The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 17, 1885, Image 4

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.OCTOHKU 17. 1835.
U Extra Ration.
The extra wwTion which Gov, Moody
la called o nift on the 9th proximo,
j reHporwe to the demand cf the
rint politictHns, and of thtn nlona The
prop to do not want an extra smion,
coupled aa it will ho with extra taxa
tion, all fcr the nolo purrios". of elevat
ing ho tie ainliitioua individual to the
U. S. Senate, hut in ti:nes of liuhiiwss
depression like tln'W, ilipy demand and
insiHt that the tribute which the slate
draws awny from their Itusimns shall
J o as light as poHtiilile.
We await with -jrreat curiosity Mr.
Moody's message to the Legislature.
We would like to know whnt extra
ordinary occasion Ims arist n that de
mands a session of the Legislature.
Wh have failed to oWrve any serious
defuvt in the machinery of the law,
and we are very doubtful if the Gov
trnor hasl, But it may he that a
state law has changed tire constitution
oftheSiate, We hope that the Gov
ernor has not made this wonderful dis
covery, hut we incline to think that
w his reason for an extra session.
There is not even a partisan neces
sity for the calling of the Legislature
as the U. S. Senate will he llepuMi
can during President Cloveland'i term,
even though two Democrats wcro to
go from Oregon to to the Sen ite. The
newly fleeted senator will not change
national legislation in the least.
There is no excuse for an extra ses
sionl It is unnecessary, there is no
reason for its huing and the legality
of any law passed ly that bpdy may
im called in question. What the Dem
ocratic member will do remains to be
went The session is for a ring
purpose and it would seem that 31 of
(the members have no business in the
rocuedings of that body.
The iron and Steel manufacturers of
Pennsylvania, in meeting assembled,
last Wednesday resolved against any
tariff agitation. They do not care for
themselves, but then the poor work
ingmen! It's too bad that they cannot
continue totlevate and dignify "Amer
ican" labor by importing Hungarian
laborers who work for nothing, live on
nothing and then return to Hungary.
The farmers should contiuuo to pay
these benevolent people just twic j what
their articles are worth.
"No town or city has a right to give
man license or per.nit to sell any
wares or merchandise on the sidewalk
or onthe street in front of the proper
ty of another person. The street in
front of a man's place of business is
held to be an appurtenance to the lot
upon which his store is erected and
situated, and belongs to him and his
business as against all others, except
only to travel thereon." So says the
Supremo Court.
The Republican State of Ohio last
Wednesday elected tho Republican
State .ticket by about 13,000, about
one-half thoir usual plurality. The
Legislature is probably Republican,
though it is still in doubL The Pro
hibit ionisli polled 23,000 votes. The
Republicans brought out their full vote
and of course the State wont Republi
can. From careful estimates the Doyton
paper learns that 650,000 bushels
of wheat have been received in Day
ton this Reason, including what has
gono to the milk Over 3J0.000 bush
ids are s'.ill in tho yard, and but to
liflhs of the crop has Wen delivered.
Every warehouse is full and 130,000
bushels are piled up outside and cov
ered with sheds.
The San Francisco Chronicle says
that a sure sign of the revival of husi-
nes is afforded in the heavy failures of
. .. . I Ml I
York tirws for several mill
ion dollars. These firms belong to the
"bear'' crowd, which is alvsays seeking
to depress values. It appears thai
the ,'" have had their dy, and
that they will have to take a vacation
for some years.
If the Republicans were in the mi
nority in the legislature, wouldn't they
take about the following course:
First, they would refuse to attend;
tsocoud, when compelled to attend they
would all resign and appeal to tlm peo
p'e. We don't pretend to say what
course the Democrats will pursue in
this nutter. Time will tell all.
About the best specimen of enter
prise was that exhibited by Hie Port
land News in giving by telegraph elec
tion reports from Iowa three weeks in
advance of the election. Who iay
that home manufactures a.W languid.,
jig in Oregon.
Tlie Republicans have carried Oh 0
in fVi-rv ttrrHK RlltlU Hl'CtLOn. J II
1850 Fremont's plurality over Duth-
7 r
annan la a total voe ot lit man
30",OOt was over 10,000. u 18G0
Lincoln's majority ovt all tlnroth r
candidates, Divckiiiridf,, IMI and
Doui;lua was a fraction less than
30,000. In li61 Lincoln's majority
over McClellau was 59,500. In 18Gt
Oram's majority over Seymour was
41,6U0. In 1872 Oram's niujority
over Greeh-y, O'Connor and ISIuck
wa33,L'C8. in 1870 Hayes' majority
was reduced :o about 3,0n0, hut his
plurality over Tilden was 7,516. In
18SO Garlield's tnWity was 34,227
aqd inl883 Maine' plurality 31,802.
The great cathedral of Saint Peter
at Moscow, built to commemorate the
releiwH of that city from tlio french
invasiotu is now completed and it is
said that its vast cupolas rival in col
oring with the gold and soarlet of the
sun. They are five in number and no
less than 930 pounds of cold were
used in overlaying thni. The doors
of the temple cost $310,000, and upon
the marble floors were expended
tl.500,000. Ten thousand worshipers
can lie comfortable, if their souls let
them, within this 81 2.500,000 temple.
The Rev Wesley b Pierce is the
name of the Rev. Dr. Newman's suc
cessor. He is the same clergyman
whos't atteiiiDt about a vear nzo to ct
Joseph Cook out of liud o as to have
mm attend a Draver meotuiLr was the
ciiuso of a personal encounter helwen
the in that was the newspaper sensation
of tbe day.
Wells, Fargo's express company are
about, to establish a new money order
system by which the rum of one dollar
or upward) may be transmitted to any
part of the United States oither by ex
press or mail. Jt M similar to the
nioimv order system and is made paya-
able at any place where an express
agency exists.
The Army and Navy Renter snj
tul t there uiv f.-'vrr uUk-ers of eiiht"
arm of the wrvioe now idling away
their tiini- in Washington than at any
Doriinl .within tint iiihuioi y of man. In
view of this fi.ct there is a possibility
that som of them urn attending to
their duty.
With assets amounting to 200 cents
on the dollar. Roach's failure was not
so bad after all. TIi schedule recites,
assets, 4,481,748; liabilities, 82,221
877. 1 Inn shows that he can pay
ewo dollars for every ono he owe..
Ex Gov. P. 11. S. Pinchback, of
Louisiana deems it necessary to- tell
reporter that he is "out of polities al
tosethur." but the entire breed of car
pet bag scoundrels has Wit out for
some years, and, what is mom to the
point, will stay out.
. 9 "-
Cardinal McCloskey, the first Amer
ican to attain to the honor of the red
hat, is dead. He was greatly honored
and esteemed by portions of all denom
inations, as he was a man of unusual
ability and uncommon force and pari
ty of character.
The past season is said to have been
the worst for the circus known in ten
years. The reason is believed to be
that Blaine so overdid the business
lust )i ar that the publiu got tired of it
Mitchell, Williams and Moody are
the virtuous and distinguished Re
publican trinity. To place ohm of thos(
men in power will cost the taxpayers
of Ur. gon .Hi,UUU.
Mrs Bclva Ann Lock wood's Presi
dential boom advertised and advanced
her lecturing tour so that she has
cleared $2,000. The Widow Butler has
only cleared out.
Mr. II. W. Shaw, the famous hu
morist, better known as Josh Billings,
died at Monterey, Ual., last Wednus
day, of appoplexy.
Some enthusiastic Republican has
nt....i 'i' t t r
Ment and Fred 1). Grant for Vice
President for 1888.
Republican papers are daily confess-
mjj that their party made a lamentame
failure of reconstruction.
San Francisco wheat dealers pay 15
I UCrllb a Ulinilol IIIVI J iUl niNU. bum.
. - v..., I. ..I C..M mhunf tlia.
do tlm portttnj sharks.
A Card.
Junction Cut, Oct. 14.
Thtrta lul A ni-it ir Mav tht-ra wa a car.
tain calf mii"K fnxu our nfi(;hlr!iiHl, and
its Air. 1. J. .Mount, i.nmeny a rwiueni nrre.
but now a rroiilrnt t4 Wnco countr, had
driven a rfrovt ii wttU out of our neighbor
hotsl, I thmiuht tK calf ii qiiMtioR had
traywl aiuoat hi cttle siul had beendrivtu
away by Mr. MutRtt. Sinca that time h
calf ha brrn fniiad, ad 1 am Mtifir1 1 waa
mitl-n. 1 now dtntre V exonerate .Mr. Mnf-
a i..A !. Vti.M til nt thflt ha im Ltnn.
cent of any cbarge brought by nm aiMiuat hiin.
of tbe Kute. (fotiat luana. Col
lection promptly attended t.
OKSi-Uvr Urainfo Mora. aiu-u
l Formerly of De .Holaavlowam
for t)i iuii)oM of teat-bins PU.xo. OHOAS
and Hahwont. AH the latest Uie'.h.xU t-m-Uyed
to develop a tin technique. Roooie f
tie present, cor. Seventh and llh tta, olO
gOIlff '8 TaX SalO
by virtue of a warrant for tbe collection
ot delinquent taxoe for theyeare 1881, l&2,
1883 nd lb84, inaued out nl the County
Court of tho Suto of Oregnu fur Lane
County, by the Clerk thereof, and to me di
rected, on to-wit: September 11, ISS.i, com
manding me t make the euuu llierciu
nameii nut of tho peraoiial jjr-K.ily of the
tax-payers therein named, and if none be
found, then out of tlm real property aa let
forth in laid iiat. Mow, therefore, bein
unable to rind any personal property, I have
loviud upon the mortgage or security for
audi uiortgnge belonging to taid deiioquent
tax-payer aud rcsl property ai fulluM, to
witt A in or ican Mortgage' Company, mort
gagee -Sec T 15 S, K S W,
recorded in Vol G, page 137,
'mortgage record for Luue Couu
ty, Craig Haye mortgagor; tax
for 1883 and 18S4 16 00
Ameriuan Mortgage Company, inorl.
gagee-Sec, 3, 10 and 11, T
l'J S, R 5 W, Vol G, page ICO,
J L Heatherly mortgagor; tax
for 1883 aud 1884 ' 64 00
New Englaud Mortgage Security
Company, inortgagcu See 20, 1'
18 H, K 2 W, Vol D, pago G33,
Alonzo V Shelley, mortgagor;
tax for 1883 ud 1884 9G 00
New Euglaud Mortgage Security ,
Company, mortgagee Sec 2t
and 35, 2 W, Vol D,
page b47. Caleb Davis utotlgagor
tax for 1883 aud 1884 64 00
New Englaud Mortgage Security
Company, mortgagee Sect 21
ami 28, T 18 8, K4 W, Vol D,
page 654, Clia Calloway, niort- .
gagor; tax for 1883 and 1S84. . . 57 60
New Kngluud Mortgage Security
Coinpuuy, morcgiigee Sec -U
and 30, T 17 S. K 6 W, Vol D,
page 651, (eo Sliultz, mortgagor;
tax for laSUand 1884.......... 80 00
New England, Mortgage Security
Company. mortgagee Sec 1 aud
12. T 18 , II 4 W, Vet 1), page
661, G M Whitney mortgagor;
tax for 1883 and 1884 64 00
New England Mortis Security
Company, m irtate .Sec 26,
27, 34 and S l hi S, K 6 ,
Vol I), page trtjli, A Moiilgomery
mortgagor; U i 'or 1883 anil 1881 1 IS 40
New England Mortgage .Security
Company, ntnrtfc.igi-'C - So 20
aud 32, T U S, I. 6 VV, Vol D,
pago 607, Hoti 4 Mo-ri'.on ino. -gugori,
tax for 13.83 and 1881. . . 35 20
New ftiglaml Morlxge Seoirity
Compau), morttaeu Sco IS, T
17 S, Il 1 W, Vol li, paj;e4, Al
miraHaibin iHorlgaot; tax for
. 1883 ami 1884. 17 60
New England Mortgage Secivrily
CoiU,.iny,iunrl iee - soc2nil
3. T III, anil Sco 35, T 15 , R 3
W, Vol G, pigu4l, W 11 and U
AV Soiiiltwnrin iiHirlgagora; I ax
for lSS.Iao.HSSl 100 00
New Knglaud .Mortgage Security
Company, mortgagee Sec 6 and
7, T 17 S, K 5 V, Vol tt, page
53, J VV (.r(H mortgagor; tax
for ISSIand 1884 32 00
New Eoiaud Mortgage rVcurity
Company. niortg;gee tieci ID
ami 24. f 17 S, l; V, Vol ti,
pae 8'i .1 M Lxk mortgagor;
tux tor liS.H antk 1884 70 20
New Englaud Moilgag .Security
I'niiipanv, mortgagee -Sn J and
8. T 13 , It 4 VV, Vol l, paga
630, A Humlp cn mortgagor ux
for laS.1 and 1881 41 40
American I'Vewnild Land Cnmpaiiy,
mortgagee 1 1aiirt 1H, T 16
S, il l VV, Vol I), p.v;e 70kr
Nnouiu Siiel ioi moiigaor; tax
for l.Vaii.l 1884 C4 00
American Krtcliold Lamt Company,
mortgagee 20 and 20, T J6
H, li 3 VV, V ol l, .ige 731, A
1. Vaulian mortgagor; tax lor
for 18S3aud 1881. 1S3 60
American Krceliold Land Company,
mnrtgatcc-Sio ill, T I" S. I; 4
VV.V ol I), pago 733. C VV (Well
mortgagor; tax for 1883 and
1884 134 40
American Freehold I .a ml Company,
mortgagee Sue 32, 33 aud 34,
T 15 S, It 5 W, Vol I), page 740,
Polly Marion mortgagor; tax for
1883 and 1834 2)1 Cj
American Freehold Laud Company,
mortgagee T 16 S, t! 3 VV , Vol
D, page 743, MolviHe Taylor
mortgagor; tax for 1883 aud 1834 120 00
Ameriuan Freehold Land Company,
Mortgagee Sc 1 and 8, T 16 S,
R 3 VV, Vol D, page 745, Jesse
Simmon, mortgagor; tax for
1883 and 1884 86 40
American Freehold Ijtod Company,
niortnKee-Seai 12 and 13, T 17
S, K 7 W, V.4 IX pn;fl 740,3 Mn
Con uell mortgagor; tat for 1883
and 1884 16 00
American Freehold Land (Yniany,
mortgagee Sees 1 and 2, '1' 17 S,
It 5 VV, and See. 31 and 36, T 16
S, R 5 VV, Vol D, page 767, J M
Andrew mortgagor; tux for 1883
and 1884 140 80
American Freehol t Land Company,
mortgagee - T 16 8, R 5 W, Vol
I), iag 770, C H Siewell mort
Ragor; tax for 1883 and 1384 27 20
American Freehold Land Company,
mortgagee- T 111 S, II 3 W, Vol
D, age 755, W II BaW mort
Kaifor; tax for 1S83 and 1834 38 40
American FreehoM ltnd Company,
niorttfae-T 18 nnd 19 S, R 1
W, Vol D, page 781, . I Barbree
morti!i;or: tax for 1883 and 1884. 43 20
American FreehoM Ijnd Company,
mortKa'ee Sec 12 ami 1. 'I' 13
8, R 5 VV, Vol I). pa-e 700, S M
Farlev mortL'airor: tax for 1383
and 1831 105 60
American Freehold Land Cwnpuny,
morttficee -Sem 20 and 29; T 16.
S, R 4 VV, Vol D, pK 785, W B
lilachlev mort-'iiror: tax i 1883
and 1834.-. - 176 00
American Freehold Lnnil Com)ny,
niortttaaei-Sec2l, T 19 S, Rl
V. Vol O. lai:e 2U. Th" Rnrbroe
mnrtirauor; Ux for 1X"3 and 18S4- (4 00
Dundee MortK'U,'' ( -nmpany , mortgagee
-Sec 21 and 22, T 15 S, R 5 VV,
V.. I 1). mure 20. I.nlmn Sauuder
morttfanr; tax for 1834 27 20
Dundee MorU.-ai.-e Company, norttrairee
- .Se- 2i, 2T, 34 ami i 1 17 ,
R 2 VV, Vol 1), page 200, VV ID
Odell and wile mortgagors; tax
f 14 40 00
Dundee Mort-iiife . imiuny. nirtjagee
-Sec 17, T 21 S, K 3 E, Vol I),
pAe 414. II J I'tngra mortgagor;
Ux for 1834 00
Dundee Mirtir(,'e Company, mortt.-ace
I In ami 17 S, K 4 V , V S i),
pae "3d, Sternlwrtf ft Sender
mortff atfora; ta f or If 84 W 40
Dundee Mortgnge Company. mort!rau''
-See , 1 an.l 19, I lb f. K 5
V. Vul 7D3. llenl Hi land
mortcain r: tat for 1834 12 80-
Dundee Mortirave Company, mort.-atree
-Sec 23, T 15 , It 5 V , Vol li,
pAire 13, G H Cmw et al mort
i a lax for 1884 17 90
Dundee Mortgac ( Vim any, murt.-atfe
- Sec 10, T 13 X, K j W, Vol U,
pare 23. R M Starn mnrtgagor;
tax lor INil ww.
Dundee Mortgw.-Comrnv,mrtk'gM I
-T 19 S. R2 ami S VV. Vi4 G,
page 36. Roaou Kaox mortgagor; I
x forlM ,. 32 00,
Dundee Mortgag Company, morttfaifee
-T10S,Jt3VV, Vol U, p.Xe343.
r U Vaugban mortgagor; tax for
1384 f 56 00
Dundee Mortgage Company. mortL-aee
-T17S, li 2 VV, Vol D, p.i(;e 354,
Y H (lager raortxngor; tax for 1384 24 00
Dundee Mortwe Company, mortat'ee
-See 9, 1 16 S, It 4 VV, Vol D,
page 741. H V Howard mortgagor;
tax for 1881 48 03
Dundee Mortgage Couipniiv, mortgagee
-Sec 19, i 3U anil 31, 1 19 S, It -2VV,V,.l
D.pae new Knox
mortgagor; tux for 18S4 24 00
Dundee Mortgage Companv mortuaee
-Sec 20, T 16 8, It 4 VV, V.d V,
page 570, P 11 Couch mortgagor;
tx for 1884 32 00
Dundee Mortgage Couirnny, m rt-ee
-T 1H 8 R 5 VV, Vol L), pae S75,
D R Hill mortgagor; tax for 1834.. 30 80
Dundee Mortgage Company, mortgage
T 17 8, R 4 and 5 VV, Vol D,
paga 685, W (i I'lirkenna uiort
gogor; tix for 188 81 60
Oregon and Waahink-tou Mortgage Sav.
ings Bank, mortgagee-Sec 11, T 17
S, R 4 VV, Vol D, page 038, J 11
McClure mortgagor; tax for 183
and 1884 " 20 80
Oregon and Washington Mortqat'O Sav.
higa Rank, mortgagee Sec 21 and
22, T 16 8, R 3 VV, Vol O, page 31,
Ilulinga Miller mortgagor; la for
1383andlH8f 96 00
Oregon and Washington Mnrtpge Sav
ing Rank, mortgagee T 15 S, It
4 VV, Vol O, page 44, Ju R Crow
mortgagor; tax for 1H8.1 ami 1884. . 44 80
Oregon and WaLinston Mortgage Sav
ing Rank, mortgagee See 24 and
25, T 15 S, K 5 VV, Vol G. page 49,
F M Smelaer mortgagor; tax for
1883 and 1831 ... 44 80
Taylor, I'hareta-S J of Don Id cl of
Feter Shelley, Not 61, T 18 8, 11 2
. W, tax inr mi 3 85
Keeney, VV D-Frart lt 2 in fiait I lk
K, Mulltgaji' lnintioti ti Lane
County; Ut for 13S3, 13)3 and lt34 3 72
Now, tlieref'Te, y '.ru e of uid warrant,
and tn aati-fy o p,m :-i,-ether will!
and expenwH of wiie, I will the nlnne de-
aerihed property at pulili'.- aurtion, to tit
highlit bitliicr, f.. I:, hand, at t'je Conit
Houae door ia Eugene t hy, Laue County,
Oregon, on
.Holiday, October 2ttU,
Commencing raid ante at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. iL of aaid day.
Dated Sept. 25, 1835.
Sheriff and Tax Collect or Lane Co., Or.
Buy Hay ward band grenade. .
For good den tint! y go to Taylor & Eberly.
The highext caah price will be paid for wheat
byFBDuun. .
Auk your druggist for a package of Oregon
Kidney Tea.
Phutographt finished neatly aud artia
tically at VVmtcr'.
A Quo line of silk plusbe in all ahadea
and grade ait F B Dunn'.
Oabura mower can be purchased at the
tore cl Fmchett & Forkuer for ceU
The beat candie and orange can alway
be found at E Baum'd confectionery atore.
If you are in want of agricultural rnauhiu.
fliyof any kind, remember that Mr J M
Heudricka keep a full axanrtment.
MrS H Friendly will pay the highest
sash market price for whoat. Give him a
call before telling your grain elsewhere.
E Baum fell the beat cigira and tobacco
ever nSered for sale in Eugene. Cigar from
5 eta to 25 eta apiece, and all pure Havanna
Dr. Taylor' 7 Oak Crmponnd, purely veg
eta'ole. taken internally, positively enrra rheu
matinn, neur.dgia, toothache, chill and fever
and cramp colic Sold by Osborne & Co.. hu
trene. Agenta, Snell, Hrftihu & Woodward,
Forttaad, Oregon.
urn o!
But it is THE MAN
that has been buying
Bread, Cakes, Cigars,
Tobacco, Etc., at the
Store of
Oshrn I Bslshw
For the past month
and found that lie was
Making at least
25 Per Cent.
thereby. He has had
Kicking liini because
lie didn't TUMBLE
Luuilred of b.nraiu are uow olftred to everybody. Our BMortuieut o
I n lfir.-a that you will actually nave 25 per cent by buyinc your Faf! nd VTinb. t ,
at the 1 X L Siore. U uro ami cvall and ajo
Momelliiug ery new in Eugene.
0cr f 'OOO wnrth nf Lailicii' and Cliiliiri-n' Cloak have int nrrivc-d, fflwet from Ne
York. We are nelling them for lis luonty thaM tiny ean be bniight in I'oitd, and 2J pe
:en( timar tunn unyouc in j-.iajt;neM
Were neve fwfore offered n cheap in Eugene. ' are Pellinj: all-wnnt nirita- f elothe, gnnrf
Hutu, aood ftwiU and Shoe chritper that, anyone in Eugene, ami if you have cah, brini it l.
u aud save 25 per cent on every article you buy.
And Get lI Worth of
E. E Luckey &Co
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
We will keep a full assortment
and sell at living figures.
In hands of a competent druggist.
To LucJceu 4' Bristaw at the old Ellsworth Store.
wtK a i Hi r n rs-, Trmr
m. n. IU1
Hardware "and all kinds of Agri
cultural Implements.
STORE-On Willamette Street, opposite "Guard" Cffict
look: HE EE I
At the Depot,
$1Q per Thousand.
Sheriff 's Sale.
ji by virtue of an-execution duly burned nut
ot tHe Circuit Court of the hute ofr Qri-goii
fur Ijihb ( oiiiitv. bv the Clerk thereof and
tn me directed, mi to-wit: October 6th.
l&SSyUfinna iinlment remlered in u:l cmirt
September 2."th, 1SS., in f.ivor f S. H.
Krwndly, plaintiff, and ajjaiuat J M Wil-
helm, riefi nHant, tor tn auin n ?.
with interest thereon from dte of juilg
......t ml h rf i if S i cr ri-nt upr annum.
and the further um of (M) attorney fee,
and the urtlierium ot tl ) iJ coma aim nis
bumenienta, I have levied upnn the follow
ins ili-grrilied leal nmnprtv. to-wit: Com-
menoing nt the S K corntr of M If Hen-
dritk' lainl in Sees 1G ami SI. T l'J .h, k S
W, thence N34 degree V Sa.Wch, thence
3 in A..r W fi IK) t V thence S 28 de
gree E 2G.45 ch, thence N 40 dopreo E
9 00 ch ta place of linning, ooutaining
lg.Wacrf lit lne uouniy, un'tpm.
r..u- thernfiirp. liv virtue nt aaid writ.
and toHtinfy said jmlnieut, intercut, cont,
if..n.v'. fva ami aci-minir Coat and ex-
peune of rale, I will sell nil the right, title
and interent of J M Yi!hc!m in aod to the
above described iremies nt public auc
tion tn the highest bidder, tor r.vh in
hand, nt the Court Hooso door iu Eugeue
City, Lane Couty, Oregon, nn
.Holiday , ovem!er 9tli. 1HS3,
Between the hours of 9 o'clock A M and' 4
oVIuck P M of said rlav.
.1. 15. CAMPBELL,.
Sheriff Ijine County, Oregon.
Keynote to Health.
Health ia wealth. Wealth . mean indrpen
denoe. The keynote is Dr Toeanko' Cowgh
and Long Syrup, the bent Cnngh Symp in the
world Cure Couh, Cohla, Pain in the
Chest. Bronrhiti nH Primary CouaumpticB.
Fric SO ceo la aod IL
our new niggurhoad. Diy Bood jn all ahadJi
(Joed for 75 centN.
A Pretty Voiiisn'sSscretr
Fear of discovery, when aim ixvnrts to
fulse bnir mid ilvwi, is u houitc of run--siiiiit
nnxicty to'licr. Tho vory person
from wliuMi'jjIie inont dc-iiv to bide the
waiiin,' of her i-liiirnis lire tliu oih-h mont
likely to tniike the ilisrovcrv. Hut Ihcro
is no n-uson why sh sliotild ilot rr-.-ulu
mid rotiiin si 1 1 the beuiity of bull thut
her pride in youth. Let her n- Ami's
Haik VKioit, mid, not only will her hair
censfi to full out. but n new (.'rowth iil
HpM'iir whore the m-nli Iib bt;n tl-tntl- 1 :'
and' looks thut arc turtiinfr griiv. or live
m-timlly crown white, will n-lurn to thrir
pristiiio'fn-slnii-is and hriliiiiiR-c of color.
Aykk's Uaih VKiOlt t-llivs
Heredltrry Fldness.
Ceorok JhYKR. Ffatnnia. Tew
balil ut ti vein s of no, i his iiiieeMor
luid been for wvi-ral frencnition-i. it
buttle of HaiU Viuoit ctuited prowtli of
soft, downy linlr till over bis wulp. which
(uou became thick. Ion-:, nud vigorous.
Is not a (liir, but. bv lioaUliful stlinulatlon
of the roots uinl color gl..uds. nK'fcllly
restore to its oi-Ifuul color liair that 11
Turninc Cray.
Mrs. CaTiirmxR I'i:.vjii:r, P"in of
'"Ca-.i, Iiadi her hiiie' luddenlv
bliincbod In- fn;'ht, durin-j t-tio' llitn civil;
war. Av Kit's Hair' Yttirtit iTstoml it
to-its-natural color, rnd mndc it fofter.-jrloMsicr.-
nud moiu uli:udaul lliau it liau
becu before.
Scalp Diseases
AVliii-Ii cause drvneas. brittloncss.niidfidt:'
iii of the bad-, dandruff, irrhinir.
annnvlicr corc'. mn u!l fpiickly ctirid W
A" y Kit's I ! . l it V i; i:. I r cuiTd Hkhhkkt
lloYD, Miiiuei'imlU, Minn., ot inil"'
whin Itcl.lns of the Sculp; J. X. On
tkk, Jr.. Ocnngimii, I'd., of Scnld
Hen 1 1 ; Mkx.-1. V. S. Lfi Kl.A( K. L"rf
UiffriUf. h'u.. of Totter Sores: J.'"'
lil'sstH If. Itrni-OK. PHrlinptoii, If., of
8eal Disease nnd Dandruff. J "J
pidiiy of the ronts of te hair, which.
nt-,'lcci d, ninv result in Inrm-nhlc Iwl'l"'
ness. Is roiulily cured by AYt'K's 111
VKiott. As
A To!!ct I uxttry' t
Arr.n' Hair Vtr.m Has n ("'
is colorless, cleanlv, deliditfullv l
fumed, nnd lins theVfTi-ct of making tw
liair soft, pliant, nnd (jlossy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Dr.. J C. Ayr & Co, Lowell, M"
Sold by all Druggists.
r- ,.., i. jL ,t
1 ", r-
, . - i... ...,1 a wbi".
i-linee im wnra eanj nu --. .,pria,f
seme reli-.l.le Medicins likePnM
W.oon FrKinrit. A remniy i r-.
tive of ttisapa it can 301 ue '" "."-rfjp.
Rheuniatiara and Mabwia. relive 'r
ti..n. Uyirxp.; and Bill'""1. ." ,
frh enerv-y into the aytem hy n" k(t.
Rich Blood. All Druggist and Dealt
it. $1.00 bottle. 6 for
Aver s Hair Vigoi