The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 21, 1885, Image 6

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lomon weighing four pounds and thir-
toen ounceg.
There is but one man in Aebraska
who is a millionaire, and only ten in
the State whoso wealth exceecb $500,-
,. ,, -
At Emmettsville. I. T..' work has
t ,1 - tk.t A
iKJOU u.uv.i w.
'.furnish water for irrigating tm,vw
acros of land.
Th tax on commercial drummers
r ., n f ... 11. tinnuvi .
, . . ,
year. A Judge has just decided it to
lu imiiiii vniuuiia j ,u tiw,wv .
be unconstitutional.
Ths cotton kins: of the world is Mr.
r,. , r, . ... . . . ...
oucnarusun, ut
nual crop is greater than that of all
V.vvnt. and liia nlantfttinna Rra worth
ewi-i - i i
A focr-footed DiBD is found on the
Island of Marajoa at the mouth of
, the Amazon. In time, one pair of legs
. . .
. a rlmneed into wines bv as singular
process as that which makes tho tad-
pole a frog.
The smallness of the compensation
-is the complaint of the special delivory
messengers in nearly every part of the
country. In Bavannah the messen
' gors averagod 7 J cents perdiom for the
i first three days.
A ooobk was soen fluttering on the
surface of one of the Wisconsin lakes
and investigation proved that a forty-
two pound turtle had it by the leg.
Both were drawn into a boat.
The whole number of meifenlistcd
for three years In the Union army
-during the rebellion was 2,320,272.
The losses, including thoso who died
cf disease or in prison, were 279,376
... .. iiooont .i
uu U1U UI1IU
on uio union siue, ami im,ozl on uie
Dr. Lewis says that no devotee of
tobacco has ever eraduated at the
head of his class in Harvard. The
lr(onanf disproves this with the state-
mnnt tha lna.ln,. r,( iim rrt-a.iii. I
ating classes of that institution for
load and 1884 were addicted to the
use of the weed.
In view of tho fact that artificial
mineral waters are bottled under the
names of well-known mineral snrintrs
auroaa ami miportou into mis coun-
try, tho Secretary of tho Treasury has
.i,..v m., tn r.
, . , .
tun; wiinuviiu muuiiiuuiuuuuM0 t,0 oratory or ncmo-ithiMies, and
bear a certificate from tho owner of thoso who hare heard both of us th nk
tlio spring Irom which they come,
showing-' theui to bo genuine mineral
' In aiiovt the center of the Island of
Trinidad, a dot in tho Caw ibbean sea,
ir .1 i t' i . i
about 10 acres, and is apparently in
exhaustible. It is a black sand sub
stance and is believed to bo crude rot
ten petroleum. A singular feature of
tho substance is that, although 30,000
tons are taken out of this luko annu
ally, it constantly fills up bo there is
-no lessening 01 tho supply, ihis sia
gular lako of paving material is owned
leased to a company in Washington,
The material used in the new postal
cam is iweiuy-nve per ceni woou puip
nnd seventy-nvo per cent. line rags,
It takes about twelve hours to convert
, ..1..., , ,
tho raw material into tho cards, nnd
between 1.000.000 and 1.500.000 of
juoi uu inu imiBi, ui vurcuuiu, iiii'm wiie it sno is jolt in want, as I under
is an asphalt lake. It is said to cover tand that sho is.
" " 1 4hom om inriin.l nn .lailiv aivina nm.
, .... ,
ploymeut to, about 130 women and
t girls. They cjnie from tho press in
vhcots of forty cards each. It costs
iw a iiionui ior me nine paper oanus
IV1 . .1. I . .1 . 1?..l I . 1
that are placed about tho bunches ot
t ,t hvimiv-livn A.rb Tim r nun)
V . -
"lias a watermark that will aid in the
detection of counterfeits. Even with
1,000,000 turned out daily the demand
is greater than the supply.
' , Is some recent scientific experi
ments on tho ctlects of cold, two frogs
were frozen solid in a temperature of
about 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and kept
in that position for half an hour. On
. thawing slowly they recovered perfect
ly, but it was found that longer periods
of exposure invariably killed tho ani-
ti. o.,..i... ,., -.- . 1 hands on devk to take in the light can
nula. The experiment was tried of LM am mf ,H ,Uf . - ,
freezing hermetically sealed meat, so
as to kill its bacterial organism, and
thn. rendrr it inr.iml.1.. r,f nufrifvin
' 1 ' 1 ' J '0
f It was found, however, that so low a
temperature as 80 degrees below zero
would not destroy the vitality of micro-organisms.
It was thus made clear
that the attempts to preserve meat for
a long time iy a momentary ireeiingi .
. -I
of it must be abandoned. I
ThorouTlilr .I " '' Trl'mr to tbt
I,.it.'lv -l Orator.
Twenty ccntinv'i a Ia-ittliristniM,
there wits bora Id Attica, n;nr Aihous,
the father of oratory, the great t ora
nf urlinm h'atirt' I1A4 frllil Ill
. . w& emoHth(.ne. IJ. I he V0J
unt;j tijt, gpring he wouj ,fte bicu
I twenty-two hundred and leventy year
old: but ho d d not live. D.-moitheno
ha crossed the uivs'.eriom r;ror. lie
I has eone to that bjuruo whonoa no
traveler returns
I Aiost oi vou. no aoum. nara nara
booui iu ja inosa wno ui.ij no. no
beard it the ann Mincemeat w.u tali
wim a sicnen.nK num.
ThU .Wuh la not ,, ,.t,l fn na.t .
p-loom over vour boa U It was de
signed to cneer tnose who read it, ana
mnke them lal tnv could re.ta,
Therefore, I would have been glad if
i cd u uave simreu lueni hi j vaiu
i .... ..1... u....b, t ,
l nmi;ii turn suiiit.;ii iicniu i. "
news of the death of Deiuo-thenes will Hut it could not be avoided
e should re nemoer the transitory
nature of life, and when we are tetnpt-
eu to Doasi oi our neaun,
strength, and wealth, let us remember
the sudden and early death of Demos-
I thencs.
I auu"ioiii lies nos uiib uvji u
an ora
tor. He struggled, hard and failed
many times. H-t was homely, and he
stammered in h s speech, but before
his death they earn) to him for hun
dreds of miles to get h m to open their
I . . .'....1, U . U ..I ,. ..n-
90,,nl.r la" ""f1 ierK '." r 01 ,reo:
i t v iy lit iito-
the r urth of
Whon Demosthenes' father died, ho
leu mtecn talents to ue uivmcu do-
twoen Demotlicncs and his sibter. A
tfilnnt la onnnl tr nlxntit nna t linllsfinrf
dollars. I often wish that I had been
born a little more talented.
Demosthenes nad a snort Dream,
hesitating speech, and his manners
were very ungraceful. To remedy hs
stammering be tilled his mouth full of
pebbles and howled his sent ments at
the angry sea. However, Plu
tarch says that Demosthenes made
a gloomy fizzle of his tirst sp-tech.
Ihis d d not discourage him. He tin
ally became the smoothest orator in
that country, an 1 it was no uncommon
thing lor him to nil the hirst Uaptist
Church of Athons fulL There are now
sixty of his orations extant, part of
u! m wrmen oy uemostuenes ana pari
I at Ihnm WPitfan hir ti u ttiia fit uairn
ury ' 1
When he started in h i w:is gentle,
mild and .iiiet in his manner, but later
on, carrying his audience with h m, he
at ingt i,0L,ame outiimiastie. He thun
dered, he roared, he whooped, he
howled,' he jarred tho windows, he
sawed the air, ho Miht the horizon
w,in. '? C1.a.ri?n .no.ie8'. 1,0 I'PPovcr
I ffiA tillilrt L'iL'fuf tho lairtna tt tf ttn
diandeliors, and smashed the big bass
vol over tue duel nudler s heatL
Oh, Demosthenes W8.S business when
he trot started. It will be a Iousr time
before wo see another oil-hand speaker
hie uemostuenes, and l, lor ono, have
never been the same man since I
lea' nod of his death.
'Kupll urnu tlin first rtf tratera ont'a
Lord Urougham. -At the head of ill
the mighty masters of speech, tho
a loratiouof ag. s has conseerated his
ttlnnn ami thn Irui if tha nnhli intrn
mont with which ho forged and
launched his thunders is sure to main
nun it unap proacnauio lorever.
1 have always been a groat admirer
there is a certain decree of sim laritv in
our stylo.
And not only d d I Demosthe-
nos as an orator, but as a man, nnd
though I am no Vanderbilt, 1 feel as
though I would bo willing to head a
siiboription list for tho purpose of do-
inir thn Stiuiirn tlunrr hv hia kArrnivjiff
. . n - "
x must now leavo I'cmosuienes nnd
puss ou rap d y to speak of rutrick
Henry. Mr. Henry was tho man who
wanted liberty or il ith. Ho preferred
liberty though. If lie couldn't have
liberty bo wanted to die, but he was in
no great rush about it. Ho would l.ko
liberty if there was plenty of it, but if
the Uritish had no liberty to snare bo
yearned for death. When the tyrant
a-ked him what stvlo of death ho want-
l'd ho said that bo would rather dio of
exiremo oiu airo. 110 was Winnie to
VVA L tin Slllll. llt ilnlll 't ivnnl in trn
mipreuaivd. ami he thought it would
take him eighty or ninety years more
f Proporc, so that when be was ushered
ashamed of himself.
wiw nunuied ana ten years ago
1 ftir'( K 1U:,11'' !VU.: , ' ,r: (H,r c,,!ll,s
' forged. Their clanking mav bo
heanl on the plains of Hoston. "The
war Is inevitable, and let it eomo. I
repeat it. Sir, let it COIlle!"
in ino sprng or 10U l used almost
tho same language. So did Horace
Ureeley. There were four or live of us
Hr " naus logeinerauuiieciueu rriH unr ivhh l ill, l-i , :t ill.. ami n,m.
gonted to let it come.
' - """., "
1 ueu it came. y nenever there is a
large, nievitiiuio conn cuioatiug around
waiting for permission to come, it do
volves on tho great statonien and bald
headed literati of the Nation to avoid
all delay. It was so with l'
Henry. He perm.tted the land to bo
deluged in gore, aud then he ret: rod.
It is the duty of the great orator to
howl for war and then hold sumo other
man s coat w hile ho lights. UiU Syc
in to Hon worm,
A Now York club man has on ex
hibition a talking jtarrot which can
give nnv order that is issued on ship
board. The otlter evening, wh-.'ii the
wind was blowing a pretty stiff breeze.
Jim (the parrot) began to mu-der all
many phrases that are not
e.ven in any eneycloptlia. mueh to the
's,n,eut l tho guests presentA
'. Graphic.
Good Advice. Journalist to h's
wife: "I feel very bad this morning. I
don't see that it s worth while to gj to
work, for my head aches so pain-
fully that
I can not think " Wife
nun 1 irv 111 mink anv
' . i i.
lKJ,,k." .-tri-imrr TraUr.
A Marital Communltuttoo with Well
UeOnad JIutlra.
A lady, whose forehead was thatched
like a rustic cottage with a wealth of
yellow bangs, and who moved in an at
mosphere of patchouli, came up to the
judicial desk In the Jefferson Market
Police- Court When she bad opened
ber month wide enough to declare
dividend she suspended operations and
rolled her eyes frem the magisterial
presence along the line of ornamental
court clerics.
"Whatareyou looking for. madame?'
inquired the dispenser of Justice.
"A husband, sir."
At this the Court looked frightened,
and the instantaneous smile which dec
orated all the unmarried court clerks
became frozen as soon as they raised
their heads.
"Where do von mean to find him?"
'I want to learn where you mean to
nnd mm. inai s your business, I guess.
I'm here for that
'Madame. " cried the Magistrate, "do
you take this for a matrimonial
t'Not I. I take it for lust what it is,
I come here to have you look up my
Husband ior me. ae leit me to go with
M WW . . T
a theatrical company, no s back now,
guess, and he ought to provide for
"Certainly, madame: when did be
leave youi"
"three months ago. lie went on to
play a walking gentleman's part with
big salary and lots of money to bring
him home, ihat s what he said. And
I should say he has played it. I have
not seen him since."
"Nor heard from himP"
"Oh, I heard from him. I Just did.
"Did his letters indicate any falling oft
01 anectionr '
"No, indeei. lie only wrote one, but
It was a warm one."
"You mean a lovin? one?"
"I should ?ay so. lou never heard
such love'y names used to a woman in
your life,"
"Did be promise continued con
"lie promised everything, Judge.
The man seemed dying to pet home to
"He did, ehr WelL that looks all
right What was the purport of this
"Oh, he wanted me to pawn my duds
so as to raise $20 for him to pay bis fare
back. A. 1. neraia.
How lie Saw tha 8a-8erpr nt and Itefuaad
to 8pak of It.
B. M. W tells me that he learns
from pretty good authority that Web
ster once saw the sea-serpent It seems
it was Grst seen in the bay between Man
omet and Plymouth Beach by a perfect
ly reliable witness (many years ago)
who was acustomed to look out on the
sea with, his glass every morning the
first thing, as regularly as he ate his
breakfast. One morning he saw this
monster, with a bead somewhat like a
horse's, raised some six feet above the
water, and his body, the size of a cask,
trailing behind, lie was careering over
tho bay, chasing the mackerel, which
ran ashore in thoir fright, and were
washed up and died in great numbers.
I he story is that ebster bad appoint
ed to meet some Plymouth gentlemen at
.Manotnet and spend the day hsbmg.
After the Ashing was over he set out to
return to Duxburv in bis sailboat with
Peterson, as ho had come, and on the
wav thev saw tho- sea-semeut which
answered to the common account of this
creature. It passed directly across the
bows only six or seven rods off, and then
disappeared. On the way homeward,
Webster having had time to reflect on
what had occurred, at length said to
Peterson, "For God s sake, never sav a
word about this to any one, for if it
should be known that I have Been tho
sea-serpent, I should never hear the last
of it, but, wherever I went, should have
to tell tho story to every one I met" So
it has not leaked out until now. Tho-
rran' Summer.
FivA rpnra nirn a rpmnrVnlili7 lirtfrhf.
and pretty girl of seventeen worked in
j- - - .....v
a San Francisco laundry. The son of
wealthy. parents fell in love with her.
She returned his passion, but said fthat
she would not marry him, as he wished,
because she was uneducated and coarse.
Then be ottered to send h"r away to
school. She accepted this offer-- Dur-
ng tho ensuing four years she wis in t
Montreal convent very apt and studi
ous. The training wrought all the
change that was desirable, and the wed
ding took place, with a long tour in
Europe afterward. The couple returned
to San Francisco lately. To show that
she had neither forgotten nor was
ashamed of her former employment the
bride gave a grand supper to those of
hor old companions who could be
brought together. Sti Francuco But-
A Boston terra cotta comnanv have
onipleted what is said to be tho largest
terra cotta frieze in America, to be
placed on the memorial arch now in
course 01 construction in Hartford in
honor of the sailors and soldiers of that
city who served in the civil war. It
measures one hundred and eighty feet
in length and seven leet vertically. Its
sculpture, which is in full relief, presents
nearly one hundred full length human
fifftires, besides which there are figures
of horses and the various paraphernalia
of war on land and sea. The fneze will
be placed at an elevation of fifty feet
from the ground, and the ligures are
molded to adapt them to the vision
under these circumstances. Boston
On a certain occasion, savs the
New York Baptist. Mr. W. K. Travers
was in a stage going up Fifth avenue,
and hij son, V. K, Jr., who was then
a very small boy, was silting on bis
knee, the stage being very crowded. A
lady got in and there was no seat for
her. Mr. Travers, with his usual dis
play of gallantry, said to his son : "B
Billv, ggct up and give this 1-lady jour
Long- Dorotlon to Any fiulject Likely K
Ketult In I'Dbalaiiecd Mlnil.
"It la odd," says an expert in in
sanity, "that when supposably insans
people say they are sane it Is the best
proof to many who are in charge of
asylums that they are insane. And it
is on record as the Judgment of certain
aylu:n-keepers that there is no surer
proof of a patient's sanity than the ac
knowledgment on his part that ho is or
Las been insane,"
Doubtless ihere is good ground for
these conclusions; but one would natur
ally think that the sane person would
be the list one to falsely acknowledge
present or pa-t insan'ty, whatever the
cunning of tho other clas might inspire
it to ay or do. Kecently an expert in
this city, who had been prominent in a
case of'alleged insanity, was afflicted in
that way himself, and'he is now in the
asylum, while the man against whom
he te-tilied is enjoying bis freedom and
nobody is the worse for it. Is it not
poss b e that men whq practically devote
themselves to this subject unavoidably
acquire queer not ons, and perhaps ir
rational ones? Tho brain is very deli
cately constructed, and long devotion
to any one matter, whether it be Insan
ity or something else, is quite likely to
result in what is called the crankish or
the unbalanced mind.
' The Rochester papers have long ac
counts of the case of a woman who was
carried to an asylum apparently with
out the slightest legitimate authority.
Two men found her at work in' her
house and roughly ordered her to go
with them. Of course she refuse I. She
fled from the house, and they caught
her and brought her back, fche strug
gled, but they conquered. She pleaded
lor mercy, and they cursed her as a
vicious subject She begged them to
bring her husband, promising that if
they complied aud he acquiesced in her
removal she would go willingly. She
vas shown no mercy, but carried off by
force, apparently by the husband's
order. It seems that she was taken to
to the asylum, as she has written a let
ter which is remarkably sane as the pro
duction of a violently insane woman,
and it is dated at that institution; but
what villainy might not be perpetrated
by a bad man upon an eccentric, or
even an extremely level-headed, wife in
this way, provided he desired to eet rid
of her? A year or so ago the news
papers of the northern part of the State
told tho story 01 a woman apparently
taken possession of by two blacklegs on
the Central Ka'lroad. They said she
was insaue. She bers:ed tho passengers
to protect her, but the story of insanity
was believed. She wished to telegraph
to her friends, but this was refused.
She was taken off tho cars at Utica, and
has not been heard from since. Prob
ably the story is untrue; but how easily
this manner of outrage might be ner
pretrated upon a sane woman. The
allegation of insanity shuts' out nil do-
fen so. The victim U friendless and an
outcast tho moment she is charged
with insanity. If she resists she is
dangerously" insane. If she protests
she is em'otionaliy irrational. If she
is silent through despair she has come
to a temporary and rather satisfactory
realization of her condition.
Entrance to a lunatic asylum is too
easily effected. Once the victim is there
he is comparatively hopeless. Old cases
are forgotten aud new cases rapidly
grow old. communication with friends
is generally forbidden; but too often
the friends, so called, are pecuniarily
or otherwiso interested In the victim
confinement To whom shall the sano
occupant of bedlam appeal? The
stranger has no time to waste ou
strangers, and the relatives and friends
are tho ones who are responsible for
the outrage, l here nro casual and re
gular investigations of the asylums, but
bow many of the investigators are con
poteut or care to ludire.-" I he man
charged with Insanity is comparatively
helpless, no matter how sano he may
be. There ought to be some means to
rectify this great and apparently grow
ing evil. ..v. 1. uravatc
Tlis Overweening; Conceit of the People
or the Metropolis.
To men who were born here and have
lived here long New York is miles and
away so superior to any other city in
America that he never thinks of utter
ing them or mentioning them in the
same breath. This may be the sublimi
ty of conceit perhaps it is but the fact
remains that ew-lorkers consider
there is but one city in America, They
may travel all over the world, but when
they return to America they live in New
lork. in the same way we observe
that if a man makes a great fortune in
Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Cin
cinnati or Pittsburgh he comes here.
r many of the niairuilicent palaces on
Fifth avenue have been purchased by
men from other cities who made haste
to come here as soon as they had made
vast fortunes. I don't know whether
hey like New York or not, but they
seem to stay, it is true that a man
does not amount to much here unless
he is a good deal of a man, but still the
advantages of life in the most popular
city in the Union are too numerous to
be overlooked. A man worth yio.UOO,-
OX) is of importance, if only on account
of his wealth, in Cincinnati. But 10,
(XkUHJO, unless it is backed by social
f; races and other advantages, will do
ittle or nothing for a man in New
York. I know that this statement will
not be accepted, because it is the gen
eral impression that wealth opens the
doors to society in New York; still such
is not the tact lucre are hundreds oi
millionaires along the avenues who live
magmlicently and spend enormous in
comes, yet whom nobody knows or
cares to know. Not long ago a list of
the number of men who wero worth
more than $.),000,(H.K) was published in
ouo of tho paper here. There were
umlreds of names, occupying consid
erably more than a column and a half,
and it is no exaggeration to say that
ill v live-sixths of them were entirely
strange to tho ears of New Yorkers.
BUikely Ball, in ian Francisco Argo
naut. m
A ring of salt at a little distance
from a choice plant forms a barrier
which "a slug can no more cross than
man coull swim through an ooean ot
lir." Christian at Work
The I'nareountabl Scarcity of rat Day
In tha I'liltrit State Compared With th
Day of Kt-jololng Observed by Other Na
. ttnn. 1
There is an inherent love of festivals
and feasts in human nature, a desire to
express jov, and that not in solitude.but
surrounded by sympathetic friends;
desire to experience pleasure, and to
experience it unseinshiy, snared by
everyone within reach; a desire, possi
blv, to make ourselves one in our joy
with au the surrounding munan race,
It is certain, at any rate, that public
festivals do that work lor the time be
ing; 'for as long ago as the period of the
celebration of tho Greek games, wh eh
really bad their origin far back in mvth
leal times, the Olympic games kept alive
a common - interest; between all the
Greek States, and had much to do with
the existeuce and preservation of a na
tional feeling, while so important were
they deemed in this regard that the year
01 their revival, some eight hundred
years before our era, was used as
chronological period from which to
The Romans bad fixed, movable and
occasional feasts; the Egyptians made
them of such moment that it is recorded
of one that nearly three-quarters of a
minion 01 men and women were present:
while the East Indians still make thai
festivals quite beyond the usual range
of our imaginations with numbers and
with treasure. The Jews had an im
mense . variety of feasts, all of a sacred
nature, among them being the Sabbath
the Passover, the Pentecost the Feast
of Trumpets marking a day on which
every one's doom for eternity was sup
posed to be sot down, although with
mitigating possibilities, in the case of
disastrous doom, should repentance
take place before death the Feast of
Tabernacles, the Purim and the Dedica
tion; while the Christian Church has,
with others, its Advent Christmas,
Epiphany, Easter and Whitsuntide, all
fovous spiritual feasts.
But just as strong a tendency with
humanity as that to festivals is that to
lusts. Indeed, with many, there may
oe a preierence as to the latter, owing
to a feeling that after duly keeping fast
one can enjoy more freely the riotous
living of feasts. The Jews had at first
but one fast, that of the Atonement,
which thev kent with creat seventy.
although later the Pharisees were wont
to fast every Monday and Thursday,
Tho Vrrt-nllana Pllmnlnlana and loan.
rians all kept their fasts and the Mo
hammedans keep the whole of the
ninth month, Ramadan, most strictlv,
neither eating nor drinking, however
great their suffering, from sunrise till
starshine. The Sibylline books ordered
a fast to be kept every fifth vear in
honor of Ceres, And with the Holy
Orthodox Church of the East the -Fast
of the Mother of God begins the 1st of
August and lasts fourteen days, that
Church in especial keeping two hun
dred and sixty-six days of the year as
days of fast Every one, meanwhile, is
laminar with the customs of the re
ligious sects about us. and with ourown
national feasts and fasts.
It is certainly astonishing how verv
1 1 1 . . " ..
iew national ieasis we nave, on the
whole the more astonishing that in
our great pleasure of business, and
rapid deed and thought, we need rest
and relaxaiion more than most. Christ
mas is not universally kept among us,
nor is New Year's; we make nothing of
the 8th of Jacuarv or of thn 22d of !-'h,
ruary, a little bell-ringiug or a few guns
compassing the most of our observance
of those days; we forget the April day
of the rattle of Lexington till after it
has passed; aud we content ourselves
with a sorry and solemn parade that
can not be called a feast, if it can not
be called a fast, on Decoration Dav,
The anniversary of the, battleof Bunker
Hill has sometimes a good send off in
New England and sometimes not
seldom anywhere else; and in truth wo
He back and reserve all our strength
for the fourth of July, aud now we cel
ebrate that and now we don't. And
when we do celebrate, we have not
much idea of doing so other than with
cannons and with flags, fire-crackers
aud torpedoes, by day, aud the blue-
lights and their kind by night music
flowers, and the gentler arts seeming to
us 01 insuiucient import to turn to ex
terior uso. t . . .
It is rather a pity that we rest so" con
tentedly, as a people, with so- few op
portunities of general merrv-making
1 ' - ' If T . . .
una neqiiaiDmncesnip. 11 would not bo
amiss, at all events, if in the . sweet
spring and early summer season we
made the most of the chance that comes
to us in pleasant weather and turned it
to account in general social ways. If
the 19th of April, that initial day of our
Independence of Kings and Crowns, can
not be made of much practical out-door
use on accgunt of the inclemency of that
part ot the year, yet the 17th of June,
when we first discovered that farmers
with their rusty weapons could hold the
trained regulars of the King in check.
can not claim any such immunity, for
winus are soit and skies are blue and
roses are in blossom then, and all things
invite to jov and its expression. Yet
however it be with those days, the heart
that does not beat more quickly on the
Fourth of July, and does not wish to
celebrate it even when it is impossible
to uo so, it by no more than doing rev
erence to the flag, ought to beat in some
more ignoble bosom than an Amer
ican a. Harpers Bazar.
Presence of Mind.
Pugsby (concludinestorri Thus was
1 saveu Dy mere presence 01 mind.
' 1 - " . .
uoigertop (gloomily) Great thing-
presence of mind. I might have been
a rich man to-day if my presence of
mind had not failed me one time.
Pugsby Indeed! When was that?
Bolgertop You remember my Uncle
George rich old duffer? Well, sir, .T
was with him one day when he was
t ten with a fit I was so frightened
that I lost my presence of miud and
called i" a doctor, and Uncle George is
living yet Philadelphia Call. .
The "ovster bug" is declared by
Mr. Cudington, of Fair Haven. Conn..
to be a good sign, rather than one of
destruction. He savs: "The story
about the brown, coral-like insects on
oysters is all nonsense. Tho excres
cence found on seed oysters a year old
is a natural growth, and is always an
indication that the young oysters are
healthy and vigorous!"
We call attention to the ConiDoniM n
Ken Treatment which is takes 1 hvii'
inhalation, and which acis Sta i 1"1''1
the weakened ,nem S, J
onrtns. restoring them tothef, . '"
activity. Its operatliS area I i, ,1
of physloloBlcallaw. "drf0I!ce '
cuies byKivln? to nature her tri.d."j
healthy control in th. human orni 4
Thousand, of most wonderful I
been made during the last thlrti
If you are In need of such a tr.l
write to Dr.. SUrkey & P.len u'iTb
St. Philadelphia. toUd $ liurt "
ments and reports of case.' a. wiH 1 .52? "
you to judge For yourself a. to It , .fltfj?
In your own case. rl"cy
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Hn
Treatment will be filled by 11.,
61 Powell street, between Bush !l
Pine streets. San Franclaco. ta4
.lbert Gerdes committed suicld. t
cemetery at Saa Francisco. 0
Celery, Beef and Iron (rives food to II..
brain, enriches tho blood, aid. dlmstln.
and gives freshing leep where oUi5
remedies fail. Try it. . w
Canned whale is a growing industrri.
Norway. ' "
Who resort to Hostetter's Stomach Blttoraei.
perlcnce speedier and mora complete relief ths
they can hope to do by the use of quinine. ThU
well authenticated fact la of itself sufficient u
have established a high reputation for the Biu
ten. But the article la not a specific merely for
the various forms of malarial disease, It endow
the system with a degree of vigor, and reform
Its irregularities with a certainty that coom.
tutes its best defence against disorder, of k.
stomach, liver and bowels, specially rife won,
the atmosphere and water are miasml talntL
Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dumb .ml
and ague cake are remedied and preventwf
it, and it also remove, dyspepsia, constiiittim
rheumatism, tee. Take thi. medicine on
first indication that the system is out of order
and rest assured that you will be grateful (or
the hint,
Mrs. Garfield is writing a biograthTof
her husband.
CATARRH A New Treatment has bee. dl
covered whereby a permanent cure is effected ii
from one to three applications. Particulars and
treatise free en receipt of stamp. A. H. Uuoi 1
t Bon, 306 King St. west. Toronto, Canada.
Bullion receitita In Salt Tjikn r Sine
000 a week.
The best cough medicine is Piso's Cure
for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 2oc.
When Baby was sick, we Rave her C ASTORIA,
When aha was a Child, she cried for CASTORU,
When sh. became MIsa, ahe clang to OASTOfiU,
When sue had Caildrea, ahe gave them CASTQMi
Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron cures
Neuralgia and Nervous Headaches.
Try Germ e a for breakfast.
Skin Blemishes
vj Afjo c:-
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Ci'Tici-RA.the great Skin Cure.and General
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tler. Internally, are infallible.
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Sold everywhere. l,rie..(.'i-Tici'RA,50c.: S01P,
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UftllACK At'HE, Uterine pains, Soreness and
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Anti-Pain Plautkr. Warranted. cv
Swift's Specific
II natures own remedy. md from rooU MthenJ
from forentn of Georgia. The sbo?e cut repreK-nU m
method uf its manufacture twenty yean ago. Thr
nianil has been gradually Increainiig nnill a SICMt
laboratory b now neoemuiry to imiply the trade. Tbii
great Vegetable Blood Purifler cures Oanoer, fsbum
Scrofula, Eczema, Vloer, Kheumatbiu and Blw"
Taint, hereditary or otherwise, without the use ot Mer
cury or Putaah.
me. unin orr.i.'iriv w.,
N.Y..157W. 23d St. Drawer 3, Atlanta, lis.
Physician and Surgeon,
I J anit nlvht AHHwIfprv anit diseases Of
women a specialty. Office Ui First SL tup stairs).
Piso's Bemedv fbr Catarrh Is the
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Ala iroofl fbr Cold In the Head,
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In pases nf Kidner. Liver. Heart. Female In
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By correspondence or personally by
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh'
ness to it, who would rather
not tell, andw can't tell.
N. P. X. U. No. 101.-S. F. X. V. No-
1 is ri i.r