The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 21, 1885, Image 5

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Foggy wornlng.
Oregon Kidnoy Cure.
See Sheriff! aJe In this issue.
Thanksgiving Day next Thursday.
Ores' kidney Tee ouree all kidney trouble
See notice of R, V. Howard In another col
bin a.
Bead the dissolution notice of Osburn k
' For tool cherry treee Inquire at McClung k
Jobneon'i etnre.
See Geo. F. Craw'e edtertlsement la another
He (iolilsniiths new advertisement
uother column.
If you want to buy goode cheap, give the
I X L Store a call.
Oregon Kidney Tea la the belt known rem
dy or kidney trouble.
It. L. Folk k Co'i directory Cend tru in
town levers! day thla week.
The Guabd dnea all kinda of job printing
heaper than Portland price.
The regular north bound passenger train did
not arrive but Wednesday until noon.
Give the Browntville Woolen Mills store a
call if you are in want of clothing, .etc.
Josephine county baa a population of 2727.
There is an excess of about 600 males.
If yon want a good plate f oyaters, Ed
Baum'a is the place where you can git it.
Dr J B Pilklngton will be in Ktigene Friday
December 4th. Patients should make a note of
the fact -
The best eating place in the city is at Kd
Baum'a. Oysters, bam and eggs, tea and coffee,
at all hour.
Dr J Kl Briitow has sold bis farm on Pleas
ant Hill to W Muhler for f 2,100. Hereafter he
can be found in Eugene.
It Is calculated that since the Chinese agita
tation ou Puget Sound nearly 2,000 of the saff-ron-colored
pagana have left that section.
Bill Nye, the humorist, will lecture at Walla
Walla shortly. It is to be hoped that the
genial William will hie himself hitherward.
See Sterling Hill's advertisement in another
Column. If you want to subscribe or purchase
any paper, magazine or periodical give him a
Messrs Leo Gearhart and Sam'l Withrow Jr
are having the old store formerly occupied by
Osburn k Belshaw renovated, and will soou
open a aaloon therein.
Hon T O Hendricks went gunnitu filr geese
in the neighborhood of Junction a couple of
(lava thia week. It is unnecessary to state
that be got "nary" a go me.
Mr. L Ixiretz hereby gives notice that he
ta prepared to fix np lawn and yards in the
best of style. He calls attention to the
yard of Mr. Chas. Lauer as a fair sample of
his work.
One o. the largest stoc'.s of boots and shoes
ver broavrht to Eugene bos just arrived at
Matlock'. They were bought direct from the
manufacturers in the East and will be sold on
very reasonable terms.
Ayer's Saraaparilla works directly and
promptly, to purify snd enrich the blood, im
prove the appetite, strengthen the nerves, and
brace up the system. It is, in the truest
sense, an alterative medicine. Every invalid
ahnuld give it a trial.
At Matlock's a very fine line of ladies
1 .1 ,l i . TT T TT11 I. . l. u jioiuruoit maun,
direct from the Eastern manufacturer. The
ladies of Lane county would do well to call at
Mr Matlock's store and examine these goods.
If people troubled with colds, would take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before going to church
or places of entertainment, they would avoid
coughing, greatly to the comfort of speak
er and hearers The pectoral wonderfully
increases the power and flexibility of the voice.
Mr J It Sellers last Saturday brought to
this office a tomato vine ever eight foethlgh
and also a bean vine about ten feet long. Both
tines wete alive and had a crop of green
products on each. What does our friends in
the East think of this ?
Having had four years experience in dress
making in one of the first houses of Portland,
I would be pleased to receive a share of pat
ronage from the ladies of Eugene. Residence,
firstjiouse north "of railroad on Mill street
F. C. Adair.
A Waldo correspondent of the Ashland Tid
ing says: "A Chinaman died a few days ago,
and his brethern threw him out in the road
before he was dead, and after his death carried
him to an old house and threw him down on a
dirt floor, and never even straightened bis
limbs. He lufll uncovered in the dirt for a
day or two and then they buried him with re-
iigious ceremony.
Prineville Correspondence"-
Pbineville, Ogn., Nov. 12,
Stock looks well and grass is good here.
Somebody's team took a spin to day. No
damage done.
There will be races here the 17th. A grand
tiine is expected.
What has become of all thrt correspondents I
" Verity" is the only one that has Ahe stam
ina to stay with it
Mercury 46 de(,Tees to-night, at 7 o'clock, but
It has been snowing for several days past. The
weather is fine at present
Hay is cheap here, eu-ht to ten dollars a ton,
oat one cent a pound, flonr same as iu Eugene
mills, wheat fiftyceuts, barley forty cents, po
tatoes fifty vents. -
Getting wood is the general business nf all
now. You ought to have some of your sub
scriber haul you a fine load of dry juniper
wood and yon would be able to have a good
Mr. Darcey has ome fine hogs of the Rus
sian Berkshire lined; he killed six for meat lust
Monday. Tbey.are better than those on ex
bibitiou at the Lane county fair.
No vacant houses In town, to rent, the hut
vacant one went to-day. Kkouur.
Railway Time, The running time on the
ORtS Co's line between Portland and The
Dalle, 83 mile in 5J hours 18 mile ptf
hour. Between La Grande and Huntington,
99 mile, the time is 6 hour or 16J miles per
hnnp On tlie ih-ezon short line between
Huntington and Focatelle, 32o miles, the time j
is 13 hours and twenty minutes or -'j muc.
per hour. The Northern Pacific train rum
from Heron to Spokane Falls in 5.05, or at the
rate of 23 mil per hour. On the Oreeon and
California from Portland to Salem, 62 miles
2:53 is the time, or 15 mile per hour. Tie
Mvlv m, I Y'. on the Canadian Pa
cine, 90 uiilee., 8 h-mr is the time, or 11 J miles j
per hour. TrMM ou the loiumina aim i
H.-...H mad from Seattle to Kenton, 12 Uille
h 50 minutes or at the rate of 14 2 3 prr ! rnir. ,
J, or an average of II M miles per hour.
Mast Meeting.
Pursuant to notice a mass meeting of the
citizens of Lane county. Oregon, was held at
the Court Hume in Eageoe City, on the
10th inst, to consider and take such action
as should be deemed requisite and pruper,
to obtain a tri weekly mail Mute from
Eugene City to Flore ace, and an snpropria
Hon by Congress for the survey of the
harbor of Siuslaw bay and river and the
entrance thereto, and for.tbe construction vl
a Jetty and lighthouse.
Ou motion of J U Campbell, A O Hovey
was called to tlie chair
Ou motion of Ueo S Waabborne, D M
tuition was chosen secretary.
The 'chairman stated the object of the
meeting, tfeiuarks were made npon the
mutter stated by J it Campbell. Judge
Nashuurne, A U Harbour, l'apt Cox. DM
Kisdon, A S I'actersoii. (i M Miller, Dr
I. ill, T li Hendricks, lluv Wooley aud
O 8 Washburne moved that a committee
of three be appoiutcd by the ehair to draft a
memorial to Congress (or appropriation.
survey, eto. Motion carried, and th chair
appointed ii'eo 3 Washburne, H It Kiucsid
aud I.L Campbell such committee. The
on nittee retired and subsequent) y reported
me luuowiug memorial, w-wu ;
To the Senate and House of Kepresentstives of
the If mted States of America In Congress
We. the citizens of Lane Ceunty, Oregon, in
mass meeting assembled beg leave to represent
to your honorable body that
Whkbias. ' The improvement of the en
trance of the Shislaw Bay at the mouth of the
siuslaw river in Lane county. Oregon, Is
matter of national importance which will af
ford a valuable seaport and harbor of refuge
for vessels of anv size, otfeiunr 2S miles of an
chorage, hind locked and perfectly protected
trom storms, and
Whereas. This is the natural outlet for
the commerce of a very large portion nf the
State nf Oregon, the section which is directly
tributary thereto, already producing annually
1.000.000 bushels of wheat an eoual amount ot
oats, 500,000 pounds of wool, 2,000,000 pounds
of hops, 300,000 bushels of apples and vast
quantities of plums, prunes and other fruits,
trains and veitetnbles. not to .mention the vast
titiwlt interesta which are iollv eonal to anv
other area of the siaiilor size in the State. Ail
of which are in a comparatively embryotio
condition, and which for years have remained
undeveloped on account of inadequate ahiapiug
facilities which said improvement would fur
nish, and
Wiiereas. (n this said river and its tnlm
taries are immense forests of the most valuable
timbers, fir, cedar, hemlock, maple, alder and
other valuable varieties, inexhaustible in
quantity and superior in excellent quality to
anything on the 1 acme toast. And
WHfKKAS. Hie opportunities lor develop
nient of fi-diinir interests are almost Without
limit as the said river and bay afford im
mense quantities of the finest salmdTi, end,
herring, sardines and other valuable varieties
all of which lack development on account of
ack of shippini; facilities, which would be in-
si, red by such said improvements.
Wimtf'A. All and siiu'idar of the vast re
sources of this portion of the state would be
quickened and developed by said improvements
it becomes a matter of vital interest and im
portance to the state and nation. We there
fore, your memorialists, do most respectfully
ask that an appropriation in the sum of two
hundred thousand dollars for the survey of said
bav. the construction of jetties at tiie mouth
thereof, and the erection of a lixlit house on the
cape near the mouth ot said river be niaue,
On motion the report of the committee
was adopted by the meeting.
On the matter of mail route and tti-Weekly
mail, Dr Gill moved that a committee of
three be appointed by the chair to act with
the committee appointed at Florence. The
motion carried and A S Patterson, J M
Hodson and T (1 Hendricks were appointed.
T G Hendricks moved that the committee
be instructed to memorialize Congress to
establish a tri-weekly mat' route from
Eugere City to Floience on the county road
built by Lane county as part of the route.
Motion adopted.
I) M Jtisdon moved that the committee
appointed to draft petition to Congress for
survey, etc, have leave to amend reported
petition so as to show further cause and
reason for such appropriation and survey
and to show that it is much the nearest port
for shipment of the production of a con
siderable portion of what is known as the
"Iulaiid Empire" of this coast Leave
On motion Geo M Miller and I L Campbell
were appointed to circulato a petition to the
Legislature now in session to memorialize
Congress for said appropriation and survey.
On motion the aecretary was directed to
forward the resolutions and proceeding of
thia meeting with (aid petition to each of
our several representatives in Congress j also
the petition to the Legislature by morning
mail, with proceedings of this meeting.
On motion Geo S Washburne was ap
pointed assistant secretary.
.l'apt Cox produced and presented before
the meeting a profile of the bay and entrance
and stated that thu winds have closed the
uortb channel with sandwhereby the south
channel baring all the outflow and inflow has
become greatly deepened and eolargod, and
that a little improvement would make it a
permanent enttance of deep water. 1
D. M. ItrooH, - Chairman.
Notice is hereby given that the annnal
election of the Eugene Fire Department for
a Chief Engineer and a First Assistant will
take place on December 1, 18H5.
W. II. Smith, President.
Eugene, Nov. 14, 188&
Union TifANMcrviNO Services. At the
last meeting of the Eugone Ministerial Union
it decided to hold the usual Thanksgiving
services in the Baptist Church. Services open
at 11 a. m. Programme !
Invocation Rev C A Wooley
Music Choir.
Scripture reading Rev O Parker.
Music Choir.
Reading nf Proclamation Rev C MJIilL
Prayer Kev i, K ueary, u u.
Music Choir.
Sermon- K-v A 0 Fairchild.
Praytr -Rev J H D Henderson.
Music Choir.
Benediction-Rev E P Henderson.
Nominations. Engene Engine Co No 1,
at their regular meeting last Thursday
evening made the following nomination for
the ensuing Department election : For Chief
Engineer, Win Preston ; First Assistant
Chief, Henry Day, The election is one
week from Monday.
Notice. Mr. B. H. Jamei having retired
from business and being desirous of settling
np, requests all those Indebted by note or ac
count to Immediately call and make a settle
tnent He can be found at bis office in the
Court House, ready to receipt for all debt
due him.
L Salomon Talks, He say that alj
those indebted tt him must come forward
. th 0DpeM.
lawyer. A word to the tr h .umuen
Eugene Eogin Co gave a drill lat Thursday
See J L Page' new advertisement la another
Mr Robi Shelton has started mi geaenl
delivery waton.
The Oregoniaa "did it" is the general
expression beard in Eugene.
Go to Tage's and get bargains in the bank'
mpt stock of Osburn k Belshaw.'
The public school enterlaiument will take
place Friday evening, December 18th.
Only on marriage license issued this week.
That of 8 J Calloway and M A Wood.
Mr. Miller shipped a car load of fine cattle
from Eugeue to Portland by last Thursday's
Mr W H Hoffman, father of Mrs G B Dor-
ris. died at Jacksonville. Ssturday at the ad
vanced age of 85 years.
Remember that Fage is selling the bankrupt
tock of groceries of Osburn k Belshaw at
prices astonishingly low.
Mr J E Houston, 'formerly of this city, is
now the proprietor of one of the leadiug hotel
in Ashland, and I doing a good business.
Report from Mitchell, Crook eouuty, ya
Charlie Woods, who was shot at that place a
couple of week ago, is rapidly recovering.
We understand that several Mitchell Repub
licans in Eugene last Wednesday sent congrat
ulatory telegram to the newly elected Senator.
Book ageut, map agents, album agents, and
several other ' kind 'of agent have been
"boring" our good citizen this week. A terri
ble affliction) certainly.
Mr J L Fage has purchased the bankrupt
stock, formerly belonging to Osburn k Belshai
and will sell the same at price "way down.'
Give him a call and price the goods,
Mr C A Barbour of Florence, is circulating
a petition praying the postal authorities to
grant a tri-weekly mail between Eugene and
Florence, All should sign the petition.
We have already sent a number of subscript
tions to the N. Y. World. Remember the
price .for the Guard and World is only $3.20
for one year. Hand In your subscription at
Mrs Hanchett was present during the latter
part of the illness and death of Mies Spiller.
She accompanied the remains home. She is
one of the noble and kind hearted Samaritans
of Eugehei
Iu Eugene City, on Sunday, November 15,
1885; Mrs AnJerioa F Pearce, aged 70 years.
The remains were buried in the Ma sonic ceme
tery on Monday.
America F Edwards was born in Virginia
and removed to Warren county, Ky., while
very young. Was married to Ja U smith in
1828, removed with him to Greenbush, Illinois,
in 1840: and started across the plains in 1853.
After reachinir the Burnt River country in
Kastern Oregon Mr Smith sickeneoed and
died. The family came on arid stopped in the
Svitiam valley the ensuing winter, coming to
Eugene in 1854. in and near where she has re
sided until her death. In 1858 she was mar
ried to Mr G C Pearce. She was the mother
of ten children; eight of whom have preceded
her to the spirit land. Her sons, well known
in this community, are T J and J F Smitn.
She was lor many year an npritrht member of
the Christian church, and died in full faith of
a happy future life.
local Market
EiioENi, Nor. 20, 1885.
Wheat Olo per bushel nett
OAT8-2W5130C per busheL
Hops I ( .8a
Bacon -Sides. 910c: hams: 12lc: shoul
ders, 7('8c.
UllTTKtt JlKai'ZSo per lb.
Eoos 2TKi30o per do.
Flour 4 per barrel.
Potatom 2fa)30o per bushel '
' Important Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the account of
the late firm of Osburn k Belshaw have been
placed in the hands of Geo. W. Kinhkt for
Thru Indebted to the'firmare hereby notified
not to pay money to anyone else, as Mr Kin
sey is alone authorized to make collections,
Card of Thanks.
We desire to return our lincer thank to the
many friend who so kindly aided us during
the sickness and death of our mother. Your
aid and sympathy ha been highly appreciated.
tf. r. rmnn,
Mrs. K A. Smith,
T. J. Smith.
Gold Found in EooenI -At the Star Ho
tel Mr J B Coleman has purchased the
property and gone in as proprietor. He is the
firet man who has come out publicly in lavor
of the poor man, or the one who has to board
and lodge. He will furnish good bMrd and
ilinr f.,r t3 75 ner week or 75 cent per day.
He has refitted the home, putting in new beds
and plenty of cover. He has also fitted cp his
barn in good style and will feed any man's
bora on hay and oats for 25 cents. Stable
without feed fiee to patrons of the hotel Mr
C. is a lame mini but gets around lively and
respectfully solicits a share of piildio patron
age. No Chinese em ployed -white help only.
Call and see the old Kentucklan; he will make
you so welcome you Will think you are at
Died. The people of Euirene CHy onlver.
sally xpres their regret at the death of Miss
Ruble P. Spiller, which occurred at Amity on
the 15th Inst The remains were brought here
Tuesday and buried in the Masonic cemetery
alongside her brother Boise. Shews just in
the nioring of life, accomplished and amiable
I and it seemed but a short time ago that a long
life of usefulness and of good worK was to ne
her but it hashappened otherwise. Tothe grief
stricken mother many friends tender their deep
sympathy iu her sorrow and affliction. (
Eminent Spiakeh. Archbishop Gross,
of the Catholio Church, for Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho, will deliver two lectnn
Sunday at Rhinehart' Hall, in thi city, one
in the morning and one in th evening.
The Rev. gentleman is said to be one of the
moat eloquent speakers on the Pacifie coast,
and wherever he lectuiea the people turn
nut en masse to bear hiin. Everybody is
cordially invited to attend. Remember the
place i Rhinehart' Hall
Died- In Long Tom precinct, at the
residence of W S Jone, Tuesdsy, November
17, of diphtheria, Emma, daughter of
Mr and Mrs Jesse Blakeney, aged 2 year. 4
months and 13 days. Th funeral occurred
la t Thursday.
STILL Dtino. Horses continue to die with
a disease unknown, in the hill south of town.
Mr Win Blanton h.d two hore to die one r'ay
thi week,
A coltusM drroted ta Use btereste 4 th
Lattreaua aajd Eataxiaa Litmty Seetetasav asvl
u-.i out bnlyenuty.
Left E. Mcaca Eavrrnsu
E O Potter tntrrrd school he weak.
The aJvaawed Geraaa ctaea bare taisbeal
The new board of trnateea kU a sasetiaxr
last Saturday.
The cementing oa the new University is snw
bout half done.
Mr Edgar McClare baa been teaching la Mrs
Spiller's place during her absence.
The beaming smile of Mr Alfred T Ambrose
is again lighting np th University.
Mis Minerva Starr, of the das. f 1S80;
came np to Eugene oa a visit Tuesday,
The poblio delate givM by the Laoriam
last Friday nix lit, was in every respect a great
Miss Amanda J Jackson's name was pro
posed for membership in the Eiitaxian Society
last Friday.
Livy, which waa formerly one nf the daasm
of the first has heu changed thia year to' the
second term.
Some of the students that will read at the
next puhlic exercises in the auditorium have
been appointed.
Mia Fanny Coudnu delivered a recitation
and Mia Mary Bon net te read a select poem
at the last session of th Eutaxiana.
The class in Philosophy hsve finished the
advance in Mechanic and have taken up
HvdroHtatios, which they will complete before
commencing the review for examination.
IV Edward Geary, a graduate of the class of
1880, pent a few days in Eugene but week.
He and and his wife, who has been visiting
here eeveral weeks, started for their home
The question debated in the Eutaxian Sod.
ety last Friday, "Resolved, That high schnola
should not be supported by the State" with
Jessie McClnng and Ida Porter as leader, waa
decided is favor of the negative by the presi
dent As the holidays draw nearer and reviews and
examinations begin to stare us in the face, bard
study seems to be the eole remaining alterna
tive of the students, thus Iraving to the poor
scrambler fur items a 'hard lot and a short
celumn. .
Miss Anna Patterson finished her school
south of town about two week ago and has
since that time been teaching in the puhlic
school for Mrs Jackson, during her sicknrss.
We hope to see her taking an active part in
the society again soori:
The amount of money banded - over by but
year's treasurer to tfe newly elected board of
trustee of the corporation waa the enormous
sum of forty-four cents. We trust that the
board will see fit to put this money in tome
investment that will be of lasting benefit to
the societies.
Th Lanreans lit some of their speeches at
the corporation meeting made the statement
that their officer were in the habit of resign
ing after they were elected, and that it was
almost impossible to get an editor, notwith
standing the present editor's vehement defense
of bis delinquent brother.
The numerous absence among the professor
last week gav some of the clause unexpected
vacations. Although it will make the study
ing a little harder In the long run, the1 students
managed to pas the time without any serious
inconvenience to themselves or any great
amount of worry for the future.
The question chosen for debate two weeks
hence is "Resolved, That Gordon was a better
general than Grant' Affirmative leader is
Lea the McCornack with Cbfra Condon, Emily
Bristol and Cora Samm as' colleagues; nega
tive leader, Emma Dorria, colleagues, Jenni
McClure, Bessie Da, Lura Murch.
Corporation dues are now in order and the
Lanreans have a chance for showing off their
gallantry and saving th Eutaxiane much em
barrassment by paying their debU without
having to be dunned ; a th treasurer for this
year is a Eutaxian and it is not presumable
that one of that frail body would have the
"grit" to walk trn to' on of the brother
Laureans and order him to pay up.
The corporation meeting passed off very
quietly, as the only business before the
societies was the election of officers, and over
alf of thi was done by a vote east by th
secretary. E O Potter was elected J'reatdent.
Jessie B MoClun---, Secretary; Emma Dorria,
Treasurer ; F M ChrisrharC LiMrarian J Mary
Bonoette, Ass't Librarian; Etta Moore, fourth
Trustee, and W M Miller, fifth Trustee.
Aa ever, death seems to claim among her
victims the fairest and most talented. Bliss
ReubenaP. Spiller, second in death among the
Alumni, and fourth among the students of the
University, passed away at Amity Sunday,
the 15th, after a bug illness. The remains
were brought to Eugene for burial Tuesday.
Ever foremast in her studies as well aa every
fhina else, she Was one of the snort promUinji
graduates that the University has! ever sent
out Foe many years sb was ooe uf the most
active member of th Eutaxiaa society, ami
after she bal finished school was a frequent
visitor at their meeting. The tuexobers of the
society have for her only the pi
ranwmhranee. and th deepest syn
her mother iu ner sad bereavement
m i
Homii Solo. The bora found about one
month ago tied to the Court Uoose fence, aad
thought to have been stolen from eota rae
by th man Holliway, accordingly was adver
tised iu thia paper and sold at auction last
Mondap by th eity. The animal was pur
chased by Mr Ell Bangs W.
VmrofilTT ExTAOillAaT. The heaviest
wind storm for a number of year passed
over the eity last Tnewlay, blowinn dosra old
f.nnea. ahsda and a few si (To. One enrbwe
feature was that no rain fell after the stutm.
Bihth v The following is a record of birth
Menrin? la Kiirax the past week) To the
wife of Rev O Parker, a so.; to th wife of i
S McMurrar. a daughter; loth wife of Ke
C M Hill a daughter
MaRIIO.-M'u Belle Grat. fncvaerry of
tlihi ri eras snarrwd lately to IH. Dto of
Baker City. W eiWd or eoeirrstsUtine.
Diaa-In this eity at the Baker IIuteL
November IX 1W Jhn SibcUIt. acd 85
yean, lit hl recently arrired fere witb rel
ati vea fruua Mit-higaa.
rAtMTAimis-Aiceld5ner eaa
bad at Baker's hoU fur M eeota. ,
Cotua Grev Item
Core .LSI CtaneeV Sow I.
A daaeiog cub waa rgaaiissl her hat
dear am! sain, aotwiiaatmullng th gaJ
Mr O Q CartwrigM, o SnuuV, waa m (town
Mr John Abmaaderhaw aoU his snack and1
weed ta Latham.
Mm Fiona Wallace cam' no- from Eugene
ae day hast week est a visit
MrOearKana instaeow a few day air
from gutting ekolud a a patatik.
A Bttle chili sf Mr O H.nvardV who Uvea up
he Coast l'ovlc, died last Wsdnuday,
Hon R M VsatcJt left br Sulcnt again
MusuW, kariag spent Sunday at home:
Mrs O P Adam started for Unioa county
but Monday morning en aa eatsmhnt visit.
Mr Gamut? has been havinc a max dressing
the bom aad pnttiag kia mill i goad tales.
Mr r.tis L tiffin. i Enetssn Oregon, la
beea ivitnai frieada in this vieiaity l fctfct,
Mr S B Withintoa s family have meW into.
the kfes wmety oeeupssd by ikw Wm turn.
Mr Thns Swift, of Enjemt; has been an towis
wrasiuoally of mt. 11 waa visit bog at itt
John Carraa'a,
W Irara that Mr Jsmmo Keox, ftwmerty
nf thi place, bow of Lnk(M, ha Ulua aato
himself a wile.
Hun Mr Chandler, af Raksr comity, was ha
to wa SatunUy sad Sond I. II haft Sakm
Monday tautaing.
Mr W II Simon and family hH for Una
county but Thrtnday, where they conWtuplaC
reanung in the future.
Mr S E Veatcb baa an apple tree that has
hail blossoms oat it every aViata since Mmm
ep to the 15th of tab moatk! It auto but a
good crop nf apple.
We saw a wild blackhVrfe yfoa tN 13tk at
thia month whh-a was fall of g rsca berries and
were nearly full grown; also saw bkeaoiBa sd
another viae.
' Mr S K Veatcb waa wfcrbblg hie cJna H
the road Monday and Tuesday, pottn eaewa
crosa. togs and preparing tat read IA the
muddy weather.
IMcd, in Mercer cosmty, Keatncky, Oct. 90.
18& Mr Salli Thomas, at la sdvartetd
of 1 years. Sb waa the mother of Mr M H
Perkins, of this place, waa at avw caveat
years old.
Messrs Hnch Horen ami Albert Imard
have ensue dowa from tV gvhl revise Kar sup
plies. They say there ie ajold there and kave
erected a cabin and intend to stay there aad
work fisr it
Mr U W McCoy aad Mr DM Stryker were
both eonuilerahly kurt by scene limbs falling,
by aom nikdwp, while raking a boene foe Mr
K II llaaleton a few days ano. 1 heir wjunc
are eenooa. ' I
Yesterday was a Very wiady day. a dry
wind blowing at a temtSo rata, prattratiegl
trae and leuces imuecrtmiiutery ami aarwuuisr
some sheds; ftc There was a omtinaatw ef
xalea all day. Ia th furenonai there were
indicatKSM uf rain, bat in the aftenteua ta I
cloud were dispersed leaviar a clear sky at
Met, the wiad appeariug to dacreaa ia force
ae the sun went down.
Mim France Medley narrowly escaped
falling off of a log into Row river dnriag th
freshet Her head got to swimming as she was
crossing, led by her btther-m-law, Mr II M
Wallace. Ha had led hie wife safely aver and
re to rued for the young lady. Wbea about half
way and where the water was ef ankaowa
depth, she tottered, aad Mr W ami a hard
sou 111 to keep hi balance, but at length got her
to sit down and crawl the best ah euoIJ I the
bank, which she did in safety.
Boa IX Siuioaw PiacMct. Ta th wif
of Walklie, a daughter: To the wife ot Bub
Cmw, a sob. To the wife of Ike Simpeon, a
danghter. To th wife of ltardy Crow, a
daughter. To the wife ef Hawley, a ttamrb
ter. To the wife of T. Hollaed, taw. Ta
th wif of Rea Jeana, a daughter. T th
wife of Jim Hintoa, a lUoghler. Hurrah for
SiusUw and Cayot Creek t F. M. X.
GsAxr.t Mimiro. Th member of Sum
law Grange will relebrata aa Satnrday.ta 4th
of Decemher, 1883. Everybody is invited to
attend, and a special iavitatioa ta extemled to
ye editors by the committee.
F. M. NieaswAKDM, Chairman.
Koni-n TO C suitor, All those indebted
to me for blacksmithiag or otbarwaa art
requested to call ami settle saoie, aa I matt
have money immediately.
, ti. T. HOTt
Janctioa City, hr.t Kof. I. ISSi.
Overcoat Rtolix. A persrm who mkaowa
last Tnesday, stole aa overcoat froaa Fbd
Vaughan, which was tiwl oa th tarVtl of hi
horse, that was hitched ia the rear ef Stewart
livery stable If the hxtividual due act
return the am by thi. Saturday, evening he
will be prosecuted bar the lawft
Fish Maud. Mr J P Ditcbbmra baa jest
started a fisb market ia this city am Ninth
Street, opposite Day k Pralt'e blacksmith
shop. Ha will keep coastaaUy ad aaad afl
kimbi of neb, oysters, clams, pouttry aad
game, te. The people sboold give ta gvDtie-
maaagond auppurt
To Lit. T tw geatlem or ladies t a
comfortably fumisaed rouea, with fie, Ughta
etc. .Tenrxi. W per mnoh lor the I wx. Apply
to Rev O Parker, at ta Episcopal fieclory.
Hor PrsrHA-'m. Drtng th past week
Mr S It Friendly has purchased 3f),X poomla
of bopa, paying I to T cent per pouml for the
Having purclmscd the Bankrupt Stock of
GltOCEIUES, ETC, at prices VEHY LOW,
formerly belonging to
Osburn Belshaw,
I now offer them for sale at
1 Way Bown1 Prices.
Give mo a call and prki the Goods.
J. L, PAGE.-
Ut H J Smith haembirasd: to bJa talM iei
. .,.'
Mi Kodnew Soutt wen, to. Ftatlenit bt
Tdtimaditjt. , -
Mir Whftney i, Boiaa, of IVtlandt gas a
a eaQ ana- dkjr thia wails. ,
Kew Wdji BLtostonw af JSuutfonv pern tafia
effhsa a short tutt prnsaant salt a da thiai
Hon. J J Walbnn and Gen S WaahJlueueaae
been as) CiievaUis thia weal Sa aWfcnifaarm an
tlie Circuit CuurlC
Be O Parker hit 6r Snaebmaj yastswlaxf
afternmiD;, He will wmaiik Im thai vkf sW
about text daya.
Mr Wllkiw lAinufway, arpreent&iB tHw !la
X.irthwH iai iv our eiiiy lunttiua; taW ttat
mtsrestaaf that paper.
JXBsnirclchkaegniMBsKate Or
egon em vsnt W hone be will awsaa feaaV
cured nf A at asthmatio tnwhlmv
Mr Gen- A stsedv nf Cslwnlav aad wife ars)
mthiaeity. Ufa aWgaeanw a prusmat eats'
ami save Le bbsda aermaaanaly lueasiaaj
m Lansr count'.
Kiipr esentatfvea LostUtt, af Bailer enmity,
Abshter at Lake ami Tkitos af t'oiiinv spvaa
hwt Sirai.Uy ht wk Thaw wmtm avesa&D'
imprsaxtri with EiigenW
Th fcltowrag Lao esunty nelamaa warm
bSataai thi week: Wtou-y SbaAmua, JWb
Cuaaaf ,' J V ihmsnsk, Jsmm aUlay', S St
Toraa and W ft Isswnn:
Took T Cn
On ih way aver front VaeieoaTsV ioiTa
coeaa an af Ik citiata af th latter a
wkm at laaier ra&tmeut, eftalrgeil wttk aaaV
apfracy and mtimklatioa,' pass s 3 aunerr thm
ether twsnty-si.t frlxmtrm aad ieok tN
eeaaam af th. partf. Thai fcim k taw
feattfi hf the peraoei'a sabjxfa k
AalWity Oa waa ITsh, rm SwmOsfe;
iv Utrmoas, Caaadtaas anal aUtasat
Amersimma. , t ,
Elevm af there etv3 h the ttttei
Statra army; ra ef tiiem Weia tua yeeira. t
enlist at th lim ef tR wsi. ,
Tbtmeaf bretgej turth ksl teU hi AituH
ica aa an avetagt iur tntf yi ami the)
Ungtk af timsr thsry ami bee otiartm
averaged mteeat eara
Tweaty hv f thesai mem wer m& It
familiaev ami repreaeatml suity fan tiudrsN
aad etevea geaadnhadresi tw el taetsi
were nniaarrwil.
Tb arragt age f thee mam waif lyeari
mm 'm . .. , . . , . ,
TV averag nnmher af yeas tAey lal
lived oa the raetli aatai waa tautmsi femra
at j month.
aad hmr msmtha.
Nut an .thee srew basl eyrr baba
caargvd with any trim between
Occwpatioaa fhrv a thee mea
merchants, tare pmraafista, tw keAHkersv
six carpeateva, the hfacktmrtaa. aast
draaghtamaa, aa Bbasabar, earn aautegva
pber, an brisk saaaso, ea ahnsmaler, ' aa
asoabier, aa boat baibter ami aa etvil
Tone rr Cu. Aa Albany papar. m speak-'
tngaf th arraignment ef Cap. W W Saemdr
era and Mate Mattia AUuwsi em th (karg ef
killiatr Chatkea CasspketL, aaya:' They, wrwl
eaamrMtaua aad wve (Osaseittjsal tu' fpii
await the artiu af th Beat gtaad fsrr. Bnta
appeared ewd aad tntt'ctssl shsrisif torn aaost,
Mtkad they wtr ke the tWt twae. Swear
dee palling oat, KgbtiatT aast pnibAa; a tiusci
It is barely possible that tbs trial may assaei
oil at the aiH ttraed lata ia Januavy. bnc
probably it will mat . occur bffo's thai Wmilk
Ursa af eaurt We are turarsAed) that am
ample enrpa af aituener ta beea rrtatas j '
fue th defense, hut iM h they are imt
asabiectef ranaaraayet. '
Faia mH EsTuWAiitsttsT. Tker m t
be k fair ami taterUianuat, TheaJksgsiaf
evraing. Nor S6t,' at Laid Halt, saetiav
femled by th ladies ef th tSeaftytari Aib!
Society. Tk ara:hc fer1 sale are bvwy aad
th wiigra tJaert d. tfitrf. aoosistW
ef efanau mas; recitati'oja.' (ksrade ml
pro vet be. In b gaeased by th aetieoa.
Refreahmeata will a i veil aast arerr eXt
pat fottb t make it a very ttjnyablm -aeai4V
. ,
Takes 14i5wio9t. Wi" are reiUbiy f
fur aud thai 4 party ot ana bundresl aattiet'a
hare time ta'aat taftse poMmitHa af Urn aeb
brated "WUt iW ranch OMaawtialg it tnaay
thmaaml sew ef read bad ami fxaudaleatlf
etahaed ami alaasd aadwr nac tf Todha'atsr
k Devia. a sattta fiev Th tabd ne ia Uj
ositheoetfra portio f GraoA emnty. Bakay
fkty KevsOlev
Bill The bilt eadlnf a fertreja
ef Duauhae euaaly ta Usaa baa emssd
Itosm af th LegitUtur aad. bsaannl a
taw. The portioa ceded is Bear Floraaoa.
Il ar lakes ia six aula dMith af th awar
at lb moatb aast ruaa aa a traigbt ttsm
nntil kt ihlureect th itver.'
Cm PiorinT. Th aullesriaa; mreat ef
eity property have changed bamb thie mask t
D W Amtrasoa rsTWa 8wet. lit ami baV
ef 4 in hawk t. Patlracl's mkUtina snaaidet
atiua. r Hkwo B Kin sey UV AmUsev
sea, bat ami af Lil 4 ia bluo EH asax, Klaj
MAinrxiv la lalLeeiawr. Oag, No. 4.
by th Kosv A. Fitta. Mr. Jm
KaM ami Mis Xellist rraeL Jeroeawa
nany iriela im Lao Bant' eflfsr taatf
aoagriAtitlatiuasv . , ' 1 1-7- '