i I ' I. ( : i i THE EUGEKE CITY GUARD. SAmDATPKrKMi!Klt 10. 1835. Editorial NoUt. Hobert Toombs, once one of the groat men of the United States, died at his home in Georgia, last Tuesday. The Oregoriian, true to its promises, published the alobrated "Mitchell--Carrie letters" in fao siniilo last Thui day. Secretary Lamar has opened his guns on the Wonul land robbers of the West. Tho people are with him in tire fight. Firdinond Ward is now a pounder of iron. A short tti.io.B20 expound ed finance Then? is a wido distinc tion in these conditions. The telegraph informs us that Ten nyson has written a new hook of 'poems. The man who has read and understood it has not yet heen lieord 'from A Mormon woman who committed perjury recently in a trial at Salt Lake, excused herself to an acquaintance on the ground that she "only lied to tho Gentile's God and not to tho Mormon God" in swearing falsely. Gov. Moody has recently Urnied com missions to Wallis Nash, W. P. Ready, Tho. E. Cauthorn, W. 8. Ladd, W. J ."McConnell, J. K. Weatherford, J. T. -Apporson, John Emniitt and J. H. Kunzio as members of the Board of Regents of the State Agricultural Co' ilege at Corvallis. - Hon. John W. Daniel was elected "United States Senator from Virginia Hast Wednesday, vice the celebrated Tilly Mahone. He is a youn? man, being only 42 years of age. Mr. Daniel is of slight build, has a smooth lut classic face and very Mack hair. He is said to be a man of good ability, and is quite popular with his party in the Old Dominion State. Tho San Francisco Call of a recent late published an article based on re 'liable information, showing that there . are in round numbers 253,000 China men in California. Figures are fur nished showing the nu mber of the Chin ese six companies. It has generally been supposed that the number in that Stato did not exceed 100,000. The large oxcfss over this number creates considerable surprise. It is evident -that a good thing 1ms Wn done by the new chief of the Indian Bureau in breaking up a ring of favored contractors and by securing proposals from outside parties, savin large sums to the Government. The saving on supplies under contracts thus ocured for the current fiscal year in over $250,000. This fact, at all events, carries its own certificate of practicul economy. It is said of ex-Vice-President Han Jin that during his lont public career the venerable ex Senator has been froi Mftino to Washington 10U times or wore, has visited every State iif the Union but Oregon, and has crossed tin- Allantio and. passed some tune in Spain, and yet in all his travels he never rode on a train or a tot uhen an accident occurred. He always ai med at his d jsiination on time. Since the Keily episode our diplo nialio'relations with Austria have been practically cut oil". The Austrian Minister, who has not been in thin country for some time, has been retired on the grounds that having been in the diplomatic service for forty-two years, he is disqualified for .further service. This leaves the mission vacint, and tho Austrian government has signified that it will remain so until the United States sees fit to appoint a minister to Austria. How soon a man who is merely rich and nothing moro is forgotten wus shown in New York when William II. Vanderbill's funeral occurred. In an ticipation of a great crowd a large force of police had Uen retained, but so small was the popular interest in the event that the police outnumbered the sightseers. The contrast between this f..n..ra1 ami that of General Grant is more suggestive than a sermon. It hows that the American people wor ship and honor something belter than money. The pivotal idea of Democratic as. cendency is that the restoration of the party to power is at once a proof and a pledge of national union, based on mutual esteem and confidence, and in spired by tho consciousness of common interest and a common destiny. The vigor and persistency with which this idea clings to the popular mind is very disturbing to many of our esteemed Republican cont'.'iuporarias, some 0. whom betray symptoms of serious net v. ous derangement Yet it is H"' tr" that the war is over; that the. Isoitn and South are one again; that the erand old party has been turned out to craze in infinite space, and that a Dem ocratic President is doing what he can fo repair the wrongs and correct the vils of twenty years of republican jwrong-doing. 5 he importance of one vote was never more forcibly illustrated than at the elections in Fayette comity, Pa, last month, when Martin B. Pope, the Republican -candidate for Pcor Direct or, voted tor in ueinocrauo i)p;m-m, and thus elected him ly a majority of one. At tho election Tope told a iiUm- -r of bystander that he hadn't cheek enough to vote for hiinwlf, arid there- fore voted voted for his opponent. His friends regarded this act us foolish, lx- causM the contest was close, and severe- yrebaked him. When the returns were counted it was ascertained that the Democratic candidate had Ven elected by a majority of one, having voted for himself, thus insured his election by his own vote. Pope went home, threw himself on the lloor, ana insisted on his wife heating his head with the rolling-pin. The Boston Herald claims to have discovered a living but forgotten ex- Vice-President in the person of David R. Atchison, of Missouri. In 1853 Mr. Atchison was chosen by the Senate to fill tho place of Vice-President Wil liam II. King, who was not able, to take his seat. Ho figured afterwards in the Kansa.4 troubles an! has been living in obscurity in Missouri since tho war. There is another man of this species wandering abi.ut somewhere, in Northern Nuw lork. J I is name is William Almou Y heeler. Jle was known as a Vice-President once, but hn is so thoroughly forgotten now that his place of retirement is not oven known. Lower Siuslaw Items. I'H'HKXCK, Dec. 12, 1883. Vine weather here. Wild duck are scarce here this winter. The expected sclioouer hivl not Jit arrived, llecf cattlo on tlio outrange are in good con (lit ion. IVr ha only been two heavy frost her thu wuitor. . Mr Gillmorn, of Coo Bay, visited Mends here till week. Thou Siiflcy mid John llu-gnian took ft tiip to (J an liner thu week. John Ilunrmaii l.a packed 2.0 more barrels of salmon tin week. Christmas is cmiiing, nud a dunoo ami shoot ing match in Ulkt of. Mr I) It.urett him int finihd A fine born just acro the liny from here. The now of having a new Kwto!Tice at Acme, don t eem ti build up the town. Sailor Hill had bin hand badly bitten while in the act of separating two dogs that were nlitmy several clay ago. A conniderab'e quantity of nr-w lumber has heeu coining on tho lieacli this week. I he peo lile here have iiicked up several hundred leet. It in the general auppositioit that th name oome from mime wre-okad imsri. Kiveral days ago one of the steamer plying between Han I' rancisco anil I'ortlainl passed a calzeo schooner otT Cape Meiiderino, and in 'ue it cor responded with the Jennie Steliiu, but the., e is no certainty auoul it. Cob. Coyote Items. Itain, sIuhIi, mud. The mail ill on'v rune tt the Crow once a week aft' r 1 1 1 i - initteud of twit e as tofore. ofliee here This week t!eir' Holliind, his cnnin Tony ii. .n i i i.... . ...i r.. .i... tii v L I 11.111 1 null u m .ii.M.n b.iiv. iifi .iiu wiuiiv 1'iish iiiiniii camp. The inininireJicitemi'iit of Southern Oregon is eiumiu ( the people of this section to have the u-iilil (ever. l.at week a hnck loml ol three, I'nve Neeley, Will KniiiKrs snil Jim Net-ley, Urteil for the old ank mining region, The Siif-law Orange celebration wns a grand sucees. l wi nlve vou the iniwnnt'ie. ine music was fnntixhed by Mrs Kirkhind at the org in and Mr Samuel Lucas with the violin: Mimic Messenger of T.nve Wults. l'rayer Ity ('haplain, (eo Lmiitreth. M iicio--1 1 L'hhind Selmttisehe. llechtrntion of rrilicle F M 'Xighswander. Music niutx, IHnner Imagine everythiug that is gwoil, Muic- ltuchel Ilea. Siieakim:. fttiisic-Young America Quadrills. Soeakinif. r . Music 1'ersian Dance. SiienkiiiL'. limie-lli-hlinil lliiig. Siiesking. Jl usic II ighland SchottUche. Fahiiek Takk Xotick. Agood diuner ean hadat Baker' Hotel for 25 cents. Notice, NOTICE IS IIRKKBY OIVKN THAT ni wife, Klliabeth i, Scott, ha left my bed ami board withont jut cane or proviMa tion, and the public is hereby cautioned not to credit her on my account, as I will not be res ponsible for any debt contracted by her afttr this date. W. W. SCOT'U Dated, Peoeiulier 18, 1885. W. II. DELANO, -DKALKH in Headstones and Tonil finished In American or Italian Marble. also Stono Work and Camaieiy Enclosures.! Scotch and American Granite Monuments. Persons at a distance will It furnished with price aud designs to select from on application. All work warranted. Pleaa call and examine my work and ret price before purclianing elsewhere. IltOX AXD WIKE FKNCINO Furnished at manufacturers' price to my customer only. Shop on Mb street near Sloau's Stabl. loiiiEin. liuy Jlayward hand freimde. For uod dentitiy go to Taylor 4 Eberly. 'J'be hi'liei)t ruh (irice will be paid for wheat fcy F U Dunn. Ak ynnrdnn.'gi't for package of Oregon Kiiluey Tea. . l'huto),'raph finished neatly anil artii ti'ally at Winter'. A fine line of silk pluxhe in ll ahadet and grades at F B Dunu'e. The best candies and orange can alwa'yi be found at K Buum' confectionery store. If you are in want of asriuultoral inacbin. ery nf any kind, remember that Mr J M Hendricks keep full assortment. MrS II Friendly will pay the highest cash market price for wheat. Oive hiin a call before selling your (train elsewhere. Fikh Market. Mr J F Ditchburn hie inst starlet a finli market in this city on Ninth Street, opposite Day & I rattt lilaekmiiitn shop. ll will kep eotistantly on hand all kinds of hfli. nvsu-r. cinnis. ixiuurv mm Kanie, etc The jwople shoulJ give the gentle- man ft a iiiprt! Sheriffs Sale. -TOTICK IS HERKBY (JIVF.N THAT i.1 bv virtue of writ of exevu'iou duly issued oat of the Circuit Court of the State" of Oregon for Lane oounty by the e'erk thereof and to me directed on to-wit, No vember 13. 1S8."), upon a judgment and de cree of foreclosure rendered in laid court, November 5th, ISS'j. in a suit then and there uendinz wherein the Board of Com niissioiien for the sale of School 1 jnds ami the Management of the Common School Fund was pi IT, and Benjainiu Cox and Jesse Cox dofeiidaiit in favor of said plain tiff and against aaul Benjamin tux defend ant for the sum of $1"-1'J 50 with interest thereon from date of judgment at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and 5-00 attorney fee and costs and disbursements and for the foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged prem ised hereinafter descri lied said defendant Jesse Cox in said suit then and there land ing recovered judgment against the said de fendant Lenjainin Cox for the sum of t-7 with interest thereon from date of judgment at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, ("() attorney fee, coats and disbursement, and decree tor sale and foreclosure of the follow ing described real property tn-wit: The S 12 of the S K 1-4 or sec .'.), and r. i S W 1-4, and W 1-2 of S H 1-4, and S W 14 nf N B 1-4, and S K 14 of N W 14. of ction 27 all in T 15 S, II 5 W, containing 320 acre in Ijuie connty, Oregon, The proceeds nf ouch sale to be applied: First to the payment of the judgment of plain- till herein and coets and disbursement and expense of iale; and ccond to the judgment of laid defendant Jesse Cox. Now therefore, to satisfy said judemeuts, attorney fee, cost and disbursements and accruing cost ami expense of sale, I will ell the above described mortgaged premium At miblic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the Court House door fu Kngene City, Lane county, Oregon, on .tloinlmj , Oecembor 2l!t, 1KM5, at the hour of 2 o'clock P M "f said day. J. It CAMFHKI.U Sheriff Lane County Oregon. Dated Nov 20, 18S.'i. Springfield, Call attention to THE added a full line of staple NORA WH Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, " and Groceries, tothnir stock of merchandise in the store, and to THE FACTthat they offer the same at prices de signed to shorten the long face and smooth the wrinkled brow of the most exacting Granger that ever smashed a clod or whacked a steer) ' Also to The Fact That tlii'ir Closing Out Salo of CLOTHING and FANCY GOODS of nil kind continue: at price lower than tho lowest, IN FACT M Cost! Below Cost!! Regardless of Cost!.'! TJEUMSCA-SH. Cash jaiil for wheat delivered at tho Sprin" field mill. BLANKETS,- - 'OVERCOATS, . FROM THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN iVIILLS. Good sold at our store inEugenefor the same price Gray Blankets Good value, $3.50 per pair, Gray Blanket sold nvery where at $5, ?4.00 per pair. iv'iuiilrown or r.iue Biaiikels - ' All Wool, $3.50 per pair. -OVERCOATS.- We are closing out' this line, and as we Juive a large stock on luind will offer special inducements- Boys All Wool Overcoats, 5 to 1C years $6.00 Boys All Wool Overcoats, 10 to 1C years -$7.00 totS .00. Complete line of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc, Etc ISrowiisvillc Clothing House. NOTICE. fit. It. H. James havinu retired from bosinesa and being desirous of settling up, requests all those indebted by note or ac count to immediately call and niakeaaetthi nient. He can l lound at hi othce in the Court Ilonne. ready to receipt for all debts due him. I. X. L. Store. Notice is hereliy given that all those in debted to the L X. L. Store are hereby noti fied m call and settle th same at once, or the accounts will be placed In the hands of an at torney for collection. Fair warning to all our motto. WABsnAiEB Eros. Eugene, December 4, 18S.'. Keynote to' Health. Health U wealth. Wealth means indepen deuce. The keynote is Dr liosanko's Cmigh ami Lung Syrup, the lest Cough Syrup in the worliL Cures Coughs. Colds, Fains in the Chest, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption. One done ies relief in every case. Take no other. Price 50 cents and $L Sample free. Sold by Oshnrn ft Co. ,. GRAND ill 1 UntilJan. 1, 1886, I propose to sell all kinds of GOODS at MICESthat will as tonish all. If yon arc in want of anything in mij Una give me a call and PRICE G000 Remember I mean Business. This is a ' Genuine Clearance. Sale. P En Oregon. FACT that they have as at the mill. BGray, Brown, Blue, Scarlet or White- All Wool, 4 points, $7.00. BV,ite, Scarlet, Gray, Bron, Etc,- I All Wool, Extra Larg, Family, f $3.50, SO.00, 10.00, Young Mens' Mens' All Wool Overcoats $10.00 to 12.00. All WTool Overcoats, former price SI 5. 00-? 12.50. ' Ses!, DON'T . To attend Closing AT THE I XX STOBEI ' EVERYTHING Again at 0 Are opening the largest and finest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS ever brought to Eugene. Beaut if ul Hush Goods in almost endless variety. Albums, new styles, in plush, $2.50 and upwards. In Silverware our stock is just immense. Our show cases are filled with the finest GOLD GOODS! Gold watches, chains, broaches, gold setts, Diamond rings, solid gold rings, rolled gold goods, pins, ear rings f bracelets, cuff buttons, Etc., Etc. On our shelves are vases, toilet setts, cups and saucerst figures, c, in great variety and new designs. Dolls, doll cabs, childrcns' dishes, tool chests and toys without number- Also music goods, a rt goods, pictures, picture frames work and hand baskets, satche, hand purses, pocket purses, and in fact, everything you want. Call and examine, as we cannot enumerate our Stock. - ... Come And See. A large portion of these GOODS are on consignment and MUST be sold by Jan 1. i anfcrupt Sale. "Having purchased the 'Bankrupt Stock of GROCERIES, ETC. at prices VERY LOW, formerly belonging to Qsburn Sf Belshaw, I now offer them for .... .... . CJivn me-ii f:i i and i V U I You Can Save time nil money by calling on STERLING HILL and letting him renew your subscription for newwxrts story lainrs ami insirazine. He also lieejn a complete stock of MaK.izint, in rhulinj Oiitury, arir, I..-Hlie etc. All the popul.vr libraries, .Seanide, Iivflls. Stauilanl, Slunroe and othf rs. In fu-t evrythinir usu ally ti'iind in a 1st c!a new del, 1' O Duild- iug, Kujfcuu FAIL t the Grand Out Sale MUST BE SOLD i the Front sale at f ...... imi' Prices. nnco the uoods. J. L. PAGE. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. I ATOTICE 13 HKREBY GIVEN THAT the coiwrtnerHhip heMfr JxitlHlf K'lween Osburn & LeHiaw ilis.ilvl. Vnv. 17. 1KS.1 b Geo. IiHaw. A CAE To all who are suffering ror h 'ndiscreticn of youth, nerV Vtf decay, 1.W manhoo.1, CovTlV thatill cure you, SgfHABGL Thi. KTat remedy w.;MT dressed envelope to fjVr '"MEP 1-I)a, Station D N'3w Y Zl 7btice. ale, bo Kntit Q.l 1A lOOf T -111 !,..,'"" .'"V .,.. WU1 oejiziwr hundred. Cohlir V JAS (tOODALL Lobni nnwers can ha i.,,k..j . l tor 'il