F71 ft" ESTABLISHED FOR THE DIXSEBISilTlOS OF DEMOCRATIC PBIXJITLES. AND TO EARN W llONEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF OUR BROW. CITY IflJHj VOL.18. Ut 61,3cm gitg guard. . I. l cam rr. ELL, lubIlNher und Proprietor. tfPFICE-On th. Lm side nf Willamette fetreet, between cvei,th and Kilith Street TERMS OF SU11SCRIPTION. Ter Milium.. HtOlvnthi.. 'i'bree months 82 60 , 1.25 . .75 OCR ONLY KA.TK9 OB ADVKItTISINQ. Advertisements insnrted as follnwst One square, ten line jr 1mm one insertion 83; ach auUequciit iusertion $L Ca-li required in advance. Time advertisers will be charged at the fol lowing rte: . One square three months. 81 00 One square iix months 8 Oil One square olio year 12 CO transient notices in lofai ctiliuuu, 2D cmts Ier ime wr eaen lusertion. Advertising bills will he rendered quarterly, All jnb work must lie paid Knit on ukuvkhy, L BILYEU. C. II. ('OELIKR. BILYEU & COLLIER -Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICE IX ALL THE COURTS OF this .Suite. Will give specul atteutiou to collections and prolate nutters. Office Over Heudrick & Eahiu's bank. CEO. B. DOHRIS, Attorney ami Counsellor-at-Law, -VVTILTi PRACTICE IX THE COURTS T T of the Second Judicial District and iu he Supreme Court of tbi State. , Special attention given to collection and butter in nrobafce ' . Ceo. Si Washburne, Attorncy-at-L.uv, tSUJBSS CUT, - - - OREGON OFFICE-At the Court House. 1yra3 , GEO. M. MILLER, A.t3rn37 ail Cjaxalbr-at-Law, and Ileal Edutc Agent. KUSEXe'cIIT, - OREGON. Ofllcc formerly occupied by Thomson A lleaii. , J.E. FENTOX, . Attorncy-al-Law. JSUGESE Cli'Y OREGON. 8ieci J att mtion given to Real Estate Prao ice and Abstract ut Title. OiKii'S-Over Gimii,'.) Store. T.W.HA1MIS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence ou Fifth street, where Dr Sheltoii tirmerly resided. 1 Dr. T. W. Shclton, Physician and Surgeon. ROOMS At Mrs. J. 15. Underwood. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. DR. JOSEPH t. GILL, C AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idenoe when not professionally engaged. Uitice at the TOST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby- erian Church. J. J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORNilY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE t'ourUof the State. Swclal attention given to real estate, col fccting, and prolate matter. .... Collecting all kinds 6f claims against the United States Government. Oifice in Walton's brick-moms 7 anil . New Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. (One door North of Post Oifice. ) BATHS. 25 CENT& EVERYTHING fitted np in the best of order. Shaving and hair cutting done in the most approved rd"r' JERRY HORN. Proprietor. W. N NOFFSINGER, ATTORN EY-AT-IiAW, EUGENE CITY. OREGON. II.T. I'RAC'IICE IX ALL COURTS V of the Slllte. Negotiates loans. Cob lecttons promptly attend.-;! to. uAjcS-O.er Grange Store. nlOtf foPEfi SKIPWORTH, Att6rteys:at-Law, CORVALfy, OREGON. PROF. D. W.'miDCE, (Formerly f Dc 'n", low,l TTAS LOCATED IX HOKN-E env II for the piiri"e i ylKS(t oik; -r- ; am th lute..-, .i. -i- AS i-m-1 .n.l HARH'19 1. . . -IIC'.M.n. b.yed V develop a hne ternniiy Hni,m, f,,, y .present or., Seventh and H'. 10-Ui NEW mm UT A GENERAL $ A large assortment of La dies and Child) 'ens Hose at Good Dress Goods at 12l.c- Jk'st Corset in town for oOr, An immense stock of few and Seasonable Goods. Fine shade. Cashmere in every J'ew and -Nobby styles in CLOIHLXG. . Libera! Discount for CA a. v. peters;' Will pay the. highest ' Market Price for Oats and barley. Cash Or Goods Sold Oregon for as CASH OR The highest price paid Produce. Call anil sec S. H. 'Friendly. Harness Shoo. HAVING OPEXED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 8thSTRE west of l.'raiu Jiios'., I am now prepared to f iimih everything in that liue at the Tlie Competent Workmen Arc employe.?, and I will endeavor to mo with a call. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, DECEMBER GOODS. Trimming silk and Sat ins in all shades. Jloirea niiijue Silks Velvets in Colors. The jinest stock of French KID SHOES i ever brought to this place. l BOOTS and SHOES ' in all grades- GROCERIES of all descriptions'. .if Credi u ill 019 1111 Low as any House in CREDIT. for all Kimls -of Country Most give satihfaction to ill whjma favcr A. s. cimsm Sheriffs Sale. .VOTICK IS 1!K!I1'.!JV GIVEN THAT J-1 Hy virtue of a writ of execution dulv issued out uf the Circuit Court of the M:ite of Oregon, for tho county of l.nno by the clerk tli'irenf, and to mo directed on to it: ftoveuilicr l.'l. lSi'i. uiioii a iiiiluiiiont no. I decree nf foreclosure rendered in s.iid court ovellllllr (th, 1SS5. in -a suit then and there pending wherein (i R ChrUiimn was I'laintill, mid Ceo Mitlican ami Ada it Milli cm w.tu ilefeiidunt-i, 111 favor of still () K CliriKirmn iiluintill and Hiviiint snid .lofi-ml-ant (ieo Milliom for the sum of if-'.liSS with interest tlurenn from date of judgment at the rain of ID per cent, iter annum, f2."o attorney fee, and costs of action, and a de cree .for the fnrecli'Miie uiol fcule of the mortgaged premises ilecriln-d as follows to-wit: The N R of the N W 14 and the X I '2 of the N K ll ami the S E 14 of the N W 1 4 of aertion CS; also the S I '.' of the S K I 4 of section '1 and tiie N K 1-4 of the N K 1-4 of section ."J, all in T 17 S. I! 1 W, onnUiiiinj 3l!0 acres ju Lauo county, Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of said writ and to totisfy sail! jiidgi icnt, attorney fee, cost, HOcrilinccostaaiid expeines o( sale I will sell tlieab'cve dcsonlieil iiiort 'Agod rent property at piililu auc'ioit for eusli in hand at the Conrs llonsH door in Eugene City, l.auu County, Oregon, on ,M"Siiay, K(,r.iinKit 21t. 1SS5. At tho hour of one o'clock, P M of said day. .1. I'i CAMl'HELL, Sheriff Lain. County, Oregon. Dated November 20, 1SS5. Sheriff s Sale. lynmcK is m:i;i:r.v given that by iitneof awi it of execution duly issued niit.it the circuit court ot thu Mate ol Oregon fur Lane County, by the Clerk thereof and to me directed, ou to-wit: November l.'Itli, ISS"), upon a jtitlumt-.it and dieree of foreclosuro rendered in aaid Court .November 2d, ISSo, in a suit then and tlicru pending when in Wesley Munition was plain. till, and Wm E Simmons mid Amelia A Simmons, bis vile, and C C Simmons were ilul'eudaMts, in f;ivr of said Wesley Shun lion and agailist said di fi nibiot Win V. Sim. iiions f..r the Him id J-.'.HSS SHI, with interest tliererii At the r,.te uf lij per cent per aiiuiiiii from date of judgnient, f.'(K) (II) nttiiruey fees, atid for costs mid ilishursenients of suit, and a decree fr the fnreeliMiire ami sale of the mortgaged tetuies liesenlied as f.dlows, to-wit: The N K nf See. 112, T lli S, I! 4 W, containing liiu acres, iu l.auu County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virluii of said writ, and to sptisfy snid judgment, attorney fees, costs and accruing cnts ntnl expenses of sale, I will sell tho above described real property at public nnctioii, lor rash iu hand, ut ti c Court ll'.usu door in Eii(;fno City, Lom Cwu.ty, Or.oi,'.Ba. , j. .IZoiuJay, lcv'ui:jcr Slut, I.SH3, At the hour of 1 o'clock I' M of said day. .1. li. CAMI'HKI.L, Sheriff Lnno County, Oregon. Dated Nov'onibi r 20, lSVi. Sheriff's Sale. "jJOTICE IS IIEREHY GVI.N THAT i.1 ly virtue of a writ of Execution duly iKliell out ol llio Cireiiit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lain!, by the Clerk tiiereof ami to um directed, on to-wit November lo'.h, 1SS5, iipmi a judgment and decree of foreclo'.uiv rendered ill said Court November 12th, ISS5, in favor nf Martha W C"irr, executrix of tho estate of tieo M I'i er, dccciKcd, jil iintilf. and against Or Vllle .in en mid I'. .1 (ireeu, bis wife, A J liurnesnu, II C Hiiiuphrey, A .1 Johnson and I II ,li:('luiig, liartners Wil ier the lirui name of McCluug & .'ohnsoii, and M iry A llitnie sou, wife ot A .1 I'liirnesou, defendants, fur the sum of fiOI 00 V S gold coin, with in terest there, ii from date of judgment at the rate of 10 per cent per milium, $75 00 at torney lees, and for costs' and disbursements of said suit, comiuaiiiliiig me to sell all and logular the uiortgngcil premises (Icscrihi'd therein as follows, to-wit: Fractional lot No 3 iu Sec .13, T 17 S, It .'I W, containing 3(i 2.'l acres, more or less, in Lnno County. Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtun of snl Execu tion and to satisfy iid judgment, interest, attorney fen, cost, accruing cost ami ex liense.s of sale, 1 will aeil the ubovn ilu'criheil real property at nuhliu auction, for cash in haml, At th(. Court House ilnor III r.ilgenc City, Lane County, Oregon, on .IIoikIiij, Ip-PinhT2lNi, lNi5, At tl?t hour of 1 o'clock P M of said day. J R. CAMI'rtKLL, SherilF Lane County, Oregon. Dated Nov. 20, 1885. Sheriff's Sale. VrOTICE IS HEREP.Y GIVEN THAT Ll hr virtue of a wiit of Kxeniiiou duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the Slale of OicK'Hi for thu Coiluty of l-uiu, by the Clerk thereof nod to mtt directed, ou to-wit: November 13, ISS5, upon a jmlgment ami decree of foreclo-ure n ndeivd iu said Court November 12th, li85, iu a suit then and there pending wherein Lizzie N Thompson was pluintilf, and John Keuuctt and Mary A liennett, his wife, ami Cliarles Jicnuett were defendants, in favor of Said Lizzie N Tho, up son and against said defendant Charles lieu nett for the sum of $21!! 75 with interest thereon from il.-.te of judgment at the rate of one per cent, per mouth, $50 attorney fee, and costs and liburcm uts of action, and a decree for the sale nf the mortgaged prem ises described as follows, t-wi: Tne N 1-2 of S W 1 4, the S W 14 of S W I 4, and lot No 3, sea IS, T l S, R 2 W containing 152 08 acres m Line cmtity, Oregon. Now therefore by virtue of suid writ, ami to satisfy saiil jrldgiiiPiit, cost, attorney fee and accruing costs ami expenses of sale, I w ill sell the above descrilied real property , at public auction to the highest bubler for rash in band, at the Court House door in Eugene City, l-nne county Oregon, on .Holiday, Ercemb-r SI ml, at the hour of I o'clock I M of said day. . .1. R. (.'AMPEELL, Shrrilf Lane county, Orcou. Dated November 20. liS.V CEO. F. C??A7. POSTOFFISE C13AR STORE, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. 11), 1885. The Slik Iin of kunsa). A correspondi'iit of thn Cliicagn Tri liuii, writing from Topekn, gives tlie fallow ini list of mtlra of ouo drug ntorn for one day: Tint of whisky, far lung disease, to Williftii) Younger Half pint w hisky, for dyspepsia, V. It l'.luali. llulf pint wliiiky, for liiliousnesn, J. C. P.ever. Tulf pint wliinky, for dyspepsia, H. Yotfng. One Lottie lii'ir.for female weakness, V. A. Sojjinioro. Half pint wliUky, for cliilln, Win. Warren. Halt' pint whisky, for ague, C. H. H.looiTty. Half pint w hisky, for LilioiiHiiess, J. Teliow. Half pint whisky, for nurse, L I ! jainine. Half pint whisky, for general d(dii! ity, M. MoCaiin Ha'f pint whisky, for chills and f.-ver, 0. Saylor. Half pint w hisky; for general debili ty, V. A. Cook. Half pint giu, for kidneys, William Kent. Half pint whisky, for rheumatism, S. FrniiViiii, Q jiirter pint whisky, for miliaria, It Henry. Tint whisky, for palpitation of heart, 51. l!ritton. Half pint whisky, for lung disease, C. 51. 'j aylor. ; Jlulf pint whisky, for general de liility, J. Henderson. Half pint whisky, for neuralgia, C. Nather. Pint whisky, for cholera morlius, Clenrge Cnrnen. Pint whisky, for indigestion, 0. S. Dyke. , Half pint whisky, for practice, W. II 5UlWort. ' r 1W lshUt)r, -for Uilrtirtjj, "Jfnry r:...i...n " ilillVlll'll. Half pint whis'ty, for bowel com plaint, Uulinw Kteel. Pint w hisky, fer sick stomach, Jus. lloger Half pint whisky, for cold, A. Coch ran. Half pint whisky, for colic, Geo. Johnson. Half pint whisky, for malaria, Jan. Martin. ' Where llinilnrkn vu Born. New York World. . Your correspondent recently visited the birthplace of I ho latn Vioo-lVesi-dent Hendricks;, and interviewed the oldest resident of Newlon township, who knew tho Hendricks fuinilv inti mately when they resided at Union town, whither ther removed from SliippeiiKiiurg, Pa, In 1810. Thii rc nun Ituhle old residnnt in Cteorgn W. (Jrookt, now in his ninety-first year. Hii father ani uncle were tho pioneer settlors of Zannsville, 0., coining here from Virginia in 171)8. 51r. Crooks, tlmc'li fmsblo in Iiealth, reineuiliers early evimts distinctly. He was tho tirttt whito child in Zanehville h his Mister was tlio first horn in Muskingum. Iu 1803 the father h.'wcif tlx road through (fib woods tint afterwardu became, part of the Mays villij pike, nod Luilt a tavern nt what eventually Lecanio Unioiitown. John Hendricks, with his wifo and hod Abraham, arrived in 18U3, purchased tlm Ui-diuou tannery and built a rude loo cabin on tho side of the hill above O the pike. Mr. CVooks was iu tho Iioukh when Thomns Jlendricka was born, and 51rs. Crooks nursed Mr. Hendricks' mother through her sicklies. Three years ufterwurda Hendricks hold his property and moved to Indiana to en gag in surveying with his brother. Tim cabin in which the deceased Vice President wus born was of bowed logs and contained two rooms, wiih a sjone chimney ai one corner aim win dows of greased paper to let in the light. The olJ tannery is still stand ing, but the log house has BincC passed away. i When 5Ir. Hendricks camo here to in ike a political speech some ten years ngo, he inquired for .Mr. Crooks and insisted upon his occupying a seat upon the platform during the delivery of the iiildrei-s. NO. 14. Jloilirn Jlclliiurlaht The oldest person in Indiana ia Mrs. Cdter, of Hussiaville. Slut in 1 1 G. 5Irs. Nancy Allison Frost, of Mar ietla, Ohio, was 102 years old on Octo ber 2 2d. Henry Hall, of Hampton counly, S. C, died a few woeks ag0 at tha age tf 105 years. (1. W. Spring, Sr., of Worth, Oa., is new 10") years old. He is no longer able to speak. Ned Englinh, aged 113, of Camden, S. C, well renmailicrs that he saw Tar leton's cavalry. 5Ira. Henry .lp!iouse, of Concord, Me., is ablo at the ng of 103 to do her own housework. 51 rs. Flora I'lunkonship, of Ccrwinj III., has gray haired grandchildren. Shd herself is 113. Pablo 5Iascarenas, of 5Iora, claims to be tho "oldest inhabitant" of New 5Iexica Ho is 107. " 5Irs. P.ridget Parley's 104 birthdar was the occasion for recent festivities at West Stratford, Conn. Donald McCIellan, a Highlandct1, who speaks nothing but Gaelic, lies at the point of death, in Detroit, aged 107 years. "(live mo one morn smoke out of th old clay pipe," Kuid Rachel Varvel dl Owingville, Ky., just before sho died. Hhe was 101. No fewer thanv 105 descendants re cently joined in tho celebration of Mrs. IWbara ltitter'a 100th birthday, in Floyd county, Iowa. A hook to be published on liumtin . longevity places Connecticut in front of the world in the iiuiiiIht of louglivod people. Among special instances ii John Weeks, of New London, wha married his tenth wife when 10b years old, sho being sixteen! lie died at thd ago of 11 1. His gruy hairs were sue ceeded by a growth of dark hairs, ariil several new tenth appeared before hi du,d- , Xttiu'irt 1fljTBatrco!ttiJ ..iiii.w of the lives of ten thousand centen arians. Ho found that six thousand of them enmo from Connecticut, - and! that tho majority of them were women. Fifty sinolii women cams up to the" century mark, but only twelve bache lors. One hundred milliliters lived td be 100, and only thirty doctors, terl lawyers and ten actors, A centenarian newspaper man could not bo found. ii i . -S I i A story paper's answer to a corres pondent: "If you are' dovolsdly itl love with the, young man and he 3 devotedly in lovo with you, we (too rto reason why you should not marry h!n Clrubs and black-heads can ho removed from tho face, by the uso oft watch key. You ought to obey 'omyptother in all things. Wash wur face in rain water. A young lVfy should not speak to a man to whom film has not beert introduced. Tike salt for blotches. If you desire to blcnmn a good conversa tionalist you blKhuld read entertaining books and pay djose attention to clevet'..,v talkers. Tho Less you send is light brown- 5Ioses led the children of Israel from Egypb x In winter always warm your feet heforXj goinjf to bed. Arkansaw Trayeler. The bean is supposed Vo bo a native of Persia. It is" one tf the most ancient articles of food, anuas culti vated in Eypt from the earle8t ages. It formed the common dish Xhown among tho Hebrews as pottage, ,or a iliJi of ubieb I'.snu bnrtered fia birthriol'it. The Lima bean is a nativ of the Kust Indies; the common polo kidney bran comes from India, and thd scarlet (lowered varieties are f-oirt 5Iexico, South America and the West Indies. Ducklen't Arnica Salve. The best salvtf In the World for Cuts, IlrunJ ss; Sores, I leer,- Salt I! Ileum, Fever Sores Tetter, Chapld Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruption', and positively cures pile, or no pay required. It ia giiarsutsed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. For side iy E It Luckey 4 Co. Syrup of Figs, Manufactured onty by the California Fig 8yrut" Co., San Francisco, CL, it Nature's Own Vma l.SKativ. This pleasant liipiid fruit remedy may be had of V S le, a'ent, Sunction, or F M Wilkin, a.-ent, Eugene City, at fifty orr.ts rr one ilollar per bottle. It is the loost pleasant, prompt and tffet-twe renfly known to cleans1 the system; to at ton the L ", Kid neys and llowrls u-.-iitly yt tlioroiiKlily; to dis fiA Ileatlaches, Colds and Fevers; to curs Cor. stipation, Indigestion and kn.d.iil ilis; !1 ill i i