The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 10, 1885, Image 3

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Bummer Frocks and rajielna All 9orU oi
Beaaonable Moveltle.
Ia the sanctuary of borne a worn m
always looks ber best in the simplest oi
gowns, made of tbe most Inexpensive
materials. Tbe laudable desire to look'
well at all times, even when ranking
padding or slicing bread, can be grut.
lied to the fullest extent this summer,
no matter how slender the purse.
Charming printed lawns that look
like lineaj because, though sheer, thi
fabric is not very fine, while the
threads are round and strong, are sell
ing fn many houses, but as a special tv
at llearn's'in Fourteenth street at 2 7 8
eenU the yard. Prints are correspond
ingly low priced, while organdies and
mulls can do bought at figures from ten
cents to thirty cents and sateens at
eight cents to twelve cents tho yard.
Any of these midsummer stuffs ma ie up
in the "housema'd's frock,"
now so popular with English women,
make a love of a gown for any woman,
but especially one who, with
household motions light and free,
lives within the charmed circle of home
and wears on her lips tho golden
calm of summer charity. Att;red in
any of the many gauzy wash-goods
fabrics that are now so plentiful, or in
cool, fresh prints, the languors of the
melting months of July and August,
and the tortures of the boated term
lose half their force and power. No
laco or enibro dury should be put on
these fabrics When the frock is in
tended for domestic indoor wear. They
look better the pla ner they are made,
but there should be no appearance of
scarcity of material. Let tho skirts,
though plain, be full; the sleeves loose
enough to roll up above the elbow, but
long enough to cover tho waist when
down; the neck high, and finished with
a high turn-over collar of the material.
The Mother Hubbard loose gown is an
excellent pattern for such dresses.
Judging from some of the models of
dresses seen in the Aqgust number of
the Revue le la Mode, just out. it may
be Inferred that the longYoverdress, or
tunic, will be abandoned this fall for
the short scarf drapery, or none at all,
and that flowers will not be worn any
longer. Long voluntes, however, of
lace or open embroidery, for the entire
front ot skirts, fall ng over plain silk
or wool, is a feature in these lately im
ported models from Puris. The waist
coat retains its place, and is seen, in
one form or another, on almost every
fash onable bodic. It generally ends
at a point, however, below tho wa st
line, and is oftencr inserted than form
ing a separate garment.
A point made in favor of plain skirts
is their 1 ghtness. Another point in
favor of sensible and comfortable dress
is that dress sleeves are loose at tho
elbow and reach well over the wrist.
The shorten:ng ell'ect is then given by
a band, trimming, or pull' just below
the elbow. Sometimes a ribbon is t ed
around at that point and forms a Hut
round bow on the top of the arm.
Bonnets and hats 'grow lighter and
larger as the season advances, f hey
are of tulle, laco, net, mull, and the
lightest of straws, Tuscan being a
special favor to on account of tho ar
tist, o harmon zing of its peculiar color
' with the beige, natural linen or twine
color, and dark creamy tints now so
fashionable. Tuscan straw also looks
well with white, black or tinted toilets,
and is especially charming with pougee
frocks trimmed with beige laco, or
printed dcla.ncs, challics and vo. lings
made up in such numoers for fall wear
at the seaside and watering places.
Numbers of light Fayal straw hats
in a modified Mother Hubbard poke
form are also sold at very low ligtires,
and tr. turned with white mull or white
Oriental lace, put oiy in pleated
rows, covering tho that from the
center of the crowff tho edg'
of tho brim. Tho linigjj'proforrod
for such hats is of black o' ft y dark
brown, blue, green or mqiJon velvet.
There is no brim to speak of in tin
back of these hats, but they project
well over the forehead in front. )u
the very apex of the crown is placed a
bow of long loops, falling in a wheel on
top of the crown. . J. ho r.bbon forming
th s bow may be any bright color pre
'erred. It is not necessary for it to
taut h the color of the 1 n ng. Kutter
aip yellow satin ribbon is the favor, te
fir these bows, but other colors and
vth .te and black are also worn. Other hats are simply banded With a
soirf of mull and lined with the same
orleft unlined. A big butterlly bow
of mull is then placed on the front of
thi crown. These are the kind of hats
to vearw th inexpensive lawn of calicrt
dreises, but even if donned with a
black or colored silk, they are not out
of puce, and impart a sweet freshness
to tie to. let. Artilioial llowers . are
also i sod to decorate them, as tho ex
pnnst of this add. ton is Tery sm;ill just
now. Flowers are almost g.ven away
at tra m llinery counters ' of largo
storento make way for tho fall trade,
whichin Now York begins as early as
lilivk dresses, especially those of lace
or tr.nuied black lace, are more
popular than ever. Even' fash ona-ilo
woman has two or several black to lets
among tier wardrobe eU'ets this sea
son. A Y. Sun.
Their Derivation Shown Hy Relerenoe to
.Early Englleu Illstory.
One of the most common methods of
bestowing t-urnames was from the
place of residence. The name of a
street. iown, a particular district of
country, With tho syllable at or after
or by as an introduction, gave such
names us Atwood, Byford and Byatt
Another das of names arose from the
pracl ce f appending to the name a
terra'. ution indicative of the place of
residence.' Thus the rustic often be
came known among his acquaintances
as Robert the Field, or Fielder. Filder;
if be lived in a forest, he was Woidycr.
or Wood, er Woodman; if by the
clitirci, lit was Churchman, or in
Scot and, Kirkman; if by a monastery.
Temole. or Templeraan, or Templer; if
by the cross to be found in every vil
lage, ho was Cross, or Crossman, or
Croucher, or Crouchman; if by the
br.dge, he became Bridgcr, or Bridge
man. From similar reasons cam: the
names Brooks, Brookman, Wells,
We'ler, Wellmau, Beeeher, Beeehman,
Hollywood. Oker and many others.
The word hurst or hirst is often found
as a part of a proper namo. It orig
inally meant wood, and the compounds
f irmed with it are numerous. If hazel
are about, it is Hazeluurst; is
Lyndhurst; if hawks are often found, it
is Hawkhu st, and Biockelhurs: is of
ten seen for badgerwoods, Deerhurst
for a doer forest, the proper names of
men following the-e appellations.
The holt was a less 'evtensivo forest
than the hurst, and from it we have
Aldershot, Oakshot and Bug shot. A
shaw was a small woody covert, a
common shelter for game, and It re
mains in our language as Hindshaw,
Coekshaw, Henshaw, or Hernshaw
and Earnshaw, an abbreviation of
Heronshaw. In old English a den was
a sunken covert or shelter far animals,
usually of the more ferocious kinds,
and so we have Wolfenden, Harden or
Hareden, Buckden, Ramden and How
den or Koeden. The names of the do
mestic animals are found in Ilorsden,
Oxenden, Cowden, Borden, Sowden,
and Ogden or Hogden. While the
den gave shelter the lea afforded pas
turage for both wild and tame, ami we
thus have Horscley, Cowley and Kin
ley, Sheepley froni Sheeplea, Buckley
aad 11 indie v- The nature of tho sur
rounding trees gives Ashley, Lindley,
Elmsley and Oakley.
Some of the surnames of men indi
cate the clearings that were made in
the forests. Thus, a rod or rood was
a cleared place in the woods, whence
e havo Acroyds, where tho acorn
trees have been takn away, Lindrood,
ilolyrood and others of this kind. A
greave was a woodland avenue graved
or carved out of the forest, tho idea of
cutting being still preserved in our
grave. Thus we Una Hargrave, where
the hares were numerous; Congreave,
where the same was true of the con es,
and Bargreave, Indicating tho former
profusion of beaars. A slado was a
small strip of open land in a forest,
and thus came (ircnslade and Whit
slade. A lande was a rich piece of
grassy but uncultivated ground sur
rounded by trees, and hence the
Launders, the Lanaes, tho Lowndes,
and the Laundes. A knowl wa a
small, skull-shaped hill, whence our
Knowles, Knowlors, and Knowi ngs.
The lioluio was a meadowland lying
about tho w ndings of a stream, and
from it are der.ved tho llolmers and
the Holmuns.
Tho clough was formerly a narrow
fissure between the hills, and the
proper name was thence der.ved, while
tho Clill'es, the Cl.ves. tho Cleves, the
Clevelunds, the Sutclifl'es, the Nethor
clitl'es, Topclilles. Kedi lifles, the Had
clilles, tho Stoneclitles,' Kockclill'es.
and Ilardclitles are all from the
same source. Tho dune was a hilly
slope, and the Duns c.une from such
a locality, while a combo was the cup
shaped depression of tho hillside,
whenco we have Cumberland, New
combo, and Slocombo, With one hun
dred others. Any prominence of earth
or rock was a cop, or cope. Hence
come tho Copes, tho Copleys, the
Copt-lands, and the Copestnkes. Cob
was but another iorm ol tho same
word, whence come the Cobbs, the
Cobhams, the Cobwells, the Cobde ns,
and others.
Some of tho trees havo given family
names to quite a number of distin
guished families. The Nasties onee
lived near ash trees, the Naiders clo-o
to alders, while the origin of the
Nokes, the Beeches, the Li nils and
Lindenwoods, the Lindhursts and the
Birches is equally plain. But other
rural objects alsb contributed the.r
share to the n nines of families. A
common English sight is the park gate,
which is often conspicuous from alar,
and the Lindates, the Foldgates, the
I'urkates and tho K rkates still testify
to the original occupation of the found
ers of the i'nmil es bearing those names.
A hearno was nnv nook or corner of
land, so those who lived there became
known as the llearncs, while a gore
was a narrow defile in the mountains,
and gave a name to those living
near it.
A croft was an inclosed pasture, and
has gin us the Meadowerofts. the
Ryecrofts and the Haycrofts. A hay
was a hedge, whence comes tho Hayes,
the Woodhayes, the Havocs, the
Hawes, the Roundhaves, the Hey
woods and others. An aero was a
piece of cultivated land, whence the
Akermans, theOldacres. the Goodacres,
tho Longacres and the Whittakers. Ot
the Barnes it is not necessary to speak,
but the Booths were so culled from
their habitat on of boughs as also
were the Boothmans, the Bowers, and
the Bowermans. Town formerly meant
farm, as Wycliffe used it with this s g
nitication in his translation of the
Scriptures, and the Towns, the Townes,
tho Towners, and the Townsends. or
the Townsenders still remain to per
petuate tho name. The family resi
dence in many parts of England s still
the bury; tho Burys, the Bourrows, the
Burroughs, tho Broughs. and the Bug
ges st 11 recnll it. Another form of the
same wo. d was bere, and the Berrys,
the Berr mans, and Beers, and the
Bearers commemorate tho old signifi
cance of the word.
Names of occupations are still more
common than names of residences.
No doubt to some worker in metals- we
owe the Hammers, to some dealer in
earthenware we oWo our Pottes and
Kettles, to a hatter our Hatts. while
the orign of liuskett, Lat, Plows,
Tubbs, Cadi-s. Burr Is, and Puncheons
is equally obvious. St. Louis Ulobe
Democrat. A Delicate Rebuke.
One of the neatert retorts ever made
in Cambridge. Mass.. not a bad so 1 for
good things, was a brief response late
ly given by a young lady to an under
graduate who offered her with some
hesitatipn his scat in the horse-car.
She got in with an old companion; the
cars were crowded, ami two young men
fat near. One gave h s seat at onco to
the eMer lady; the other kept bis place.
His friend asked h m disguising, how
over, in (iernian why he d:d not give
his plac; to the young lad)-. He an
swered in the same language. "Because
she is not pretty enough." After a lit
tle reflection, however, he, too, rose
and surrendered his seat Tbe young
lady took it, and thanked him in Ger
man. Sew Orleans I'Uayune.
We cannot too earueHtly unw the neces
sity of usinn tbe Compound Oxyjjeu Viul
Izlng Treatment of lire. Slarkey & 1'alen,
loll) Arch St,, Philadelphia, la the very
eommenctmrnt of Pulmonary trouble tna
before tie dlHeaae has made serious In
roads upon the system and reduced lta
power to contend with no dangerous an
enemy. If your cough ia becoming trou
blesome, if yon are beginning to loae flesh
or strength, and have nlKht -sweat, send
t once to Urn. Starker & Palen for such
documeDta and reports of cases as will
enable you to understand the nature and
action of their Treatment,
Orders for the Compound Oxygen flome
Treatment will be tilled by II. ri Mathews,
621 Powell street, between bunh and fine
streets, Saa Frantlseo.
The Mexican press and pulpit have
united in a crusade againat Mormonisat.
Catarrh Is a mucopurulent dlarharte canard by th.
presrnot And 4vluuuiit of lb vegetable AralU
&11.0.I in the Internal Uninf mtnibiaiM of Uwhoh.
Tbu ptraalto te ouljr drteloiwl under faforabu) atRwa
ttanoM, and tbae an: Murlud UM of tbe blood, aa th
blttfhUMl oorpuacl of tubercle, the genu potato of ayphl
Ui, mercury, toi.ruir, from the retention of the effete
matter of tlie ealn, unnreaavd perpolratioa, badly teo
tllaled aleeplng aiiartmeuta, and otuer poieone that are
ff ruimaU! In the blond. Tueae poieone keep the Internal
lulng membrane of the noee In a eonatant atate of Irri
latino, ever readj fur the depoalt of the aewla ef tlieae
genua, which apreed up the noatrtla and down the
faucea or back of throat, eaualng ulceration of tbe
throat; up tna euataouian tube, cauaiug deafueaa; bur
rowing In the vocal oorda, oaioung boararncea; tumrplng
tbe proper atruoture of the bronchial tube, ending In
pulmonary eonaumpUon and death.
Many attempt hare been made to dlemeer a en re for
thia diatreaaing dleeaee by the uae of uibalexta and otlier
lugenioua devleea, but none of tlieae treatment can do
a .article of good until the paraalte are either deatroyed
or ranioved from the niuouua tlasue
Home time aliioe a well known phyalclan of forty yean
atamling, after much e&perliuentiuf , aucceeded In die
covering the neceaaany combination ol ingredlenta which
never fella in abaolutely and peymaueully eradicating
tide horrible diacaac, whether atandlng ft one year or
forty year. Tueae who may be autleriug from the above
diaeaao should, without delay, communicate with the
manager, Meaara. A. II IHlon Bon, 3US King Street
Weat, Toronto, and get full particular and treaUae free
by euduaiiur etaiup.
The London Times assures Mr. Parnell
that Irish independence is an Impossibility.
The bile wreaks grievous Injury, Headaches,
constipation, pain in the liver and stomach.
jaundice, nausea ensue. A few doaes of Him-
tetter's Stomach Hitters will reform these evlla
and prevent further Injury. It is a pleasant
aperient, its action upon the bowols being un
accompanied by griping. Tbe liver is both
regulated and dtlinulaled by it, and ai it is
very impolitic to disregard disorder f that
organ, which thieugh neglect may culminate
in dangerous congestion and heMttio abscess,
the Hitters should be resorted to at au early
slags. Failure to do thia renders a contest
with the malady more protracted. Fever
and ague, rheumatism, kidney and bladder
troubles, are remedied by this flue, medicine,
and the incroasing inllrmitles of ago mitigated
by It. It may be also used in convalescence
with advantage, as it hastens the restoration
of vigor.
Fourteen lives were lost by the wreck
of three pilot boats near Charleston, S. C,
A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcer
ated l'ilea baa been diaoovered by Dr. William Ian In
dian Keniedyl called Dr. Wllllani i Indian ilia Oint
ment. A single boi haa cured the wornt chronlo eaaee
of 116 or 30 years standing. Vo one need autfer Ave nun
itea aftor applying thia wonderful soothing medicine.
Letioua. Instruments and rWctuarieado more harm than
good. William's Indian Pile Ointment alieerka the tu
mors, allays the ititeuae itching (particularly at night
after getting warm In bed), acta aa a poultice, gives In
stant relief, and is prepared only for files, itching of
the private parte, ana for nothing elae.
Kead what the Hon. J. Id. (A.fflnberry, of Cleveland,
say about Dr. William's Indian Pile (Hutment: "I have
used eceres of file Cures, and It affords me pleasure to
say Uiat 1 have never found anything which such
iannediute and permaneut relief aa Dr. W illiam's In
dian Ointment." for sale by all druggiata and mailed
ou receipt of price, 1. 0 K. Klcharda a Co., ill and 42)
Saueonu) street, corner Clay. Rao Franclaoo.
'ewuieriind Job;OU!oorders
filled in one day at the Portland Branch
Foundry of Palmer & Rey.
An Article ol True Merit.
"Jirouii's-lironchial Troches" are the
most popular article in this country or
Europe for Throat Diseases and Coughs,
and this popularity is based upon real
merit. Sold only in boxes.
"Do you know" that time is money t
You can save both by dealing with Palmer
& Itey. .
Try Gehmea for breakfast.
Evoryone's duty to use Oregon Hlood Purifier
Yoii ran nave one-half your present
expenses. How I Use a Ready Print.
You can wive 91 u tiny by using
a Patent from Palmer & Rey.
Wben Baby waa alok, we gave ber C ASTORIA,
When aha waa a Child, aba cried for C ASTORIA,
When aha became UUa, aha clung to CA8TORIA,
Whea sue had Cbilikuu, she gave them CASTORU
o man can afford to lose 9305 a year.
You are doing it. Stop I and use a Palmer
& Rey Patent.
No. 7 Kearny street, San Francisco. Im
porters and dealers in Howard, Waltham
and Elgin Gold and Silver Watches, Fine
Jewelry. Diamonds, Miverware, uiocas
an1 f?ntlaev A n V artlflA will hA Kent hv
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, subject to
approval, renect satisiaciion guurauteeu.
When you need Type, Presses,
Printing Material, etc, buy where you
can purchase cheapeat ; buy where it is
convenient to get South on short notice ;
buy where you can save enough to pay
cash; buy where you can get the bkwt
material, at hoaest rates : buy where you
have a large and varied stock to select
from ami you will buy from Palmer &
Rey, Portland. They keep the onj stock
o. printers' goods in the NorthweMt.
For Clbaxhino the ?kim and Hcalp of Birth
Humors, for allaying lulling, Uurning and
Intlanimatiitn, for curing the Hint svnipUiinaof
Kciema, l'aoriaBi, HI ilk Crust, bcall Head,
tv-rofnia, and other inherited f kin and blood
disease, tTTHTKA, the great Hkln Cure, and
Cutici'ra roF. an exquii-ite hkln Heaulifler,
pitcrnally. and Cutktka Kkhoi.v k.nt. the new
Hlood Iitriller, In'ernally, are Infallible. Almo
lutaly pure. Hold everywhere). I'rice: Cl TI
t t-KA, ,'aic.; Soap, Kc.: Hewh.vkst. ft Pottkr
Dftl'O AM ClIKMltAL CO., HoKTO!.
f-jfriend for "How to Cure Skin Disease."
V'iil.VL J UMii-ii u
Absolutely Pure.
aV Ileal DUUllCt UVi VT "eTaSSVoay, n n . f
U...ti. .. I Uaww avrwtsiitiiilifaJ UtMH
IfkU ...U. Mlaal A TaaVal tJ MllrltV.
IPtrVllik til PIHl V llVn.lUII'VNt va-ae
U ordmtuy kkuU, kiut cmmioi be suld tn cuaniwU
Uoowitl tho mullituiW oi low wni, vwn WJ,ni,
Alum or i-luwi.haU nmrdtm Bold only 111 out
a. ... .a' ii. ,J L'.ll Uut V V
The Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Agel
Indorsed all overthe World.
Lossof appetite. Nansoa. bo vela ooa
tive. Palnlo the Head, wtth a dull senr
BaJiQiLia the back part. Palm?tider
tbehoulder blade, fulhiofS ftttejreaN
toKiJvaBlnpUnaUontcjejy .
of body or mind, IrritabiUy of temp,
er, LpwJpirTts,Los8ef memory ,witff
a' feeling of having neglected jom?
Yellow &"klnlIeadaohe,Re3ties3iies3
atnlghti hlghiy oolorecTUrine.
Eiaioua tisiAciB will cooh si isviwf u.
TUIT'8 FILLS are especially adapted to
such canes, ono dose effect such a ohango
of feeling aa to astonish the suffcror.
They Increase the Appetite, and cause
the body to Take on 1 loah, thus thn avs
teut la nonrlahed, and by their Tottlo
Actlnaon the digestive Wriut, Iteftn
lar Wtewja are) produced. Vrre lfl rente.
runs HAIR DYE,
Gray Hair or Wuikrkks changed to a
Glorht Black byaslufrlo nppllcatlon of
thia Dra. It lmpurta a imtunil oolor, acta
Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or
Bent by uxpress on receipt of 1,
Offioe. ai4 Murri St.. ' York.
. Cancer of .the Tongue.
Borne tea years ago I kad a scrofulous sore on my
right uand which gave me great trouble, anil under the
ulil-tinie treatment healed up, but it hail only been
drtveu Into the system ly the use of potaah and nier
cury, and In March, 1883, It broke out in my throat, and
eonceuiraiee; in wuat some ui 'ie uoevir uaum wiitoi
eating through my sheek, destroying the root of my
mouth anil uiiper lip, then attackel my tongue, nalat
and lower lln, deetroyinf the palate and under Up en
tirely and half wy tongue, eating out to the top ot my
left oheek boue and uu to the left eye. I oould not eat
any solid food, but sulfated ou lUiulils, and uiy tongue
waa ao far gone 1 oould not talk. Huch waa uiy
wretched, helpleaa coudltlon the Hrat of laat (Ichdier
(18841, when my Irlend eoinmeneed giving me Hwtft'e
rliwelllo. In lens than a month the alTug placea aUpped
and healing commenced, anil the fearful ierture lu niv
cheek liaa lieeu cloeed and nniily knitted together. A
process of a new under Up ia progressing Anely, and the
tongue which was eluxnt lealmy d la being recovered,
and It seema that nature la aupplylng a new Umgue. I
oan talk an Uiat my friends can readily underatand me,
and can also eat aolld food again. If any doubt tlieae
facta, li would refer them to Hon. John II. Traylor,
HUite SenaUtr, of thia district, and to lr. T. B. llrad
neld. of Utlnange. Oa. MRH, MARY L OOMEK.
LaOrange, Cla., May 14, 188S.
Treatise on Hlood and 8k In Diseases mailed
Tim Rwirr Spkoikip Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Ga. N. Y., 157 W. 3d 8t.
Pur Malt
absolute!' rare.
Entlnlg fr rem
fuul VII.
ucaumm bi au.
$i.80 per JMU
Summer Complaint, Diarrhoea, Mala
ria, Pneumonia, Consumption, Dya
Twpflla, Fevers, and all Bowel Troubles,
WORST CASES, prevented, cured and
relieved by DuHy's Pure Malt Whlukey,
endorsed by the leading f hyucuuis and Chcaust
of the world for ilt purity.
Sold Ly Lruggius and Grocer.
Pacific Coast Aocnts,
A. F. EVANS & CO.,
LorUlard's Climax Phg
bearlmrared Hntwii that IrlllnrTl1
al' Uuaei l.earnnemiti uiat urniar.i i
Na 'llppliiBH.nd Hint Un-lllard's riuuUa,ars
the boat and vheuieat, quulltr euualdered I
California Wire Works,
Dk A UK.a ( We offer for sale at lowent flirl
D 2 fU CD W i fB t t Pol"' retful and thick aet
Btiluf rctidorly K-anMd we truanuita" our euatomea
aaiiivt auarfvV
Baling Wirepc
uest steel,
Wire Netting!
All meatiea It widths, iralranlzer
aflur niaila, for poultry arda,av
of all kinds fur fruit dryers, thre
( era, kuu-veti-r, riddles, eta
1 1 B ( Ioiik lenH icially for tlx purpose.
P And nv T.ea ( and aD other kinds et tr?r for
UUpnEl I aPS (tr.lo,auirnU,raUamlce.
if. ... ( for liylnfl
Vineyard Linssiv
for Isylntr out vineyards, dt-
uKtatKU and uuvus
Ornamental and Useful Wire and
Iron Work.
XOTKW0 mrrt Etuttrra eomprtHUm or
home nmnuturtun, Mad mrU yon better goods
a a ktwrr price.
P B La Baa
All Sorts of
hurts and many sorts oi ails of
man and beast need a coolinj
lotion. Mustang Liniment.
Th Pnrtlanrl niielnpaa Collpao. 1'ortlaud, Ore
gon, offers superior private and clans Inatmi'llou
tu the young and middle-aged of both sexes who
desire to obtain a tirai'iicai enucauon in tnr emrv
est time consistent with thorough work, and at the
least expense. Iav and evening sessions through
on1 the year. Htudenta ailniitteil any time Cata
logue on application. A. P. Armstrono, Principal.
flMijU tor
M. I JKiNO t CO.,
iA Business Elucatioii nOLCl'BlA
jov rn ai, 1 11 kk. I . OMM ERCIAL
I Adilreas W.H. JAHKH.Mnl 1 rpp
ORTlJtND, 1 : : ; ; 1 : : : 1 : i)RK(loy,
I'rlndnal. T. O. boi 60J. u
Th BUY Kits' UllUK U
laaued' Sept. and March,
. eatch jrrar, Sf USA pamea,
Si lis inens,wiinvr
3, BOO Ulustratlons at
wltole rieinra waiieiy.
U IV ICS Wholesale Prices
tflrerl to rosminrri on all Rooda for
personal or family sue. Telia how to
order, and nlvee uet coat of every
thing yon use, cat drink, wear, or
have fun with. The IN VALl'ABLK
IIOOKB contain Informatlou glranvd
from the markets of the world. We
will uiall a cony PRKK to any ad
dress npon receipt of 10 eta. to defray
expense of mailing. Lrt na hear from
you, Keepectfully,
827 oV 8V1 U'abaah Avenue, Chiracs, 111,
And, liavlnit no oltlco In California,
we will (to lutriHluueourirooilslaend
any order by mall, iost-uuiil, upon
receipt of price.
2.1 hkclns, assorted colors, for lllo.
1 Hoi fuctory ends, assorted colors,
initial to UW skelnsl lllo
Money refunded if not satisfac
tory. Our factory ends are becoming
known tho world over beautiful
colors all usable.
Htorekccpers and Agonta allowed
a commission.
One Agent wanted In every town.
' It coaUt no more tn semi these
Roods by mall to California than to
the town next to us, and mirohasera
should avail themselves of this olfur
to iret tiio best silk at the lowest
Koatern prices. Hend postal note or
stamps for a trial oruer.
ThtBralnard Armitronsr Spool Bilk Co.,
621 Market Bt, Philadelphia, P.
Physlolan and Surgeon,
J and nlidit. Mldwtfory and diseases of
women asueciulty. OlUce laj Viral St. (up sUt(rs),
Orders for Sorts for all our
NO. 14 SERIES of Body Type can
now be filled by return mall from
our Portland Branch, 1 12 & 1 14
Front St., Portland, Oregon.
Mecliaiiics' M!
Opens OctoTiBr 8 ; Closes October U,
A. 8. WHITING, Sup't,
20 hlurk street.
' Drlluhtl'nl eaiidTmrnt
l... .,t itf,.hil,U ? liuihlni. Knllllna., ar UeaHiiaj. IJ kind ufcLitb
(iihw or old), rir or rn. A h.mln Turkish
l( nar mad wnh fi cla. "irh ft carpot t
TUC DCADl HI L Jl tKKIt b.wl
InC rCAnL on all ewlua mrhlnr, or
tr hand. A w.mdarf ul ii
I'rlre I.M, noaiUHld. Afnl antral.
' (trad ump Inr circular, tanna, ana territory,
HOI TX 4 CO, It Bute Kk,Ckl,
innTiiuon. it arm at aiani.
r x
11 11
American Exchange Hotel,
Opposite Wells, firgo ft Co..a Ki press Olilce,
from the Interior will to be tbe most
convenient aa well aa the most comfortable and
rrHH lalile llelel lu the city to atop at. Tern
Iwranre principles. Table flrst-ciaaa. Hoard
and room, 1, tl.!tt and per day. Nice
slnicle roonia, .10 ennta per ul?h. Free Coach
to and from the llolel.
18 THE
It saves time,
Money and temper,
If you try it,
Yon will always bny it.
Thti BULT or Refrrnentorta
B toit ciiMCtiiy for th cwt of
ikfingenKi.Uof the neiteiMtr
OTifAiLt, The timttniMMMUiearn
orVLliCTRlCI I V nnct.nif
through the p.irtt Must rcfctot
then to blthy mikmi. Io
ptit confound this ith hkctric
Ucht ilvcrtirtrti to cur U lltt head to toe. It Cuff lit
ON K speclhc urpoe.
For cirtuUrt Rtvin full m
fontwtka. .tOre Clwevrf.
1 kctrie iWh Co.. itn WiUitinr
tuti Sy t, ChiCJifQ. IH
Ko. 11 Keuny St., Saa rranolsco, Cm
with WoNDSsrvu Huaaiia.
Is a certain rare ror
.Vervoiin Itrhltiiy. loH
.UunlHHHf. i'rwrfr
Jiovn, and all the evil
rlfocU ol yoiitldul folllr
and eveaatia, ami in
iMnkkig intoxl-ting
llqunrn. Jr. Minth;
ho Is a remilar pity V.-vn
irraduata ol the Vi ' ei
sitjrot rennsvivannt wi-.
auree to lorfeit I") la"
a cam of this kin ' the
I'lvul ltfulitrutlrt fua.
dorhll nodal advU-e and treatment) IH not -.
... M ti.HMtlin,iaIitltVKi. aint tA
any address on mlt ol prlee. 0. 0. I. in piiva?i
name It auurca, njr i'n ...-, '
S. t CU Bond lor list ol questions and pain idt.
wtll be sent to any one applying by letter, statin
vmptonu, sex and mre. Strict secrecy lu rvrd to
al bnalnnia
art. I 42 , a t a p n ji lae
Ins Itrnirtly and Servo
itmie i area m.d.i
rBII... CTTI'IU, Mill. ujnia
;,r, .V... i.. ... vu.iut
Wsakna.', Vlrlla DbcIIii.,
Iinix.W'iKiy, OrarssasltlY
inaadlllailderOuoiiilaluta, '
l) araavaoi niwHi,r..i
.1..... ., llthaaiUrffMta
,,1 youlbrul (ullls and sa
lnuannllf ra
cutlng all in, i Junta ry
wcakriilni urains npou turn
.v.Li.Tn Luweror tll ooour
mtorlng lx Maiihood,
L A.... Mil li.aLvll Uu.
- v . .Ium .11 ni,flr nmaolua nave Ia0ed.
A Permanrnl rr Abeolulely taaraateed.
Pnet MM per bottle.ornra bottles forlH Bent
,,r;rrtol7rli)OU.Ato wldr,-, atoie.
r tirlrate.W lR. ii.',,';,l-l'J:1
WJtli llearny ret.ria rriiclHe4 al.
a. II 1 M BuHlolent a snow iw
6AiJJ&WSiiSSawlln 1 ktua.
iwulldwiUal, by letter tut at
t aiiMiltuiioua. auiotur
IS and 131 Third Mt I'orlland. Or.
Is a rvtndar
graduate In
ntedivlu., baa
twen Iuiiiim etH
gascd hi the
IKvclal treat
uicnt oi all -norlal,
and tlhriinie
illaaaaii than
any tithsr I'hy.
aldan lu tha
Wast, aa city
paiwrs ahtw,
and old real
dvnta know.
S)IHH re
ward for anv
: . I.L.k La
a la I Is to .,
cumin' unttfr,
hi tiratmvnr,
l, following his
ntt VAN I. the mow sscwsafid Lung and "niroat lVie-
tor In America. II will tell y .u your truuuu. wituou.
asking you a ungis qiwsuou, a,H
rh(Mt, iwnnnai www. . . Lr i.
Weak Kyca, HtuuUxl , IMrclouiuwit, lck ut -',"Or':
BrSm'MN "aiTnen,;, relic.
Wlilc.iwl for III.. .... .... ,., a.l
nCLcd iMaclianioaourcd uroiuptly without bludnuuia
to btiainea. . ..... , .-...j...
IX) 1 11 HKXr.M eonaillt wnntirni,,,.
eallnr writ. Irlyw rdari!r.. r..,,
lntemal or .svcniai, ,i,w. . . - --
Koarlng N.-la,, Thlckcmd lruni,l. .
Ai l. Kl H,;l('AL ClAhKH stub aa Clubhrd or n-
forinnl Keet, l'aralyls, ( Crda. J""nta
and VlnniSd LUnb. Hip Jotnt Ulseaae wl h hnnnlug
Korea and Hhortonlna W. lM- and ''"'
the hiilne, mil uic!i, inm - "
k.(omilti ol lbs r-ao au.1 llas ol the hy-s , mcry
Kye that niy rmnure BrMiiii,
I)l.. and all t 'hronl. "rtTlJM .Tl
tlon, Aathiua, ltheuin.tisin, NetimWs. IHarar-s ! th.
llnrCLunga! Ur,, H.ln, Howrls, "Mj1"!
lirluary tirwan., ao .n ui." :
All !" ol tlatarrh moat llllly ur"l y new anit
. . .......,.... .iu ....u.iito.iia f,l a ntain-
inmiinne wiuti,iq. ,,".... . ..
ni'rlngand Huitu-ring. iH-rfwtly renior. 1 1 "
r I, Mi La jaaieauj w
'"ll'liRJIU AND RCTTITHE perteetly reat-nrd with
out an operutlou. rwiiilrlng n tnia. ofU'r tnatimm.
Old Kerer Korea. IJlcera and Varicose Ulna hivarlaUy
baakdandnuwl ,,, ,.
tlANI'f lUt Anf 1 Iieiiuaie.-u..j .y......
Itl,.,ut the knife, oauatlc, or the loss of a alnglu drop
of blood. .
Termi lor Treatment, ra eyieuy vaan.
Medicines sent to any address perf)tly secure from ex
uoaura, lllHoe hours from II A M. tu K r. at.
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
N. P. N. U. No. di-S. . N. U. So 172.