The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 05, 1885, Image 5

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Oregon Kidney Cure.
' ' Holiday gooda at th" postoffice.
' Still our subscription list incre we.
Oregon Kidney Tea euro all klJuey trouble.
Firemen annual Department election Mon
yiay. Eugene H ft L Co No 1 meete next Monday
wvening. '
For good cherry Irei inquire at McClung &
Johnson store.
' Go to the postoffice bookstore for your
Christina present.
K you want to fciy good cheap give the
tXL Store a call.
The wood work on Mr 0 R Bean'i new reei
denc b completed.
Oregon Kidney Tea is the beat known rem
'dy (or kidney trouble.
The GoaBD doe all kind A job printing
heaper than Portland prices. ,
Go to Page' and get bargain in the bank1
Vupt itock of Ostium ft Belehaw.
Look out for the parade by the II A 0 Min
trl'6m Friday, December llth. , 1
The Director of tho Lane County Fair will
sneet la this city at 10 o'clock to day.
Give to UmwiuvUle Woolen Hull (tore a
tsall if you are in want of clothing, etc.
Keller and Kelly, champion clog artist are
.with the H AC minstrels at Rhinehart' The
atre, Dec 11th.
, n Bishop Morris delivered a very learned
vermon at St ' Mary' Episcopal Church hut
Monday evening.
Marion Davit, at (me time a student in the
"University, ia a candidate for City Recorder
Xf Union City, Oregon.
Billy Dugtn in hit Kate Kaatleton with
local bit will make you all laught at Rhine
hart' Theatre,Deo 11th.
Remember that Page is selling the bankrupt
stock of groceries of Oshurn ft Belshaw at
riues astonishingly low.
. The elocutionary entertainment at Rhine.
Wt's Sail was poorly attended. Lack of
advertising was the cause.
James Sterling, former! v of Cottage Grove.
was married Nov 14, 1885, to Mr Elizabeth
Seymour, of Marcellua, N Y.
If yon want to spend pleasant evening
attend the entertainment to be given by the
Eugene Dramatic Club to-night:
Mr Geo F Craw has just received an invoice
nf the famous Green Seal Cigars. That brand
t one of the best "bit" cigars in the market.
See the new Holiday advertinement of
Crain Bros in another column. Santa Claus
ha opened hi headquarter at that place.
- The largest stock of dolls, toy and Christ
ina cards can be found etEdBaiim'. He
tells them cheaper than any house in the city.
Every public spirited citiien should attend
the entertainment to-night as the money is to
be applied to purchase instrument for the new
Ed Baura ha ust opened a fine line of
, smoker' article meerschaum goods and fine
'cigar expressly made for Christmas presents.
A cribbage board on the ci;ar box; something
novel and neat '
If you want anything extra fine in the line
tf fancy article for Christmas, call at Ed
' Ileum'. Sudh has never been in the city
Wjhvj received a copy of the Albany
Daily Herald published by Train and Whit
ney. It ia a neat and neway sheet and de
serving of a good support.
E Baum's holiday goods are of the very
latest, such a vases, cup and saucers, plush
articles, albums, and many other fine goods
Beat anything in the city.
Mr J L Page has purchased the bankrupt
Stock, formerly belonging to Oaburn ft Belshaw
ttnd will sell the same at prices "way down."
Give him a call and price the goods.
Kelly and Hastiilgs in the splinter and bur
lesque slugging or "Dempsey ar.d Campbell,'
wilt bring down the house. Of corset it's good.
Rhinehart' Theatre, December 11th.
Mr E J Crow inform us that he ha lost
Mother horse by the disease that ha prevailed
in the hill south of town. He thinks, how
ever, that the disease ha about run out.
Mr 8 H'Friendly ha just received from
San Francisco ome ample of what dealer
Consider A 1 hop. Interested partie can
see tbem by calling at Mr Friendly' store.
Mr. L Iiorets hereby give notice that he
is prepared to 6 up lawn and yard in the
best of style. He Call attention to the
yard 0f Mr. Chas. Litter as a fair sample of
his work.
One 0 this largest stock of boots and shoe
ver broutbt to JSdgene na jusi amvea
Matlock'. They were bought direct from the
manufacturer in the East and will be old on
Very reasonable term.
How often do we heat of the fatal termina
tion of a cae- of crdup, when a young life
might have been saved by the prompt use .f
Ayer's Cherry Perioral. Keep a bottle of it
on hand, ready for instant use.
The late fish car imm Washington distri
buted1 about 400 bucket of carp recently
throughout Ortgon". We pity the poor peo-
i i i . Ttia is lint
pi w uu ubtq rewum r i
Hear a goo-j mo iuj
it Mailnck'ir a verv fine line of" ladies
(hoe of the celebrated H D Holbrook make
direct from the Eastern manufacturer. The
ladies of Lane confrty Would do Well to call at
Mr Matlock's store and examine these good.
. Pnrwout the lurking distemper that un-.
dermine health, and constitutional vigor will
setum. Those who suffer trom an enteeinea
and disorded state of the system, ehnuld I take
Ayer Sarsanarilla to-cleans trie blood and
restore vitality.
Eugen Hulde in his banjo- solos; Pjiy
Mile in hi guiUr solos; the sin cornet and
si, end men, Capital quartette, big bneftanc
two extreniera, and have you seen Bolhvar.
Will make the button fly if they are ft
well fastened on at Rhinehart Die nth.
The dramatie entertainment given by hmne
Went to night will probably prove the best for
the money ever offered to the tugene puoi.r.
It is riven for the of the new band. Ad-
miMon, on cen;
charge for reserved seat.
Having had four years experience in dress
making in one of the first house of Portland,
1 would be pleaaed to r-i hi.rvf Pt-fooa.-efrom
lhela.lir.of Eugene. Kilice,
6nt hflos north of railroad on Mill street
F. C. ADAra.-
In Memertam., '
Eugene Cur, On.; Nov. 27, 188J.
io me Master Workman and Brethren of
fcugene Lodge No 1.1, A . U VV: W., your
committee to whom was referral the ubject
wl the death of Brother Geo S Kincaid, w ud
respectfully be,' leave to present the tallowing
report:, It has pleaaed the Allwis Dis
poser of earthly even Is to reinnv froni our
midst by death, Brother Geo 8 Kincaid;
Tnerefore, be it
Resolved, That we mourn with those who
monrnt but bow in submission to Itiin who
dneth all things well
Resolved, That we extend to his wife and
family our fullust expreslos nf sympathy and
esteem in this hour of their d bereavement,
sincerely hoping that their wounded hearts
may find comfort.
Rkmolved, That this report be spread upon
our records and a copy thereof furuished the
wife ef our deceased Brother.
J. M. HoimoH;
J. O'Briiw,
G. Bettmak,
Crejswell Items.
Dec. 2, 18
Mr Ike Wicks is WUfined to hi bed, but is
Mr D Sellar is breaking horse for Mr
John Hunter of Carta Swale.
The social hop given af Mr D Rhinehart'
last week 'was well attended. '
Mr Jas Jackson returned from Oiklanll last
Saturday morning, where he had been visiting
relative and friend.
Mini May Parsons has been troubled with
poison oak for some time, but we are pleased
to learn that she is speedily improving.
Resolution of Thanks.
Resolution of thanks tendered Hon R M
Veatch, of Lane county, by the Willamette
Asrembly Knluhta of Labor, of Salem, Ore
gon) for hi) masterly advocacy of the bill mak
ing ten hour a legal day' work.
Resolved, That this assembly tender to R
M Veatch their heartfelt thanks for the able
manner in which he advocated the passnge of
a bill making ten hours a legal day's work. And
we cheerfully reco.umend him to his constitu
ent as a man worthy of their esteem and con
fidence, and one than whom no better could
be returned to the legialature.
Important Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the accounts of
the late firm of O'burn & BaUhaw have been
placed in the hands of Geo. W. Kimset for
'J hose indebted to the firm are hereby noticed
not to pay money to anyone ele, as Mr Kin
sey is alone authorized to make collxutions.
George Hblshaw.
Card of Thanks.
. We desire to extend dur sincere' thanks to
the many friend and neighbor who extended
to us so many act of kindness during the sick
ness, death and funeral of our little Frank ie.
J. D. Matlock,
I,oui8A Matlock,
A. Stikit. St'nit, the real estate dealer,
who lived here a few year ago, has determined
to settle permanently in Dallas. Of ceursei
it is well known that dissipation led him to do
thing while here before that in sober moments
would not have been done. He ha now re
formed and he is prepared to settle down, dur
business men have taken hold and encouraged
him. Dallas Itemizer. His resolve will pro
bably be kept nntil he can "take iu" soule
poor immigrant, when he will be the same old
StiniU He owe nearly every business man in
Eugene, And they are1 glad to think that he
has left the town permanently. The Dallas
people have the sympathy of all in their
great misfortune.
Gold Found in Eugene. At the Star Ho
tel Mr J B Coleman ha purchased the
property and gone in a proprietor. He i the
first mart who ha come out publicly id favor
of the poor man, or the one who has to board
and lodge; tie will turnisn good board and
lodging for S3 75 per week or 75 cents per day.
He has refitted the hntite, putting iu new beds
and plenty of oovr. He has also fitted cp his
barn in good style and will feed any man'
horse on hay and oats for 25 cents. Stable
without feed fie to patrons of th hotel Mr
C. is a lame man buc gets around lively and
respectfully solicits a share of pnlilio patron
age. No Chinese employed white help only.
Call and see the old Kentuckianj he will make
you so welcome you will think you are at
Holiday Goods. Potmstef Pattenon
hast just received a (elect stack of book,
cards, deiry, toy' and fancy books especially
designed for the Holiday trade', direct from
the publisher. He ha a vert hne assort
ment of article suitable for present. II
says that the etock nf goods ordered fof the
Holiday trade must be disposed o by
January 1, 1836, rcgardles of price. Give
him a call immediately and select your
present and examine the ' good. Price
very low. i
Accidentally Shot. We clip the following
from the Trineville News, of Nov 21, 19S5:
"A sheep' herder by the nam of Aifctin
Giuerin, who hat been herding sheep for V an
Hoirten & Co. on Hay CreeR, aocideirtiilly
shot himself hut Tuesday while carelessly
handling a' pistol 'The ball cut through the
lube of the left ar, entered the face just
back ftf the jaw, raiwed the jugular vein, and
d forward toward the mouth. The
I woimd i not dange-ous." Mr Guerin is well
known hi bngene, having lived nere me
greater portion of his lite.
Fine Boqiiet. On Decemlwf M Mr
Aaron Lynch presented this orfice with a fine
boquet It was composed cf sinirll black
berry tw1 upon which were rie and greea
berries iid blossoms. The same were c'f;pd
from a vine in hi garden. What do our
frozen up friends in the East think of such a
SfHOOlMnETiNO. A meeting of the voters
of School District No 4 has been called by the
director, to be held in the Court Huus ft
Monday, Dec 14. 1885, t 1 p' m, for the prr
pwe of voting a tax sufficient tn continue th
school for the remainder of the tcbool year. A
full attendance is requested.
Ltcrcnt A lecture on Temperance, tinder
th ausploe of th W C T U of Eugene, will
be given by Rev I D Driver, in the Methodist
Church, on Monday evening, Deo 7th. The
public cordially invited.
TtiiTHB. In this citv. Nov 29, 185, to the
wife of Guuv Hickelhier, a on. Ia this
v- tii net a thwifof E E AnreL
Real Estate Transactions for Novem
U 8 to J W Resting, patsnt.
Bute of Oregon to W A Cox, 47 aorta; con
sideration $1)5.
W A Cox tn G Webster, 47 acres; oon 1134.
G Webster to O W Hurd, 47 acres; con
G II William to L M Miller, lot In Eugene,
con 100.
E Sprague et ai to T W Shelton, land) eon
U S to Geo Belshaw; patent
U S to J R McAtee; patent.
McFarlaad's addition to Cottage filed.
L M Cox to T J Cox, 159.04 acres; con
State to C f Cox, 35.15 acres; con $70 30.
U S to J D Fountain; patent.
U S to Saiul Harrier; patent,
U S to A S Powers; patent.
U S tn Addison Black; patent.
V S to James Warber; patent.
U S to Jesse Haskell; patent
Jas Taylor per Bhe'rirT to C W Washburne,
80 acres; con $30.
Sarah Johnson to J F and C G Sneer, lot In
Junction; con $1.
T E Uttiuger to M A Uttlnger, loU in
Junction; oon $450.
11 U Campbell to Tho Gossage, 41 acres
con $00.
Tho Gossaire to A M Grithu. 101 acres: con
J II McFarland to Robt Griffin, lot in
Cottage Grove; con $78.
M Ward to J C Byar. land; oon $202 38. .
AW White to D C Baughiuu,)CL3
acres; oon $4,000. 1 '
Philip Kitz to' Lizzie M Miller, lot in
Eugene; oon $0.
J U StoweLl to Eli Bang and John Rosa,
land iu Eugene) con 9300.
Win Payne to M Ward, land; con $190.
T W Shelton to C S Davis, lot in Eugene;
oon $1,800.
Wm Shields to H II Chance, ldt in Cdttage
Grove; con $50;
11 llm to S E Ellsworth, .lot in Cottage
Grove; con $275.
Win .Shields to N Olson, lot In Cottage
Grove; con $.V). ,
B F Ellsworth to W W CartwrlgHt, lot lh
Cottage Grovel con $300.
W II Simon to J 1 Shields, 32113 acre;
oon $l,O0.
M J Wagoner to J W Harmes, land; edn
T W Shelt-Jn to Lucy J Sprague, 160 acrej
oon $1,000.
Ii M Kent to J M Smidgely, land; cor!
Jason Neeley to J M Smidgely, 137.88
acres; on $530.
L Williamt to J B Williams, lot in Junc
tion; con $5.
M N Foley to Letita Dillardt 160 aore; oon
Sam'l Dillard to E W Whipple, 160 acre;
oon $525 50.
John V Alexander to Peter Fleck, land; con
J K Bristow to Wni Walker; 219.65 acre;
cdn $2,100. ,
P B Kinacy to D W Anderson, lot in
Eugene; con $210.
1) W Anderson to Persia Sweet, lots in
Eugene; con $73.
R M Callisnn to Louis Muller, 76 acres; oon
J B William to W F Lewi, lot in Junc
tion; con $110.
M Lewis to A D Hyland, 180 acres; con
Z F and B F Smith HAD Hyland, 320
acres; con $1,900.
A D Hyland td B F Smith, land) con $700;
G W Ozment to Trustees of Siuslaw Grange,
No 51, land; cn $L
C F Cox to W A Cox, 160 acres; rtn $350.
T G Modnt to It J Custi, 12 acres; cdn
$50. . .
Norris Humphrey to H C Humphrey, ldt
in Eugene; eon $2,200.
J F Speer to Sarah Johnson, lot In Junc
tion; oon $1,000.
Isaac Vanduyn to John Long, land in Co-
burg; con $300.
U J 1'engra to .i V Al urutow, land in
SpriuufieMiOou $80.
Phillip Numbers to S M Howard, 106 acres;
con $000.
O Howard td Phillip Numbers, 53 acres;
con SHOO.
A N Hulburt to C O Hulbert. 39 M acfe;
con $2,800.
W P Hulburt to J R Etherldge, 40 acre;
con $1,800.
J I, Hogdor to J K Etheridge, M acre; oon
$1 700
W K Beck to L Cardin 40 acres; oon
Jf3 40.
R Clark to A Walker, land; con aw.
D R Christian" to A 0 Steven, lot in Eu
gene; con $160; .
V It 1akin lOila jirisrow, ioi in augcuo,
oon $590.
i N Neat to E Neat, land: con $400.
J W Neat td M A Neat, land; oon $300.
Cottage Grove Items.
CottaoB Grove, Dee , 1885.
The dancing club meet here every Friday
Mr L Bilyeil, of Eugene, wai fu town
this week.
Mr J E Fenton, of Eugene, was itf town
last week.,
Mr Robt Carey1 ha been 1ck for some
time but i somewhat better now.
Mr Sam Veatch and wife were visiting at
Pleasant Hill Saturday and BAidoy ;
Messrs Gray, Frody, Qeorifr and F6ley,
all of Simlaw, were in town ims wee.
There wa a dance at th hall Thursday
evening, upper being given at the hotel.
No rain since Saturday nfyht; has been
clear and pleasant every da iuce Strtiday.
Several persons in thi vicinity are having
a large amount of brush laehed thi Winter.
There i inging whool here Monday and
Thursday evening, conducted by O F
Mr Frank Whipple ha been (jtfite ick
for ome time, but we are pleased1 to tato is
rafridly improving.
Mr Geo Hawley and wife, of Cresswell,
w"ere visiting at the residunce of of Mr 0 P
Adama last week.
Several of our young people attended thi
ehtertaininsnt at Cresswell lirtt Saturday
evening given by the public school.
V?e learn that gold i being foifhit' on Row
river, three mil above the N V Chrism!
'at-rrt, Woicli i about twelve mile above thi
A Thanksgiving supper wa given by the
y ning Irtlies of fiis place at the residence id
Mr l( M 'Karlaiid, which wa the most
'relishmft evuut of the season.
I.VRAST. Last Sunday evening about 7
o'clock Mr J H Goodman noticed a stranger
wandering around hi hous in Springfield
pr;inct Mr Goodman gave him shelter for
Oi night and brought him to Eugene the next
morning placing him in the custody of the
Htwriff. The same lunrninic he was examined
b-fore Jnd9e Washburne, Iputv Prcecnling
t tirney Kenton and Dr PatUaraon and
Jones when he w.-uf dw.-Ured insane. The man
gave his nvne a Hans Olan, and ld h was
a active of Mreden. Hhenff Campbell tiok
him to th asylum Monday.
jfgw Boabuer. - Born, in thi city, Docera
i ho, a irav to the wife of Mr ( "has Baker a
Cnarli novf wears a mil.-
Hook and Ladder Co meU to-night.
Set new advartissinent of I X L Store.
Read th new advertisement of th Browns
villa Woolen Mill 8to-w.
Only 602 immigrant arrived ia Portland
daring th month of November.
Notice addition to Crain Bro holiday ad
vertisement in auother column.
Political talk in connection with th next
June election is already begiuning.
Mr Feuwickv formerly of thi county
offers hi farm, near Bnrus, Oregon, for sale.
EverVbody should go to to thi dramatio en
tertainment to night for th benefit of th new
band '
There will be divine servio in St Mary's
Kpiscopal Chdrch next Sunday, nmruiug and
oveuing. All are invited to attend.
Ralph M Dement has besn appointed polio
udh'e of Portland All the qualification that
is lis fur th ilac U that of a law partner of
John H Mitchell.
Th Thanksgiving ball which was postpone I
will tak place next Tuesday evening. Prof
Varney will furnish music. All who Hold In
vitations can secure tickets by calling on J B
Th 0 R ft N Co have recently issued a new
table of passenger tariff rate. The fare from
Portland to Eugene City or Siirinfletd it $3.
Th last named town is 176 mile from Port
land by river.
The thief who stole Mr Floyd Vanchan's
overnuat from his horse hitched back of 8tw-
art's livery stable, kindly returned the same
to the spot lit week to avoid prosecution and
probably to free hi conscience. Th advsr
liMiuent Appeared In this paper.
H V linn.
hftn, Coutut Utmer. of the UiiiU d SUtet fur
ll.Itik In. lilt. wl fawltit Sisaluttl tn lialrai 111.
Jllijiwii auuiiif iiLimt ecu esi-ata a si w
kl. AtUm . Ps.L... & t$ir .if nsaP K(Kl rVlMl
UK WM I V W ( VHIVIISB VSJ " vvupvwv
iiiholiitants; He wSs accnmianied by his wife,
son and daughter, and teen on oy ins mem
bers tf the Salem bar. W Hope Counsel
!lt H.J 41.. . V.l.lunt CUialiiul
jifli li mu mil iii.m wimw a ivniuvu. .v-.m.... ,
has placed his lot in happy line. Many friends
win miss nun in vregou aim no iur un mi
return; Vidette.
W W Saunders confined here in th county
jail for th murder nf Charley Camp
bell t seriously indisposed: It l sunjeci Ki
Hemorrhage nf the lung and since his incar
ceration ha had one hr two 11,'ht attacks
of th disease, and bn Monday night last had
quit a severe attack, bleeding quite freely,
and to-day we art infdntled that he ii quite
sick. Ills general health is not good and
taken altogether Ms I In low ooildttidh. Al
bany H6rald, Tuesday.
Dexter Items.
; December J, 1885.
ft Hurtilnalter has raised this ae'aUtod about
400 bushels of potatoes.
Mr Thomas Honey, of St. Lduis, Mo.; I vis
iting his age. I mother and titber relatives her.
f. fl.m P.rk.r I.UDll til ittlll tl,T A
term of wars, and is improving and aularglng
th dwelling houib.
Tl 1(.,.(Ii.m M ml'iriti a AviAWda and
making other Improvements' at the corner of
Alain and Mill streets.
t. T IT..n..k txnt hulls Mm!f i hlaek-'
trdlth (hop at hi house iu Dost Valley; which
. ' , . i 1.1 .L. .Iiii....
Will te gooa suing ior ins ciMrens.
r. 9! W nM. IhmM from a hHnt st
few day ago, and his head striking a plaifk
he received two severe out no in ip ui sue
head, but we are ideated to' ray that the wound
is not serious.
A bilk calling himself Lew Is" and claiming to
a tmll wriuht Was . her, recently and
wa very anxious to get a Job of work at th
n..l.. afill. HA.I. huifV MDlflur "lilatll-
erskite" h appearrf to have a very.aliorl mem
ory a he torgot to pay nis ooam uui oeiore
Wklt TTnnl Tli'n'mna WtllUnfi WAI ftrftBttlnff
nfr f1M.Alr n.l 1Mi,.jIkv ItLwfc hll llMPJLln'A lIlUV
m . vVW ......J " ' -1 -. ' . - - - r
and wm Dot fthU tV Rt baokvvaril at forwftrtl
hixI to sfiT himttulf fniiri Ultiug he jmirfted in-
el.. iihuL wkdM Iia faatlVuinAil until htttlt
came and assisted hiril out from hi ifitniterous
puition. i Eiior.
Oreooii PAOirio FRErniT. The second ship
ment nf through freight to this city from' San
Francisco, via th Oregon roifio warf reoelVed
S E Young yesterday on th 0 R A N steamer
"Bonanza'' and froff the freight charged by
th different !lne there appear a few fact
that need ventilation. Th lot of freight re
ferred to consist of 148 boxe oan, upon
Which th ireignt irom nan rrancisoo vj uceu
steamer and rail over th Oregon Pacifio was
$8.03. Upon the ame 148 boxe from Cor-
vallis UI Albiiy( a thsUnc ol twelv mllos ny
th 0 It ft N boat, wa th modest nm f
$5.2-1 This ii an Outrag which might b
prevented If th agenU nf the Cfregof PeWfic
at Corvallis were thmightful for the interest
f their patrons in selecting boat for shipment
Hll fcllV IITWI, Piiu " -" -- I - '
the legitimate traffic nf th rood, which Is now
hetrfnnlhir to be built up is sustained Albany
Daily Herald... . t
MitmiWn Walter Harser. aited 15 years,
son nf W P Barger, who live in Willamette
precicct, last Wednesday morning loft hi
home to go to tchbof about one- half inlfe
distant, talking a shod fun With him, think
ing that on the way he miglft kill a goose.
He did not ptft in an appearance at chool
th Amu mn,Y nn tii Thursdav muht
I . I . 1.1 1 .1 f.Am lkk1llh f MM
nSd nOll UTCW IICUIU liwill, """""H"
neighbor in that ectioii haif been eonnoa
th nnuntrv in inarcn ol n nr. ii leareu
that he ha aocidenUlly shot himself.
New Makaoer- Mr Grant 0bain' ha
leased Lane' Hall for one year. He Will
fliA $iLtiny rink everv
VWIlllliue w a ,
oveninjf. Term, for gents, 25 cts; ladle
free. The ball cau be procured any eve
ning for theatrical, parties or dance ob
litiirl UrmM. Thlt i one of the hiiesl
halls in the valley, and' OYaut propose to
run me ame oo ousino iimuiy.o..
rnm fn Enl-ens Citv.' Thirrsday nlghf,
n..L. i ltut!v rinilia IV ftowlaml. aired 13
nam. 11 nionthlf and $ day. Th funeral
u t.V. nlisna from the family residence on
Feventh seet. to day. Saturday, at 91 a. m.,
... ci. mil mnifctarv. for the irreat-
w wiv a twin" ... --- -j Vi. i i . r
er portion of her life she had been frV delicate
health, and neatn came w ner m mm nw
long and prtlient S'ltfering. Tli farASy bav
th sympathy ol in ineir soirow.
Service Reduced. The' mall eMca from
Eusren to Chesher ha been' reduced from' a
semi-weekly tn ono a week Thi i a back
ward movement and will b a hardship on th
people of iht Welii!TTVprt Of th county. W
horw th Department will oon xpliU th
Wheeler and wife, late of Minnesota, oow
S 8 Missionarie for the North PaciHn
Coast, will hold a 8 8 Institute at the
Baptist Chnrch, beginning next Friday ev.
hiog. Th public and all 8 8 worker w.r
dially iavitcl.
BarnsT Ciiircb Preaching 8andy
morning and evening by the ptstor; Rev C
M Hill. Evening nbjct, "The Existence
of God." Baptism alterthe eveningrvic.
static UN:ivEnstTV
A oolumn devoted to th Interest of th
Laurean and Eutaxian Literary Societies, and
th Stat University.
Lora E. Mcrch. ...'......'.Editor.
Th eh
i in mechanic have commenced to
Th das in physical features
this week.
Th clan In chemistry oowmenoed to review
last Thursday.
Dr Blward Bailey, of Portland, spent
Thanksgiving in Eugene.
Th Laurean nominated officer 111 their
society last Friday night
The class in botany wa txamined the Wed
nesday before Thanksgiving.
Th student hail a dancing party at Rhine-
hart' last Wednesday evening.
Several of th University students are mam-
bars of th Eugene Literary and Social Club.
Th Springfield public school, taught b'y
Misse Crantill and Walker, elossd thi week.
George and James Elder Wert called horn
last week to attend tha funeral Of their mother.
Miss Ida Patterson had a very scientific
recitation at th last meeting of the Literary
Many of Ills students took advantage 61 th
Thanksgiving holidays to sperid a few' day at
their bom.
Mr John McCornack, a former student and
Laurean, hold th office of Notary Publio at
Th Dalle.
Mis Hattie Dickinson will finish her school
this week. Sh expect to ntr trie Universi
ty titer Christmas.
Mr John M Wagoner, who attended th
University last year, has gone Into business
with his father at Ashland.
Prof Spiller ha so far recovered from her
recent Illiieis a to resume ber work at th
University last Monday.
Th Laurean who recently suffered a fright
ful mtslilacemeiit of th arm has th heartfelt
sympathy cf th students.
M John C Welch, a prominent member nf
the Laurean Society, ha th position of assis
tant postmaster in Portland.
Miss Lena McCnwan xpctt to mk a visit
to Eugen as soon as sh finish her school,
which will be in a abort time.
The tVrd.Irt" finished th history of civiliza
tion last week and will tak mineralogy In it
place for th rest of th term.
Th Pinafore company will play In a short
tlmTicket-oi-Lav-Man, for the benefit of
the Laurean and Eutaxian societies.
Th question chosen by th Eutaxian
Society for debaU in two weeks Is, "That th
xeoution of Charles I, wa justifiable."
W are pleased to learn froth1 letter received'
by friends Nf Mis D Etta Cogiwell that h
health has been rapidly improving since she
'eft Eugene.
T C Judkln started for Washington last
week where hi business as a Journalist call
Mia H will remain the rest of the Whiter'
iu that place.
The next publio exercise In th auditorium
will be the 4th of December. Owing" to the
absence of Mr Spiller tlfur will be no decla
mations this tiin.
Mr Robt Collier 1 busily engaged ia getting
up1 an entertainment for th school The
entertainment will oorue off about Christmas.'
We wish hira Joy of hi Job.
A the student are allowed to take either
logic or chemical analysis there will U a clans
in each next term. The greater number for
soma reasou fVrefef the (ogle, ' .
Tha argument in tha dilate nf tha Extai-
fans at their last session wa so evenly divided
that tha President had to exert ber discrimina
tive power to the utmost in order to girt' $
just decision.
The reason that tha Eutaxian do Mil give
an open session is that they do not want to
deprive th Laurean dltor of their waakly
rpiery, otherwise t'oeir might be a dearth At
item for their coltiW.
The Futaxlans have varied their pWrainm
lately by having a weekly report of th due
anttftW belonging to th society read1; which
each time carse a momentary and violent
shock, followed by deep tight' and a prolonged
If we ' take the old saying, tbat pracftc
make perfect, as" true, w thalf b compelled
to believe that Mr Oore ha' had an Infinite
amount of practice' In love makirVg, JuMglnb
from the skillful way lr which h actej hfl
part at the Thanksgiving concert.'
If th Laurean think thaf th E'utaVMis
ar in tn nilt oi niring tneir ueoaier; wnj
are ureatly mistaken There If An trior
reason In supH!ng thaf a pn'reoh1 rfhn'uld b
hired to debate than that h't should be hired
to stop.' unlet th Laurean' are in th habit
of prociirinlf their debaters In thlt wayaAl
Jude all other societies by th'eir own!
There I nbthlng which helpr b' niheh to
beautify character a the ability to tak a
cheerful view of all things and turn' eYea ilit
misfortune nf Ufa to good aonoiint,' draining
th last dorp of happineet from every cup. A
youthful Eutaxtatf has cultivated thi faculty
until th has heelV heard to exclaim' with' great
emotion and tnton'e that could' only nave
been born of firrrt oirrvTctloh', that ''''pirtfTig' f I
such weet orrow'
Sorrt'e of th senior" Yen i tittif vacafTorf In'
the hlkbly IntellecfuVA pursWt of gees'. If
they ar as successfrfl In all thW efoi-ta a
they were in their first they wftf toon1 be th
most proficient nimrod In the vicinity. A
party" of five started out at si fn th morning
and returned hrdr.ts at seven at night with on
poor' goose that had been shot three time and
then had it neck rung as a security against It
g-ttitig away again, a th result of tneir day'
None to CREnrroR. All tho indebted'
to me for blacksmithing or otherwise are
requested to uall and settl same, a I most
hav money immediately.
J. N. Bom
Junction City, Or., Nov. 14, 1883.
L. 8ammo:I Tal. He says that all
those indebted to him must come forward
ar.d settle o laa they my hvthanplea
ant matter bronght to tneir attention Dy
lawyer. A word to th wis is tattiuient.
Notice. Mr. B. II. Jm having retired
from busines and being desirous nf (etiling
iW. Miurti all tho lnlbtrl bv not or e
uo'lnt to immediat- ly rail and tnak a stU
Ha mb h f.mnd at hi' offio la th
(Jourt HrMts. rear to receipt" trt all dbt1
due Win.
Judge Bean returned from CorValiu) ldt
Nels Roney returned home from Portlac'i
last Tuesday.
Mr Milt Miller of Linn county, I visiting
In thi city. ,
Dr Pilktriirton of Portland eav us a rjleasant
call Thursday.
Attorney W R Wlllla of Rosemlre I In Eu-
gn on profossional busldea. '
Mrs Millard Sloan, nf Pendleton; I visiting
relatives arid friend In Eugen:
Hon Enoch Hoult, (if itarritbur; paid
Eugen a Visit on day this week,
Mr Frank Alexander', A Ptland, I visit
ing relative and frisnds lit Eugen.
Ju'dai W ashburn was in Cottairh Grova
laal Tuesday oh proftiEibhal busiubs.
Mr Gd F Craw, of thi oity ha been an
polilUd a notary publio by Gov Mxxlyt
Mr F N Noffsinger wai in Cottage Grove
one day this week ori profusslbilal biliinest.
Mr Win It flarnliarl arid wife, cf Portland;
hav been In Eugen1 several diyl Visiting.
MrGW Mnrrit. acbnt for the H AC
minstrels, gave ii a pleasant call thi weak.
Mr M Wilklus of thi nburltjr ha been re
elected a Director of th Stat itgricultural
Rosco Knox nf Cottage Crov. ha li'seti
appointed a division' iiiperioUudent of th nix1
Stat Fair.
t are sorry to learn that Ex-Congress-
man Henderson I no better, aoil u gradu
ally aiuking.
Mr J C Goodal, th enterprising saw niili
man pf Coburg, gave this office a plsasatt call
on Hay this week.
Hon U F Abshitr, nf LtMA county, who hue
been visiting In Eugene si no th special teas
Ion, started for hi horn last Satuiday.
Rev E G Michael, Presiding Elder of th
M E Church South; will hold quarterly meet
ing at Junction City, December 19th and 20th.
Mr J W Yaughan has resigned hi position
in Dunn's stord: lie left nn a trip to Inde
pendence for a few day WtdliVday vomilig;
Hon L Bilyau ha been in the neighborhood
of Cottage Grove the greater portion of the
week inking testimony U th ChfUrnari will
contest eaic'
Presley Cheshire ahi iohft Sfttfpson ft:
fturned fnifn Portland last Tu?Sitayj where
they have been serving on th V a Jury lor
about oh tiionth,'
Mr Clarenoo Winter and Mr Brown, whai
hav been at Prineville for some time woik
ing at the photographio businett, returned
i I mi i 1
nom ia inursoay.
Mr John 0 Welch, formerly a student a(
th Oregon Stat Uqlversity, ha accepted a
positfofj in h Portland poatofBuel John la i
giibd iUidi o'un'g man and will make a faith
i. A -ii'I. r ..U'ii l
iui vmpioyv, if m wugratuinbe.
Mr Jas Nolafid and brld arrived here from
Astoria last Tuesday. Th ooupl were the
recipient ,of . nfan'y congratulation front
lehda. Mr Noland and wlf will reside nn
ih'e old St John Skinner farm in Willamette
f. X. L. Store.
Notice ! hereby given thai all tho In
debted to th t X, U Store are hereby noti
fied to' call and Settle th same at once, or th
account iitfi b' placed W tie hands of an at
tdrhey for eollecllori Fijir Warning to all la
ouf tUMtOa' u i.
Eugen'' De'ce'it'bef 4, I8S5.
Thi NEw BofirlnAifT LlrfL-Several oitiara
of Latham are In a dispiYt nvar the provisions
of Veatch' bill fixing m lU'thern boundary'
of La'ii wi'u'nty' and bav tSUii th 6regonlri
to dcld th metier. Ucft t offiplal copy
nf th principal claus of th bill: "The south
S'rrJ boundary of Lane county shall be at the
south line of section 6 townsllp if south, c'f
rang fewest of Wlllamet(i'mridlan now In
Dougla county, uregon,' inence easi.w n in
t.tinW rf lit resent liu between Lane
and Doiiglas oolfesj utoirf, thence follow,
ing along afd boirjicfary lfft between' Lan and
JJouglat oounties v vne summit w turn vbo
cadefac'ge." Siiomitiii MatciA ehpoting matcK
took place n Valla Walla, W T, recently, ,
between Albert Ebarly, a brother of Dr
Eberly1 oi thi city, and Ski Meek; formr-
lynf thibanty. The'ffrst contest wa at
liv plgedhrfor ffOUa ude, ami wa easily
woo fcV Eberly. The" next contest wa for
JlfXa fda. at Btf gfaa ball, and wa also
won by r.beriv uy tn louowing core;
Eberly, '7,'Meek,44.
Ta$ VbtitK All those ovtiog' me by
note, eoccAint nV otherwise are reqnetted to
call and Settle the same immediately, as I
must hav hat ia flue me. I do not want
to put the a'cooinU iu th hand of an at.
i a. a s : a.
9 iUa aJW
CLCBBr'jrtf RaVm.' fhe Gfjutp and New
York World will be eni to one address for
th Slim of ttf. the World is the leading
Democratic paper published in th United
gUte'". fiend fa ybur ubcriptions mm
liforfAWtf Item. The school of Mis Ella
fynrbrMge on Mill Creek closed last Friday.'
Sh gave nnivereal atisfaction. It i th
general opinion that h I th best teacher
ver employed in the district. Cor.
MABhlEa-November 27, 1885, by Elder
Phillip Mulkey, Mr Geo S Grose to Mis Min
file Mulkey; all of Lane county. W wish th
young couple a long life of wadded blia Com
pllmenU received.
rosTLAMO World. -Mr A Noltner will
begin th publication of th weekly World at
Portland nn or about December 24th. Folitl
cally th aew journal will be Democratic.
Citt Electiok The City lectloa will oc
cur in 8pringfleld next Monday. Thi will be
th first lection ucder th charter recently
adopted. .
To Let. -To tw gentlsmn or1 ladle i a'
comfortably furnished room, with fire, light,'
to. Trms,Wperm "n'hlnrth tw,' Apply
to Bv O Prk.r, ar the Epieol Rtatory.
Th Hot of a' rwktireo thArrnighbrr
Jnb.ill may b teeored by calling en Mr
H C Prkia a mil bejnw town.
Fasmiss Tar NoTirt,-Asi,ftJ 4lttt" eV