ln:
day, and broke her right shouh er blade and
also injuring her otherwise. The little auf
ferer was brought U. the family home here,
aud U slowly recovering.
'Wor-l fail to express my gratitude," says
Mr Shelby Carter, of Nashville, Tenn, "for
the benef.t derived from the use of Ayer s
Sarsaparilla. My system aefflllwiih rfu.
U; blotches, nlc-rs, and many all over
inv My." Mr Carter wa entirely cured by
Tver's sirsai-rilla, eight months ago, ami ha
had no return of the scrofulous symptoms.
Hibbs, the Lewwton postal-order sharp, has
been admitted on four of the eight charges
against him. If it should prove t lie o crime
at last to mb the goreiamem mn..wo - --r
. i. ,ii. w.n,r,ler svstem. s.m
JhoUn-Uof p-tmou rs.will M Uk. kkking
ttiemwlves for th-ir s'uniditv in not
la "he simple tick which prore.1 so profitable
Mohawk Items.
J M Spores is able to be out again.
Meaars Geo McCoy and Ed Zuniwalt, of
Clear Lake, aro here visiting relatives.
Mis Satlie MuGhee oams home from Eugene
lat Saturday, Ul speiid a short time on Mo
hawk. '
Ilev Patter preached at the Stafford srhool
houe last Sunday to a large and attentive
audience, i
Measr Crawford A Fuller are now at work
on their new steam aaw mill, near the bridge
on Mohawk.
The eoriahla at J M MeGhee's last Friday
evening was well nt'endeit, and a "smacking
giid time reimrted."
Marlon Davis Is at home again, after an
absence nl over a year, In the bunch gra
country, iiearl'enterville.
The directors of School District Sa il have
continued the school another term. So much
for foot bridge acme the river. This ap
pear to be a move in tlie right direction. Cho
Huffman retained as teacher.
Mr Warren and family, from Blue lllvvr,
Were here this week visiting friend and rela
tive. Mr W remrts things ipiiet on the I'liin;
Mails quite muddy and mines snowed in.
Abm.t the only pnectiii',' lieing done now i
for ht t'HiU and claims hidden awsy in the
be utifni snow.
Hie following named pupil of iliatrict No
11, were neither aWnt nor tanly during the
month eniiing Dec II: Paul Haintuitt, Jas
Mi-Ghee, Frank Stafford, Marvin Hmnniitt,
Vi.-tor ilammitt, John Himmitt, Priscilla
Wilson, Lena Stafford, Addie Davi, Clara
Swttord, Geneva StarTonl, Laura Stalforil.
AWnt one liny only, Funnie . Totul
nimilier enrolled ilnriug the month 'Jti; average
daily attendance 22. l)rrtmeiit gool.
Cha HiyrUAN, Teacher,
Lane County Agricultural Society.
The Stockholders of the Lane County Ag
ricultural Society held a meeting according
to adjournment, in Eugene, Oregon, on Sat
urday, Dec 19, 1S8."). .
On motion the capital stock was assessed
20 cents per share.
The following permits were elected Direc
tors for the ensuing year: lien Bclshaw,
Allen Itoiid, T .1 Duntoii, K 11 Luckey J 1!
Campbell, II M Day and E J MuCTaiiiihan.
The following were then elected ollicern:
Allen ftond, President; K II Luckey, Vice; It M Day, Suc'y: II 0 lluinph
rcy. Tres.
The Secretary was instructed to colleot
dxliiirjuent asaessmciita and dues to the So
ciety. Tlio Secretary w;is also instructed to fur
ii'sh to the county paner a list of hills al
lowed and paid by the Society, provided the
aaid paper publish the list without charge.
Adj.oiriieil. to meet at the nllice nf the
Secretary on the lirst M lay in February,
J. J. Cm' item li, Seo'y.
The Harnsburg R. R. Bridge.
llARiusBi'fm liiinuiK, Deo. SI, ISS3.
En. Daily II:kai.h;-Iii your issue of
Dcu I tli I iioliun the following: "HoaU
are now able to msckikI the uper iVillamctte
u itlmiit ilidiculty. CoiiHUlerablu wheat ami
other fieignt tins been shipped from Harris
burg to Coi'V.illis, and with the draw in the
HiTihuig briilgu in good noikiug condi
tion Imat viuild eaily go a f ir as Eugene,"
I'lda article would n dmilit create the mi
pr. s.-imm thai the diMW I In bid slmpe,
wlilcn i iml (lie ciinh. l i e ilruvv I in goo:l
W'"lklhi; c'lidiliiu, in fact ha never been in
lietti r aiiapu Mince it wa- built, aod when
ever a bout uislio to go to KiI;oii.i all toey
have to do is to luvc w iter eo u jli to ll a.
them aim a coniptom pilot, and they can
get there, as tlie draw will be opched unv
li. lie they come to it, all tuU to tiiu uon
trury Kutu ttli.-i.)iu-1 1 g.
l!epvctful:y yours,
. I'. . K'il!ININ,
Watobmnii Hairilio 4 llrhigu.
Mill Ci'ce; ltcin$
Dec.mWr 21,
Wilson is diiving I04 down the Mo
A new hoiife i going up in our midst. What
iloea it menu, George?
Mis Ella Itiirbiidk'e expect to start to the
University aft. r the holiday.
Mi Moliie Whitinoie, who has been rpiite
ill f"r several week, we are glad to say, ii fast
A child of Mr Patterson' waa drowned in
the Mohawk river t ne day last week, and was
l.uiied Sunday.
Mr Tom Whitm ire va the guest of "one of
Mnhawk f.uresl daughter lut nutnlay.
The new saw mill here started on December
'iiiie ure getting lively once more.
You Know Who,
AuvEhTimsu. The time ha come for busi
ness, for all there is in it, and all there is to be
made out of it. In view of this fact we com
mend to our business men a careful reading of
the following extract: "Concerning what are
known as a standing advertisement in news
papirs which some merchant say are useless,
an exchange nays and truly: They command
confidence. The man who for years resides in
a community and live a respectalde life, even
thoiuli he Ite of misleiu aliiiity, will grow in
confidence and esteem of hi fellows. ll the
same principle newiaer advertisement be
come familiar Ui tlie eye of the reader. It
may not lie carefully read every day, still it
m ikes the and business of a man famil
iar and it continued presence in the column
of a paper inspires confidence in the stability
of the advertisement "leader.
Appointjiknis. It will lie remembered by
readers that at the special soa!on of the Ore
gon Legislature a bill was passed creating the
Seventh judicial district of Oregon, and ap
pointment of a circuit judge and proseo tting
attorney for the said district The new di-
trict comprise the countie of Lnaik, una-
man, Mm row and Wasco, which were in the
Sixth district liefore this Lull paci; i m u
w;is found that .Hldge Taylor c.uld not atteud i
to all the buaiuess, eecially as he was re
quired to le in Astoria and Alkali at the same
date, and it wa too lug a stnul.lle. lo tie
iudce nf the new di.trict, Gov Moly Monday
apiHiintel Hon XV Lair Hill, of 'the Dalles,
ami to act as pnwecnting atUirney, until afur
an election and qualification, he appointed W
H ElluS of Heppner, Morrow county. -Salem
Sold at ACCTIOX. The fine 3 year old colt,
belonging to the estate of 0 P Adams, de
ceased, whose dam, tlie famous "Oregon Beau
ty," sold recently for $1,VX, wm sold XVednes
day, near this city, at public auction, among
other property belonging to the estate, for
$."01, the purchiser b-ing a man from Port
land. The fwcularitv of the h-rse is his Jong
flowing mane end tail, in wiiirh respect be is
not inferior tn his mother. The latter, since
her change nf owners last spring, has been on
exhibition in California, with a rjlirUon ot
$40,000 by he: owner -Albany Herald,
Public School Entertainment
The following is the financial exhibit of
the public school eutertaiuineut given on
Friday and Saturday evenings last :
tVit Dr.
To receipts from reserves sold f!7 00
Door receipts 1st night.
45 "5
32 75
Door receipts U night.
By hall rent
Tableaux light...
Suit, fixtures, etc
Printing , ,.,
fllj 50
Cash Cii.
.... (10 00
8 00
4 IX)
Total f .10 W
Net receipts ?(J5 00
Which amount I now hold to be turned
over to the School Board. We take this
opHirtunity, in behalf ot tht ScIiojI Hoard
aud school, of thanking thoxe not connected
with the school wbn so kindly assisted us in
giving the entertainment. llcsuttully
submitted. Your obedient strvant,
Sheriff's Sales.
The following farms were sold at Sheriff's
Sales last Monday: -
The George Millican place, consisting of 30
acre, was bill in by G 11 Olirisman for t3,0SL
The farm of W E and U E Simmons, 160
acre, was bid in by V esley Shannan for
The place of Orvillo Gr n, 30. 2.1 acres, was
sold to Martha W CunpvrJfur ?789. ia
John Bennett's place, lf-'.OS acres, was bid
in by Li.sie X Thmpnijat$3.10.10.
The Ben Cox (arm, cousSiim.' of 320 acres,
was Unight by A Wilheim fir (2,4211.
Every one of the place wife bid in by the
ju Iguient creditor. 1
Cattain Sai'Siikus ash Mih Aliisox.
"Capt" XV XV Saunders w interviewed in
his cell in the Linn count jail by an Albany
Herald reporter Friday tvning, who learn
ed several points nf iutcrut. The prisoner
is in poor health, being enilined to his bed
mot of the time, and i iiidt r the rare nf a
poysician. He is conifiitdly provided for
in his cell, however, hiajfreu Is having car
peted the floor and pr.riled htm with a
rocking chair and sprint lied. He contra-
diets the statement
plead bis own esse.
Vat ha intended to
lc are informed that
the attorney retained
the case sra Judge
-I Burnett, of Corvallil R S Strulin, W U
Bilyeu and XVeaiherfl & Blackburn, of
Albany. Miss Allis'inln. lures her confine.
mint much better thai Similiters. Neither
of thu prisoners is uxclded Troiu visitors.
Mt'KDKK IM PoitTLWIL About 11 o'clock
Tuesday evening Ma
:i En iii Fiugry, a
French coiirtezm.livi
E ill a small wnite cot-
tug" on the corner V
Portland, was found
Ji'iill aid Third street,
iiirdered in her room
I v.'elVH te.irlul woiin
, mile by some sharp j
iiistril.ucut, mippose
o he a hatchet, were
found upon her heailsud breast. The per
putr.ttnr ot the crnl
could not hi fotiml,
and varioii-i thuon
S'Uaii':ed a to who
tint ln-r bushiiid.
it w is. story li
naiii 'M Miiiiiirc.i i, inn u no n sue nas n uu
sepa ated sevi-ral i the muid. rer;
work of a Chinese '
i:.t tiler linn i
serv-int. Cnonel'
iil'irder by u kuoui
jury gave
verdict of
Pm,nn:.R Cuns. -A few davi ago
. . I ....
a m -etui,' was nc,ll.i N ew nrk by the iluec-,
t us of th- oi t!ie:s Tieilic railroad I'oininnv. i
i. i...f ...a. .;.... ..,...:i,.. .. ... wn..:..u.i i
, , . . , I
from the Ameri jan enre a company in reta il :
to the op'ratioii of un line of the Northern
Pacific Tli-natanil inference to be
li.iwn should this a po-ilion be accepted is
that ell, l'argo .Vlcii s exorcHS, which now
oporat" the roi I thti.-b to St Paul and there
triinii'iriin to tlie .In-ricni -xiicess line, will
assume t!i a euUrs r:press hnsuiess lietweeu
I'ortlaml nml St
ll. In speaking o 'the j
. .1... c . ii ... i it: I
niee'iug ot the itir'itr the .t 1 .nil 1 n neer- v
i. . i.i. .:il .1... u I "
I rnns i.i, vi, j j i Hirjl Itll.tb will,- n'lLII Miritl-UP-
nient will be made, jai Home of the Northern
Pacific ibivcti rs nrefimvily interested i:i the
American express cpipany.
CnltllKHPiiNDKMvR,' kil.lciTKl). Our friends
everywhere who mavit any time have knowl
edge . if fact of luciUmporUnee: Acci.lent,
agricultural news, oeeding of public moet-
in;, improvements, lith. deat.i, marriage., ,
cuiiositiea, etc, wank 'confer a favor un n mid !
our readers generdlyby sending notice of the
same ti this office. lve u facta in any shape
and we will take c a of tliem. e do not 1
hold ours'lves respnsilile fm- the view or j
opinion expremel Ixiiur corresiiondeiit. NX's (
reurv: theriubt m r.ect ar.y and all matter i
o a personal nii;imi wneru ll renecis in me
iiiiliviiluul discrerit ouuy one.
USLL'CKT PolJT.-Sieakliig of the recent
colli! .ii on the ?ortern Pacific, a corresxn
ileut of the XVdla Walls Statesman write ;
" Unlucky Point, wbre the collision occurred,
hiut long been re-Md by the train men on the
Rocky Monntalijili Hon as an unlucky pidnt
Even Wfore tlJ n'ilronil was built -away
hack in the earlftafing days -the idage and
fr.'ight team u- ta meet with scciileiiU at
that place. Thtliot day the tnv k was laid
around the t oit, a mar. by the name nf
Sweeny bail hiead cut otf slick and clean by
the cars. Wbn the road was being blasted,
Osborne, enditor oil the work train, was
also killed )herf
Dl.'l.Hto AjiRMED. An Ashland paHr
n.. I ,
savs : lue s'teine court m uregon lias
affirmed the d-4ion of the lower court in the
O'Neil murder L-e, apliealed from this county.
As to the giiilti the condemned man, there !
seem to be nn
ubt, and the taxt.avera are to
be congratulate
in that thre was l.ft by our I
echnical breach through which
district court n
the counsel of
e defend nit could return with
the cane for an
ler assault upon the county
Men, voiiThk O. P. It. P.. It aniiears
that arrangetnlu are being begun on the j
... . 1 in, ii v ; .,,
Ainy Muni-... "
day Geo XV Lnt, the railroad contractor,
throuJ with two or three hundred
mule whichle brought from the Patah
l.ram h of the P XV iail. and will put
them at workfading the O P t Albany at
once. - -Salem katesuian.
I-,,.....,. XI. f f.r L.. I
k IV- 11 .1."... 1 .... J ...... n
purchased ofMeyer Rosenblatt 25 feet na
et, just north "f Mr F B
D inn's prnjaW, r.ow nae.1 a. a '"n
tiop. lerns i,s. .ur ie.iiv., ut
I a,t is t ( l 1 A . I..a. .-M i
Illinois, who
rgained for tlie same proj erty,
forfeited his
n this Uy, Thunday evening.
J , .i . i i . , . t.
a' the re i ice oi ine mor. iic,iv-, ....
Mr BoU P h to MU Emma Bmnett lie,
couple wereU recipient of a nu.nW of
Juable preats. The Glajid congratuKtei. I
Judge Beau paid Portland a visit. this
Miss Emma Bean visited friends in Salem
this week.
Tom O'Brien
of Cuburg, was in town
Dr J XV Malioue paid Eugene a visit last
Mr G R Chriainan and wife steut Christmas
ln Cottage Grove.
Mr J XV X'aughan and family have remor-
1 eJ t Independence.
... ...
.Mr Henry tiaxter seut Christmas with the
old folks lu Mohawk valley.
Mr J R McDonald and wife are in Eugene
visiting relative and friends.
Miss Lena McCowsn, of Oregon City, is
visiting friends in this city.
Mr XV in XXithrow has been limping around
with a sors leg this week.
Mr Jeff 1) Fenton. County Surveyor of
Yamhill, la visiting in Eugene.
Mr F M Nigliawamler gave this nflico a
plesaut csll one ilaybis week,
Dr E G Clark and wife, of Portland, are in
the city visiting relatives and friends,
Dr J W Bean and bride, nf S.dem, are
visiting friends in Eugene and i iulty.
Mr J II Nye, of Oakland, XV U Telegraph
Co' reairer, was in Eugene last Thursday.
Mr W T Slater and wife will leave ft r
their future homo in Pendleton next Mon
day. Mr J M Shelley is in town. He says, he
was bound to spend Christmas in Lane
0 unity.
Hons 1! S Strahan, nf Albany, and XV P,
Willis, of liofcburg, were in Eugene several
days this week,
Miss Mary K Felix returned from the East
last Tuesday afternoon, and is stopping with
her aunt, Mrs K Cnnser.
Mr Al Churchill, founerly of this county,
has purchased an interest in the Cowan &
Ralston store at Lebanon.
We acknowledge a pleasant call thi week
from Mr Chu Kennedy, general agent for the
o lubrated Albert Lea railway route.
Mr Geo Couser was in Eugene several
days this week visiting at the residence of
his parent, Mr and Mrs Jacob Cnnser,
First Clash. The law school of the
University of Oregon now has the following
students: Gen M lloyt, F XV Pickett, J M
Pittingur, XV V Muir, XV F Crews, Ed Mill,
ner, B Y l!e ami Gen 11 Ward. Messrs
Hcyt, 1'ittinger ami Crews compose tne
senior class, and will graduatn lit October,
IS Mi. The examination takes place in June
next. The law cl I was established in
October, and these throe young men
will be thu first graduate. There I consid
erable interest in the legal fraternity to
know how they will stand the examination,
and it will determine if the law school
success. Portland New.
M.initiBi). -At Dallas, Polk county, Oregon.
Sunday, Dec 20, ltW, by llev T L Sales, Miss
Vol Ilia Lee, of Dallas, to J XV Bean, M D, of
this city. The irrooui is a prneticing physician
"' t'1'" 'tv m.'inlier f the firm of llolmei &
Bean, He stand hi.rh In the profession, and
has many Hen I here who jnin in wishing the
newly wedded pair a joyful and prosperous
, "e '"' 7'";lt"r '
.of Diillii. Dr leiin anil hit, hriiUi will Iilmh
hoiiwkeeoii nn the oiit,heast o-roer of Cot
tae nud t'hemeketa street in a few dav.
I Salem Matesiinili. Dr Means many Ii'leliil III
Eugene congratulate,
a he I very popular
Piiiu.K Soi.icty Union services wero held
at the Piediyteriaii Church last Sunday eve
ning in the interest of thu Lane County
Bible Siieiely, u oler the Itev P C Hetzlnr,
nueut. 1'lie lollnuimr were elected nihoers
fr t,u ,,,1-uinj President, l!ev C A
r. . .. ...
nicy; Vice
i're-.lent, Pastors nf Eu'
gene; Sue y, r XX A (ruin; Ireaaiiry and
Dcp.i-it-'ry, McCoinack & Collier's; Execu
tive Committee, Mi N, Mr
Plot Bailey, Mr J u.lkiii, Miss Mary Speii
cur anil Miss Mary Mc.Murry. A collec
tion of ) was tikeii. Portland. Deo 3. 1885. by
jtev K.iiIhtl', Mr XV N Lawrence of this
,,;tv to Mr,s a villililn. formerlv of this
city i,,lt leuently f Uregou. Both parties to
Ul a,uirMt RrB WP !. Whatcom, and
w)lie tho afT.lir 11(!raKllM the usual amount nf
gossip, yet it tint-t be corce led that the parties
have undoubtedly exercised their right and
acted upon their own good judgment in the
niendses. XVIiatomn. XV T. Iteveille.
El.KiTloN. At a meeting nf Eugene Chap
ter, No 10, l A M, last Monday evening
the following ollicvri wero elected for the
ensuing year: H P, F XV Ostium; K J C
Church; S J B Harris; C H, S H Friendly;
P S, S M V or ant K A C, F B Dunn; 3d V,
L N Honey; 2d V. J Day; lat, J G Gray;
Trea, ('lias Ijiuerj Sec, (e Bettman; Senti
nel, V McKarlaud. Installation Jutt 18th.
Died Near Junction City, I.sno county,
Oregon, Wednesday, Deo 23, W), of iiillain
ation of the bowels, Fred, son of Geo Car
son, aged 14 years. The deceased was a
nephew of Mrs Win Edris and Mrs Samuel
Swift of this city. The msjor portions of
the families nf Messrs Swill and Edris at
tended the funeral Thuisday.
Vacation. The State University ; and
public school each adjourned from Weilnoe-
(y evening until Momluy inoriiirig, .Un 4,
Sg(! large nnitda-r nf the students hate
gone to their respective homes to spend the
Ahm Broken. - A twelve year old daughter
of Mr Milt Awbrey's, while skating at the
Ostium rink lt Monday afternnm, fell and
broke her arm at the wrist. Dr Jones was
called and set the fractured uieiuUr, and the
c,ij, j, recmsrimt.
llcnsTKI.-The "5 cent" Wer ball that was
to have lieen startml by one Frank Peters hat
"petered isit" 1 1re principal reason for the
same was bemi-e ne pr-peity ownete
would aJti lbs S,000 txm i required by t he
It this city, Deo 20,1885, to the '
wife of Mr Frank IWI-haw, a son. Frank has
beeB bumming all week; "It i a baby, baby
, kn, ,H.kf like its p, pa, pa."
MAHiwi.-At Dallas, Oregon, Nor 25.
at the residence of the liride's parents, by
w Mm , JIr II L Fenton and MUs
. ...
jjincne X-oiuiis.
For Rk.t.- A furni-hed room. Inquire at
D M BUdou a.
Rainy Christmas, .
Brown, uplioUterer.
Bed rock prices at Crain Bme.
C nil n Bros, sell vases at cost
Prices to suit the times at Crain Bros.
Diamond and gold rings at Crain Bros.
Dolls of all kind and price at Crain Bn.
The Slat was the shortest day nf the year
No public Christmas tree In Eugene this
year. , "
i la
Large photograph Albums for $1 at Crain
Harry XVarshnucr is the possessor of
See change is Sheriffs sale in another
See Sheriff Campbell's tax notice in another
A " Happy New Year " to tlie readers nf the
Presents at Cialn Ems. from a Plann to a
Jews' harp.
When you want a uice picture frame call at
Crain Bros.
Mr Ashley Stevens is able to be about our
streets again.
Before our next issue old 1SS5 will have
passed aay.
The wire fence manufactory Is getting ready
for oieratlons.
Thus far not a flake nf snow has fallen in
Eugene this year.
Keinemlier ( rain Bros, when you want
Cnriatma present.
Basket nf all kinds at Crain Brut, Call
and sec for yourself.
Fine Fringe Christmas Cards from 5 to 25
cents at ('ruin Bros.
Don't fail to rail at Crain Bros, to purchase
Christmas presents,
The Ysquina Mail has suspended publica
tion for the present,
Wulthatu A Elgin watches, coin and silver
cases, lO.dollars at Crala Bros.
A Christinas ball was given at Laue'i
Opera Housu last Friday evening.
Varney, the Portland dancing master, failed
tn put in an appearance laat Tuesday.
Brown, Brown, Brown, does all kinds of
repairing, Shop on Willamette street
If you want a book to spend the long
wintry evenings give Sterling Hill a oall.
Lost Saturday night 125 persons were
skating at one time at Lane's Opera House
The Home Hotel has changed hands again,
A Mr Foster is now acting as ye landlord.
Mr Goo F Craw has the sole agency for all
brand of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigars.
Sterling Hill keeps in stock an excellent
assortment of readable works. Give
him a call.
XX lieu you have nothing else to do oall at
(Vain Bios, and examine their large assortment
of Chri tmas good.
We understand that A) Churchill and M
S XX'oulcouk have sold the Corvallis Gazette
to thu 0 P ll 11 Co.
Mr Frnnk Brown Is at work doing the
carving work of the new University building..
Hi i an excellent workman,
Thomas A. Hendricks and XX'm. H. Vander
bilt are both dead, but Crain Bros, still sell
good cheaper than anylsidy.
"Shadows," is tho titlo of an original bal
l id by Prof Coi'liilgn, of Eugene. It is for
sale at Crain Bros music store.
The public school entertainments last
week wero well attended, and the exercbes
were rendered in an uxuullutit manner'
All outstanding warrant ngainst the Lane
Coiintv Agricultural Society will be paid
upon presentation tn the Treasurer uf the
Numerous Cottage Grove and Cresswidl
iieotile have been in town this week giving
t istinmny before tlie referee in the Chris nan
will case.
A largu audience attended the Alvin Jus
lis theatrical Inst Wednesday evening. The
music was good but tlie acting was uuly
XX's acknowledge the receipt nf the Port
land Popular Pulse, a new newspaper pnh.
lished weekly, and devoted tit the auli
Chinese cause.
Ladie skate rnr.t from this date at Rhine-
hart's. Gents, admission and sk ites, 25 cts
Next Friday and Saturday calcium
light And snow scene
For flue upholstering cdl nn R D Brown,
two diNirs south of Hendricks' agricultural
store. XXork is done in good style and at
living rates.
Ripe tame blackberries growing in open
gardens on Christmsl day, i the rcco'il for
this year in Eugene. A bunch of nice ripe
ones was Ictt at this office by Mr K J Mo-
Claiialmn. ', e' ' '
' Dr L F Jones has ,jot receive fresh lm
vine virus from the Jonner vaccine farm of
Franklin county, Pa. Those who have re
quested and are destriou nf be ing vaccinated
can now be treated with perfect safety.
Dr J XV Watt, tho leader nf temperance
work, was recently electad a member nf tlie
O'.nncril of Ufiiyette, and through his efforts,
ittsiatfd by (ithtra, that city is now free
from s.iIim. ns, the first time iu its cfisteoue
of over thirty-two years. , .
XVe understand that the directors nf the
public school have ordered the piano sold at
very low Uriiw. I. has always been our
underatandiiig that the Instrument was pur
chased hy the children, ami if sueh is the esse,
we are in a quandary by what right it is now
ordered sold.
Cha L Davis, tlie celebrated "Alvin Jos
lin," aecMeitt illy shot his wifo at the South
ern hotel In New Orleans on Nov 2!l, 1H85, and
while almost crazy over tlie awl affair shot anil
killed himself. So says an Estera paper. If
that ia the ease who is the A'vin Juslin who
has Utn playing iu the Willamette valley?
The A'bauy Bulletin remarks that in a
shorting match in that city between Meek
and Moitteith that the Eugene boys were re.
lieved of a thousand dollars or more about a
year ago. The boys we believe lost about
75 cents, bnt wouhl have lost more than tne
J" ..... . , . . . I
anove amouiii ll ine ninaiir uoys nan
the "nerve to Dilt OD."
put op,
Walla Walla per: "A. A. Lisnallsn, of
Moscow, who was convicted is? perjury iu
lwirtoo and placed under $1000 londs In
appear brfore the district court at the close of
the term to receive sentence, has ilnwppearwl.
Ueiiallan's attorneys kud almost moo mini iu
getting a new trial, iu the fucs of which the
prisoner, who has almndant means, deparUd
(or pastures new. Mr Lieuallen is the founder
of the thriving town ol M m"' and is well
known throughout Eattern XVashlngtoa anil
Northern Idaho."
Sad Case of Drowning.
Mabel, Llnu Co., Or., Deo. 20, :885 .
I write you a few lines in regard to the death
of little Jimmle, thi nine year-old eon,) of
Tliniuaaand Clara Fattaraoi, who was drown!
in the Mohawk on last Friday monifhg. He
started nut with hie (ytjr hunting.- Intending
to cross the stream y a 'log ; Mr' Fatteay a
went across, telling m little Uny to-remaln.On. ,
this side until he went over and be would'oome
back and help him acroaa; but when he got
over" and looked around,-the little boy wao-ie
Kone, but looking thiwn the stream, which la ,
very rapid, and wss pretty high at the time,
he saw hi head above the water, only, once,
ahsiit one hundred yard below tlie log. The
lieiglibirs, on being notified, turned out to
earch for the body. It was thought, after
looking along the stream, tlfat he was under a
ilrift acnia tlie stream, and which hail backed
the water up till it wa five or six feet deeper
than it Would otherwise have been; so we went .
t ) work to oieu a channel through the drift in
order to lower the water. After working until
Veiling W S.lioiimetl lUllO Snflinlnv ninralni.
when we went to work agaiti. A little before
noon he was discovered by K J Crawford, a
little way above the drift, the water having
Lone il.tivn ,., fl. f.t I!.. l,jl
today, Mr Workman preaching the funeral
ci moil, ine laiiiuy, especially tne mother,
arj almost distracted oer the affair. They
have the svmnathv nf tlm entim niin.mi.niiu In
their sail hereateuient Albany Herald.
Marriage Licenses.
Since the last Inane of the Guard. Clerk
Ware has lusneil the following marriage .
licenses i
Deo l'Hh-Frsnk Skinner and Mary A E
Deo 19-Emmett Boggs and Mary L Root
Deo 22-John It Scott and Mae C Parsons.
Deo 24 -Robt P Dcy and Emma Bontiott
Vote of Thanks.
The Board of Diroo.orsof the Euirene Cite
Sohnol hereby tender the principal, Prof F B
fattersoii, a vote nf thanks for the very
efficient and poimlar entertainments given at
Khinshart' Hull nn tlia lMth .ml link I-.
for the benefit of the schools.
A. W, Pattikhoh.
XVs. Shun,
A. G. Hovk-v.
M.uiHir.n.-At the St Charles Hotel. In this
city, Deo 10, 1885, by Geo S , Washbume,
Comity Judge, frank Skinner to M All
The Oregnn i. California railroad is fin.
tahod tn Slate Creek, in Notheru California,
It is rcuortsd that the Chicago a id North.
western railroad if to conneat with tlm Ora.
gon Pacific toon.
Thero will be a grand rsllv of the Indian
war Veterans nf Southern Ormmn 11...
burg, nn Jan 8, 188.1.
Saimiul Ruthchild. of Pendleton, has been
atipninteil by Gnrernnr Mocaly nn the Boarrl
ot linmigratiou, in place of L B Co, re.
'a'""'- .. j
XVe acknowledge the recoipt nf a beautiful
ballad entitled "Shadows." from Prof D W
UiH.litlgfl, mtisio by himself, It it a flue
Puni.10 Installation, -The Siuslaw Grange
will give a public Installation of offioeis on
Kiiday, Jan 1, 188U. A onrdlol invitation la '
extended to all,
TaKs Notick. All those owIiib me by
note, account or otherwise are rcqtiesteil to
oall ami settle the same immediately, at 1
must have what it due me. I do not want
to ntlt the account in the hands nf an f.
torney if I can help It
T. NllAttnU Taiir it.. ..... 41,. 4 .it .
those indebted to him must come forward .'
and settle ot else they may have the onpleai !
ant matter brought to their attention by a
. ... ,. . .. .
lawyer. A worn to tlie wise If lutUclelit.
ToI,KT.-In good condition, a comfortable
six room bouse. For further pa'tlciilare In
quire nf (lev O Parker, at the Episcopal
I'liiircn uecmry.
Sheriff's Sale.
by virtue nf a writ of Execution, duly
issued out of the. Circuit Court of the State
ot Ufi'gon for Lane County by the CJerk
thereof, December 8th, 1865, aud t me
directed, upon a judgment rendered ie laid
Court Out. 21, 1NS.X, in favor of J. Brenner
& Co , l'lir, and against J. II. Berry, Daft., '
for the sum of 231. AO and .M) att'y fee and
the farther turn of 22.00 eosts, with interest
on said judgment at tlie rate ot 40 prr
cent per annum from date thereof, being
ii nobis to find any person si property belong
uig'to'said Dolt., I did, on the 22d day of
I unenihcr, levy upon the following
Iflscrilwil real iiroiierty, to-wit ( Lots fi. tt
ami .7. block 40, in Junction City, Lane
(Comity, Oregon i also commencing at the 8
K our nf the K i ot N K 1 nf See 17. run
ning V Tit) rods, N 40 rods, E SO rods, S to
place of beginning, cuntaining 10 acres) also
N 4 ol 8 V, 1 of ft K 1, Sec 17, ooutaiuing 20
acres, al) in T 13, 8 It 4 XX', Une Conn
ty, Oregon, and to satisfy .said Jtldg'
inont, coats and accruing costs ami exnensee
of aale, I will sell the above described real
prowrty at public auotHoi to the highest
liidder for oash in hand at the Court House
loor in Eugene City, Lane County, Oregon,
Monoav, January 25, 1S81, ,)
At the hour of 2 o'clock P M of laid da?.
1 'Ated Deo. 11, lhSi.
Sheriff Lane Co . Or.
Ilaadstiibrt and Tomlsi ffnfshed fw Amerieait
or Italian Marbles , '
Stand 77ork and Comoicr? Snclosnrex
' . -' - "-x."
Scotch and American
Granite Monuments.
Persons at adintaaee will be fumistied whb
prices and ueslgiM tn select from
on 'iltontion.
All work warranted.
Pltiase call and examine my work and (t
priore before purchasing elsewhere.
Furnished at manufacturers' price tn my
ciutouisrs only.
J-ihcp ou 8th street near S'uau's Stably