U!U4lIAT, ..,,J0'VEMM;R2L1ISS5 ThewotaforlU S. Simotor ow tfhe ifirttt iay TwtuVil a followu: For -John JLt3XidbM.tor eorg H. Will. 3am.1S: nfl 32 ncatUirinz. JDomo- at oflid for 5!a5er: The 'iialldt which irmltofl in the nledtion ff ffohn II. -MiuJheH on tlie unwind (Jlujr wad A f oIIowk: For Iffhdhell ATlmi, Barn, T? JJirfl, jSRWi, ClMn'lf ny, JJr7, Cam won, Carson, Caftwryirt, 'CLanfller, Cdl, Cmmofc, Vravm, Cuniiik, Cr?, 81, 3S. Dawnpnrt, Joaning, Flynn, (K C;ion, Gifhef't, Hall, AT'ye, IJiraoV Jolly, Konwortliy, Jjniven unban, Hernia, tLyln, Mayo, McHaley, Chat. NUkr, JIB Wft Noritayne, JllffPmm, ' Faery, Pmti Prnttseir,, Heed, fllo,r, Under, JtiuHUm, flhupn, fhf'Kn, Simon, Sutton, Thnmp man, Wwite, ITC8, Wilcox, Will, Thontywuin and Waldo 55. (Demo crU an italic). FotSlatr-XUriflr,L. r.ilypn, W, R, Kiiynn, I.urton, Cauihorn, Coleman, Co, flick, Harris, Houtt, Key-Icon-dalL, LockeTt, Mynra, Nelson, Pen-roingtnn,- IVini, Einehart, Taylor, Veatch anil WcathorfarJ 2a For Williams Bourne, T. W, Da 1 inport, Eutmitt, Ilarr, Hankie, Man ama, Itwldla, flniith, Story, Thnrlcel nn, Voofheea, Woodard an J Keady -13. t Absent iDorm Itwinito seen Vy tlie aWe that! 17 Dnmocratavotocl with 33 Republi nana to encore, this result. Tiiff wnre ipern&ted in this course Vy the Diiv ratic caucus of :th? might Imfarft. The 6regouian 'dharn ns tliat tlhere in 'Dm f oHowi ng ur s onrnin j the great Eaftrora'and the All are cf in terest, Sionwliody in cioijunng the Great Eastern a1 XmiVs Ark. The. ooul ti lojildiiig wnd lnaw4iiTi the Great Eaxturn u M.toiVrtK), this liroke the wiiiial omjaiiy. A tie-w ouipafiy ma formed which spent $C0(i1(iJd in amg and furnishing 4m. TJjhu coiiipaiiiy faQed, wnd a view company an sv'aniz'id with cnjal flf $300,000. At tV W 4 1880 tli coiiiiany an' iS6,"lS, pm Uio then tiialcing Ji'T total cost $4,703,575. XotVmg lilt can ituuid compariMoa the O real Eat rn, exciytiiij XoaJt1 Arlc, nJ w-n thin vewii'! twold not w.awa rr, fhe (mjth of tlie art SDd cnltita, htr lirwadiJi 53cniita and lirr ht 39 cui Uf. Tb o cnit of the Strip! nr, c cording to Dii4iop XViltins was 21. C5 innlics, and compote into English ntnaa- urwnifciit, tne Arlt wa 547 f-t long, 51 ft Win, 51.7 depth, and 21,672 tons, The Great FjiTn u $0 tt i long, S3 ft lieaTn.";56 ft. &-pCh, and 28,093 tOT wnaHalw"' So KoaVa Arls w qtiite vr Aadowi'd Sy th GToat Eastern. -Scientific AtK-rjaa. Keyoota t HeaTtH. 1 A fio ho of ailk Ushe ia aU ahadoi lltuhV l wenJta. Wh1t Mfii Md gr.l a F B Daaa'a, jttbntt, rr4iHh m4 Trimary Ciimii. Ta ket ami orangva can alwaya nw flon pw n tt oum .1 k ira U hrnad at B lUaw coctKMootr itora. dW, T'nu M miU and ftL SuUt)yOliTaACa. A Reliabta Ankla. Fnr titmnW mlt t,A Jr4ra to t nek jffKwh m i3 trir Ui Inul ukfctxm, CJxtor l' tfc ItrnRwu )ed all omnpeti tkia. Xtv -n Vr lWnko'a Onc aad If ma art ia vat ' asricaHaral machin ery o any kind, rrawmher that Mr J l Uendricka ka a foil aMnrtincot. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. TOTICE IS IIKRK11Y GIVF.X THAT tXUttPg CincutnWtL not matnT vm am. vaa tlie jiorknpoli of thA rnwll But sl.e lion compltely iotrt, fc'ff Id topreroacy in the pork packing Imsi iVew, Of dht divt in tlie United Statra which ra. gage largely in this hm sines, Cincinnati stand at the Cottons af the list. Chi cago, U ia tirxvilpss to say, in at the top, Cleveland and Indianapolis are ahead of Cincinnati, hi)e CerUr Rapids, Io wa, pacta three and a lialf times as r?.1'1 't-iivC.4.h, (Vwp u4 betwta Oxbura k Uel.hi Udiw-lvtA tk no ocau aal j - .L . . . . 1 J Harvard baad gremAm. Fir jrood deatixtiy f Vi Tajl. A EMr, Tb lilrfiert CMk iirio wi!l Ik mil t.r 4. lr.ni. i i) -Tuna. Tkotoffrmas finiahod neaUr and artia tioaJly u U iater'a. Something lb! You Can Sava time aad maoty hj ailing oa STERLING HILL ... - .. . I matiT bons .aa lite mee fvn rilv rJ narraain iWtwwnn Hit olniU una the v Dnnioorats Mfhrily in cfinoidoration )f J'W IDflinocratio dtes Mr. MitchoU as to Tim Dispatch of to-day plis3eaa dte to corifirm IVeHidmtt Cleveland's hoitn from Rmnsk coonty, in which itioniinntions. ' is in vivna a.n jwnnt of a. fctrititic SLt. Mitchdllin m upeetli after the; 0n'rn trag" A colored anan, clHCtiion aaid tltat lie was a Republican via jia(j Jar,j l0 vote the Democratic nfl m-ould Urn nucn in the United ticket, was waylaid, on liis re Ifitatna Senalte, that lie wonld make mo; turn kome, and liadly iieateai ly fire faCliona -jpjowtion to tho Presidemt' EfjmWioanscf his own race. Ancf- Hiot would "Oppose Jiira if lie wttempted fionrof the law nooeeded in arrestin; ' iu infringe on t'h Tenure cfOfEce Act I three cf these Thng and thfyadmit- "UJlua,if we mndtHnd rtglit, as e ted, it ia said, that they lad Una rn- n;preifa -opinion of the wrjiole lodj f I tally aswinlted their victim because he EepuUioan Smiatom . Uut a iiffr- had voted -with the Democrats. Rich noeJinj)'inionn to the iuterpnita-L1nd, Va 8ut. Will John Sher- ttlon of tihat Adt unay .arise Ujotweralman for a ccraimi'.tme ft investigate ttlie iRepu'lihcan Siinatnrs and it wonld t3iis aontborn cntrael It waakes a iprwe mitnrfistinir 4o 'tim ipeople if ithe j great deal f difiorenoe, loweer, whof niow 'Sdnatorwej-eto itoTl an lis ox is gored. Slietman Hooks out for aangoage wfliat tliat Act jirovidea the EepnUican Twviw. iHe .'kino said that 3ie would lalior far . a urn ja.t li w ar ?. ftliaW mtiwrtt S !h. mnnl A. i ue vote i inn cojaiers nome-m Congress ;et in a cotrple f weociIJ,dl,,', n Dttport liws.and .t3sa.seleHHo i(Ponlate.o 3.is course lB " lnBUlDUon m"moB WM wiaoTa .,. n.Ti .,.- i.. i of jus latner, save governor inn ' iglity43iree majority. John Sherman IDuring tlie -ncile in tlhis country of I and his clan, who fought tle war, at ttolm JlitoliiiTl, tlie Ii'IhIi patriot, lie avasl nome, certainly ubonld feel "eneonr wtik-Hfl ' Hy Haily , wihtli(T lie had Heon ; ftgwd" at this ondorsPTOent" of the Jfinsara Falls from t'ho Canada tuda i Uoody 4iln'r Ilia irqily wars 1vq, miadamn.; re- fipnot iurnir meek restrains tut cnrioKity. Vttioj aim m yww witncriiitioM fr wewrpe, tVny fitfn ad ra?iutiBa. He aho twem a onaunltc rtock of Muml in- rfadiae Salary, Har(Mr, Leslie etc All the Mur Uhrvwi, lxll. Standard, MnnrecandotWa. la tmt rrvtliiar ui- a'ly fmmd ia a lt class iwwa V O Build- rag, e. kiW SH A liKUHAW, by tint. lituH.w, Now 17, !)& SELLING OUT! SELLING OUTI -AT THE L'STOBEI " ' ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLD IX m THE STEEL AGE ALL IRON AND STEEL, Same Price as Wooden Wagons For 90 day from Nor. Lit, lSi for Introduce Man. M'ir dumUe tliaa th atel war.na of Etij land, mbicb run T tXTf irias, lluilt oa Truai linci(l. - 1-inht and atrnnir and will : l.at m Unrllnie, Kw Tiro ! Ket. Tea Year la (he WsarVeL Inw frtihU by th new route, Maaufactuned by BENICIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Addreas Bcaicta. Cat. nl4-m3 PARSERS! Cot thU out and aead H with nam of thil paper to obtain discount for liiaact TSAlia i 1 rClaCjSASE- CC0BS MAMF.UTURED AT U03IE. Do not send your money away from home by purchasing Eastern-made goods when you can get a better article of Home Manufacture for less money. flie hmmh Clothing Bouse Offers the Largest Stock of Clothing, Blankets, Flannels, Cloths, Yarns, Shawls, Overshirts, Underwear, Etc., EVER BROUGHT TO EUGENE. I am Selling the A dirty old picture has tet-n disoov ; ernd in a Eodhenter jnuk Akttp aud x ptiris are trying to decide whether or If it I Hike t'lie wutlter ion this tide 4 to tlie tfitinli'V (fnilfcA9 .miA II .Ami"!, nr nnAHA in 4 , , , , ! not it was jiainted H Reahens. .'. - . ' V ? ... . .. I H'ou Hl.ot ti wTI mAA iDurol Ulirvno- mt," lln irnvoltna oat MitdbRU met I " : IPurson r.roamlcw. the ariiritnal wins and dcJlars le hs value. Intrinsic ttnrd mot iilf thn rornlmwion. and IlininT merrt. aeems (to have uoLbinj to do wit muted ihiw Hie liked tihe moted wan, an- j 'cw",' tauiMifftA 'in Aiia r'uih Wimirtnn ? f I. jl tt.fTocconre4o'iiewnii.a wilneJ.ewas De 1V l TP t0 tie npaking xo inie thut iiie was a ort i tobch Sjovetnroent tor permission to rifnniil !liat." 1 issof new Tanama canal lionds lo tlie amonnt of f 120. 000.008 to J.Jrav w hat Ull - IT fi ..a - i I ' ' a im i.rcHiumu, iu Tmimveu .an fie-: i.. u -i 3 . J ue flft.sori jes as Tieeaed xnnn9ei in ex- .antljr Sramnd photograph f Prince: , nilLtM lor iiit. xnsinara, a pwrni jro.n xne ixince DonMn ni av. k(A .w UiimaelF .and lioaring lis personal ante-j , . , Crwih. I t will I hung in the Tresi- It is rejiorted hat Alahone u so Rent's ioham'lier. It rfmresents the' nruHhed that iie is talkm-r alntleav- Prinoe So iliis military uiform. It is Jn v--j. ni, i,. ,m:... ; jirdhaWle that the Tremdont will Tetum . the oompIiuieut, and snnd J.ack rae of I 1 " Qiis liutogra,iihs wm'niuly fnnntid. Alaska, tliongk U.e majea-jty of ir- gimans n doolt yrcl'T that lie should The Or!gnuian lias gi ven tfhe 'Sootn- J g0 1 a tnnch warmer plaoe. wn ConlBuerapy and the two !Lar-' - 1 a..-t,. - 4 - loton man was taken ill U'tiaaaa vimiw aoairu WHi4ii vsav iifla 4 , a ItHiasWn Wy attending to: Wh,awVipMI hon XVWn Kl,d niattnr5n its o-n liooseliold. The ' wanted anything, be said: Oh, Dtminorata who r'lad the Oiegonian I rive nic anvtlrng made of Wans."' So Jc'lre that thtj are llonely aince tie the attmding phywciaB -ate him carter n.i n .n.: 3 ' 'I 'luiooiry niuri vry 4i(iaH(iiu i M Hd IA At a small advance above factory prices, thus enabling yon to puruia.se gooH irora nrst naud3,ani saving you tne pronta which arise from Eastern goods passing through several hands, which means a clear saving to you of 30 per cent I observe the following rules strictly: FIRST 1 liarc but one price. SECOND I sell for cash only. THIRD 1 rmrk all goods in plain figures. FOURTH I represent goods just as tliey are. Iliis system enables one person to obtain as much value for hit money as another. May he xs rich or poor, unaware of the valuo of goods, or ine ofest judge, grown person or child, 1 treat all alike. TEic ISiotvnsviEle Woolen Mills Good Are too well known for further comment Wc jnve you a f r BELOW COST! Until all our stock is sold, on ac count of retiring from business. Call early and get Good Bargains Prices no object. GOODS 3msr27 SOIiB , a 3E 3E IL, aS'X'.OiSR.U - EUGENE CITY, OREGON. 1 GRAND VnlilJan. 1, 188G, I propose to sell all kinds of GOODS at fRICEStliat will as tonish all. Tf you are in ivant of anything in my line give me a call and PRICE GOODS. Remember I mean Business. This is a Genuine Clearance Sale. i Mils iri.. m -'1,1: i r: .1 -uo.-.u.- Mr.ConVlins, Wing retired from aa over, w lio ilmlieve an peace and lar nuoiry 'iNitween all unctions iff the roan- "iry, wlioihatfl fliweord anH despise dum- Agoguet, Ad not ante the BepuUicon tidket in 3Cew York and Virginia. They Btoodin with the party that is jflndged to peaiie and liarniony. politics, appears to want the .Republic an party ta do likewise. His aUe as- aistanee i o this mi snay evidently oe c intited on at all seasons and on every oocaMon. Aliont 1 00,000 persons have died of oliulera in the sontn of Europe this year, lew of our prices on all-wool goods: SUITS f.ll 50;. FnraMTly old for (16. SUITS for UStf Fomerfy sold for $18. SUITS for 115; Fttrtorrfj oU f.fia SUITS ( $18. FuraiTlyaollfor 3 501 COTS' ALL-WOOL SUITS IS 16 yean, $C 53, C 50, 8 59, td Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEKKBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a writ of execution duly iasued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane couuty by the clerk thereof and to me directed on to-wit, No vember 13. 1SS5, upon a judgment and de cree cf foreclosure rendered in aaid court, ovemoer bin, JSfo, in a auit then and there pending wherein the board of Com missioner! fur the sale ot School l-amU and the Management of the Common School rand was pi If, and Beniamiu Cox and Jesse Cox defendants in favor ot said plain- till and against aaid ISemamin Cox uufairr- ant for the sum nf f 1949 50 with iuU'rej thereon from date of judgment at the raf of 8 per cent per annum and $200 attorney fee and costs and disbursements and for the foreclosure and sale of the ninrtir.-ii;ed prem ised hereinafter dcacrilied said defendant Jesse Cox in said suit then and there pend ing recovered judi;iiient against the aaid de fendant benjamin Cox for the sum nf $525 with interest thereon from date nf judgment at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, f."0 attorney fee, costs and disbursements, and a decree for sale and foreclosure of the follow ing described real property to-wit: The 8 1-2 of the 8 K 1-4 oi sec 25, and K 12 nf 8 W14. andVI2ofSK 14, ami S XV 1-4 nf N K 14, and 8 K 14 of N W 1 4. of section 27 all in T 15 S, K 5 IV, containing 320 acres in Iaiio connty, Oret'on. The prwewds nf audi ile ti he applied: first the payment of the judgment p't iu tifl herein and ettM nml dulio .i rrt. nts and expenw of mIi-; ami see I to the judinent i( said defendant J.-xse Cox. Kw therefore, to ify n'u nidinniita. a' Inmry fiD, enta nl ilialiiirscmciit nnd accroiuv costs and ex p:iMci nf a.kle, I will FLAX X EL UXDEKWEAll, I'LAlfXEL sm-II the above descnlx d moriunl premises A Pretty VYcman's Secret. Fear of discovery, when alio rewirt to) false hair and dyes, is n source of con s'ant anxli'ty to her. The very ihtkoiis from whom sliu most dolr'i to lrde th vnnlny of her elianni siv the one 11104 iiiiely to miike tlio distovirv. but ll.tre It no reason why Kim hliould not revain) Slid retain all the bcmity ot U:dr llml win her pride In youili. l.' t ln-r u-r A r Kit's li.uit icon'. iiihI. no omv wii: li- r h:.lr cn,o to full out, Inn m m'w nitvtli wiil nvpear where tin- sc:dn hi;sbin-n d.'iin.l d; iind I.m Ki t lint inn tnrniinf jrrav. or hiive nc'iiiilly pMwn vhl:e. v III return to their" pi Nline freshn and tnl.libucc of coior,. A VKIt'S IIaiii Vltmi: eure rioredltry EDlc:ne63. Ceohok 3lAVF.n. Flatnnia. TexamM bald at 23 years of s;,'e, si bis ancestors had been for several (feneration. One ' bottle of Hair Yiook started a jnwth of soft, downy hair all over hU scalp, which soon became thick, long, and vigorous. Aycr's MTigor h not a nV, but. by healthful stimulation Of the roots nnd color Kland, speedll restores to its original color hair that Is ; Turning Cray. Mr Catherine Diumfr," Point of liuckx, Md., had her balr suddenly blanched by fright, during Uie late civil war. Ayeii's IIaiii Viuou restored tt to Its aatural color, and made It softer rlossfer. and more slxiudaut than it had been b: ton: See') DIcaases Which cause drvues, brlttlenes,sfid fall In of t!ie hair, iluiidnitl', ilehinsr, anoS tinnovln soiv. ore ail qtiic-klv cured by Aykr'sIIaii: ViiiOK. li cured Herh-hri I!oyi, MlniieiH'iili, Miitit., of InloleN utile Iteliinpr vt the Sculp; J. X. 'an tkr, Jr., ()ec qnan, Va., tt Scald Head; 31ns. I). V. S. J.ovki.aik. Lnrt lurfi-Uh, K.. of Tetter Sores; Mim Kkssik TI. lii-PLOT. liuHingtmiy Vt..ot Senlp DUenso and Danl'rutr. Tor .pidity of the root of tin? hair, which. If neglected, may result In ineurnliln halil' nes. is rendilv cured bv AVEll'8 UaIHi Vigor. As A To!!ct Lixtury Ayer's IIaiii A'inon has no eoual. li U colorless, cleanly, dclihtfullv iier fumed, and li.-is llie'ctfei t of making tlis hair soft, pliant, and glossy. Aycr's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 3Iasa Sold by all Druggists. G. nOVEY, President. H. C. HUMPHREY Cashier, LLAXKET3, 53 DO, ft 50. $5, SC 50, V7 50, $8, 810. Rest ralue ia Oregon. FLAXXKLS All wool, 45c aad 50c per yard. OVERSHIUTS, Largest Stock. Loweot Prices. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! Forineii,W,13 50, $15. OVUICVATS! For bnys, W, $7 50, $3 5a , . . r, . . 1 . ol this dreadful liarvest was laruelT ivoiia inf .carrying Iowa, a State which ,-,-. . c . jpwe .a imajority mf Ia.000 for tne re pnUIican cnndidute twoyeuts ago, and 1)0,000 lonryearaaga The Cumutock miines are not jilayed cat -even jttt The pay roll of thre gleaned an France and Spain. Ia Cochnfort, the ct-lcVated French Comniuuint and tnCde, indited a oriwt to the Virgin Marr. The city of East Portland ia tJll amines fur die mont'h of OctbW foot mp ,Ctf course, it ahoni tie limit aTlowed f the chy eh art sr. Remember we carry nothing but all-wool goods, and guarantee to give an article that will wear longer and cost less money than any house in Eugene. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS at CAPS, OVERALLS, DUCK-LINED GOODS, ETC.," Constantly on hand. ecrrs axo oveiicxjats jiadk to order. JLiiout f our Hundred walling vessels ' It is atiU the C. O. P, hut the initial r nriiloTcd !in earning w:h at around now ntand for, 44 Cane Out roraia a,p lira from illie rnnfic cnasL JJieuLy. J Jleimeai'uT the place. snotr.vsviLLE CLOTIIIXO HOI e, - Fuar doors north of Pomi office. ? W. r. MrClBTUV, Prwp. at i l'io auction to tlie highest lii.-l.l. r for ein in hAiid at the Conrt n-us At or in Eugene (,'ity. Ijne county, Oreji'm, on . nan Jay,rr?iiirr 21st, I .", at the hour of 2 o'cto-k P M nf said day. J. K CAMPBRf,. Sheriff lue County tret;in. ' Tla'r.1 Xor 20, ISSj. SKATIiGX LANE'S RINK, JOE LXC, Manager. -VfOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEX THAT 1.1 this nnk will be opn each day and even inc. except on occasions of a dance or theatri wl, during the sUtirnr wason. Price orly 25 cents per evening, or $7 50 per season of four months. I have no clamiM, but have tue best Vuiiard and Climax statea. If I purchase damn I will bo enough for all bit customers: I will not nl a d'wu for cappers. I will treat all my ens tntnrrs alike. I hare no clners or dead fall cnicians to play for we I will paiut you all with one bniih. LAKE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY, HUMPHREY A CO EUGENE CITY, - - OR it account nnd on . L PORTLAND, SAV FTtANCTSCO . NEW YORK. AXP1 T'i'ls of Exchange sold on the Cities ot Euroe. Loans made. Collectings snail accessible points a specialty., Excited Thousands AM over tl land are going into ecstasy nvef Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their unionised for recovery by the timely use of this great life saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is L'naraiiteed to positively en re Severe Coughs, Coins, Asthma, ' Hay fever, fronchiti Koaiseness, Loss of Voice, or sny affection of the Throat and Lungs. "AJf WrS II Kricndlyv will pay the highest saah market pries for wheat. Orve him a call before selling yowr grain elsewhere. .A . vat J. A. CARDWELL, llnaral A iron I IL FULLER, of Harrisbur,-, Local At for Lian and Lans eoactiea.