'tiie euoene; cm "ctabo. .UKCJCM IlKK 26, 1835. ' - v' lllie RrgKtrjr Law. Th';fravi5ipiivii tho new retjiatey . Ja'w'uresulmtantisyf.ljTullo - . Tjie County Cburwof tlm different .counties, at their first meeting iu Pan .o Jmll nnnoint iu J '' ' ail'l clorku, "; " rr . for tho next zener41 election, and tlio judge p if K)ii)tii sli'ull act aH.a regihtratiori hoard In the various precincts. Tliey tJiall meet, attended J tlw cVrks, at tlio usual polling places in each precinct on the first Monday in April, and continun in en wiwioii fcr three, days to receive. )plic.ition for registration from' all who are legal votcra-.-or who nmy ie such at the next general election. To each of such pcrsos LhV judges hfmll give a cortifioata . In cases of sickiioKs or unavoidable, ahsence, wWh- must he stated upon oath ly the applicant, the chairman of tlio registration hoard may issue certificates up to April 25, hut under no circumstances whatever, at a later date. It is provided that the judges of election and iiien.hers of the registration hoards, Khali not I, all of them, of the name- political party, and it in the expectation that in Republican counlie two of tlio ' members will he Republicans and the third a Democrat, and in Democratic counties two Demo crats and one Republican. These are Iho main features of the new registry law. Its main object is to prevent fraud by "repeating,! and in large cities will probably worV with lieneticml effect, but 1 ini the sparsely settled districts of tho State it will work a hardship upon those who have any dis tance to travel to the polling places unci -will very likely greatly reduce the numlier of votes at tho next geneiul election. Whethir the new provision will affect the relative strength of the to parties in this State depeuds, of course, upon the interest taken by their individual tneiubeis. It is of the utmost linnortance teat all who are entitled to a vote at the next general election should take interest euougli in the administration of uffairs to comply with the provisions of the registration :act. The Democrats of Lane should every one register. If they will, Lane will elect the Democratic couwty tveket. Thai i'hli Lntldcr. And now it is talked plainly, openly -and above board that tho fish ladder at Oregon City is a fraud, a swindle and no good. It is sail that Mr. Clark -took the contract for excavating the way for $1350, and that the rest of the work did not exceed t$G5f, making 2000 in all expended on the works. "This, if true, leaves t8000 unaccounted for, and divers rumors are passing from - place to place that no. vouchers can i hown by the State .official to skuw where this money was paid out and receipted for by workmen eiNpUyed on the ladder. Personally e kuow nothing about it, but we do kuow that j talk is going tho rounds that a cross t swindle has been perpetrated. Perhaps it would be Well for llu State oiTiuuds 1o look a little after this nmt'.er, ami .1iusli,,t.he tongue of calumny by nmkiif.' - pubWc exhibit of the expenditures. f Allmny Bulletin. According to tho New Have . Regfoter tho President is to be congrat ulated upon " the brevity of Ins Mew- sage under the circumstances." Ytiv .the provocation was gr-at to prolong it end the material at hand was abu ndant As '.the' first Simon pure Deniociatic Message to Congress iu' tweuty-Hve years it was compelled to cover a great deal of cround. It might' have been made longer and continued ns n serial ..i. .... - -l .S .1... ..-i. '........ .1... w wir.nniir hi. ii lusLiiiif tun Liauuuun ui Mir - a i 2 .lMll.tltf .... - . A negro clerk in the auditor's office of tho treasury department has been promoted to a $1(500 position. Not withstanding the pretentions of the Republican party of caring for the colored brethren this is the tirst clerk of that race 'given anything like a respectable position in any of the Washington departments. The admin Miration's unfeeling way of doing HXttotly what the Republican organs and politicians said it would tint do must Is very trying to Republican nerves. ' The San Francisco Post, (Rep.) siys Stanford and Evarts chatted together in their seats in the "subarbs" of the Sonato Chandler on . Monday. They are in the rear by reason of the fact that they are both new mWs. Yet eilhcri)f thso two big-brained men may possibly I the nomine .f the Republican par.y for President in 188. " , . .', ?7il,000,000 Vuttd- . SecretarO.f the Navy Whiiriey, has the following to say in regard to the wasting of seventy millions of dollars, since' the year 13GS, iu lie- alleged con struction of a n.ivy. A whole sermon ia contained in the. same, shoeing the rottenness of the Republican party : At the present incim-nt it must be Uvuia'd'd'ilml we have nothing wlii.:h 'Jsd-'Vs to b called h navy. llie -r. . ... - t , i country Ims expended since jniy i, IPG!--more than Hire years MM.se. qiienl to the clone of the late civil war over seven y -live millions or money on the construction, repair, equipment and ordnance of vessels, which sum, with a very slight exception, has been substantially thrown away, the exevp- tion Is ir," a few ships now in cours-i oi construction. I dv not overlook the loops constructed iu 1S74, and costing threo or four millions of dul.nrs, and to avoid discussion' they may be x'-epted also. The fact still lemains that fur about $70,0:0,000 of the 75,000,0'JO which have Uen expended by the department for tlje creation of a navy we have practically nothing to kiio. It is questionable: whether wir Imve a single naval vessel, linished and afloat at the present li ne that :oufd be trusted to encounter the shipa of any important power a single vessel that has either the necessiiry armor for pro tectiou, speed for escape or weapons for defense. Comment on this is needles, and could add nothing to the force of the statement. .Seventy millions of dollars wrung from the people, and that, too, in years of Imsiness depression, when the rich man whs struggling for solvency and the poor man for. fbread, stolen or thrown flw-iy ! Keventy millions nf dollois worth of hun.nn labor and in it-rial wealth wasted, making the whole world that much poorer! This single phase of Republi can misrule has cost the American people a sum far great-t than tho loss by the destruction of buildings in that most teri'i'ile of modern conlhgrations, the burning of Chicn-go. , Buy JIaywarJ LaaJ cn-uacles. , , . '.. Fr koI dentUtiy i; t-,Tylor A Elrly.V The bilieat anil price will I paid fur wheat by F II Uuun, AaWyoiir (Iru'itt fur a packag of Oregon Kiduey Tea. , ' ; l'liuto(;ritjli tinisliml ocatly abd artit. ti-!lly at Wiiitor'a. ;." A tine line of silk plashes in all shaile (nil (jra-lei t F l Duon'ii. The l)et camliei and nraiiKee can lway lie fiiund al) K Ijijum' eoiifectiniiery atom. If yiio are in want of agricultural inai.liiii ery nt any kind, rvineinber that Mr J Al Hemlricka keep s full aoinrtnieiit. MrS If Kriumlly will pay th bilieHt Mali market price or wheat. Oive him a call before selling your grain elsewhere. - Faiiukss Takr Notice. A Rood dinuer can hailut linker's Hotel f. r 25 cent. Ncticr. Mr. It. II. Jinnes livln retired from buinii and U'lntr deaimnn nf setiling up, rt-qiu-i-U all th(we lil-lcliti'J by note nrao count tit iininediately call and iak a settle ment -He can be found at his office iu the Court House, raly to receipt for ull duhts due lilm. "I 1 I. X. L, Store. Fish Makkkt. Mr J P Ditchhurn Jins just Kt irte-l a tih nmrknt in this city on Ninth Street, oiMwit- Day & Pratt's lilHckmiith lnp. He will keep cmiHtaiitly nn hand all kimls nf 6-h, nyiinr, clniim, imultry and Kme, etc. 'l'he .-)ile shuuM give the gentle man a tf'H'd suptMirt. ' Tax Nfjce. TAXPAYERS WILL TAKB NOTIOK that I will he at the umial votini! places of the renpective precincts nf Lane County, from 10 a m t" S p in of each day, f-ir the pur IHwe of cnllectini; taxes for the year Visa, as f'-ll-iwa, to wit: Willamette, Irving, Im Tom, Kichardmiu, Ctiei-hire, Bliencer, . Crew well, CottftiH (in-.re, ' Siuiluw, Cojote, Slirinutiel'l. MM-lle Fork, Fall Creek, l..it Vallev. Pleaant Hill, Mohawk, Cttinp (.'reek, Tiinctinn, HhzIh Dell, McKenzie, Florenrv, South KnijfnB, North Kni,'eiie, Taxpayers will take notice of the fnllon-iiii; law, page 702, Section t4, Lawanf Orennn: "If any person rexl-lin in auch prtcim-t sliall t.iil t attend at Hiirh time and place ami pay hi nr her taxes, Mich delinquent liiay pay the suine within thirty day nt the County Seat to j the Sheriff J and if he full fc pay within the thirty days as ainresunl, and the Snerilf vimts his renii l-iioe, tlm Sherili inay i-ollect nt such ifmnn, for his own use, ten cenU pur mile go iik' ami returning." J. R. CAMPliKLL, Sheriff nnil Tax Collector, Lane Co., Or. Dated, KiKene City, Dec. 18, lsj. . Notice is herehy given that all those In ilehted to the I. X. L. Store are herehy noti fied to cull and settle thb same at once, nr the accounts will be placed iu the ham! of an at torney f-ir collection. ' Fair waniinff to ull b our in-it to. Warshaieb Bbos, Etuene, December 4, 18S5., . ,') Keynote to Health. ' Health Is wealtlu "U'ealth" means 'fn-Vpeh-deuce. The keynote is Dr llnsankn's Cmih'h ami Luny Svrup. the liei-t Cmifh Svmp in the world. Cures Cmi-b. Cold". PliM i the Chest, PirmichitU and Primary I'unMimptinli. One ilnee ives relief ill every case. .Take no other. Price 50 renU and 81. Samples free. Sold bv Unburn A Co. Saturday, Jan 9, 18rV) Mo.-.ilay, " It,' Tne-Mlay,1 " 12, " 'JhiUHday, " 14, Fri.lav. " 15. ' " Saturday,' " 10, Monday, , " 18, Tnesdnv, " 1, "' 'J'hiirsday, " 21, " Friilay. " 'J2, Monday, " 25, 1 " We.ines.lay, " 27, " 'Ihnrsihiy, " 2S, ' Fri.lav, . " 2t), " Saturday, " 30, " Tuesday, Feb 2, " Weilnenlay, " 3. " Friday, " -r. " Saturilay, " 6, " Monday, " H, ' Tuesday; " 0, " Wednesilay, " 10, " Thursday, "11, nm of Canon Furrar says frankly: ''I perfectly destitute of any powers oratory, and I liavs had absolutely no training in elocution. The American press, which is n marvel of perfect fninkiies, has said that my wiice is iniinomi ous an 1 that I do not know what to do with my hands, mid with i-ijual fraii'tness I nm constrained to admit that what the press has suid is true. The bill pensioning Mrt U. S. Grant passed the Democratic -House of Rep resentatives, with only one vote in the nenitive, that of a Republican who hailed from Wisconsin. If that fellow had been a mean Democrat instead of a menu Republican, all the organs of tin (! O. P. would have been denounciii-j the entir.i Democratic party ns rebels. Consistency is uiii.iinwn in the Radical camp. The wid-iws of e.-lVesiih nu Polk, (Jarlield and Grant each receive r.n annual jtensiou of $5,000 from the government. Mrs. Rulk is amongst 1 lin old'-st nieiiibeis tif In pension list, and Mrs. Grant's name ws mlded by llliailimous vote of the Con-jless nf the United States Siilniday. a.'.- V 1 Notice, XT my wife, Klizabeth L Scott, has lift my I1-1I ami IhihiiI without junt cause nr provoca tion, a in I the pul-lic is hereby cautioned lint to credit her on my account, n I will not he rex Kinnilil fur any delits contracted hv her afUr thiK date. W. W. SC'UTT. Dat-il, December 1, 188 GRAND DIE IS ! Until Jan. 1, 1SSG, I propose to sell all kinds of GOODS at fltlCESthat will as tonish all. If you are in want of anything in my line give vie a call and RIGE GOODS. llemember I mean Badness. This is a 'Genuine Clearance Sale. , "'BON.T FAIL - r H" -V ST, A' 4 -v J -4- 1 -v ' mm j"! jl u uttojiu tut; 'oriciua Closing Out Sale ' 1 i ,i F AT THE L ST01EI n t EVERYTHING MU T BE SOLD I IIS . M ill. PENGRA, WHEELER & C0. Springfield, Oregon. filli fill fill - ill I EhV Ri.lESU ni'tUT roiiiiiyn .!l ii.il S! Again at the Front. m. t I.: 0 Call attention to THE FACT that they have added a full line of staple Dry Goods, Boots and Slices, and Groceries, to thir stock of merchandise in the store, and to THE FACT that they offer the sa.ns at prices de signed to shorten the long face and smooth the wrinkled brow of the most exacting Granger that ever smashed a clod or whacked a steer. r Also to The Fact Are opening the largest and finest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS ever brought to Eugene. Beautiful Plush Goods in almost endless variety, sllbutns, new styles, in plush, y2.o0 and upwards. In, Silverware our stock is just immense. Our show cases ai a piled with the finest GOLD GOODS: Gold ivatclies, chid us', broaches, gold setts, Dlum'md t ings, solid gold rings, rolled, gold goods, pins, ear rings, bracelets, cuff buttons, Etc., Etc. , un our siiewes are vases, loue.i sens, cups ami saucers, figures, ct in great variety uitditew dedgm:. TaZIZJ ALSO HAVSs Dolls, doll cubs, child reus' dishes, tool chests and toys without number- .dlso in u sic goods, art goods, pictures, jicfure frames, work and., hand baskets, .satchels, hand parses, jocket purses, arid in fact, everything you want. Call and examine, as vve cannot enumerate our Stool:. Come And See. A largo portion of these GOODS are on consignment and MUST he sold by .Tan 1. Tlif Ui-pul'liwiu jirt-sa iiinl tlm, land thieves nr after In scalp of Ci'iiiiiiis Nioner Spurk-M, who in workina for tlif pri-ncrvAtion of tlm puUio domain. The crowd will li unsuocf.ful, hh Hit Administration Htrrmgly Nupporm Mr. Sparks, l-he tVirml f the pi-opk It is olli-yd th H Hi-il, tlm Canadian jiiRurgiMit, in Htill alivn, and that ho who paid tlm pi-nalty of d-'iuh on Noy. 16th wh n gi-m rotirt RuliHtitutit m tlm ptir.soii of (nm of tho condemned prisoner.! in H'i;ina jail. William Slmki'speart has liet-n ap pointed lVtitiniwter hi Kalamazoo, Miohiau. Wrt hhall exp-'tt to lmr from the Of poina preiw tint lut was once arrested for stealing veninon. Iloston Transcript. Dy a Iloiise tonciirrent resolution,! both house of Coiigri-xs hav ailjourned ' until Jan. 5, 1((5. Tlm U. S. Senator and Representatives will in the interval enjoy a holiday vacation, s New York Sur (Pern.): There are nero Democrats. Yes; and their num ber will increase. Education and pros perity are. tlio advocates of Democracy at tlm South. That their Closing Out Sale of CLOTH I NO and FANCY GOODS of all kimls continues at prices lower than the lowest, IN FACT At Cost! Below Cost!! Regardless of Cost!'! Cash paid for wheat delivered at tlm Springfield mill. OVERCOATS, Bankrupt Sale FROM THE- Doorkeepers in the national Capital get from S 1 200. to $20tK) for opeiiing and hhuttinj; door nix hour daily. The average cost of a cession of Coil grcss is $3,000,000. . NewnpspeiH an I BUtionary alon-5'otjt over $70,(K'0. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN 1V1ILLS. Good sold at our store inEugenefor the same price as at the mill. Gray Blankets Good value, $3.50 per pair, !Gray, Drow n, Dlue, Scarlet or White All Wool, 4 points," $7.00. Gray Blankets sold everywhere at $5.3 , . . , .' H00 per pair. jVh Sc-aVl. t, Grtty, Rrown.' Eto,- OrayiL-ii,' Brown or Blue Blanket! All Wool. Extra Lnr;-e Family, All Wool, S5.50 per pair. ' SS.50, $9.00, ?l0.00. "OVERCOATS. We are closing out this line, and as, we have a large stock on hand will offer special inducements- Boys Alt Wool Overcoats, 5 to 1 years $0.00 Al! Wool Overcoats, 10 to 1C years -S7. 00 to SS.00. Boyi Henry Villard will soon return to New York mid take up his residence there. Tlm Sim wants him to enter journalism a;nin. Mom ihan $10,000 was spent in the lute prnhiliiiion election iu Atlanta, Ga, The Is-tt ting aureated $.')0,000. 7' N; UrZ W , T2 Complete line of Furnishing Gools, Hats, Etc, Etc at tlm drst incineration service of the ""T"" Mount Olivet Creniat iry.in New York, ' Young Mens' All Wool Overcoats 10.00 to 12.00. Mens' All Wool Overcoats, former price gl5 00 ?12 SO. ' Having purchased the Bankrupt Stock of GROCERIES, ETC. at prices VERY LOW, forriicrly belonging to Osburh'- .Belsbaw, I now offer them for sale at ' Wmi Down' Prices. & .- ( i ..... : ; I': -t!..' " Give me a ci:!I and price tl!6 Goods.' J. L. PAGE. . New I You Can 8V tim and money by cUing on STERLING HILL Brownsville Clothing House. ml lettins him reriew your snbsrriiitinns fur Dwrrs, story papfin snd nnursiints. t almi kwp a ci-mpli-te stuck of Irn:.-zin, iu cluilinK 'entiiry, Harp-', Llie tc. All the ti-iiil.ir lilrrifs, Sr.idf. Ivell. SUmUril, llunrr ml ithiTn la frt vntliiiiL- n- I ally found in Ht class uew iWKit, F O liailit- i DiSSGLUM NOTICE. -V"OTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN THAT 1 the onpiirtnernhin hernt-ifiirt exii-tn-g Wtweeu Osliuni A Belnhsw is dissi-lveil. OSBCnS KEI.8HAW, Nor. 17. 1883. ly Ueo. B1maw. A. CARD- I To hH Tho sre suffering from the errors and indiucretirns of vouth, nervous weakness, -arly dtc.iv, lii of manhood. Ac. I willsend sreeii tl.st will cure vou, FKKK OK t'HAKi.K. Thisffreat remedy was discovered by a wis- 'nonary in Jouth Amerie. Send i self-sd Ireiwed envelnpe to the Kev. Jodci-hI. Ixha.n, Station D Nw Yot'i City. , . . I Notice. I will hive for sale, about Sept 10, 18S5. 12KX) split cediir fence posts. t my n ill in lburj. l'he price will be ?12 per hundwd. . J AH. C UOIJDALE. Cobuni, Auuiwt 22. Osburn mowers con be pnrohssed at th str.IFrithttroriejforM0. -