The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 05, 1885, Image 4

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8ATURDAY.....IKCEMHKK 5,' 1835
11. . ..
I Danger I be Remedied.
. Ifhe quoHtion of tlid PreHi.i'ntial suo
tension is one to lw mumled to
thA early attention of the tt-ipuhlican
Seriate, ThA sacc's.ion of a Republi
can President for thn tiirte Ad another
election, imy inspire th breast of some
tweond Guitead to a deed of irturder.
this is clearly ftnAfhtooJ by all, and
tnft iban Or party of irten, who continue
Into state of thirigi, m tho hope, that
. they may. profit by death or aMassina
ion, in that caio will experience the
' most bitter disappointment. The Re
publican S mate can nniove, Hin con-
r tingency, and we, believe they will do
so, and in any casi the ' responsibility
roost attach to the men who, knowing
the rinks' incurred, continue them.
We have no' doubt that in-caw of tho
President death a . Democrat would sue
. teed him by the election that would
Immediately follow, aid tho Republican
"party would never win another victory,
It' is . lurcher to bo hopucl for , th
welfare of the country that fvniUor
- Edmunds may be elected President of
' the Senate, so that in cast of an acci
dent a man whom all his countrymen
puteein. and who is ish and censerva
tive, may give confidence to tho coun
try. The following from the San
Francisco Chronicle . the leading Re
'. publican paper of the Coast we believe
voices the sentiments of the peoplo ir
respective of party: ,
. Some of the Eistern newspapers are
ncilatini about the power which wi
i to the Republican party by tho
election of a prescient pro tempore of
the Senate to take the place of tho late
Mr. Hendricks. The Republican par
ty will be vpry ill advised if it seek
power by any such means.. So far as
the rank and file of the party are con
cerned, the idea of defeating the will of
. the people as declared at the polls No
yenilier 1884 is abhorrent and if any Re
publican leaders from mistaken motives
-of ambiiion seek to take advantage of
the death of the Vice President to as
pire to the possible chaiico of the Proni
. lency during the term for which
Democrat was elected, . they will not
bo sustained by the honest men of their
. party. The country chose a Democrat
to Kit the Presidential chair from Marc,
4. 1885 to March 4,1889. There must
be no attempt by trick or political de
vije to defeat that choice. If Mr.
Cleveland is prevented by death or oth
rwise from completing his term, his
ollico durinjr the remainder of that
term must be tilled by a Democrat.
., Congress will meet on Monday, after
.next. 1 he very first act after the or
ganization of the House, mid the read
ing of the message, HhoulU be. tho in
troductionof a bill providing for the
succession to the Presidency in the
event of the death of -President and
Vice President. It matters littl
whether the bill conforms to (he ono
of last session, which provided that .the
succession to the Presidency in a cer
', tain .specified order, or whether the
Projiden'.ial electors should be sum
luoned to meet in the electoral college,
nd elect a President and Vice Presi
dent to till the vacancies. " The essen
tial thing is that the succession to ' the
omen Bhould be preserved to the party
to which it was' entrusted by the peo
pie of the United bial-a .Any Iv
publican who opposes tho passage of
uch a bill will make a serious mistake.
.The American people dividey with more
or less intensity of party spirit, when
'election day come round,' and each de
sires his own party to triumph. Hut,
when tho election is over, .the citizen
rises superior to the partisan, and all
insist alike - that th majority glial
covern, and that the purposes of that
majority shall bs carried out in letter
and in spirit in spite of acciuonta. '
Senator Edmunds spoke in the For
ty Fifth Conirress as follows, "it is
cause enough for nie, eonititutional
cause, when the prosidont of tho
UuUed Statics, attiug, if he is honest,
as he always must do, upon a conscien
lious sense of his ov responsibility
to the people and to .od, chooses to
(end in one man's name for the pljce
that another holds." Senator Haw
ley'i paper, the Hartford Courant
ays that "tho senate will treat Presi
dent Cleveland s nominations precisely
as it treated President Arthur's, and
that discussion on them' will be quite
free we are confident from any admix
ture of factious partisanship,"
Senator Shermau has been very
quiet since the New York election.
Wake up John, and again raise your
voice in support ot tho Ohio idea. It
will hurt nobodv. but will "ratify local
Pi ide.
The late Vice President Hendricks
wot buried last Tuesd iy. Then were
an impc8ing funeral pageant, and
impressive funeral services, a fitting
end to the careor of the great state.
' man. " ' '
- v. t. ... III.. it. a l.irihIHa ibfvt
JiX oenaiur
the Democratic party will have a long
l?ase of power. Blaine occasionally
..f. t.mmelf riulit on the, leading
uva a -
ijurstions of the day.
I A ,,?t frjkil of Evfl-irt
a iuicmjan cuy ranuuj, m '--tenced
1J thirty days iiiprisoili4nl and
to pay a tiiio bf $5V ink- drunk'-anexs.
When she liiiard Uih -htiico slid
nuneu a neavy iiinmaiKi ni um juugo
. i .it .
He dodged, and the missile flow
through ths winclov Aria fell to the
pavement, the ink splashing over a
lady's elegant Bilk dress and totally
ruined it. the lady in frying to Shake
ink from her dress frightened a team
of spirited horses, that ran away with
a carriage contninina two lad if s and a
child, upsetting a fruit stand and
the ladies into a butcher's cart whi
the child was fastened in a bunch of
telegraph wires about ten feet from the
sidewalk. The team could not be
stopped, and continued on their Hi ''lit,
finally plunging through the plate
glass windows of a China shop. Th
Mi through the entire length of the
store, spreading destruction on every
hand; ran out of the door, leaped into
the canal and were drowned. No
they talk of calling on the Jude
damages liecause
he dodged the ink
A friend of . Ferdinand Ward
quoted y the loston ilttralu as givin
a reason why Ward is in prison. II
had ample money - and opportunity to
go to a safe country after the exposure
of bis rascality. Several days of lib
erty elapsed after the bursting of tl
Urant & Ward nubble before he was
arrested, and then ho was kept only
in civil confinement from which h
eicape was easy, until his conviction,
Why then was it that the Napoloonia
scoundrel did not retreat quietly from
the Moscow, of his ruint "For, tho
simple reason that he likvs to live in
New York," is the roplyj . "he knew
that he could not set more than ten
years, which term would le shortened
by good conduct to about six years or
and a half. He will be about
forty when he comes out, wealthy, and
full of schomes invented during hi s in
carceration, and not at all ashamed of
his great exploit That suits him bet
ter than banishment for life.
.A colored clergyman of Burlington
New Jersey, sent four of his children
to one of the public schools, and met
opposition thereto by bringinij a suit
in the Supreme Court, resulting in
decision compelling tho sclionl to re
ceive the colored children. Whereupon
fifteen of the pupils withdrew from th
schol and the rest arc devoting their on
ergies to make things generally unpleas
ant for the colored children whose father
has lieen forced to appeal to the trus
tees for their protection from insult. It
would soem as if Messrs Sherman, Lo
gan, Foraker t Co. had prematurely
abandoned the missionary held and
that there, was some t lung to do for th
colored brother a little this side of the
Sunny South.
A dispatch from San Francisco
shows how the officers of the custom
house have defied the anti-Chinese
law. It is as follows: "The customs
report just issued shows thai since th
passage of the Chinese restriction act
in 1882 over 18,000 Chinese have
landed nt this port. A still more ex
traordinary fact is that out of this
number nearly 4000 have boen per
nutted to land without the necessary
customs certificate prescribed by act o
congress. It is to be presumed that
these statements are the result of an
investigation by tho hew collector.
St Louis Republican: Gen. Rose
orans is on the trail of the new two
dollar greenbacks with which Dorsey
flooded Indiana in 1881), and before he
closes his investigation of tho fraudu
ent issue of currency the country is
is likely to learn where the Republican
party obtaiued tho millions for its slush
fuudr, '
The Mexican people cannot under.
stand why it costs less to send freight
from New York to the City of Mexico
by rail, a distance of 3,000 miles, than
it does to send it from Jumulco to the
same point, a distance of GOO miles.
But tho Mexicans will livs and learn.
lailroad ways are peculiar.
tho converted Indians of
Arizona and New Mexico the real
hero ot the lititle is Daniel. I he
rueskness of the Savior does not ap
peal to their' imagination with the
force of Daniel's experience among the
Atlanta Constitution: lhe Repub-
icans of the North have been taught
to believe that the negroes in the
South do nothing from year's end to
year's end but wait for an opportunity
to vote the Republican ticket.
A man has bef n released from the
linois state prison after serving six
years for a crime of which he wa in
nocent. Ho was convicted on the tea
timony of a detective.
. .A. CAJip.
T6 all V'hd &Ve fulferini from th eiYiWs tirl
Indiscretions of youth) nervous waknu, early
decay, loss of iflaiihooiL Ao.,.I willsendarechw
that will ctlre you, i libit OK CHAHUK,
Thii great remedy u discovered by a mis
nonary in Houtll America. Bend a self ad
ilrtuMed enveloite to the lltv. Joheph T. Tmiiik
ui ..:., n v.. v.j. -:
uvij. uiijr,
Its Delicate Flavor.
ft J 1 n. ... . . . . ..
Ana tne emcacr m Iti nctmn Aava rei
of Fki
the famim. linld ft nit HVuddy Syrtfp of Kif
iniinriiHeiy ptmuT, 11
clesnaf anil tnnea up
th Qlnyged and feyeriHh iynUim, and dUpeli
if.-nuaTiiCT, vohw ami ieern. fur aala by
I M Wilkin Eugene, V 8 Lee Junction.
Keynote to Health.
Health i wealth. Wealth meani indepen
dence. The keynote i lr Uoeanko'a Couch
anil Lung Syrujt. the beet Couch 8vrup in the
worliL Cures Cough. Colili Taina hi the
Cheat, Bronchitu ami Primary Coiiumptiin.
wn hiwr nives reuei in every cane. Take no
otner. I'nce 60 cent! and 8L Batarles free,
oum uy uiiuurn i L o.
A Reliable Article.
orenterprine. piuh and denim to get
.i.:u gtHHin m win zive die inula MtlMacuon.
uHrn it uo the iirug-inu tead all nmieti
won. ihey eU Vt lioBankp'a Cnch and
Lung Syiup, beoatue it'a the bent Medicine
on me market, lor Cough, (Jolda, Crnup and
Primary Consumption. Trice 50 cent and
emu. , oampiea iree. .-.
-i-- - -- . . . ....-a
Buy Hayward hand grenade.
For good dentistiy go to Taylor A Ebe'rly.
The highest cash price will be paid fur wheat
Anlc your druggist for a packageot'Oregon
kidney Tea. . ;, , ",
Photogrnpha finished . neatly and artis
tically at Wintcr'a. 1
A fine line of silk plushes in all shade
Slid grade at F B Dunn's.' .
The best candies and nrangps can alwava
u iimuu ai c nan nra coniectinnery store. '
If yon are in want of agricultural machin
ery ot any kind, remember that Mr J M
Hendnoka keep a full assortment."
MrS II Friendly will pay the highest
casn marnet price or wheat. iJive him
call before selling your rain elsewhere.
Fish Market. Mr J P Ditcbbnrn ha just
started a finh market in this city on Ninth
Street. otiDosittt Uav Pralf hlplt mil).
hop. He will keen constantly on hand all
kinds of fiBh, oysters, clnms, poultry and
game, etc. The people should give the gentle
man a gima support. - .
Id a programme of refined minstrelsy. See
the names:
Seller and Kelly,
v Hilly Dugan,
Eugene Hntiten, .
Hoy Mitri.
JUarfey Sailing
rrm jjrurrer,-
Zen-Iper, .
Geo Maek, '
" Geo .Vorri'
Sillv rathker.
liicharrt Jtytry,
And the Fall II. A. C. Baud! PRICES. 7.1 and SO ccnte.
served seats at ('rain Bms. .
General Agent for Oregon.
M. FULLKR. of H.irrisbuw. Local Agent
for Linn and Lane counties.
Good sold at our
the same price
Gray Blanket Good va!uf,
3,50 por pair,
Gray Blauketa aohl every where at $5,1
Cl.OO per pair.
Gray, Red, Brown or Blue Blanket"
All W ool, ?5.5U per pair.
Tie are closing out this line, and as we have a large
stock on hand will offer
Wool Overcoats, 5
to K
years $6.00
All Wool Overcoats, 10 to If
years -$7.00 to $3.00.
Complete line of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc-, Etc
Brownsville Clothing House,
A1U 11
UntilJan. 1, 18SG,
. I propose to sell all
, kind of GOODS at
. JUICES that will as
' tonishall. If you are
' in want of anything
-' in my line give me a
i y call and
Remember I mean
Business. This is a
Genuine Clearance
Sheriffs Sale.
i-l by virtue of a writ of execution duly
issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Laue county by the clerk
thereof and to me directed on to-wit. No
vsmber 13, 1885, upon a judgment and de
cree of foreclosure rendered in said court,
November 5th, J 885, in a suit then and
there pending wherein the Board of Com
missioners for the aale of School Lands and
the Management of the Common School
Fund was plir, and Benjamin Cox and
Jesse Cox defendants in favor o( taid plain
tiff and against aaid Benjamin Cox defend
ant for the sum of $1949 50 with interest
thereon from date of judgment at the rate
of 8 per cent per an nn in and ('200 attorney
fee and costs and disbursements and for the
foreclosure and aale of the mortgaged prem
ised hereinafter described said defendant
Jesse Cox in said auit then and there pend
ing recovered judgment against the said de
fendant benjamin Cox for the sum of $."2!
with interest thcreou from date of judgment
at the rate of 10 por cent, per annum, $50
attorney fee, costs and disbursements, and a
decree lor sale and foreclosure of the follow
ing described real property to-wit: The
812nfth8K 1-4 oi sec 25, and E 1-2 of
S W 1-4, and W 1 2 of S 14 1-4, and S W
1-4 of N E 1-4, ami S K 14 of N W 1-4, of
section 27 all in T 15 S, K 5 VV, containing
320 acrea in I-ane county, Oregon. The
proceeds or such aale to te applied: first
to the payment of the judgment of plain
tiff herein and costs anil disbursements
and expenses of sale; and second
tn the judgment of aaid defendant Josse
Now therefore, to satisfy said judgments.
attorney fees, costa and disbursements and
accruing costs and expenses of sale, I will
ell the above described mortgaged premise
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand at the Court House door in
Eugene City, Lane county, Oregon, on
Monday, December 21st, 1885, '
at the hour of 2 o'clock P M of said day.
' Sheriff Lane County Oregon.
Dated Nov 20, 1885.
Excited Thousands
All over the land are ging into ecstasy over
Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Their unlooked for recovery by the timely
use of this great life saving remedy, causes
them tn go nearly wild in ita praise. It ia
guaranteed to poaitively enre fievere Coughs,
'Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
Hoaiseness, Lose of Voice, or any affection
of the Throat and Lungs.
Osburn mowers can be purchased at the
store f Fritchett & Fnrkner for (80.
store in Eugene for
as at the mill.
JOray, Brown, Blue, Scarlet or 'White-
All Wool, 4 points, $7.00.
White, Scarlet, Gray, Brown, Etc,
All Wool, Extra Large Family,
$3.50, $9.00, $10.00.
special inducements-
Young Mens' AH Wool Overcoats
110.00 to 12.00.
Mens' All Wool Orereoats, former
price $15.00-$I250.
To attend
1 Y Tf
CJaw A
Again at
Are opening the
ever brought to Eugene.
Beautiful Plush Goods in almost endless variety.
Albums, new styles, in plush, $2.50 and upwards.
In Silverware our stock is just immense.
Our show cases are filled with the finest GOLD GOODS:
Gold watches, chains, broaches, gold setts, Diamond
rings, solid gold rings', rolled
bracelets, cuff" buttons, Etc.,
On our shelves are vases,
figures, fyc-t in great variety
Dolls, doll cabs, childr ens'
without number-
Also music goods, art goods, pictures, picture frames.
work and hand baskets,
purses, and in fact, everything you want, '
Call and examine, as we cannot
enumerate our. Stock.
Come And See.
A large portion of these GOODS are. on
consignment and MUST be sold by Jan L
Bankrupt Sale.
Having purchased the Bankrupt Stock of
formerly belonging to
Osburn '
I now offer them for' sale at rv
Wmj Down? Prices.
Give nio a cull and price tho Goods.
J no I
You Can
Sara time and money by calling oa
and letting him renew your wharriptiona fw
newsimixrs, story paprrs and mstnuines. He
also keeN a complete stock of Mgurinr, in
cltulini; rentnry, Harper, Leslie etc. All tbe
popttLv libraries, Sewide, Lnrellx. Standard,
Munme ami others. In t u t verythintr
ally found in a lot c'
i newa depot, P O Build-
I ing, Eugene.
the Grand
Out Sale
the Front.
largest and finest
gold goods, pins, ear rings.
toilet setts, cum and saucer.
and new designs.
dishes, tool chests and. toys
satchels, hand purses, pocket
JOE L.4XE, Manager.
this nnk will ha open each day and ee
rriff, except occaokms of a dance or theatrt
eal, during the skating seasoa. Price only 25
eents per evening, or $7 50 per eeaaoa of four
months. I he ao cWips, bnt hav
the best Viniard anH Climax skates
If I purchase chtmps I will buy enough
I.m- all nsv austomera: 1 will not (ret
dozen for cappers. 1 wiN treat all my ens
Inraera alike. I Saye no cappers or dead fa 1
ssinicians to play for I will paint you alf
with am bnaih.
ii the copartnership heretofore eaistirf
between Osburn k Belshaw is dissolved.
OSBl'f IVBw(
Nov. 17,1885. by GlO. Btuaauw,