lnfanjnl ka ibuot .UniJnl flunicr. A good tory is told of one of our Natchex pportwiien. Ha rirepri;J himwilf for a hunt, and placed, as lio thought, all liia traps in a huy, in londing to drive to tlin Held of opera tions and then ride on lioiwdmck. 1I reached the Bcene of liin prouiistil Kport donnfd liin hunting nuit, buckled Ji it cartridge In k about liis hocly, uuliur- B6HS8cd the lion and put tlm nudd ton him, and had everything in readi hear. He then went to hiit UL"y for Ids trubty breech loader, hut ulnsl that implement of dotitruiU ion to tlio feath ered tribe had been left in town. JIU dog jum it that time came to a stand on covey of partndg"H. , Thought They'd Brmk SorarililBj. "Oh, mother !" exel limed nn nuthu aiantiu north Hide bicycler yehtertly Howell hdt doiio It,' ' Done what 1" asked tho old lady. somewhat alarmed. " Broken the iiiile record on the li cycle," " Wejl, I thought those bicycle-riders would lreak Hoii'iotiiinj; the way they ride," commented the old ludy. An eastern paper tells a curious story in jonnection with Miss Annie Pixley the actress. Once when blio wax play ing in Idaho she wanted a real live bul'y to appear on tne stugn. She got one from a Maine horn woman living in the Idaho town where the play was produced. 7 he lahy cooed and hi liaved pplf ndidly on tlin stage, and the rough miners were mightily tickled, a down years passed and the baby grew to lm a lffvely miss. Recently the girl and her p irents visited . Ban gor and saw Miss Pixley in the same play. Hie meeting was mutually pleasant, and old tines aiid scenes in the VV est were gone over, which kept the party in good humor for several hours. WORTHY Of Confidence. iwrnC 8;irxiiiurllla I n medicine flint. ATCil O dinliK nearly 40 yciirs, In till part of tiiu world, bus proved It h ftlj cacy us the h.-sl luod iiHcialive known to lucdicui sclcllW. SARSAPAR1LLA ,e:VZ ' , The negro is hero, and the farmers nay tlry wnr.t no better laborer. -If he is here to stay, we shall have little or Jio foreign immigration of the charao ter that is flowing into the Northwest. Consequently, the best wuy to preserve the unities is to do our best to secure tho immigration of northern capital und capitalist. Atlanta Constitution By a decision of the Commissioner of the general land ollioe 2,0Qi),Q00 ncres of land claimed by the Atlantic A 1'noifio railroad has been restored to the public domain. The estimated value f the Bame is upward of $8,000,000. A tine days work for reform. Keynote to Health. Health In wealth'. Wealth mean inclepen 'fence. The keynote' is 1 r Dmniiku'i CoiiL-h hI Limp Syrnji, tlin hest Counh Syrup 111 the world. (Jtir' (longlm, Odds, i'uini in the 4'het, Bronohitis mini I'limury Consumption. J'rio 60 cenU and ft. Proper Treatment for Coughs, That tlio readur may fully understand what enustitutc a gmil Couh and Lung Syrup, wo will say thnt Tur ml Wild Cherry it tho hani of the ttt'st remedies yut disoov red. Tliuse ingredient", with several others itiitlly as ellicnciuus, cuter luigely into l)r Joaiikn i t;niiih , and l.unj nyrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on ths market, Free 60 eta and 81. Sample free. Sold by Oahurii & Co, Kugone: V S Lee, Junotiou. v rlre. All person indented to 13 W Whipple A I'.ro'a, either ,y note or book account will vleasa call and settle the nine. Our atore I burned and we urn t collect the muuey due ui. K. W. Whipple & Bhos, CntUg Orove, Feb 2.1, 1883. (mini) Iloiiduius tjuiMipiirillii) Is It vers lire cnliiinced hy the extracts of Yellow Doc k mid SHI lill.'hi, tlio Iodides Of Polunnitilll Slid Iron, , -iiul other potent imrivdii'iits, I q your blood vitiated by dcriimremcnts Id of Hie diestlve n lid ii'Imiliilory func tion.? Id it tainted by borofiilu? or does It I'OUtaill Ilia po'ixnn of Mercury orC'ont'U'ious lleiier TUC 'radium pliysiciiui of the United I II u Male, w lni know the (Miniioltloii of AVKll'S SlItSAHAItlLI.A, say Hint not tiiu el-e no cood for Hid purillcii tlon of tlio blood is within tiieruiie of puumiacv. AMI V ,lin Usn ' "'' rt'mdy l it UriLT possibio for u pernon who luis corrupted blood to iittiiliiMiiitnl benllli mid prevput tniusiulsMion of the de structive taint lo pontcrllv. THOROUGHLY SMSySa . Incliido not only the reniovul of cor. ruption from the bhsid.btit HtenHeli inent mid tho Htren-thtiiln,' of tho vital orpins, on lint r witnesses, nil over tlin ntLIADLC. world, ti-stlfv Hint this work Is better aoeoniplMiedliy A Yr.n'a 6ah.sapahii.la tlnm by imy oilier remudy. D! nnn 1,,!lt ' eorrupted tlironu'li (Us oL)uJ rnss i niiitle pure, mul blood weakened throtlli dlmlmitloti of the red forpiiieles Is miidc strong, by AVr.lt'SS.ltSAPAItll.I.A. nnntruiU' llw lll"0(' oiillillii? rUnir liri'J up llm ysiem reipiire time In serious ruses, but benefit will be derived from tlio W-e of AYKIt'S Sarsapaiiilla mora speedily tlmn f rum unythiiiK else. irninui; forwhleh like effects are MEUlllltt falnely ehduied. is abun dant In the nmrket. under ninnyniinies. but the onlv preparation that husslood the test of time, and proved worthy of the world'a confidence, Is Ayer's Sarsaparila, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Trice $1; Six bottles for $5. v 1 2 as mm jl i JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. 0 H 0 sr o a m a o I 3 t --i J. 8. IUCKEY, DEALER IN Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. WAIIWork Warranted. J. a. LUCKKV, V.tUworth tCo'a Brlek Willmette itreet. K mm r LJ 3 a I MM a 03 t-1 C' a. u Dl(. LIDUIG'S Wonderful German Invigcfa'or, WILL EXCHANGE in r i n run uunr.H Hi OTiON DIRECTOItY. CEr',:IAr. liveuy stablk-j. j Ktn. nro. First class 1 eaint. Buckles, eta to ull jioiuts at reasonable rates. Huy and K'uiiifor ilo. Iteii'loiiarters ( orvallin xtage. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IK Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired and wairanted'. Northwest corner of Willamette nil Eighth tr'iets. Mutches und Jewelry, CORVALLIS, rnilU F.UGENK MILL COMPANY L hereby takes the pleasure of aimouuu- iii that they will take at any warelinute north of Eugene City exchange, for FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., I at heir mill iu Eugene. The Company will take wheat receipts, properly signed to them, and give credit to the owner of the -sine on null books for the amount in bushel. P. E. 4 CO. July 3 J. 1384. a'.'-Gm 30,000 CASES BECTAL DISEASES, AS PILK3, KECTAL-ULCEUS, F1SSUKES, 1'iLiVl.I i US AM. KLSTl'LAS I.N A NO, I'Ol.YrC.S-llECTI, ETC., ETC. C'ni'Pd ill Six Year hy Hie Brink ri'iioii ijit'iii. Dr. .T. B. rilkimjton. proiirietor of the ti e and t.Hr nil Iriuarj, an.l .aillliil4liiitl for er on lHieneH, has been appointed nrfent and phyi-ieian for this ytem in Dre7"n and W 1, .n seters surgical oeralon. .Mi pain. No le.mif IjIimkI. In two months have cured keveial cnxes, who have lie fur e submitted to severe oterationH, and only received injury. Ain.iienuiiteH t" refer to Mr. .las W Weatli. erfonl, ilrnicint formrrly of S;ilem; Mr Frank (ianlner, niacliinUt; Mr H A Itampey, liar- rinbuiTi, and other. Y III meet iiatleiils at M ( harlea Hotel, K,u ;ene, fnm p ni Tliurxday, Nnveml)er Sth, to i o clock i m, rrulay, Iovember b, Iwi. AUdresi for pamphlet, etc, J. U. HLKINUTON'. M. D., rortlaud, Oreyiin. THE OLDEST, G1SEATEST and JlES'l' HEME Or fur tin cure of Xervous and I'byaical De tJiiilitv, vitul txliausiinii, elin LiJiisl Weakness, Lous of Manhood CC Failing Meiuorr. snd lU'l.iXei r-)Mud Enfeebled coiiditn.ns of the I . . T : ueiiuu-c rnmry urKailf, tn lilfPEiniLV Ctsrs Imrnten l.lry Enrlv l'ecay, Lnra ; Vkor, n-.Seinit.al Weakiirts, and nil the sad effects of youthful fullie and -s. the abuse or Excesses of W.itu rit.v. . It permanertjy prevents all 5iUnnatiiral Lokk fn.m the sys- trjivm, as inousaniiscau attest wl o have used the Kemeily in the j i(wv ipinrn-r in aieiuui y which XS l-i't has been befnie the public, m O It it indeed a wonilHrfnl rrma Ody, tnnint;the nerves, strnyth Xeningthe muscles, cheek iny the 2-wale, invi'ratiii)f the whole yHtin, and ret"rmsrthe sfllicted Z;to Hsaltii and HaI'I'inksi. tZ The Doctor will aree to forfeit f 1,000 for a esse undertaken, not cured. The reason bo many can not net cured of Weaknewi ami t be aWe diseases bowing to a complication called 'TrosUtorrhea," which requires special trea; menu VARICOCELE or Wormy Vkins of the .Seintnm. Often the unsiipected cause of Lost Manhood, Debii.' ity. kc. UK. LIEBIG'S INVIGOKATOPi. No 2. with ou' peculiar special treatment is the only cure for rroHtatorrhea. Ky it Manhood U re xtored and the bsud of time oioved back from aije to youth. , If pimples appear on tha face, if vnu become litles and leammlent look out fur the com plication with Vitul Weakness and los of Vitality known as Fmstatorrhea, Hundreil of lives have been lost for the want of proper treatment for this complication, and thousands have lout all their. property and pleasure in life from its etfects. Price of either Inviunrator. f2. Case of six bottles, S10. Sent tn auv address, roveml securely from observation. tti. MElilU A 10. treat snecessfii r bv Homueopathy every form of .Special. Private or Chronic Disenne without mercury nrnaseous drills. If vitality ie draiued frm the body, numerous diseases follow that baffle ordinary medical treatment If allowed to continue, the unnatural lo causfs Consumption, Dia betes, BrL'hts Disease. Insanity. Etc. Cnrei Guaranteed. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs, kidneys, liver and bladder specially tre.ited. Diseases of women speedily cured. QUALIFIED and l:ESPONSIBLE.-Dr Lienii; and Co, fiiiiu Europe, are organized in eoupiliance with California Medical law. Diploma procured by reinlar cnlleue education and sre now in their nineteenth year of spec i.,1 practice. Mont powerful electric belts free tn patients. I r Liebiji'a Wondirful Magnetic Healers or Self Mnnetizcrs, the greatent curative inven tion of the aije. Every mnu or woman can now lie their own magnetic healer. It can lie lined without the aid of a professional hand rubber. connemientiy no mi; ii E. E Luckev &Go .DEALERS IN,. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. We will keep a full assortment and sell at living figures. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT In hands of a competent druggist. SVCCESSOM To Luckev f Bridow at the old Ellsworth Store; s!3) 0 0 i fH bD o m .s a p. 'a S c3 o W 1? C5 ft. sS 8 OSBURN .A CO. j DRUGCISTS & APOTHECARIES. WILLAMETTE STREET KEAR 8TH TlI.,,iul.'''''e City, dealers in Clil-.MICAUS, mass. VAi.NffMES. Ofm.teveirlin,,,',,MiJll,E lees to Pay. ONLY at the Price. $5 Dr Liebk- VIA km Pacifie 1 1 AND STEAMSHIP LINE. RAUS 0-T AND AFTE2 SEPT. li Iave Corvsllin Tuesday. Thur-dnv. Satur- lav at 10 A. M. Leave Yaoiiiua Monday, Wednesday, Fri- . HI, ly at S A. Notice. I will have for side, alxiut Sept 10, 1SH, 12003 split cedar fence pouts, at my mill iu Alburn. The price will be Hi per huinlreiL JaS. 0. CIixipals. Coburg, Auciist 22. Cure For Piles. Piles are frequently' preceded hy a senne of vvljit in the back, luius and loner part of the hdomen, rausiin; the pvtient to siipswe he has nine allectinii of the kidneys or lieudiliuriui; or(aiis. At timea, svinptonis of linli,;rti,.n are preseut, flatulence, uneasinets of the stmn acli, etc. A Miniature, like perxpiratinn, pro eliieinc a very disagreeable iteldin:, afier i;et tint; warm, is a common attendant. Llind, hh-edim; and itchiiiK piles yield at ones to the application of Dr llossnko'. Pile liemedy, which acts directly uihiii thepsrU affected, ab sorhiuii the tumora, alluvion the interne itch- In.f an. I MfTotin.v it. rinnnnl'. .iim I'ri.ua f.n cents. Addreas the Dr ll.waueo Meilieiue I'n., j j'upia. tinio. noia by Uttiurn Lo. an I v. s. Lei of Junction. Br.nrn cuvallis and sav fkanoisco. Kirat claat and cabin pawnee $H 00 First clnsa and atei-ras paasue 7 CO (Jraiii, per ton, '.'(KM) llm ft) Tims xavini; to the farmers aud merchants of he valley thousands of dollars. Willamette river steamboats will hereafter onnect with trains at Corvallis. This new line is prepared to transport all the light and patscngcrs otferingi. CM AS. U. HOI. UK. A. O. P. V. Awest, Corvallis, Or. rTALUSNASH, Vice Pne7. NEW DEPARTURE! NEW GOODS! . NEW PRICES! THE UNDF.rFIOXKD WILL COM luence ou the 1st day of Octilier, 18S5, to I sell their new ami complete slock of GENERAL HIERCIIAXDISE FOR Cash or Approved Paper Only, complete. Sold Dispensary. Call or address LieblgMNpeiiMai-j-, 400 Geary Street. San Frauciseo. Cnl. Private entrance 405 Mason street, four hlocks up Ueary trom Aeamcy. Jlain en trance through Uispensary Lhnu Store, Oregon Us; ml AGFNTS WANTED EVEMiiRJ Tn bundle our II. U S. FA.U1I.Y BIltLKS. Ni w llbcripliln e.Utlon now reaf'y, the most eleraut ever iriluc.-d. huperu t'lioto, A-- Iiiiiiim. in encliwlve de.lsrns, directly imiior.nl for o;irowu tmile, and standard riibtiealins: Jltli'. il.inusl, WI-tor), etc. Wu Oder unriv-'ltd in. d JoeuwutA, with exclusive territorr.. Vifiso to us. B A 9 1 ! D & DILLON GREAT NORTHWESTERN REMEDY. LOOK HERE! 17. 8. ANDREWS IS SELLING Lumber In view of the hard times, we have con cluiled to reduce our pritrs to a cash basis. feeling as uired that it will he to the advanta- oi our customers as well as ourselves. We cordially invite all cash customers tu ex amine our stock, as We Peel Confident that we cat Suit You Both In Quality aud Price. Wc Carry IVo Trash Call and Ste the Difference Ebtween Cash and Credit. McCLUNG & JOHNSON. A Card. Jl NtTtoit ClTT, Oct. 14. During last April or May th-re was a cer tain calf miseioi; from our neighborhood, and as Mr. T.-J. Motfitt, fonnerly a resident here, but now ft resident of Waacn enmity, had driven a drove of cattle out of our neighbor - hood, I thought the calf in qur.tinn had strayed annmt his cattle anil hail been driven way by Mr. Motlitt. Since that time the calf has been f.nmd. and I am satified I was mints kn. I r.ow desire lo exonerate Mr. Mof. fitt, as time has ppirrn to me that he is Inno cent of any charge brought by me arint him. Jamks CkLTtRT. At the Depot, FOR 10 p Thousand. GIVE HIM A CALL. ? DON'T FORGET A CARD. To all rho ar sutTerinff from the errors and indiscretii in of youth, ucrvoua weakness, early decay, losjof manhood, Ac, I will send areciiie that will cure you. i'KKK OK CHAKtik This (Treat remedy was disciivereil by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self-aj drwed envel ipe to the Kkv, JosErH'l'. Inmak, Sution 1) X jw Yt i City. FIRES Jixtintfuished every day with the fwsrd Hand kda fave ynr Iiotu-s. your proterty and your Mees. Take n ther. Ie soie ynu Ket the yward O. IWht.. 121 Martet St. S. F J. M. IIENI'LICKS, A6-et, Kiue. Baji For Sale. One hundreil and fifty-five acre of fine liariUwiMMl timber laud, and 20 seres rich bottom prairie land. I.iea 4 miles north of Knuene and 2 miles east of Irving station. Will be sold together or in 20 acre lots, at from f 8 to fl3 per acre. I'aynient can be made in cash, part cash with approved notes at hi e or two ears 'T win tike wheat at market price THAT UOLBSniTII Delivers goods to any part of town. That CaoldMiiilIlt rays Cash for Produce, " " " Hides, " " Keei Seeds nf all kinds, " " Sells Groceries, Crockery, Wooden and Willow-Ware cheaper than any house in town. THAT GOLDSMITH SELLS Tea at 25c per pound. 13 lbs SuKar for ?1. lMhsKiceforfl. 8 IU Coffee for 1. Gm1 Broom for 2oa Good Wash Board for 25o. 6 gal of Crocks for f L A. GOLDSMITH, THE GROCER. Thoss who work early and late need a whole some reliable Medicine likel'KUNDKK's Obkuun Hlooi) I'l'KiKiXR. As a remedy and preventa tive nf dineases it can not be beat It check Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipa tion, Dyspia and liilliommess, and put fresh eneiyy into the system hy makim; Xew Hich Ulood. All DriiKK'ists and Dealers keep it, ei.uu uotues, d for ?3.uu. OEAtEB 15 Croceris Provisions, Will keep on hand a general assortment Groceries, iobacco, Candles, Provieions, Cigars, Cured Meats, Candies, Aotioua, Soaiwi, Urecn and Dried Fniits, Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery, Etc. Business will be conducted on a CASK DASIS. Which means that Low Prices are Established Coodi dcliTered without charge to Corel ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED 'r which we will' pay. the highest market price. 4AS l.rAGK, Kalures Own Remedy, Will speedily relieve and permanently cure all t he various difficulties ari.iin from a disor dered cnuditioa of, the Liver and Kidneys. It is pei fee: fy hsi-mless an I can he given to the n:n-t ilel'iute wiuuiin or child, lor sale by all clnr.ikts. SNELL EEIT2HJ & WOOPAUD, Wholesale A jeuU. Portland, Oregon. I H'.Ufll hi bioWd. Hir(.s ai,d Of tilt Ult itrt r.Ml... f. . i .iwi,j ,.,( jl,,, f ,,, in .lirline, i! vitLmit l.ati,. l l.Ml d iriment , f 1J,1 , Em. 1 iirticurar fit. Mi. i, in ,,itj t kW riinnrMEi.Y. . . 'lUJLLT.SKTS.and ,.Lil L0ID CASL3 For the year 1885, JiKCJSWJ'.h. ti.f which ir V . stock on hand) -.-urn Than any house in this city, and our friends iMk? 4fM.UI?d that yVS b"Bht from u will be nrst-c asa. . k., -. " modi East and have facilities that few in our business have, we think we are prepared to an demellandfurnudi a better quality of good, than anyone in orrr line in Li:e county. rmvo e".P?c,"ention to PKESCKIP 1IOAS. which will h r.-,,ii n.j .. . hours of the day or nixht. Lumber. ....THXS Coburg Saw Mil Is running and will run all Summer. ' Bills filled at short notice. James C. Goodale, . Proprietor. Orders can be left for the Cobi ra saw mill at the store of McClung & Johnson. DE. SPINNEY, Xo. II.Keahvby Stuket. c ' Treat all bronic And tneriiii IlNea!iei. YOUNG MEN TyHOMAY T3B Stn-TEniXG FROM T f Hie etfects of youthful follies or inclin cretmn will do well to avail themselves of this, the (,'reatent boon ever laid at the alter of u(- leniiK Humanity. Dli. M'INNEY will iftiar antee to fnrfejt ..j0 for every cane of Scminsl weakness or private diseane of any kind character which he undertakes anil fuili to nnLK ai-:d jie.v 1 here are many at the see of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evaens tious nf ih liladiler. nftn iiiil, nuiailllli; or Ulirnm.' urnuatutn ,! 1 weakeniaif of the syefra in a way the patient cannot account for. On examining the uriiurr deimsitn a muv sediment u ill ,fvn ! fm,if. j and snmetimea small particles of alb.imrn will i.i.nr, ,.r ine rrnnr win ne oi a thin, wliiti.ni hue, i-gain i-han-inf to a (lark and torpid sp peaMiice. There are many mm who die f thin difficulty, ignorant of the cause, whieh is the second staye of seminal weakness. Dr S will t-iiarantHo a perfect cure in such cases, soil a henlthy restoration of the geiiitoniiinary f l?an. OIRce hours-10 to 4 anil 6 to 8. Sundsrs 10 to It a to. Consultations free. Thurnnehn- animation aud advice, 85. nn. smxEY co, No 11, Kearney Street, San Francisco, 'KMUNITYfromANNOYANCE J. W. CLEAVER Dealer in all kinds of griclutural Implements. -AND Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, nuiely eec- i ctaole, taken internally, poitivelv cures rheu- matiem, neumluia. toothache, chill and fever am. I .r.mii Ma.ttM S.1.I l.w I Lluirn. A Ct Ivil- Knrjuire of O. M. M ai I R or ftM. Agents, Snell. Heilshtt Woodward, T.J. Smith. Portland, Oreifon, Real Estate. Eugene City, Oregon I The BUYERS' GUIDE la leaned March md Sept.. each year. HM page, txll tncbe,wtruoTer 3,000 UlostraUoae M whole Picture Gallery. GIVEs Wholesale Price direct to eotuxmers on all irooda for personal or family tue. Tells how to order, and gWes eac coat of Try thlna; yon nee, eat, drink, wear, or fear fun frith. Theso IS VALUABLE BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. Wo will mail n copy FREE to any ad- dreoe apon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. Let as hear from yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO". til eV C29 Wabaah Aseaae, Chicago, 111. 1 G. Hendricks. 3. B. Eakw, Ji. HEfJDRICKS k EAKIN, BANKERS, Eugene City - - Oregon. Siuht drafts on NEW YOKK. SAX FRAV- CISCO and rOKTLAXD, OREGON". All collections entrusted to us will receive spe.-ial attention. Deposit re-ir.I aahjectto check. Lean made on apiinived security, and a general bankirf Wineaa doc on rtasoubl term." alpaS.03t3Clb.l833. f t FalO;t.SCiH,ial 1 i:-'): 1. lj., Harte only- of f0 finest n1 llyortilausfur auunauaiaj Evsrv eood ttir.s la CaegT foited, and conEuttra roj;'1 j TIONED afftilnst EMITATIO these Chtanoy3 inr.r'o of -7 POORGIiAES. &? tiattcoe- The Poarl Top U always cbr' bright G!ac3. KanuRictnreJOXI.Tr PUUbarcti Lend t-lo